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What we have to focus on as investors in this market is whether we are in QT Quantitative tightening, a period where the Federal Reserve makes money more expensive, harder to get, and causes the stock market to be much more painful for investors, or we're re-entering a new period of QE quantitative Easing or money printing, whatever you're going to call it. Basically a time in which the fellow serve basically accommodates the economy, splashes money around like Steph Curry from three-pointer and basically allows the stock market to be a more friendly environment for investors. That is the real question, because for investors, what do you really care? 50 basis points, 25 basis points. It doesn't really matter what we need to be looking at is that, but that is the Achilles heel of the Federal Reserve They like a good magician.

They don't want you looking at that because that is where all the bodies are buried. Well, not literally, but figuratively. They're speaking right? So look here's the thing. my dad told me a long time ago.

You have to judge people by their actions, not what they're telling you. Now the Federal Reserve has been saying a whole lot. They've been talking a very big game, but in fact, what happened over the past week is absolutely insane. So it took the Federal Reserve almost 18 months a year and a half to reduce its balance sheet by 500 billion dollars.

We're talking about a lot of money now. The balance sheet of the FED is basically how much bonds mortgage-based Securities it bought from the market. When the FED buys these things from the open market, it floods it with cash. That's another way for the Federal Reserve to provide more cash into the system to lubricate the wheels of the economy.

so to speak. Right when the FED is buying, the economy is better because there's more money. When the FED is selling, it's a whole different thing. They're sucking money out of the economy now.

Ever since we started going into quantitative tightening, the interest rate started to rise at a very high Pace, but the Fed was very sluggish with actually reducing its balance sheet. But they did manage to reduce 500 billion over about a year and a half. Now, over the past week, they bought back about 300 billion more than half in a single week than what they managed to reduce in 18 months. Now for me, that says one thing.

It says panic. When somebody acts like that, it means panic. And rightfully so. Let me explain why Is the Fed panicking? Well, essentially, you have to understand that on the scale of inflation versus the entire U.S banking system, six percent inflation is not as bad as collapsing the entire U.S banking system.

And that is what the FED is seeing in front of his eyes. Now, it is true that Banks like First, Republic, Signature, Bank, and Svb were the top three banks in the United States states with the most amount of uninsured deposits. Meaning that these three Banks had the most deposits. over two hundred fifty thousand dollars in their accounts and the fact is that they are the one who got smashed the most is basically showing you that this is a little bit of an outlier.
And this is true. This is true. Also, if you take a look at diversification, the three most undiversified banks in the US are pretty much the same actors. It is Uh, Svb, Silicon Valley Bank It is Silvergate and it is Signature Bank.

So these three banks are the most undiversified banks in the US basically focusing on one area that had hit the most when the FED started raising interest. So you might say that why would the FED be afraid If this isn't a you know, an idiosocratic thing that happened three times plus one that's about to happen and one in Switzerland right? But I mean if it's such an isolated incident, right, Why is the Fed afraid? Well look. The fact of the matter is, these were really shitty bad tanks as far as quality of management, risk management Etc et cetera et cetera. concentration.

But don't make a mistake of assuming that this problem does not exist in the rest of the US banking system, especially at Regional Banks Regional Banks suffer from the same problem that plague the Svb. For example, what was the problem with Svb? Just to give you like the executive summary, the main problem with Svb was that the bank took a lot of deposits and it put him somewhere safe. Which is bonds, right? Government bonds? safest place ever, right? But that's the thing. When the interest rates started Rising the Feds started raising interest rates.

The prices. The market prices of these bonds started dropping. and unless you hold these bonds till maturity at some point, if you plan to sell them, you're going to sell them at a huge loss. And when there's pressure from people to withdraw a lot of money and you need liquidity, then you are forced to sell these bonds at a major major loss.

