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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Good morning everyone. All right? So it's about 8 35 It's thankful Thursday 100 Today's trading profits will go to charity and I'm going to start breaking down the watch list in a few minutes here. So thankful. Thursdays are every Thursday for the month of April doing something a little special here.

This is our uh, six year anniversary since I wrote had a day trade and it's about been about seven years since I started working on our first version of the day trading course. So this is kind of springtime April. It's a, um, it's a nice time to celebrate this anniversary. So to celebrate every Thursday for the month of April and let's see how many we have? Um, we'll have one, two, three, four, Five Thursdays.

Hey, that's great. So five Thursdays for the month of April? I've already donated. Uh, twenty thousand dollars. I rounded up for last Thursday up to twenty thousand.

so donated Twenty thousand All. Actually, it was sorry twenty two thousand because I donated based on my gross profit. I did 22 500 I believe or no, maybe just 22 000 even for last Thursday. So I donated to St.

Jude's Wounded Warriors. Gosh, there were several. I didn't I don't have them all right in front of me now. Uh, but anyways, you could go back and watch that.

Um, from Thursday. So um, today. hopefully we'll be able to have a nice solid day. I'd like to be able to donate 25 000.

At least you know, 20 thousands of daily goal 25 000 would be nice. Maybe I do more. Maybe I come in a little short. We'll see what we can do yesterday.

Full disclosure: Um, I did exactly what I said. I didn't want to do exactly what I said I didn't want to do. This is my P. L from yesterday Went down Thirteen thousand, went up ten thousand, went back to break, even, got up thirty thousand and then dropped to minus eleven thousand.

Had one. Thirty thousand dollar. Thirty thousand dollar loss. Came back in the afternoon.

exactly what I didn't wanna do. Came back in the afternoon why I had a meeting. I sat down, someone mentioned Utme. I pulled it up and I saw oh yeah, look at that thing.

Utme looks like it's going up for another attempt at 100. I got in at 95, 96, 97 added for the break of a hundred. Added 107 for the breakthrough high of day 107. Top tick.

uh and then flush in this halt going down. Come on man. that's so frustrating because it's like you know better. But really, I don't We never do.

We never know better. This is trading. This is just the way it goes. Some days I would have come back and we would have ended up getting a squeeze through 107, rip up to 125.

And just like that, I'm back to up 30 40 000 on the day. Well, that wasn't the case yesterday. The problem is, the market is inconsistent in the fact that some days doing kind of one thing will produce one set of results and the same exact thing on another day produces a different set of results. I'm upset with myself that I even came back.
Uh, you know it's I. just and I knew that I wouldn't be able to not trade if I saw something and I I had to come back. I had to be in front of my computer for a meeting and I I saw Utme and I mean once I saw it, I was like this does look good and it did look good. So anyways, um, that's that's discouraging.

Uh, so First red day of the month and I basically am back to flat on the week. We're not very far in the month either, so I'm I'm really back to up only 20 000 or so on the month. Uh, all things considered, that's still a green month and so I gave back two days of profit. I saw Danny in the chat room.

he said he had, he did the same thing yesterday, he was up 3 600 and then back to flat. he was red and then I think he finished flat or something like that. Maybe down 600. Oh man, it's you.

Think you've you think you've learned and then you. You know, easy come easy, go. That's the way it is. So anyways, um so so that was yesterday.

So back to Square. Basically back to flat On the week, I was up 11, 000, 22, 000 minus 28. So yeah, roughly back to flat on the week. Which puts me back to 22 000 on the month or so.

20 000 on the month which was my profits from last Thursday. So you know I'll say that the moment that I went down 25 000, I have a max loss set on my account. So if I go down more than 25 000, I'm locked out of my account. I can't keep trading now.

Maybe I should set that a little tighter. That was set based on sort of the market that we were in. Um, you know, a couple months ago or six weeks ago. This current market maybe 25 000 is a little too much.

too much room. Uh, maybe I should tighten that down to like 15 000 or 17 000 or something like that. I don't know. but uh, I usually don't want to give back more than about one day of good profit.

My P L I'm averaging. Let's see my average daily gain this is in gross profit. so it's a My daily commissions are through the roof right now. But my daily gain average after commissions is about twenty four thousand a day.

Twenty four thousand dollars per day in twenty twenty one. So giving back one day of profit it's not the end of the world. What I really don't wanna do is have 100 150 000 red days because that's when I'm then giving back a couple weeks of profit. Potentially so.

Anyways, it's puts it in perspective. It's uh, it's not great, but it's not terrible. And then I always try to keep this little screenshot. The glass is 90 full.

So this was. I don't know, this was from part of last year or something, but I wanted to keep this sort of. I keep this little window. Um, it's weird.

I didn't remember that being two images. No, it's just doing something really weird. I don't know what that's about. My computer is acting weird.

Um, so anyways, um, I keep this down in the bottom corner. so I just sort of remind myself that you know, even after a red day, this is. This is where I've come from and I encourage you guys to do something similar. If you don't have a track record of success, you probably shouldn't be trading with real money.
The track record of success comes from trading perhaps in a simulator, or perhaps trading with real money, but with really small size so you have something you can look back on and say all right, you know, I I at least do sort of know what I'm doing and then that helps you gain some of the confidence. But I I do struggle with the emotional side of trading. It's I mean, honestly, I don't think that I'm really suited to be a trader from the emotional side of things because I get too upset and too frustrated. This just happened to be a really good career for someone with as much anxiety and the panic attacks that I've had in my life because I didn't feel that I could really work a traditional nine-to-five job anymore.

And this is something I can do without someone looking over my shoulder. It's uh, you know it's I can do this sort of on my own time. So I've made it. I've made it work the best I can, but it's a struggle even.

Still so. anyways. But so today it's a new day. so we'll put this down here.

Um, look at the Gap scanner here. All right. So our Gap scanner, I'll get my charts back up. All right.

So leading Gapper make this a little smaller here. Um, just move this. Kind of like that. Okay, so for those getting oriented on, uh, maybe Youtube, thank you guys for tuning in for the morning show as a reminder.

As always, in case you didn't already know, day trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money and you saw yesterday, Easy come easy go. You can go up 30 000 and then down 30 000 real quick. So um, it's uh, um, it's a it can be could be stressful.

so take it slow trade in a simulator before you trade real money and just remember, trading is risky. Okay, so um, so with that said, let's look at the Gap scanner for today. So uh, I have this actually sorted by volume today. Which is one way to look at it.

Um, it's about 8 45. We have, um, 15 minutes until nine and hopefully at Nine a.m we have some maybe more news that comes out. Look at this. Look at this disgusting chart on Astc.

