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Friends, romans countrymen. This sucks, a lot of folks, are hoping that uh i'll be able to provide some optimism for this market because that might uh. You know in theory. If we buy the dip uh make our stocks go back up and uh make the pain stop.

Unfortunately, i can't do that uh. I know that uh a lot of folks wonder why uh it seems like i've made a rash decision to almost become uh a bear uh outside of uh a bet on the fed. Yesterday, the federal reserve has been er the the leader of uh, this bull market, that we've had coming out of guess what 1987 the dot-com bubble in 2003, the recession that uh bottomed in 2009 uh the crash at the end of 2018, the crash in 2020. Folks, the federal reserve, when it's your friend the market, goes up when it is not your friend, the market goes down.

It's that simple, so i tweeted that trump powell is no longer my friend uh and uh. That is exactly how i feel so. What we'll do now is we'll we'll take a peek at what's going on in the market, we'll also take a look at multiple earnings that are coming up, hurting is going to be. Uh can be quite interesting.

We have robin hood today, which we expect brokerage revenues to disappoint dramatically. The question will be how much of the drama will be priced in uh, yeah or or how much lower than expectations can can robin hood come and not crash? Even more apple. Uh is also reporting, however, apple's reporting a little bit later technically they're scheduled for 4 30, which is uh quite a bit after uh. You know when earnings usually come out.

Visa is reporting at 410, so we'll catch uh, we'll catch robin hood and possibly visa. But i don't know that i'm going to be able to get to uh apple. Can somebody translate this one? For me, this one says are put r-p-u-p or p-u-t uh is that is that kind of like have you shorted the market? Yet r put that's a good one, i'll look for the comments and see what you all think uh look. There have been uh rate hike cycles before that markets have done incredibly well in the problem.

Is the uncertainty of inflation see when we have a modestly moving economy? There are no real fears about having to fight the boogeyman right now. The house is on fire and the fire is called inflation and jerome powell is the firefighter and jerome powell is shooting a cannon of water at this market uh or i'm sorry at the at the economy, essentially or will be by uh turning off power to the House, you know reducing the the the printing so to speak and then uh and then dousing everything with a cannon of uh of water, in other words, uh chilling things out a little bit by raising rates right. Unfortunately, uh a lot of folks inside the house are screaming. Ah it's okay.

This is normal uh. Meanwhile, the market overall, and that's the sentiment we're seeing right now. It seems to think that uh, the house is gon na come down uh. Now that is the federal reserve's job to prevent the federal reserve has to prevent the house from collapsing uh.
Meanwhile, their their people are like, oh, but but my possessions are in this room jerome, you can't get those wet and he's like. I don't care about your possessions, aka your stocks. I am going to douse this fire, so the house doesn't come down see folks seem to believe that the stock market gets bailed out by the fed uh any time the stock market goes down. That's incorrect! The stock market gets bailed out by the fed when our economic systems are at risk of collapse.

Why did the federal reserve come out with uh infinite qe in uh 2020 at the bottom of the market march 23rd marking the bottom market was because banks were about to shut down, banks were about to say no more lending, banks were about to say, freeze, credit Lines just like we saw in 2008 and what happens then. Well then the entire system shuts down, and then you destroy the house uh. So so you have to print, but just because, just because your prized possessions your stocks are going down, does not induce the fed to bail you out. That is a myth.

So as long as the federal reserve feels they need to douse this house, that is on fire with water and as long as the fire is still raging or getting worse. As the fed has said, this market will probably continue to either be a extremely volatile uh, which means crazy, bounces that gets sold off very quickly or it'll just go down more uh, and i think that's, unfortunately, somewhat of what we're seeing now at the moment, uh. It does look like btc is breaking uh support. Uh, the s p is literally bouncing off of support.

Uh, the s p really really likes this line. Uh. If, folks, if you don't write down the basic uh uh, you know the the basic technical analysis lines here. I i don't know what you're doing everybody should have these lines.

This line at exactly 430 is the same, damn line that i've had here for probably six months, and we have bounced off of this line over the last three days. Numerous look at that. It's a it's a concerto, it's a bounce, it's months or months a month and if you don't have the lines, how you gon na, identify the bosses or the potential uh potential red flag, which is that uh when we break through if we break through this support Things are going to be in a gutter. I hope not, i hope, we'll be okay right now the s p looks like it's going to end flat, there's a lot of internal pain and there is a flight to safety as much as possible.

The flight to safety is is being found in things like uh, netflix and, of course, in shorts, uh, netflix, apple, microsoft. These companies doing quite well uh, not terribly apples flat on a day where tesla's down 10 right microsoft's up 1.42. This is a sign that the market actually hasn't fully capitulated. Uh the the market uh is uh is is still over well, the institutions right or the market.

