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Today, Tim Bohen explains the importance of using a stock screener to narrow down the vast sea of stocks to the most promising opportunities. He showcases two of his favorite scans - the best afternoon and morning scans - to help you discover potential high-gainers. From powerful morning breakouts to PDT-friendly swing trades, Tim's insights will help you navigate the market with confidence. Don't miss out on the chance to take your trading to the next level! Tune in now and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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#StockScreeners #StockScanners #TradingInsights
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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All right, welcome back everyone! Today we're going to be talking about stock screeners, why to use them and how to use them. And then I'm going to give you a couple examples of what I think are the two best afternoon scans as well as the best by far the best morning scans. So welcome back everyone! I Am lead trainer with stocks trade Tim Bowen Let's talk about why to use a stock screener or a stock scanner. Those terms are kind of interchangeable I know they kind of even.

I Quite frequently go back and forth Like to me, a scanner is slightly different. like a scanner is just going to give you a bunch of stocks. A screener is what we're talking about today because the whole idea of a screener. It's like think about panning for gold.

You know you're You're sifting through all of the junk and then you're left with the gold. You know the dirt and the Rocks Go away. the gold stays. So I will interchange those terms I Do apologize.

Screener is the proper tool for this video. but cut me some slack. this is, you know, live baby. So anyway, what we're looking for with a screener is: think about there's 19 000 stocks okay depending on the day, depending on how accurate the market is.

I mean like you can't sit down and research and analyze 19 000 stocks I Mean it's just not reasonable if it took you 10 seconds each. I Mean that's 19 000 seconds. The trading day is over. Okay, so you can't do 1900, you can't do 190.

I Mean if if you're uh, uh, seasoned Trader you could probably analyze 19 stocks pretty quickly. Okay, but as a newer Trader which I'm assuming you are because you're checking out the channel, which is great. Welcome aboard. But what you have to do is a newer Trader is you're still building your process.

You don't know necessarily what stock or what news move stocks, what, what news affects stocks the most you have to. It is imperative to get down to the smallest list of stocks as possible. like I would love it if you were just looking at less than probably less than five. Most days that's not reasonable.

Some days it is like today. Vcig was absolutely beautiful. You know, the very first stock we went over on the morning webinar 8 30 Eastern I'll talk about that in a little bit. You can actually join me every single trading Day Live at 8 30 Eastern Vcig broke the double top from last week.

Artificial Intelligence press release: Low Folk stock good volume 450 break is key. Um, those moves have been working lately and if I jump over there, you'll see the stock broke 450. Let me zoom in at about 10 30 a.m and went almost immediately to 11 30. Okay, the re the way I found Vcig was using: Oracle Okay, this is that number one morning screener.

and what's great about this is several things. It's instant. Okay, this is a a black box algorithm. so with one click, Oracle gives me the most volatile pre-market stocks one claim in a matter of milliseconds.

Let me show you I'm going to open a new tab and I'm gonna hit Oracle and look at that right. there's a Vsig space Mara Some of these great Runners Today, all with just one click. Now you'll also notice that there's about 15 stocks here and a lot of them have directional bias Okay The reason they're directional bias: the red stocks are short. the green Stacks are long now not to get too into Short Selling I Know it's confusing for a lot of people, but you can make money when stocks go down.
those are the stocks you look too short. But what's great is if I want to look at low flow stocks with news that are big morning Runners You know I can simply just filter by the float and if I drop in, you know traditionally we're looking at less than 10 million shares in the float and you'll see that. Whoops! So ten, one, two, three, one, two three. And if I filter now you can see I've got five stocks, five stocks, and only one stock is green.

directional bias and guess which one. It is the absolute best stock of the day Vcig. So that is one thing I recommend all of you do in the morning is you get Oracle Now Understand Oracle is proprietary and exclusive to stocks to trade. Okay, so click that link below.

Check it out. Get it. Try it. I Think you'll be blown away and simply look at that like again, if you're a new Trader you're probably not looking to short stocks yet so you're looking to go along.

You'll notice one stock is green, one stock has an entry stigel at 3.95 and it was by far the best stock of the day. And and even if I went through and analyzed all five of these, I would have had just a few minutes each. Okay, if you use the daily income Trader system. it's A It's a criteria and it's a process and a methodology to find the best stocks.

Let's say I spent five minutes per stock. Like, like let's say you are short seller bias I've got five stocks that I can spend five minutes on and I can be ready for the trading day in 25 minutes. Certainly reasonable. I would hope I would hope all of you have realistic expectations and I would hope all of you are willing to spend 25 minutes a day to find something like V-cig that went from four dollars and fifty cents after it was already up.

