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00:00 Putin Arrest
09:02 United States Attack & China
24:02 Iran Playing Us.
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This is going to be a massive update on Russia. Not only are we going to talk about the ICC and the A Putin arrest warrant, but we're also going to talk about what this means for China Iran the United States World War III. It's all not good, but there are a ton of updates. Let's get everything covered now.

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So if you want to learn how to become a millionaire in real estate, investing in stocks, making more money at your job, Llc's liability protections, insurances you have questions Come to me, come in our course member live streams and I'll help you out personally. Well, it's happened. The International Criminal Court the ICC has issued an arrest warrant against a Russian President of Vladimir Putin along with other officials at the Kremlin over war crimes in Ukraine quote unquote alleged war crimes in Ukraine The arrest warrants were issued based on evidence presented it by the ICC prosecutor which provided reasonable grounds to believe that the suspects Putin are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the context of the invasion of Ukraine An example of this for what would be potentially uh, and intentionally maybe aiming uh weapons and Inter or Icbm's intercontinental ballistic missiles at apartment buildings to essentially engage in total war. Total War is very importantly different from just regular.

War regular War Think about it. kind of like a revolutionary Day Times like 1776, you know you're walking up with your drums and you're lining up in the battlefield and you're fighting. That's sort of like Battlefield Warfare Same thing happens uh, and to some degree in in Uh parts of the Middle East When when that expands to an attacker attacking a city and then purposefully killing civilians and attacking apartment buildings or schools that is considered total warfare, that's basically saying everybody on the other side is against us. We will attack everyone that is being deemed a war crime.

In a report by CBS, they quote the ICC saying the evidence collected so far is Clear The Russian Federation is responsible for the commission of heinous crimes including murder, torture, and attacks against civilians Now uh, We've also got to cover what's going on with Russia and China In terms of the latest regarding Ukraine, Jets China will cover all of that. but let's first just cover the ICC and then move on from there. So uh, the Associated Press has also been looking into the use of prohibited weapons in civilian areas, which which would would be another War climb. However, it's also worth noting that the issuance of these arrest warrants really raises question about the impacts of this.
Some people are suggesting that these ICC warrants are a going to be entirely worthless and B potentially put a new spin on Xi Jinping visiting Russia because remember Xi Jinping was going to go to China or sorry was going to go from China to Russia to try to potentially negotiate a settlement between Russia and Ukraine. Well now these ICC charges uh potentially implicate Xi Jinping if he goes to Russia to visit with Vladimir Putin and Uh and and Vladimir Putin's facing charges and Xi Jinping goes over there and visits them sort of ignoring these potential charges. and so there's a wonder that is it possible that these ICC charges could inflame negotiation attempts that Xi Jinping is trying to create between Russia and Ukraine The Wall Street Journal is Uh Citing that this is the first time a sitting head of state has been subject to an arrest warrant from the ICC on Twitter, There have been plenty responses asking why George Bush for his Uh operation Iraqi Freedom hasn't faced ICC charges, but then again, Twitter can tend to be very um, jaded dare I say. There are also reports that the Russian government Uh has has of course denounced these Uh, and the quote that is being reported is absolutely absurd and groundless.

There's evidence from the BCC Uh that uh part of the motivation for these ICC charges are simply the scale of Civilian casualties and the destruction of Civilian infrastructure such as uh, purposefully launching Rockets against Uh electricity grids, nuclear power generators to personal purposefully take control over the power grid. In Ukraine writers is explaining the ICC relies on the cooperation of member states to enforce these unrest arrest warrants. It does not have its own police force, so in other words like a NATO or whatever would have to arrest Vladimir Putin uh, which yeah, that wouldn't knock on the door of World War III at all, the warrants have been transmitted to relevative estate authorities under the Rome statute to locate arrest and transfer the suspects to the ICC for charges. So here's how this works: A little bit of background When the ICC issues an arrest warrant, it represents a formal request to authorities throughout the world to arrest the individual subject uh or suspected of committing serious crimes and bring them to the International Community core or International the ICC International Criminal Court to face charges.

