Here is my review of my TOP 5 INDEX FUNDS that you can invest in that will make you the MOST amount of money as possible long term, and exactly how much they cost - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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#5: VFIAX Vanguard Fund SP500 Fund
Cost: 0.04% Expense Ratio
Minimum: $3000 Investment
Alternative ETF: VOO - 0.03% Expense Ratio
This is a Vanguard Index Fund that follows the SP500, which is the top 500 publicly traded companies in the United States. Buying this ONE index fund is basically the equivalent of buying all 500 of the largest companies in the US, and you’ll get access to some of the bigwigs like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and so on.
#4: VTSAX Vanguard Fund Total Stock Market
Cost: 0.04% Expense Ratio
Minimum: $3000 Investment
Alternative ETF: VTI
What makes this so unique is that it encompasses the ENTIRE US stock market in ONE single fund…like, this is EVERYTHING. If there’s a small cap, medium cap, or large cap stock in any industry you can think of - this index fund has a tiny piece of it…and for one low price, you can get exposure to 3,529 stocks…
#3: SWPPX Charles Schwab SP500 Fund Fund
Cost: 0.02% Expense Ratio
Minimum: NONE
This index fund was started in 1997 and it ALSO follows the SP500.
#3 (Tied): SWTSX Charles Schwab Fund
Cost: 0.02% Expense Ratio
Minimum: NONE
This encompasses the entire US stock market index, similar to VTSAX.
#2: FXIAX Fidelity Fund Total Stock Market Fund
Cost: 0%
Minimum: NONE
This is Fidelity’s version of the SP500 index fund with NO EXPENSE RATIO and NO MINIMUMS.
#2 (Tied): FZILX Fidelity International Stock Market Fund
Cost: 0%
Minimum: NONE
This is, in my opinion, a GOOD index fund for everyone to at least get in on - because an international index fund will cover foreign and emerging markets that COULD perform very well over the next few decades. Now, it is true that - Historically, the SP500 has been a better investment than international stocks - but that might not ALWAYS be the case, especially as other markets are REALLY ramping up production and consumption. It also gives you a little more diversification OUTSIDE the United States - just in case, you never know.
#1: FZROX Fidelity Total Stock Market Fund
Cost: 0%
Minimum: NONE
Unlike Vanguard, which has a 0.04% expense ratio - this one has NO EXPENSE RATIO. It’s TOTALLY FREE.
#1 (Tied): FNILX Fidelity SP500 Index Fund
Apparently, they couldn’t just say this is the SP500 because they’d have to pay fees to license that name…but hey, call it whatever you want if that means they can pass the savings on to the customer. With this, you’ll get the same SP500 index fund with no minimums and no fees…so, there you go, that’s a win for this fund.
So between everything I just mentioned, you should be able to find the PERFECT index fund to invest in - index funds within Vanguard certainly have the name recognition behind them, but others like Charles Schwab and Fidelity are cutting fees in an effort to get you to buy theirs, instead. Either way, this is GOOD for you - because now, you get to save more money.
Seriously, if all you did was just buy a total stock market index fund every month and nothing else - over 20 years, you would out perform the VAST majority of hedge fund managers, and you’d put yourself in a GREAT financial position to make as much money as possible. Investing doesn’t need to be complicated, and it doesn’t need to be expensive, either…any of these index funds I mentioned would be a great choice, and I hope this is helpful to maximize the value of every dollar possible.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up you guys, it's graham here, so we're gon na play a really quick game, just put up five fingers and if all five fingers are still up by the time that we're done, then you could watch the whole video and, if not sorry, you got ta Leave i don't make the rules. I just wait. Wait a second. I do make the rules.

So, let's begin so we'll start like this. Put up. Five fingers put a finger down if you don't like making money, put a finger down. If you don't like saving time.

Put a finger down if you don't like free things, put a finger down if you don't like watching youtube videos and put a finger down. If you don't smash that like button for the youtube algorithm. Okay, i may have gotten carried away with that last one. But if you still have all five fingers up, congratulations you've qualified to watch this video to the very end, because we're going to be covering a topic that i have yet to cover like this before on the channel and that's going to be a review of my Top five favorite index funds that you could buy today to make the most amount of money as possible and the least amount of time is possible.

