Elon Musk has long discussed building a Tesla VTOL Supersonic Jet, but the battery density has prevented him from doing so. However, more recently, Elon has stated that 400 Wh/kg, the energy density required for electric flight, will likely be achievable at high volume in 3-4 years. In this video, I discuss Tesla's secret plan to disrupt airlines.
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Flying faster for a cheaper price has always been the dream for the future, especially back in the 1980s. Back then, the concorde as it was called, was pointed to as the plane that would dominate the next century. A typical flight from new york to london would take 7 hours in a normal plane with the concorde. This flight would only take 3.5 hours.

However, this plane, as we all know today, had many problems. Fuel was expensive and limited. The range the plane was also extremely noisy and disturbed citizens as concords flew by. In addition, it was also said that the plane was destroying the ozone layer immediately hope for supersonic flight diminished.

But what if i told you that there is a new supersonic plane coming soon? This is where tesla's supersonic vertical takeoff and landing jet comes into play, a machine that elon musk has been dreaming of building for years now. At some point, i have a design in mind for electric supersonic vertical technology and i think, there's a particular opportunity for a supersonic vertical takeover landing: electric jet supersonic, electric jet vertical takeover landing, electric jet, a supersonic electric vertical takeoff, landing jack and an electric jet in This video i'm going to go over how tesla will soon disrupt the airline industry. As you know, it welcome to cas gains academy if you're new to the channel. Please consider subscribing for more content like this and let's get right into it.

We've seen the transition to electric vehicles begin to accelerate evs, are faster, cheaper to maintain and are on pace to become cheaper than internal combustion engines. When it comes to planes, we've never seen the transition to electric planes even begin to start. This is primarily because of the constraints of the energy density in current batteries, as of today, batteries are not able to fuel a plane during the entire flight, even with evs. We are still at a point where one charge won't be enough for a long road trip.

However, tesla has been preparing to release a battery that has far more density than previous lithium-ion batteries. Many battery experts will say that 400 watt hours per kilogram is the point where batteries are dense enough to allow for vertical takeoff and landing vertical takeoff and landing. Also known as vtol is exactly what it sounds like: the ability to fly an aircraft straight up and land like a drone. This type of technology is used in many military aircrafts and is especially helpful for environments that don't have enough space for horizontal takeoff to have a compelling aircraft.

You only really need about 400 watts per kilogram, provided your the your. The percentage of cell on the craft on the aircraft is high. It doesn't need to be anywhere near as high as it is on a rocket, but if it's sort of at the 70 percent level at 400 watts per kilogram, you can do very decent range. Elon musk himself has stated that 400 watt hours per kilogram with high cycle life and producing volume is not very far and will likely happen in three to four years.
In addition, he already has a design for a vtol jet and is prepared to make one when the battery density allows him to now. Have you ever looked at planes and gone? I could fix this. I just don't have the time. How does it make it design for a plane? You do yes, a better design, i mean, probably i think it is yes who have you talked to about this, and i've talked to friends, friends, friends and i'm your friend girlfriends.

You can tell me, what do you got what's going on? Well, i mean the exciting thing to do would be some sort of electric vertical takeoff and landing supersonic jet of some kind of vertical takeoff and lighting, meaning no need for a runway, just shoot up straight in the air and then so. We know that elon has a design for a tesla vtol jet, as i covered in the beginning of this video. The concorde failed to become mainstream for three key reasons: fuel was costly, the plane was noisy and the gas damaged the ozone layer, tesla's upcoming electric plane, eliminates all three of these issues. For one, electricity is much cheaper than fuel and at worst will have a cost on purity, with gas planes running at normal speeds.

Additionally, electric is much quieter than engines, as demonstrated with electric vehicles. Evs are so quiet that there have been serious debates about mandating fake engine sounds on all electric cars. So if i were to go down here now and shift it into drive i'll, be quiet. You're gon na hear this kind of hum.

Furthermore, i'm pretty sure everyone will be much happier if they didn't hear this sound the entire flight. In addition, there wouldn't be much if any damage to the ozone layer, because the plane is running on electricity. All of these factors make perfect sense when it comes to electric planes. Typically, when it comes to gas-powered planes, the higher you go, the less efficient the plane is, on the other hand, with electric planes.

The higher you go, the more efficient the plane is elon. Musk has discussed this before and pay close attention, because this has massive potential like, i think the optimal sort of air transport solution is a vtol uh, electric supersonic, plane, um and it actually works together quite well for a bunch of reasons um in particular the higher You go the the better, the electric, the more efficient the electric aircraft is, whereas if you have a combustion aircraft as you as you get higher, it tends to get worse uh because you have a kind of a fixed, aperture and air scoop. Yeah, like the engine is the hole in the front of the engine is, is, is a fixed size, and so you have to pick a particular cruising altitude and so you've got to figure out. How do you get the right amount of air at sea level? All the way through really high altitude and then you've got this issue of super supersonic combustion that you know you see in it having to slow the air down, and it ends up being not that efficient.
But electric aircraft would just get better and better as it got to higher, because electric aircraft gets more efficient. The higher you go. This will actually allow for supersonic speeds far faster than you can imagine. With every foot, climbed air gets thinner and thinner, resulting in less air resistance.

