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In late 2016, Elon Musk revealed an idea he has had for an extremely long time: solar powered vehicles. Shortly after revealing the concept, he told Tesla's engineers to look into the idea. However, due to weight and a small amount of surface area, Elon Musk and Tesla decided to turn down the idea. However, the idea wasn't gone yet, and Elon Musk brought back the idea with the release of the Cybertruck, which could have a solar panel attached over the truck bed. In this video, I discuss why Elon Musk is looking to revolutionize the vehicle industry by allowing for the option of solar-powered roofs.
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빨 갱 레조 니스 시팅 이번 마스크, 요미, 없다던, 뭐, 으로, 그립을 아베, 쏠 9 씬 웬 셀에, 답, nmf, 이것, us 9 신촌 페이스북에 쏘울, 배너, 우스, 디스크, 알카드, 소울, 그, 터프, 알프, 내, 추앙, 20, 척은 바, 르, 보, 빨은, 3레벨, bubo, 쏘울, 사우스베이 s, 없인, 물에, 어깨 빛난 바로 스위 nrc 및 이더니, 특별히, 맞은, 메인, 쇼크, 얼개, 답을, 저리 세븐, 팅 100 위즈 어워즈 모여드는, 뭐, ro, 트위, nd, 스페인, 풍, 탓으로, 스파, 앤, 로드, 보스, eve 줄, 두유에, 수의를, 이러한, 마스킹, 다스, 더, 스팀, 갑, 제, 2, 술 마인, 앞쪽, 멈춰, diver, dp, 체벌 파바박 츠바이 파 이런 마우스 씨엘의, 따뜻이, 아부, 척, 와 브, 속을 9시 노브 좌 펫, 따오기, 엎드, 초아, 베팅, 나와서, 벤지, 폴, 개, steel, 스타일, 맡아서, 위고, 머스크, 컨펌, 답을, 쏠, 9실 매기의 cml, 타스, 위스, 바로, 쏘울, 드, 스탈, 이원, 마스, 온더, 학주, 바하, drv tool; 어 스 합이 9 심플 쏘울 윙 5초로 마우스, 앞, 우표, 억측에, 암암, 또, 이, 보링, 마우저, 메인, 집, 볼, 때에, 너, 아벨, 죄인, 제퍼슨, 좋아, 있을텐데, erste, 마우스 lbd, a 베팅 야 2억 마우스 4n 잡음 말 즉 위고 스핏, 보디, 소홀, 바, 웃, 다, 와볼, 다, 써, 예전부터 어느 의원 아참 팅 차 다시, 속을, 배너, 스템이, 코스터, 열어라, 그러니, 앞으로, 쏘울, lh, psd av xv, 스쳐 패한 원 현재 니 왔어 파월, 2분이, 한, 막스, 먼, 법, 위버, 이, 마우스의, 웨인, 접할, 때, 데스, 스낵, 퀸, 있음, 어, 마, 어, 어태커, 페이스오프, ns2, 4백, 그러자 말씀 될 맨밑 전인 라이팅 디어를 xpin, 하우, 더, xpm, 에칭, 매트, 소월, 펜, 어스, 안될, 문, 써, vs, 퍼, 링, 에, 흔들 c 키, 뭐, 학습서, 펜, 어스, 버너, v, 거리엔 비유한, 축제, 쏘울, 펜, 어스, 토요, 러브, dso, 포르, 보태, her and restore of 3 뭘 배신 된 너무 쏘울 배너 어느, 선이, 되어, sol 펜, 어스 아토리 샤브 펠틱스 마우스 왼쪽 벌게 이트 데뷔, 있고 4 스타일 패널, 베이 50 퀘스트 asce, 금제, 어라, 아, ca, 편제, 신차, 맞출, 위고 outer pnl, veiled 코, 스 r, dps 너무 디오르, 떼어, 소비, 얻을, 컵, er, 핑, 스테이크 스탑 에 쏠 바울 비우고 and ct 와 e 는 마추기 고수도, a 뽑는 나서 n v, 매너 뺐을 때 마우스 part of deleterious 표현이 teil 보안 인터넷 조리원 어미 코다리 쏘울, 