Zillow and other Tech Firms are now racing to buy as much US real estate as they can, also called iBuyers - here's what this means, how it impacts the housing market, why stocks hit all time highs, and how you can use this information to make money - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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“Zillow, Other Tech Firms Are in an ‘Arms Race’ To Buy Up American Homes.”
Vice reports that “the race is ON among tech firms to gobble up U.S. housing stock and dominate the increasingly competitive high-tech house-flipping market, otherwise known as the fast-growing “iBuyer” industry”…and, if you’re confused, here’s what you need to know:
Websites like Zillow, RedFin, Offerpad, and OpenDoor are doing ANYTHING they can to expand their marketshare and gain dominance as the go-to real estate mega-hub…and, to do that…they need inventory…at whatever cost it takes.
HOWEVER…the piece of information VERY few people talk about and acknowledge isn’t so much the LOSS of buying and selling a home on their platform…but, instead..how much they can charge for the DATA, knowing that a seller is eagerly trying to list their home.
It’s no surprise, Zillow generates a SIGNIFICANT amount of their revenue from advertising…and, now that they can better identify the sellers who are on the edge of their seat looking to sell…they can SELL that information to third parties…at a hefty cost.
The DOWNSIDE, for YOU - is that, beyond competition with every day buyers, investors, and pension funds…you could now be competing with iBuyers, who don’t mind overpaying because they’re funded by Venture Capital, and any loss THEY take is simply the cost of doing business. But, I have a feeling they’re not so much doing this to make money flipping homes - but, instead, pay the cost of gaining marketshare.
This also coincidences with The Hindenburg Omen, which is technical analysis that was designed to signal the increased probability of a stock market crash, by comparing the ratio of new 52-week highs against 52 week lows. HOWEVER…even though there has ALWAYS been a Hindenburg Omen before a crash, there has not ALWAYS been a crash after every Hindenburg Omen”…and, because of that…it’s only been accurate…25% of the time since 1987.
So, needless to say…it’s certainly NOT a reason to panic…BUT, if it makes you feel better investing near or at an all time high - just consider this:
Since 1950…the market has hit an all time high 7.5% of ALL TRADING DAYS…and, If we include the time the market spent within 1% of its all-time highs for the same time period, the market was at or near all-time highs 1 out of every 5 trading days.
In addition to that…from 1988 through 2020…investing cash at all-time highs paid higher returns for all 3 time periods when compared to investing on a random day…basically pointing at the fact that, it’s still better to be invested in the markets…than it is to be holding on to too much cash, waiting for the market to drop because The Hindenburg Omen surfaced on Yahoo Finance.
My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment:
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness @gmail.com
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. This is not investment advice. Public Offer valid for U.S. residents 18+ and subject to account approval. There may be other fees associated with trading. See Public.com/disclosures/

What's up diamond handers, it's correction here and the markets have gone completely mad, like i'm sure, we've all heard the saying if you can't beat them, join them, but have you ever heard the phrase if you can't beat them, offer all cash over asking sight unseen in 24 hours coming soon to an area near you, alright, i know it sounds like i'm exaggerating, but i'm not all thanks to a new home buying program launched by some of the largest online real estate firms in existence, each in an arms race to buy up, as Many american homes, as they possibly can as fast as they can that's at the same time that nearly one and a half million americans are seriously delinquent on their payments. The stock market tops another all-time high, while the hindenburg omen makes an ominous appearance. Paying with a credit card is about to cost you more money, while millennials are now spending an extra 765 dollars a month, and the most surprising from all of this is that a research vessel recently found a spongebob look like a mile under the ocean surface. Okay, but in all seriousness, given everything going on all at the exact same time, let's talk about exactly what's happening.

What this means for the future of both the stock and the real estate market? Why credit cards are suddenly getting a lot of backlash and then the point you all came for how you could use this information to make you money, but really quick. If you appreciate an entire week's worth of information, neatly condensed in a video like this. Just do me a quick favor and destroy the like button for the youtube algorithm doing that lets me know if you enjoy this type of information. It also gives me a really good gauge on whether or not you want to see more like it and best of all.

