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Hey everyone Me: Kevin Here in this video we're going to talk about the complete and utter failure of the multi-millionaire YouTuber Me: Kevin that's me in this video. I'm just going to have a conversation with hopefully all of you who are interested in failure. And it's really interesting how Society works because especially today, in uh, the social media world that we're in, it's very, very common when someone fails or has a failure in their career. uh for other people to, uh, kind of regularly bring that up and keep kicking you until you die.

Uh, that's actually a life though. And so what I wanted to do is think back to some of the failures of uh, my entrepreneurial career. For example, when I first became a real estate agent, it took me 11 months to close my first deal. That was very difficult because at the time I felt like I was going from uh, floundering at my uh job working at Red Robin on the expeditor line/ host line uh to uh to to not being able to do more.

and it was very frustrating because uh, even though I felt like I knew I would be a fantastic server and I wanted to be a server and I knew I could work hard as a server, The powers that be kind of kept their foot uh or or on my on my neck so to speak, right? So and I think that's a symbol of how many of us feel in a terrible economy. We work harder and we want to get ahead. We want to do more and give more. Heck, we've been giving more and we've been doing more.

but we just feel like we're not getting ahead. and it's frustrating because we feel like the universe is purposefully trying to align things in a way to say nope, you're not allowed to get ahead and then then you get frustrated sort of like oh, must be the manager must be someone in the the server staff who doesn't want me to be a server because uh, they're worried about getting more tables themselves. Oh, must be corporate. Oh, must be you know some policy or whatever and it's really common when uh, we're we're in sort of a cycle I always think of things Cycles we're in sort of a low cycle to point the finger and say that's it, they're the reason there's failure.

That was basically how I always felt uh, as uh as a child. whether it was, uh, going from uh, you know, uh, playing video games like RuneScape and wanting to be a form mod to uh, not being able to become a form mod for Jagx, but being able to be a for mod and working with a great community at this website called run HQ back then where uh I felt fortunate to be able to contribute Quest guides or uh, help form moderate and build out a community Uh, that was really enjoyable I really love that uh and uh and I'm a big fan of of always working hard but it's really interesting because sometimes the universe just makes it feel like you know what? You're not going to be a server, you are not going to be a form mod. You are not going to go down in that direction. Whatever direction that is.

it's happened many, many times. For example, uh, back in Uh 2017 is I created this construction company called Meet and Done which was really a tool for me as a real estate agent to uh build out my real estate agent business because here are some pictures I was able to go I just just Google meet Kevin Real Estate agent this is my Prius uh from back in the day see this is probably I don't know, 12 years old now or whatever. uh but anyway, it was really common back in the day to uh to have to help your clients and I'm sure it is still today, although today's real estate market is pretty tough to have to help your clients. Uh, basically renovate their home in order for them to sell it.
and so I thought Okay, well the biggest hard like. The biggest hardship I have in coordinating repairs is basically finding somebody to do the first 10% of the work. in the last 10% of the work. it's like that fill-in handy person who's going to, you know, take off the doorknob at the beginning and at the end tight like straighten all the screws for you.

Uh So here's my real estate cycle that I had uh uh on my wall. everything's a cycle. uh the no pressure agent, the trademark. you know, whatever.

uh look at this I did I did little Pizza box Flyers uh and it was really funny is I I I found that um these uh, these these challenges that I faced in throughout my entire life there was there was always this feeling of I we can solve this and then sometimes the realization that you're not meant to solve it and I thought that was something interesting I wanted to have a discussion about. so how does this relate to Business and Entrepreneurship Well here's how so as someone who always wants to improve and provide more. when we created this construction company in 2017, we did a great job providing work for ourselves in other words, rentals or renov that we were entirely coordinating, they were the highest quality, they were on budget or close to budget to where they were still extremely profitable and reasonable. Uh, and they were great jobs.