I haven't seen a chart that bad in a while. That's garbage. That is just terrible. Wow, What a rejection? Would they do an offering? Let's see.

Yeah. So this is the thing in the small cap market that is. I mean, you have to recognize whenever company. whenever companies go bankrupt.

Now whenever they file for bankruptcy, you know who gets really, uh, just destroyed Shareholders Shareholders get destroyed. And the market. I mean, the market is so speculative. The market is a place where, uh, average people can put money up to help fund the growth of a company.

Because that's what you're doing when you're buying. uh, Astc. When you're buying shares of these companies, you're You're essentially during the ipo. you're funding them so they can reinvest that into, uh, the operations into growing the company.
So when they do these secondary offerings and then they raise more capital, they're doing that directly from shareholders. It dilutes the value of the stock. And so when these companies put out a good headline and the stock goes up, you know, 20, 30 percent and then that same day or later that next day they put out news of the offering. It's a total slap in the face of shareholders, and it's why shareholders and and retail traders have and even institutional traders have to be so careful about holding small cap stocks for long periods of time because a lot of these small cap stocks, they're not in really good financial position.

If they were, they wouldn't be a small cap stock anymore, they'd be moving up the ladder, so this is very common to see it. Obviously it's not a sure thing that's going to happen every time you have good news, but it's It's disappointing when you see it, and it certainly feels like we're sort of navigating these landmines in the market of not getting caught a secondary offering and not getting caught in. you know, a stock halted on a T1 or T12 or whatever it is, So that's a bummer. So that one we won't trade.

Immp. This is second leading in terms of volume history of a Gap and fade back here. Not interested in that right now. doesn't look that great.

Let's let's sort by, um, by Gap. So leading Gapper is Orbc up 51. Orbc is showing that it's a buyout, so this is an acquisition. This company is going to be acquired at 11.50 a share, so would it make sense to buy this at 11.50 for the squeeze? Up to 12? Probably not.

Wouldn't make a lot of sense. Why would a stock trade at 12? when it's valued in a buyout at 11.50 However, in this market, we've actually seen a few times where, um, this is exactly what happens. It's a buyout and it does go up anyways. Doesn't make sense or it goes down.

That's a bit of a sort of irrational move when it happens, but I'm not going to trade that. So V-e-r-y and you know a comment there of, um, don't trade Um, you know you don't have problems with things like Astc if you don't trade those types of stocks. Well, you're right. Um, on the other hand, it's the small cap stocks for traders with small accounts that put in the biggest percentage moves.

Obviously, when a dollar stock goes up to two dollars, three dollars, and four dollars, that's a huge percentage move. That's what small account traders are usually looking for. You could trade Tesla, but it's an expensive stock. You could trade the options on it.

But then, as you know, a lot of options buy or worthless. Uh, just of course based on the fact that they're based on underlying asset. So if they're priced out of the money at expiration, they're worthless. So options have a lot of risk.
They're very low volume. You might have a couple hundred contracts, a thousand contracts traded on an option strike price. Um, with huge spreads 20, 30 spreads? not impossible. so they're a little harder to day trade with the exception of a few stocks that have tighter spreads because they have higher volume.

But but then you get into day trading something like Tesla and on a day where it doesn't have high relative volume, it's going to be very choppy. So I've always preferred to focus on stocks that have some type of catalyst. so this one very V-e-r-y up 46. Um, I actually don't see a catalyst on this, although you would think there would have been one for it to gap up that much.

No specific news to account for the move, and this is something that we've been seeing a fair amount of in this current market as well. A stock at about 4 a.m squeezes, this is 405 4 A.m squeezes on. Let's see 1600 shares from 12 to 18 and then on 6 700 shares up to 27 and then on another 7 000 shares up to 33.. I don't know if it's you guys over in Europe who are trading at 4 a.m uh, local time, New York time and I guess two in the afternoon.

Oh no, no. 10 A.m um, European time. but I don't think it's U.s traders jumping in at 4am. Certainly not those of you guys in California.

I mean, unless you're taking a couple trades before, I mean, it just doesn't even make sense. So this sort of irrational squeeze, it's that scramble to get a piece of the action. and you know I I do the same thing. Momentum trading is by high, sell higher.

So when you see something kind of, um, kind of, um, ripping, you know, um, you know you. you want to try to catch that dip and ride that momentum. So I I'm you know, I. I get it.

But when it's on, no news, there's always kind of some risk. But usually when something's moving like that on no news, you figure. Well, there's no Pr, but someone must know something because why is it moving that much? Well, I don't know. it came all the way back down.

So back at 14 here, it's still a gap. And so this type of chart, which we've seen quite a bit recently, uh, what it can give us is sometimes a curl, you know. So if this curled back through, uh, 1560, the high of this candle here at 8 a.m and then back through 1720, you know, then you start to look up it. You know it maybe could move a bit higher.

But no, I don't know. And brad. So when I've traded in Europe and if I was in Europe right now, I wouldn't be trading at 4am New York time, I really, I mean, I I might in a really, really hot market like the Gamestop market from two months ago. But in this market I wouldn't because the volume is so light, the spreads are going to be really big.

You might have some lucky home runs like this but you could also have some huge strikeouts. And it's just to me, not really worth it. So I I personally wouldn't be doing that, but I can only speculate as to who is. I was just thinking maybe it's European traders or I don't know.
I'm just not really. sure. Um, Anyway, so very V-e-r-y Um, it's a Nasdaq listed stock. No clear catalyst, no news, but is up 41.

So our leading Gappers in acquisition. Our second leading gapper is Very, which has no news. Okay, so this is setting the stage a little bit. here for today: A reminder for those getting tuned in on Youtube and Facebook.

Uh, please. Um, hit the thumbs up if you haven't already. And as a reminder, as always, trading is risky. so don't try to blindly follow me or anyone else.

You've got to understand the strategy. My opinion on nuclear energy sector. you know, Jake I, I haven't That's not something I. I don't do a lot of fundamental research like that.

It doesn't really serve me very well in my day trading strategies. in longer term investing. I suppose it could serve me well, but I don't. I don't like to do both at the same time.

I just focus on my short-term stuff so I don't actually do any long-term investing. The only long-term holding that, um, that we've had that we've managed ourselves has been a position in Etsy that we've had for for a long time. I talked about that in New York City during our Inner Circle seminar in 2017 and so that was back down here when it was at like 12 and I'm still holding this. We're still holding this, me and my wife.

but that's the only. It's not a big position, but that's just a company that we really like. so I I just don't get into doing the long term stuff. I find it such a requires such a different mindset that it conflicts in a way.

with day trading. it takes two very different mindsets to trade short term and then long term at least for me. Okay, so um, let's see what else was I gonna say. So all right, so we've got.

