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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right. So here we are. We've almost made it just about to the end of August And boy, this has been such a turnaround story for me. From down $10,000 on the month on the 14th, so almost the halfway point.

now I'm up 40,000 on the month as of today, another $5,000 of profit. So $50,000 turnaround in the last 10 days of trading. That's what momentum is all about. Hot streaks.

they're always, you know, clustered together these winners back to back to back to back. Because when the market is high, we're seeing huge amounts of volatility. We're seeing huge amounts of opportunity. and that's when I make the most money.

When the market slows back down, things become kind of just a little flatter. We don't see as much volatility and even if you want to be really aggressive, there's just not as much to trade and so you just kind of have to wait. And then when things and me know, make a little money while you're waiting, but then when things pick up, that's the time for me to bring out the big share size and start to be aggressive. So this month really feels like a blessing to hit my $40,000 a month ago on a month that not only did I totally not expect it, but that I was actually down 10,000 on the month at one point.

And so you know in this kind of spirit of thankful Thursday Being mindful and grateful for the success that I have Ziz trader for the amazing opportunity to teach all of you guys my strategy I Want to lead the way by giving back every penny of today's profits to a couple of local nonprofit organizations so Berkshire Bounty which is a organization that helps provide food for those who need food Berkshire Agriculture Ventures which helps local farmers and you know, get up and running. which is you know one of these things like shop local local food, no food, no farms, no food and then the third, the Berkshire Humane Society So for the pets that don't have a home this summer and need a little bit of support in the transition or they're going through I want to help those guys as well. So I think the thing here is to lead the way and to show you guys that when you've achieved success as a trader which I hope happens for many of you that you give back some of that success, you send the ladder back down in the form of helping beginner traders who are trying to find their path to success and helping other organizations out there that can use the support of folks that have found some success in life. All right, so that's it for today.

I Hope you guys enjoyed the recap. As always questions, comments, leave them below and I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning. Alright everyone, so we're gonna do our midday market recap here: I'm just gonna pause or mute those alerts cuz I don't want to hear them right now. they're gonna distract me.

So um, we'll break down the stocks that I traded this morning. Today's been a pretty solid day. up. Five thousand, Four Hundred Seven dollars.

Well, rounding up: Four thousand, Five thousand, Four hundred Six dollars, and 96 cents. But you know, let's round up for charity and that's only an extra four cents. But in any case, for theft, Five thousand Four Hundred Seven dollars today, that's my profits. And so for thankful Thursday Last Thursday for the month of August I'm gonna give all this to some local nonprofit organizations and I think one of the things as I was just saying that's really important is you know you guys are gonna find that when you learn a strategy that is consistently profitable and you start generating a significant amount of profit, it's the right thing to do to give some back.
Making five thousand dollars a day? This is a million dollars a year when you're hitting five thousand dollar days. This is a lot of money to be making and it's certainly more than most of us need to live a totally comfortable life. and there's a lot of people out there that that are struggling and even an extra fifty dollars a day would make a huge difference. So this August I'm gonna make a couple donations.

Last month in July I donated to Danny and Ron's rescue. We talked about this. This is the Netflix documentary which was really terrific and I was happy to make a donation to their rescue organization for animals and I donated to the Berkshire Humane Society this month I'm gonna donate to the Berkshire Humane Society again but also to Berkshire agricultural ventures and Berkshire bounty to other local organizations. and these are really this is about providing food to those in need so trying to do something and a little special here.

as we come to the end of the month, you know this has been a real surprising month. A turnaround story for me. I Started this month by Luke promptly losing ten thousand dollars. So I went into the red by ten grand which was really disappointing but I ended up bouncing back I had a nice bounce back and as of today I'm gonna be sitting up forty thousand dollars on the month.

This is my profit before this morning. so thirty-five thousand now plus another five thousand four hundred right here which is not bad at all and you can see this is my P&L from the month Red Red red and then the last ten days $50,000 from down ten grand. now to up forty grand on the month. So a real turnaround here.