Which is exactly what brought down Svb. The same problem inherently exists in every other. Regional Bank in the U.S That mismatch problem exists in all of them. Now what's holding them is that Pirotil did not come out on social media like it did and said hey, Svb is collapsing.

get your money out. Nobody has said that Regional banks are collapsing and so far there hasn't been a bank run on Regional Banks. But make no mistake about it with their mismatch problem and the fleet to safety right now of customers, the amount of customers that took their accounts from Regional Banks to JP Morgan Wells Fargo Chase Bank of America The amount of people who did that is actually a lot bigger than they're telling you because why would you keep your money in a Regional Bank That we could put it in the big four That cannot collapse. Now the big four are probably the only banks who cannot collapse from this problem, but the rest of the regional Banks they're really wobbling so a lot of people have a already moved their money.
All we need is somebody to do a gentle like push to bring this whole system down like a huge house of cars. This is basically a cobweb. it looks Mighty and big and strong but you have to just take your finger through it and the whole cobweb collapses. So the thing is, people are already moving to the big four Banks and they have a big big flaw.

So the Federal Reserve along with the government needs to do something to prevent this thing from happening because all we need is one match to light this whole fire. So what the fed and the government are doing is one Now They're saying well the FDIC will ensure all deposits no matter if they're above or below 250 000. That is intended to relax people not to run for these. Banks The other thing that the FED will be doing is slowly unfortunately abandoning looking at inflation and looking at the safety of the banking system because if we have five million people in the United States running at these Regional Banks the backlash of this will be insane.

So what they're going to do right now is they're going to slow down the interest rate hikes so we don't get more Banks like this in trouble. The higher they go with interest rates, the bigger the mismatch problem that Svb has happens to other Banks. So in fact, if you combine the fact that the FED has been buying bonds like crazy bought up 300 billion in just a week now the banks have to have the FED come into the rescue. so the interest rate cannot go up a lot higher anymore.

So what's going to happen right now is the Fed will pretend like nothing is happening. Everything is okay. They're gonna do a little 25 basis point hike just to show everybody look, we're still hiking. we're still increasing.

Everything is okay, but in fact this will probably will be the last hike for a while because most likely for the next time they have to pause. or maybe do another 25 basis and then pause. But this is pretty much the end of the road unless they want to risk collapsing the banking system which will be a lot worse than six percent inflation. Now at this point, you also have to remember the flip side of it.

Don't forget that the government is all also basically getting crushed by these interest rates when we went up to five percent interest rate. What's going on is we have a 31 trillion dollar national debt and that's not unusual. We have 150 debt to GDP ratio. That sounds like it's high, but if you look at rest of the world, the rest of the world is that.

but 250 000, 250 percent GDP to to debt. So basically the US is actually even better than the average. The average is two and a half times more debt than GDP. The US is actually well below that.

So it's not a huge problem. But the problem that does exist here when you have 31 trillion dollars of debt and you're already paying 400 billion every single year to service this debt which is seven percent of your federal spending. If you want to actually borrow more money which they want. And they said that they want to borrow more money, that borrowing would be at five percent level interest.
So you're in a five percent environment and you want to borrow more money. The repayment in this situation for the US government will be much much higher higher unless interest rates go down to two percent one and a half percent, which is where they were. Don't forget, as a government, the US government collects about five trillion dollars in tax income. They spend a lot more.

Something has to pay for this, and that something is that money they print. That money they print is through actually going out and selling government bonds. Now again, if the interest rates won't come down, the service of these actually will be a lot higher than just seven percent of your federal spend, which is already extremely high. So The US government is basically saying well, five percent is pretty much maxed out more.

We're actually going to have trouble with this. We're going to have to cut in into: Social Security Medicare You know, Infrastructure Defense Etc We don't want to do that. On the other hand, the FED is basically saying well, John Powell Do you want to be signed your name next to collapsing the original banking system and basically crashing the U.S Economy? no I Basically no. And that leads me to believe that this is the Rip moment.

The rest in peace moment for QT at least for a while. Quantitative tightening is basically Rip right now. now. the FED will have to convince us that the best way is basically going back to QE Quantitative Easing.

They already started doing it. look at their actions. The only question is which investors will figure this out ahead of the curve and actually do something about it? because this is the kind of the first signs of a bounce back in the stock market now. I Don't know how long it's going to last, but at least until we know that the banking system is 100 safe, the FED will have to play very carefully and the first beneficiary of this will definitely be the stock market.

Now again, I'm just here sharing my opinion. Might be inaccurate, might be wrong. Might be the ramblings of a Madman you got to do in research. Make your decisions for yourself.

Now before I let you go. If you lasted this long in the video, it means you're an OG on the channel. Thank you so much for that. It really means a lot.