Um, so yeah, I don't have any comment really on the energy sector. so very A V C T. I would say it really only takes one trade a day. Uh, one trade a day.

20 cents with 10 000 shares? Well, that's two thousand dollars with a hundred shares. It's 20 bucks with a thousand shares is 200. So I I would say 20 cents a day. Generally speaking, would pay the bills.

Uh, I would probably target more like 50 cents to a dollar a share if I'm gonna try to be aggressive. Then with ten thousand shares, I'm coming up to that. Ten thousand, Twenty thousand dollars in profit depending on how much how I'm between ten and twenty thousand shares, you know that that's a nice spot to be. Uh, so my first trade of the day, I want it to be a stock that I feel very, very confident is going to go at least 20 cents.

Probably more like 50 cents to a dollar potential. And you know we may see that this morning. We may not. But that's that's what I'm looking for.
So my first trade is kind of the one that's the most important. If I was a small account trader, I would be. in the mindset of probably trying to trade only once a day. Less is more, just get green and then walk away.

That's usually how I trade when I have a small account, knowing that the next day when I log in, I'll have a little bit more Buying power can take a few more shares, and I just kind of keep doing that. One trade a day, get green and then walk away. Okay, Abct. So this one does have news, but they've received a takeover proposal at 7.89 a share, so I don't think I really like that.

That's that's not. I didn't even read the whole headline to see if they've accepted. It sounds like they've received the proposal. They probably need to have the board of Directors vote on it.

Maybe do a shareholder vote? I don't know. It's an unsolicited, non-binding takeover proposal values at about 178 million dollars. So yeah, I don't think that that's something I would trade next one down. Sfet? Yeah.

And I I see very coming up to the View app. I see a couple of you guys mentioning that some volume coming in there on the one minute chart. I I don't disagree with that. Um, as I said, you've got this 1560 pivot.

so you've got the volume weight. Average Price: Total volume on this stock is 1.9 million shares at 50 percent. So the question here as always is, does it fade off the V web? Because if it just taps this level and then fades off the V web, then you know you don't want to be buying into it. You want to wait for that confirmation.

Rice I see it's an interesting chart. All-time high is 1408 so we're not far off of Blue Sky. Uh, this is 21 million share float. A little lighter on volume but is worth watching so I may keep.

I do have that chart up. Um, I'll keep an eye on it. Let's see apre. just check that Atnf.

I'm checking a few of the ones that are on the lower float side. the 64 million share 58 million share floats I usually wouldn't go for. Anyways, this one has faded a bit. Elsc This one has faded a little bit.

Archon has faded a little bit as well. Is Rice a special acquisition company? Yeah it is. Uh, so just back an ipo. Recent ipo would probably be a little hotter right now given the sort of ipo momo on Utme this was.

this is ipo momo from 11 to 107 bucks. Of course I'm the guy who bought it 107, but whatever. Um, still. and that's embarrassing because it made this big of a move and I still managed to screw that up.

But anyways. Uh, this. I think if we get a another ipo stock, they'll probably be a bunch of traders that jump on that because hey, look what just happened to Utme. So does anyone have any, um, any, uh, ipos that you have on watch? I don't really have a daily watch list of ipos I've been looking at.

Um, let's see recent ipos. Coin: Well yeah. so this is a one minute pullback under the view app and then it's broken through right here. The breakthrough right now is on lighter volume which is not ideal.
Panna yesterday Look interesting. Hmm okay Coinbase. I don't think coinbase is going to do anything crazy and yeah we have to be careful of false break at the V web here. Uh, but so this the problem is.

usually you want to see this candle right here. This candle should be on higher volume than this candle. Why? Because this candle's testing and then this is the confirmation candle. The confirmation.

The breakout. Why is the confirmation on lower volume than the test doesn't really make sense? Well, it's going without me. I guess I could have gotten a trade there from 15 up to 15 30. that would have been my 20 cents I suppose.

but if 30 cents is the entire move, I might only capture half of it at best. Well, Coinbase might do okay, but I I'm not sure. we'll We'll see, we'll see. I I just I don't think what I'm saying is, I don't think Coinbase is gonna be a Utme.

I don't think it's gonna do something like this and I could be wrong, but I really don't think it's gonna do something like that. I think it'll probably be more like a snap, a snapchat, or um, doordash or airbnb type of thing where it's going to be a lot of volume. A lot of opportunities, but probably not some crazy parabolic, but who knows, who knows. Rice is going a little higher as well.

You know. Again, though, the break at 12 it's up to 12 32. this isn't really really juicy to me yet, but it is starting to move a little bit. so some of you guys think coinbase is gonna go parabolic.

Well, I guess we'll see what happens. Maybe maybe I'm wrong. It'll be the next game stop. Well, I'll I'll ride the momentum.

As a momentum trader, you know it's hard. I might have a bias on it because I'm not really a cryptocurrency person, but if it really goes crazy, I'll be trading. Of course I will. I still personally don't think it's going to do a Utme, but we'll see Rice going a little higher.

So we're coming up to it's 903 so we're a little past nine. Let's see. Hang this guy up here. There we go.

That's that's good luck. It's my Christmas tree, but it's for charity. Um, brings. Bring some of the good luck in.

It's got Mr. Horseman here and my cactus shirt. So I've and I'm drinking green. so I'm I'm I'm basically going all in.

Um, the only thing that I still have is my Um. headband. My Ram Rambo headband. I got this from Sylvester Stallone.

I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. Um. so this is my most valued possession. but I'm not going to put this on yet.

I'm not. I can't go Rambo today. I don't think that this is the market for Rambo to be trading in. Rambo is extremely aggressive.

Rambo goes big, huge size, swinging for grand slams. It's either a grand slam or a a huge strikeout and and I I don't have. I don't have the confidence in this market to go for those types of trades, but uh, hopefully we get some nice action. Rice is continuing a little higher of course.
at this point you've got two four green candles in a row, so it's getting a little extended on the five, but that's good to see. I'll watch for a pullback. Um, very so it. You know it broke the V-wap and it's holding above it.

but what would we kind of say about this pattern? You know it's kind of like it's gotta get through 1560, but if it can get through that level, I would say now it needs a five minute pullback. Extended To me would usually be four or five green candles in a row. And it doesn't mean I won't sometimes keep trading something that's a little extended, but I just have to be cautious on it. But the name of the game is trade the market, you're in Sfvt.

Yeah, not super into that one. I'm just looking at my charities for today. Um, I've got a list here. so Warrior Pro students you guys submitted um, charity ideas for today's Thankful Thursday.

So I've got those and every Uh 2500. I'll be doing a donation. so we'll I want to donate to a few more. So instead of doing every 5 000, we'll do every 2 500.

