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Now we've got to talk to a bear's perspective because every day I give my perspective I Like to see what people are saying on the other side and keep in mind I've been very, very clear. I'm bearish on Staples I'm bearish on oil I'm bearish on quite a few things. Things that have that did well in 22 I Don't think are going to do well in 23 I'm looking for pricing Power value High Freight Cash Flow High Pricing Power Energy chips Uh Automotive Autonomy Robotics, right? But it has to be high free cash flow. That's what I'm looking for I'm also of the believer that we're in this: Nike Swoosh Recovery.

It's going to be very long. It's going to take longer than we expected, it's going to be very volatile. but I think we're on a slow Trend up where maybe by the dip makes sense again and I think the real estate market is going to bottom probably six to 12 months after the real estate or the the stock market. So in other words, More Pain still ahead for the real estate market.

so a bearish on real estate as well and real estate related services. but I'm bullish on certain stocks. Uh, and so let's and I'm also bullish on this idea that we're not going to see a Paul Volcker. I Do think rates will probably have to go a little higher than we expected for longer than we expect.

but I don't see a Paul Volcker. But let's listen to what Sam Zell has to say because he has some opinions about this potential recession we're facing and I'd like to add my commentary because that's what I do sell up Equity Group Investments joins me here at post nine. It's good to see you. good to see you Sarah So there has been a bit of a rethink in the markets about recession.

Is that something you still expect? I I haven't gone through that rethinking I negative is the wrong word. but when you spread out free money for years at a time, uh, you create, you know significant drag and uh, I just don't see how we're going to avoid a Slowdown as that whole process comes to an end. Yeah, and I want to be very clear about this? Well, he's making the argument that look, we're likely to see a recession like how do you? How do you not see a recession to get rid of this inflation, right? And I think this is where it's important, where you have to make your own analysis. Remember: I run on the actively managed ETF I sell courses on building your wealth.

We happen to have a flash sale going on right now I Am a licensed financial advisor, but this is not personalized. Financial advice for you I Think you need to look at the markets and you need to ask yourself there are two things there, really two ways we we go to to primary ways we go. Way number one that we go is basically even if inflation comes down, it ends up coming back up. and then we end up having to get Pved which is Paul Volckert Jerome Powell becomes the version of the early 80s where he raises interest rates to 10 15 20.

Absolutely pushes the economy into a devastating recession and everything's horrible. That is Method Number one. Potential number one. Potential Number two is we don't get a Paul Volcker, but maybe you get like a shallow recession.
Okay, so so if this is GDP right here you get a slightly negative GDP Staples Get hit the worst. Uh, the stock market starts basically pricing through that recession and through that slower growth. It's like, okay, Nvidia's earnings are flat. Does that mean we think Nvidia's growth is gone for the next decade? Of course not.

Means we had some pull forward. We go through some flat, we go through a little period of negative, and then we're fine again. Those are the two trains of thought right now and you have to ask yourself which train are you on? Are you on train one or train two and you probably allocate accordingly. Okay, you probably.

If you're on train two, you're looking at high pricing power companies High Free cash flow. If you're on train one, you're in bonds and cash. Uh, you know, if you're in the middle then you have a mixed portfolio. You know that's the way to look at it right now.

Let's keep going. Well I Guess the the idea would be that the FED would get really lucky and engineer a soft Landing here because the data's strong, the labor market is super tight, and inflation is starting to come down. Yeah, but is is the definition of coming down going from nine to six? Yes, and then it has further to go well. But the point is, six six is still very problem.

Yeah, and you know, so you think the Fed's gonna have to do even more than the market expect I Think that, um, you know I think the Feds screwed up by allowing it to the the zero interest rates to go on for not only the negative zero interest rates going on, but the fact that they were still printing money, Quantitative Easing was still happening when inflation was six percent in March of 2022.. how stupid is that? Fed did make a big mistake. He's right for too long. Uh, I think we're just beginning to pay the price for that and uh I You know it'd be nice to say that it'd be great if the FED got lucky.

Uh, this video is sponsored by the Programs on Building Your wealth linked down below and the experience to Shadow me. If you'd like to do that in person, check out all of that link down below. You get lifetime access to all of the content, the course member live streams, and new information that's regularly added. I've been around for 50 years and I've never seen the FED get lucky.

Uh, he's making the argument here that can the FED actually engineer a soft landing and pull off getting rid of inflation? Uh, this would essentially make Jerome Powell a God if he could pull off a soft Landing No recession, a no mass unemployment and somehow prices go back to stable. Good luck. Uh, that there are indicators that could be happening I happen to lean towards the idea that that could actually happen Or we get that soft recession. shallow recession.
Uh, and and the stock market price is through that. Now who knows. Maybe that's Goldilocks a fairy tale or hopium. But let's keep going team.