I Mean it now. if you haven't yet, check out my platform stock. MVP The link is below seven days for free to try it out. It is the best stock analysis and research platform in the market.

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Use the code last 50. One word: last 50. No spaces to get 50 off for a lifetime. And don't forget Tom Sent you as always on your way out if you haven't yet I'd appreciate if you subscribe to the channel really means a lot to me.

I'll see you in the next video and let you know. Don't let them fool you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “The fed is about to bail out the stock market”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philippe Nolet says:

    that didn't age well

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph R says:

    Tom, you're awesome. That was an excellent explanation.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Sleddens says:

    Idk i bought kre at 43.00 I think its worth the gamble 147 holdings on regional banks. It's a low risk high risk coupon play. I think it will work out.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Keeney says:

    Don’t click nothing? Don’t buy nothing?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CCxWudz says:

    Hey Tom. You should go back on Fresh and Fit again once the market comes back. I really enjoyed your video with them

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Third Rock Jul says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Safety Briefer says:

    This didn't age well.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phil Gosling says:

    Tom the video and sound were not in synch. 😊

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MBG says:

    Jerome is going soft to help his friends bankers. He had no choice, Jerome is thinking at his career post-FED.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bad_Boy! says:

    I love your analysis but I go back to what the FEDs ONLY job is, which is to reduce inflation. He stated that it's not his job to care or worry about what's happening elsewhere in the broader economy. You're right, we may see stocks rise slowly, but I still think there will be a fat dip soon.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daniel Gordon says:

    Spent too much money. Pretended inflation was transitory. Too late to raise rates. Too aggressive in raising rates once they started.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesus Salinas says:

    Chicken Genius also made his video yesterday.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars d t-robinson says:

    Destroying America , idiots

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DegenerateToo says:

    They may have been shiety managed banks, but the principles who ran the bank made a lot of money!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Ko says:

    Nash Rocks! 🎉

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Morneau says:

    The only major country with debt to GDP higher than US is Japan.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D.P. Adams says:

    Not all regional banks are the same. Some are more risk averse, some have much more diversified customer base. Most will be just fine, especially the larger ones.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike ornellas says:

    Buy now? Are you fricking high?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rafael Perez Marquez says:

    Un fucking believable that they can come up with the money to bail out banks but have a problem with finding money to give a 2400 raise to seniors.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kulvinder Samra says:

    Good video

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Care says:

    If the Biden insanity continues, today’s true inflation at 27% will be at 50% shortly. Total collapse is guaranteed, which is their Communist goal.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D9 says:

    Yihaa just got UuUu at 5,30

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Care says:

    UPDATE: I CALLED IT. The Fed only raised interest 1/4 point and DJ stock market went down -530 points! Read below:

    Anything less than a 1 point interest rate increase, inflation will continue to go up.

    The real inflation rate is 27% as admitted by Congress under Pelosi & Schumer, the “reason” for their 27% pay increases.

    With Biden’s massive overspending, illegals ea costing 10k per month for all their “freebies”, bogus new 89,000 IRS armed army, destroying the USA energy and manufacturing industries and printing money flowing into the market, the house of cards is going to crash like never before.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars V K says:

    Damn, the title got me of guard 😂

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elise Krentzel says:

    OK the truth is I am a word nerd and I an author on a ghost rider, so Tom Jones smash anything don’t do anything don’t buy anything because if you say don’t smash do or buy nothing it means you should smash do or buy something😅

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mobile Disco Wirral says:

    Magic Money again

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Plotkin says:

    Another great video, thanks.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cody Christie says:

    Just wait until everyone realizes that saving the banks equals hurting the people & taxes go up to pay the bill.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stephane raynaud says:

    Isn't it that about 1/2 of the debt is either owned by the government itself or the US central bank? Isn't it that the US central bank gives back its profit to the US Treasury? So technically, the real cost of servicing debt it only on about $13Billion?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Les Erickson says:

    Are any of these failed banks have any corrupt managers and accessories, from the 2008 crash? Some or all of these managers and accessories should be facing criminal charges and perhaps treason. Some people have to go to jail or this will keep happening!!!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saylorenergy says:

    Click like. Buy crypto😂

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