Okay so let's talk about the stocks from today. This is an interesting day because today I didn't have a really a strong sense of what was going to be working as we came into the open. the leading gap or this morning was rocks. Ro X However, this stock trading sideways on a buyout.

so the company has been bought out at a dollar twenty seven cents and it's trading at exactly that amount. It's just going sideways, so we're not going to trade this. There's no volatility. We profit from volatility.

It's up 90% which is awesome, but it's not going to give any opportunities for additional trades. So that's Rock's Arci second leaving Gap or this one. I Didn't really trust. My issue with this one was primarily that it had this big sell-off two days ago where it squeezed up.
It didn't hold these levels did total reversal, came back down from nine, back down to three dollars and 96 cents. I mean really terrible. So as it was gapping up today I Really just felt that this was going to be at most a small bounce off the lows I Just didn't think it would be anything really impressive and the only opportunity on it that I kind of missed I Suppose there was this little break over five. It hit a high of 508 and then drop down to 475 so it didn't hold that level at all.

so that was a failed breakout. It then came back up a second time right here. broke 508 and it did end up squeezing to 553. Did a little one minute pullback here, rejected and sold off.

so this was an opportunity. However, at the time the stock was below the V WEP the volume weighted average price. it was below the moving averages. It was to me, weak on the daily and I thought you know what right now I need to be the Spearfisherman I need to be looking for that.

That perfect opportunity and and this is kind of a small fish I could take a swing at it, but you know one. focusing on that I might miss a better opportunity and you know I might end up making a mistake and having the necessary loss. So I'm gonna just leave that one alone. So that one I Just set aside this one was too expensive.

This one didn't have enough volume. see PAH I said you know I'm not really into that one because it's too cheap. Now let's look at my metrics: year-to-date year-to-date coming into today, not including today's profits. Net profit: 306 thousand dollars gross profit before Commission's 361 So my brokers made 56 or 54 thousand dollars and that's because I'm a pretty active trader so that's just part of the deal and 70 percent accuracy which is nice and price and volume.

Look how much money I make on stocks under $2 this year? Only five thousand dollars? Not a lot. Most of my profit has been on stocks between two and four, two and five, and on stocks between five and ten above ten. I've made money and those have been on the days where stocks usually open the day at like seven or eight and squeeze up to nine, ten, eleven twelve and move higher. The couple of trades I've taken on stocks between twenty and fifty have been again, ones that were in the teens and just kept going higher and higher and higher.

So unfortunately I know my wheelhouse and I stopped trading above this price range and I don't go below a dollar. So this is where my profitability is pretty much and when I saw C PAH I pretty much looked at it and thought it's below two bucks. Not really worth taking any trades on. This isn't gonna be, you know, particularly strong trade.
So I'm gonna leave that alone. So left that one alone. and you know, in fact, it did end up making a bit of a move here from a dollar forty, a little pullback here, a dollar fifty eight and then a squeeze up to a dollar seventy nine. but I sat on the sidelines for it, so that's fine and left that one alone.

Going down the scans further so this was off off off. Nope. Sfe T was the same. it's too cheap so I wasn't interested in that.

Whoops. So I left that one alone. This was too expensive and so basically you can see the top ten Gap. errs.

none of them looked good for me for a gap and Go trade. So today I was watching the high day momentum scanner and the bell rings the market opens and we see CPA H in this game. Arkady a pops up Arkady a I thought well first daily candle to make a new highs over to 850. There's a possibility there.

but I don't know if I'm really into it I think I'm gonna leave it alone. So I left that one alone AR see I was on the scans. This more expensive one was on the scans. this one was on the scans TWM see but it was selling off so it came up the scan on the scans as it bounced off the low.

but that wasn't hitting new highs below high a day is the filter on that scan. Arci on the scan again was sitting on the sidelines for that. BTS I V TSI I Did end up trading but not the first time. hit the scanner.

