The Best Ai for Real Estate Agents to Scale their Businesses | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
Plainly said, Ai for real estate agents is a miracle. It’s your way of getting a lot more done in a lot less time.
Take Mark Pattison for example. He’s running a monster team (PorchLight Realty – 68 agents) while also starting a liquor brand, a coffee brand, and several other businesses. There aren’t enough hours in the day to manage everything he’s responsible for… That’s why he leverages an impressive Ai tech stack to supercharge his productivity and act as if there were several of him.
In this episode of the podcast, I talk with Mark about the best Ai for real estate agents trying to scale their businesses more efficiently. You’ll learn the applications you should be using and the best ways to use them.
The best Ai for real estate agents is just a click away. Watch or listen right here.
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 – About Mark
03:34 – Tools Mark is using
12:05 – For graphic design
14:08 – Implementing Ai strategies
20:20 – Being everywhere
26:15 – Effective prompts
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Two more On top of that is, Camba obviously has launched a lot of AI inside Canva and everybody uses Canva so that's a no-brainer right? Um, but the one that essentially I was talking to one of my coaches Alicia shout out to Alicia I got obsessed. um, like a couple weeks ago with and is like literally I go in and say I'm building a PowerPoint I'm building a marketing plier I'm building a piece like this. Here's what I want I want a big beautiful image that shows this, this and this a golf course, whatever it may be, and I need to add my photo in. it just goes like this: Yeah, I mean it's so instantaneous it's almost scary.

Now we see commercials now of some of the big monster companies out there that are doing this. um, but I'm finding like for our clients like low-cost easy solution I think the whole game is speed having a creative thinking partner to your point, having to get 25 options and then use your Genius to say I like that one and that one but make it brighter and then give it to your team? Yes, how how else do you see a CEO of a company, an agent using these tools that we're talking about so far just to speed everything up like AI or not AI is here to stay and it's only going to accelerate. So today we want to talk about AI dominance unleashing the power of AI to crush the competition or maybe just maybe improve your business dramatically to help me get there. I got Mark Pattison from San Diego California Absolute Rockstar We had a discussion recently.

we were in Cabo in front of a bunch of our top clients. You are active in this: I am active in this I've been making a statement to people over and over again. Anyone that tells you they're an expert in AI outside of maybe Ray Kurzweil Outside of maybe the you know, some of the Google guys, they're lying to you. but people like you and I seem to be early into this.

We got on in November we've been toying around with it. it's only really seven months old I Want to unpack though. Some of the things you're doing. Some of the things I'm doing to inspire to encourage people that are maybe like on the fence or maybe they downloaded the app chat Gbt and haven't done anything with it.

Cool with that? Yep, so markers, people that don't know who you are, you're in San Diego Give them just a little insight. Team leader got a big business. got a lot of different businesses using using AI in a lot of different ways which we'll get into. but just who is Mark so they know Yes! So I'm based out of San Diego California I own a company called Porchlight.

Uh, we have around 100 agents between my different companies. I have a flipping team called Got Fixers uh alcohol I'm opening up a coffee shop called Portrait Coffee in September uh just really using as much AI as possible because I am. as an individual People always ask me, how do you do it, how do you have enough time I don't There's always too many projects, but AI has allowed me to leverage and it's allowed me to scale very quickly. Yes, um, it's essentially Google Um, elevated.
So I mean imagine what our parents thought of Google or just anyone in general when they first got a mobile phone internet. That's what Chat Gbt is for our generation. one thousand percent. So so I'm gonna just for the for the listener, a friend of mine Dr Peter Diamandis Mentor Right about it.

