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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are, finishing the 16th consecutive green Day. Uh, it's the 11th day of January and the hot streak continues 4 800 And you know today's another one of those days where I did really well right out of the gates. I made over seven thousand dollars and as I kept trading, I started giving back a little profit. And finally I said okay, that's it.

I'm walking away. I'm gonna take the money, take it off the table, and I'm done for the day. Back at it first thing tomorrow morning. So you know that's what it's all about.

Being consistent means knowing when to walk away. When you start giving back, you know if you keep doing that, you go further further further down until you've given back all your profits on the day you've got to have that point where you say, that's it. I'm walking away and I hit it today. I hit it yesterday also.

So despite that, still made ten thousand dollars in the last two days and I'm now up to 45 thousand dollars of profit in order 45 000 of total value in my Ira account, which is awesome. I am super happy about that. Start the year with 29 000. so it's up 50 in, you know, 11 days of trading.

That is solid. All right. So we back at it first thing tomorrow morning. Reminder: Tomorrow 1 Pm Eastern I'm posting a free workshop.

Click below to register. It's going to be a lot of fun. I'm going to give you a free copy of my best-selling book and I'm going to walk you through my strategy of how I find stocks like Tblt today that have home run potential. All right, So looking forward to seeing you there.

If you can't attend the live workshop, you can still register and we'll send you a copy of the replay any questions. As usual, leave them below and I'll come back and answer them this afternoon. I'll see you guys all back at it first thing tomorrow morning. All right everyone! So we're going to do our midday market recap here.

Today is my 16th consecutive green day. The hot streak started in December and it continues here today. It's the 11th day of 2019 and I'm up Four thousand, eight hundred, five dollars and 65 cents. Uh, you know, today is, uh, another green day.

I mean, this is over ten thousand dollars this week. Uh, breaking over thirty thousand dollars of profit on the month of January right now? Uh, with forty thousand dollars being my goal. So I'm really. um, you know, getting close to the goal and we still have one, two, three, four five, six, seven, eight nine, ten days left? Um, you know.

So that's great. Today we had an amazing squeeze on Tblt right out of the gates. Uh, this ended up on this trade alone being a seven thousand dollar winner for me. I ended up giving back some of that profit, continuing to trade, which is a little disappointing.

Uh, but you know what's important is that I'm walking away with more money than I had at the beginning of the day. So as usual, I can, um, feel good about that. So in my main account I traded just one stock Bio C, and I lost 300 bucks. and in my Ira account I traded um, three stocks and made five thousand, one hundred and eight dollars.
Which is awesome. Remember, I had a goal of getting the Ira up to fifty thousand dollars by the end of this month. I'll be at forty five thousand Six hundred dollars tomorrow. Uh, one more day like this and I'm gonna be up over fifty thousand dollars in that account.

So I'm making some really good progress. Start of the month with, uh, twenty Nine thousand dollars in the account. So you know it's um, it's growing quickly. It's up more than 50 already.

So anyways, um, let's see. let's break down the watch list from this morning. Uh, today started the same as any other day go to time frame on this scan. look at it at 9 25 a.m This scan searches the entire market for stocks uh, that are moving higher and the one that we were watching most close to this morning was Tblt already up 184 percent on news.

So with this one, um, as I was watching it pre-market I mean I was just like this thing is clearly strong, the pullbacks have gotten bought up and it's pulling back right now. I'm a buyer. As soon as the bell rings and I set it pre-market this thing is looking very interesting. I'm looking to buy it as soon as the market opens for a break of the pre-market high, which is 379..

all-time highs on this stock are four dollars and fifty cents. Well, until today now it's 5.55 cents. So the bell rings and I jump right in. My first trade on this was at 9 30 and I got in at 365 68 and 69 with 9 000 shares.

I was concerned that because it was already up so much, it might pop up to four and then pull back. And so I went ahead and did the conservative thing and sold half and then a quarter more at 84, added back at 96 as it showed strength and then sold at 411, 399 and uh, 398.. So right there I was up. Two thousand dollars and that is Eleven seconds into the day.

Two thousand dollars in 11 seconds. So you can see here at the bell rang and this squeezed right up to a high of 425. It then pulled back for a moment and I added as it squeezed up 439 and 443. I sold it 464.