So in other words, find him, arrest him, and bring him to court. In such cases as the when the warrant remains outstanding, the ICC continues to see cooperation from all the member states to bring the person to Justice And basically there's there's like a six-part process for this. Identify the Suspects issue the warrant that's been done, work with member states to locate arrest and transfer, execute the warrant, Actually, arrest the person before the trial, confirm the charges against the person, determine if redetermine do we still have sufficient evidence, has anything changed, then commit, or basically conduct a trial. So once the charges are confirmed, cases, uh, the case would basically proceed in the manner of a trial before a trial chamber.
The ICC trial chamber. the prosecution would then uh, present evidence, call on Witnesses and make their arguments much like a regular Corp Uh, this trial Chamber from the ICC could then impose a sentence uh, including imprisonment or massive Financial penalties. Now the ICC Criminal Court uh, I I Feel like it would be a lot cooler if it was one of those things out of like a Marvel movie. The ICC uh, Criminal Court doesn't actually look that fancy.

Uh, it's It's basically a pretty generic tribunal with a desk in some kind of like generic uh wall. Uh, we have a picture of it here. it it? uh, that's that. Resolution is too small.

I'll pull up a large resolution photo of this in just a moment. Uh. But really, it's interesting because it's the first time as we've said that a head of state who's actively a head of state right now has been charged while still being the leader of a country. So we'll see what happens.

But I do think the implications uh for China here are very interesting. This is what the tribunal looks like. looks kind of cold. uh I Feel like they need to have like some kind of like crazy, uh uh, marble uh, staircase and massive marble Monument back there to make it a little bit more intimidating.

but anyway. uh, this is the ICC and this is going to lead to a lot of questions for what does this mean for China's potential negotiations with uh, not only Vladimir Putin but also Zielinski. It kind of makes me wonder I put on a little bit of the jaded hat I Kind of. Wonder And this is total speculation.

Okay, but total speculation. Okay Joe Biden Aicc I hear Xi Jinping is coming over to negotiate a resolution. We don't want him to negotiate a resolution. Uh, file some charges.

make it harder for Xi Jinping to go over there. All right, thank you bye And then it happened like I Hate to say I'm a little jaded on that. There's a whole lot more to cover. Remember: get life insurance five minutes link down below Apple or Android pay for it.

My wife has asthma. got it instantly. Amazing service Met Kevin.com Life In this video, we gotta talk about what just happened between Russia and that fuel dump on the Drone. We have actual video of it now.

actual video of the Russian fighter jet dumping fuel on that American drone that was downed over the Black Sea a very strategically important region uh for not only Russia in terms of being able to have a buffer between them and Ukraine and use it as a Supply route, but also massively important for the exports of Uh Commodities such as grains like wheat, and also a region that the United States surveills heavily for the benefit of NATO and the NATO alliance. It's also going to be very important to analyze relations between Russia and China Xi Jinping potentially heading to visit Vladimir Putin potentially to mediate a negotiated settlement between Russia and Uh Ukraine. But we've got a lot to talk about regarding China and their arms dealing. so let's get caught up on everything.
starting with the entertainment of the day, which is video of the Russian fighter jet, the Sukhoi Su-270 twin engine, super maneuverable aircraft that was first built in 1985. So it's the old crop dumping fuel on the U.S Reaper drone that costs about 62.5 million dollars per drone in today's inflated dollars cost about half as much. Before we got through all this inflation cost around 32 million dollars previously now costs somewhere around 62 million dollars. The Reaper Drone has been in service with the US Air Force since 2007 with substantially Advanced capabilities and here is said video: shout out to this dude O-s-i-n-t technical.

Anyway, official footage released by the US Air Force of the collision between the Sukhoi jet and the MQ-9 drone ready for it. Here we go. Uh, by the way, the smoking that you're going to see coming out of the jet is fuel jet fuel. Here it comes and the Drone locks onto motion with the video.