That way I can get a few more, um, a few more donations in. But again, right now I'm just waiting on the one. the one that looks really good. Really clean, great quality setup.

that's going to be my best. My best chance at a you know, good start to the morning. So we have, um, the survey, uh right here. I'll just post this, it's in the announcement um tab but you can put it in, put it in right there, put your survey, or put your um, we already did.

Wounded Warrior. Uh well. I mean we could do it again, but we did it. We did do that last Thursday.

Um, I got a voicemail from the wounded warrior and it sounds like a like very seasoned um veteran and I was like oh my god, this goose is leaving a message on my phone. It's like hello. I want to thank you and I was like oh jesus but he was thanking me for a donation. I thought I was gonna get a death threat.

He sounded intense, but that's the guy they have that makes the phone calls Look at rice continuing higher so this continues to be extended up to 13 15.. Now the problem is, you've got a double top on Rice at 1407, but it is clearly moving. So now the question is, does it top out somewhere? How do I manage risk on it as it starts to go parabolic? Look at that from 13 from essentially from 1265 up to 13 62. So good to see.

Nice nice momentum if I had a cushion. There could be trades up here, but this is higher risk in this area, so I'm waiting for that, um, kind of good setup. So the one minute chart I would say at this point this is our third leading gapper high is 13.62 so let's see how much it pulls back here. Sometimes what happens on these, especially when you've got two, four, or five green candles in a row, is that they just they pull back and then they just kind of fade.
You know they don't. They don't really do a clean first candle to make a new high. So right now I'm just going to watch this for a second. We'll see how much it pulls back.

If it bases out, then we might get a trade up through 14 1405, 1408. All right, so we've got rice. Good job for those who jumped in. Um, they're around 12 50.

I thought at that point, even though you're 1260, even though you had a one minute pullback, the five minute even then felt a little extended. That was right there. At that point you had two four green candles in a row. Now you've got a fifth big one.

So the low down there is 1305. Let's see if it holds 13. this could present. Um, I'll do a dip trade there 5 000 shares.

So I'm dip trading that off of 13 to anticipate the first one minute candle to make a new high. And then my ad is going to be 13 30.. So watch 13 30 for the ad. So looking for the first one minute candle to make a new high on rice? this high is 13 30.

We've got about, um, about 10 seconds left on it. So let's see if we get the break through that level 13 30.. So we're sitting at 13 13 here. I'm rather taking a 600 loss.

Usually when I do a dip on this, it would pop up pretty quick. It did pop to 13 30, but then kind of right back down. so I took a small loss on it. First candle making new highs 13 30..

that would be confirmation there's 13 33. So maybe I was a little jumpy on that. But after being read yesterday and acknowledging that this is pretty extended, dip trade has to work pretty quickly, so we'd want to see it through 1337. And then, yeah, I don't know.

we'll see what it does, All right. So first trade of the day: Uh, 600 loss 591. it's a little extended on the 5. however, smaller share size on that first trade to accommodate the fact that it was a little riskier.

Dip trades also, not usually my favorite first trade of the day. Just because dipped trades are inherently a riskier strategy. I see Hofv 58 million share float. I'm gonna leave that alone for right now.

Hmm, hmm uh. Antf. let's see So or Atnf. So I think the problem on this one is that there's no news and it's just selling off rice.

The current five minute candle has a minute left on it, and then we might start to get dialed in for our first five minute candle to make a new high. But what I don't like is that this is that kind of high volume congestion near the top, right? Typically the first one minute candle to make a new high would have ripped, but that high was a little bit of a topping tail. I think you got that that top kind of squeeze and it's just not. now.

it's just kind of high volume on this red candle. I think the dip was a good idea, but uh, it just didn't. It just didn't work. at least not in the time that I was thinking it would.
So the high back here is 34 and then 37.. So when this five minute candle closes, I would say yes, maybe you have a first five minute candle to make a new high. The risk on that is a little higher as well though, because we're extended off the nine moving average. Since my first trade on it wasn't that great, I'm not as inclined to go back in for a second attempt on it.

So let's see what it does here. Because see here. here's the thing. This is extended off its 9 moving average.

So this is what we would kind of call like a high flying bull flag. It's like way way up high here. And yes, the first candle to make a new high on the five. Typically you know that would be the resolution point, but in this case I think the likelihood of a false breakout is a little too high.

I'm kind of bummed out, but it's just we'll see. Maybe it goes without me. It does seem like there's been a hidden buyer around 13 and I definitely see the 14 daily level, which is a logical target. But Hufv Yeah, it's not moving all that much.

It's up Five cents on five green candles in a row. Now through five cents through the high. Okay, let's see. very dipping back below the V-wap it's about 9.

15. Uh, apre Let me. so you're still in this consolidation right here. Um, mm-hmm Well yeah, I think that some people may be waiting for the five minute breakout, which you can see is starting to form right here.

Needs to break through 1350 and then go through 1362. So the high there was 13.50 So this is a micro pullback under 50. there's 55, there's 60., there's 62.. So now you know Is it going to go up to 14.? I'm not in it.

I'm sitting on the sidelines on it. I don't like that high volume red candle, but and I don't like that it was choppy on the first candle to make a new high on the one minute. So what you have right now is sort of a double top there. This is our second leading gapper.

Got about 10 minutes to the bell utme from yesterday. Yeah, pulled back into the clothes acy from yesterday. It's kind of forming a five minute or a daily bull flag back. long over 15 to be interesting, but it's not there yet.

I'll put that one over on a side chart just in case. So right now, Rice is doing kind of another little period of consolidation. It's holding up, I guess you would say relatively well. It's been sort of four minutes.

Right up. at this level, the high is 69. My guess is that's an Adfn order that just went through that little flash down. Nice Gabriel, Good job.

look at that so I'll take a trade on that. There's a 200 000 share bid on this right now at 70. a 200 000 share bid. So that tells me someone's trying to buy this.

Look at that. Bids moved up to 14.. now let's look for the squeeze to 14.50 Literally, a 200 000 share bid on Rice on the level 2.. So now let's look for 14 10 and then 14.25 holding right now.
hi that candle 1405 Adding there 1405 Hidden Buyer 1402 adding 1406 Taking it off the table Four thousand dollars. So that'll give me just about two donations. That 200 000 share buyer that just popped up all of a sudden on the level two, I saw a 200 000 share buyer. I hit the buy button, so let's see what it does.

The low here is 13.83 Does that buyer pop back up? So the high is 14 12.? Watching back over 14 12. I'm kind of surprised. In a way. I'm a little confused.