If you watch this video at half speed, it sounds like i'm drunk. So thank you guys so much for doing that. With that said, let's begin so first, we got the most mind, twisting topic that you all came for, and that would be real estate. It's no surprise.

Throughout the last year, real estate is the most competitive it's been in history, while inventory is at the lowest level. Ever reported buyers are paying a million dollars over asking in hot markets and even volunteering to name their first born child after the seller. That gives them an edge. But now the madness continues even further, because we have this.

Zillow and other tech firms are in an arms race to buy up american homes. This came just a month after the wall street journal ran an article claiming that if you sell a house these days, the buyer might be a pension fund. Well, they buy up entire neighborhoods at a time, pay 20 to 50 percent over asking and ruining the dream of home ownership. Is prices continue skyrocketing faster than the likes on this video? If you haven't done that already, but now things are heating up in a different way.

All thanks to the concept of ibuyers featuring will smith coming soon to a real estate market near you, alright, but jokes aside, here's what's going on vice reports that the race is on among tech firms to gobble up u.s housing stock and dominate the increasingly competitive high-tech House flipping market, otherwise known as the fast-growing eye buyer industry and, if you're totally confused here's what you need to know. Websites like zillow, redfin, offerpad and opendoor are doing anything they can to expand market share and gain dominance as the go-to real estate megahub. But to do that they need inventory at whatever cost it takes. Their goal is to offer a service that would make sight unseen cash offers in 48 hours.
That would be comparable to what the seller would receive by listing their home on the open market for sale. Then, after buying the home, they'll sometimes make a few quick repairs before listing the home back on the market for sale, ideally at a slightly higher price. That gives them a bit of profit and that concept is gaining. A lot of popularity like i buy our market share has been steadily increasing through markets like phoenix arizona, 6.8 of homes in raleigh, north carolina were purchased using this technology and throughout 2021.

That number is steadily increasing. Zillow is about to lock in 450 million dollars worth of funding to buy even more homes rocket homes just started their own eye. Buyer program. Redfin is racing to become the first major eye buyer to hit the chicago market, and let's call it for what it is.

It's a real estate free for all during a time where the housing market continues getting more and more expensive. In fact, recent reports show that in 94 of those metro areas, median prices rose by more than 10 percent from a year earlier, and now prices are rising. So rapidly that they are outweighing the benefit of low borrowing rates effectively, meaning it doesn't matter how you spin it real estate is out of control for eye buyers. The main pitch is convenience or, as redfin calls it.

It's like having an easy button to sell your home, making the process almost as easy as selling a stock or smashing the like button for the youtube algorithm. But this whole process has to make you wonder how much of these companies actually making by buying your home and then flipping it back on the market for sale after making a few repairs. Well, this is the part that i found surprising, but i buyers are actively losing money at an average of 40 000 for each home bought and sold. It's almost like wall street bets just enter the real estate market.

So, what's going on well, first, we got to take a look at how much they're paying for these homes in question, which up front i got ta, say it's a lot more than what you would expect for a virtual service like you would assume that these websites - Absolutely lowball you in the home's value and it's just a numbers game to try to get enough good deals, but you know what it's maybe not zillow claims that homeowners have turned down. Their ibuyer offers only receive an average of 0.09 more on their home sale. By going the traditional route, however, more recently, it was found that i buyer offers were not only paying an average of four percent more than the home's market value, but they were also expanding. The areas in which they purchased leading, of course, to even greater losses by the time they put the home back on the market for sale and speaking of fees.
Here's where things get really interesting. A year ago, ibuyers were paying about 7.2 percent in closing and other transaction costs, whereas today that fee is reduced to 5.1, which is nearly identical to a home traditionally listed for sale with a realtor. But you got ta wonder. What's the point of doing all of this, if the goal is to pay over market value to buy a home only to later sell it and lose money well, zillow completely acknowledges that their eye buyer program is unprofitable and costs them tens of millions of dollars, but They say to be patient, and all of this is part of their grand plan to transition real estate to an industry where buying and selling is as easy as trading in a car.