And here comes the fuel dump activated boom and the propeller for the Drone stops. And unfortunately, the video then stops. But this drone goes bye-bye after that. Now that's actually really interesting because the Russians were arguing that the Sukhoi actually escorted the MQ-9 Reaper drone before the Reaper drone crashed.

That was the Russian argument. So again, the Russians are arguing that this is an escort. In fact, two State Awards awards have been given to the pilots who did this escorting of the American Reaper drone. That's some nice escorting you got there.

Uh yeah. I got crop dusted. Exactly Yeah, so that's Russia for you. That's Russian propaganda for you, showing you that Russia is providing Awards for escorting a drone that they actually basically just downed.

I Mean, they may as well have just shot a rocket at it. but uh, this is sort of a I I suppose the less flammatory, inflammatory way of uh, crashing that drone. huh? All right. Anyway, uh, questions are now resulting over the operation that could take weeks and potentially cost tens of millions of dollars to actually Salvage this drone, which could be uh, down in the depths of the Black Sea as low as the height of five Eiffel Towers standing on top of each other.

basically a kilometer down. Uh, the Drone is expected to be broken up into a lot of pieces. It's a very dangerous area to actually be working in at the same time. Uh Mr Putin Uh is Uh is is working with China and apparently Zig paying is trying to play a mediating role.
Uh in Uh basically some form of settlement between Russia and Ukraine. We've talked about that before and the Chinese Foreign Minister is urging both sides to quote, exercise restraint and resume peace talks. This is somewhat old news, but this is escalating and the reason these talks are escalating is because Xi Jinping actually wants to visit Vladimir At the same time, though, we have some potential issues when it comes to weapons. this isn't Great China Providing military aid to Russia is something that's creating a lot of fear because even though China had previously been sending Uh military equipment such as aircraft parts and Uh reconnaissance equipment to Russia sending lethal equipment has actually been a red line for China up until recently, China just sent companies Uh Russian entities 1 1000 assault rifles and other equipment such as body armor and drone.

Parts shipments took place apparently that were just now finding out between June and December China's China China North Industries group, a huge state-owned defense contractor apparently sent the rifles to a Russian company which does business with the Russian State military. So actually what's been happening is there's been fear in the media about China sending actual lethal weapons to Russia. Turns out, that's kind of what's already been happening anyway, except it's been sort of B2B and then B to M business to military. Apparently they're sending Cqa rifles which are similar to The M4A1 rifles uh, close replica they call them.

they've been considered civilian hunting rifles. they do shoot 556 Nato rounds. Russian Entities also receive 12 shipments of drone Parts by Chinese companies in over 12 tons of Chinese body armor and they sent this stuff through Turkey. It's the same way our sort of chipped sanctions against Russia aren't working that the chips just end up getting funneled through Kazakhstan or other countries Customs data doesn't actually show this sort of information.

Instead, China supplies this as unreported dual use equipment. So uh, it's sort of some loophole basically to hide from Customs reports uh and uh. And so the question here now is is the United States going to respond with more sanctions? And would those actually do anything unlikely? Uh, that is the problem because after all, remember, we know that these countries are really Adept at navigating around our sanctions uh, and uh, export and import controls by using other countries who are not subject to those sort of controls. So I'm not entirely sure this is.

uh, this is very surprising, but I suppose What is surprising is that while we thought it would be new that China would send a lethal weapons, they've already been doing exactly that. At the same time, NATO is sending a Ukraine Jets or at least ramping up to do so Poland will apparently be the first country to do so. so they're going to send Soviet-era MiG-29 fighter jets four fully operational Jets Uh, this is coming after. talk that uh Poland and European nations would send tanks, but not Jets definitely not.
Jets Well, now the Migs are potentially actually going to send uh be sent as soon as a week from now to Ukraine, These Mig-29s cost about 20 million dollars each more Jets will be handed over but are currently quote unquote under maintenance Ukraine already has experience using these Mig-29s Uh, obviously some Refreshers will probably be useful. There are Ukrainian fighter pilots actually training in the United Kingdom right now to get ready. potentially for Usf-16s those cost about 64 million dollars each, or about a little more than three times as much as those makes. Poland Once they get rid of their old crap, are going to buy new F-35 generation 5 jets.