Let's just watch this for a second. Um, so that buyer is popping back up again. What is the deal with? Look at that buyer there at 15 right now 280 000 shares. So can I get back in up here? Or I'm adding back at 19.? And I'm looking for the squeeze up to 30.

over 25. I'll keep adding adding at 25.. So this clearly there's a huge buyer on on this one. So hidden buyer there 15.

So now look for the squeeze over 28 and 29. we're up 40. So I'm looking for the squeeze up to 14.50 on rice there's 28. There's 30.

you know this is. and I actually just lost a little on that. This price action is weird. I'm not sure what's going on because there's big bids.

but then there's clearly some. Really. There's some hidden sellers here as well. I'm gonna have to wait for a dip to reposition.

It's gone from 1368 up to 14 30.. So sitting up 3800 right now, this is very strange price action. I'm not really sure. Um, you're seeing these big bids.

But then there's clearly some really big sellers. So that makes me wonder if, um, someone's trying to sell. We've only got four minutes to the bell. Hmm, I'm gonna wait for a dip.

I just don't want to. I'm just nervous about it being a bull trap because usually when you see a big bid like that, you get 30 40 rip so there's a big bid. It pops up only a teeny bit and then into a hidden seller. Seems a little odd.

9 million shares of volume of 40 so I've got a little profit on it, but nothing nothing I'm in love with. So it goes a little higher 1437. three minutes to the Bell as a reminder. In case you already know, trading is risky.

I'll put my disclaimer up on Facebook and Youtube, so this is our second leading gap right now of 42 percent. Very coming up a little bit again. So now Rice coming back down to 13.95 right into its daily high there. Well, it broke a little bit through that, but not a lot.

So I don't see the 300 000 share buyer anymore. so I don't know if that buyer buyer's order got filled, but I didn't see it get filled. I didn't see it go like 250, 240, 210, 180, 150. It just isn't there anymore.

So that makes me a little skeptical as well. Volume declining on it a little bit. So we're coming into the open here with 30 seconds to the bell. I have a little bit of a profit cushion 800, but feeling a little unsure about the price action there on Rice.
although if it holds over 1408, that's obviously important. So Very and Rice are the two that I'm watching. The open might be quite choppy, so kind of got to hold on to your hat for a second see how things shake out as a reminder. As always, trading is risky.

Don't try to blindly follow me or anyone else. These are fast-moving stocks. Rice has 10 million shares of volume, very is squeezing up so I take along on vari there looking for the squeeze through 16. this one's the one that looks better at the open, so let's see what it does.

Look at that rejection though. Only three hundred dollars, Two hundred fifty dollars of profit on very so that hit a high of sixteen twenty and a low of fourteen sixty. I'll do a dip trade at 1468, but honestly, if that doesn't speak to this choppy market, I don't know what does. So up 381 dollars on Vari, I looked over at it and saw it was squeezing here.

Started adding for the break of 16, hit a high of 1628 and then drops here down to 14.88 I mean I don't know how you can manage risk on that. Rice is not a lot better. I'll watch both of them. I thought very was going to halt.

It looked like it was going to squeeze into a halt up over 16. but reversed momo scanners running here atnf is hitting the scans but after that sell-off with no news, it's hard to trust that that red candle, it's just so ugly. Come on girl. So watching the high day momo scanner hang on one second.

All right man. look at that. Oh boy. All right.

well high is 14.87 there. so miss that breakout. double top at 14.87 So I'll leave an order at 15. I have to wait for a one minute pullback.

See if we get the break there. there's 90. I'm gonna break through 95. so high that one that 10 second candle is 95.

so it needs to break over 14.95 It's a little too choppy right there. I don't like that. D-o-g-z I see that else. I see that as well.

We'll wait on them to set up a little bit better rice. Look at that. Drop this. Tricky stuff today.

Tricky stuff: It's still early. it's only 9 36. Arkhan Hitting the high day momo scanner daily chart looks a little bit better over eight. Very halt up is at sixteen thirty just watching it.

It's very hard to trust. Very hard to trust being a buyer up here with this going on. So we'll see if it halts and then we'll see what resumption looks like. Halted there 1630 showing 17 Resumption 1780 Resumption: We'll see where it resumes.

Break A V whap. Yeah, that would have been a good entry 15, but it's good to see showing a 1760 resumption right now on. Very so we'll see if we get, uh, more on it, but we have to be trading it cautiously given that red candle we saw at the open Arkhan. Still a little light on volume.

Dog Z Well, let's pull back a little bit. Not really sure about it at the moment. P E T Z Similarly, I'm not sure. No news that I see on it.
Rice back over fourteen sixty looks interesting. It's hard to trade though. The high day is 14.95 I'll take a quick long there for the breakthrough 15 20 cent target. Let's see if we get 15.25 I'll take it off the table 15 20.

Now I'm going to look for a dip and I pull back the high. This candle is 15.35 so I'm going to let it pull back down towards 15. Quick long there for the squeeze up to 1550.. So now I have a dip entry looking for continuation 1550 and we'll see if we got to move up towards 16.

There's 44 45 on the ask. look for the break of 45 dipping down a little bit. look for the pop back to the 40s. So we're starting to set up for our first one minute candle to make a new high high day.

Volume was on this candle that hit a high of 14. Uh, 1545. So look for the pop back through 15 40 15 45 We'll see if we break through 15 50. this candle has 10 seconds left on it with a high of 42..

watching for a dip added there and add it again at 15 10. So trying to buy the dip for the curl through 15 45 cut the loss at 89. So up what gave back 2 grand on that trade up 5 600 very showing a 1780 possible resumption. 1720 was a trigger and then above that room to uh 2039.

Rice. I'll keep on watch. We'll have to wait for the next trade so made a little more on rice but not a lot more. It's a little tricky resumption on vary coming up here in 10 seconds, have to wait for a dip and a dip and a rip set up on vary because it's looking like it's going to open so high if it opens up around 18.

I need to let it dip. I need to let some people take profit dip and then rip still halted right now so it looks like it's 10 minute long haul. Yeah still halted. So giving it a giving a second but it is still halted.

Rice Uh, the high of this candle is 15.05 starter at 85 and 90. I'm starting to dial in here for the first one minute candle to make a new high. so I'm in 84. Hi this current candle is 1505.

So looking for the first one minute candle to make a new high on a breakthrough? 15 on rice? This candle on the pullback is a doji so that positions well for the break of 1505 and then 15 25. there's 93 94. So just waiting for that first one minute candle to make a new high. There's 95 97 looking for the breakthrough 15.

82 86. So there's 88 looking for that curl through 95 96.97 Cut the loss. Seller pops up back to up 3300 so not really making a lot of progress today. A little profit and giving it back green, but only 3100 right now.