They it was a fantastic business to have. The downside was when I decided oh, I'm going to expand into doing remodels on behalf of other people where somebody else is like oh I want the crown molding to be this style and then you go install the crown molding and they're like oh uh When I said this style I didn't mean a flat piece of of contemporary molding I meant this ornate style of molding. Can you go back and redo all of that work? Because I said this with my hands and you didn't clarify and you're the boss. So therefore, you're going to pay it and it's really funny because to me I look back and go man.

every time in in sort of history or the history of Entrepreneurship I realized when when I failed at trying to solve something that I really really was passionate about solving I ended up being able to find a better path ended up in a better place. For example, when I didn't become a server, I became a real estate agent which set off the entire path of not just helping people buy and remodel homes, buy wedge deals, but teaching about people teaching people about wedge deals at uh uh at coffee shops. I would get clients because they would see me at a coffee shop almost every day teaching people about how to buy red wedge deals and build your net worth. Because what's actually funny is even though I wasn't a financial adviser, then you're allowed to give real estate advice as a real estate agent and I became a real estate broker as well.
Not that that makes any practical difference, but anyway. uh, people would say you know what. I've watched you give advice at this coffee shop every Sunday for the last 20 weeks I need to sell a house. You seem like the guy who knows what he's doing doing can I work with you And it's really interesting when when that snowball starts getting built.

How that snowball can expand over time. But that snowball started because I failed at becoming a server, becoming a server, failed because or or or or not becoming a server and failing at becoming a server working in the restaurant business. Uh, didn't work out. but I came to work there because of other failures.

For example: I didn't become a cop uh I stopped being a police explorer I moved to California and uh, uh, you know, moved in with Lauren and and Lauren's parents back uh when I was in high school when I was 16 years old and that was sort of a really scary reset for me as a 16-year-old because I was leaving my high school I was leaving the friends that I had in Florida I was leaving everything that I knew that I had in Florida from again being a police explorer. the job I had in Florida the friends I had in Florida the school I had in Florida the debate team I had in Florida I was leaving everything to reset out to California and so it's It's so interesting because I think of. you know, having left Florida is kind of like a Ah. Did I fail Florida but California ended up being so much better.

and then did I fail in the video game world? But then that got me into working at Jamba Juice Which did I fail at getting a green hat at Jamba Juice That was always the thing. If you had the orange hat, you were sort of. you know the shift worker and then you the green hat? you're the shift manager. Uh which.

I never became the shift manager which led me to go to Red Robin Which that failure of not becoming a server led me to become a real estate agent. Which the failures within being a real estate agent of like I can solve that and then o nope, that's not meant to be solved led me to go to YouTube Which what's interesting about YouTube is YouTube and social media are really just a public example of your own failures, right? Uh, the the internet doesn't forget as people say, uh and it's really popular to kick on people. For example, here's somebody that I thought was my friend. uh Tom Nash Who says quote this man says quote fire Elon Well this is something that a is not true I think that uh Elon should remain at Tesla Absolutely I Think you need somebody? Remember how even when Steve Jobs was at Apple and a lot of people don't like apple, they're like oh Apple's woke and this St whatever it's like boy C Apple Fine, what? whatever.
But the point is, even when you had kind of like the the Loose Canon Steve Jobs you had that cooling force of like that behind the SE scenes was the engineer or Tim Cook to kind of like do the Pr stuff. like all I'm saying is you need somebody in conjunction with Elon to do that like I think Elon's trying to do all of it. He is a brilliant person we need Elon like I think that's what people forget right? like I love Elon I think Elon's an inspiration I and no Elon should not be fired. That's not what said when he said he sto doing the the the business uh PR role because he's not the best at the PR department I think we could do better? uh and I think many I think any of us would agree as long-term shareholders or not I think we can agree Yeah, they could do a little better with PR Okay, they they got Twitter unlock but we've got more people to sell cars to than just Twitter Okay, so but anyway.

so but this is normal, right? This is like you know. For example, let's let's talk about it. The the whole uh FTX disaster like that is obviously a failure within my YouTube career. I Warned about stable coins.

Uh, as far back as 2011 and I was completely blind to the risks that a crypt brokerage or many crypto brokerages could go bankrupt. Uh I invested in companies like Blockfi Uh Robin Hood I lost a lot of money on those Investments I put my money where my mouth was and I thought I was protected by staying away from stable coins. but I didn't realize when stable coins collapsed which I got a lot of hate for saying stable coins would collapse and that was another failure is that was a PR failure of mine this PR failure of mine is like hey, I I think stable coins are dangerous. We should be careful.

