The Crazy, Inspiring Real Estate Journey of a $2.5B Broker | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
This episode of the podcast is 25 years in the making. That’s how long I’ve known Keven Stirdivant – since he was a cocky 16-year-old kid asking for a job. Keven’s real estate journey is a crazy one, full of ups and downs, but what you’ll gain from hearing it is a crazy level of inspiration as you learn how a shift in mindset brought him across the multi-billion dollar line.

You’ll hear his inspiring story of losing everything when his father went to prison, being backed into a corner when he had his first child, working his way up in my company, and starting KASE Real Estate. Keven’s real estate journey is a testament to the fact that you are not a product of your environment; you’re a product of your goals and mindset.

If you’ve just begun your own real estate journey – or even if you’re just lost in life and considering the possibility of real estate – this is an episode you need to watch.
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For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated to changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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So you know I remember watching you in the early days because you were so good. you were 16 and you were so good on the phone it was insane. but I knew you could slip real quick 100 and you know they they say uh, we we we don't get what we want, we get who we are. Yes and so although I did want some of these things in the car and the money and all these things I who I was in my core, there was a deep feeling of worthlessness and I did so much self-sabotaging even though I was put in these positions.

so much self-sabotaging I feel like I didn't stop the self sabotage for until I was probably 33. 3. Hey welcome back to the show! I'm gonna unpack with you today. An extraordinary individual to understand how he did say a billion dollars in the first 10 years of his business and more importantly how they did a billion dollars plus in the last four.

But there's a deeper backstory and a message and a meaning you need to hear. Kevin Thank you for joining me, my brother. Thank you for having me. Yes! All right.

so this is 25 years in the making Man I've known you since you were 16 years old. That's insane Kevin Someone's listening right now and you know literally I See it every day and I know you do as well, right? It doesn't matter what country I'm in, it doesn't matter who I'm dming it doesn't matter the one-on-ones in the hallways of events someone will walk up and say man, I just feel like I've just been so beaten up right? I'm tired this market right and I am reminded of how I was raised I know you have a story and I think before we get into the 265 million dollars in sales last year in this big you know beautiful team you built I Think it'd be cool for you just to share the early stage of your life and then let's get into all the rock and roll and stuff. but you I just am convinced you couldn't be here if it wasn't for all that 100 and I think that that is the the most important thing to do is to really learn how to dance through that energy and understand that it's through the struggle that we're developing strength. I Think the LIE is that it's all supposed to be fun and games and sunshine and I've learned that it's the battles that I've gone through.

It's that. You know they say Battle Scars are attractive so you know the the fire is where you get refined and I'm grateful for that fire. You know I grew up. Um, not a rags to riches story.

It was like a riches to rags and the journey back to the riches. Um I didn't know what my dad did Growing Up we lived did I was born in Oakland 1982 moved to East Los Angeles like Boyle Heights was the upgrade from where I lived on. Fruitvale Yeah so um, you know and my dad was. they moved first of all to Oakland so that my dad could kind of get away of some of the trouble they were getting into like my mom and dad were.

I Like to think of them both as like injured lovebirds you know, trying to trying to trying to strengthen themselves together. but the streets continued to call my dad and growing up it was like a fast life. We were always on vacation I was going to private schools nice cars and it was a really fast life and when I was around five or six years old I remember my mom coming into the room and telling me like hey, look your dad's gonna be going away for a little bit like dude didn't even say goodbye like what happened he's gonna go to school and so the next time you see him it's going to be behind a glass because he's going to become a fireman. So for safety and all the smoke that he's around, we're going to be talking to your dad through a glass.
Yeah, I'm pretty witty. It's a good yeah yeah yeah. So I spent my sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth birthdays uh, visiting my dad in different federal penitentiaries and I wouldn't change that for the world because he would write me letters and when I would go and visit him, you know it was an interesting energy. you're going through security my dad I knew he was in prison I'm like wow but when I would talk to him he'd say hey, don't think that I'm dying in here I'm learning I'm getting healthier.

He looked good. he's getting closer to God So at a very early age I had a beautiful example that it doesn't matter where you're at, you are not a product of your environment, you're a product of your goals and your mindset. My dad was sending me Tony Robbins books from prison and so um, we went from having this great life and it was still a great life but we went immediately on welfare you know? and I remember being in in elementary school and man this one moment I can remember a friend in school was behind us in line and it was a girl that I had a crush on and my mom was about to pay with food stamps and um, she pulled out her checkbook instead and I knew that if she wrote that check that check was not going to go through and I told her that it was okay you know and those are some of the painful things that I would go through that again If you're going through something difficult when you're going through hell as the saying goes, keep going because that's how you learn. That's where my fire comes from.

So every day that I wake up now I already know like this is the day to break through. And so fortunately in the early 90s my mom went to a seminar and she found you guys. Yeah right we had never had this exposure. we were from the streets so by finding this environment and she you were at her her interview.

listen this is like 1993 right? like I remember walking by uh then sales manager my brother-in-law Steve Belmont and he's like I'm interviewing this gal you should meet her he goes I just I I just feel bad for her he goes but she's got like this Spirit about her, this energy about her that's really attractive and I think you know we've hired crazier people. let's go I remember walking in and like giving her a hug and she just had all this life and energy but like but I knew like I could see she was crying in the interview like I want this job well what you may not know is around that same time me, my brother, my sister gets sent to Ohio because my dad gets out of prison. Yeah so now my mom's all alone Yeah and now my mom has this opportunity that when we get back life is going to be different. So when we left we left on welfare we go to Ohio we come back my mom bought a home in Newport Beach she uh was dating this amazing person.
she had her dream car which was a sob and I I remember I'm like culture shocked but I'm like great What happened great My mom become became a drug dealer too I was just thinking the same thing and she shows me her vision board. She shows me what she's been doing while she's been gone and she's like I got this job at this place and she's selling seminars I'm like what? yeah and so fast forward I thought that was great I was happy for her. how old were you then I was 16. okay so this is right about the time we met yes and I thought it was cool I was happy for her but I'm a skater I'm into hip-hop I'm doing my thing I'm kind of on the same trajectory as my dad.

