Hey this is tom, and i want to talk to you about an impending disaster, and i just had this really alarming thought that i feel can't wait. Um i tend to do these car videos when i feel something is really bothering me and i'm really bothered by something. That's inevitably is about to hit really hard. It's not even a question of if, but rather than the question of when now i want you to look at a few pieces of information which i'm about to give you, because you know in my videos i, like you guys to actually do the research for yourself And you know verify what i'm saying: don't just blindly trust anybody.

Definitely not me. So here's a few pieces of information, and once i get through these, it's very very clear to you. What exactly am i talking about so? First of all, i want you guys to look at the reverse repos chart over the course of its entire existence. Basically, in case you don't know what that is.

Reverse repos is repurchase agreements between the banks and the federal reserve. It's a way for the banks to stay balanced overnight and it's a little bit of a artificial device. I'll explain a second. Why? Basically, the banks hold cash on behalf of the clients and that's why banks don't really treat cash as assets? Usually, cash would be asset for an individual or a company, but for banks this is actually a liability, that's something that's not theirs, and banks get stuck with too much money.

Basically, what ends up happening is that it seems based on their balance sheet, that they're insolvent too much liabilities too little assets, and we can't have that. That's why they came up with this system where, overnight, every night, the federal reserve would buy these cash and it will provide certain securities which will become assets for the banks and then there's literally no interest in this well very little interest. It's called the overnight rate. Doesn't really matter also, it doesn't really matter if you like that arrangement or not, i'm not here, to make a qualitative judgment, whether that's good or bad, just the way it is, and what i do want you to look at is what's been going on with the Reverse repos: it used to be a thing that was on the fringe.

It was never a huge deal because if you know banks, you probably know that bank's job is to find use for money right. So the only time banks would use these reverse repos is where they you know they got stuck with a little bit of money. They couldn't figure out what to do with, which almost never happens. I mean by definition, banks are supposed to do something good with the money; otherwise it would, you know, would not be a bank and that, over the course of the existence of these arrangements, this was something just you know marginal and if you take a look at The reverse report chart and go ahead and do it while i speak or after this video doesn't really matter see what happens for the entire existence of this device.

It used to be close to zero. Sometimes it would spike a little bit, but in general it would never go anywhere beyond the fringe and even to the point where in december 2020, which is literally uh 11 months ago, we had zero dollars in you know repos, because you know the banks definitely can Find use for money and if you take a look at what happens since december 20, until today we spike from zero to 1.5 trillion dollars trillion dollars. Imagine the banks are saying we can't find a good deal to invest our 1.5 trillion dollars, because essentially the stock market is too expensive. Real estate is expensive.
We'd rather get no interest and put our money in the federal reserve than to invest it, because we can't find any decent investments. That's a sign of an insane inflation. Now the problem is with reverse repos, there's different arguments where you can punch holes in this theory, but here's the thing check it out. Why don't you go and also check another completely independent parameter, which is the buffett indicator and again i'm not sure how warren buffett feels about the fact that they called it.

The buffett indicator, but it's called the buffer indicator for a reason because he's the guy who coined it, but essentially it's very simple: it's the market cap of all u.s, publicly traded companies versus the entire gross domestic product of the united states, essentially how much the publicly Traded companies are worth on the stock market versus uh how much gdp the u.s produces pretty much in a year and the medium the average the mean whatever you want to call. It used to be 100 and 140 used to be really expensive, like you would say: wow 140 percent, more evaluations than gdp. That means the market is frothy, get out get out and if you check it right now we're over 220. I believe, like close to 230 percent, so we're about 100 from the highest point that used to be called the high point of of of the market cap to gdp, and i think you can look at other parameters as well.

Look at what's going on with the stock market in general, we have cryptocurrencies that launch and in the they sell out in a second you know the squid game cryptocurrency came out sold out in a second spiked 2400. In the single day, you saw what happened with the shibuynu ushibainu, whatever it's called and again it's not that. I think that these guys don't deserve the money go right ahead if somebody put in a thousand dollar made 500 000 good for you, i'm really happy for you, but i look at it as an economist and i look at it and i'm really alarmed by the Way the stock market is behaving and people are saying well tom. This is the new stock market market caps.

