Here is a REALISTIC approach to the best side hustles you could start for free, even if you don’t have any extra money to start with - and from this, you can make more money in your spare time! Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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FIRST: SELLING you already own on eBay or Craigslist.
Places like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or Craigslist make it EXTREMELY easy to list whatever you have, place it up for auction, have the buyer cover shipping…and your total time commitment is simply taking pictures of what you want to sell, creating the listing, writing the description, and shipping it out once it’s sold. And worst case - even if it DOESN’T sell…you’re out NOTHING, and you get to keep what you already have.
Companies want YOUR opinion on their upcoming products or services so that, once they go to market, they better understand EXACTLY what the customer wants. So, they hire focus groups to get unbiased feedback of what they have to offer…and then they can make adjustments accordingly. The payout ranges depending on how long it takes, whether or not it’s online or in person, or how niche of a demographic they’re going for…but, most of the time, if you have nothing else going on, these are worth your time to do.
For example, go to Craigslist…and under the “FOR SALE” section, there’s something that has my favorite word listed there…it’s FREE. Most of what you see if going to be a diamond in the rough, and it’s up to you to know what to look for and how to market it online before you sell it.
Traditionally, if you want to earn a little extra money, part time work is generally the first thing that comes to mind. It doesn’t need to be glamorous, it doesn’t need to pay an exorbitant amount…but, if you’re willing to help out a local business, do some work for someone else, or earn some money after normal hours…see what kind of options are available in your city.
This is the practice in which you sign up for a new credit card - and then you meet the minimum spend to get the sign up bonus. Generally, these offers range anywhere from $100-$150 on the low end, all the way up to over $1300 on the “high end luxury cards” - but, regardless, doing this takes next to no time at all, long term - it can help your credit score - and, hey, who doesn’t like getting free stuff?
Find your monetizable skill, see what you’re good at…and then charge for those services. Chances are, you’re good at SOMETHING…so, either tutoring, offering your expertise, or lending your knowledge will go a long way…all for $0.
I know, guys…it’s not easy to make money on YouTube, and it takes a TON of work…like, if you want to make money anytime soon, I’ll tell you - upfront, you’re basically going to work for free. You’re going to be creating a TON of totally free videos without getting anything in return, while people tell you how much your content sucks in the very beginning…but, IF you enjoy making YouTube videos and you have something you want to share, you CAN turn this into a side hobby that eventually turns a profit, without spending any money.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up, graham, it's guys here and welcome to the most requested topic i get here in the channel, and that would be side hustles and i get it it's easy to see the appeal of making money in your spare time. After all, chances are most of us have an extra hour or two during the day that largely goes to waste. So you may as well use that time towards something productive and earn a little bit more money, and that of course brings us to today, and that would be the best side hustles that you could start with zero dollars. The whole point of this video is to focus on ways that you could begin earning money in your spare time, even if you don't have any extra money to begin with sure.

Some of these are going to require a lot of work but come on. If anyone tells you that you could make money without doing any work up front, they're, full of so without further ado, these are my top free side, hustles that you could begin working on immediately as soon as this video is over right. After, of course, you side hustle that, like button by making it turn blue as soon as you press the button, the next segment is going to start. You didn't press it yet as soon as you press, it trust me, it works as soon as you press.

Alright. So now we're going to be starting off with the most basic of side, hustles and that would be selling your kidney for beer money just kidding. I had to throw that in there to make sure you're paying attention and don't worry, i'm not going to be giving you any weird suggestions like donating your plasma or signing up for clinical drug trials. Instead, the real first side hustle i want to mention - is selling things you already have on craigslist, ebay or facebook marketplace.

Now i get it. This one requires you to actually own things to begin with, but i would venture to say that almost all of us have something in our possession that we don't use anymore or it's just sitting in the closet, collecting dust. And if that's the case, those are the perfect items to begin selling for some spare cash and the total time commitment of doing this is simply taking pictures of what you want to sell writing up the description, placing it up for sale and then shipping it out To the buyer in worst case, even if it doesn't sell you don't lose any money and you get to keep what you already have now. The downside to this, however, is that there is a limit to how much you could sell before you're living in a bare apartment, with just a mattress on the floor.