The good new stuff. Raytheon Lockheed Martin each face massive industrial backlogs. 175 billion dollars for Raytheon 150 billion dollars of backlogs of manufacturing for Lockheed Martin That's billion. Okay, remember, uh, a Gen 5 jet might cost 65 million dollars.

say round it for a little bit easier math if you've got 150 billion dollar backlog. gosh, how many planes could you manufacture with that? that would be somewhere around 2 300. Wow if I did the math right, that's that's incredible. The the US has already sent but but they're not just making Jets right.

they're making a lot of equipment previously. Ukraine had asked for tanks which was initially deemed ridiculous because they might invade you Crimea with it or try to take back Crimea Should I say uh now fighter jets could be used to potentially attack Russian air bases on Russian soil. This is actually something that even Elon Musk is trying to avoid because Elon Musk suggests that hey, hey hey, we're not going to allow Starlink near the border of Ukraine because we're trying to avoid a World War III Now at the same time, Goldman Sachs is actually raising their GDP forecasts for China to six percent. Goldman is uh is is predicting uh, that uh, there will be essentially a Plunge in oil levels that uh, that could create a recession over here, but potentially strengthen Chinese markets.

Goldman is the first or was rather the first bank to predict no more rate hikes for the American market. And by raising their Chinese forecasts, they actually seem somewhat bullish on China over the next year and sort of this reopening. they are trimming a little bit of their 2024 Outlook from a five percent guide to 4.6 but they actually think the reopening is going stronger in China than expected. Personally, I think that could be actually interesting for a company like Starbucks They've got so many Chinese stores.

so many more than they had in the past. But uh, anyway, they're boosting this because of rapidly available and new Mobility data. Uh now I Think this is fascinating because really, if you look at China they are at all angles trying to do whatever they can to be as smart as possible for their economy. and now this comes after being stupid and locking everything down for three years.
But they're doing everything they can to promote Tesla They're doing everything they can to promote uh uh investment into China everything that they can to increase GDP uh even to the extent of providing lethal weapons to Russia if it means more GDP for China now uh. The concern though, is about China's potential strengths becoming more elevated in its relation between not only Uh Russia and uh and uh China and other regions uh, or or other countries in the space, but also Iran Remember Iran is actually producing a suicide drone Factory in Russia and China is willing to work with them. Let's take a listen to this. Here is a clip that we'll watch that's useful Russia and Putin's hostility and aggression against our country.

the United States has now reached a dangerous New Height Now tonight, the question is this: What will your President Joe Biden do? Is he going to offer? Maybe another waiver for the Nordstrom 2 pipeline put more sanctions in place Putin's not going to care because he's selling his energy and getting Filthy Rich he's selling it to China the rest of The world and all of this comes as a new Access of Evil is emerging between these three top geopolitical. foes. China's dictator Chi is now scheduled to hold a very rare but significant meeting with Putin in Moscow. So how much you want to bet it'll probably be trading jokes about just how pathetically weak America's president is? This is beyond embarrassing.

This is danger danger to the Safety and Security of the entire world. America's enemies are on the move. They are aggressive, they are consolidating power they're creating Partnerships and alliances that the world better take note of while. Joe Biden your president I I just quickly wanna the throw in and mention our policies don't exactly help with that.

When we sanction China and we pass a chips act to prevent China from accessing via the free market Advanced chips under the guise of National Security all we're doing is pissing off the second largest world economy and forcing them to either steal that technology and then replicate it and basically catch up just as they would have anyway. But it also encourages their relationship building with other countries that are not the United States I'd much rather be personally partnering uh with with a developing relationship uh with China rather than all these tariffs and artificial sanctions and restrictions that just embolden China to form relationships with other world powers. dare I say that Russia and Iran would be world powers? other countries that don't like us? How about that? Let's keep going. We got like 10 seconds left.
there's a sleep at the wheel Russia and Putin took out an American drone over international waters and I ask again Joe Biden What are you going to do? Russia and Putin's house? All right. Well, the answer is nothing but. then again, we don't want to start World War Three. Okay, so look.

bottom line: out of all of us, yes, the United States will be weakened in its ability to negotiate on a global scale if the dollar is used less, if it's less of an energy purchaser, and if it's more of a sanction first, ask questions later or mentality. I Think that's bad. The protectionism tends to fail. it creates too much deadweight loss that ultimately we pay for as as people who have to pay larger costs for either Supply chains being built in different areas, it creates more inflation, and It ultimately weakens our stance on on the global stage.