It squeezed up from a low of 225 all the way to three and then it pulled back I Bought the five-minute break out right here and talk about that in a second. So then MTC hits the scanners I see it and the first thing I see is it's hitting two of my scanners at the same time. it's hitting my high volume low float scan and it's hitting my former low Float Momentum Stock scanner. so hitting two of them at the same time.

Now that for me, is usually a pretty pretty good sign of strength. So I pull it up and as I'm pulling it up I'm already bringing my mouse here and typing an MTC and I've got my hand on the Bible and all I need to do is look at the daily chart and I remind myself yep, former runner. this is the day where it went from 252 13. We are in a hot market right now.

it is squeezing up. it's already up 15% It's a former runner, you know, history making big moves. The daily chart is ok. it does have the 20 moving average here, but I think it's worth a try.

so I jump in now I'd Also quickly notice the squeeze from about 350 up to 4. so buying as it broke over for and into the circuit breaker halt which was at let's see where was the halt now I'm trying to remember I think it was 428. Yeah, so we have the halt here at 428. All right.

So it squeezes up into a halt and I'm adding as it's going up. Alright, so that was right here. It's then halted. it resumes and squeezes up to a high of 466.

I Added on this for the break over 450 it breaks force 452 half-dollar I then sell for 63 I'm selling more than 50s if then comes back down and I hit the bid control-z is when I sell at the bid and when I sell in the bid. I'm selling actually 5 cents below the bit actually I'm long pretty sure of it. Let me just double-check Someone was asking about this earlier. so keyboard custom orders alright.
so 5 cents below the bit? Yep, so it's a Nasdaq route selling limit order 5 cents below the bid. so I hit the bid on this and it drops down. It looks like it's gonna halt going down and then it starts to curl back up as it curls back up. I'm watching it.

and the first 5-minute candle to make a new high was right here at 4:15 and it ended up squeezing back up I didn't jump back in it until it broke over 450. That's where I got back in to ride the momentum here from 450 up to 475 and then check out this one-minute pull back right here. Picture perfect from 460 all the way up here to 525 which was awesome. It then pulls back here again I did get back in for the break of 5.

it does a false breakout only to 508 and then drops back down and since then it's been going sideways until it broke the V whap right here. So some really great opportunities on this. I wasn't in the position to really hit home runs on it because the first trade ended up failing and then when I got back in up here, I felt like I was obviously buying it fairly extended so I didn't feel like I could take huge size. Then when I took my trade right here for the break over five or maybe that was right here for this break over five, it just it failed.

So I did okay on it. Not a home run that I would say I would say this is just like a fairly decent solid trade but not quite the home run that I was looking for. so that was MTC and let me see if I can get Facebook back up with running I don't know I think there's a issue with the Facebook live those of you guys watching this on YouTube You're welcome to check out our Facebook channel for these recaps. Alive usually around lunchtime each day.

All right, so it looks like it's running all right. So those of you guys on Facebook welcome back. Hopefully this stream stays connected a little longer than the last one. So we were just going over the trades on MTC this was the the first one I jumped into and again just to reiterate my process I see a stock hip a scanner My first question is which scanner is it hitting Now if a stock is hitting and this scanner of massive volume medium float I don't even really notice it because I don't have an audio alert turned on if I right-click I can go down here to properties and actions and I could turn on an audio alert but it would turn on for this entire scanner And this scanner has all of these strategies built into it.

and so what I actually do is I have a second a duplicate of this scanner right back here. that only includes the one that I want audio alerts for which are massive volume and low float and I always keep it hidden because it's going to show the exact same stock but this is the one that has the action the audio alert turned on so MTC triggers the audio lure boeing-boeing and I look at and I see high volume low float it's not massive volume yet and then I see former runner and now when I see our former low flow momentum stock. So when I pulled it up, the first thing I looked at was the daily chart and this day where the stock squeeze from two d all the way up to $13.35 So it's got a history of making big moves. so I jumped in as soon as they hit the scanner, riding this first wave of momentum and then getting back in for the second wave of momentum.
I tried a third I thought maybe a third wave was starting here and got stopped out. So two really solid trades 3846 dollars and 46 cents of profit on MTC The next trade was VT Si VT s I was a 5 minute time frame setup. We had this five minute flag pattern right here as it broke on this candle. I jumped in and was adding as it was going higher here.