The overall market is propping up these larger mega cap stocks as as a flight to safety and uh. When that sentiment changes and these stocks no longer become safe, then the indices will probably get destroyed uh. If things got worse, i don't know that they will, but as soon as we get capitulation in apple, google and amazon, which we actually wait, we've already had it in amazon, uh now netflix, so apple, google netflix, the indices won't won't hold uh. So it'll be very interesting anyway.
That said, let's go take a look at what's what's news and some of the drama that we've got today, so you got lucid down 1337. That is the only short that i have. I always want to be extremely transparent with you. That is the only short that i have i i may be opening up new short positions, and i also made some trades this morning that, let's just say, makes me very cash, heavy uh, pretty much right within an hour of the opening bell, yeah, but anyway uh You know by now uh all of uh.

All of my alerts come with the stocks and psychology money group linked down below which tonight i'll actually be releasing some lectures on uh overall market cycles, which we've talked about a lot before in the courses, but uh there's some important things to talk about uh. I haven't figured out how to make a video on the main channel yet about these market cycles, we'll see so anyway. Uh backed holdings, mind, medicine, lucid, a farm, centro, ashford hospital hospitality, excel fleet, matterport, tesla, microvision, hud-8, all down 10 or more. It's really incredible, and that is a lot of pain, and so the question then becomes oh, is this? Is this a bottom? Is this an opportunity by the dip yeah one of the things - and this is one of the little things indicators that that i like watching, is overall market sentiment in the favor of bears or against the favor of bears when, when shorting becomes more popular and everybody's Panicking and shorting - that's usually usually when we get closer to a bottom uh, we're still we're still seeing a lot of by the dip, and i think we're going to continue to get these these fake out rallies over and over again here uh as uh as dips.

Do get bought and, and they will uh s p - is nicely following its norms. It's bouncing off 4 30 right now, uh it's at 4, 33, but anyway, uh yeah. These are these. Are some remarkable prices uh relative to recent history right yeah? Recent history here is uh, tesla, 1200 right and so at 840, it's like oh, my gosh, the thing's down.

You know what is that? 40? It's incredible! It's incredible! Uh 10 10 of it today. I'm actually surprised we didn't get uh. We didn't end up getting circuit breakers on on some of these. I don't know.

Maybe some things did get halted. I didn't see. Look at a baron's article, a new btc rag, um. Okay, let's see i like barons how to get your free n95 mask come on.

Man, it's too late, maybe not, but whatever. What's what's the article called on on the uh btc reg, because uh, do you not see that anyway, somebody says since you're rich? Why don't you make an etf? Oh man, look ma etf's extremely expensive and managing people's money is, is uh very difficult, uh very difficult, quite cancerous uh. In many cases. I do think that something that's important to know is that uh institutions who manage money who are regularly on cnbc or whatever it's it's their job, to tell you to buy the dip, often because it makes theirs.
It keeps people invested with them right. Otherwise, if everybody sold went to cash investment managers, ain't getting any money. Now that that's not to say that you should sell it's, that's not that at all um and - and i i never want to come across as a bear. I just i just believe that uh the fed's gon na be really mean to us until they're, not that's all uh yeah, hey, you know, elon sold at the tippy top, while uh well, essentially, a warning of a recession.

Coming quite interesting. White house wants crypto rules as a matter of national security. Uh, yes, i mean uh, let's see white house crypto rules. I believe that uh white house plans executive action that will task federal agencies with regulating btc and cryptos as a matter of national security wow.

Finally, some direction in terms of somebody, that's good, i think that's a good thing. That'll lead to a lot of probably increased volatility in btc and a lot of uncertainty, but my gut reaction to that is uh. That's uh is is quite positive. Actually, in the short term, it might not be.

Nobody knows what our put might be. Huh, oh well, uh, oh okay! Well, anyway, let's see so what do we got? That's up. We have netflix seagate went from twenty percent to seven percent, but still up steel dynamics. It's an interesting choice of where things are going.

Domino's, pizza, disney and amazon are actually up golly amazon's at 2 800. You know this is like returning to 2020 pricing. I mean well into 2020 pricing. Look at that we're at uh 2800 in july of 2020..

Now we're way up from where we were, i mean 28 uh, where's 2019. Oh yeah, we're way up 2019 we're over here at 2100. That's incredible! Yeah! I haven't made a video on lucid yet, but i do plan to make a video on lucid but yeah. I think by now all of you should already know that i am short lucid.

I wish i had had have had more of a short uh, but that's usually how it works when a bet goes well, you're like oh man, it should have put put more in it. It's okay, it's part of the psychol. Oh come on man yeah stupid thing. There we go uh hold on there.

We go. I got trapped for a second, i got stuck. I needed help. Okay.

