What is the best trading strategy for beginner traders. Here is an example on why keeping trading simple is a great way to ease into the stock market!
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So what day trading strategy is most successful in the stock market? What's going on team, it's ricky with techweb solutions, i'm going to talk to you about my specific strategy and how i choose to trade every single day, i'm not going to sugarcoat it for you guys. I'm not here to pretend that my strategy is the best, but i do believe that your job is to work with people that resonate well with you. So if you like, the way that i trade, let's work together and i actually wanted to leave it at that - i'm going to be showing you a raw live trading. Video that my learn plan, profit team gets to see every single morning.

There's no crazy! You know indicators, there's no crazy, editing, it's just a raw live trading and i break down the market sentiment. Why i entered that position why i average up into it and why i decide to lock in profits. I share my thought process throughout that entire video and answer questions in real time for all of our beginner traders. If this is something that you want to learn more about, then again i focus on trading etfs, inverse etfs of the nasdaq market.

I am not telling you that that is the best option for you, but it's a very simplistic way to get started in the stock market, especially if you have a big focus in tech. So again, i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you do smash that, like button, please consider subscribing, and i hope that you enjoy big red candle, i'd love to see it a lot of selling pressure here, love it quite significant, like this original one right Rejected off that moving average all the way back down here, let's see if we experience the same thing here, we go all right. Second, green candle retesting support at 60, 50. dang.

It man same valid support. This is this is when i don't like trading these etfs. Come on just do something there. It goes re-testing here it goes re-testing the same highs.

I apologize for blowing my nose. I just can't breathe here. It goes, retesting that same resistance level, retesting at the same support level not able to break above it uh. 1.5.

1.6 percent for tqqq there it goes 1.5 for re-testing, come on 60-50. Let's break below that. I want to retrace back to 60 dollars flat. This would put us at about 2.5 2.3.

Something like that. Come on come on break above break above again pre-market session, lower highs, lower lows: we just need to break below it. Rsi approaching the same rsi there. It goes 60, 50, 60, 50 for tkq there.

It goes breaking below breaking above. Let it bleed come on now. It it doesn't have the same momentum, that's lame! Okay, let's stay a little patient, let's check out where most of the market is at so uh. Let's check this out.

Let's see if there's anything significant here. Oh all right, we're retesting this i'm going to set another or just again just to update them, so i'm more up to date with the overall direction, just depending on which way tqeq ends up deciding to go. I'm just going to see some of the top movers for today 192 and we got the sunday stock talk just kidding sst any uh up 20. We've seen that one before okay, let's help losers, dw ac digital world right back down to 52, as it should be toast.
Let's see this one overall descending pattern: lower highs, lower lows, no indication of a reverse so watch out for us kikiq forming that pullback eric again twitter yeah. Let's follow up with twitter. Actually um he's unaware of the way it's trading all right, i'm sorry! This is sst right up 40 uh gapping up overall direction in our favor uh. It looks like it's being manipulated to some degree right uh.

We can see that as a really strong rally. Just please be careful if you choose to trade, something like that. I think it's pretty obvious why fifty three percent up another six percent on the day. This has actually come, as comes as a surprise.

I'm actually surprised it's up this much still uh. The rally is still going for twitter um again the trust behind the elon right, but just a reminder right, look at its normal trading volume. Look at its current trading volume, there's no question that there is more hype present and rightfully so, as there should be right. Um, but once this hype ends up dying out, you know what's going to happen to the stock right, is it going to correct itself? I just do not want you guys to get caught back holding if it does end up pulling back so enjoy this as long as it continues to rally in directions in your favor soak it all up right.

But if things begin to pull back, please have some form of exit plan. You have to look out for yourself, especially with specific stocks that are a little bit more risky like this right so looks like we have a couple of our tech stocks breaking above. Are they beginning to recover? No, not really, let's see what about tesla, trying to show some signs of a support level here, right, formulate this reversal. This can carry the market, especially with tesla, and how much weight it has.

So we got apple also beginning to show signs of a recovery, so okay, slight resistance, so adding to ask qqq but waiting for the break above 32 - it's not just 32 that i would look for that. I mean we are above 32, so it's still validating its support level. Sqq is showing progress in the sense that it's not aggressively pulling back um. So that's a step in the right direction, right establishing that support level um establishing that higher low uh.

This is a good sign for tkq for ask qqq, but we're not able to break above around 30 to 20 right now. 32 3230 for um sqq, so i would just stay patient right. Looks like apple is pulling on back. Tesla should be slightly pulling back.