so I was adding I actually added at three dollars thinking that was gonna break three and make a move I knew the 200 moving average was up here, but I thought that maybe it would, we would be able to break through that level. So I was wrong. It pulled back I held through the pullback and then as it curled back up I got back out with profit. So one thousand, five hundred and sixty dollars on that trade which gives me a net profit of five thousand, four hundred, six dollars and 96 cents.

So a really solid day. This is the tenth day of great momentum. This is the last Thursday for the month of August So that's why I'm doing the thankful Thursday donation donating all of today's profits to the nonprofit organizations here in Berkshire County and tomorrow is gonna be the last day of August So I really encourage you guys to go through your metrics for the month of August What have you been doing that's working? What have you been doing that you know you need to think about in a little bit more detail and try to turn it around for me. If I look at let's see my first eight or my first ten days or so of August, let's see, let's go to here.

I Looked at these first the first two weeks and I didn't take a ton of trades I was down about almost $9,000 my accuracy was only 46% which is terrible and I was losing twice what I was making on average and I looked at those metrics in the beginning of the month I looked at this and I said what I'm doing isn't working I've got to make a change I've got a step back I've got a slowdown and so what I said is on the profit trifecta. What do I need to focus on? Do I focus on? Well, right now, my consistency is is obviously terrible, so you know the question was, do I focus on consistency? Do I focus on my profit loss ratio? Do I focus on my accuracy. Those are the three core components that we talked about. so we've got consistency.
We've got profit loss ratio. And then, and we've got accuracy right here. And so I said. You know what? The one that I need to focus on is accuracy? because if I can get my accuracy back up towards sixty five, seventy five percent, then invariably the profits will follow.

The losses will most likely be smaller because I'm focusing on better quality setups. And so now from the 15th to today the 28th. Well, this isn't gonna include today's profit. Let's see what's happened to my accuracy.

It is turned around. I've taken a hundred more trades I've traded more, my accuracy has gone up to 77 percent and my profit loss ratio? well, it's gotten better. Average winner 886, average losers a thousand but this is what really has turned things around. The accuracy has almost doubled.

So following and you know, following that focus of accuracy first that will lead to improve profit loss ratio that will result in more consistency and better profitability across the board has gotten me to where I need to be on the month. So now I'm gonna sit here at the second-to-last day of the month up 35,000 before today's profits. That's gonna be 40,000 and tomorrow anything that I get is just icing on the cake and I just you know I'll just be grateful for that. So you know I want you guys to do that same analysis of what's your game plan for September Of course you know my two cents would be focus on accuracy trade the best, leave the rest.

but you know if you have a particular you may go into your metrics and you may that your issue is primarily you know, price related that you're making a lot of mistakes on a certain price range or certain days and times you know Mondays I mean whatever the case is, my afternoon trades this this month have been disasters so I'm done with that. I'm not gonna trade past 11:00 A.m. I'm just gonna cut it at 11:00 and that would have put an extra $15,000 in my prop in my pocket for profit this month if I had followed my my standard rule. but you know I think for me what I ended up doing was feeling like this is a month where I typically don't make as much money and so I you should compensate for that by trading longer each day.

You know because sometimes there are opportunities in the afternoon and I look back and I feel like I missed them and this felt like this wouldn't be a month where I could afford to miss good opportunities. And so I traded in the afternoon and guess what happened I just ended up losing money. You know it's not a good decision. so you live and you learn at least I lived and I can you know? report back and say afternoon trading is simply not worth it.