The FED do is is mistake in terms of not acting fast enough. So how do you? How do you take that view and prepare some of your companies and your portfolios for that eventual outcome. I Think you basically do two things at the same time. One, you prepare for higher interest rates and higher costs and then at the same time.

uh, you also prepare for dealing with inflation. So a year and a half ago we went to our companies and said, hard to imagine we're not going to have significant inflation and we need to prepare for it, not respond to it. So in effect we reached out and and changed the number of our policies to prepare our companies for escalating costs. Are you now preparing for disinflation? Are you? You're just not convinced that No.

I I You know I You know preparing for disinflation would be a very optimistic thing to do at this point. I Think it's going to take a while for you know, the inflation pressures to ease and I think that's that's that's that's that's what we have to look forward. Sounds like you think the stock market may be a little too excited about this notion that inflation is coming down. It has a long track record of being too excited about everything he's He's also not wrong about that, right? It's easy to be too optimistic about what's happening in the market.

Uh, and yes, for those of you in the comments wondering yes, this is live But anyway, Uh, yeah. so so this is. this is really interesting. Uh, now prepping for higher rates for longer? That's In Fairness where we look at this and go.

Do we really believe that the real estate market is going to go back to two or three percent interest rates on a 30-year fixed uh rate quickly? No. and the longer it stays High the more pain comes to the real estate market. Is it possible that the stock market sees through it? Yes, but only if the stock market does not believe that number one is going to happen if the stock market removed if right now somebody went to you and said I guarantee you Scenario Number One is not going to happen like Jesus Christ himself came down and said World fear not there will not be another Paul vulcram I could I would bet a lot of money that the stock market would Skyrocket And that's because the stock market is not afraid of number two. The stock market is afraid of number One.

My belief? Let's keep going. Uh, both negative and positive. and uh, I think you know when the stock market reflected the fact that interest rates were going up and inflation was a problem. Uh, it was a little slow to pick that up.

uh and then at the first opportunity the stock market has gone and flipped and said oh, everything is wonderful and we're gonna have a soft Landing I think both those extremes are unsupportable. What about real estate? Which is a big business for you, It's it's what you're known for. how how much how much is real estate off the lows if at all because we have seen mortgage rates come down? Yeah, but you know. think about the fact that you know, uh, if you had bought a house in January or February or you know last November your your mortgage rate would have been two and today it's six.
Yeah, uh, that's still high. That's a pretty staggering jump and a relatively short period of time. And I think there's just going to be uh, you know I I think the real estate industry as a whole Uh is got to deal with both loans and all kinds of things that were the result of very, very low. Unrealistically low across the capital.

Yeah, yeah. So essentially he's making the argument here like Hey Look, you're still going to see prices decline, which reiterates what the Federal Reserve says in their Fomc minutes where literally, in the Fomc minutes they say and I'll show you the summary first and I'll show you my citation. They literally say real estate has the potential for large declines. This was just said yesterday, just released yesterday.

Real Estate has the potential for large declines. Valuations remain high, and then when they talk about stocks, they say the Spy is just slightly. Well, it's above its median. Trend Uh, which I think is propped up by Staples right? So look, this is important.

Here's the citation for that so you can read it yourself. You could take a screenshot out right there yourself. Look, I do my best to provide as much value as possible every single day if you want to take advantage of the flash sale for the programs on building your wealth. I'd Love to see you in the course member live streams.

We're going to do some fundamental analysis. We're going to jump into Nvidia and Matterport Now in the course member live stream I'm going to make myself another cup of coffee. That's exactly what we're going to do I'd Love for you to be a lifetime member. There's no recurring fee and monthly it's it's just lifetime access.

whatever content I Add in the future you get and I'd love for you to be there I Love you all! Thank you so much for your support and good luck out there.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “The bear case is worsening mega crash warning.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The North Star of Wall Street says:

    Bear on oil and stables is called being a bull imo

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jargon JJ says:

    It must be hell hanging on this dudes rollercoaster mentality. I truly feel sorry for anyone who takes advice from this clown.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kona Kreek says:

    PV will be replaced and forgotten. JP is our new top economy destroyer

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan says:

    Looks like I will not be buying a house this year either :/

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan says:

    I just want to yell out into the void to reiterate that this inflation “crisis” was entirely foreseen and warned to congress who ignored it because they loved lockdowns and masks so much

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan says:

    Keep fighting the good fight against idiocy Kevin!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyce Koch says:

    Think June 2023 will be the sweet spot to buy stocks – still very much in cash.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaden Kutz says:

    PV is out of the question no matter what the scenario. They can’t and won’t do that. Think Kevin

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Boo boo. I get so sick and tired of trying to tell these idiot's that you and I have a Relationship. I can't help that they don't believe it. Its not my Fault. Donnot . Donnot
    Its the Idiot's. They just don't get it right babe. Its not my Fault Donnot Donnot. They just don't want to believe it boo boo. Like I said. It's not my Fault Donnot Donnot. Kevin belongs to Veronica. And Veronica belongs to Kevin. When are these kids going to get it through the Noggin boo boo. Pray Tell. Anyway. Love you boo boo always. Never forget that. Boo boo! 🎆🎇✨🎍🎑🎀🎁🎗

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason says:

    Bro has now become a perma-bear and weannie baby.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soj. H says:

    The main reason that Train #1 is going to happen is that too many people are in Train #2. The more people fight the Fed, the higher the interest rate needs to be set by the Fed to achieve their goal of bringing down the inflation.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Smith says:

    If inflows into treasuries keep rising stocks will suffer

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darin says:

    When Kevin says that he's bearish on commodities (such as oil) what he should be saying is that he's a permabear on commodities. When he says that he's bullish on tech stocks, what he should be saying is that he's a permabull on tech stocks. How has that played out over the past year? We continually get these so-called "bear case" videos which turn out to just be Kevin trying to refute the bear case. I give up on finding any objectivity here.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WingofTech says:

    Can you explain how you can be bullish on the market (Nike swoosh, choppy uptrend), but are bearish on real estate? Doesn’t real estate going down hit worldwide GDP and consumer spending? Please? :]

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sameh Abuerreish says:

    Preparing mentioned 10x

    How do you prepare??
    Well no one knows .
    That is code for firing employees . This causes defaults on mortgages and foreclosures.
    Great . Awesome .
    Then the capitalists will go in and scoop the houses for pennies on the dollar .
    After that , they will ask the GOVERNMENT to help stimulate the economy . Print more money and increase the national debt . After all you need to keep the masses from starving to death 🤷🏻‍♂️
    Wash , rinse and repeat !

    So y’all go ahead and prep or prepare 😂😅

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sameh Abuerreish says:

    Sam zell🤦🏻🤷🏻‍♂️
    Person can barely speak .
    Retirement home dude . Adult diapers can go a long way .

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khaled Rabbani says:

    All you do is try to cause panic . Relax

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SH DMD says:

    Politics and election 2024

    Democrats will put breaks on Powell

    They won t let him cause crash and mass unemployment over minor 6 percent inflation

    It’s that simple

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Morton says:

    you need to look at history. not just since 2008. you do not get away with printing this much money and think everything is going to be fine again. it time to pay the piper. and its not going to be pretty.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill E says:

    Pointless video

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anh Bui says:

    tesla is going bankrupt for sureeee

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Morton says:

    we are not going to be fine again,…. long and deep bear market

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xao Yung says:

    Dreams of a pivot. I learnt the hard way, don't just average in and out of positions without carrying out proper technical analysis. consult with an experienced financial person and can tell you about future data projections of a company before recommending it to you or removing it. I meet with Denise every now and then to review progress, what I love the most about her is her promptness, in 24-48hours no matter what I get to hear from her. I have been up 70% in the past 12 months on a 387k account. She is a NY stock broker runs her firm under her name, Denise Sharnell Proctor, if you do some research you'd find her license information.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cobra Racing says:

    🙄🙄🙄 crash crash crash, bullish bullish, crash.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shotgunfacelift says:

    Kevin repeatedly claimed his overall sentiment has been bearish even though he was infatuated with every piece of economic data that had a bullish slant and even argued to his audience why this data was:

    "maybe but maybe not but probably most definitely sort of bearish but probably actually bullish"

    If you're not short or hedged, you're going to get wrecked. Higher for longer is here to stay, and in the extreme bear case scenario, this COULD take several years to play out.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB says:

    no new ath until 2035

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cszafarczyk63 says:

    Big Rip or Big Dip. We’re at a pivotal moment

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rjh says:

    Need to refocus on something much more important and that is the tyrant Biden is turning all control of our lives to Bill Gates and the WHO prepare for more lockdowns for sure .

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tammy Grabel says:

    I have a lot of respect for Sam Zell.. you actually remind me of Sam Zell in his earlier career… would love to see you interview him on your channel Kevin!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff says:

    Yep, Goldilocks, fairy tales, and Opium….. and denial.

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