What i want to look at is uh activity going into the close here uh. So, let's, let's understand what's happening here, what traders are doing going into the close mind, medicines falling into the clothes lucid bouncing off of our other support line? Oh my gosh dude, like i just opened up lucid, i haven't been looking at lucid in a while, and i remember this morning because i have these light holy crap dude. Look at these lines, man i have. I drew these lines in february february and i did not look at them at all today.
At all i mean that is crazy. I mean sometimes you get a little bit of a see like a little bit of an oversell, but then you get that that test of that support line here you get rejected. You try to go up again, you get rejected. Again, you fall to support.

You break support, look where we fell right to the next support line and uh, and now now we're getting rejected, we're trying to break and we keep getting rejected. That's wild, the you know what it is. The algos are copying the trades or the lines uh, because that's crazy, ooh, that's interesting. Someone here says uh our put.

Maybe that means robinhood put, i feel like that, should just be done for the yolo now uh, which which is or just for the hilarity of it. It would have to be like an extremely low amount of money, but i think volatility is insane right now. You would have, if you did this a it's very stupid uh, but it would have to just be like a tiny, teeny teeny tiny little bit of money uh. So you know like something that you are like totally willing to lose.

Uh on on that bloomberg terminal notification there and uh it. So here there's that's 5. 700! I i think, that's fair! You know what i think. That's a hilarious idea and i'm going to do it.

Let me just open up the limit a little bit it. It's very expect to lose every dime of this okay, that this is that is very stupid, and i make that clear uh that is this is like. Somebody went to the casino with me and they're like kevin. I feel like uh, you uh uh.

You should go on heavy on red and i'm, like you know what i like you i'll, do it. How about i blame you. You know that is very interesting uh. So anyway uh! Oh, i didn't uh.

Sorry, sorry, guys, i'm half paying attention here. I actually didn't buy uh buy the put sorry i bought chairs like a dummy. Sorry, i'm not paying attention when i'm half talking here. Sorry, let me uh.

Let me do this really quick. How much is this uh? Let me do this right, so let me do the same amount i said, and then i'm gon na sell those shares. Sorry, that's my bad. I should pay attention my bad, my bad, my bad, my bad i bought shares there.

I know how to trade. I'm not stupid, i promise, but i i i literally did uh uh not pay attention there. Let me just sell that really, quick. Okay, there we go hey.

I made two pennies on that purse per per share guys, i'm up for today. It's like ten dollars. Oh, it is so funny i this is. We are only doing that because, honestly, that is a hilarious hilarious thing about this little thingy.

Here we have to test. If this is uh, this is uh the fact no yeah um. This is more for comedy uh. This is it's not even like this is not something that's even worth an alert, i'm just gon na document.
It really quick um put on robin hood for 5.7 k. I fully expect to lose 100 of this. We're only doing this on the live stream, because the bloomberg terminal thingy said are put uh hope it's wrong, because if it's right, maybe that means sh9t is right. Oh man, um think about it right! That's weird! Uh! That's weird! Look i i don't! I don't want to be a bear, you know and - and i really do believe - that i'm a long run bull uh, but i'm all cash man, i'm all cash uh.

I i think this is uh. Let me let me let me go with the hope angle. Part of me wonders that we're not gon na get a fed softening until potentially feb of next feb to march of next year and uh. There could be some glorious shopping opportunities when there's actually real blood on the street.

You know it's funny. We think this is pain and blood and i could be very wrong in this. So don't don't follow me right um, but this is. This is just the the like here.

How how should i describe this and i let's go over here: let's look at spy. Let's go to the weak chart on the spy. No, the day chart, preferably hmm, you know what i'd like to do is: how far does this go back just go back to oh wait. Well, it certainly does you know what this feels like folks? It feels like we're here.

You know in this in this crap storm like it's like december january. You know now now don't get me wrong. You just you just sit there and huddle. You know from from the end of 17.

Oh, don't worry, you long run. Investor will be fine in six years. Uh you'll be break. Even i mean that's the recession.

Who knows i? I don't? I don't know. I don't know anyway. That was very interesting. Uh again, i i long run bull in america, love america, everything about america, but there are some macroeconomic cycles.

Uh macroeconomic cycles, in my opinion, are much easier to predict than like day trades or swing, trades or short-term things, and the red flags are not beautiful. Right now, well, i mean red flags are generally not beautiful. They're just are more red flags than happy flags. Does that make sense? I don't know if that makes sense, uh diamond hands is how you end up on wall street vet's biggest losers, combo god covet 2.0.

Rugby dude, they just got ta, get inflation down, that's all it is uh, and you know i say that's all it is, but it's that is, it is critical. It is a critical uh thing that they need to do. Okay, let me make sure i got the terminal up. I do here because we have to go watch uh earnings, that's gon na be very important uh in the meantime, uh shout out to ftx.us for sponsoring the video.

