Elon Musk has openly stated that Panasonic was dragging down Tesla's production capacity during the Model 3 ramp-up. With plenty of demand for the Cybertruck, Tesla needs a solution fast and Tesla's team knows this. Tesla's recent moves have been clearly displaying an ambition to produce Tesla made batteries. In this video, I discuss why I believe Tesla will cut off Panasonic and show you the evidence that backs up these claims.
Music used in its respective order:

/ Tesla's existence. The company has constantly been relying on Panasonic to manufacture batteries for them, which is proving to be extremely troublesome. Elon Musk has openly stated on Twitter. How Panasonic was the only reason white asked.

Luck couldn't ramp up the model 3, the company's desired levels. As a result, Tesla has been working on removing their reliance on Panasonic as a way to vertically integrate its business into the body manufacturing process. In this video I'm gon na go over Tesla's plan to cut off Panasonic in May of 2019. It was announced that Tesla would officially acquire maximal technologies, a supercapacitor manufacturer with impressive battery technology.

This marked the start of Tesla's battery revolution as a tussles annual shareholder meeting Elon Musk stated that Tesla needed a solution. The scale battery production yeah. So this is a this is a key question. Is we got a scale battery production and match that to vehicle demand? Because most anything about that or we don't like the cat out of the bag too much but yeah still in the bag, I mean, I think it's right on I mean those are exactly the right problems that we need to solve to scale and they have to Have been for some time, but it's more obvious now than I think it ever was that we need a large-scale solution to sell production yes and get the cost per kilowatt hour lower and energy density higher yeah and we're not sitting yeah we're not sitting idly by.

We're taking all the moves required to be masters of our own destiny here, technologically and otherwise, and I think you know through through all the experience we've developed with partners and otherwise we have a we will. We have solutions in place yeah at the annual shareholder meeting. Elon Musk also talked about integrating Maxwell's battery cell technologies into their batteries, but hesitated to go into detail good question. What aspects of battery production will integration match? Well, Maxwell have we think this is really quite strategic, but we'll leave the details of this to the kind of the battery and powertrain investor day.

This is there's some very important technologies there that I think will have a big effect on the cost and and scaling of cell production, both reducing the cost and reducing the capital required to scale cell production. Right on in September of 2019, the rumors were confirmed when Tesla listed a job for battery cell manufacturing, stating that Tesla is currently seeking a technician for a manufacturing line. We are developing you'll, be part of a new product line. We're developing this job was titled manufacturing technician and was located in the cell manufacturing portion of Tesla's jobs in the same month.

Jeff Don Tesla's party research partner patented, a new million mile battery with the nickel manganese cobalt cathode. One month later, in October, of 2019, Tesla acquired hybrid systems, a company that specialized in building manufacturing equipment for the processes of battery manufacturing. An archived version of hybrids website states are among hybrids. Latest technology offerings are its advanced, automated vacuum, filling systems for lithium-ion body applications for using hybrid electric vehicles, computer notebooks and similar products in 2018 hybrid was awarded two million Canadian dollars from the National Research Council of Canada, Industrial Research assistance program to build a high-speed lithium-ion Battery manufacturing system for the growing market demand of mass electric energy storage solutions.
At this point it seemed that Kozlov would slowly begin to manufacture its own batteries. However, in February of 2020, it began to be clear that Tesla was quickly moving forward with its battery manufacturing. When Tesla posted a job listing for a pilot production engineer, which stated that Tesla's cell manufacturing engineering group is looking for a highly motivated equipment development engineer to accelerate our next Marisela manufacturing program, this role will be involved in the design, development, commissioning and ramping of high-throughput Equipment, while working in a cross-functional team to test validate and roll out processes and product design changes, Tesla also confirmed its plan to produce batteries at its Berlin Giga Factory with multiple job listings, claiming that employee would be working on a new cell manufacturing expansion. Just two weeks later sources told Electric about Tesla secret project, codenamed Roadrunner, which is aiming to allow Tesla to mass-produce a new battery cell denser and cheaper.