Don't matter fundamentals, don't matter you're, just thinking about the market in all ways that are not relevant anymore, you have to adapt. You have to change and i think that this is a really alarming status, because if you see so much money in the stock market that it's literally driving prices, hundreds of percent in a day on the consistent basis year of the year months of the month and We've been having this upward strand for about three years since 2017 2018, it has started, we had a little pandemic pullback, but we've been on the bull market for a long ass time. So the question is, i mean: what's going to happen next now, if you listen to the government, even if you look at their data, which is insanely skewed, we're in an all-time inflation high, so the market definitely has a better way of judging inflation, but the government Will show you this thing called the core inflation, so the core inflation is basically where they exclude anything inflationary and they measure inflation. For example, it doesn't include the stock market, which is insanely inflationary.
It doesn't include the housing market, it's just kind of living expenses and even that isn't a 30-year high. I believe it's like four and a half percent, so even that is even the government is saying that we're in a 30-year high, so we're headed to an explosion. So right now the government is faced with this really bad decision and when i say the government, i don't differentiate between the government and the federal reserve. I know they're completely independent, but in my mind i i think they operate in tandem.

At least they logically operate. They have similar interests and basically we're about to get and there's really two options here: option number one we're gon na get when the federal reserve starts tapering, because when they pump the brakes to stop inflation, we're gon na feel the pain the stock market is gon. Na pull back, everything is gon na slow down. It's gon na be painful.

However, my fear is that they won't do it. My fear is that jerome powell, janet ellen and all these guys will start believing their own, that this is completely transitory and they're, not gon na taper and not gon na raise interest rates just because they want to piss the people off and just kick the can Down the road see what happens, and i feel they might do it for their own political survival. Knowing that, what's to come later, is going to be much much worse and what's to come later, is actually hyperinflation. So this is both really horrible options, and yet we have to prepare so i'll, make a few videos explaining how i'm bracing for this for both alternatives, and it's not that complicated, there's really four or five things.

I'm going to do and i'm going to share with you. You know i always democratize information, i'm not going to put it on patreon, it's going to be right here for free for everybody to learn and implement, and i i think that we can make a lot of adjustments to praise for that think about it. This way, if you're, basically riding a bicycle - and you know you're - about to fall, you're going to brace for impact. But if you're riding a bicycle like like you hit a trash can and you keep flying in the air - and you know you're going to take a fall and you keep singing in the ring you can get up.
So, let's be the first example rather than second, in this case and i'll see you guys in my next video explaining exactly how.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “The biggest market crash in history is about to start…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike S. says:

    Is everything going up in terms of fiat currency OR are fiat currencies all collapsing. Occam"s Razor gives the most likely answer.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T.J. McNelis says:

    Fun fact about the reverse repo market, participants were getting close to their limit last month, so the government stepped in and DOUBLED the limit per participant.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars saiine says:

    Don't underestimate politics. We are surely going to see a slow down, if not a crash. But this isn't going to happen under Biden. They will float a few more years. Hard to imagine… But that's my opinion.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Overton says:

    SNP 500 will be hit bad but only those companies that are involved with legacy car companies, also those institutions who have huge loans on said companies,

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NomadVeHr says:

    Hey Tom, waiting on your tips for bracing for impact. I think I have most angles covered, but I always appreciate input from external resources. Gen Xer here, BTW

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drone256 says:

    Not only will they do it but they will overdo it. These supply chain issues have become political and the supply chain issues are the result of pushing out too much money. Even the infrastructure bill is struggling to pass because the result of pushing out too much money is very evident. The gravy train will take a break for a few years.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Davey says:

    Except 40% of all USD ever printed, were printed in the last two years. All that money has to be invested in assets, mainly property and equities. The asset prices are inflated because there is more money in circulation. Any pullback will be short lived as ultimately money has to be invested somewhere. That said, the markets could stay flat until the valuations catch up with the share prices.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Runyon says:

    Lol a year ago he said ARK invest was going to tank and that cathie wood was leaving. Interestingly enough it's now worth more than ever…. this guy is just throwing random predictions out there. Pure speculation

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike says:

    Buffett indicator is high due to 40% foreign revenue and low interest rates. Come on man, embarrassing to reference a useless metric. Pockets of bubbles for sure, but lots of stuff is reasonably priced relative to interest rates.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zakaria Driskill says:

    Waiting on your next video Tom. Would really like to come out of this with a smol pot of gold and then reinvest once the dust has settled.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Mango says:

    That reverse repo market has been over a trillion dollar for 2 months. But everything is fine. Nothing to see..