If you want to trade crypto and take advantage of these insane balances, consider using their trading view integration uh, which is absolutely incredible with um. Oh, this is hilarious. Elon musk has offered the team tracking his private jet 5 000 to stop that's very interesting. Uh teen tracking is private jet with the twitter account, but anyway use the link down below it's metkevin.com, ftx.us and you'll save a 10 of all your trading fees, which are already substantially lower than industry standards and um yeah.
All right. We got our term up green days, are a scam, i hate to say it. That is, that is what it feels like. It really is what it feels like it's it's just that we are getting ripped off all right.

Let's get the bell and i think robin hood might actually report right at the bell. Let's listen in again, i expect to lose every dime of that great day. Yesterday s p 500 down about half a percent into the close looks like you've still got strength in groups like utilities and staples energy's doing well today, materials, but consumer discretionary, real estate, financials, industrials and technology are lower. The small caps got hit the hardest today.

Russell 2000 is going to close down about 2.3 and the nasdaq in the eye of the storm. Again with all this talk of fed tightening down 1.4 in the close uh, the options are implying: a 16 move on robin hood by the way after ours all right. So we got the dow jones down 0.02 percent s p down 0.54. That's a fall into the close 1.4 in the nasdaq 2.29 on the uh ross hall.

Oh, my goodness, all right uh! We are now waiting and what is this robin hood meme stock negligence suit? Is rejected by stop by judge some good news, but that's already been out for, like an hour, happy 30th. My son turns uh three the same day. Oh that's amazing! Thank you. Thank you very much.

All right, uh earnings. Oh, the loss came in worse than expected. Revenue missed holy crap, they missed estimates watch it goes up, though watch it goes up. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.

This is scary. Net revenue came in at 362.7. The estimate was 370.9 uh. The adjusted ebitda loss was 86.8 million, the estimate loss was 80.3 and it's up one percent, i'm skyrocketing.

This is why you do not play earnings. That is your lesson right. There never ever ever play earnings. Look at this.

This is me laughing out of losing five thousand dollars instantly. How? Oh now it's going red? Oh wait! A minute! Wait a minute! No it's down again! This is just like pure speculation and emotion and hilarity. Cnbc hasn't even reported the earnings form. Yet.

Oh my gosh, the swing there is insane but uh. Oh, oh the forecast. Oh the forecast just destroyed them holy crap. Oh, my god.

They had a forecast of 447 million dollars for revenues for q1 came in at 340.. Dude fintechs are about to tank. Fintechs are about to get destroyed. That is a that is 25 less than expected holy crap.

Oh my gosh whoa! Oh, that is a horrible horrible forecast. Oh my god. They have less than 100 billion under custody right now. Oh, oh, my god! It is down 10 right now, omg, you know it's weird.
I was laughing at having lost all of my five thousand dollars now, i'm very sad, even though my puts gon na go to the moon uh, i'm very sad, because this is very bad. This is not good. It's just now getting reported on cnbc dude. They are like they're they're three minutes late now.

Three minutes, ordinarily, is is nothing but it's quite interesting. We kicked their butt. Ah, oh yeah, you were right. Lola should have shortened him a long time ago, woulda coulda all right visas.

Next, this is going to be. Okay. Visa is going to be critically important because if v visa falls it's bad for the consumer, that's yeah that that'll be really bad, and then i got ta go visa comes out in about five minutes: uh wow u-turn, uh shout out erica uh. Oh, i do want that hold on urban and attitude all right anyway, so uh visa visa very, very important yeah.

It is a forecast of the life because, oh here it is here it is. I don't know what the it says. First quarter results but give me the summary: give me the summary they just posted come on give it to me. I have not summarized it yet come on.

I'm clicking on the release myself. Uh today announced with the ak attached we'll host a call at two where's. The announcement no there's: where is it, i don't think it's attached yet i actually don't think it's out yet accept 10q. Is this her annual uh, okay, trying to figure out visa here, making it really difficult there we go printed 10k.

Let me just try to look at that. I have no idea, i'm just gon na wait. Uh there's, there's there's no. I there's no sense of me going through that the 10k to get the answer, because it's gon na take longer than the summary to pop up.

All right, of course, quite annoying mondelez revenue beats. Oh that's good! Let's listen to them for a second. While i get visa because it's very frustrating will come in and there will be a rally um. That said well, there will be a rally what i think.

That's what we want to hear coming um. As you know, i i've felt ex extreme valuations. Uh have kept this market vulnerable for a long time, and really i thought the two catalysts that were needed were inflation. There we go there, we go visa.

Uh q1 comes in at 183 versus 142. That's a big beat big beat on the bottom line: uh a really really good, beat uh volume. Cross-Border volumes up 40 percent adjusted eps comes in at 181 versus 170 revenue comes in at 7.1 billion versus 6.8. That's a beat wait for the forecast, though the forecast is, is the big big, big, big scary? This is gon na be, doesn't it reporting in earnings miss just a slight miss 71 cents per share versus 72 cents estimated? It looks like the sales? Oh they're still talking about models: okay, no! No! Come on visa.
Let's go visa visa visa. Give me the forecast, yeah visa be, but it's all going to come down to that forecast. If that forecast is crap, that's bad! For the market, too. I mean we kind of expected uh volatility in the market uh or not, uh to and price fall.