Now i've covered index fund investing before in the past in terms of what it is and why it could be so profitable, but for anybody new or anyone who wants to brush up on their index fund skills, here's what it is an index fund is basically just Like this big basket of stocks that you could buy into and when you do that, you want a small portion of everything, it's kind of like going to a cookie store where they have a hundred different types of cookies. Each selling for one dollar a piece at that price: it gets expensive to taste test every single type of cookie, so you can find the best ones. So, instead, the cookie store has another option. They have a 20 sample box that contains a small piece of all 100 different cookies that way you're getting a little bit of everything for way less than it would cost you to buy them each individually or it's kind of like those small cereal packs.

Your grandma always seems to buy in the cupboard well the same sort of concept works for index funds as well. Instead of going to the stock store and going and buying each stock individually, you could just go and buy an index fund that contains a small portion of everything. The advantage of doing this is that index fund investing, has outperformed 99 of active investors over a 20-year period, and also with this there's very little work, you don't need to read earnings reports or research stocks. All you got to do is just buy into it consistently and that's it and with index funds, there's a sample platter for anything you could possibly imagine.

I know i'm going to sound like bubba from forrest gump here, but they got index funds for everything they got. The s p 500 index fund, the total stock market index fund real estate index funds, bond index funds, mid cap index funds, small cap index funds, large cap index funds - i could go on forever. Generally, though, there are four different types of index funds that you could buy into first is company size. You could buy index funds of small companies, mid-tier companies or large companies.
Second, you also have index funds that capitalize on location like the united states, emerging markets or foreign markets. Third, some other index funds might track a specific business or sector like retail, restaurant space, real estate, tech, industrial and so on and fourth, they can also track currencies, bonds and treasuries. So, no matter who you are what you want to invest in almost guaranteed there's some type of index fund you could invest in so here we go. Here's my top five index funds to invest in and i'll break down exactly why they're so good, how much they cost and how you could get started, because, even though it might seem like a pretty simple concept, not all index funds are created equal and some will End up making you more money than others just make sure if you appreciate these videos to smash that like button for the youtube algorithm, because otherwise i'm gon na be sad.

And if you don't want me to be sad, just press the button. That's it helps me out tremendously so with that said, thank you. So much and we'll begin right over here at my desk, so coming in at number. Five on the list is an all-time favorite and classic of ours.

It's v phi x. This one is a vanguard index fund that tracks the s p 500, which is the top 500 publicly traded companies here in the united states. Buying into this one index fund is basically the equivalent of you buying into the largest 500 companies in the us and you're going to get access to all the big wigs like amazon, apple, microsoft, google, facebook and so on. Now, in terms of its performance, it's on par with the s p, 500 as a whole, but as we can see right here since the inception in 2000, over the last 20 years, it's averaged a 6.38 return and over the last 10 years, we've seen a 13.95 Return now, if this seems like the perfect index fund and you're wondering but graham, why is this one number five on the list? It sounds really good.

Why is it number five? Well, that's because, as much as i love this index fund, there are a few very, very, very minor downsides, if you even want to call them downsides here are the downsides. First, there is a three thousand dollar minimum to buy into this fund. So if you're watching this without three thousand dollars to invest, this fund is not going to work for you now there is an exchange. Traded fund called vu without any minimum, though so that trades more like a stock, and that one is really good and second v phi x also has an expense ratio of 0.04, meaning it's gon na cost.

You four dollars every year for every ten thousand dollars. You have invested now it's hard for me to even call this a downside because, honestly, compared with 99 of index funds out, there, 0.04 is really really low, but as you're about to see, there are some slightly more cost-effective options out there. Although in the big picture, the difference of a few dollars a year per 10 thousand dollars, you have invested is not going to make that big of a difference and the advantage with vanguard is that they're, basically the pioneer of low-cost index funds and that company has Been around for a very very long time, this fund was also founded in 1976 and is one of the longest running index funds out there, so you're getting the best of the best, even though they're not necessarily the cheapest. This is like the big daddy of index funds, oh and if you're wondering the only difference between v phi x and vu, is that vu has a slightly lower expense ratio at only 0.03 percent, but they don't allow for automatic scheduled investments like you could do with V phi x, so if you're, the type of investor who just wants to automatically apply an extra thousand dollars a month into an index fund without even thinking about it, fifa x is gon na charge.
You an extra one dollar per 10 000, just for the convenience of doing so, but really besides that, that's it next. Coming in at number four, we got the behemoth of index funds and for probably most of you, this could be the only investment you ever make in your entire life. It's that good and that would be the classic vt sax. Now.