But at the very least, it's a good place to start and you get paid for things. You already have plus it's something that probably 90 percent of you could begin doing immediately and it costs you absolutely nothing to get started. The second we're gon na be talking about something i used to do when i had this thing called free time. I don't know what that word means anymore, but back when i had that magical thing called free time.

I used to sign up for focus groups and get paid anywhere from five dollars to five hundred dollars for anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours of work. And then i would use that money to pay for the occasional trip to vegas with some friends. Now, for anyone who's not familiar with what this is or how this works here, you go. Companies want your opinion on their upcoming products or services so that once they actually go to market, they know exactly what their customer wants now to do, that they hire focus groups to get an unbiased opinion on what they have to offer, and then they can make Adjustments accordingly, the payout for this ranges, depending on how long it takes whether or not it's online or in person, or how niche of a demographic they're going for, but most of the time, if you have nothing else going on anyway, these are worth signing up.
For now, when i was doing this, i signed up for a company called focus point global, which i guess was later acquired by the slashinger group, but they would email me a few times a week with different offers from my age bracket and interests. Now, obviously, not all of them panned out, but i was able to consistently get between one and three of them every single month, and i would just schedule them during times where, otherwise, i wasn't doing anything and then i would just show up, give my feedback and Immediately afterwards, i would be handed a check now. This one is certainly not meant to replace your full-time income and it's not going to be enough to go and like fall out on the clubs whenever they open back up. But if you want to make an extra 100 to 600 a month working a few hours a week, then this is probably a really good option.

So, if you're interested, the slashinger group could be a good option. As with just google focus groups in your area and then just see what comes up and whatever groups are the most recommended, the third, we got another totally free side, hustle that anyone can do so for all of you, teenagers out there asking what you could do After school to make more money, this one applies to everyone and that would be flipping items on craigslist. This is something that garyvee has been talking a lot about, and the more i looked into this the more i realized that he's right. There's a lot of great stuff out there that people just want to give away for free, for example, go on craigslist and under the for sale.

Section is one of my favorite words of all time, free seriously, just look at all the free stuff out there, and if you want a zero dollar side hustle. This is literally just that, of course, there might be some people out there being all negative nancy saying, but to them that's the dumb junk, that's stuff that nobody wants and sure there might be some trash out there, like literally here's here's a trash. Can that someone's trying to give away? But if you keep looking here's a working, upright piano for free, no joke people would pay hundreds of dollars for this, with the proper pictures and advertising go and pick this up, put it on facebook marketplace with some better pictures and give this piano to a good Home, while making money at the same time, you could also go and get free pallets and some junk yards would pay even five to ten dollars each for these or even go and get a leather couch for free and yeah. Of course, there's gon na be a lot of junk that you'll have to sift through but come on.
It's not like people are gon na, be listing gold bars or restoration hardware. Furniture for free most of what you see is gon na be a diamond in the rough, and it's really up to you to know what to look for and which items are gon na sell. Of course, just be cautious if you meet a stranger from the internet and always place your own safety first, but garyvee is right. This could make a really great side hustle if you're willing to put in the work - and you know what sells now.

Fourth, i'm going to talk about something that some of you are probably not going to be happy with, but come on if you're looking for a side hustle, this is the most straightforward one from all of them and that would be getting a part-time job. Traditionally, if you want to make extra money, a part-time job is like the first thing that comes to mind. It doesn't need to be glamorous. It doesn't need to pay an exorbitant amount of money, but if you're willing to help out a local business or do some work for somebody else or work after normal business hours, then see what type of options are available in your city check, craigslist, facebook, linkedin, Or any other job websites to see what's available, you could even just ask around as you go about your normal day and just ask who's hiring now.

Obviously, things might be a little bit more difficult now with a lot going on and a lot of businesses shut down. However, as everything is moving in line, i know for a fact that so many companies are looking to hire on additional people for customer service data entry or anything else that could be done entirely remote, meaning that now you don't even need to leave your house if You want to make some extra money, even if you work a full-time job, there's still the possibility of working the occasional weekend or hours after work or anything you can. It might be a little bit more difficult to find today, but it doesn't mean that it's impossible and for a side hustle this one works really well now number five come on guys. We can't talk about side hustles without mentioning one of my all-time favorites that i still do to this day.