360. This the extraordinary human being wrote a recent book called EXO It's the entrepreneurial or excuse me exponential organization and what he talks about in the book is in the past it would take a hundred thousand people to create a billion dollar business and then that number got down to like 10 000 employees to create a billion dollar business. Then Instagram did it with 13 people, 13 people and then sold their company for a billion dollars. And the game now is who's going to be the next wave of entrepreneurs that do it with three people utilizing AI So so we're in.

this discussion of how can we do more? How can we serve more? How can we help more clients? How can we think faster? How can we you know get through the minutia and get at least a succinct plan in place to go implement or at least build upon versus how do I do this? So let's just start with what are the tools you like the most and then we'll get into some of the Practical applications and the prompts and all that stuff. So what are some of the tools you're using and all kind of Bounce in between with some of the tools that I'm using? Yeah, so we use everything from just basic Chat Gbt which is my favorite. Uh, there's different options out there of course, but essentially it's like whether you use Bing or you use Google or you use Yahoo you pick your favorite and I found that you kind of stay with it. Um, so I'm on Chat Gbt the most I do have I do have plugins and different things with Chrome extensions but I really focus? Uh, to be honest, my main thing is just using Chat Gbt for myself because I'm more the Visionary for my companies.

so I don't need to figure out how to integrate and make sure that these things happen. That's what my team members are for right? Um, so they're using a lot of automation where maybe blog posting and different things throughout. but my my favorite personally is just plain old. Just go to it, use it as my Google that's what I've been using it for for creating my businesses, creating My roadmaps.

Yeah yeah. I think so. I think about it the same I would replace Google with um I'm going to upload all of Mike Vance's content into chat GPT because it currently doesn't exist and whether it's Mike Vance or Jay Abraham or so many of my mentors I need that strategic thinking partner and I'm I'm now leaning on you know, 45 minutes driving back and I'm I'm literally holding the audio version of chatgpt and I'm having a conversation with it. If I wanted to reimagine this plan and our goal is this: our profit is that the number of people is this the FTE account and I literally am just talking into it.
Can you write for me a summary of what that plan would look like like for the person listening I Don't think alone anymore I'm always thinking with my Mastermind Partners I'm always running ideas past my friends but I think we're saying the same thing. that like this is now as important as my cell phone. as important as any other device I'm using in my business because I can get it so much faster I can literally say I'm talking to this client. They want to achieve this this and this.

What are the seven most important things they have to do: Prioritize and form unpack each one of those. If I was only going to pick one, how would you prioritize it? If their goal was this, what would you do and I'm just having this conversation and I know it's becoming more intelligent because I'm asking these questions. Yep, give us a super so chat. TBT go to the next one because I know because we're going to unpack a bunch of these.

What else you? Yes! So another one for video that we love is uh so Opus is another one or Munch so you can basically upload your YouTube clip say you have a video on on YouTube you can throw it in there. uh and maybe the video guys are uh, hating this but it essentially edits for you clips and it'll highlight and pull out and put text over. So it's basically doing all the job for the editing right? Um, and it can throw out and it can rank it so it'll tell you hey this this is a 93 out of 100 for SEO This will give you the ranking on you know this is your best post and it'll give you a description of why. So if you need to go and post it on social yes, copy and paste it.

So uh, so Idris How long does it take uh to take a one hour version of Tom Ferry and edit it down into nine different slices that we can then put on Instagram YouTube shorts like give me give me more than a number, then a while Hector Okay, so so three? So Three Four hours, right? So Three four hours, of a really good video editor or two of them right here inside this room I upload the video into YouTube and I I don't I didn't even adjust any of the like options around fonts or this I just said yeah, just just go and go. Boom! And then I went about my work and then I get an email. Hey, you have like 19 new videos you should review and I'm looking at the first one. It says this video came in at a 96 Score! The audience or the video successfully captures the audience attention that it with an engaging hook and seamlessly takes them through the topic of social connection and its impact on well-being My friend, if you're shooting long-form video and you're not using something like this and you're putting demands on your VA or a world-class editor like I have you can now do it in seconds, freeing them up to do more work for sure? Yeah, I'm not saying to replace the individual I Think it's just.
um, it's almost like steroids for the individual. You know that's why I'm saying is my team takes these prompts and they they run with it. So the the things that you can go and set up on automation. Whether you can take an Excel sheet of all the topics you want, have it, auto upload and create you blogs that post to your blog daily right? so that you're constantly getting interactions on there.

and then it can take that and post it out on social media. So just imagine how much more your marketing team can do. Imagine how much more you can create. Um, I mean it's it's unlimited so you you shared.