Then the current batteries produced by Panasonic these batteries would use Tesla's new battery technologies created by Tesla's battery research team led by Jeff Don, which includes a new advanced electrolyte, a nickel manganese cobalt cathode in a nickel, cobalt, aluminum electrode, which were all patented within the past 12 months, if you haven't seen my video on the nickel cobalt aluminum electrode go check that out in the top right of the screen. Along with these groundbreaking discoveries. Tesla would also use Maxwell's dry, electrode technology, a technology that increased the energy density by a massive extent, while lowering production costs. If you haven't seen my video that goes deep into dry electro technology, that video is also on the top reddit screen now, strangely enough, the last place you'd expect to get information from linkedin has been reviewing some information about tussles upcoming battery manufacturing program, tussles research and Development engineer, matthew, moore's, asked the engineers to come.

Join us and reinvent lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing technology. Barney Eggleston senior manager of salminen fracturing at Tesla also stated that tesla was developing world-class battery cell manufacturing technologies to enable the next generation of low-cost high performance electric vehicles. In energy storage products, all of this optimism is well backed by Tesla's recent battery developments unveiled in Tesla's patents, but many of you are probably wondering: what exactly can we look forward to in Tesla's upcoming batteries? There are four essential components that will be revealed on Tesla's body investor day: the single crystal NMC cathode, the new advanced electrolyte, the nca electrode and the dry electrode coating. By going over the specific benefits of each component, we can determine the full list of benefits coming from Tesla's new batteries.
The NMC cathode in advance electrolyte both go hand in hand with each other as Tesla's battery research partner, Jeff Don released, both of them. In the same patent application both of these will allow for tassles battery cells. The last two to three times longer than Kass allows current battery cells. These components enabled Tesla to manufacture their million mile battery along with increased lifetime.

The cathode, an electrolyte, will also allow for faster charging speeds. The nca electrode, according to electric, will enable Tesla's batteries to have similar or better energy density than tassles current batteries. Last but not least, is the dry electrode. This breakthrough, in my opinion, is the most impactful of them all.

He dry, electrode coating will allow for significantly higher energy density, greater than 300 watt hours per kilogram and reported in January of 2019 to be on path to 500 watt hours per kilogram. In other words, this would increase the model threes range to 450 miles and was reported to be on path to 600 miles of range, along with higher energy density. Dry electrode coating would also extend the battery life by up to two times more to top it off. It would also help with safety by improving the durability of the battery, while reducing cost by 10 to 20 percent.

Additionally, the dry body electric will also allow for 16 times production capacity density increase. Now in terms of environmental savings, the dry electrode technology will remove solvents from the entire manufacturing process. As a Tesla currently uses white electrode coating. The dry coating also removes the need for cobalt in the coding process.

Overall, in terms of vehicle performance, Tesla's, new batteries will increase the driving range and battery life, while making charging speeds faster compared to toss current vehicles from a business perspective, the new body will also benefit Tesla by allowing for higher production capacity, while simultaneously lowering costs. In terms of environmental savings, there will be less cobalt and no solvents used to wrap it all up. Hustles new bodies will be massively improved from the current batteries manufactured by Panasonic, and this will effectively cut off Panasonic from the battery manufacturing process. This will help Elon Musk's plan to vertically integrate the entire manufacturing process.
So really the one of the key things that happened this year is the the beginning of the transition of Tesla to a fully integrated sustainable energy company. Where you have solar, creating the energy, then the stationary battery pack, the power wall and power pack, storing the energy and then that energy being used in an electric vehicle. Now the great thing about this is it's its: it answers all it's a fully. It's a fully contained in its energy solution that could could scale for the whole world and I'm a-gettin Ted for a moment.

But it's something where you can imagine as far in the future. Well, what well beyond human civilization, which I hope lasts a really long time, that this is something that that would last we're really. You know this is this: this works and and and there I think there are no unanswered questions even the in the gigafactory or the gig factories that make these products will be powered by sustainable energy. So, like, I really don't think, there's any hole and left in the argument.

You know because we're making electric cars people would say that well, they're, just they're, really coal, powered and and there's like the long tail pipe. You know and the route type the tail pipe is really over there by the power plant like yeah, but you know we're gon na have sustainable energy generation too, and and then but but the you can still have gasoline cars. So you could have electric cars today. No, it's the same, apply energy production and then you go to store that energy, because the Sun don't shine at night, they're all simple one: two three! It has been amazingly difficult to explain this, like only three pictures there, man, I think, come on.