So 2700 on rice 400 on Very. this is pulling back too much as a red candle. That's kind of a problem. Dip: trade off of the V web there 14 15.

look for the pop back up to 14.25 View app is at 14. Uh, 10. So that's the setup there. There's 1420 small gain.

100 bucks. should have bounced harder than that. so I'm just gonna take that one off my level. two.
I don't really wanna look at it anymore. just two. I don't know the price. action on it's very strange.

Not sure what's going on, doesn't even have a good bounce. The view app. That's not impressive. About one minute to resumption on very abct takeover proposal.

Yeah, we knew that catalyst. I'm not sure about about 10 seconds to resumption on Very. We'll see where this one opens showing 1780. but like I said, I need a dip on it because this volatility.

the low was 14 and that one false breakout candle was terrible. It's still halted. There's resumption. Haven't gotten a proper dip yet.

The low was the high was 88 long there for the break of uh, 16 of 19.. this is a 10 second chart that you can see curling for the breakthrough 19. there's 1920. so that was okay.

Uh, three thousand dollars on that. I'm gonna let it pull back. The high is 1918. I'm not sure I'm dialed in on it just yet, but it's quite extended.

1930 is the high. So waiting for a pullback? let's see how much it dips high was 1930 and then look at that all the way back down to 18.. So unfortunately, you know this could go into a halt going back down. But we'll see what happens.

So dip down there to 1812. I think it'll be very important to see whether or not these first dips get bought up. Seems like there's sellers on it right now. Does have room to 20.

one minute setup isn't ready yet waiting. I'm not going to add yet so that was a premature breakout. I mean, it's well. I guess you could say it's a one minute micro pullback, but I was looking for.

The problem is that big red candle. I didn't feel like it was safe to trust it. yet. the next long would be over 20 and then the hot level is 2057..

along there at 19.75 for the breakthrough 20. choppy taking some off the table. new order at twenty dollars and ten cents. There we go.

Nice squeeze little oh, a rejection. false breakout hit a high there of 20 38 and then flushes back down to 1950.. those false breakouts can be risky because you can get caught in a halt down our price. Action today is extremely choppy.

So where's the next entry point? We're up 92 percent tapped that high of 2039. Maybe it's time for a five minute pullback? so I've gotten green six thousand, but it's hard to feel confident taking big size when these are so choppy. View app is at 17. nice wreck.

Good job. ears squeezing. Uh news at 8 a.m I don't. I don't know about that.

I see it popping up, but daily chart doesn't speak anything really to me at the moment. The headline, why is it popping up Now I don't know. It seems a little hard to trust, so this dropped back down to 1780 and then it curls back up there. You can see that's a nice, that's a nice dip.

So the fact that that dip got bought up that well is definitely a good sign. High of this current one minute candle's 1950. All of a sudden, you're back at 20. Your high is 20 38 if it squeezes through that level.
watch this looking for the breakthrough 2038 and then squeeze up to 21.. the thing is, um, so there you go. There's 38, so when you start getting that type of action, you get that early squeeze. Now let it dip down again.

look for a next trade on the dip. Two four six green candles in a row on the 10 second chart, so a bit extended. essentially a double top there at 38.. So I'm going to start to dial this in for the next trade.

There's 40. right there. Now looking for the squeeze on this through 20.50 then 68. not bad.

New order goes to 21. So a little dip hi this candles 2068 have to be a little careful on share size on this one on Very. but we broke through the 2039 level which was important. but are we going to be able to hold above it? and right now I'm not sure.

Look at that dip. back down there to 20. ears continuing a little higher. I don't know.

leaving that one alone for right now Very is the one I'm still focusing on. If we can get through this 2039 level then we have room up to 22. if we get through that level then we start to look good for a move higher. Not sure if that'll happen.

We're still due for a five minute bull flag a five minute pullback, but I'll just watch in this area to see whether or not I can get a dip. The low is 20 19, 20. watching added at 77 for a quick pop back up over 20. So trying to catch that quick little dip added there at 19.90 Looking for the break over 20 20? there's 20 20.

I'm happy with that. small small trade on that one because the dips are a little riskier. Hi this current candle is 20 42 or sorry hi the last one is 2042. So new order would be at just a 20 50.

This would be premature to take a big trade up here because the five minutes so extended. but we could get a trade through 2038. I'll just watch it. The low of this last pullback was 2020 1920.

so watching added back at 94. starting to look for that curl back through 20. it's a one minute setup. trading it with smaller size initially 68 70.

There's 88 87 Looking for the first one minute candle to make a new high a little choppy, only holding uh, well. 600 shares. I took the rest off at 67. I'm gonna put the new order.

I think I'm going to wait for this to form a five-minute bull flag. I'm a little concerned. Well this is one of those moments where it's like if I wait I might miss it. I'm gonna see if I get a dip trade off of like 19 19.

Maybe I can get a nice dip entry because the five minute is premature for a five minute breakout. You've got the high of 2068. we need this five minute candle to close and then perhaps on the next candle we get a good trade. Ears going a little higher Again, like I said, I don't really know what the deal is there.
His eyes also going a little bit. All right. So this is forming a five-minute pullback Rice. Not looking great Very.

We still have two minutes left on this five-minute candle and I'm kind of hesitating to to get in on a dip because it feels right now like it's sort of stair-stepping down a little bit. so I think this isn't the moment to do a dip. The volume is declining a little bit. Nice.

Good job, that's great. Uh, so look at that. pop that candle. That's some serious volume there, but this is a little extended.

The high is 68. so who would be a buyer up here? Short sellers covering? Maybe. So I'll take a quick long for short covering through 21.. So that puts me up a little over 10.

000 new orders at 21.? Just guess I should have done that dip trade, but now looking for a pullback? Yeah, good job on those who got that dip off of 19.. So now we're back at nine. Thing is this: the level two on this jumps around. You see 19 on the ass? the 1945 it's like.

So that makes me nervous to press my shift one hotkey because all of a sudden I could be getting in 40. 50 cents higher than I thought. So a little bit of a top there at 78. have to wait for a cleaner, clearer setup on it, you know? Yeah, I could do some dips down around 19, but I don't know.

As a reminder for those streaming the morning show, um, all today's profits are going to charity. This is Thankful Thursday. And as a reminder, day trading is risky. In case you didn't already know that these are two very volatile stocks today: rice and very high of day 2078.

What a squeeze from 14 up to 20.. certainly nice to see, but a couple of big rejection candles First at the open again right there on that false break of 2050. So the 50 retracement on Utme would be let's see from 11 up to 107.. So yeah, around 57.