yeah and about a year and a half after being home in my junior year of high school. I get the news that I'm going to be a father and I had been my mom's role play partner for about a year and a half as she was cold calling real estate agents. So I went to the sales manager Steve at your brother-in-law and I said look dude uh I Remember You Walked In you were just like this. like young, cocky, energetic and like I see I I see in you me when I was 16.

just I had a mohawk and you were a skater but you know like same thing but like you had so much energy. how would the like you had so much bravado? Where did that come from? Was that all just BS that came from my dad and that came from my influences at that time which was uh Jay-Z uh Nas like I grew up in in hip-hop culture which hip-hop is about. affirmations. Yes, you know, and especially in my area of the early 90s when you listen to the old old school hip-hop it was about speaking things into existence.

Yes, so I knew I was meant for something I just didn't have the right structure. Yeah I was going down a path. Yeah I was like the worst. the worst drug dealer there was because you know there's a there's a there's a rule of never get high off your own Supply I in high school had like a break even method because I was buying it and so my method was more like hey look if I'm at least selling it and I'm breaking even then that's okay and so I was not on a very good trajectory.

No yeah, but I had game. You know you had tremendous game and but we don't You know you know back then you got exposed to people like Bill Mitchell right? and Bill you know God Bless him one of my greatest mentors. You know he would always draw this line and he'd say Tom there's a really thin line, you walk it every single day and it's the eye of integrity and he's man. you said you, you go just a little bit to the right or a little bit to the left you're out of Integrity he just said yeah, it may not hurt you in the moment he said but if you stay on that path, how fast you slip away from you know your higher self, your true self, the self that you want to be.
So you know I remember watching you in the early days because you were so good. you were 16 and you were so good on the phone it was insane. But I knew you could slip real quick 100 and you know they they say uh, we, we don't get what we want, we get who we are. yes and so although I did want some of these things in the car and the money and all these things I who I was in my core, there was a deep feeling of worthlessness and I did so much self-sabotaging even though I was put in these positions, so much self-sabotaging I feel like I didn't stop the self-sabotage for until I was probably 33.

there was so much digging that I had to understand and so much getting in my own way. but um, those that college. So I went to the sales manager and I probably told them I'll work for free give me a couple weeks and I got the job. Um I got the job at the very bottom of course selling cassette tapes I got to sell the cassette tapes and it was like a 50 rip per deal.

and then I got up to selling business planning, coaching and then the next level of coaching and that changed my life. That was the greatest College I possibly could have had and just In fairness you earned all of that. You earned it because you did follow like okay tell me what I have to do and I'm gonna fall verbatim yeah and and what? I always respected about you even early on it was very obvious and same thing with your mom like like you know, we all have these scars right? scars from Life Experiences scars from you know you know mistakes that we made or you know things, things that we maybe should have gone right and we went left. but I I just kept seeing in your heart of hearts that that's what was always impressive to me.

I'm like man, if this kid can just yeah, if he could just grow up and like not hurt anybody or hurt himself along the way, he's gonna become someone really special. Yeah, you know what I mean Well it means a lot that you spoke that into me because even my own father. You know when I found out I was having a kid, obviously he's the first person that I called and I'll never forget his very first words. I'm like Dad you're not gonna believe what happened I'm super freaked out.

What do I do? What's going on I got this girl pregnant Yeah, his exact words were do you have any idea how you are because that was his relationship to father right? Exactly right? Exactly. My mentor at the time was like look man, this is the opportunity for and that was is an incred. The second person I called was one of my mom's top clients and he lived in Seattle he would buy his cars in Newport Beach and at Fletcher Jones because Fletcher Jones would get him first and he would leave him at our house and of course I took those cars out and um then he would ship them up to Seattle and that was thatch. Shout out that shout out to Thatcher I was 17 years old and he was the one who's like look, this is your shot.
This is your opportunity to be the dad that you never had and I got the job I started working my way up and um, you know the way you spoke into me has a lot to do with how I am with my team. How I am with my kids because there was one defining moment and I brought it for you. Where that defining moment from the time I was born until I was probably 20 years old was a moment where I was like damn because I had never been put on a pedestal. So I brought it for you.

Okay so I have my old school I don't know but I'm I'm ready. Okay, hold on no, hold on. hold on. let me tell you what's great about this guy he comes to.

He's like 17 or 18 years old 17. the first time in the office 16 first time in the office. Now his mother Corrine is the number two salesperson of the company and she brings the same man. Oh hold on, hold on my first year I made 67 500 right? First year in sales, average commission like 30 bucks.

His goal is 67 501. but nobody's here was exciting about this. He's been exposed to stuff at age 16 17, 18 year 19, now 18, now 18 driving a great little brand new Audi right thinking about you know, like a dressing sharp talking to people on the phone. Most people you know that you get sold by Kevin and then you talk to him face to face and you go.

He knows he's like people can go. Oh my goodness, my son just closed me. Here's an exciting thought. What's possible for him in the next five years? That was a bit a defining moment.