However, the piece of information that not enough people are talking about and acknowledging is not so much the loss associated with buying and selling homes in the platform, but instead how much they could charge for the data, knowing that sellers are actively out there trying to list Their homes like it's no surprise that zillow generates a significant amount of their revenue through advertising, and now that we could better identify the sellers who are on the edge of their seat looking to sell. They could sell that information to third parties for a hefty cost. For example, seeking alpha analyzed the value of each lead and even though a cheap, unqualified lead comes in at twenty dollars, a guaranteed lead could be worth as much as eighteen hundred and seventy five dollars, meaning even if zillow is not making money by i buying homes. They are gathering data, they're, gaining a lot of market share and long term they're, probably going to make a lot of money.

Now. The downside to you is that, besides competing with everyday buyers, investors and pension funds, you could also be competing with eye buyers who don't mind overpaying for a deal because they're, backed by venture capital and any loss they take, is simply the cost of doing business. Now i have a feeling they're not doing this, to try to make money flipping homes, but instead to gain market share and then sell that information to third parties, we'll wind up calling you 20 times a day. Until eventually you decide to sell your home now.

As for the concern about one and a half million homeowners being seriously delinquent on their mortgage, it's worth addressing because there's certainly concern that as the foreclosure moratorium expires, foreclosures could hit the market, and that could be the catalyst that finally causes real estate to go down. In price, but realistically, that's probably not going to happen first, let's assume the worst and that all of these homes end up going into foreclosure. If that's the case be prepared to be very, very patient, because properties foreclosed on during the first quarter of 2021 had been in the foreclosure process for an average of 930 days. Yes, you heard me correctly: that's an average of two and a half years from the point of falling behind on a payment to actually being foreclosed on.
This is up from 857 days in the fourth quarter of 2020 and 673 days for properties in the first quarter of 2020.. The reality is, foreclosures are a very time consuming and very slow process. So whatever happens today is not likely to show up in the markets. For probably another two years, the second, even though one and a half million homeowners being delinquent on their payments, seems really really bad historically, we're not that much higher than the average anymore.

In fact, we're back to the same delinquency rates we saw back in 2017 and 2018.. It's only marginally higher today, due in part to mortgage forbearance options which allows homeowners to temporarily pause their payments if they need to and third, if homeowners are actually having difficulty, making their payments or getting caught up. Banks are currently willing to extend any option available, including no cost loan modification. In the event, payments need to be restructured right now.

Foreclosure is really the worst case scenario that banks are trying to avoid, and that leads me to believe that, realistically, for the overall markets, expecting foreclosures to show up anytime soon is probably not going to happen and you're more likely to get an all-cash over asking offer. From zillow instead, but that's not the only reason why investors are terrified right now. Cnn says: investors are terrified of missing out on the stock market rally, while the s p 500 crossed 4 500 for the first time ever in history. This is due in part to claims that the new illness strain could be peaking in certain markets, while positive test rates have finally started to decline.

Johnson and johnson noted promising results with their new booster shot and the fact that investors have few other choices other than to keep buying stocks, because no other assets look as attractive in terms of overall growth. Millennials are now spending an average of 765 dollars more a month than they did a year ago in 2020, indicating that there's a lot of pent-up demand to make up for lost times and spend some of the money that they saved throughout the shutdown. But, of course, other people find a slightly more ominous sign associated with these all-time highs, as seen by the hindenburg omen, which recently appeared as it does before, every stock market crash now here's the thing the hindenburg omen is a technical analysis that was designed to help Signal the increased probability of a stock market crash by comparing the ratio of new 52-week highs with that at 52-week lows. However, even though there's always been a hindenburg omen before every single stock market crash, there's not always been a stock market crash after a hindenburg omen and because of that it's only been accurate, 25 of the time since 1987..
So, needless to say, it's not a reason to panic, but if it makes you feel better, investing at or near all-time highs just consider this. Since 1950, the market has hit a brand new, all-time high, seven and a half percent of all trading days. And if we include the time the market was trading within one percent of the recent all-time high, then the market was at or near an all-time high. One out of every five trading days, in addition to that from 1988 through 2020, investing cash at all-time highs, paid higher returns for all three periods when compared to investing on a random day, basically pointing to the fact that it's better to stay invested in the markets.