This theory is what elon explained in the previous clip. As with engines, you have to find a way to get the right amount of air in order to operate efficiently. This doesn't apply with electric airplanes as an electric plane travels higher and higher. There is less air resistance on the plane, allowing the plane to go faster and faster.

This is why it's much easier to fly faster in space than in the atmosphere. Elon explained this when he was proposing his hyperloop project, which is a project that looks to create a supersonic train built inside a tunnel in order to go really fast with the plane. You have to climb pretty pretty high because the atmosphere just looks like molasses when you're going fast uh. So you know for distances, certainly under 500 miles.

You spend all your time just ascending and descending, and you don't really get an opportunity to spend time at cruise. So something like a hyperloop can complete really well in that arena, because you instantly or very almost instantly enter a low pressure environment. Estimating the speed that an electric plane would go is extremely difficult, given that the technology is at an early stage in terms of miles per hour, rolls-royce has been looking to make an electric plane that could fly up to 300 miles per hour, but tesla could easily Out-Compete that, by a substantial amount with far superior battery technology and designing whenever a new technology comes into the playing field, the long dominating company must make a choice. Do they go all in on tech or stick to what they've been doing for years? Most of the time, long dominating companies will choose a second choice and run the risk of going obsolete, which is what happened to nokia and blockbuster.

So, given that we know that this happens, all the time boeing and airbus may get disrupted very soon. Elon believes this is true, because the companies have become extremely risk averse and rightfully so the strategy makes sense until you get disrupted well, it seems unlikely to come from boeing airbus, given that they seem to be focused on very incremental improvements to the planes, as opposed To radical improvements overall, an electric plane really starts to make sense when the batteries are dense enough to allow for supersonic flight. In addition, tesla's goal has always been to accelerate the world to sustainable energies, and in order to do so, the company must disrupt aircraft. Let me know whether you think tesla will be able to disrupt boeing and airbus.
Do you believe that boeing or airbus will catch on to the technology, or do you think that tesla will shock the traditional airline manufacturers with a groundbreaking vtol jet? If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one.

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32 thoughts on “Tesla’s secret plan to disrupt airlines”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Ngursangkhuma says:

    i don't this this would work out right now because an electric plane would need a lot of battery power for a plane the size of a cessna 152 plus the sonic booms would still be a problem for supersonic jets but it may come out to be successful in the far future maybe i can guess when flying cars are made idk

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sung Hoon Kim says:

    Always fun to watch your videos. Another fun and insightful info to my knowledge base!
    Battery tech has been developing at super speed since the EV sector spotlight!!!
    We will have the new tech coming out soon and those batteries will power the dream!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kashif Mukhtar says:

    Really this won't be viable unless the battery are 10× better than now also makeing battery hurts the earth and sense most of our power comes from coal it not any cleaner.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Smith says:

    Tesla is a graphics design company, which uses analysts as its marketing department

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EvoPortal says:

    Idiot fanboy video LOL. Thunderf00t tore this stupid kid a new one LOL

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hardeep S says:

    roadster,semi truck,hyperloop still in process,so u can guess when plane will come

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alessandro Cavarretta says:

    Man I like tesla but stop pretending like electric vehicles are enviromentally friendly. The transportation of the electricity from where it is generated to the car results in a greater energy load required than the energy used in internal combustion engines directly burning fuel. It is only enviromentally friendly if the energy source is renewable which is not the case, it still comes from burning fossil fuels in ppwer plants and polluting the environment

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Buckle Buckle says:

    You can still see a concord when you drive out of Bristol, where it was built ,, sad to see .

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Carney says:

    Boeing and Airbus will go the same way as GM and Ford…………..bankrupt.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Chau says:

    There is no such thing as disrupt airline industry. It will only disrupt the fuel industry. Everything in airline industry will remain the same with electric or not electric

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dolores Pallares says:

    Fly less, instead of different. Reduce energy use, is the message.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Le Christine says:

    We know for a fact that Nikola Tesla predicted that we are exhausting natural resources , that will destroy the environment, . . . That is why this Coiled jet engine is the best way to help our environment, . . .