So I'm not super optimistic about that. I Think there are better ways to to solve these issues. but then again, I don't have all the details the government does, so who knows. Maybe maybe you could be hopeful and say hey, maybe they're doing a good job.

Hey, But one thing I will hold out hope for is that maybe Xi Jinping could actually negotiate something with a Vladimir, Putin and Zelinski. Now we gotta talk about Iran Playing both sides for months now. Arms trackers have noticed Ukrainian forces using artillery shells, rockets and motors made in Iran This trend of Ukrainians potentially using Iranian manufactured ammunition dates back to the summer of 2022. Iran is definitely not supplying Ukraine directly with ammunition because Iran is trying to help Russia After all, they're going to Russia potentially developing Uh suicide drones at a factory that they want to build outside of Moscow So which third party is contributing weapons? Well, it's possible Iran is selling weapons to countries that are then donating them to Ukraine So that way Iran is making money on both sides.

It's unknown because you can't really track exactly where all these weapons are going through. Nobody are nobody's putting Apple Air tags on this stuff. although I kind of think they should. Russia is pretty reliant on Iran for weapons not only for those suicide drones, but also guided GPS guided drones, propeller driven cruise missiles, and more.

And it's just worth noting that while at the same time, Iran is a big partner for Russia, you literally have Iran indirectly partnering with Ukraine. This is how World War III gets worse when you literally have everybody trying to profit on it. Why does it get worse? Because it keeps going? If countries around the world are profiting off of this, the American industrial complex is profiting off of it. Iran is profiting off of it.

China's profiting off of it. They're already sending lethal weapons to to Russia Well, what do you have? You have a situation where nobody is motivated to end the war. The odds of World War Three go up because everybody keeps getting more and more insane. Weaponry We went from sending boots and helmets to Ukraine to now sending tanks and now fighter jets going to Ukraine This is so bad because it just keeps everything going on longer.
This is what we want to end Consider for example, how Iran does this as well. In 1970, Iran seized the Bgm 71 tow missile and then just created their own version of it and they called it the Tupan anti-tank guided Missile. They did this in 2011 as well with the Lockheed Martin RQ 170 Sentinel and created their own drone from it. Ukrainian Military has been reporting Pentagon losses of equipment to minimize seizure of equipment I Mean look, there's so much back and forth going on.

Uh, between data Nobody really knows what's going on in this fog of War But the reality is, that's the people are profiting off of it and there seems to be a lot of motivation to keep this going. This is bad now. It's also worth remembering that citizens demand transparency whereas all of our money going remember we've thrown over 78 billion dollars and you Ukraine Straight up money, Financial support, Human support Military Support Weapon support everything Council on Foreign Relations shows we've donated over twice as much as any other Collective comparing to the European Union twice as much as them and we're not even in Europe But anyway, this is a problem and these are all things that lead to the escalating pain.

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29 thoughts on “The arrest of putin the worsening of world war 3”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Yu says:

    ICC should be bombed

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexei Markel says:

    Kevin, ICBMs are not used in this conflict. Those are for nuclear warheads and go into space so that they can reach the other side of the world.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars z says:

    It's the ukrainians who are killing civilians, targeting apartment and using forbiden munitions like those petal mines who are killing children playing outside in the grass, russia is protecting the civilians, russia never targets civiians, only infrastructure used by the ukrainian nazis.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tihomir Tadic says:

    Man, you are overdoing it … 🤦‍♂️

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Go Fisting says:

    The world 🌎 is over any day! My friend says Biden looks worse everyday

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N Y says:

    Due didn't you used to give advice about how to flip homes (just a few months ago)? Wtf are you doing advising people about ICC judgments and geopolitical conflicts?!? LOL

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick D says:

    Ah there’s the video title for WW3…I was afraid that he wasn’t going to post a video with that in the title today

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Berthelot says:

    Your an idiot if you think the CCP will negotiate in a way that gives us a future.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tc102167 says:

    How the hell doss this guy find the time to even go to the bathroom! He’s got like 10 videos a day. I’m not complaining but this guy is literally a machine!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyson2817 plays says:

    Bruh trump said he is gonna be arrested on Tuesday lmfao 😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucky Yolo says:

    People like you are the reason comunist cunts like putin and chi get away with what they get away with.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taulant Zogu says:

    ahhahahaha forex ,crypto , stock , now Politic .

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mat Lenaghan says:

    Patiently waiting for Hillary and Obama to be arrested.

    I'm sure it's coming any day now lol.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Byron U says:

    I never knew Russia used ICBMs on apartment buildings 😂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarisah says:

    The icc can also hold the Bushes responsible war crime in Iraq as they killed many people too. How come that doesn’t happen or is it just an American agenda to arrest anyone that’s against USA.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Butterfly says:

    That's true about the Ukraine war. All of us outsider countries keep sending more and more weapons to both sides. It's like the fans of a sporting event doing what they can to give their team the upper hand and getting more extreme every time. Eventually it will turn into a large scale brawl. That won't end well for anyone.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathaniel alaburg says:

    Don't you see it literally takes all nations on earth who hate America and the opportunity of a life time with its leadership to poke the usa? Don't clown you know the 7th fleet alone would take china's navy out

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Matthews says:

    Weren't they going to arrest Putin for supposedly shipping Ukranian children to Russia?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Matthews says:

    How is it "jaded" to ask a valid question about what Bush did?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Matthews says:

    War crimes like Biden drone striking a bunch of kids last year?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loumis Mazot says:

    Bush was a war criminal who should have been sentenced for the killings of civilizatians.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Vander Plaats says:

    There should be an arrest warrant for POTUS. Um….who have we accidentally targeted with drones? Hmmmm? This is beyond silliness.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thatGameGuy says:

    Putin doesn't give a a fuck about any 3 letter government agency from the west. In fact he laughs at them. He know he can conduct his war with impunity because the west is funding it by buying his oil. Would you try to prosecute your energy supplier?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert King says:

    yes, family's who were "evacuated" to Russia were screened and if any sed they identify as Ukrainian they take the kids away in to Russian orphanages and 100% can be proved the Russians even sed they were doing this on their national tv stations. textbook genocide when it comes to Putin getting arrested for it is very unlikely the more likely event is he get removed by his own for different circumstances.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brinstar says:

    Funny how the people who are consistently wrong on everything else are wrong on this issue too.
    It seems to be Whataboutism plus good ol' fashioned pre-WW2 isolationism with a dash of mytaxdollars.
    And this is in the face of a cut-and-dried act of aggression. There are no Nazis. None. Even nations that you would expect to desperately ignore the issue, have come out and gone "Woah".
    This is not difficult to figure out. This is not one of those thorny moments in history where you have to make a checklist of good points and bad.
    This part of history is easy.
    Very easy.
    And the deplorables are turning themselves into contortionists trying to make themselves sound reasonable.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stice'n'Dice says:

    LOL Appple air tags, Im pretty sure the range is less then 100 meters, Its not a gps.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ofo Nipa says:

    Should be interesting

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Anderson says:

    So China it seems is trying to save “friendship” with Russia by sending pea shooters and armor to Russia. This doesn’t seem like they are really doing any more than appeasing Russia. I realize they are deadly weapons, but this seems closer to diplomatic support and negotiation tactics to get better future outcomes for China than participation in right out war with NATO, perhaps I am miss understanding though, been too busy to really follow. Good luck with your show Kevin!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zak Tate says:

    I'm not willingly walking into world war 3 or a one world government. This shit has to stop…

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