Superstars I Remember I remember I'm sorry Kevin Gillette yeah God Bless Kevin Gillette We're gonna be forever kg So so why what about that moment? Well because you know when you when when somebody sees something in you that you didn't see. right? That's that's the ultimate definition of a coach. Yeah, right. That is the ability to see a future bigger than an individual can even see for themselves.

That is the ultimate secret weapon of a coach. Everybody's on their own trajectory though, because I did not truly get into my rhythm until I was probably 33 years old and it was just a battle. I mean no matter what, it was a battle right? I would make you know that was when I was 18. By the time I was 21 working there, I was making twenty thousand dollars a month.

That's insane and I was spending 21 000 a month. which is also insane. Yeah and so I went through a lot of ups and downs. Yeah, until you know I got into real estate 2003 2004 I did Okay, um, but I wasn't really being myself and so then I left the business in 2007.
I didn't like that I I felt really inauthentic and I never wanted to come back. So I got into personal development and trying to be like a life coach guy. Um, and that felt fake. You know there was so much of this.

like you know, you know how that that saying goes. You were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within you like I knew I had this ability. but there was just these these battles and this inner story that was so loud it was just a roller coaster. Yeah and then the defining moment was really in 2011.

um my best friend in the world passes away and I go down a very very very dark Rabbit Hole you know that year I probably sold five homes average sales price 500 000. I'm broke as a joke and then January 2012 my dad passed away and my dark depression went and turned into anger and a fire um mixed with my relationship was on the rocks with my wife, my daughter I had a daughter who was three months old at the time and um, my wife and I split up. My drinking was getting out of hand and next thing you know I'm living in an apartment right around the corner from here and I'm by myself and for the first time in my life it was like this is on you dude I'm spending so much time blaming and having a pity party and it was simple like what do you want to do and so once again what do I do I go to my coach um and I told thatch I was like dude I'm leaving this business I need your help um I have a big Vision I know I meant to do something I feel like I I should create this kind of personal development thing and he said what makes you think that's not real estate I was separating the two. Yeah, so case when I began to think of the vision was a place that was going to mix all of my passions which was personal development, life coaching, skateboarding, hip-hop architecture um and something that I could have that was my own yes, um, something that was authentically you yeah that you didn't have to fake that every day you just woke up and just you could be Kev Totally because the first 10 years I spent in real estate I was really having a split personality disorder I was being the guys that I saw in the panel suit and tie.

Every word that came out of my mouth was a script and then at five six o'clock after I'm done calling fizzbos and expireds beanies on I'm being myself yeah and I thought that's what you had to do Yeah and so long story short, literally it's like January 2012 I write out the dream vision and what Thatch asked me the question and he said if you could have it anyway, what does it look like and I'd never thought about real estate like that subconsciously I was just in it to survive so we get what we focus on. I'm just surviving right you know I never had a year that was bigger than like maybe a buck 80 200 which is in Southern California still Survival Mode Come up with the vision I make a five-year plan to earn a million dollars and build my dream company. and then the five basic things that I'm going to commit to every single day. 2012 it shifts.
What were the five things? Uh, five things will show up at eight which is unheard of till this day. Yeah, like nobody's at real estate office at eight o'clock Number two was make 20 contacts a day on the phone. yeah Circle dialing Fsbos expires. whatever.

Number three I was gonna start doing something I'd never done before which was knocking doors I was very comfortable over the phone. felt like throwing up at the doors. Yeah, 50 doors a day, 250 a week, thousand dollars a month. and uh, number four was 10 lfu and SOI contacts a day and number five was two.

Lfu is lead follow-up yes and number two is uh, two seller visits a day. So there's all these people who have their hand up. Fizbo divorce, default, whatever it may be. I'm gonna go to two of those a day and I'm gonna stick to this.

Yes and 2012 was like. fortunately, my wife waited for me and I we got married that year and um earned about 275 which was the most I'd ever earned before. Oh right. like close to double.

Yep, Um 2013 I Just was like can I do this again 2012 I Felt like I just had some angels watching over me I just lost my best friend and my dad I Got lucky. Can I do this again? 310. isn't it amazing how that self-doubt creeps? Yeah, even though you did all the work, you know like you were like no, you were like whatever people Grindel hustle, you know you followed your plan, You executed on the plan, you doubled and yet we still have self-doubt. There was one little thing as well that's in that and I had never really branded myself.

So my friends thought I worked at my best friend's clothing company LRG they actually thought I was a life coach and I didn't sell real estate to my sphere of influence which was one of my goals. Yeah! So in 2012 this thing came out and I'm like this is going to be my thing. This is how I'm gonna tell the world that I'm in real estate. Yeah and that was Instagram Yeah and I think March February March I do a deal with the epitome of the individual that I had written down because in that January 2012 I was like I'm gonna sell homes to Skaters mid-century Modern contemporary homes I'm gonna work my sphere I'm gonna do deals with the young and successful in the in my whole career.

I had only sold one home above a million dollars and that was three years prior, right? So this was a very big deal in Q1 2012 I said I'm going to sell a home above 2 million bucks. That's cool. contemporary, mid-century modern. Probably a month after I Write the vision this guy calls me who I sold a home to in 2004 for 700 FHA financing Pro Skater and he's like Kev you still in real estate I'm like yeah dude, what's up at a good year? Last year he owned a clothing company I think I could buy a home I'm like please say two, please say two he's like around 1.5 I'm like I'll take it I haven't done a million dollar home right three years.
um we start home shopping in about a week into it he's like hey dude I just talked to my accountant and I'm like he's gonna tell me we got to go down to 900. He's like I could go to 2.5 I sell my first home above it was a 2.5 million dollar sale in Studio City Mid-century modern contemporary like it was. it was division. everything you said.

