The summer market’s ending and we’re headed into fall 2021. What’s the upcoming hot sector? Tim Bohen has an idea and he’s sharing all the deets. Tune in now so you can prepare!
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A lot of plays right now are virus-related. Whether it’s plays related to masks or vaccines, these stocks are moving.
It’s unfortunate, but it is what it is. As traders, we have to deal with the world and capitalize on the opportunities as they come up.
Moderna Inc. (NASDAQ: MRNA) has been doing well since the original 2020 shutdown. It’s a great example to show the power of these stocks. Tune in to catch it.
The federal government is mandating vaccines. With that government money flowing in, this stock made a 30% move in a matter of days.
And yes, it’s a higher-priced stock, but don’t overlook it. Even with a smaller account, you can trade these stocks. Tune in as Bohen explains how.
Bohen also covers Allied Healthcare Products Inc (NASDAQ: AHPI) and Alpha Pro Tech, Ltd. (NYSE: APT). These stocks show the importance of understanding the setup.

It’s not always about the ticker — it’s also about the idea. Check out the power of these stocks and how much they can move.
Unfortunately, nothing moves stocks like bad news. Remember, you may capitalize and make money off the bad news, but you're not creating the bad news.
You're just recognizing the opportunity.
So what happens when this sector dies down? Bohen explains how to spot the next. Be sure to check the video.

#StockMarket #TradingSectors #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
You can lose money trading stocks. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. You understand and agree you will consider the important risk factors in deciding to purchase any of our products or services.

Welcome back everyone., It is the end of summer 2021 headed into fall 2021, and I'm gon na be talking about what I think is gon na, be the hottest sector going into the fall and the winter and actually is already really warming up right now.. So, even if you're not watching this video at you know late summer, early fall 2021. I think this is gon na be another very long-running hot sector., Hey everyone before we get started, be sure to like share, subscribe and ring that bell to be notified. As soon as we drop a new video.

Also share with your friends., I think it's the wildest stock market out there.. I mean I've been saying that for about well geez, going on 20 months now, wow., But anyway, since early early spring 2020, it has been madness and I don't think it's gon na stop anytime soon. Share with your friends. Let them learn how to capitalize on this market.

All right. That being said, I am lead trainer with StocksToTrade Tim Bohen.. Today, we're gon na be talking about what is really the hottest sector right. Now., I'm recording the basic middle of August kind of going into September..

I want you to be prepared.. Remember August is traditionally a little bit of a slower month, but typically post-Labor Day we come raging back.. You know everyone is done with the vacation.. Kids are back at school..

You know Europe kinda, has that big shutdown during a lot of August and after Labor Day early September, is, in my opinion, one of the busiest times of the year. So I want to tell you how to get ready., And that is unfortunately, I mean I tell ya. I wish I wasn't saying this, but it is the virus-related plays. The vaccine plays the mask plays., I mean that's a lot of what we're seeing as of right.

Now. Two of the biggest movers recently were mask and protection play-related., We'll see again depending on when you watch this video. But as of right now looks like you know, a lot of bigger cities and stuff are bringing back the mask. Mandates.

Lot of schools are bringing back the mask mandates., A lot of colleges are bringing it back.. So again, I wish I wasn't here saying this, but it is what it is. We have to deal with the world and it creates trading opportunities.. That's the one thing: if you got ta go back to isolating and you got ta go back to a lockdown and you got ta go back to wearing a mask.

At least you can make some money in the meantime. So also vaccine-related. Plays. I mean I've got on-screen MRNA., Most of you, I'm sure are familiar with Moderna, but it just shows you the power of these stocks..

I mean you go back to last fall.. This is you know, and this stock. Actually, let me jump to a two-year chart, because this stock has obviously been doing very well going back to kind of the initial shutdown lockdown. You know February/March 2020.

$ 20 stock been steadily uptrending, but then you look at the post-vaccine into last fall $ 100 stock went into the high 100s just recently broke out into the mid-200s., And then here we are last week again with looking like a lot of Vaccine mandates., I mean that's one of the big thing that has changed. Is you know, as of right now, a lot of the federal government requiring mandating vaccines, U.S. military as of right now, they're announcing mandated vaccines.. So once you get to that point, you've got all that government money flowing in.
That broke out MRNA three days ago went from 350 to 450 in a matter of days, and I know it's a high price stock and many of you are probably here for low Price stocks but understand that still you know that's a what 30 % move in the matter of days on a multi-billion market cap stock., You don't need a ton of shares and you can trade these higher priced stocks.. I mean check out the video archive that Rule of 10. I talk about a lot. Kind of bugs me., One of the things that really irritates me in day trading, especially in new stock trader day trading, so many people think they can't trade the higher price stocks..