We were on a video mask around the other day and you said Active Pieces? Yes, so Active Pieces. Now Active Pieces does a lot of different things. So I think when you search for active pieces you need to put in like active Pieces Comma Automated writing blog Because because Active Pieces does a lot of other things, this is one little sliver of it I have shared this with two dozen CEOs of companies mostly startups where I said to them, are you looking for more SEO Are you looking for more content marketing? Oh God Fairy! If I hear one more thing about content marketing I'm going to punch somebody in the face I know I have to do it I said okay two things. you'll appreciate this and then give me your feedback. Yes, you go to and you say you type in I'll use one for example, uh uh, recruiting real estate agents for one of my CEOs and and I on answer the public because I'm a paid subscriber I Suddenly get every question that's happening around the internet regarding recruiting real estate agents. How do I recruit agents? Why do agents leave and I take all those questions and I say summarize: give me the list, upload it into active pieces, and say now write me a daily blog covering each one of these subjects. Does this sound familiar? Because this is what you told me and I was like stealing that for all my CEOs how have you applied it to your real estate business? So same because we do have so many different companies where we have only which. So guys I did not have a marketing person until Tom made me hire my first marketing person.

Uh, you're welcome Kate you have a job because of this map. Yeah! so I always did it off of relationships, but now Kate is able to go and take this and she's our marketing Hub that's a shared service provider. Yeah, so you guys see the fractional. CFOs you see the fractional marketing people.

So essentially she is servicing all my companies and she's able to do it because of this. So she's taking active pieces. She has all the content because she's not in real estate. Yes, I Had to give her the topics I told her to go to check out what people are Googling put that in and then now it's creating blogs because if you want your marketing person to create blogs for you and they're not in real estate and they don't have a much backing Gather in the office.
they understand a little bit of it right? but they're not agents. no and it's It's funny. like we have a staff writer um in our office who recently you know been with me forever and decided to exit and and my comment to the team was as much as I Always loved that guy and he was a hard worker. He never understood the language of our clients so I'd have to have his stuff Rewritten he was beautiful writer but then I'd say someone that understands the business needs to rewrite this right now we take these, we just upload it in.

They write the blog every day and I'm curious with most the CEOs I have doing this now and they're not doing it. you know, turning over to the marketing department somebody else is doing it. They're now getting daily content that they post on LinkedIn on their Facebook posts with a photo like long form content right? and then of course on their websites, right on their blogs. But some of the Smart Ones came back to me and said yeah but before I did that I went back into chat GPT uploaded the entire thing and said now optimize this for SEO for my business.

Here's the keywords that I use. you know based on my Google search writer uh Google keywords for my ads and then it rewrote the blog just a little bit to make sure it was optimized. Thoughts on that no I I love the idea of making sure but also edit it to you. You know you can't just trust it.

Thank you because when you send out an all-company email, your employees will respond back. thanks Chat Gbt yes and I was like no I wrote that Yeah, yeah. so I actually use Chat Gbt and I'm like oh I usually don't write in paragraphs yes I'm usually you know I'm a driver. Bullet points to the point and they're like where are all these paragraphs coming from Mark So now people are going to know when I say hi chechi PT once again I want you to write like Tom Ferry which means occasional misspellings are totally are totally appropriate.

yes and then it rides a little bit and it struggles with it I'm like no, you got to make it sound more like me. Um, all right so let's go. What else are you? So we got Chachi BT We got ants to the public. we got active pieces.

We got Opus or Opus Clips if you Google it's that one. Um, what about? from a graphic design standpoint, are you using anything there? uh we do a little bit. Uh, is AI So I needed to create a new logo for my Escrow Company Yeah so what? I went. just went in there pretty quickly and and it's usually what I use it for.