At all-time highs than it is to hold too much cash on the sidelines, waiting for a drop, because the hindenburg omen appeared on yahoo finance and you got all spooked. And lastly, we got ta talk about my favorite topic of all time and that would be credit cards and why using them could soon start costing you money. The wall street journal just reported that an increasing number of businesses are now either charging an additional fee for paying with a credit card or offering a discount if customers agree to pay with a debit card check or cash instead, that's because every time you pay with A credit card, the merchant pays a processing fee, usually in the range of 1.3 to 3 percent, plus a flat 10 to 20 cents and on small items that quickly adds up and can eat into profits. As a result, some businesses are fighting back by either raising the cost of their product or offering you a discount.

If you pay with anything other than a credit card, you know the one hit for the consumer. Credit cards are generally good. They offer purchase protection. It's easy to keep track of expenses and they frequently give cash back, but for the business that comes at the cost of a fee.

Now the credit card companies argue that the convenience of allowing your customers to pay you with a credit card is worth it because not only are buyers more likely to have confidence with their purchase. But statistically people spend more money on a credit card than with a debit card, so the credit card companies say that overall, it averages out, but businesses are not having it they're taking matters into their own hands like five years ago. Only two percent of all small businesses offered a discount for cash, but now five percent of businesses are going that route. Now, here's my thinking as a customer.
It's worth it to pay a small premium for the convenience and safety of using a credit card, not to mention certain cash back rewards make it almost always advantageous to use a credit card, even if you end up paying a fee, but i also understand that could Have an impact on small businesses and usually that cost goes back to you in one way or another. Obviously, if you're paying a small business that you trust on a small ticket item, that you know exactly what you're getting it's not the end of the world to pay with cash instead of a credit card. But the real issue is whether or not credit card transaction fees are sustainable, long term and i would argue, probably not at least not in the current capacity it's running, especially since visa spent 150 000 buying this nft. Now i know everyone is probably gon na say, but graham.

This is why we need the cryptocurrency blockchain and that's true, but with blockchain there's, not necessarily the purchase, protection of buying a defective item and not realizing it until a week later or getting the insurance on certain things that break like you do with a credit card. So, realistically, probably nothing is going to happen until it impacts a much higher percentage of businesses or people to stop paying with credit cards, which is probably not going to happen and then finally, the story, you all came for a research vessel found spongebob look-alikes a mile Under the ocean's surface, and if you can't see the resemblance, then here you go, but unfortunately the story is not exactly a happy one. He was quoted as saying in all likelihood the reason the starfish is right. Next to that, sponge is because the sponge is about to be devoured, at least in part, yeah uh, that's awkward.

So on that note, thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it as always make sure to destroy the like button. Subscribe button and notification bell. Also feel free to add me on instagram, i posted pretty much daily.

So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there. As my second channel, the graham stefan show i post there every single day, not posting here. So if you want to see a brand new video from me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that and then, lastly, if you want that completely free stock, now worth all the way up to a thousand dollars use the link down below. In the description and use the code, graham plus, i'm posting all of my own stock trades on there.

So if you want to be a part of it, all you got to do is use the link sign up enjoy that free stock. Thank you. So much for watching and until next time.

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32 thoughts on “The housing market is about to go wild | do this now”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jabari James says:

    Start building

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Internet Explorer says:

    Inner thought:*just move your head like you understood everything *

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cragger says:

    Will you get to it geez the cutie crap doesn’t work for me

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melissa Meyhoff says:

    Listed at half speed, had to relisten afterwards because I was giggling too much.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kurichai says:

    I’m flabbergasted how much my home is “worth” currently. It feels WRONG. It’s a tiny patio home in the southeast. I paid 116k when I bought it in 2005. In this current market, I could list it for $174k at least. It’s not even 1300sqft. Insane!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars melody N says:

    How many rental properties you need to own to retire on them? Thank you.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sara Davila says:

    Welp now it makes sense why my rent is going up in Raleigh nc 😠

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pappa Flammy Boi says:

    Nobody can rely on their job's income or savings to support them in the long-term anymore. Inflation is destroying the purchasing power of all fiat currencies.