Let's uh, it looks like it just continues to teeter-totter around this general area, but apple has quite a bit of an influence on the overall market, so we'll see if they establish that support level. Here there it goes apple still believing and again, if you have any questions, feel free to message me in the live chat. I'll, try my best to answer it for you. So can you show your quantity, yeah um? I just don't like looking at it while i'm trading - i don't want it to.
I - have about thirty thousand dollars, twenty seven thousand dollars in sq um. I find myself even sometimes when my position, i mean that's a pretty light position for myself right uh. I i find myself in it again. This is just from me knowing me right um yesterday i made a mistake where i bummed myself out, because i didn't take action with tqqq i continued to like hold.

I had a bunch of meetings in the morning and i mean i literally was not in a position to trade anyways, but i just i got really bummed and i continued to look at my position size and it was relatively pretty light right. So it was kind of like psyching myself out and the thing that i've done to kind of help aid. That is, i cover my trading of how much i'm up or how much i'm down. I ignore.

I don't care how much i'm in the green it's irrelevant to me. My focus is, you know, is direction in my favor. Can i continue to, like you know, average up. Should i cut losses all that stuff, it's kind of like the blind trading challenge right.

We've talked about this before check this out apple, pulling on back sqqq, pushing up so um yeah. I don't know if you guys ever struggle with that, where you determine your trades based off of how much you're up and how much you're down it's very upsetting, because if you actually think about it, how much i'm personally up or down on a position is completely Irrelevant to the market think about it, you're the amount that you're up or down is insignificant to the market. It's that simple right, um and with that being said, is you know we talk about all these approaches. All these like different strategies, and sometimes it's even the very simple things of seeing how much you're up or how much you're down that takes a toll on you and it doesn't matter how much experience you have.

These things always influence you in a negative way from time to time. Right, i think yesterday was a good example for me, where i was kind of being hard on myself in the sense that, like i saw how bullish tkq was, but i was being very stubborn with allowing myself to take a position and had a very, very light Position in tqk - and that was just it - was upsetting for myself, because i knew exactly what i was doing wrong, yet i wouldn't do anything to change it. So um right, my job isn't to be perfect. My job is to implement changes to you, know, see progress and that's what i tried to do today right what's going on jasmine, what's up, what's up all right, nice little push hey let it bleed.

Finally, some action, so it looks like apple's, also pulling on back five minute time frame again. One of the main reasons that i decided to really step on the gas on sqq is because, during the pre-market session, as you can see, we were making lower highs lower lows. So this is a bearish pattern and then, when it confirmed this, i began to step on the gas and add more to us. Qqq as it began to rise, so looks like we're, trying to kind of give back what we gained yesterday.
But again it's super early on it doesn't have to give it all back. So please be aware of that. My nose is still super super runny and i do apologize if, if you see anything but bad but yeah, this is my first trade. For the morning, i've enjoyed it.

One of the things that i like to remind our traders is that you know for your first trade. If you choose to take one um you don't have to, it doesn't have to be an excessive position size. It doesn't have to be. You fully invested, it's kind of like stretching for the day.

You can warm up. You know if you plan to take two or three trades throughout the day. Whatever the case might be, you can keep your first one to be relatively. You know first off when the market just opens direction, might be unclear, another incentive on why to watch your position size and second, you know it also allows you to warm up for the day so something to take into consideration there.

We go slight resistance. A lot of consolidation yesterday right around this general resistance level, obviously right for obvious reasons: this is sixty dollars a share. It was a quite significant price point to break above and when we did break above you know it continued that momentum, it pulled one back validated. It as a support and continued to rally so now it's kind of asking the question you know: are we gon na break below 60 dollars a share um over here right? If we hit lows of 60 15 can we continue to bleed below and if we break below 60 you know how low can we go? Is that ludicrous that has that song? I don't know.

Oh man, my dad jokes are nasty they're, bad um, yeah dre. That's a really good question is tqqq still bullish, long run 100. I mean it's still the one. That's more bullish.

Overall, big picture, no question about it: um, that's not even hate. Like you know, sqq is just the day trade right to be able to like make money, as the market slightly pulls on back. These positions are closed. At least i choose to close it every day.

If you want to hold it overnight. That's on you, i'm not here to tell you what to do right, but i do agree with you that the market is more bullish than it is bearish. So in that sense i take it upon myself to not hold any of this overnight. Do you get what i mean and i'm right there with you, where again it just isn't worth the risk.

Simply okay, here we go, retesting looks like it's trying to establish that support level. Just a quick little heads up there we go strong support on tqq. Anyone locking in profits on ask qqq 100, i mean if you want to choose to lock in profits. I wanted to see if we could run a little bit longer uh, but that's my decision.
If you wanted to play it a little bit more safe and locked in profits, you know just watch for the break of pattern. Um, i wanted to give it enough of a cushion where you know it's still valid and um. So again, if you want to lock in profits, please do it i'm never here! You know my job is to look out for you. If you want to lock in profits, do it right don't hold because of me, i will never ever encourage you to hold, because i'm holding so please know that right.