I mean I think again going back to last year I mean Tesla, I mean all you had to do for weeks and months. If you were trading 10 shares of Tesla, you could have done really well.. So don't fall. You know, don't overlook these stocks..

I mean again: 30 % move in the matter of a few days. I mean. Even if you don't have a huge position size, you can still make solid gains.. So that's really what we're looking at., I mean, and really every day when you're talking about patterns and how to approach these, what we like to see is those day.

One press releases and Breaking News is how I do it.. I can't rave enough about Breaking News.. Every morning I come in. I fire up Breaking News, especially as we head into that eight a.m.

time window these low price stocks love to do those FOMO press releases. I like to call it., I mean: listen if you think it's a coincidence that low-price penny stocks are dropping 8:30 PRs, 9 a.m. PRs 9:29 a.m. press releases.

They know what they're doing. They want to get you all FOMOed up and excited., But Breaking News is the best way to spot that, and you know I think, of stuff like AHPI the other day they dropped a press release in the morning and stock was trading In the mid-fives., Basically almost doubled went to 10.20 by midday, pulled back hard but then broke out the next day to 11 pulled back hard did a morning dip and rip on this day.. Once it broke that pre-market high, it went from 9.50 to 10.90.. I mean two bucks a share and look at how many times this stock moves.

I mean this - is a protection play a mask. Play. I mean you got, have a trade plan., You got ta know how to trade momentum, but just look at these constant moves.. I mean and listen even if you're short, biased, I'd be very careful, shorting vaccine and shorting virus plays, but you can see the volatility of downside, particularly late day..
I mean geez talk about that's one of the biggest things with short-selling.. If you can wait til the afternoon, you can have much higher probability setups, but I mean look at these afternoon: washouts right there. Boom boom boom boom.. I mean this thing washes out in the afternoon all the time so that when you get that extreme volatility and that extreme daily range, you can be versatile, long and short these things..

Then we think about like an APT.. I mean APT again another runner and understand, depending on when you're watching this video. These are penny stocks.. They may all be dead at some point: okay, But understand the setup..

So it's not about the tickers. It's about the idea.. You know, I think about APT. You know back here in the Ebola days.

I mean huge run and then look at how far it ran as recently as December, going from a couple of bucks up to 40.. So you see the power of these stocks. You see how much they can move and really I say it for the second time. I wish I wasn't here telling you about this, but I think this is gon na be the trend into the fall, especially if we do end up getting some sort of lockdown order and again mask mandates, vaccine mandates..

When that happens, the best way I can say it is, I would prefer I'd, prefer the news to be good.. I would prefer I mean I talk about, sometimes I'm maybe overly positive, but I want everyone to be successful.. I want everyone to do well, but if it bleeds, it leads, and especially when you're talking about trading., Nothing moves stocks like bad news moves stocks and you can really capitalize on trading opportunities. If you focus on the bad news stuff.

- And I know that sounds kind of like vampire-ish or something but my point is these stocks are gon na move., Okay, you're, not just because you're making money off the bad news: you're, not creating the bad news. You're. Just recognizing the opportunity - and you know when these things happen - maybe there's a conflict in the Middle East and you start going into oil.. I mean there's patterns here, capitalizing on if it bleeds it leads., And we all know that you know listen.

The majority of the population right now is sitting there doom-scrolling all day, long. Half of the world just sits there and reads bad news all the day. So when they see that bad news, they rush to the stock market., They start looking at a stock like MRNA with the vaccine or J & J or Pfizer., All of a sudden. Something else changes whether it be a mask mandate or ventilators or social distancing play et cetera, people start buying the stocks and if you know how to recognize hot sectors, if you know how to recognize the combination of volume plus chart plus breakout levels plus absolute madness, Add in a little bit of short-selling., You know a lot of people love to short these stocks, which creates the type of moves..
I mean, I'm blown away, MRNA Moderna again they got like the number one vaccine, they're, adding more vaccines, nonstop good news.. What do I see yesterday on Twitter all day, People trying to short the tops., I'm like why? Why not just ride it up So, but the nice thing is those short sellers that get stuck the wrong side of the trade. They got. Ta panic.

They got ta exit when the stock spikes. So if you combine all of those things hot sector volume day, one press release heavily shorted, great-looking, breakout, intraday and daily chart. You got the best day, trading opportunities. And listen.

Ultimately, I hope I'm wrong. Okay, I hope you're watching this video in fall or winter of 2021 or spring 2022 and you're, like whatever Tim. Virus stuff that died out back in August when you recorded this video.. But the point is everything I said applies to the next hot sector..