I added back at 464 and 465 and sold it at 529 Pops all the way up here to 530. awesome on that squeeze. Selling more at 505, adding back at 524 selling at 530 533, 540, adding back at 520 now reducing 528, reducing my share size, Selling at 551 and 542, the high a day on this stock was 5 55. So in that stretch right there of about four or five minutes, I made over seven thousand dollars.

Awesome. I mean, so awesome. It's a gift to have a stock as clean as that. And certainly in hindsight you could say, Well, Ross, geez, why didn't you just buy and hold from 368? You know, sell the whole thing up here.

The problem is, you never know how high these stocks are going to go and what you often see is that they make these squeezes up and then they pull back and a squeeze up and then a pull back and it's kind of like the tide coming in or going out. You get the the wave that comes in and then it pulls back and on each of those little waves, there's an opportunity to add and sell into the wave and get out and then get back in and then get back out not knowing when it starts to pull out. if it may never retrace all the way back to the high. At this point, here it hit a high of 425 and then dropped down to four.
That could have been the end of the day. Right Here it hit a high of 5 30 and then drop down. That could have been the end of the day. That could have been the high of day and it faded from there.

It ended up fading from this point. So every time it shows its strength, I'll go ahead and get back in and try to ride that momentum. But if it keeps doing these, um you know if it gets to a point where it finally reverses, then from there I leave it. I leave it alone.

So I did really well in this one, right out of the gates. I just killed it. My next trade, um, was on Rbz. This one was on our scanners this morning.

It wasn't on the watch list, it was on the high day momentum scanner. Uh, where is it? Uh, you can see it right here at 220. So I jumped into this one at 239, 240, 244 and 249.. I was a little aggressive on my size.

um, I. I thought that it, you know, had potential and we were clearly in such a kind of feeding frenzy. Strong market. I was like yeah, I'll go for it.

I ended up getting in it a little too high. It hit a high of 52, it pulled back and I stopped out on this red candle. Um, it dropped down and it came back up on this green candle and that's where I sold for a um 1100 loss. So there I was like ah dang you know.

Okay, there's a red trade so now I'm up only 6 000 on the day next trade. Uh, Clps. This one pops up on the scanner as soon as I see it. Boom Boom.

I'm jumping right in. So it hits the scanner right here at 6 11, 619 I see it. I type in the symbol shift one. how fast is it Z V Z Z T I see it.

Boom I'm in. Boom, I'm in. That's how fast you can get in. it pops up to, you know, whatever.

in this case, um 55 or something like that, it gets halted and it opens higher. I add for the move up to a high of um, let's see. back here. 7 15.

We knew that was daily resistance at 7 18 the high of this red candle back on January 9th. So um, Zv Zzt is a test stock. You can trade. It says Nasdaq test stock.

You can trade as much as you want and it doesn't cost you anything. so you know you can see how fast you can get in. Oops. So there's selling.

There's buying, selling, selling selling. That's how fast you can trade. I mean, it's incredible how quickly you can be trading. It's just like that.

So um, that's obviously the way I trade. and um, so that's not going to be real. It's not accounting on my P L. So Clps um, I jumped into that one, uh and scalped it.
I ended up adding at 660 and then adding again at 678 for the break of seven. Tried to sell at 709, didn't get filled, ended up selling as it came back down. I made 1300 bucks on it. Something's hitting the scanner.

now. it's Bio C at 38. take a look at that one. I traded this as well.

Bio C I traded over in my main account. Uh. Also squeezing up. uh, getting halted.

I jumped in it. at 215, it hit a high of 223 on the resumption. It came right back down here to a low of 187 and I got out with a 300 loss. So you know, whatever, 300 bucks there.

Not a big deal. Uh, so at that point I was up about 7 000 on the day I was up 7 000 on Tblt, had lost 1100 on this, made 1300 on that, and lost 300 on this one. And then I had one more trade on Tblt. I got back into it.

Uh, and this was just such a ugly, sad trade. I got into it right here at the top of this candle thinking that it was going to break over the high of this pivot at 55, and if it broke that level, it would start making its way back to 5. So I jumped in at 47. and then in that candle, it dropped from 47 all the way down to 3.85 It came back up to a high of 420 or 415 and I sold it at 410 and 405..