He had 10 000 followers on Instagram at that time which in 2012 was huge post the photo Thanks at Kevion Yeah game over and all of a sudden it just starts to grow. 2014 I earned 725 in 2015 I earned a million 50. and so I I achieved the five-year goal in four years and then 2006 Uh, 2016. I think was the first year we did over 100 million volume and then that's when we started to look at should we just create our own company.

Took three more years but that's that's the journey right there. That was that. That at least takes us to the the the the Breakthrough moment of starting to think about making case an independent firm. So why did you do it? So the further I grew within the brokerage that I was with the weirder thing started to feel.

It was like I was bringing more to the table and I felt like I was having things taken away and I don't think that had anything to do with the home base of the firm which was Keller Williams based out of Austin Amazing company. It was the way it was ran on a local level yeah which that you know. I'm in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa Um, it just it wasn't feeling right, you know and they were consistently trying to hire my top producers to manage their company. It was weird and I just you know you have to just kind of trust your instincts.

and the reason why we don't pursue big goals naturally is because of that F word fear, right? false evidence appearing real. and the new acronym is you know, face everything and Rise So what did I have to lose if it didn't work? Yeah, I'll just go back to KW It's all good, right? And so we start to go through the motions and we just go for it and perfect timing to become an independent straight into the pandemic. Yeah, we became independent August 2019. Um, we we we then start searching for the dream location.

My wife found it on Newport Boulevard So when you you exit you're traveling to Orange County you're going to the beach You're Going to exit the 55 which turns you're gonna see Tom Ferry's building on the right right. about a mile after that the 55 freeway is going to turn into Newport Boulevard 85 000 cars a day? Yeah Bam! My wife finds that space. We get the keys December 2019. it's a shell so we have to build it.

No prob we got three months we'll have our big grand opening March of 2020. yeah and it was Off to the Races I wouldn't have it any other way. No way because when you get squeezed you find out what you're made of. Yeah right and I can until I die every day that I wake up I know I got more fight in me So I've been through it man.
I have been through enough battles to learn and to this day it's sure on my Instagram it looks like it's just a big party. it's eighty percent a battle 20 of party. we just you know you want to keep your social light and fun and inspiring I Don't put the battles on there but behind the scenes anybody who knows me knows I am an open book of the battles I've I've had to go through and that's the big thing I Want to encourage people is don't give up, don't give up I'm a 23-year overnight success. When did you choose sobriety? Uh I began starting to get sober the year after I lost my best friend and my dad which I lost both of them because of the same reasons I was getting sober.

You know my father really drank himself to death and you would think that when that happened, it would automatically trigger. Yeah, no. I I went deeper. Yeah, so uh, it was really summer 2013 where you know the challenge is.

like my counselor told me, you're a professional rager, right? I started partying when I was 12 13 when my dad got out of prison I did coke with my dad when he when I was 14. so it was normal for me. it was just it's fun, right? Like that's what you do and so 20 years of that my counselor was like look, you can just like a professional baseball player. Sure you can kind of bun but you get yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time and you're gonna hit a grand slam and I started trying summer 2013 and so I'm like, all right I'll go 90 days and so I did it see I don't have a problem so I can drink wine, drink some wine and I could maintain.

but then you catch me at the wrong place at the wrong time I'm not coming home and I did that for so my best friend Cesar Vasquez who runs my LA office. we've got sober at the same time. he's got 10 years I've got seven. Yeah, so it took me three years of this.

Okay, let me go six months. Yeah, you know, until you realize like I have lots of friends and I can be around it I don't have any problem being around it I have lots of friends who it's like almost a sport to them and they can enjoy it. And yeah, it's a little difficult that it has this power over me. but the bottom line is I have received the scientific results that I need to know that if I go there, there is a good chance I'm going to go here and that's just it, right? you know? And so I think you have to reach a point where the I'm a numbers guy right? when my life was a three and I drank and partied I went to a 10.

that's a seven point jump. When I started to chill out, my life naturally went to a seven and so when I drank, well I got a three-point jump. but when I dropped I got a four point drop. Yeah, now all of a sudden I'd guess even more.

Yeah, yeah, just watching just watching the trends, right? Yeah, you're right absolutely naturally. but even just going from a seven down to a three, it's It's so fascinating to just watch the like I got I just partied again too hard. Yeah right. These conversations I've had with people and then they they slip back.
They get depressed right? and it's hard to come out of that. Yeah, so so all of this you're still running this team. So you're dealing with the highs and lows like you're personally dealing with the highs and lows. and then you've got the highs and lows of your sales team.

Yeah, how did you balance that? Oh man did you balance it. Oh my goodness, that is the most difficult thing I've had to break through and I feel like I just started breaking through that over the last couple years because people didn't start leaving me until about 2016 2017. the team started to grow in 2013. Yes, out and that was just like you go back on my Instagram you're going to see like these eight people at this table and at KW half of those people weren't even licensed.

Yeah, these were just people hitting me up off of Instagram Uh, come hang out. Yeah and people would Prospect with me. By the summer of 2014 we got our first female and when we got our first female Sharif on my sister things became real because like I would have accountabilities that if you showed up to the office meeting at 801 my team meeting that I'm doing you had to sit all morning with your shirt off right in the office at Keller Williams with and you can't explain anything to anybody. No and so when Cherie joined I was like okay, well that that rule goes out the window guys.

we gotta like watch our cursing right? You know, we gotta be polite. So I have this experience of 2014 15 16 17 where we're growing the family things are we're we're We're moving up the ranks. By 2015-16 we were like number one within KW from Encino to La Jolla and um, all of a sudden people start to leave. not everybody, but they get recruited to other places as the thing grows and every single time somebody left it was like I was going through a horrible breakup right? Because when they leave they send a text also which is great.