If you guys guessed it, it's churning credit cards now. This is the practice in which you sign up for a new credit card. You meet the minimum spend and then you get a sign up bonus generally. These offers range anywhere from 100 to 200 on the low end to all the way up to 1300 or higher for the luxury credit cards.
But regardless doing this takes almost no time at all long term, it's gon na help your credit score and honestly who doesn't like free stuff. Now i know inevitably what some of you might say, but, graham you said all that this just cost zero dollars, and this one requires that you spend money to get the bonus. So what is it grant this video's a lie and yeah you're right? This is gon na, require you to spend money, but most likely you're already spending money anyway. So, instead of spending money on your normal credit card or debit card, just spend the same amount of money on a new credit card instead and then that way you get free stuff, whereas otherwise in the other cards you're getting nothing that way, you don't spend anything Beyond what you normally would so hey problem solved now, if you want a few quick examples, bank of america will give you 200 back when you spend a thousand dollars in the first 90 days and honestly, this is just a really good card to keep with no Annual fee, now, even better than that is the chase freedom flex card, which will give you the same 200 cash back.

But you only need to spend 500 in the first three months to get the bonus and with this one, the reward structure is amazing. The capital one saver card will also give you a 200 cashback bonus when you spend 500 in the first three months, so just right there, you have some really great options for really good sign up bonuses on cards that you could keep forever to help boost. Your credit score because they have no annual fee. If you want to learn more about how to do this, just go on google credit card churning or look up the youtube channels.

Ask sebi or the credit shifu who both post videos about the newest offers, as they come up also nerd wallet and the points guy are really good resources that i also use like i mentioned. This is still something i do myself and doing this is paid for all of my vacations hotels and flights over the last few years. It certainly isn't like a full-time job or anything, but it is something that you're able to do in your spare time. On a lunch break, and for me it's definitely been worth it.

Oh and also speaking of really good offers like this. If you use the link down below in the description, weeble is going to be giving you three free stocks when you deposit a hundred dollars on the platform with two of those stocks worth at minimum eight dollars and all the way up to one thousand six hundred Dollars so, if you're looking for something that you could do in like ten minutes, that has an roi of at least eighteen dollars, use that link down below and let me know which three free stocks you get the offer expires soon. After that, we got the good old number six and that would be monetizing any monetizable skill that you have if it sounds confusing. Well, it's not.

I just made it sound way more confusing than it needed to be, but if you're good at something or you have a unique type of skill like getting the first comment on my videos, then you should learn how to turn that into a side business. For example, if you're a good euphonium player, then you should look into giving you phonium lessons or, if you're really good at math. You should give math tutoring lessons or, if you're really good at writing, offer to write people's websites, blogs or sales pages. If you're good at something anything chances are someone is willing to pay you for that service or to help them out or teach them how they could be as good as you now.
Unfortunately, this is not something i could give you specific instructions on, because it really depends on what you're good at. But when it's come to me, i've given people consulting for certain real estate, deals that they've been looking at here in los angeles or i've taught other agents how they could get more business or i've taught people how they could better grow their youtube channels. I don't do these consulting calls too often, but still it's a really great way to earn some side money when i've also signed up for cameo after getting a lot of requests for this so yeah, i guess that's a new side hustle for anyone interested in the Cameo i'll link to it down below in the description anyway find your monetizable skill, whatever you're good at and then find a way to charge. People for that service chances are you're good at something, so either tutoring lending your knowledge or offering your services is a good way to earn some extra money all for zero dollars now.

Lastly, i just got to say this one, because it's the most stereotypical thing ever and i would be a bad youtuber if i didn't say it, and that would be making youtube videos now. I know guys it's not easy to make money on youtube and it does take a lot of work like if you want to make money anytime soon i'll be the first to tell you that doing this is basically you working for free up front you're going to Be creating a ton of totally free videos without getting anything back in return, while people constantly tell you how much your videos suck in the very beginning, but if you enjoy making videos - and you have something you want to talk about or something you want to share - You can absolutely turn this into a profitable side hobby without spending any money up front. I know i said this one a million times before, but i got my first 30 or 40 000 subscribers just from filming with my iphone and editing for free on imovie. That's it, it was totally free and i just shared my experience, working as a real estate agent, investing in real estate and the tips and tricks i learned along the way i created videos consistently without ever missing an upload and three years later, it's now turned into My full-time career and i know so many other creators who post consistently within their niche and they make anywhere from hundred to three thousand dollars a month, posting part-time on something that they've been building up for a few years.
Now. Just keep in mind that this is not something that i would do if you want to make money asap, and you should really only do this if you enjoy making videos, regardless of how much you make. But if this is your passion, you enjoy it and you stick with it. It could absolutely turn into a very profitable side, hustle long term, and i hate being that guy.