It's kind of like hey, these are what I like now I give it to my marketing person I'm like fine tune this. Yeah! So for example, uh, my short-term management company recreated it on created us all the documents, gave us the brand coloring, gave us the fonts what it be. then I gave it to my marketing gal and I said I like this but I want it to be more Vivid the colors were a little dull and I I was looking at other property management sites and I was like man, everything is super bright and fun. Yes, if you want to come to San Diego so AI doesn't maybe understand that portion but it did kick out a ton of options for me, right? right? And it gives you things that you can select and you can go back and say hey, I don't like those five but take these two and create me 20 more and it'll create you 20 just off that within seconds, right? So no one you know, no human can do that work.
but it's kind of a this is my intro packet of branding to give to my marketing person. Bingo! So so two more on top of that is Canva obviously has launched a lot of AI inside Canva and everybody uses Canva, so that's a no-brainer right? Um, but the one that is interesting I was talking to one of my coaches Alicia Shout out to Alicia I Got obsessed. Um, like a couple weeks ago with and is like literally I go in and say I'm building a PowerPoint I'm building a marketing flyer I'm building a piece like this. Here's what I want I want a big beautiful image that shows this, this and this, a golf course, whatever it may be and I need to add my photo and it just goes like this: Yeah, I mean it's so instantaneous it's almost scary.

Now we see commercials now of some of the big monster companies out there that are doing this. um but I'm finding like for our clients like low-cost easy solution I think the whole game is speed having a creative thinking partner to your point, having to get 25 options and then use your Genius to say I like that one and that one but make it brighter and then give it to your team. Yes, how how else do you see a CEO of a company, an agent using these tools that we're talking about so far just to just I mean for example: I I'm gonna have a call with an attorney I got an offer on a commercial property and now I own a residential team Yes I understand commercial and my license California works for both, but I'm not 100 proficient in commercials. so I said chat gbt look at this letter of intent.

What should I ask? uh, an attorney based on these facts of what I've been getting in returns and what they're including in the offer, right? What are they missing out on what's normal for an offer And it gave me answers Yes so that I didn't have to go into the conversation completely. Just hey, what is the attorney gonna tell me Because you know they may think I understand something where I don't Also, sometimes you don't want to maybe ask the wrong questions so you want to come a little bit educated, right? Um, that was huge for me and I did that just today, you know I just threw that in there. So if you have the the four version, you can throw in PDFs and you can actually ask it question. Yeah! so if you're maybe doing command F normally on a PDF to find something right, Instead you can just actually ask the question and say like how much is rent and if it's a 20 Page lease document, it'll explain rent you right? It's pretty insane, right? And what is included in that triple net lease and what? It's not Whatever.
So this this is one. um Jason pantan and I I Want to say it was like last December like during the holidays and you know he's a nerd right? like and I say that lovingly like and I am endured and you are a nerd like. We're taking advantage of these tools and so we were like texting back and forth about something and he says hey, I was just reviewing this contract and what I just I uploaded into chat GPT and I found like four things in here that are good for you and bad for me and five things here that are really good for me and four that are bad for you. We might want to address this and I was like read that contract she's like no I put it through chat gbt and I said um, tell me the ways where it's good for me and bad for them and vice versa and I identified every one of them like send me a copy of that, send it right to my attorney My attorney was like I totally see that point of view.

let me charge you a couple thousand dollars and I'll fix all those things. But but the point is again, it is just another example that I don't know how to say this Mark so maybe you can say it for me better. I I'm I'm playing with this idea. the notion that we are no longer in an environment where you have to ask how it is more about what do I want? Maybe why do I want it and then who is going to help me apply it.

Um, the the magic now is in asking the question what do I want Yeah I'd Like to know how to take my real estate business from 25 transactions to 75 transactions I'd like to be 70 listing, sold, 30 buyer sale My database currently consists of 1200 people, of which 175 are past clients, the balancer people I either met at open houses or the Misphere of Influence or I bought some of those leads maybe 30 from. Google Facebook right? and I give it all the details and I say write me a marketing plan but it won't because you should just hire a coach. Okay, this is this is the like I've had coaches say to me oh my goodness we're gonna be out of business No, no no no no no because because we hold people accountable, accountability, and to your point just as I do when I write a plan for someone or I'm creating a strategy for somebody and and using my IP to ask the right question then I need to go back. like the blog I need to personalize it to customize it.

Yeah, it's just it's it's trying to get this beautiful person listening or watching right now to understand. robots are not going to take over the world. You're not going to die. AI is not going to replace you.