What makes this one so unique is that this encompasses the entire u.s stock market in one fund like pretty much. This is everything if there's a small cap, medium cap, large cap stock, in pretty much any industry, you could think of this index fund probably covers it and for one low price you could get exposure to 3 529 different stocks. Sure, of course, there's always a chance that the s p 500 might end up doing better, but there's always a chance too, that it won't. So the safe play is just to invest in everything, with the expectation that over time the market is going to continue to grow and expand, and even if some don't do well, you're still going to have over 3 000 other companies to step in and pick up.

The base now, of course, i'm sure, you're, probably thinking right now, what's the catch graham, if you think this one is so good, we should buy it. Why is it only number four well great question, graham and uh? That's because there's a few small minor minor downsides. First, no surprise: there is a three thousand dollar minimum. Now, if you want to get around this, you could buy the etf version of the same fund.

It's vti, that's pretty much the same thing with no minimums as long as you have enough to buy the stock, but unfortunately you cannot automatically reinvest like you can with vt sax. So it's really just a little bit more work on your end to manually. Go in and buy more anytime, you want to add on to your position and second, just like the last option, there is a 0.04 expense ratio with vt sax and there's a 0.03 expense ratio with vti. Again, this is still insanely cheap compared to 99 of the index funds out there, but still there are some better options like this one.
Now coming in at number three, we got the charles schwab s, p 500 index fund swipex. This index was started in 1997 and also follows the s p 500, very similar to v phi x, which i had previously mentioned, except with this there's a few small differences. First, this one has no minimum, so there's no three thousand dollar buy-in and as long as you have a little money there you go, you could buy it. This one is easy now.

The second difference is that this one only has a 0.02 management fee which is half of what vanguard is, or in other words, you're saving two dollars per year per ten thousand dollars you have invested, but hey. If you have a million dollars invested, that's a savings of two hundred dollars a year in management fees and that extra money could buy you to 100 bills. Now here's the thing when it comes to index funds, they mirror an index like the s p 500, and they do their best to replicate that as close as they can. Although they're never going to be exact, that's why you're going to be seeing some slight differences in between how much each index fund makes like vanguard, earned an annualized 13.95 return over 10 years, while schwab made 13.9 percent.

However, charles schwab has a slightly lower expense ratio. Saving you more money, and now it looks like they've, been getting slightly more efficient over time, because recently, their funds have been outperforming vanguard by 0.3 percent. This difference is caused by overhead expenses and slight deviations and holdings between the different funds. It's not a huge deal, but i just wanted to point it out, because why not? Now? I also want to throw in a two and a half on this list too, because now is the time to do that, and that would be swiss to six, which is a charles schwab's version of the total stock market index.

This one is very similar to the vanguard, one which tracks the entire u.s stock market, and this one holds 3124 different stocks. There you go there's another option for anyone who wants to go into vt sax, but doesn't like the higher expense ratio and doesn't like the 3 000 minimum either way. This index fund is a really good option, but still we have some other really great options as well, and that brings us to this one and that would be fixed science. I wish they would just call these normal names that are easy to say and pronounce like just just call it f500 just something easy anyway.

This is fidelity's version of the s p 500 index fund and lately they've been playing a pretty aggressive marketing approach to try to reach a brand new audience. Here's the thing most of these brokerages realize that millennials are soon one day going to be the ones running things, and even though they don't have a lot of money right now, in a few decades, they will and every brokerage wants to cash. In on this, that's why they've recently revamped their entire business model and done something that very few brokerages have done so far for index funds. They've lowered fees now keep in mind.
These fees are actually more like operating expenses because it costs money to manage a fund. Like this, but i think fidelity strategy is that they'll just eat the costs. They'll pass those savings on to you, they'll get you as a customer and they hope that you stick around long term long enough for them to eventually make money from you. So this index fund has a 0.015 expense ratio that is 25 lower than charles schwab, and it has no investment minimum now sure it might only be a savings of 50 cents per year per 10 000.