So I lost 2 000 bucks, 2 500 on that trade and went from being up 7 500 on the day to up only 5 500 or 5 100. And that was my cue to walk away. So you know this is one of these things with trading. Uh, it's not about uh, not losing money.

You're going to have losses. It's not really. You know it's not avoidable to never have a loss, it's about managing your risk. It's about making sure you're right more than you're wrong.

And when you have a solid strategy and mine is based on years of you know historical data, I can feel confident that I'm going to be right about 68 70 of the time. And I can feel confident that my winners and losers are usually about the same amount. Uh, today I had a couple of really big winners, which was nice. Um, the losses.

You know, in the range of 1100 to 2500? you know it's it all averages out, and this is in a lot of ways, a career of uh, statistics. And you either have the metrics of a profitable trader or you don't. And the thing with a lot of beginner traders is that they start trading with real money before they actually know what their metrics are and so guess what happens? They lose money and you know they're They're basically doing trial and error on a live trading account. You can see the seller here at 250 on Bioc, so a little bit of resistance there.

This is a one minute micro pullback. Uh, yesterday's high was 255, which is a level to watch. Um, at this point, I'm not going to overstay my welcome. You know, for me, I went up to a high tide of 7 700 and have pulled back to 5100 4800.

I'm gonna walk away. That's a trait that every consistently profitable trader has no one to walk away. Right now, The easier thing to do honestly is to give in to my emotion and try to get myself back to 7 500 on the day. and what's going to happen.
I'm going to start being emotionally impulsive, I'm going to start taking poor quality trades, and I'm going to give back even more money until I'm up. Only Four thousand, Three thousand, Two thousand and I'm getting more and more frustrated. And then could I even go red on the day? Yeah, absolutely wouldn't be hard. So know when to walk away and you know, live to trade another day.

I'll be back at it tomorrow. Yesterday I made I had fourteen thousand dollars in winners, I had eight thousand dollars and losers and I closed with a profit of six thousand dollars. Six thousand yesterday. Four thousand eight hundred Today, over ten thousand dollars This week.

Actually, closer to eleven thousand. You know life is good. No reason to complain, so I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow. Hopefully we'll have another really good day.

Uh, reminder guys. Tomorrow 1 Pm Eastern I'm gonna host a workshop. And for anyone that's been interested in, you know, learning more about trading, especially those of you guys on Youtube Facebook would love for you to register. I'm going to walk you through basically the the high level template of my strategy.

how I find stocks to trade, how I manage risk in order to achieve 70 accuracy with this win to loss ratio that I have and how I find stocks with um, what I would say, home run potential like Tblt? All right. So make sure you register for that. That'll be tomorrow 1pm. If you're not able to attend, uh, the live event, we'll send out a replay.

Um, so the link is going to be in the description here on Facebook and Youtube. So um, I'll be looking forward to seeing you guys then and um, we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. 9, 9, 15 pre-market analysis and you know, hopefully we see another good stock right off the scanner. This stock today Tblt is going to go into um, the um, it's going to go on to my uh, one of my screen grabs for the class because this is a great example of a trade right off the high day momentum scanner.

Super clean, just it doesn't get a lot better than that and I'm hoping we see more of this, because you know? Certainly, it's fun to make seven thousand dollars in the first five minutes of the day. All right. So I'm gonna, um, jump out here. I've got a one-on-one session with an inner circle student at 11, so I will be over there and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning.

All right bye everyone, if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime I upload new content? Remember, when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “The hot streak continues ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YT INFLUENCER says:

    ross after almost two years ofnstudy i wish i would have just watch ur content from the beginning. but i felt like it was too complicated, and i felt like your course would be too much because of how professional you are , silly me, i end up gravitating towards this strategy that you just happen to be the master of. thanks for everything you do

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YT INFLUENCER says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Got Keyz says:

    does anyone have his Trade Idea layout

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mind Building Music says:

    Never got your book. Is there a way to get that? I came to the webinar yesterday, but there significant technical difficulties

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amanda Zimmerman says:

    $TBLT Crashing From the Open Uncanny how U always manage to Get perfect trades. GLWT

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph H says:

    hey ross, how do you deal with huge spread ?? I sometime got taken into a stock with $0.50 spread , and I find it challenging to get that quick $0.10-$0.20 scalp….thanks

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherdou says:

    Hi Ross…. Thank you for the video…… Very informative as always…. I miss the big move at the beginning with TBLT, but i managed to walk away with something. i just wanted to ask you ;
    when you buy by pressing the hot key how many cents you add on the bid in other to get in to the trade while the stock is on momentum.
    Hope the question is not too technically secret.
    Thanks you again.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vic1torius says:

    Wow Ross listening to you describe your TBLT trade has my adrenaline going. Awesome job i cant wait to get back at it.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arizvx says:

    My first green day yesterday $6 let's goooooo

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Famamu Gold says:

    How much would you need to start trading? Also which platform is best to use?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars police_state says:

    Must be nice!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ace Hexed says:

    Great content again! Than you Ross! One quick question, can I open two accounts at two different brokers to avoid 3 times day trade limits per week? So like I can do 6 trades per week without having 25000$?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Happie says:

    Hi, ROSS. good job haha! I took a big red day today, but somehow i just feel relieved. I know it is strange >< . just like the question I asked you yesterday, GREED has overtaken me today, and it really pays haha. But I have learnt alot alot of things today, able to identify various flaws in my trading habits and techniques! Day 4, when you just feel relieved taking BIG loss, haha, I think i can be a good trader 🙂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EJN says:

    Hi Ross,
    What is your calculations to determine, okay this time i'll sell this stock for X profit, is you have some % of profit per trade? Thanks

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bad4good says:

    Hey Ross is there anyway you can share your thoughts on CME group ?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Jr says:

    congrats another green day

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Jr says:

    ebb & flow

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bejt Prushi says:


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick says:

    Ross, I'm a member but keep trying to ask in the chat but u never answer. I would be a successful trader but my orders never sell on the Ask. I have gone back many times and compared to when your orders get filled yet mine never do. I end up losing on the trade then. It's soooo frustrating seeing green on trade then going red because I can't sell on ask. I use hidden orders as well.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Edwards says:

    hey Ross how do you feel on afternoon trading (evening for me in UK)? I made +1.20 per share with UNFI as I had it on my watchlist. +$650 while the wife was watching rubbish tv for 40mins

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars majikwave says:

    Got murdered on TBLT today and I'm still holding. Anyone have any suggestions?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JayDog says:

    Nice job Ross! I was doing well with $TBLT initially and then got messed up listening to your activity, hearing how much you made, etc. sort of gives me FOMO mid-trade. I ended up missing an exit on one of the scalps (BTW: I think I need to focus on the Bid when scalping), and it flashed down, didn't cut my losses fast enough then watched it get reder and reder. I went way too large for my skill level, trying to match your gains. So, long story short, I blew up my sim account today after being up like $700 in the first few minutes of the day. I even traded this stock pre-market and made a very easy $100 bucks.

    🙁 Today was very disappointing for me because I was on such a high note yesterday. I think I was determined to have an equal monster day or something. I just let my emotions take over when I saw my account go from $600 Green to Red and it killed me. Thank God for simulators. Going forward, I do think I need to mute the chat room audio while trading, because not only is there an audio delay, but having a lot of extra information in my ear is hard to process at the same time as all the info on the screen, while trying to focus on proper entry and exit points.

    Back at it tomorrow morning, and I hope to just keep my trades precise and focused and end the day green.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Mcfarland says:

    Is there something you can say to make me not wanna thrown my laptop out the window for missing the trade on TBLT premrkt highs

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hezron Anderson says:

    Epic Day Ross.. 1 question – possibly hardest to answer – when a stock is ripping (setting scanners on fire) – how do you know the point to enter so you don't enter as it's about to dip?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel T says:

    Great day Ross! Congrats!
    4 trades on TBLT for me. 3 winner and 1 big loser leaves down 510 on the day. 210 in the red for the week even though I am at 70% accuracy this week. Just shows that 1 bad trade can ruin good metrics if your loser is bigger than your winners.

    Firm believer that you have to have the right platform/tools and manage your risks to be a success at this.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Preston Jeter says:

    I was in the process of scalping KTOV right after lunch and their public offering hit…Shares dropped 60c on a green candle. Gave back all my profits for the day on that unfortunate event.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradingMonkey says:

    great trading!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel G. says:

    Green! Green! Green!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J9rdy says:

    you must be zennn, good control on your emotions , can learn from that 😀

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