Everybody gets mad unsub dislike I hate you. you're a shill for the suits or whatever I'm like okay and uh, and then you know teral Luna collapses but it takes down all the brokerages too and I'm like, well I I thought I saw this coming with the stable coins I definitely did not see that coming with the brokerages is all going down. uh, you know Robin Hood losing a lot of value or uh, you know FTX is brutal collapse Celsius whatever. Uh, and and you know you could do whatever you want to try to mitigate that, but that doesn't stop people on the internet from be.

Well, you're the loser who made you know $120,000 uh, sponsor being sponsored by FTX and it's like, well, damn I wish I never got paid that obviously in hindsight because everybody was defrauded who was involved in it and so you know you're still always going to get people like you're are scammed like um well I guess I'm a mega scam because I've had a lot of failures I You know I'm a scam because I didn't become a server I was a scam when I was a video game player I was a scam as a police explorer I was a scam when uh, you know I finished my jobs as a licensed contractor for real estate clients and I'm like I ain't doing that anymore. We're shutting that business down. We're just going to go back to just doing real estate sales because we're doing that really well. that's making a lot of money and that's a money losing business.
So let's shut that down. that meet and D business which I really liked, uh, meet and D You know I've just realized being a contractor for somebody else. the best way to do that, in case you're ever interested in my opinion, is you have to charge really high premiums and then you could be a briefcase contractor where you just like coordinate other people and subcontract other people. But if you're going to have your guys do the whole job, you better charge a freaking premium as well like it is.

It is so hard because all of those mistakes you have to be able to absorb those like hey man, you know like I'll give you another example we had um Hardwood flooring downstairs in a property, carpet on the stairs and carpet upstairs. And so we bid. replace flooring. Uh, carpet will be 8B pad this grade this color and we be installed by this date.

like I had that all scripted out right and then I'm like floor will be exactly this box will have exactly this type of baseboard. This is the one you want, right? Everything scripted out, you know. and I'm like no mistakes here. It's literally exactly scripted out on the floor.

It's exactly scripted out what we're going to do with with the carpet. So we install everything and the client's like what is this and I'm like well it's like exactly what we put in the paperwork. He's like I wanted hardwood floor on the stairs and I'm like no bro, there was carpet on the stairs and we put carpet on the stairs. It's all right here and there was hardw downstairs and we did that well.

I wanted to upgrade and and and do flooring on the stairs I'm like bro that's like the most expensive part. man don't do that to me. He's like I want hardwood on the floor I'm like f It's like all right, here's your hardwood on the floor and I'm like I'm done with this. It's very difficult now.

Some of that obviously is like you can. You could try to blame everybody else, but that's just you have to point the finger at yourself. I Failed to realize what a lot of other people failed as well with FTX but that's still my failure I failed at becoming a server For some reason, maybe my customer service wasn't as good as it should have been I Failed failed at being a Jagex moderator. Maybe because my posts weren't good enough.
Maybe I failed at doing Contracting for other people because I was trying to do Contracting for other people at the same time as running the real estate business which took a lot of work and I was out of balance and so I ended up not being able to do the right job and think those things through. That's a risk. uh I think the same thing is true here. like this is obviously you know what? whatever I could point the finger and go, oh, you're a scumbag I thought you were my friend.

whatever or it's my failure to properly communicate. Uh, my thesis which is that look I I think I think Elon would actually benefit in his mission of sustainability by revising some of the things that he does just a little bit little bit of PR tweaks. that's all I'm saying uh, you know, and uh and my my vision is simply that uh and the same thing here with YouTube right? you could be like oh well, you know Kevin you know, uh, you, you are hiding all your videos and I'm like oh my gosh no like. Obviously now that in hindsight, I look and like, well that was a failure and a Communications failure.