Oh uh and yeah price declines to lead to less trading. So it's, i suppose, less of a surprise that robin hood missed. Okay, visa processing transactions comes in at 47.6 bill versus 46.7, all right. Well, it's quite exhausting when they don't give you the forecast here we go no, never mind all right.

Well, we'll come right back to it. Robin hood right now is down 11 of the after hours. I do want to see what what this is doing to the other fintechs uh. A firm did not react.

A firm did not give a crap about robin hood. Sophie cared far fell on that dude neo. 21, that's disgusting tesla's down another point: whatever 66 percent uh yeah point, six six mad reports had eight dollars. It was just a few days ago that i was saying there is a risk.

Matterport could go to eight dollars. I did not think it would go to eight dollars in three days: uh-huh, my goodness, still no forecast from visa. It's what we're waiting for right now and then remember apple - is on deck. Today.

Visa is rising about two percent, though in the afters somebody's asking. If i think it's time to buy sofi, i don't think it's time to buy anything, but i don't again. I don't want to come across as a bear. I you know what much cheaper than things were a little bit ago.

That's what we're going with everything's cheaper! That's a good thing right. Prices are lower, which in theory means risk goes down which is true. Risk does go down. I mean you're closer to zero.

Okay, do they have the i don't know, still no forecast, i'm looking for the q2 forecast, all right. Whatever? Let's see uh behavior and other stocks here again the crypto regulation. I see that coming up in the comments. Personally, i i i think that could create some short-term pain uh in the market, but uh not not so long term, just pulling up uh ftx.us, which you can sign up with by going to mckevin.com ftx.us.

They um by the way, also have a phone app, which is uh very ex, like extremely user friendly. I really really love it. Let's see here, oops not supposed to do that. Yeah, okay, still waiting for a forecast uh, the various different resources, i'm looking at, do not show a forecast yet btc by the way down to 35 seven right now it's been struggling around that 36 lumber, so we'll see kathy wood on speed, dial, she's she's on The phone with a special kind of helpline already i'd, love to talk to kathy, though food, arcs, 66 dollars, yeah, that's gon na be rough.

If we went into a recession, the probably one of the worst places to be would be uh, an innovation focused uh. You know sector anyway, i there's still no forecast from visa, which is absolutely mind-blowing to me and uh quite disappointing, but um. Let's see what happens tesla to 800, that's generous uh. Would you think hood has a chance in the long run? Oh yeah, no who's not going to go anywhere.
They're, not going bk they'll, always be people who buy the dip on hood. It's not so much the stock price i'd be worried about it's. It would be funding uh liquidity for the company to stay open, which i don't really expect to be an issue. I would say um you're, probably looking more like uh.

What's it called um, i don't know what am i trying to say? Oh uh, like uh private equity investors in that, would probably raise uh, raise money or or they would just get acquired by another firm. I mean at this point they're getting so cheap that uh it does make. You wonder like at what point uh. Are they just gon na get acquired um still not forecast from from visa? So i'm just gon na stop saying that until they actually post a forecast, it's quite annoying and we do have apple in 18 minutes which we'll do that on the go, because i got ta go but we'll do that on the go um.

So i'll. Take you with me and we'll cover the apple ones as soon as they come out. Let's see here what um i trying to do. Oh yeah, robin hood, all right! Do you think this is pain on hood, just wait until the first offering oh yeah yeah.

That's true if they had to do a bailout offering like that or or just off stock market offering. I don't. I don't know if you want to offer while the stock is so cheap because it's just going to crush it uh you're right, you know. That's! That's! No bueno but uh: oh well, um all right, uh, okay, so we're right now, just on standby, my oh, the small, my small crap positions, dude, the small crop positions, were a trade on the fed that did not work out uh at all.

That was a gamble that was stupid, but i realized that uh i did uh. I did trading this morning, i'm just waiting for visa estimates or apple. At this point we could look a little bit at uh. We may as well look a little bit of news but yeah, because visa visa forecast is gon na, be everything we might have to wait for the call uh, which obviously i'll i will cover uh, okay, so western digital down, 14 percent and after hours.

I wonder if they reported oh yeah, western digital reported, okay. Okay, let's take a look at that western digital. I am excited for my birthday tomorrow. Thank you, western digital beat.