You have invested, but every penny counts, and this is a really solid choice. They also have an honorary number one and a half on this list, and that would be fizelix, which is an international stock market index fund. This is, in my opinion, a good fund for most people to get into because it covers foreign and emerging markets that could end up doing really well over the next few decades. Now it is true that historically, the s p 500 has done way better than international stocks have, but that might not always be the case for the future, especially as other markets begin ramping up production and consumption.

It also gives you a little bit more diversification outside the united states. Just in case i don't know, the benefits here is that there are no minimums and even better wait for it. They have a zero percent expense ratio. That's right! So this one costs you nothing to hold, but wait if you thought that was good.

Just check this out. Weeble has a totally new promotion right now, where, if you sign up and deposit a hundred dollars, they're gon na be giving you one free stock worth at minimum eight dollars and as much as one thousand six hundred dollars. I figure why not because it's free the link is down below in the description. Thank you so much all right and now my number one choice for index funds.

All things considered, would be the fidelity totally free stock market index. Fizz rocks, like i mentioned earlier, with vanguard's vt sacks fidelity's fizz rocks pretty much covers the exact same thing except here's. The thing, unlike vanguard, which has a three thousand dollar minimum fizzrox, has no minimum and here's the other thing, unlike vanguard, which has a zero point. Zero four percent expense ratio - fizz rocks - has no expense ratio.

That's right! It is entirely free. Now this was a major game changer for the entire index fund industry, because fidelity was the first one to come out with a totally free index fund, and i really think this is going to set the stage for everyone else to follow like as it stands. Right now, a company like vanguard does not need to go chasing after the free index fund market, because a company like vanguard has brand recognition and loyalty behind them plus when you invest with vanguard, you know 100 you're getting a very solid company, but for fidelity to Go and attract a brand new audience to their platform. They lowered their fees on certain index funds to nothing and they hope that's going to be enough to get you to buy in and i'll admit.
I love vanguard, but once you start getting more and more and more money that expense ratio begins to add up, like fidelity, is going to save you 400 a year per 1 million dollars that you have invested and that 400 a year is worth potentially twenty. One thousand dollars in twenty years from now invested at an eight percent return, we're also going to have to throw in one more here phinelix, which is fidelity's free version of the s p 500 index fund. Apparently, they can't just call this an s p 500 index, because that means they would have to license that name and that costs money but hey they could call it whatever they want, as long as they pass the savings on to the customer. With this one you're going to get the same s, p 500 index fund, except with no fees and no minimum, so there you go, there's a win for this.

So, between everything i just mentioned, you should be able to find the perfect index fund to invest in index. Funds within vanguard certainly have the brand recognition and name behind it, but others like charles schwab and fidelity are cutting their fees to get you to move over. To them instead either way, it's good for you, because now you get to save some more money, and when it comes to me personally, i like to invest in a mix between all of them. Most of my money is held within an s p 500 index fund, but i also diversify a little bit more with the total stock market index fund and also an international stock market index fund.

So really sticking between the main index funds of s p, 500 and the total stock market index fund should really be all you need seriously. If all you did was just buy into a total stock market index fund and then wait 20 years, you will have outperformed most active hedge fund managers, and you would put yourself in the best financial position possible to make the most amount of money. Investing does not need to be complicated and it doesn't need to be expensive either. All of these are great index funds for you to invest in and all of it's just about maximizing the value of the dollar and getting your free stock down below in the description and smashing that, like button for the youtube algorithm.

So with that said, thank you. So much for watching, i really appreciate it make sure to hit the subscribe button and the notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram, i posted pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there, as in my second channel the gram stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here. So if you want to see a brand new video for me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that and lastly, like i mentioned, if you want your free stock down below in the description, it's a free minimum, eight dollars all the way up to One thousand six hundred dollars and all you got to do for that - just deposit, a hundred bucks.
There you go. You got your free stock. Let me know which one you get. Thank you so much for watching and until next time,.