Uh my thinking was oh, we're going to get to go through my old videos and we're going to be able to react to them and kind of like bring life to them again cuz I was going through the YouTube analytics Studio you know when when they're all there and I'm like bro, these videos aren't getting views like those old videos, they you know they get views and then they go to zero and I'm like what's the point like let's just breathe life back into the ones that that are worthy of having life breathed back into them because nobody's watching the other ones anyway. uh now it's sort of like well I guess I Didn't manage the expectation that people would be like well, but what if I wanted to go look at it at least it's there. It's like a uh so uh, where do you go from here? Okay, well let's talk about that. So uh, where you go from here is really interesting.

Uh, there are two things you can do as an entrepreneur: when when something doesn't work out. When when either you just failed or you are failing or you made a mistake or you improperly communicated something or or whatever I think the first thing we all have to do and this is the hardest part is you have to look Inward and you have to be able to say yeah I it it's my fault. It's what it is I have to take responsibility for everything you know I have to take responsibility for you know sometimes uh uh or or at least once having missed a stap say I have to take responsibility for uh for uh FTX I have to take responsibility for that contractor base I have to take responsibility for the surf all all of the things that I've done I have to take responsibility for the failures. uh but I also get to take responsibility for the successes if I take responsibility for the failures and I think at a bare minimum many of us we can look and we could say just the fact.
the mere fact that we're sitting here watching this video is already a win and some people are going to say well, you won the ovarian Lottery you were worn in a born in a first world country. you know, or you you had this advantage or this advantage or whatever. oh you're privileged or that or or whatever. Okay, well, some things are what they are and we're going to take the cards we're dealt with and we're going to go well.

I could do the best I can with this or you could give up so there's sort of like the two directions that you could go you can give up which is very, very common. It is extremely common to just get give up. The thing is, it's easier to give up. It's way easier to say f it I give up because that is the least painful.

You can accept that. Okay, well maybe it's not meant to be and you give up and it stops the pain of failure because what really hurts is when you're trying and you're not growing. Instead, you're failing and uh, it's easier then to just stop trying. and then I mean you fail with certainty then but you stop trying and and then you just try to do something different.

I've always thought of uh, life as sort of like being in like a jungle and you have like your little uh wood Hut amongst the trees and you kind of got to like go on your little quests and by going on your quest you're kind of grabbing onto the like the monkey Vine and then going to go over here. Oh okay, that was a failure this time. I'm going to go that way and that way and then you kind of have to go back to your little house. so it's sort of like you're constantly going on these like roams in life.

It's like all right, I'm coming back to the house. Did I get loot? or did I get my ass beat? Uh so uh, hopefully you come back with loot. Uh, you know. and and that's the goal is you.

You come back uh with some victory Now practically. What does this mean? Well practically what this means is uh I I need to really double down on uh what? I think uh, folks want? uh and what I want? which is to in in sort of an order of priority uh number one. Make sure that we we stick to this schedule that we have which uh in the description down below. there's a Meet Kevin Live Podcast or a channel That's where I will be live every day.

The market is open at 5:25 a.m. whether you want to watch or not, I will be there Market Open Live Stream It's a different channel so make sure you go there. Hit the notification Bell so you get notified for it if you want to watch the podcast with me. Mikey McKay Me Kevin Mikey McKay The 3M you know, subscribe to the podcast Channel down below if you want to watch me talk about politics I've done some really great videos already on politics, we give Politics down down below.

I'm also going to be posting videos to the House Haack channel so you can stay up to date with what's going on with House Hack. You want to watch those videos, subscribe to that channel down below and if you want to see sort of broader deeper update videos uh that are edited in post rather than live uh, you can subscribe here. So uh, priority Number one, uh is Uh is is always continuing to provide that base level of value that I do here. So whether uh, you think I'm a scam or you hate me, I'm just going to keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep trying because uh, that's always uh, what has worked for me I've always been able to just wake up.
Fortunately KN come would that we keep being able to do that. Thank you thank you to the GS uh and and and then say you know what, this is a hard time. This feels like crap. you know I lost a deal in real estate as a buyer or as an agent I didn't get the listing or whatever I Guess that just means I have to wake up and work harder today.