There's always gon na be another one.. So if the virus stuff goes away and again we return to normal. It's gon na be EVs electric vehicles., It's gon na, be you know, weed stocks., It's gon na be cryptocurrency stocks.. It's gon na be NFT stocks..

It's gon na be space-related plays.. I mean these are all recent hot sectors. There's always something, and if you know how to recognize them, it's the best way to grow your account and find the best trading opportunities. All right.

That being said, let me know. Did this help you spot that next hot sector Again? Third time? I hope it's not virus related stuff, but as of right now everything I'm reading it looks like it's gon na be and might as well capitalize on it might as well grow. Your account might as well make a little bit of money and you know get ready for when the world does return to normal.. So all right! Everyone, thanks for watching., Look forward to seeing you on the next video and have a great day.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “The hottest sector in 2021’s q4 market”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clinton John says:

    Warren Buffett once said "if you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you
    will work until you die'.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BMACK'S CORNER says:

    I feel like a dope, literally watch MRNA climb and knew it was a vaccine play smdh

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terrence Paige says:

    had to make sure this was 2021 video and then I say HUH?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terrence Paige says:

    Why would you get a lock down

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Puneet Moudgil says:

    Thank you Tim 😊

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Knight says:

    Great analysis for trend recognition and spotting favorable setups before stocks runs occur!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Itin4265 says:

    If I give you decent amount of cash ..can you help me invest? Also the world will never be normal again FYI.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Af Alam says:

    buy buy buy buy buy

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harley Kidd says:

    Ever since learning rule of 10 and your knowledge to nail swings, it's given me extra little something to trading arsenal so it's not ONLY about low priced stocks now . Still my main go to, but I'm finding plenty of opportunities in some real stocks and pulling in profits nailing some decent swings between my A++ day trades. As always thanks and appreciate what you do!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars name name says:

    the guy called facheee sent mony to cina to make coron and more of them
    and also gave mony to do exprmnts on little dgs
    I have to spel like that coz utube

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiesa Smith says:

    Shave that head.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristi Wamsley says:

    You ARE the man Tim!!
    Thank you for ALWAYS showing up to help us learn❣

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Holdmytexan says:

    Thanks boss

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan McInarnay says:

    Learn your options trades for these higher price stocks 💪

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cruise Anthony says:

    Hey Tim what's the cost for using STOCK to Trade platform ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David DeFea says:

    good stuff Tim. lockdown 2.0. the govt morons will just keep pushing this stuff till they're all removed.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maximus Muchimus says:

    You're correct, they're already talking about some mu crap as of the day this posted. And no, the world is not going back to normal because the masses are too stupid and weak to say enough is enough. They'll keep pushing this til kingdom come because people keep playing along with it. Apparently we haven't had enough freedoms taken over something less deadly than a toaster. SMMFH 😑

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maximus Muchimus says:

    I never "locked down" went about life as usual minus a few of my favorite watering holes were back door service only for a while 🤣 I get your points though and will definitely capitalize on it when the opportunity knocks.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meta Vinci says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maximus Muchimus says:

    Love you man and thank you for all you do! But you don't "gotta" go back to wearing anything! That's a choice. Same with the jab. Just saying.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anastassia Taktejeva says:

    Vaccine mandate is a tyranny. The whole world forgot about natural immunity. This is ridiculous. All about money. Also federal government can't rule over states, but they did choose to vaccinate military without even checking if they already have immunity. Infuriating.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brian beisheim says:

    great stuff, thanks Tim!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NA Lafre says:

    Great educational video and thanks for sharing this with me.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jrosanova1990 says:

    Tim , you’re a boss

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Drolet says:

    Tim, as always you amaze me. You are very productive. I just watched your video. Thanks to you, we have already started to put watchlists together for sector like Virus plays, space, EVs, etc. I encourage others to join the Steady Trade team. Tim is honest. He provides, at least, two webinars a day for the Steady Trade team. One before a at market open and one before market close. He answers almost every question in chat. He explains why we should or shouldn't trade a stock. His chat is made of traders who are learning to be self sufficient. We aren't simply sheep. You won't get bored listening to Tim. I am still a new trader (9 months) but I have learned so much for Tim and the Steady Trade team. I do track my trades and when I lose a trade it is usually do to a study mistake, lack of discipline, lack of focus, etc. I am working on these issues.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gary nurick says:

    Clueless. Watched premarket prep on Friday for the first time. Your view was APOP would go up it tanked all day. If you had looked at the history of the stock you would not have given that advice. And some other crap share ANY would go from red to green. It went more backwards. Do people actually take advise from these premarket preps.

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