Yeah it's a great way to break down with somebody. Yeah, who changed your life and um it was very a very very very hurtful. I was like and then if it was on a day post or a weekend Post Yeah man that's a spiral. Oh yeah yeah, why am I even doing this I'm gonna shut this whole thing down.

Screw these people. I'm gonna fire my whole team I'm just gonna do this by myself. How many times did you spiral in and out of that, um, with drinking or just mentally? Yes, over a hundred? Yeah. I've had over a hundred people text me that they're going somewhere else.

Yeah right. Yeah. so like think of that I know I know um I'm a CEO of a company I understand and it's like we you know I I loaned you money I gave you a car I I went to court for you for the and none of that matters. No, everybody's doing the best.
Yeah I'm sorry. how do you interpret it because I know how I know the story I play in my house How I did yeah? Also tell you the Breakthrough so how I did is nobody loves me, nobody cares about me. Uh, all this is a waste of time blah blah blah blah and the way I interpret it now is they've graduated to where they need to get to next and I got to be a part of that I have so many text messages tills from this day now this still happens right? Hey Cab! I Love you I'm always here for you. Thank you so much for the time that you've given me I got your back Yeah I don't care if they're leaving real estate or going to Compass or Coldwell or wherever.

Thank you Thank you for the time that you gave me I Welcome them back to our run club. We do a run club uh the last Saturday of every month that case. I Just saw this kid who came to our first run club last week and I could tell because he left I could tell dude how are you and truly there's nothing because I've realized that my journey as a coach as a mentor as a leader is to to speak into people the way you spoke into me and not be attached to me receiving anything from this. This is their Journey that's it.

Yeah, that's that is the hardest. It's been the hardest thing for me to grasp right? It's hard for everybody. I mean every list, every every leader right now. listen and and you could be a you know, a solo entrepreneur and you can think about it as a client, a friend, right? someone that you just fell out with right? like it's the same thing like we get so emotionally attached to it and I remember I forget who it had to be like Mike Vance or someone that just pulled me aside and just said hey man, everybody's on everybody's on their path Yeah, like he didn't say it that way because Mike would see he would say it differently but that was the essence of the message right? and I remember saying to myself like you know I was already running this company and I was like okay so so I just want to be the best CEO I can be and and recognize that everybody's gonna do their thing.

everybody's on their path just like hey I left my dad right? right? like like yeah. Who am I to say anything bad in my head or heaven forbid out loud about anybody that made the choice I left my Pops I left my family business I left 145 employees that were all like my family right. So so like I just I just find Grace in it Now it's like okay, like I don't like it right? there's still that moment. but I'm like okay.

give myself like a five second pity pot party and then I'm like okay man, they're on their path. Let's go and that's can I write you a letter of endorsement how how quickly how quickly can we get through that storm and that's the that's the big one is I think that's one of the secret weapons is I can take a punch and keep it moving quickly because there's too much, right? Yeah, there's too many punches. Yeah. So if you let one stop you, right? Okay, we've got we've We've not gone through one of my questions and I'm already so stoked we're doing this.
Okay, so let's let's get granules. Let's do it right now. What's the playbook for this? Market Honestly, how are you getting listings? What are you doing to do so many deals? What's the Playbook like What are you and your coach now working on like what you started with DC how long ago? Shout out to David Caldwell about a year yeah last July Okay, yeah. all right.

so so Caldwell like I mean I have 236 business coaches and I love every single one of them. DC texts me a lot right? So he's like okay, I'm working with Kev anything I need to know and I'm like dude, just ask him he's an open book right? Yeah, so what are you guys working on right now? So two things that honestly, it's the same stuff we've been doing, but we're refining The Craft Um, so meaning the the prospecting numbers are all the same, right? There's two big game changers that I've done and shifted over this last year within my team and within our organization. The big one is solidifying everyone's farm and breaking down their Farm into 12. Maps Yeah so I feel like I feel like we've cracked a code here? Okay, so unpack this.

so I have I have my my 11 Jedis within team start event. Yeah, right. And so each of my 11 Jedis has a farm between 2700 to 3 300 homes. Yeah, I have specifically broken down those homes based on weeks, right? So for example, Steven Saucedo, who's Vinnie Saucedo's son, works with me.

He's killing it. He's like the number one dude on my team right now. One of his uh, pockets is Dover Shores west of excuse me, east of Mariners? Yeah, right. So that that pocket can be broken down into two farms, uh, two weeks, two maps, whatever you want to call it and he knows specifically where he needs to be every single week.

Now that doesn't mean you get a buyer who wants to look in. Rancho Palos Verdes Palos Verdes whatever it is, but you had better go and be on the doorsteps of that map 68 of consumers when they list with an agent list because of proximity. Yeah, so you're just playing the proximity game. That's it.

Yeah, at a very um, specific and detailed I don't want to leave any as a leader I Don't want them to have to think about anything. Yeah, here's what you have to do because if they don't have to think about what they're doing, then I get to focus on who they're being. Yeah, and I get to focus on the story. the LIE the BS the blah blah blah.