I Guess that just means I have to work twice as hard because that person got the deal. but you know what? Maybe my pitch was bad. Maybe maybe I said something to piss him off I've done that before too. like I'll I've gone to listenting present before.

uh just as an example where I'll have like three people and it's like a trust. It's like an estate and there's three people and there's like this one lady who's got this stare and she's like this and then they're like the three dudes and and they're all like all right man, tell us what we should do Okay yeah yeah. that flooring okay. great.

that paint color okay, got it and you know, like and we're like so uh, you know I don't know we're relating over video games because they had a video game game chair with one of them and the other one's like oh I like paintball and I'm like I was just paintball and you go to this field and that and I'm relating really well with these three guys. and at the end of the Ling presentation, all three of these guys are like bro, we need to go out for beer sometime or whatever and these are people who were like 20 years older than me and they're like this is so great, thank you so much! You're such a great agent, we can't wait to work with you. and I'm like man I got that deal in the bag I got that deal in the bag and then like a week later it's listed with some other agent and I'm like what the hell and then and then the first thing that goes through your mind is like they just milked me for information. They just wanted to know what Thor's in or the paint colors.

Screw them man, they suck and then I I realized I'm like oh Kevin you idiot the lady who was there staring at me. she was probably the decision maker and I related with the guys but not her once. She probably felt this guy thinks I'm invisible. He must be a misogynous douchebag only relating to the dudes.

Well, I'm the executive I make the decision, so screw him right? So like. That's another example where it's like uh, oops, didn't see that one coming. Uh now then then you know part of me's like but but but but but she was The Quiet One You know I was responding to all the dude's questions like still my failure didn't realize so you know these uh you? the these are these are the sort of perspectives. uh in things where you know people are like oh, you just sell courses, courses are scam.
It's like, well, I don't think so because they tell they obviously provide perspective that other people generally wouldn't get. We have our Black Friday going at me, Kevin.com you you already know about that. But so here here are the priorities. Uh, we're going to have our schedule for YouTube which uh again, there's a live uh podcast and the politics and those are recorded.

You could go watch them right now and get a sample of them. Uh, then uh. the the biggest biggest priority that's taking the vast majority of my time right now is House Hack and so, uh, just as an example, yesterday I flew I took off at Um 11:05 and uh, look, look at I I'll tell you my schedule yesterday just so you could see it. So yesterday, my schedule I put it all in the calendar.

Stock Market Open Live 5:25 Course member live at 6:45 uh meet Kevin Podcast We filmed that starting at 7:55 meet Kevin Politics Live was at 9:00 I filmed my Tesla video at 10:00 a.m. which I thought was very good but whatever people are mad about I Had my flight at 11:05 as soon as I hit the tarmac I had a yahooo finance interview then I had to drive 30 minutes to meet a real estate agent. checked out five different properties, flew to a another destination which was really nice because it was like an like a 12-minute flight which I know that sounds ridiculous like oh my God you're taking a 12-minute flight but it was like here's how it went down: okay property hits the market at 3:30 p.m. I'm supposed to take off at 45ish uh out of one city and I'm like Pilots this deal just hit the market.

It's a 2 and 1 half hour drive if I drive there right now. can we pit stop over there and I could get the free C crew car which is awesome cuz they give you like a free car. that's generally for the pilots but it was like yo I I literally just need to go from here to there. Round trip 10 minutes at this property and round trip I'll be back really fast less than an hour.

Can I take the crew car? they're like Sure Thing Man Here's the key: Take the crew car you know. 12-minute flight. Take the crew car. go look at the property.

Come back. Boom! write an offer, then fly back home and so it's like, okay, all right, all right, that's that's a busy day because now you know I'm at this property at 5:30 uh after I just hit the market 2 hours ago before the openhouse weekend craze, then I'm uh uh, you know, over at um, uh, what's it called? uh uh, flying home to uh uh to bring one of our well not only get me home, but we also doubled up and brought one of our uh Contracting team members home uh from the jobs that they were working on the area and now I'm filming this video here and and uh, in 90 minutes, I'm going to be on a plane going to the next destination. So House Hack is a really big deal. Uh, House Hack is uh A, You know the the core of what's going on right now and there's there's a lot of work to do.
Uh so I'm really excited about it. Uh, the it's it's something I know how to do very well and we've been doing a fantastic job. Uh, so far with House Hack. uh I'm actually really impressed with how well knock on wood it's getting started.