Are you serious dude they be, it must have been the forecast. P3 flyer: you just uh like easy, clap, shorting market, easy clap. Oh the forecast on western digital was crap. Oh, oh! No! No! No! No! Western digital q3 revenue uh guide was 445 to 465, so the midpoint's 455.

uh their estimate was 474. So, that's that's why they went down uh. That is it's not that terrible, but it's uh, four percent four percent down and their margins are going to stay up, though, which is which is quite interesting. Wait did somebody say apple missed hold on.
I did, i didn't even have apple up yet because i thought they were gon na release at three or 130. No, i i don't know where you heard that apple's not out yet yeah, that's interesting, that they would reduce the forecast there. Oh western digital selling, like crazy because of mining, probably then, because of um the decline in crypto pricing is potentially their forecast rotating down hitting hitting up hitti high tide. Let's see, uh yeah apple has a weird quarter system too.

I hate that high tide. It comes in with revenue of canadian dollars 53.9 mil. I have no idea what their expectations were, but if it's up 10, i imagine people are very happy about that. Yeah! There's there's! No! There's no summary for that.

So there's not much! I can do on that. Trending on twitter meet kevin cancelled for being a bear yeah. Now i don't even want to look, i better not be trending, you better, not be trending for selling i've already. I got so much hate man.

I don't know what to do like like i'd rather tell you than not tell you what i think. That's all i can do so at this point i just i've just kind of turned into uh mayweather. Now i just embrace it it's kind of like well. If the haters are talking about me at least they're talking about me, which sounds honestly now that i say that a little like egotistical, which is not ideal, but it's, it is funny and psychologically soothing anyway, still no forecast from visa.

Why the hell is there no forecast from visa? That makes me nervous too. I just want some good news man. I want good news to report. You know people like kevin.

Why are you always reporting bad news? How about you, you report some good news for change and i'm like find me some and then they're like fun, stupid, uh ramon. I accidentally bought shares using the little trading window on the right, because i was so distracted talking and uh uh, but i did sell those shares and then i i bought the put so i do. I do have the put uh i i need to verify, though quickly uh, yes january 28th put now. The price is not going to update until tomorrow morning, but i do have it right here.

Ah poopy, that's the wrong phone! I'm sorry come on my bad uh. Okay, there we go so that's uh, so i made 187 dollars but remember options. Pricing does not update until tomorrow, so it should be up substantially. I mean, let's see it was uh.

Robin hood fell six percent today. So not that there's a robin hood, uh hood, robin hood dude. I barely use weeble anymore. Where is it robinhood options? Today? The eleven dollar puts? Oh, the eleven dollar puts were up a hundred percent today on a six percent decline.

So that's interesting, yeah, alright! So all right still no forecast on visa. You know i'm nervous about the whole like robin hood thing, because uh the what's it called um um, oh shh. I didn't even realize this dude i still have uh. I still have an owlette sold put oh crap that sucks, because that was not so good.
I didn't even realize this uh to portfolio um, okay, okay, so uh anyway. Still! No. What is it still enough forecast from visa waiting for apple earnings? That's what everybody's waiting for we have, let's see here, robin hood. What's robin hood doing visa is actually up three percent right now, but still no forecast.

So i don't believe that robin hood is down 15 right now, so that that little put right there - man, i should have just gone yolo levels on that one. But no that's that's stupid! That's gambling kevin! You got to be careful. That's gambling um, but then again you go to a casino and sometimes the gambling works right uh. You have to be careful.

You like more often than not. I feel, like things are going to turn out to the downside right now that sucks all right. We i got ta, i got ta drive somewhere, so i'm gon na take you uh with me for uh apple earnings, because i'm really excited to see what happens with apple earnings. We still do not have apple earnings, but again those are scheduled for nine minutes.

From now, let's do a quick look at the charts. Again, though, here we have uh sunpower uh. Oh that's right! Okay, so uh well well! Well we're just waiting! Well, let's do a quick look here! Sun power up 3.7 visa up 3.2 percent you've got robin hood down 14.9 western digital down 14.2 arcimoto down three hippo down three red fence: 25: we're going back to uh pandemic levels, that's terrible, golly robin had 15, that's terrible like i! I would have rather lost the five thousand dollars than than see that that's just that's just disgusting uh and it's also very scary, because this told us the little device said our put and then whoever said it in the comments was right, because i i asked you All translate what our put means. Somebody said robin hood put and, and it made sense it's the only company with an r.

That's reporting, don't worry, we'll have a v-shaped recovery. V-Shaped recoveries only happen when j pal bails us out. That's that's. I think what what a lot of folks forget is: jay powell ain't coming to the rescue anytime soon any time soon tesla's at 8, 25..

Oh all right, uh, apparently visa is just not giving guidance. So whatever we'll see what happens on the call, the visa calls at 2pm uh. I am now going to take you for a ride in the model s plaid, so that'll be fun until apple earnings, which i will have on this phone. So we're going to get apple up, apl, okay, we have apple earnings ready to go, make a video on how much money you saved.