Close to that level, but volume is a little bit light on it. Anyone who has submitted badge verification for 50k, 100k, 500k, 750k or 1 million. make sure you check your email, we have some of those, some of you guys were waiting on you to get back to us so if you think you're waiting on us, just double check. Uh, your email and your spam box.

A little dip of a thousand shares there. But see. the thing is I the problem with this is I punched that buy button at when it was in the 80s and I got filled at 98. So I mean it's only 10 cents, but whatever.

Cut that. Nice job Larissa Yeah, it's tricky today for sure. Wow Gabriel, good for you. I hope you submit.

Uh, have you submitted stuff for it? So this high of the five minute candle is 78. I'm starting to look for dip trades. I have a starter at 45. this five-minute candle is about to close and then we're gonna have first five-minute candle making a new high which should give us a nice trade back through 20..
So this candle high 78 New order goes at uh 78. I'm gonna put it at 20. I'll move it up a little bit. First five minute candle added right there.

Looking for the break through 20 and this is one that I just kind of want to hold for a second and see if we get that squeeze up over 20.. add it there again. Looking for the break through 20. this should give us a squeeze to 20 and 50 cents.

I'm just gonna hold it, see if we get the squeeze, even if we get a pullback here. I'm okay with that because of the five minute setup. Look for the break of 20 in a 64 average holding small size now 1200 shares. We got a little false break there up to 20 dollars and 12 cents.

Now look for a dip off the low of 19. Well we'll see what it does. It's kind of interesting. It was a nice looking five-minute bull flag.

Would have thought a little bit more volume would carry that through to 20 21. maybe it ends up being an Abcd pattern. Hi, there's 2012. I want to see if that breaks quick long there.

So trying to ride that momentum. new order goes a little higher. Waiting for a dip added at 38. Now looking for the squeeze up to 78 and then the move up to 20 added there for the break of 78.

So the idea on this would be a squeeze through 21. Watch on a pullback holding right now. Looking for the break through 78? Some nice momentum on this one for sure. So we're looking for an entry around 78.80 for the breakthrough? Uh, 21..

I'm going to watch on a dip off of 20 for the flat top breakout. Nice. There's 88. there's 21.

a little chop. New order at 21. we'll let it do a one minute pullback. It's a little extended up here.

You've got four kind of big green candles in a row, so if we break through 21, then we've got room up to 22.. waiting for a pullback dip entry? Look at that. Wow. So that's tricky stuff That popped to 22 and then dropped to 2012.

Yikes. Well, that kind of breaks that chart. Now that's unfortunate. So sitting up 15 000 which means I can donate to six charities.

So far today it's about 10 a.m a little past 10.. will keep my eye on other stocks. we'll see if anything else pops up. I'm glad that I reduced my risk as I got kind of further into the day because boy that that one could have been could have been bad.

So I'm going to give it a few minutes. We'll see if anything else pops up in the next five minutes or so, so waiting for scanners to alert me of anything else that's moving and looks good. Not really sure about ears. Um, it's not moving all that much.

I mean, yeah, it's up 20 cents, but that's not really quite enough for me, so I'm not really that interested in it right now. Well, if there's a buy out and it's trading below that level, there could be reasons that you'd have to look at the actual sort of the breakdown of how the buyout works, because sometimes it's a you get a certain you get some money, but then you also get shares in the new company. so sometimes it's just there's different. There's a lot of different factors, so it's not always a very clear exact price.
It also certainly depends on whether it's been the buyout offer has been accepted or not. But you know there's sort of a variety of reasons why it can trade at a different price or even continue to trade actively despite a buyout. All right. Well, while we wait for, um, a little more momentum to show up, let's see.

let me start doing some donations here. so I'm gonna get out my credit card All right. There we go. All right.

So fifteen thousand dollars, All right. so the first one, um, this was submitted by Ryan and uh, this is for Save the Children All right. So we're going to donate here to this one one time. uh, other.

oops, 2500? Okay, let me fill out my billing info here. All right there we go. Okay, all right, so this one is processed here. so there's 2500.

so let me just make a note on that. So thank you Ryan for that suggestion and let's see. next one here we have is from Anna and she recommended Um, Spike's Canine Fund. A cool organization that trains, cares for and supplies gear for canines who have served overseas with military or police dogs.

That's great. Okay, so donate twenty five hundred dollars there. Thank you for that suggestion Anna. Very nice.

Let's see. All right, let me fill out this info here. one second. Okay, enter my birthday.

What do you care about My birthday? Come on man. I want everything. I see, My taxes too. Come on.

All right. Um, okay. all right. so this one says it was a success.

That's great. All right. So we've got um, so two down. So uh, this was, uh, twenty five hundred dollars there.

Uh. rice tapped. the V web faded off of it. Nothing to trade there.

V-e-r-y is. I don't see anything to trade there either. The next one was suggested by Bill and Bill recommended Build.org So Build.org This is a program for underserved high school students that teaches them how to build their own business while becoming the Ceo of their own lives. And Bill actually volunteered here.

Um, that's fantastic. That's awesome. All right. So we're going to send them 2500.

oop. Let's see. we got something on the scanner. Let's take a look at that real quick Pixi day momo scanner.

a little red to green. No news. I'm gonna skip that. ears.

Still no interest. Uh very. I see that popping up a little bit, but I'm not really interested in that. And thank you guys on Youtube for hitting the thumbs up.

Um, I appreciate you guys tuning in for the morning show. You guys know day trading is risky. Uh, but I'm I'm excited that you guys are wanting to learn so thank you for tuning in. I hope you hit the thumbs up All right.

So so let's see. So let me just fill out the info on Build here. So 2500? Okay, um. all right there we go.
Oh look at that rejection on very that doesn't look good. Okay, all right. so let's see. oh Pixie going a little higher.

but like I said, still no news. All right. So that, um so this one's confirmed here, so that's great. Uh, next one, let's see.

This is nice. Okay, so Lisa, um recommended the Northeast Community Center. They do. Uh.

Food Pantry. Oops. I'm sorry. I'll put this up here.

So this is a somewhat local Food Pantry? and looks like New York area up, sort of upstate Hudson River Valley. All right. So let's see Donate 2500 there. That's great.

Good suggestion Lisa. Okay, let me fill out this info. Okay, all right. so I've got to enter my info pixie on the scanner again.

But like I said, it's hard to trust those when they don't have news. So I'm gonna hold off on that. All right. So that one's processed.

So we've got one, two, three, four. So that's ten thousand dollars. and I'm sitting at fifteen thousand. Four hundred in gross profit.

So we'll do, um, two more. All right. So Tim, um oh, this is a cool one. So I I want you guys, uh, to know that we support you and of course we want to see you make money trading and everything like that and be be able to give back some of those profits to local organizations.