에는, 라빅, 다울, 이, 커스, 드, 파악돼, 특화, 텐, 좋아지죠, r & d, 바이오, 보안, 보스, 버섯 이하 * 메인 슈퍼볼 dpt, 마우스 wsc 퇴화, a fin 사이트 볼펜 오스 잎들 이곳, 쿼크, 포함해서, 벤츠 r, her two temper and free ice ion 보카 선반 적절히 발 다, 아신다 50 lb 월을, 인 4.2 스콰 소원 흐르자, 및다운, 덜, 버금, ions, 퍼, 패딩, 컴, 패를, Ndb space 코 주위 쇼, 사택, 너지, 그윽한, 맵피, 줄, 없다, 스와, 머니원, 마스크, 엘성 bow 첫, 유비, 우드, 배출, 아바타, 스터드, 사인, 최, 역을 맡아 cos i've 초, 비보 스파 끼가 있다 입대 수영을, 벌써, 아소, 깨비, 났어, 오브, 밥, 씬, 디스크, 더, 버드, 저하, 킹스, 비버, 초월, 페어 어느 사브 초 나오는데 비코즈 2개씩, 비즈, 잠이, 맛을, 왜인지, 폴대, 앱, 알이 d, 수 토로이드 스왑 뜬, 캠핑 & 쉬, 았어 지는 대신, 볼은, 9개 볼 테스트 오빠가, 빠리, 내, 추억을, 마우스, rtn, 쓰임이, 좋아진, 데쓰, 아, 부쩍, 바로, 이, 때문에, 대해, 오타, 스와, 쏠, 책, 너, 지금 t 님 찌게 달 아스타 인거, 우선, h, 더욱 훨씬, 다, 타, 소스, 1코스, 운 드 캄포, 쏘울을, n 락휴, 빅 타올 인원 마우스 팝을, 떽, 인가, 기증, 타서, 에너지, 등, 외적, 된, 제주, 음액, 듣게, 아프진, 다스와, ngc, 녹화, 하며, 파악, us 이빈, 봐, 를, 탄, 법보, 얻어 둘째 신혼 쿠아 맥박 qsc 앰프 입도 하드 cm 졸 택 넣어 짓다 다수와 하하 스타 수와, 얼, 베리, 아주, 쏘울, 사, 입은 얻을, 빼 3 오해할 수 입주, 지, 션, 과한, 오빠들, 스포츠, 페이스 re 코스, 세우니, 지스타, 홍수아, 시트, 체인드 c 인텍, 터, 시, 쏠, 폐, 넓게 링 출입을 아스타 인거 전 원 타서, 어필이, 드, 솔, 봄날, 비즈, 점이, 이즈미, fi, 스완, 땋은, 밝고, 리프, 셀, 값, 을, 비슷, 이승철, 스켈, 미씨, 베타, 스, 워, 라, 드, 부쏠, 배너, 쓴, 채, 너, 듣고, 스카, 스프와, 근, 티니, 쓰지, 퀘스트, 아저씨, 앱이, el 앱이, 코어를, 아 vel 아스카 스틱 위 시스템에 파페 쏘울, 배농, 가슴에, 소비 오버 체벌 체스, 서배너 09:00 전날 즉 미고, 쓰 v.22 no.5 fresco, 펜 오스카, 베컴이, 뭐, 악대, 실, 데스크와, 거듭된, 씨, 잎, 소홀, 페넘, 보, 르, 보, 잭스, 업을, 찰, 아, 스탄, 거저, 안, 이프, 신씨, 입소, 홀, 팬더 포 르 보텍스 틴틴 웅진코웨이 son 치어스, 맥스 케이스 블소 밥이, 곧, 이은, 뭐, 연주의, 깅, 소월, 펜, 어스 2 미소페 이프 데 4 code, ddd 그와, 덴버, lsof, 헤어스프레이, 험, srd, 다드, 커피, 성, 유도, 쏘, 펜, 어스, 보기, 뷰, 날씨, 및, 완, 더, 포, 가서도, 쏘, 폐 노스페이스 보이 페러 쏘울, 바울, 악취, 곳, smarter dv, 4군데 쏘, 페어, 앞, 씬, 뒤, 앞을, 갭은, 비유럽, 타임, 뭐 r, 멘토스 이름이 벌써 바리고 쓰고 있으니 래프팅, 이거, 아주, 된, 넘어, 말, 즉, 미고, 설, 때, 앞에, 힘, 취작, 품게, 아스타, recover qs, desde 카밍 to first Release fm a ceo tv, 할인 쏘울 발 이곳 이수 d, 귀 또 즈음에 신스 팔머 님 많죠 아마, 파열, 주, 아링, 입은, 바, 화소급, 아울러, 단축, 이고, 스팅, 죄, 등, 데뷔 코브, 지도, b, 솔저 아직 아스 미, 곳은, 뮤비, 아, 줘, 뒤, 수로, 마우스, 짧은, 메이저, 브라, 추비 고스트와 할땐 맛볼 이나 즈 소울, 택 4 lg 카운팅 쓰게 폐를 니스, 페인트, 오니, 큰, 팅이, 즉, 잉크, 이스, 어, 무, 어, 월드, 스월, 사이즈, l, xl, 조금, 이신, 잭스, 올, 발휘, 고소, 스윙, 비교, 땐, frp, 줄, 다, 써, 좀, 안, 쓰는게, 앤, 아트, 보안, 업데이트에, 4베이 신 2회 가진 교지 gov 스케이터 마이, 퍼즈 인텐트, 스알, 6월, 10월 디스플레이 미비, 시, 225, 으.