I never think that there's a bad idea or a bad time to lock in profit. Even if you leave a little bit of money on the table, you know your job right now is to learn. It's not so much about to be perfect, so you can always make these adjustments or you can reduce position size a little bit to anticipate a pullback. Do you get what i mean, so i understand that there's many different avenues that you can take.

One of the things that i do um. One of the things i'm noticing right now is that the ema is following very very closely. This is on the no. This is on the one minute, so i'm going to change the length.

This is for 15., i'm going to change it to 25.. I want to give it a little bit more of a cushion so a little bit more of a distance before so. I don't know if you guys saw that, but a little bit more of a gap. So if you look at the ema right, i had it at 15 and it follows a little bit tighter right, so it would be at like 32 27 with this one.

I can put it down here and it's at now at 3220, so it follows with a little bit more of a distance. It doesn't follow as closely giving it a little bit more of a cushion so depending on the way that the stock is trading um. I will adjust the ema according to that, so maybe i'll meet me in the middle with uh. No, i like the 25 with a little bit bigger of a distance, especially with all this consolidation here.

So um looks like it is building a support here for tqqqq. So watch out for this we might get a nice little run here. Right tkq has its tendencies that when it gets going it goes so. Please do not be surprised if we begin to indicate signs of a reversal, i'm trying to see if we actually begin to pop off or end or end or if we end up getting rejected here.

So there it goes nice little push should be fun to see. Adding more to my tqqq position here i would be careful um i mean you. Do you right? Whatever you think is best on the one hour we just broke below the one hour ema. If we retrace, we could retrace back to 57.

I just want you to have a reason behind everything that you do. I would rather wait for you know if you're trying to buy more tqdq here what why not just wait. You know what is this: a total of 10 cents, 10 20 cents at least to see if directions in your favor right. So you get a nice little rally uh.
I would hate for you to average up here as we're still below the ema, and then it just gets rejected. That would be more of like a an average up that you kind of just threw away right and there it goes. It looks like it is getting rejected. Lower highs, lower lows again, have a reason behind what you do.

Don't just trade because you can that's one of the biggest mistakes and again all of the beginner traders watching this right now, if you're going to be asking the question, why do so many people fail as they're just getting started? It's because of just that, because the market is so accessible, it's so easy to buy. It's so easy to sell anytime anything is that accessible! You need to make sure that you take it upon yourself to implement structure, implement that every time that you initiate a trade, that criteria is met that there's a why behind that trade, not just because you can, but because it makes sense. That's what i think should be our intent so 100, if you want to average up into tqq, just have a reason behind it right if it's obvious that we're still trading below the ema line, and you can wait 5 or 10 cents for that confirmation. Why not do it? Why not look out for yourself right, do it for yourself, don't do it for me, don't do it for other people right we're not like all the other meme traders that are like do it for the movement it's like.

This is for you why'd, you start learning how to trade for you not for me not for a movement right. You did it for yourself because you want to do better, so do better simple right there. It goes sqq with a nice little rally, wow quick reversal. There that was a very quick reversal there.

It goes breaking above the ema check that out that one came out of nowhere, but again at least we have some form of indication of a potential reversal. It cannot just be tqqq. That's pushing up like this. Let's check this out well, what else do we have here? Let's get back to swing trade challenge, how's apple, doing, let's see, okay, so a nice little rally built at support approaching that moving average once again, seeing if we get rejected, but it's looking strong right now.

So don't know if these tech stocks are tired of pulling on back but tesla's looking a little weak, it's really more apple. That's my concern. Apple's looking pretty strong, it's building this support level here and again, the more that apple goes up the more influence it can have on the overall market, but apple also kind of does its own thing from time to time and there it goes nice push here. It goes tkq trying to recover look at that, retesting that same resistance level for apple.

So all right slight. You guys see that rejection candle, let's see, pull it on back there. It goes beautiful setup. I like it.

I like it. I like it all right. Let's let it bleed, let's see how big this red candle can be. Can this bring us down sub 60 share? I want to see if i can capture the break below 60 during this live stream, but it looks like things are kind of slowing down for it.
So so on this one, that's a really good question. I mean it's all dependent on how it is that you want to manage risk uh. The question was: do you want to cut losses based off of a breaker pattern or based off of a loss percentage? I mean i can cut losses depending on. However, it is that i want to right.

So if my intention was like hey, i entered this trade because uh tqqq was trading below the moving average. Then i can choose to cut losses at the break of pattern or just like you said, hey if i lose one or two percent, that's my exit. That's a little bit more of a cushion right because i'm up on sqq quite a bit uh. So with that being said, you know dang, look at that.