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ary Akrayi says:

    So Tom basically with both Options 1 & 2, we're going to get f!xck$d, lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renaissance Horizon says:

    In the lead up to the the massive 1929 stock market crash, people were saying how is it possible that stocks are going up so much. People would justify it with the exact same language used for every bubble since. "It's a new economy." "It's a global economy now." Of course, at the time brokerages were giving people 10x margin and the US government didn't have the courage to reign this in because no one wanted to be the bad guy. When Herbert Hoover took office, he was saying privately that it was all going to crash, but didn't take any action because he didn't want people to be mad at him for raining on their parade. Today, the kinds of margins offered during the 20s are illegal, but bubbles still happen nevertheless. I was not a trader during the dot com crash, but after researching it, it's hard to believe how absurd things got.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonus Jonus says:

    they won't do it because the truth is, this economy is weak. You said it yourself, even banks aren't lending like they should. They know deflation is right around the corner and they are right.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philippe Nolet says:

    can we please stop talking about hyperinflation, high inflation fine, hyperinflation is a concept that hit a few jurisdictions, but there is no parallele what so ever with US, Europe and other DM markets.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Masyutkin says:

    Its wrong to compare the marketcap of global companies to National economies

    And shitcoins, aka degeneratecoins ofc. its a wicked place

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Kang says:

    Tom, you are the only investment youtuber I trust. Can’t wait for your next vid 🙂

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bearchow says:

    Tom I'm old school and all of your logic is correct. But we are living in an astonishing fantasy land. I've been hearing these warnings for years and they have all been correct but crisis never occurs. But in the modern fantasy science fiction financial world we live in they will just keep printing to infinity. We are headed somewhere no one has been before. Therefore the outcome is unpredictable for when and what, but it will hurt. It might not be for generations. And the later it is, the worse it will be.

    Then again, world war can be handy for distracting the masses and solving a host of civilization related issues.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thepro08 says:

    if they increase interests in usa, most european countries will default….. the world will crash. they just cant increase interests it will default the world…..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Rogers says:

    My money is on the zero tapering + experience the crash through inflation to save the Baby Boomer's retirement and eff over Millenials and Gen Z. Same movie as 2008 except it'll be gaslighting "Hey look your investments doubled!" leaving out the fact that their purchasing power for that "doubling" has dropped by 75%.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheHumanSpirit says:

    Tom, you've rapidly become one of the few people I enjoy on YouTube. Really enjoy your content. Thanks for your efforts!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars En Twist says:

    You know it's a serious video when Tom is filming from the cup holder.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Morneau says:

    I suspect Powell will do his best to resist tapering until after the 2022 elections. His other option is to taper once in early 2022 (just after being reappointed) and reassure the market that he won’t do it again until after the elections thereby giving the market time to recover before the election. Regarding what I will do I didn’t sell during the last taper tantrum which turned out to be a good buying opportunity. I also can’t time the market. So I plan to have cash ready to buy more if the market tanks.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zero2 says:

    Tom, will you do a video on what stocks to buy/look at if a crash happens and everything goes on sale?
    Thanks sir!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel De Blasio says:

    The stock-market will crash except Tesla. Tesla is extremely undervalued.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JR 乔治 says:

    When the FED pulls the punch bowl..that is when the party is over. Your saying to leave before we run out of the vodka ?!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stonks cronks says:

    Charlies Vids and other YT channels mostly to do with AMC & GME have been talking about this for months. Thank you for explaining it though as I can never understand half of what those other guys are talking about

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy W says:

    Great catch Tom! I've also heard about this months ago about the repos. Crazy chart if you zoom out on that chart back 20-30 years.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damian_ai9 says:

    The last Euphoric push is gonna come now in the winter, The crash is gonna be Sad and crisis

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Remy says:

    The reality of the rich and the poor is this; the rich invest their money and spend what is left while the poor spend their money and invest what is left .

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ευθύμιος Αντωνόπουλος says:

    Tappering will start in my opinion this month a 10% , on 2022 February until june they will complete the tappering . Febuary until june i predict a crush .

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