Uh so I'm very excited about that. uh, a lot of people they wonder. You know, hey, how hard is it to run an actively manage ETF and all the other stuff uh that you've got going on with with you know, regulation world and stuff like that. uh, it actually doesn't take as much time as you think, uh, it's it's actually been really, uh, fantastic.

uh you know we we are in a place right now where I I think we're in really good graces and I hope it stays that way. knock on wood uh I think we're uh, we're in great Gra with with the companies we work with with uh uh, Finra which is a regulator with the SEC uh these are these are you know they're they're the cops, they're the cops on the street and I feel like the relationship we have right now is you know we walk down the stream we like oh hey Finn R oh hey SEC and they're like oh hey me Kevin keep up that disclosure and it's like you got it, you know? So um, uh I I feel really happy about that but you know it's it's interesting because yeah, like pain in business and the business cycle you know comes in sort of waves and it's like you know right now I'd say there's probably pain in YouTube but it's offset by really, really great success with uh, not only house hack but uh, the you know, the broker dealer world but also these twins. You want to see the twin. One of the twins, let me see I I I think at 8:30 is feeding time, it's 8:28 I'll be right back.

This is glar hello. Claire this is Claire Claire Isn't it a little bright out there? I'm sorry, it's so bright out there. Oh, that's a prescription. You see this prescription right here.

It says Tesla by the dip. Yeah, you got the hicups, don't you? Oh oh so. anyway. I think that's uh, uh yeah.

I Guess uh. there are ups and downs in life. Uh, everybody goes through them. Um, well.

there are definitely some Downs right now on. YouTube I Have to say I'm so fortunate to be able to have uh, two little beautiful twin girls right here. Uh, just a few weeks old born on October 26th. So what is that? Three three and a halfish weeks old now coming up on four weeks now? In Fairness, they were a little prey.

They were born in 35 weeks, aren't you? So you're technically only about 38 weeks old. You're technically only supposed to be coming out right now. You were a little early, weren't you? Yeah, Oh, it's so bright. I know I'm going to get you out of here.
Okay, it's too bright in here. It's probably too bright and cold. Huh? bright. and Cold Anyway, Uh yeah, hey, you know what ups and downs in life uh what? I found though, is every time things felt really, really dark and like the end was near.

Uh, it was just leading up to the next. Beautiful Beginning Isn't that right? You want to make thumbnail faces with me? Okay Claire we are already teaching her how to make really good thumbnail faces. Uh, go ahead and with those eyes. Yeah good good thumbnail faces.

Yeah, hey, how you doing. This is your week time isn't it? For a little bit for your breakfast feed, y'all sleep like 20 hours a day? Yeah, y'all sleep like four. Kevin sleeps per day? All right. Why don't you say goodbye there? The head moved a little bit.

anyway. Thanks so much. Uh, for your support. Watch me where you want the content that you want.

uh you? uh. In Fairness might not be recommended. Uh, the channel a lot because there's so much like confusion and stuff right now. So I think the algorithm you know might not be pushing it as much until we sort of rebuild and get it all set up again.

But uh, I'm confident that eventually we will get that fixed. So uh, you might just have to search for me. Kevin and uh, along with that means you'll get to scroll past all the uh, all the people who want to make sure to remind you of all my failures. Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “The failure of meet kevin millionaire to zero – youtube bankrupt.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Boo boo, Claire look's exactly like you boo boo, facial espression , and all. Ella might look like Lauren, but Claire look's exactly like me boo boo, all kidding aside boo boo, That is your Daughter me love❤😉😋😎😍😘🙂🤗😇

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prodigy Jar says:

    Wow that was incredibly long winded. Lost me a few mins in and I have no idea what his actual point is.

    He drones on for so long and meanders, taking 30 mins to make a really simple point. It’s just too much work. Like combing through sand on a massive beach while looking for a bottle cap.

    Just get to the point man. What even failed?

    Are you bankrupt as your ultra click bait title states?