    We must become more savvy investors whilst simultaneously understanding proper risk-taking and money management. Being passive or apathetic and you are just throwing your money into the wind.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pan Asclepias says:

    Okay, listening to this at half speed was the best advice I've gotten today. I haven't laughed this hard at financial advice since being told to buy silver Canadian coins and sitting on them for 30 years.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I recommend👉HKWORLDHACK33 on IG says:

    I thought I’m the only one that knows him👆well I guess his good reputations speaks for him now. After losing a lot of money trading on my own my life changed when I started investing with him, he helped me recovered all. I’m forever grateful sir👏

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I recommend👉HKWORLDHACK33 on IG says:

    I thought I’m the only one that knows him👆well I guess his good reputations speaks for him now. After losing a lot of money trading on my own my life changed when I started investing with him, he helped me recovered all. I’m forever grateful sir👏

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MILLION Dollar DREAMS says:

    With replacement costs through the roof, any dip in housing will be bought unless input prices start to go down. Aluminum….all time high. Steel…all time high. Engineered lumber…all time high.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tracy Norman says:

    I sat in my room this evening to look at my accounts and I realized how inflation on rise and how the value of what I have in there has depreciated over time. Whether Mutual Funds, Index Funds And Doge coin, whatever it is called, as long as I do it and am able to make profit. I need to begin investing.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THANKS HKWORLDHACK33 ON INSTAGRAM says:

    I make $32,400 profits on my investment since I started trading with him👆his trading strategies are top notch Am wining consistently trading with him he’s really the best broker I’ve made a lot profits investing with him.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THANKS HKWORLDHACK33 ON INSTAGRAM says:

    I make $32,400 profits on my investment since I started trading with him👆his trading strategies are top notch Am wining consistently trading with him he’s really the best broker I’ve made a lot profits investing with him.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars edelling says:

    The firstMinute of this video it’s just a waste of time

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zachary Plus⓵⓷⓶⓵⓻⓵0⓺⓽⓻⓼ says:

    Hello, I'm new to forex trade and have been making huge losses but I recently see a lot of people earning from it. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Ritchie says:

    “DO THIS NOW” proceeds to give no recommendations other than to hit the like button

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kevin T says:

    Hey I was on that research vessel!!! How cool that you saw that.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HOLLOWED says:

    Any advice for a new real estate salesperson/ investor?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars For the wages of sin is death says:

    Remember when watching this, when everyone is greedy and at ATH's, is when you should be fearful

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars For the wages of sin is death says:

    hopium baby. what goes up, must come down. Unless you are on a heavy dose of hopium

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars For the wages of sin is death says:

    This will lead to chaos and a civil war. mark my words

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcos Rolo says:

    Nobody can become financially successful over night. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Heyden says:

    Venturing into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine, you would need a miracle, that's why i trade with Julia David, her skills set is exceptional

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Vane says:

    Great info… but watched the whole video and still not sure what im supposed to “do now”

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J. Vandermause says:

    Too many gestures. Relax, you're doing great.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJ Kang says:

    I did watch it at half speed and he does sound drunk

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan O says:

    Love this channel; but every week is a new "housing market crash/crisis" or the like, yet it hasn't happened.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barrett says:

    Did I miss it, or did actually give any advice on "do this now"??

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Walker says:

    let me summarize, both the stock market and housing market are going to crash. The economy is a floundering house of cards that even Houdini couldn't escape from.
    This guy is the king of bloviation…lol.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Donald says:

    Nice video! I was able to build a big income stream during the covid-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker, Mrs April Christiana.

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