If you did not sell last week, dude just tesla alone, i mean i had like at 1.15 mil in tesla or whatever right. Uh, i think it was. It was probably more like 13 or something when i sold, but anyway say it was 13 and then we fell. What are we down? We're at 825, divided by 960? I think is when i sold so we're down 14 so 14 on what 13 mil 1.8 just on tesla.
That's insane! Ah, all right uh! I don't have to lucid here. That would be a cool i i i more people would probably want to see the blue sid, that's true, but i gave the lucid away. I think i just closed this. There we go.

Let's go oh by the way. If you want to move like this on the fly too, all you have to do is sign up, for stream yard, go to metkevin.com streamyard to learn more okay. Look at my doors! Yeah! Oh screaming children! Yep got ta, go okay; okay, okay, oh man! It's so cold and all the snow everywhere, not real. Oh we're gon na do apple turn, bluetooth off apple earnings.

Together, oh wait! If i turn bluetooth on, does that mean i can't check? Oh no. I think i let me try this phone. Ah crap. I got a bluetooth one hold on here we go.

Apparently i got a blue there. We go okay. Well, hopefully the audio doesn't go to the car or something stupid. If it does, please comment: that's audio stupid.

Let me know: okay, uh bloomberg, still no apple, but apple's five minutes away. Technically. Oh i'm gon na switch from wi-fi in just a sec, so the connection might be a little jumpy uh, but that it should get better in about 30 seconds. So please stand by all right, ah, never mind.

I won't do that. I got ta get out of the bad service area hold on - let's oh apple, not yet no apple, yet yeah! The handoff is gon na cause. The connection pause exactly uh this phone. Actually you you might, you might not know this, but i love this about apple uh.

This phone has two sims and that actually means i have two internets on this two lte service providers, and so we can actually switch between the two automatically, which is insane so it has two phone numbers, basically on one phone all right here we go so no Apple, yet that's just the big thing: that's if you don't care about apple earnings. You could just watch me drive. That's all you're gon na get at this point. You got ta drive real slowly in the turns by the way like grandpa slow in the turns, because otherwise they ding your safety score, which is really toxic.

Safety scores like how are you supposed to have a good safety score in like la? It's always followed too closely an aggressive attorney. That's insane is everybody else, gon na crash into you, otherwise, all right, dual sims for traveling in europe is essential. I like that model. Esther dream is this: is the model s tesla and look what i called it.

I don't know if you can see that, but i called it meet kevin m-e-a-t kevin do not touch that brake pedal yeah no kidding. If you want uh no kidding. If you want a good safety score, just don't break just use the one foot of driving uh. They have so much regens, which is fine anyway.
I don't break too much well. I only got dung once when i uh somebody pulled out. Well, i mean it's happened more often, but somebody just walked out of nowhere in a plaza and that's why i went from like five miles an hour to zero, really quick and then i got punished for hard braking uh. I wanted to regen into them.

Okay, you know somebody says: how are you supposed to get a good safety score on the plaid uh? They don't care if you drive it fast that doesn't affect the safety score. It's not one of the metrics, all right, apple earnings, folks, two minutes to apple earnings. That's uh! That's what we're on standby for right now, any second! Now one sec, okay come on apple. This is a big one, apple and visas forecast.

I'm frustrated that i do not have visas forecast to give you, because i really wanted to dive into that. They uh, i imagine, are going to talk about their forecasts and expectations for consumer trends at the uh beginning of their or probably more during. Actually the latter part the q, a of their earnings call, so i would say, by 3 a.m. Uh 3 p.m.

California time there should be some headlines, some negative uh headlines or hopefully positive headlines about their forecasts. We will see apple trending down in after hours to somebody yeah they haven't reported. Yet it's just. Oh there.

There is this: okay, okay! What's the estimate? Uh apple q1? Eps two dollars and ten cents. I don't know what the estimate was: q1 operating at q1 income, 41.4 billion uh apple beats, it's a beat. Okay, apple q1 wearables come in at 14.7 versus 14.16. That's really good.

Apple service comes in at 19.52 versus 18.64. That's really good. Uh you've got apple ipad revenue, 7.25 versus 8.1, 1 billion. That's a miss! It's a big miss there.

Their revenue came in at 123.9 billion in total, though uh versus the 119 expected that's a beat of almost four percent. That's huge! That's really good! Eps came in at 210 versus the expected 190. uh apple q1 mac revenue came in at 10.85, probably because we did another stay-at-home cycle because of omicron. You know people are buying the the max and stuff uh that makes sense.

Wow wow, that's uh, so i'd cut out there for a second sorry record high for installed base of active devices, dude apple, just killing it i mean it'll, probably still end up. I mean, i wonder if good news is going to end up selling down tomorrow. It wouldn't be a surprise. It's only up 1.75 on basically, a 4 beat that's crazy.