    Overly long, click bait trash is what pushed me away and will keep my away

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marco flores says:

    Your the man Kevin keep doing you bro. I always watch your vids but forget to hit like 👍 lmao

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miss Mary says:

    I really feel like you are being extremely hard on yourself Kev. Yes, you have had a few screw ups and probably let some people down. But ultimately you have been very successful. I love your content and I may not catch every video, but I watch a lot of them. Keep being you and true to yourself. That's really the winning ticket! Much love from Michigan❤ – Mary

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gliver says:

    i hated working at jamba juice, 7.25 a hr and all equipement was for right handed people 😢😢, quit after two days.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cornhusker94 says:

    Dude, where are all your videos??

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cornhusker94 says:

    Shout out to OSRS

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colin DeWaay says:

    The feeling of failure has always been so ironic to me. It’s what I see in my career from clients the most for quitting their fitness goals. They’re struggle and feel like they’re failing which doesn’t feel good. So they quit because that makes that feeling go away. But now you’ve done the very thing that IS failing, cause you aren’t failing if you’re still trying. This goes for anything in life. Great message man

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Obiora Okechuku says:

    dont let them get you down. Ive personally bought your courses, and its given me a lot. If only the confidence to go and buy my first house which i more than 10x'd on the purchase of the course. Im glad you're still here. Congrats on your little baby twins! Such a blessing. Wish Lauren my best.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allergic2broke says:

    Nobody cares really sorry

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Reed says:

    Love this video. Thanks for sharing Kevin

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlochSphere says:

    Gotta resurrect the YT revenue to pay off the $200K/mo private jet expenses.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Somesayimadreamer says:

    Awwww female mom viewer here. I’m prob in the minority. But you loving your baby Claire may be my favorite part of any video you’ve ever done! So sweet!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brock Wooten says:

    Hey Kevin, I just want to give you my testimonial of watching your channel sense 2018 and seeing your gross… I started watching you when I was 17 years old and over the course of the past five years I have three asked my stock portfolio, created a amazing opportunity in sales, and built my net worth far exceeding my imagination at this point in my life. And anytime somebody asks me how I got my knowledge or my financial education I refer them to your channel! So keep up the good work and I’m here for the long run!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laurie Miller says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven B says:

    Kevin, you’re the man! Keep up the great work!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Ackerman says:

    Love when you show the kids

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Live N The Moment says:

    Wow, I remember you talking about having a child. They came out early because they couldn't wait to Meet u Kev. Congratulations!!!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Live N The Moment says:

    Too much of anything is not good. But you're a smart guy with a lot of credentials. Stay positive

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marduk says:

    Kevin great video! Just a random question. Where did you get the sweater from? lool

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LostConciousness says:

    the problem is in capitalism we encourage the "I" in "team". When we think of Tesla's success we think of "Elon" and not the talented staff all the way up from janitors who make that dream possible. They often mean little in the grand scheme of the company and the company often treats them exactly in this manner. I built the systems in my company hoping for a promotion and raise.
    They had me training out and then they fired me the day after training was completed. This is the reality for many. It encourages "winner take all" instead of a "one for all and all for one". The problem when people attack you, they are predisposed to these experiences about the boss man, even if it's not justified. People outright see a wealthy person and assume he did shady things to get there.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chloe Lee says:

    Hi Claire! Nice to meet you😇

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Think Pod says:

    Hey why is Kevin constantly changing his hair lol. We all know it’s about being the better loser

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prajwol bhandwri says:

    suggestion – show ur portfolio .. what’s the point of talking about stocks that you might not own..show all your stock pick failures ..and successful picks

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sara Mimi says:

    Congratulations on your babies ❤ thank you for the encouragement I really needed.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ricky ricardo says:

    Simplify. Stay focused.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meet Kevin says:

    Add it to my list of failures
    ✅Failed server
    ✅Failed Youtuber
    ✅Failed RuneScape mod
    ✅Failed Police Explorer
    ✅Failed contractor
    ✅Failed Real Estate Agent
    ✅Failed Lender
    ✅Failed at crypto
    ✅Failed at everything

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