It's just. I never mention it and then nobody knows it exists, but i do have a youtube program down below in the description for anyone who's interested anyway, most likely, if you have a phone with a decent camera and any free editing software you're already set. Everything else could be learned as you go along the process and long term. If you have fun with it and you enjoy it and you post consistently.

I think you would do pretty well, so there you go guys. Those are my recommendations for the most realistic best side, hustles that you could start for zero dollars now. Obviously, these are gon na take your time and there's no such thing as a free lunch, but at least with these there's no barrier to entry. So as long as you have the spare time and motivation to pursue these, there's no reason why you can't do this consistently and earn a few hundred dollars extra per month in your spare time.

So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it as always make sure to destroy the like button. Subscribe button and notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram, i posted pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there, as on the second channel, the graham stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here.

So if you want to see a brand new video for me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that and lastly, the best side, hustle from all of them, is signing up down below in the description and getting your three free stocks. When you deposit a hundred dollars on weeble, because two of those stocks are worth at minimum, eight dollars and all the way up to one thousand six hundred dollars. So, basically, when you deposit a hundred dollars, the very least you're going to be getting from this is 18 and 50 cents from those three free stocks you may as well. Do that takes just a few minutes, enjoy those three free stocks.

Let me know which ones you get. Thank you so much for watching and until next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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    I made a lot more with tasks4cash actually, just google search it

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Swayang Maity says:

    I made a lot more with tasks4cash actually, just google search it

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    I love tasks4cash , holy cow it's amazing, just search on google

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nadiah Afina Azizi says:

    I would skip all of this and just use tasks4cash instead

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Prpich says:

    Check out being a Notary.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Prpich says:

    Get a JOB???? Ok makes sense

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammad was illiterate says:

    First words "WHATS UP GRAHAM, IT'S GUYS HERE" lol…….

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fp steates says:

    0:63 Yea i've been getting paid with 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬𝟒𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡.𝐜𝐨𝐦
    i made over $500 this week with them!

    εναι ένα εργείο ερσας για όλ

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jd S says:

    0:76 I would try 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬𝟒𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡.𝐜𝐨𝐦
    i'm making over $750 a week with them!

    είναι ένα εργαείο ερσίας για όλ

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rene Reyes Ortiz says:

    nice video, love your channel

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Duhart says:

    bruh literally as soon as i pressed the like button the next segment started i kinda got scared 😭

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hanna w says:

    What's up Graham, it's guys here 🤣 I'm dying

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gerardo Canela says:

    Was watching on my phone clicked the like button and it turned black clicked again and it turned white it never turned blue so I just left it on white👍🏼but I like this video

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ArtOfVenus says:

    is anyone gonna acknowledge the "hey graham it's guys" part?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayden Perkins says:

    Notice how there are no negative nellies in this comment section because Graham already roasted them so they have nothing to say.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa’s Vlogs says:

    Love this video, but the methods presented here are no longer effective. Search for Tasks4cash on google, it's by far superior

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Schimming says:

    It’s true. I’m 12 years old and I’ve made over $2 million selling THOUSANDS of my own kidneys. I’m trying to get to $1 billion by the time I’m 18!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chelsea says:

    Tell me why it switched over as soon I pressed the like button

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoeraZ says:

    just looked around my area and there is literally someone giving away a free 70m2 house in good condition as long as you move it!
    now the cost to move it and have it connected and so on is above my budget (and it also has to be moved roughly 30 miles).. but still, that is a straight up amazing find if i would've had enough cash because that would be roughly half the cost of actually buying one

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graham Stephan says:

    Looks like too many people hit the like button and we crashed youtube – enjoy!!

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