So I'm gonna leave the afternoon trading alone and going into September focus as usual: 9:30 to 10:30 11:00 a.m. focusing on stocks between $2 and $8 and you know I'll be a little aggressive on stocks between 8 and 20, but above 20 bring the aggressiveness back down a little bit. All right, so that's about it for me. I Hope you guys have had a really solid day and a solid couple of weeks here.
and I want to encourage you guys use that coupon code Labor Day 30% off storewide. Whether it's the Warrior Start or the Warrior pro courses or the chatroom, get into the chatroom, get into the classes and watch over my shoulder as I trade tomorrow and then trade through the month of September and hopefully find my way to another $40,000 of profit. All right. So those you guys in the chatroom and on Youtube I will see you all first thing tomorrow morning and those of you guys on Facebook I'll stay here for just another amended or so if you're still watching.

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29 thoughts on “Thankful thursday $5.4k going to local charities ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sam alcala says:

    Thank God for Ross!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Conroy Venzen says:

    Great video Ross! Your compassion for others by giving back is very admirable. Keep doing your thing.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Seymour says:

    Great to see things turning around for you this month. I don't like August. I'm only up $10k this month and have taken today off from trading to end the month green. It seems as though every step forward I took, I took two steps back. My avg win to avg loss was roughly 2-1, so I was able to remain afloat. The only reason I came out ahead was because of MTC's huge run a couple weeks ago. I hauled in $14k that day. My pick rate was terrible, down near 40%. But September is moving in, and then October when the market moves to my playing field. I'll take a couple $10-$20k months to tide me over until then. Thanks for all your help Ross. Trader for life.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Drejer says:

    Im almost like one
    I don't make any profit either 😀

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rgasta says:

    Wow now I have an even better opinion of Ross. Before this donation I had the idea Ross just wanted to accumulate as much money as he could. The donation gives him a lot of honor.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dmytro Khoriev says:

    Big appreciation for the charity you do! Onto positive last day of August

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars APo Gatsby says:

    How to select stocks before the market begining? Which couse shall I learn?thanks. Rose

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt R. says:

    Keep killing it’ But shave your head for charity?!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlackWolf says:

    Great work Ross! You are a role model to me! 💪💪💪

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thoht Qube says:

    Awesome job Ross, glad to see you give back!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Demarco says:

    You all are such a blessing to me and my family. Another green day, thanks to all I have learned from the Warrior Trading Family. 3 months ago I would have never imagined trading stocks for some passive income. Applying the strategy I have learned from the Warrior Trading Mentors has made me… a beginner trader green in the month of August. I am sharing all the knowledge and insight with my father and my sons, so thank you Ross and team for all the classes. You guys Rock!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2Fab says:

    Thank you for contributing to the community Ross.👍

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grand Tour Bear says:

    Humility and integrity Ross, that's what I think of, when you come to mind mate.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Delano says:

    Good call not trading the afternoon. After about the first hour volume dries up and algos take over the price action.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BMACK'S CORNER says:

    must give to recieve

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JChan59 says:

    my accuracy is beyond terrible this month. Most of the pull backs I have traded ends up in rejections. I need to be quicker and earlier when a stock is moving higher and getting volume

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rex Lee says:

    nice trading mister!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FooDaki says:

    I feel like ross its being more detailed abt everything just because he has new students lol…

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ish says:

    MTC was too risky for me…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ቴክ ዶክመንተሪ says:

    God bless you Ross

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flagship seeyou says:

    It good to give back.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon S says:

    Good man, Ross! Love what you're doing!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J G says:


  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Emerson says:

    You make us twin staters proud! Congrats on your green day.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dante Bruce says:

    thanks ross for all that you do for the community ! i will follow on the same path. thanks

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Arriaga says:

    That’s great to hear Ross you’re a good man

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BPC Fitness says:

    Good to know the money I lost is going to charity lol

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snap Snap says:

    Donate to local me.

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