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Ape says:

    Your poor phasing choice of the a title of this video is unfortunate.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars luster joker says:

    Disrupt Boeing and Airbus?
    if that happens today, the next day we got some breaking news about Elon Musk being Investigated for harboring Alien Terrorist that threatening USA and NATO safety.
    yeah right.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 4TheRecord says:

    One Elon starts making electric planes the other companies will being doing the same. Just like with electric cars.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett Moore says:

    Why not use the permanent AC battery? It was designed in world war 2

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett Moore says:

    Electric flying higher is more efficient my arse. What tech will propel this electric jet. If it moves air with a propeller or turbine it is a failure, but if it is a new propulsion that nobody knows of, maybe

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aamik Kalinin says:

    Maybe first they need to figure out how to make unlimited electricity😂

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andreas Ottitsch says:

    The one thing, I can't get around: Currently all airplanes using electricity as an energy source are doing so using propeller engines. The physical limits of THAT technology were revealed in the early 1940s, when research turned towards the (practical) development of jet technology. How does Tesla intend to surpass this problem? As regards sustainable air traffic at higher speeds (i.e in the 0,6-0,8 Mach range), the development of turbines using hydrogen or synthetic fuels appears to be more promising.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prateek Samuel says:

    Batteries can never fly a plane . Edit: can fly a plane but its not a feasible technology for big planes like 747.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gee purrs says:

    Some of these stocks have 10 x'd in less than one year. I've made some pretty good gains. I've also lived thru a handful of bear markets and when making money has been this easy is usually when they start. You will deny you are even in a bear market until you are down like 30 pct. Then you will start kicking yourself in the ass for not taking some profits when you're down 50 pct. I'd never suggest trying to time the market but watch your ass guys. Maybe consider taking some profits if you can eliminate shit like a car payment or a loan or mortgage.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A grave misunderstanding says:

    Hydrogen batteries are far more sustainable and generally better I really don't understand why Elon is still clinging on to these lithium boxes

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shoeless Joe says:

    Agree with 90% of everything you say in this video. But it could be important to remember that Concorde was also abandoned because of the Air France Flight 4590 crash – killing 113 people.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars x x says:

    Less air resistance yes, but that also means less air for the plane to use for thrust. Why do you think they havent really bothered with super high altitude aircraft for anything other than military use? It's just not as efficient for what these companies are doing.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Exiled_Londoner says:

    Interesting topic, but there was actually very little hard information in it and it was mostly just speculation that didn't match up to the video's title. Also, might I suggest that the producers get a Mother Tongue English speaker to script the narration for them. The East Asian accent wasn't a problem but the language construction was a little off… the repeated use of the word 'disrupt', for example, was inappropriate (you can disrupt a company's business model or its cash-flow, but 'disrupting' a person or a corporate entity doesn't really make sense).

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allen Haywood says:

    BTW I hereby make the word "Elonite"! I love the sound of it! In fact I renounce any american politicians…they literally can be replaced with an app. An alert with a "vote today" and a link to all the objective info needed to vote is all citizens need. If Elon told me to take a vaccine he oversaw I'd take it. I don't trust our pharmaceutical giants AT ALL (celebrex anyone??). I have a ivy league psychology/MBA degree that isn't worth shit…just like our money is headed towards. I hope he starts "MuskBucks" and we can use his money because I'm so disgusted with American's leadership. The ideals of our leaders went to shit after the 50s. All we want is someone that is transparent with us and we can't get it. Our "News" is propaganda. Our youth are becoming idiots. Elon give me a job and I will dedicate the rest of my life to your vision of making our world worth living in…shit draft me and give me a gun and I will be your soldier..oh well Elon isn't going to hire me or give me purpose so I will just sit here in rural VA wasting my fucking life being one of the newly minted poor but educated masses

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allen Haywood says:

    I would say Elon for president…but he wouldnt debase himself that way playing politics and not accomplishing anything, if he buys an island/small county I would renounce my american citizenship and be an Elonite! I would be HAPPY to pay him taxes, right now I feel like I'm giving my money to a bunch of FUCKING crooks. I trust elon to even be my monarch, if there was an issue he would have his citizens vote on an app…no need for any butt- fucking outdated politicians

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars m m says:

    hopefully it will- trillion tons of fuel are being burned in the air every year.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CharlyDeamen says:

    Given that Boeing shot themselves in the foot with their 737-MAX, I'm all for electric Vtols… supersonic or not.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Howard Gibson says:

    How is your electric plane going to generate thrust at supersonic speed? Propellers become extremely inefficient at speeds above 500mph. Turbine blades/nozzles are not efficient at supersonic speeds.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay R says:

    I find it very interesting that the bullshit about electric planes becoming more efficient at higher altitude is blindly accepted in this video… someone has obviously drunk the kool-aid!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Urban Spaceman says:

    I'm trying to sell the Eiffel tower, Sent me $100,000 and I will post it to you.

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