But if they're doing both, they gotta first figure out who the hell they are and they have to figure out where the hell they're going right? The least I could do is show them exactly where they need to go. So I have this this group of 11 and they each have 12 Maps So if Stephen knows he's going to be um, in that those seven streets east of Mariners and Dover Shores month One week one guess and that's January guess when he's back there, that's April week one and we have the whole thing laid out. I've been working on this for like a year and a half so every door gets a knock, a drop, a something once a quarter. Yes! so you started this a year ago.
Yeah, how's it working out? So honestly we are just fine tuning it with the title company. It's taken way longer than I thought, but I would say it feels pretty special. Yeah, yeah, it feels pretty magical. The team loves it and why do they love it I Think they love it because they're all going like this: Where do I go? Where do I go? Where do I go? Yeah, and they need Clarity And it's my job as a leader to to not let them go off in too many different places.

Again, you have a buyer who wants to to buy something in Palisades Go! But you have 250 homes that need to see you on their ring cam. Hey, how are you? You know they need to see you and if you do that you will dominate. We will be a billion dollar team next year. Yeah so my experience and I know you know we have so many of our longtime clients.

Like you know all. TF longtime clients are all like okay, past client Spirit Geofarm, digital social right? like? But it's like past client sphere Geofarm and all that. like Blends in with open houses right and knocking on doors around and today's you know some will Circle The House Geofarming. Always and Forever has been in my heart as one of the best ways to do business because it's just a natural extension of your past lines and sphere.

Like and by the way, I hate the word past your clients and your sphere right? Because what you're playing is and you know your coach and I were literally just in this dialogue we're talking about at the Summit. Yeah, it's homes Under management right? So if you took 2 700 homes right? Uh, east of Mariners right? I'm guessing the average sales price is two million bucks. I Don't know what 2 million times 2700 is, but that's your homes Under management. Oh yeah, and my job is to just be in front of them as a resource to give CMAs to give updates to create a relationship and that's how you win listings.

That was probably one of the best things that I got from my coaching with DC was to take the position of the advisor. Yes, like people what he said, he said People: Flex their financial advisor? Yes, why don't they Flex their real estate agent. You: You want to have this mindset that even if they're never gonna move, hey, have you taken the and one of the scripts was, has anyone taken You don't need to ask anybody if they have a real estate agent, you need to ask them. Has anyone taken the time to sit with you and take a look at what your 220 your 2023 home value is yes and where it's going for next year.

If they say no, they don't have a real estate agent. Bingo It's seven months into the year, right? If they say no, they don't have an agent. you know who wrote that question Patrick Oh wow, that was a Patrick Ferry drop Like what was that like three years ago? I Think on a podcast he's like, has anyone taken the time to show you and then you can fill it in with anything? Yeah, Does that mean the rules of buying a house today? The strategy around it. You know your current home value? just that.
Here's anyone taking the time and you're exactly right. It just they don't have anybody. Well, it feels weird being in the presence of somebody who wants to get something from you right away. Yeah, and so you know, just before I came here.

um, we now have training that goes on within our office and Joshua Bush is now one of the guys that's kind of training new agents that come in. yeah and I'm literally about to run out the door and he goes okay. I've got anything for these guys on Rapport and I Can't help but stop. Yeah.

I Can't help but share some insight with them. And number one was don't be attached, Be present. Don't be attached. Be present.

Don't bring anything to the conversation Yeah, what? I mean by that is when you are just present. You're not bringing the past. You're not bringing your goals. You're not bringing your agenda.

You're just hey, how are you? How's it going? There's no agenda. There's no weird thing. Yeah, and that's where the magic is. Yeah, think of your very first date with your with your loved one time disappeared.

That's my biggest challenge when I go door knocking is people who don't want to sell, invite me into their home and want to just hang out. and I have you know so one of the things I have to do is oh my gosh Shoot I gotta get going. Um I want to do this because I do want to walk through their house I just also have to send these invites out. Yeah, so um and that's the magic is if you can let go of this attachment that you need to sell their house, you know that's weird.

That's like if you don't do that, that's being on a blind date expecting to get married tomorrow. Yes, just let go and be present. Yeah, yeah. so last year, 265 million dollars in sales, right? You and the team and that's not.

That's not the broker right? it's just you. Yeah, it was 4 30. Okay, another 85 agents congrats. Um so so you start this big Endeavor right? Hey, we're gonna do this like kind of homes under management planning to David Caldwell and eyes Yeah! Is it funny that David's a skater but he was a punk? Uh yeah.

I was planning on talking to three people. yeah and then he told me that he could 360 flip and I was like damn, you're my guy He saw me, he could 360 flip and then he knew a little bit about Wu-Tang and I'm like you're good, you're my God Okay, let's go, let's go. So all right, how do you stop Teammates? In my in my second book I wrote about uh, the four addictions and one of the biggest addictions is the addiction to the Past right that we get. We get so stuck in whether you want to call it sunk cost thinking or just our confirmation bias yeah, that we just we just have a knowing that there is no other way, right? We just we can't see the other side.
think of like today in politics right? Like they're all wrong, right? Because nobody can listen to anybody. right? Like everybody's wrong, right? Yeah, But I look at it as a leader and I ask the question and I want I want to know your Insight on this You've got. You've got teammates that are addicted to the Unicorn years, What it was like to sell real estate at the end of 2020, all of 2021, some of 2022 and they just have this attachment to the way it used to be right? How do you help them get over that and get into today's market? I Think the numbers are really important so I love the numbers and when you can and the fact that I've been through some of these challenging years. So for example, when we went through like the city of Costa Mesa I Believe for the first six months of the year, uh, in the city of Costa Mesa there was something like 280 sales.

Uh, in the first six months of 2023, there was something like 190. Uh, in every single area. When I went back and went back and went back and I just did this on our team meeting nine different cities, it was about 25 30 less sides now not less price which is good to know but less sides and almost double the days on. Market So we have less sales going on that are taking twice as long.