It's not. It's not like agents that use it are just going to have a competitive Advantage It's going to take me a lot less time to do a lot more. Yeah, and we're going to keep working. It's not going to make anything probably easier because we're just going to put more on our plates, right? but it allows me to create.
I mean I put together a business plan in maybe an hour and it was probably the most proficient business plan I've ever seen. Exactly I looked through all of it I'm like holy crap this is genius. This is how I can you can put in there how you should pay people yes and it'll talk about what laws you need to put in place and it says oh, I'm not an attorney but it'll give you the idea then you run it by your attorney exactly I would have never even thought about paying some of my you know employees this way I think we were chatting about this um and I've had the discussion now with several other people. some people in the title insurance business Etc I said I think we need to take every single piece of legislation currently you know in real estate today and we need to upload it into chat GPT to make sure that when an agent says I'd like to do abc123 am I missing anything from illegalese yes, you know that's what we do.

So we Affiliated everything car legal has. So essentially it's just a you know, a document this big that you're never going to read right I was thinking I was like Wow it'd be amazing to upload the tax code exactly. Well, I'm sure you know how do I do this. It might even be inside there, but that's so like that's so Peter uh Peter Dimonda said he believes in the not too near distant future that it will be considered malpractice for a doctor to diagnose somebody without actually going to Chachi PT or some equivalent of it.

Of course there's like 2 000 new reports being published every single day for doctors around the world. Nobody can keep up with that. but Chachi BT Again, yes, what is the what is the latest findings for this surgery? What is the latest findings for this issue? What is the latest findings for? And again like that's just I Think it's it's the matrix. It's the ability to go.

Hey Tank I Need to know how to fly a B12 helicopter? Okay, got it. I Think that's what it's doing. We still need to fly it. We still need to shoot the gun.

We still need to go on the appointment. We still need to have the idea for the business. Am I crazy No I I Absolutely love it. Even so you one of your coaching clients, our uh, mutual friend Tammy Pack wrote a book yeah her book came out the other day and she said hey I would love if you could you know support me So of course clicked it, bought it immediately and I said oh I need to write a review So I went to Chat Gbt the day her book came out.

yes and I said chat Gbt will you write a review for me for Tammy Pack's book and it without it I said ask me any questions you need to know about the book Yeah so that you can find out how we can write the best review Yeah, it already read the book I'm like where did you even get access to this right? I Just got my book. how did you get it already? yeah, did she publish it on Amazon Amazon and there's a there's a print version right? So but it's insane. You just do not think you're like how did you get this and read it before I even got it in the mail And right. Yeah, Okay, on that note, a very, very practical thing for everybody watching as people are making comments.
This is a great way to use comment generators if people are leaving reviews on your business. This is a great way for you to respond positive or negative, right? there is. So I get I get an email from a CEO not to be named and he he he had an issue with something I said on a podcast I'll just say it that way. yeah he wrote me this long email and like he's been a friend for a long time a long time.

you know, great great human being you know fairy look I've always admired you but you said this and smacked me in the head like 14 times. So you know I'm sitting there. it's like 7 30 night at a glass of wine with my wife. I'm reading this email and I'm kind of getting a little steamy.

you know, like it's been a long day. You know what I mean I'm like upload a chat GPT This person is really important to me. I do care about them a lot. they are.

they're giving me their perspective I'd like to write an empathetic response to this, but it's got to sound exactly like Tom Ferry And it wrote this beautiful email back, even answering some of the questions and the concerns. but having Anthony and I said okay, well now let me tweet tweet, tweet, tweak, send it to my VP of industry and said what do you think he's like that's beautiful right and I was like send it right The guy emailed me back and he was like thank you so much for listening I Really do appreciate it I Know you have the best of intentions in the podcast and just sometimes like I I listen all the time, but sometimes you say that I just want to kill you over right? like and that. So we just had this Great Exchange and we're right as rain again. I could have If I would have wrote that myself, there's a very good chance I would have said something snarky.

not not with ever the intention to offend anybody, but like, you know, sometimes we just you know we're like right and you, oh yeah, and sometimes art comes out in your email and it's not so Bueno my one sentence emails no, yeah, all right, do Not approve, synthesize Yeah, yes, we don't know if we're pronouncing that correctly, but it's S-y-n-t-h-e-s-i-a and I Love this site. So with it, you can essentially take a video of you and replicate you. I mean you can be anywhere and everywhere and it's you. Take a script, it's gonna upload and it's gonna talk as if it's you using your voice.