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34 thoughts on “The 5 best index funds that will make you rich”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ignorantduppy says:

    @graham Stephan Does this list still hold up today?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Mills says:

    I’m confused on the difference between fidelity’s FINLEX and FXIAX

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thesuperdrewist says:

    Wait is it FXIAX OR FXAIX? Typo or two different things?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Acheampong says:

    If I want to invest for mid term like 10-15 years for something like college debt, vacation, etc, what should I use? Vanguard, M1 Finance, Fidelity, etc?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walter Uwe says:

    I had a chat with a fiduciary whom I came across today. she’s a pro and we got talking about investment and money. I was in shock when she told me that investing $2000 monthly in ETF and STOCKS with an average of 12% compounding annually in 20 years will give me $1 million. It gets even more interesting. The total contributed is $480,000 whereas interest earned is around $4,224,000. Crazy right! I immediately got investing as I don’t want to miss out on the opportunity.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Me says:

    its like this guy has put his voice on 2x faster… how to sound like a chipmunk

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicole Payne says:

    how do you buy an index fund? I have webull, but it looks like a stock when i search vfiax? so i don't want to buy a stock and not an index fund? or is an index fund a stock? sorry im a newb and confused lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mary Hansen says:

    The best decision I ever made in my life was investing in financial market. Trust me guys, it pays!😊

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tea4life says:

    Wait I'm confused for the annual return wether its 0.04 or 0.03 is that what im making back? or is that extra money that I get on the side of the actual money I get back

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BINARY INVESTMENT. says:

    Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payouts, with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ajimenez 618 says:

    Missed the opportunity to call it SWEATY SEX (SWTSX).🤣

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carolyn Hedges says:

    I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income, unfortunately having a job doesn’t mean security rather having different investments is the real deal

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Theo Francis says:

    The best decision I ever made in my life was investing in financial market. Trust me guys, it pays a lot. I have come to realize that trading bitcoin is more profitable than holding it and waiting for it to skyrocket.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vindi's Forex ZA says:

    I enjoy making money online,there is this good feelings it gives me

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheMangoDiaries says:

    Take a shot every time you heard index funds😅

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carter William Owen says:

    Many see forex as a get rich scheme but forex is not like that, it's a gradual process with the right tools and application you can make a living from forex trading..

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Montgomery says:

    Got any suggestion for someone who got 150 leftover each week for stock market investing

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Leonard says:

    The amount of time we spend believing we can't is more than enough time to learn how you can.

    -my brain

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keisha R says:

    Looking for an opinion. I have a share of SPY which is $453 and I'm thinking on selling it and purchasing multiple shares of FNILX which is $15. They both have the same stocks but FNILX expense is 0. What do you think?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thug Nasty says:

    I have my Roth 401k, 529, and a brokerage account with Fidelity

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dan medina says:

    I want to know in which platforms I can buy into these funds

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Shell says:

    Is there an ETF version of the Fidelity zero expense ratio funds yet?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1bigimpact says:

    I appreciate you and the videos you make. Ive been a youtuber for 10 years i dont make what you do but i do earn some and im grateful for the investment info you provide thanks a ton. liked and subscribed

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephanie Nguyen says:

    I smashed the like button for grandmas cereal

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Bailey says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farah Pierre says:

    Thanks Graham for simplifying index funds!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Teddy. says:

    Rich people plays the money game to win. Poor people plays the money to not lose. The goal of the truly rich people is to have massive wealth and the poor sees a surplus as an opportunity for consumption instead of investing it. change your mindset and do what the rich does, which is investing, investing and investing.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gud Karma says:

    How do I invest in these index funds ?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pax Magellanic says:

    They all have the same top 10 stock holdings. Various amounts, of course. But, instead of investing in the index, why not just follow their lead? Invest in their top ten holdings, usually 21-27% of their assets.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john smith says:

    which ones can you get passive income from?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john smith says:

    how many of these stocks to buy?will buying more of the same stock be more beneficial then buying just 1?like maybe buying 30 shares

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john smith says:

    you spelled fxaix wrong on screen just so you know and I hit the thumbs up

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul M. McKinney says:

    Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance wealth, a great career, purpose is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G B says:

    Wish I could invest into the like button haha.

    Great video Graham..

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