The scarier thing is when we go back to 2021. it's insane. First six months is like 400 sales, so from from 2021 it's like 50 Less sales. So if there's a hundred here and 10 people going after it, imagine what it's like when they're still the 10 people and now there's only 50.

you had better turn up. So I think it's just being very very straight up with them about the reality of the market and knowing that you had better be really good and just telling them straight up that they're not going to make it. Hey, I'm just gonna be I'm just going to tell you right now, if you don't make these changes, then consider getting a job right? because you might as well make low money, then no money and you a job keep in mind stands for just over broke. But you're going to be broke so you're gonna be just over broke or broke.

Or you can be abundant. But in order to be abundant, this is what you have to do. I'm telling you right now, you're not going to make it if you don't make any changes and just having that conversation with them one-on-one Yeah, not in a group. I've learned to not have any gnarly conversations in a group like I Love you.

You have what it takes based on this and what. I'm seeing you. If this is what you're going to do, just get a job, go to your family's company UPS might be hiring I Don't know, but you ain't gonna make it here or this is what you got to change and it might have nothing. I have a guy who he's doing all the right things, but there's some internal stuff and that we spend a lot of time on that.
At case you know, again, we don't get what we want. We get who we are I can't change who you are right? I can change what you do. But this is not a doing game. this is a being game and you gotta have both.

You know there's a lot of people like you know you look, you look at Paul And guys like that they're not outdoor knocking. he's just a magnet to it. He has put himself into space where he is just gonna attract those monster deals. I'm like damn he did another 20 million.

Okay so I just saw him in the gym this morning and you know big hug what's up bro like you know, just hanging out in the suit. It's just you know, sweetheart of human and he's like I'm like how's it going man he's like you know, overnight success man you know like do something for 12 years he's like and then finally you become the guy and I'm like you know guy gal doesn't make it or you were willing to do the work. So what do you say to that young guy who is doing the work but clearly his being choices like who, How he shows up the story and inside his head. all these conversations right? I Remember like watching Tony Robbins A million years ago you can knock on doors and be like you don't want to sell your house.

Dude, no one ever says that. Yeah, but that's how you show up. That's how people hear you right? What do you say to that person Because someone listening right now is like like they don't know it but they know like inside. I used to always call it like the energy sucking vampire like you walk in the room and all the living plants go right right? because that's just that's the energy you bring in.

Yeah, how do you get them to work on that I Think you have to encourage them to dig deeper like there's only so we can only go so deep. is that one of my other phones? Sorry about that. In case you're wondering if this is a live show sorry how many phones you have Ben Two two phones and an iPad So you want a pond pilot? So I think you so listen. How do you help? How do you help the person shift from like the way I describe it all the time is I say what we want is greatness.

Yeah right. What a lot of people. Well I'll start here. A lot of people start at it dis ease, right? and then they get very satisfied when they move to Wellness because at least they're not in a state of dis-ease Yeah, but I'm like wellness is a slippery slope, right? Like you can very quickly fall back.

But when you strive for greatness and greatness is not me versus you. it's me versus me, right? It's it's me being my best every day. Yeah. and so I can rest at night knowing that like I gave enough today to feel satisfied, right? It's It's the acknowledgment that it doesn't matter what's going on in the world.
This is what I say to myself all the time. No one cares. Yeah, didn't sleep well last night. No one cares.

Yeah, 100 you know how to how to bad. You know whatever experience missed a flight, world's falling apart. You know, making payroll is hard. No one cares.

Yeah, because everybody expects me to show up. Hey, come on. very down. Absolutely right.

Yeah, and as soon as I got that like that for me is greatness. and maybe it's a little sick because I know actually people care, right? Yeah, my wife certainly cares. Yeah, right. But when I said to myself I'm going to choose greatness then it was like now, how do I evaporate or eliminate is a better word.

Everything that keeps me in a state of disease right or where I get stuck at Wellness Yeah So I think it's two things right? I think number one is you have to have a commitment to personal development and self-growth no matter how much we show you the tech and the scripts and the dialogues and the farm if you have not gotten right within right like I kept self-sabotaging I had all I had the best mentors from you to Tony Robbins to thatch like I could not have asked for a better Runway to be successful. Why was I self-sabotaging because I had deep rooted issues about self-worthiness and until I dig deep in those through counseling I did the whole Landmark curriculum twice. that's that's long weekends. Yeah, digging deep and trying to figure out what is going on When you look at the word information you can break that down to in formation.

So I had 20 years of false information that had made me who I was and a lot of funky soil I had to clean up that soil and and and develop new soil and get right. So that's number one. Yeah there's only so far I Can only go so far with you in these sessions because in your sessions I'm gonna go one on one I'm gonna go uh Farm Numbers I'm gonna be able to hint a little bit on your field but it's more like like this individual I was working with yesterday. Call this person.

Call this person and these were two deep rooted NLP Coaches Go invest. Go find the money and go invest with this guy and he will get in here. Number two is watch your why. Yeah, what's your why, why are you doing this? One of the biggest challenges is I can get people to 250.

I've had so many people that I've gotten to 250. 250. Bam they got no kids 250 house Porsche Rolex You made it. Yeah you're 24 years old 250 and after 250 Bam! Um and it I'm actually watching that happen this year.