Uh, why? Lopo is actually using it right now as a beta and they played and they I mean they were like hey, Mark give me an address I spit off an address I Was looking at for a house to buy and sure enough my friend's face was up on the screen talking about the house and the address and saying I look forward to seeing you at the home at 123 Main Street right at three o'clock I'm like, how did it do it so quickly, right? That technology, right? So this is both thrilling and scary. Right when we talk about like one of the one of the things that will be challenging in the next presidential cycle is stuff like this. Yes, right? Because all of a sudden you've got you know. uh, you know, Contender and Contender suddenly on video and it's not really them, right? So it's kind of.
Well, both of them are going to be gone, they're getting pretty old I'm not even going. they'll just keep going right and go there with you, right? But I agree. Like you know, the AI robot that's now the president. But what I love about this is if you thought sort of tactically about what are all the communication points where there's a breakdown potentially or a need to make sure that the customer understands and sometimes an email is okay.

But oftentimes a video is just infinitely better because I see your smiling eyes. But maybe just maybe you go with ready uh, create professional videos in 15 minutes and I love this ready turn text into speech with over 120 languages and if you want choose from 140 diverse AI avatars I interpret that as I could have Sarah or Frank is my virtual assistant who shoots all of my FAQ videos, all of my transactional support videos, everything in my follow-up and by the way, he or she is never sick, never complains, and never asks for another raise. and they were all for free on Synthesia or it's coming from you and you're sending a thank you to all of the agents that are doing Cobrook with your agents so you can recruit us I Mean right? So so the the point is all of you? Okay, so uh, Gpte Yes, right. one of one of many sort of marketplaces of every possible AI tool.

How do you when you go there? What do you look for? How do you? How do you play around with it I I mean it's kind of like if you look at the App Store Exactly. So if you're just looking to see if you're like man, I'm overwhelmed. But why or how I could implement this? AI Essentially that site is going to take everything the latest and greatest and summarize it for you. Yes! so you can just go on there and play around if you need.

like if you need help on writing blogs or video. there's literally categories for each one. Yeah! and you can go in there and create and look at the best you know sites. And the cool thing is a lot of these sites are very affordable.

There's usually a free version but then you know 20 bucks is like the most I think I've seen right? Uh and it's well worth it if you think how much you would actually pay to have that service 100 I go back to uh I'm gonna date myself it was like March of 22 March must have been excuse me September of 2020 I was in the Florida Keys and a a really significant writer like a direct response writer friend of mine mentor of mine calls me and he says have you seen and I was like No And I'm like driving from the keys to the Miami Airport with my family in the car on the phone very rude and and I start going and I was like whoa and then it went from conversion to AI to Jarvis yep and then Disney said no no no no no and now they are Jasper right that that to me was the first time that I was like oh my God the world is really changing and it's changing fast and I heard it from you first I I was like wait what is this stuff and I'm like looking it up and I yeah and it was and and they were smart because they really targeted real estate agents I think probably because some early conversations I actually tried to buy the company, tried to invest in the company and they were like we're not ready yet I'm like oh right, that's so pissed but they remember they did things like listing descriptions yes um, response to reviews like they gave you these very targeted So Jasper is actually one of the first things if you go to chat, it's still a high-ranking AI writing solution that you might want to check out if you haven't for Real Estate um final thoughts because we've talked about a lot of stuff and you and I both get really excited in this conversation. final thoughts or or prompts that you have found to be effective I've got a couple in my head prompts that you use to to get better work out of chat GPT So I always use it as in you know, be sure to I talk to it as if it's a maybe an assistant or someone that I'm working with kind of collaborating. So I don't try to get the answer out of them in one question I will ask them a question and I'll say please ask me questions back or you know, please ask me 10 questions or as many questions as you need in order to get a accurate response. and then it brings me back questions and I'll just answer those questions one by one.
Yeah, that's been the best way to get a thorough response. You can also I mean you can stop if you see it's going kind of left from where you're looking to go and you're like, all right, stop the response. let's go in and say no I need you to do it this way Yeah, it'll say oh, I'm so sorry and it regenerates a different response, right? So you just got to work with it as if you know you're working with maybe an assistant You're saying hey, what do you need out of that response Exactly And you can really get whatever you want. It's unlimited.