Look at that red candle, wow, hey! Look at that new highs for sqq, really, nice push and um. My biggest thing is, i would have probably had to reduce position size at the break of pattern. So this would have been the moving average, but that was way up here right right around 61 and i would have completely cut losses if i would have hit like my max, like 1.5 percent right, because i i don't make necessarily too much off of sqq right. So my risk to reward ratio has to make sense, hey if i think i can make three percent you know.

What's my downside, it needs to be less than three percent. I need to make sure that i manage and mitigate my risk less than three percent. The numbers have to make sense. So that's why sometimes you guys kind of see me hesitate when the market's bullish? It's not just asking the question: hey, you know how you know.

I can make money, of course i can make money doing anything, but how much money can i make versus how much i'm putting myself at risk for that's kind of what i take into consideration so about to break 600 on the day, i'm just enjoying it, allowing It to kind of push up allowing this thing to sell off. I'm so grateful that, during this live session, we're able to catch the break below 60 dollars, we were patient. We allowed it to happen again friendly reminder if you want to begin to reduce your position size on, ask qqq all powered to you. I personally think on the one hour time frame.

I think it's very easy to see that we're trying to retrace back to this moving average on the one hour time frame. I think we're headed back to lows of 58. That's just me, so what that would mean is tkq has the potential to drop another? Three percent - i think it's, i would still you know, consider reducing position size up here, i'm trying to look out for all of our beginner traders. So if you want to reduce your position size a little bit here and then allow it to continue to run, if it does, that's also not a bad idea.
If you want to hold your entire position, that's on you, but again my job is to encourage you to look out for yourself, so right now that you're ahead. This is, i think, the best time to plan plan now for the worst case scenario, while you're on top of the world right, not when you're, when everything is falling. Underneath you right now is the time to prepare for the worst case scenario um, but yeah i mean that's really just it so i mean we just allow it to run right. So so this is for my tqqq.

I have that one share that i always hold up 750 dollars, just letting it run letting this thing bleed look at that, just letting it bleed it's that simple and that's pretty much it that's exactly what our learn plan profit group gets to experience every single morning. A question you might have is: how often do i get to see this every single morning at market open now, something that you must understand is that is every day a day worth trading. Definitely not right. Our job is to determine and to seek opportunity.

If the day is choppy, then it is our job to hold ourselves back to not put ourselves in an open position, which is often a worse position than no position right, and that's definitely something that i want to make sure that you guys take into consideration. Is that my job as a trader for learn plant profit is to show up every single day? And if you like, my trading style, if you like the way that i break things down and if you like, the way that i work with my learn - plan profit team, then i actually wanted to offer you 150 off the learn plan. Profit. 2.0.

That's going to be the first link in the description and, yes, that is our biggest sale that we will ever offer. So if you like, exactly what you see, you will get lifetime access to my daily live trading sessions, lifetime access to the all new learn plan, profit, a2z, video lesson, library, lifetime access to our private discord chat and, yes, you will also get lifetime access to our Tech buds trading hq that is located here in chandler arizona, we're one of the only people that offer anything like this and again you can get this for 150 off. If you see value in my trading style, i'm looking forward to working with you guys on a closer basis again, the link is going to be the first link in the description. I appreciate you guys time hope that i earned a thumbs up.

Please consider subscribing and like always, let's make sure that we end the year on a green now. Take it easy.

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12 thoughts on “The best trading strategy for beginners 2022”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars La Perfection Louis says:

    Why do you hide the P/L ? Aurel.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristian GarSa says:

    I can Belive i finally find this!! I Hope is exactly what i need. Ill come back later hahaha

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ruby Middleton says:

    I’m of <the opinion that those who leave it to market dynamics to determine when to trade or not are either new to the Market or are probably just naΓ―ve. The market has seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders are taking advantage of the dip and pumping even more towards trading sessions. My advice to new investors: More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 9 BTC when I started at 2 BTC in just 2 weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from expert Alan Keaton.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wugaga says:

    Thanks for sharing irregardless of rain or shine.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Levelsports says:

    I notice alot of traders on YouTube speak very fast, I have to keep pausing the video and rewind back, I know you can use the slow Mo option on YouTube but speaking slowly and easy way would be good for beginners

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Chilling says:

    Nice set up brother πŸ‘Œ.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars felipe mosh says:

    First comment πŸŽ‰

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jean-Paul Faye says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristian Rincon says:

    I can’t wait to be part of his team.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustSomeDude says:

    Ur mom

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mentor.of.motivation says:

    Here first!!!! First comment first like πŸ‘

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abel Casillas says:

    1st, what up Ricky

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