That is wild, okay! Well, that's good news. I'm gon na look forward to their forecast and visas, forecast and i'll probably do a video later, but uh, that's very good! So, thank you all for being here uh. Thank you to medkkevin.comyard for sponsoring, as well as medkevin.com ftx.us go sign up.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “The fed s stock market blood bath.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimit _Up says:

    Lets keep it going till at least mid Feb I wanna put my bonus check into some more growth baby!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry says:

    All Meat Breath delivers nowadays is negativity. Behind the scenes he is loving all this.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo Money 21 says:

    Kevin needs to change his motto on red days from, "juicy discount time for shopping," to "can't stand the heat, sell and get out of the kitchen" Man his balls shrunk fast in the week

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diego Ramos says:

    There’s still room for a bigger drop, not financial advice

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Minnesnowda says:

    No it’s wants u to buy puts on regeneron not RH

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars noobtrader says:

    Im so disappointed in the market. Whatever happened to dont trade with emotions. All i see r emotions

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WONKIE WORLD says:

    the feds control the wealth, and they use all type of tactics to flex their power and maintain control of the spread of wealth.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThePistolp267 says:

    You are a total clown man. Of course you’ll come on here and be a bear every day now. This is the first day this week market didnt dip 3 below. We found the bottom time for a reversal.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stanley Britt says:

    The gig is up folks!…We have NO leadership anywhere…Fake President and ALL!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DD says:

    …sounds like it's time to buy again. Green Monday incoming.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kay InMaine says:

    We haven't been listening to the New World Order Deep State people and now they're punishing all of us. 😎

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anthony b says:

    GOvt takeover hedge funds and Fortune 500 imminent…. reverse fascism

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 350zLeMans says:

    This market is really humbling me, maybe need to take a week away from stocks 😅 added two shares of Teala today and some ttcf

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Black says:

    Im happy the fed is raising rates, they need to get a grip on the gouging corporation hiding behind the words inflation. Why is it bad that handouts to the corporations is ending and they now have to compete for market share. Isnt that how capitalism works? Some companies win some lose, and the investors job is to figure out the winners? Good for the FED, pull back and make the markets work.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaun says:

    Whether everyone likes it or not, we are moving into the Crypto markets. Expect higher inflation 🙏🏾💯. Pretty soon the USD will have no value.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 323 213 says:

    Told u guys months ago, If you think it's over u got another one coming! Next week we should see the bottom

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blank Space says:

    Just ride the storm everything will pick up. I buy only just launched metaverse projects only expecting true success within 5 years at least. Whatever you have in the stock exchange should definitely moon within the next 5 years so don't panic sell just hold.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karka Snatschka says:

    Investing in the s-and p would have made you so much more money…tesla made you, jeremy and a lot of other people overconfident, …which made them expect that just choosing a random growth-company , could repeat this gain…not so…to be expected, long ago

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SH DMD says:

    Looking at Apple earnings, I feel sometimes we think too much, just put all money in Apple and fuck it

    Jesus Christ

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sueni says:

    Kevin, I don't like your pessimism and how bearish you are. I only want to hear good news and follow positive youtubers. So please be more positive and bullish. Everything will go up again I think.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kalief Martin says:

    They doing this purpose to push the out overly saturated retail investors out. Thats why all the meme and growth stocks are being heavy shorted. All you can do buy dip hold for the ride down which probably will last for a while.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo Money 21 says:

    Kevin is becoming schizophrenic. Monday sells everything. Wednesday buys everything. Today sells everything again. It's amazing how a little downturn in the market can reveal who are savy investors and who are posers. Everything Kevin has preached for the last two years, has gone out the window. At least his is able to walk out of his house into the sunlight into his new Tesla Plaid. I feel bad for those who thought he was a stock market sevant, when it turns out, he is only a YouTube revenue making sevant.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SH DMD says:

    Apple earnings are astounding. In this crazy market, I think I am going to put all my money in Apple for now

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iron 12 says:

    So we're not doing the "buy the dip" anymore…

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harutyun G says:

    This is a squeeze, the suits, the fed, the dems are squeezing the permabulls to cause more labor force participation… keep permabulling my friends, no surrender

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Sorenson says:

    Let those three lost amigos at millennial money .. be sad

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Kuske says:

    This is a frog boiling in the pot kinda stock market headed into the ground

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All Profits says:

    One lesson I learned….. Never listen to a rich prick with a camera who has nothing to lose because he will just get more money from selling scam courses .

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mainchain says:

    Its stupid that the flight to safety is now «value» stocks, as these will be hit just as much from any Of the fears around inflation and resession.

    Suprised to see My portfolio up today tho, msft hedging this move

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna Stillman says:

    which bear.mama bear papa bear or baby bear.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars grant d says:

    you led us to a blood bath! Feel bad for the people who took your classes just for you to do the complete opposite of everything you teach.

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