The one I'm obsessed with I think we actually talked about this on The Mastermind Is you have an ideal client, right? You probably have multiple ideal clients. You have an ideal first-time buyer client. You have an ideal first-time seller client. You have an investor client.
You have a Fix and Flip client. So I say I want you to think like a first-time homebuyer and you basically say I want to know what are the worries? What are the concerns? What are their fears? Understanding that interest rates may be a factor? Payment may be a factor. Affordability may be a factor I Want to know the conversations that are going on inside their heads and the questions that they're burning to get answers for. Go And it just spits out all this information.

Then I say now, take each one of those fears, worries, concerns, and conversations. Write me a headline and a 47 second video script that I could record that would deliver value to that person and engage them in wanting more information from me. Go. and it just it.

just it. It is mind-blowing I could sit there, mark you and I could sit there and say what do we hallucinate The concerns, worries and fears are right. Hey Oh, by the way, I was on. You know, um, answer the public yes and I took seven of them and I said they have concerns also like this, this and this.

what are the questions you have about these concerns? What are the I'm having this dialogue with this insane superpower of bazillions of terabytes of information to figure out who my ideal customer is and how do I communicate in the most authentic way to them like that's that could be the most important prompt in my mind. And then you're making a video. So then when someone Googles that question, you're the first thing that pops up. Thank you and then you have the authority because they've watched all of your videos right? You get the SEO because you turn the video into a Blog thank you thank you You put it on Munch and then now it's on your social media.

Thank you very much And you've done Three people's jobs in one hour. Yes, yeah, it's not, it's it. looks like it's crazy and complicated. Remember when Myspace first came out my brother said who's ever going to talk to friends on the internet well you were wrong Darren Then like a few weeks later he asked me hey can you change my help me change my MySpace song I was like I knew you'd be on MySpace I remember that first mover Advantage right and and obviously early adapters are gonna buy the new uh the new Apple device no oh I'm totally getting it I feel like I'd be like uh I did the uh Oculus yeah bought my dad that for Christmas yes I get always a little dizzy when I start wearing every holiday I go home and then I'm wearing those things I feel like I'm too dizzy but I have the Insight in that I think part of it is because they front loaded all the hardware into the front so the new Apple device they actually put on the side.

which is cool because if you think about it like they're going to allow you to kind of weight it back here. What I hated about the Oculus was all the weight was in the front of my head and I found like the bridge of my nose feeling so anyway the point is I just find my see it was Myspace it was Beluga Maribeluga no no one remembers Beluga Friendster yeah I was on Friendster and I was like oh this Facebook thing and then my buddy said hey you should get on YouTube and I was like wait I'm already doing these audio recordings. These like audio recordings are stupid. Could you imagine if I would have kept going with audio recordings I Started in 2003.
anyway this is one of those moments of time. It is like when you went from a Blackberry to an iPhone that's the way I describe it like yes, Blackberry to an iPhone you're like oh I'm really this is rolling on the side and now you're like how do I hit the buttons and then you became proficient. It's you know, from not driving to driving a stick shift, learning how to ride a motorcycle or how to ride a bike, it is the same exact thing. And if you could just remind yourself that you are beautiful.

You are powerful and when you set your mind to learn something you do otherwise, you probably wouldn't have children. You wouldn't have a car, You wouldn't be in the real estate business. You passed the real estate exam right? You leaned in, you learned, and then look what's happened. Yeah and just go to chat Gbt if you don't know how to use it and ask how to use it.

I'm a real estate agent in Iowa How can I use this? What would you recommend? What are other real estate agents doing to use this tool? I Love that. Yeah, there's no. it's a no-brainer It's it's a lot simpler than you think and I think people are over complicating it. Yes, it's it's meant to help your life and simplify things.

So yes, you don't have to over complicate it exactly. Thank you so much for being on the show. This was super valuable. Follow him on Instagram and hey, if you got questions about this, you can DM me on Instagram you can DM it on Instagram we're here to serve.

Thank you so much for watching the show. See on the next one.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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