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34 thoughts on “Tesla’s secret plan to cut off panasonic – tesla’s battery revolution”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Klemeq says:

    They are NOT aiming to cut them off.

    1: Tesla said at battery day that all their inhouse production is supplementary and they'll still be buying as much as their suppliers (Panasonic, LG Chem, and CATL) can provide.
    2: Tesla is working with BOTH Panasonic and LG Chem to develop their own DBE 4680 tabless production lines and more likely than not sell them back to Tesla.

    Even if by 2030 Tesla can reach 3TWh of internal cell production (which was their battery day target) they'll STILL be buying cells (likely 4680 only as 18650 and 2170 will all have been retired) to fulfil demand for 20M vehicles and grid and residential storage. And IF any of those 4680's from LG Chem and Panasonic make it into a competitor's vehicle, VW, Ford, Toyota, etc, Tesla will get a $$$ cut of that.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NC Styles says:

    Elon better have good security. Heโ€™s disrupting many businesses. He will make oil dirt cheap. Many countries depend on oil for income. I see a gallon of gas at $.10 a gallon in 10 years. Elon please take care. We need you to advance the human race.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NC Styles says:

    Steve Jobs then. Elon now, whoโ€™s next? Me!! Iโ€™m next. I currently working on software that will automate every retail store. No more cashiers or lines anywhere. Walk in & out with your product. Like Amazon Go, but a higher scale. Revolutionizing shopping.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Morgan says:

    Excellent video!!!! Good information!!!!! I don't think they will stop using Panasonic, they are going to add to what Panasonic is producing. They will always keep partners making batteries for them. That will keep them in the know for any new tech that comes the way of any manufacturer. There are so many batteries needed by Tesla, they need to keep open. That doesn't mean they are not going to build their own batteries and packs. One is not exclusive of the other!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DrNooby Noob says:

    Autonomous Solar/electric ocean freighters =)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joakim Stark says:

    There is a factory being built in Soleftio in Sweden that will make Tesla batteries.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddie Gardner says:

    Part of the problem is that a battery factory is very expensive, and battery tech is constantly improving right now. You have to be able to build, use, and amortize the factory before its output becomes unusable because something better has come along. Just like with silicon chip factories, you only get a certain amount of time before the next โ€œshrinkโ€ comes along and obsoletes your $multi-Billion wafer fab line. Panasonicโ€™s line in Gigafactory Nevada is about to experience just such a sea-change, and will not be making batteries suitable for use in cutting edge Tesla cars. They need to find an alternate market for them where there will still be demand for the older cells if they arenโ€™t able to cut a deal with Tesla to upgrade it to produce the newest cells with the more efficient electrode coating and vacuum electrolyte filling equipment.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wendy Ferguson says:

    What an incredibly genious of a man!!ย  Well done Elon We are soo proud of you in South Africa and soo jealous that we could not make you stay.ย  Well done Well done!!!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Miracle says:

    I wonder is one day they will become OEM for laptop, smartphone, and tablet batteries. Basically, Tesla is so far ahead in batteries, tech manufactures could put a "powered by Tesla" sticker on the product and probably sell a lot more.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Elliott says:

    Tesla has considerable investment with Panasonic an one site. It makes sense for Elon develop his own battery tech but that does not mean it makes sense to scrap the Panasonic arrangement. Tesla battery tech can run alongside the Panasonic plant.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WORKSHOP EUROTALLER TECNICARVE DYG JOHNNY MAROTO M. says:

    Excelente Excelente Amigos I love you program. Hi from Costa Rica Pura Vida.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T F says:

    There is NO WAY they end anything with Panasonic until the end of life for all current models. The in house battery fabrication aims to fulfil needs for upcoming vehicles only

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Mallaiz says:

    It will take at least ten years before Tesla can produce enough batteries, to not need external supply

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars English Cad says:

    Great video well done๐Ÿ‘How long until the rest of the world wakes up and realises Tesla is about to change the planet for the better.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rajan Patel says:

    I don't think it's as easy or as simple as that. What's the number 1 bottle neck for Tesla?
    Battery production.
    Why replace the existing capacity when you can add to it? Sure eventually when Tesla has more options and capital to be able to switch on and off battery production they could cut off Panasonic immediately but currently it would do much more harm than good. Why lose the capacity at this early developmental stage?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ainz Ooal Gown says:

    Tesla is nice and everything but they lock everything like apple so the. Consumer can fix their own car even when it's out of warranty. Example your door actuator goes bad can't buy the part from Tesla you need to go third-party and they find out and remove your super charging capabilities because your car is dangerous on the road.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Bevins says:

    How likely is it that Tesla at some point will take over either Ford or GM?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Beppler says:

    This is great news for other EV makers! They will be able to buy more batteries from Panasonic and catch up to Tesla's battery production from 2015!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alex Lo says:

    Afterward Steve Jobs, Elon is the top man shows on stage in field of technology.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Friedrich Hayek says:

    I hate California how dare them to shut down the Tesla factory down for ANOTHER month. But at least this was kind of expected because their governor newsom is a cheating alcoholic liar

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Muscutt says:

    As Telsa Builds more cars, and they can use Panasonic, they may want to keep that production away from their competition. If they just cut Panasonic loose, they give supply to the competition. thinking aloud

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Alexander says:

    Good video, I'm definitely Subscribing to this Channel.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Kelley says:

    I just wish that they would stop pushing it back

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C M says:

    Elon is dope. He wants to go to Mars. Let that sink in..

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ieam Noon says:

    I love your videos but suddenly changing music is disturbing

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skinnymarks says:

    Can't wait for the tesla home package where solar roof battery pack and car are sold as a packaged deal.

    And have the loan structured so that a significant amount is covered by what is made from selling electricity.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rowan Broekman says:

    I think they will still continue to buy their batteries, they buy from other Asian companies as well recently, so why now stop with Panasonic? They can still use their batteries for the lower range cars, or powerwalls.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Johnson says:

    Elon always finds a way to cut costs and build Tesla and SpaceX in house!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Palmero says:

    Good opportunity for wave trading tomorrow if you have big ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿˆ

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Carson says:

    I donโ€™t think Tesla is going to get rid of Panasonic any time soon. The new battery technology will be used initially in new products (CybrTrk, Model Y, Semi) and manufactured at new Gigafactories or in Gigafactory expansions – Nevada, Shanghai, Berlin. Tesla canโ€™t afford to shut down any of itโ€™s existing production facilities for a few months to retool for the new Tesla manufactured batteries especially with the huge demand for the Model Y, Model 3 in China and the CybrTrk that has a 400 mile range…not to mention their Megapacks, Powerwalls, and eventually the Semi. They will need Panasonic, LG Chem, and CATL to sell 500,000 EVs this year and perhaps close to 1 million in 2021 while growing their solar and storage business to be as big as the EV business.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Urgelt says:

    Timing is the question. The direction they're moving in is clear enough.

    But Tesla's appetite for batteries runs into the terrawatt-hours range. They need so many, they can't turn their backs on Panasonic, or LG Chem, or CATL, or anyone willing to sell them batteries with good performance characteristics and price. It has been leaked that Tesla may even use Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries made in China, whose energy density is 1/2 to 2/3 of Panasonic's 2170 cells. Exactly what Tesla might do with those cells is an open question. A budget car? Grid infrastructure projects? Powerwalls? The point is Tesla wants orders of magnitude more batteries than it gets out of Panasonic. It'll take a long time to ramp up an internal supply chain that big.

    Tesla may even have to start mining their own lithium. There's no real shortage of deposits; but extracting them isn't currently happening at the pace Tesla will need. Tesla may be able to get more cells out of a production line footprint with its new tech, but they'll need those raw materials to get to the numbers they will need. Ahead is a many-years-long ramp for new-tech cells.

    I expect Panasonic to be around for at least 5 more years supplying batteries to Tesla. Tesla can use older-tech cells in lower-tier BEVs and in fixed-site installations. Consumers will prefer the newer cells, of course – so Tesla will use them to lure consumers to higher-priced products. They'll do well with that strategy, too.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gerg C says:

    2 weeks (ish) until battery investor day! If Tesla falls today it'll be a great opportunity for people to buy.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wood Hughes says:

    It will be most interesting how they present the cost of the combined new battery product. If itโ€™s same or lower, it will revolutionize the entire energy business.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kbm blizz says:

    ๐Ÿค‘ Buy long and hold. You know the TSLA rocket will launch again, just matter of when. Big boys are onboard.

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