Huge mind you, mind you. I mean this thing was already up from two to four, but it went from 450 to 11. Okay, over one? that's almost 150 percent move from the signal that we talked about on the morning webinar. I would hope you'd be willing to spend 25 minutes to find that.

so that shows you how you can get down from 19 000 stocks to a handful. Next screener we're going to go over is that Afternoon View App hold. Um, I've got a lot of videos on this one, so I will keep this a little bit briefer. it's just a summary.

What we love about V-wap is the number one, uh, technical indicator that basically every day trader is using. If you're not using View app, add it to your charts. Learn it. Check out the archive we have at this point.
I probably have hundreds of V-wap videos. Take advantage of that, because listen, even if I did a View App video five years ago, it's still applicable today. It's the same technical indicator and these are the same patterns. So this technique this screener you'll see is giving me stocks that are big gainers, trading high volume and are what's called hugging V web and I'm gonna run this one.

Run it live and you'll see one, two, three, four, five beautiful stocks. Aaoi has been very strong. We're actually looking at that for an afternoon breakout. but again, now like let's say, you can't trade in the morning, you can only trade afternoons.

So you maybe you're you know you didn't trade visig in the morning on Oracle and you come back. Maybe you work till noon or something. You sit down, you fire up the view apps can five stops, you know and again it varies day by day. Some days it might be seven, some days it might be two.

I mean some days there's none. which if there's none, it just tells you there's no great trading opportunities and you come back the next day. Remember more, trading isn't better. What is better is trading the best setups, not just throwing stuff at the wall and hoping for the best.

So actually I just had one more pop on. so I got six. Yeah, I can actually remember this is real time so and he just dropped it off actually. but real-time scanner so you can be analyzing those stocks as they pop on more of a day trade strategy and then the other one we look for for those overnight gappers and you should understand and learn how a learn a gapper strategy.

Okay The reason I want you to learn a gap or strategy is very pattern day trader friendly. I'm guessing a lot of you are under the PDT. You can actually you know Cap relies on being under the PDT by taking these stocks overnight. It's got to be the right stocks.

Okay, and this scan may look very simple, but it actually is crazy powerful. Some of the best swing trades and some of the best gappers come from this. So we're just looking for stocks that are trading big volume. they're up.

Uh, you know they're above a dollar a share and they're basically hugging the 52-week High versus V-wap and we're looking for stocks that have pierced and pulled back. Wow. Crazy bullish day out there though. So man, um, it's very bullish out there.

so you'll see I got 60 stocks on here. but if I filter by volume, you can see I've got about 10 before they trap drop below. uh, 2 million shares a day. So I really wouldn't look to Gap anything with with less than 2 million shares on the day.

I Just like to see this to look for sympathy plays but you can see at the top I mean listen, if you're looking to Gap stocks swing stocks hold long term, look at what we got at the top baby. Nvidia I mean look at the look at those six month chart of Nvidia Incredible. The Stock's still breaking out Apple Apple's just been crushing Cisco Delta Airlines actually been very good. We kind of a lot of these travel places have been coming back.
Dropbox Great technology company. Okay, so now you can see that a lot of these great safer plays to either Gap or or swing trade are right there and again, if you drop down and you ignore the stocks less than 2 million, you got about 10 stocks to go through. Two minutes, maybe five minutes of stock takes a little longer, but it's a very busy day. Very bullish day out there.

a lot of days you run this scan. I Mean we've just been on an amazing Bull Run It's it's the middle of June Pretty crazy. Probably by the time you see this, stock markets will be at all-time highs. Last couple months just been crazy bullish and the scan actually represents that.

You can actually use that scan to determine how bullish and bearish you should be like I wouldn't be shorting anything right now when you've got every single Technology stock as well as construction stocks and and travel stocks. and me just everything breaking out. Time To Get Bullish baby! So that being said, my friends, if you learn from this, let me know in the comments below. if you know if you use these scans, if you like these scans, and if you're really looking to take it the next level, click the link below and check out the Daily Income Treasure system where you can watch us run these exact scans.

Live. Watch us run Oracle Live Six webinars a day 100 free from morning to night and even on weekends you can see it live. we call it stocks to trade live. Click that link.

Check it out. We'd love to see you there. Thank you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

5 thoughts on “The best stock screeners for new day traders”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Luis Rodriguez says:

    thank you for sharing,and I use the screener everyday really help me alot as a beginner trader

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Sisler says:

    An education is one thing, but an education with Great tools, with experts to guide you in the use of those tools, and guidance on the Details to look for and to create setups for within the tools enables you to be self sufficient over time. I'm a Challenge student and this is the most complete education system and business starter I've ever seen. This actually enables you to be profitable while learning. And yes I've made profitable trades… This is the real thing.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A better life says:

    Oracle is $2500 per year

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Packard says:

    Is the Oracle Morning Screener included in the 14 day 7$ trial?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John John says:

    So the best screener is one we have to buy from you. Thanks man πŸ™πŸ‘

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