Three of my star players last year are having tough years this year and what happens is you know one of my my favorite individuals. He told me straight up he's like dude I wanted the car I wanted the house I wanted the watch and he got it dopamine Rush Dopamine Rush dopamine Rush it's all the journey right? That's the dopamine Rush Then you get it and you're like now, yes and so no more purpose. Yeah, no more Drive yeah and we are now digging deep into what's the bigger Vision yeah you know for me I I I've been on freaking fire I have very low moments where I hit a six I am in a seven and a half to eight and a half nine all the time. There's occasional moments where I go to a six and I can feel it and I know how to snap myself out of it and I have my life hack of I call it recognize, realize and recreate I can feel it when I'm in a six I know and I go through my my program it's recognize catch it oh I'm in a six Why oh that person said that thing.
uh and so my part two is realize I call it realize the Real Lies okay what's truth true? This deal fell apart. What's the lie? Lie is um you're a loser. You suck. Uh, no one's ever gonna businesses Okay, cool.

How do we want to recreate that? This is the opportunity. Gratitude thank you for that person I'm developing Clarity back up. Are we back up? Yep, Seven plus let's go. So I have this this life hack that I go.

through that I don't I don't touch a six I am seven up plus all the time. Yeah yeah and so powerful. that's that's greatness. Yeah, that's greatness.

It's it's getting out of wellness and a lot of people just get so complacent talking about your guys like I see it everywhere right? and it's the it's the I always go back and say hey man, when your business or your life is in a state of dis-ease yeah, are you doing the work right and they go man I'm making the calls like a man, Are you doing the work on you? yeah and doing the work. Yeah, it's that combo all the time and you look at some of the some of the tragedy that's happening around the world and you look and say man, I'm just asked to like, maybe do some gratitudes every day, maybe like unpack some lies from my past and make some phone calls. That's all I got to do. No one's bombing.

No one's bombing me right? You know what I mean like I really like? like getting people to realize that. but all right. clean it. God clean it up.

You know sometimes it's it's down there I Had to fire my first like player in 2020. it was tough and typically people are texting me to leave I've never had to. uh, fire somebody Yeah, especially somebody that I was considered their mentor and that was hard. And when that person left, a group left with us and like a year and a half ago I was just like oh I was just thinking about one person, not even him I was like oh that is some bad feelings there let me make the call I made the call and I was just like hey I just want you to know that uh I I'm sorry for any feelings you may have felt here and I want you to know that I'm proud of you and I'm always here for you and if you ever need anything and did my best to just clean that up.

never got a call back and that's okay. yeah I just know where I am and how I'm relating to that individual in that moment in time and so gotta clean any of those things up. Um, but yeah, you know it and for me it's I Love the craft. When I officially got sober it was the year after I made a million dollars and it was because I fell hard.
uh in April four months after I made the mill 2015 first year I made a million bucks bought my dream home I got asked to speak at Mega camp in front of 10 000 people um I called thatch and bought his car from him and for the first time I'm shipping his car from Seattle here. all these things that I felt were the things that I've always wanted that were gonna make me whole and you'd arrived. December 2015 I'm looking at my family in the Philippines on a private island Kaizen Eli Azella my wife right I had I had three kids at that time now I have five and I'm looking at them in the same photo that I had on my vision board except I see my family now and I woke up at five in the morning the next day and I went and pounded a beer and I had been like six months sober at that time and I get home in January and I kind of started smoking again and I it starts to come back and then April 2016 the year after my big breakthrough case is like number one and blah blah blah um I could have ended it all in April 27th 2016. I was up at three in the morning going all in and I I just remember my heart feeling like it was going to explode and just praying to God get me through this night and I promise I'm done and I told Alana what I'd done the night before and I said I'll do whatever I need to do and we got right.

we go to church we dig deep. Um and the big eye opener was that all the things all the worldly things I ever wanted, the success, the accolades car house all this stuff that I thought was gonna make me the man who I've always wanted to be means nothing without my core relationship with God and without my mental health and without my spiritual health. And since that moment I have been building yes on my business for sure. but building the most on how do I How do I Elevate physically Let's do an Iron Man All right I did an Iron Man last year? How do I Elevate with my wife Let me 100 percent commit to this time.

How do I Elevate As a father? How do I elevate my mindset? Um, and how you are in one area is how you are everywhere. And so I directly, um, contribute the growth of Case through the growth that I've done with myself with my mind, body, soul, and family. You know if you're growing and elevating there, you show up to work and you're like let's go because you're already wealthy. So I think sometimes you have to get all the other make-believe well that you think matters.

Yeah, to realize that's not where it's at doesn't mean you can't have both though, because I'm shooting for the moon. In case, let's not get it twisted, we have some huge goals of being a 10 billion dollar company, but I'm not interested in achieving being a 10 billion dollar company at the cost of My Sacrifice yeah or your health not happening, right? right? Yeah, let's end on that. Let's go man, dude. I'm so proud of you.
Thank you bro. Yeah, you've been a game changer in my life. You know, um, to to have the opportunity to be exposed and be led. Um, and and everybody needs that person to show them that is possible.

So just know that the people I'm impacting are you know widely because of the people, the way you impacted me and the way you spoke life and possibility into me. I'm just doing the same thing I'm just I'm just paying it forward Dude doing what you did for me. That's it. I'm proud of you man.

Thank you thank you. Hey it says you're watching this. First of all, you follow them on Instagram I Love his line around. it's you know it's like you know eighty percent of the fun.

like the behind the scenes stuff I'm grinding and it's it's not always pretty. uh but just thank you I Can't wait. Uh, your son's gonna be on the panel. That's insane.

That's super better. Full circle, right? full circle. I'm gonna have to send one of my sons to come work for you like we could like we could. Really, it's really, really special.

Yeah, yeah. Beautiful. All right. Well, thank you so much for watching.

You probably have a friend of two that needs to see this. uh I would send it to him ASAP and maybe add a little note that says I love you and I really think you get some value out of this because I know they will All right Thanks so much Foreign.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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