But while you're learning, you giving me some ideas of where I can donate is definitely appreciated. So this is called the World Central Kitchen So um, very interesting. Great. I'm gonna give once.

Okay, let me fill this out. Yeah, ears did have news today so you know it's grinding a little bit without me I guess. Okay, oops. Okay, so this one is good here.

Hmm okay. and so that's number five. And then uh. James, let's see uh oh, which one here? Oh um so I've got a good list here, so let me let me just take some notes here on what I did.

So all right. So we did. um, save the children that was from Bro Ryan. We did Spikes K9 from Anna.

We did Bills Build uh, Lisa's Northeast Center, Tim's World Central Kitchen and we'll do James's Feeding America All right. So let's get that one up and that'll be the last one for today unless I get some more trades. So I'll donate here. Uh, one time 2500.

it's hard to say no to that face. Oh okay, all right, so let's see Paypal. That'll be easy. Okay, okay, that's great.

So that is, uh, confirmed. Okay, so one two, three, Four Five six. I'll make a note there as well. All right.

Awesome! Thank you guys! So great suggestions. Uh, happy to pay it forward there. Thankful Thursday. Uh those you guys streaming on Youtube and Facebook.

We are. um, what was I gonna say? Oh um. we do have our anniversary sale going on right now as well, so we're trying to pay it forward for you guys. There's a coupon code that you can use to join the classes.
if you'd like to. I'll put the link down here for you. Let's see. Okay, so um, you can see that pinned in the comments as well.

Anniversary Sale Here you go. All right? So um, this is going to be going on every Thursday? Uh, for the month of April here? So 15 000 today? That's terrific. I was hoping for a little more than that, but well, it's 10 30. We're at the end of the first hour since the bell is wrong and our two leading gappers were very not looking great right now.

And um, Rice not looking great right now either. So I'm going to take the profit off the table. Unfortunately, since I finished down 28 000 yesterday like an idiot. Um, today is just recouping half of that.

But you know what? Um, it gets me back to Green on the week, right? I was nine thousand, Twenty thousand, minus Twenty eight. So back to Green: 15 000 on the week. And that means I'll be up about 30 000 on the month. And actually, that means that I've donated everything that I've made so far this month.

Because I did thankful Thursday On Thursday, I had three days there where I made money and then gave it back. And now, um, I'm all of today's profit. So I can say right now that 100 of this month's profits have been donated to charity. That wasn't the plan, but it's just the case as it is right now.

It's kind of just the way the cookie crumbles in terms of days of the week. If this had been February, we would have nothing. Well, I don't know, I guess. depends how we did it.

but um, Thursdays were kind of a wash. Mondays have been a wash for me. Mondays it's kind of incredible. but Mondays this year have been, I've made nothing.

literally nothing on Mondays. But as I mentioned, um, during the broadcast yesterday, I think this is because I've been tired. Uh, and that's I've got to try to figure out that. but that's um, yeah.

kind of a new development. but in any case, that's uh, that's where it is. Yeah, I see rice coming up again a little bit. It's hard to trust.

It really is, uh, difficult to trust just based on these rejections and the price action on it. It's weird. I see a hundred thousand share sale around the level two at 14.99 so I just don't trust it. I'm I'm not going to overstay my welcome today.

I made that mistake yesterday, so the best thing that I can do right now is close everything down and not come back, not look again. Not even check my phone for quotes. So thank you guys for tuning in. We've had, uh, a decent day here.

Not great, but green and live to trade another day. so be back at it first thing on. uh, well, tomorrow morning, which is Friday, so we'll finish the week. hopefully another green day that will just kind of kind of clear the slate after uh, yesterday.

and then we'll have the weekend and then we'll come back on Monday. All right, thanks for tuning in, as always. manage your risk. Day trading is risky so don't overstay your welcome.
If you can get green and you can lock it up, you're doing really well, so just try to get green, Lock it up and come back tomorrow. Do it again tomorrow. Okay, see you guys in the morning. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Thankful thursday 100% of trading profits $15k go to charity! – live day trading morning show”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sloth Harvester says:

    Lol I love the lucky talismans Ross. Hilarious

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HuMaNNaM HuM says:

    I'd love to know about your hard wahare set up.. how many screens, and computers + what gatphics card you need to use to have a mullti screen set up

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HuMaNNaM HuM says:

    I'd like the way your thinking rubbs of at me – I need to listen to more of this winning maindset 😉

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Gonzalez says:

    hey ross goodmorning, ive been taking your course but im just a little nervous because you're privating videos that i reference back to alot do u think u will unprivate any of the ones youve privated?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nazbac - says:

    Question: if you had lost, would you have taken money from charities? 🤣

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Lin says:

    Review the video !!! Great Ross!!!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ejike Christopher says:

    Ross, I want to stick with you, how do I get started?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Universal says:

    "I can do this job without someone looking over my shoulder " lol.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lolisamavrc says:

    Ross spent 2 years doing simulation using your strategy to become consistent. Now that I have a real account, I've been losing for 6 days in a row. any recommendation

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gamu_ _6406 says:

    What indicators are you using ? Btw love your hat 😉

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JV MOVERS LLC, says:

    Nice job Master Ross!!! Thank You For The Donations I'll be Like You When I be come a Good Trader!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Carew says:

    WTG, 5 Thursdays. The first was on April 1. Hope you didn't use April Fools on the charities…lol !!. Hope it gives you joy in return to give !!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Azar Shir says:

    Is it live everyday?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bizcocho Dulce says:

    Thanks Ross for the long streaming! Glad that you finish green today!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tile says:

    where is the post trading video for today? Been waiting

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    Wow Ross its so so nice of you 2 give back !!! 5 thurs 2 give!!! Wow

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Levelle says:

    Great work today friend!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jace Usrey says:

    So i just wired $1500 over to CMEG and I know they do a 4:1 Margin. I dont fully understand that, so when it hits my account I'll be able to buy $6000 worth of stock and get to keep all the profit made from that?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Azazel Hash says:

    I was up 12k on sim finished down 3k I knew better as well I was too focused on making sure I was profitable

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William says:

    Remember your huge buyer on Rice at 13.70 this morning, it held that level the entire day after the open

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Balázs Pandur says:

    Hey Ross, I like your headgear 🙂 Earlier you have used the TAS market profile indicators, nowadays I can not see it on your chart. Why did you leave that?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Viggo Brogaard says:

    You are so inspirational, an absolute idol!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Lizzaro says:

    lmao love the hatt!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve T says:

    How do you manage to work back again after losing 3 weeks of trading in two days ? I just lost 2.5k worth of trading in 2/3 weeks given back now I'm back to square one 🙁 :/

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