By Stock Chat

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24 thoughts on “Tesla’s secret plan: solar powered vehicles”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lawrence Rhodes says:

    I have a couple of engineer friends at Tesla and when I talk to them about solar vehicles they clam up like their jobs depend on it.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Future Robots says:

    I already had this idea for a few years to put solar on cars since like 2010 We don’t need batteries for cars electric cars

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shannon says:

    I'd like to know why Tesla doesn't offer solar panels instead of paint over all surfaces that could/would otherwise have paint or be wrapped… on every vehicle…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Free2Play90 says:

    I did want to point out that to my current knowledge the Lightyear One will release in the Netherlands first then come to the US years later. By then (if company is successful) after having ramped up productions and efficiency then the costs will come way down

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Stowe says:

    I remember seeing a solar car race years ago like 10 years ago I think it was autonomous also maybe some inspired moves

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Stowe says:

    Noooooo….. solar power cars on Mars nah I don't see it but that's why I'm not a musk I guess

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammad Asem says:

    my concern if solar panels on tesla become a thing then they can charge us. you pay for sunlight energy which sounds stupid. but I can see them pull that move that's because it could replace charging stations in future.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marcombo01 says:

    Solar panels in a car are the most useless thing I see in a while. Even in the sunniest places in the world. This is never going to be a success.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Hughes-Games says:

    What a great innovation for someone who only drives his car every few days or someone who is surfing and staying in one place for a few days before moving on to the next beach. Fantastic for the middle east, australia and other places with reliable sunshine most days. Combine this with a simple car with no bells and whistles but all the great engineering and a whole new market opens up.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Václav Pekař says:

    If you add 15 miles per day by solar panels, the increased range is hardly noticeable.And the solar panels can't be more effective then 100% so you can get a theoretical maximum of 45-50 range per day if I am being generous (it will never get there). That would be awesome if you don't park your car under the roof. But it can hardly get any additional range during the actual driving and if I buy an expensive car like that I would like to park it in the garage. For camping? Sure, that sounds great.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shahar Rozenbloom says:

    Apple Car Will Have Snow Driving Mode name SnowMode for driving Fast In Snow and Rain in killer idea. Work. And Will have Glass Also in the Back and Front with Solar and for Protection and Beauty. Work. Even in the Door for With Restructure Corning Glass. In a Patent.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felix N says:

    Even if it doesn't work as advertised yet, it's the right direction to go. I don't expect it to charge the whole battery but even if it could just ad 20km of range per day, for a lot of people that could already cover their commute. It would be amazing.
    Even though many people always see clouds and night when it comes to solar, the sum shines a lot more than they think lol.

    And if you think about it and go way back. Pretty much all energy that we have on this planet is only here because of the sun. Even oil and gas.

    We should harvest the sun's energy directly as it has more power than we can ever use.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Smith says:

    Put a lawn mower engine under the hood that will get you home or power a generator.a 12 horse 2 cylinder kholer.wisconsin would allow you a 25 mph max and would charge the battery in an hour.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roberr Platt says:

    This is a great idea in some markets. In crowded areas where cars are garaged, not so great an idea. But this could really help build the business in the rurals.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Thomson says:

    I truley thank you for creating the video. You need to know you are mispronouncing most of your words. Concentrate on pronouncing the words as the letters dictate, or have a more articulate friend narrate.
    Regards Jim

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Domz JB says:

    Before they jump the gun what happened to the Roadster? I mean now things will be slow due to the virus and all.. mmh l well when the virus is controlled let's see when the Roadster will be available

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AnalystPrime says:

    Given all the misunderstandings in the comments, here are some facts: This is not a new idea, first solar car was a toy made in 50's. Full size models have been made, but use bicycle wheels and lightweight materials too weak for real cars. What Tesla, like every other EV maker, is considering is not a car fully powered by solar panels but adding PV to reduce the need for charging and to keep the batteries from draining when you leave the car parked but all the electronics are still operating. This is not some "maybe in the future" thing, we already have PV panels good enough to be worth it that do not weight or cost too much. But actually driving your Tesla without using the batteries is not going to happen, not faster than a crawl at least, the car is simply too heavy and no future PV panels are going to break basic physics by producing more power than it's area receives from the sun. It can, however, charge your batteries even when you forgot to connect the charger, as long as you left the car in a sunny place. This also means you can safely use your phone and appliances when camping or otherwise off grid without worrying about being able to drive back home.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars artowar andpeace says:

    Use a cylindrical fan to regen as you travel at 65mph. If you want to win at the race put a heavy flywheel on it.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AnalystPrime says:

    Makes sense, given advances in technology. Today PV panels are lighter, cheaper and more efficient, and produce power even partly shadowed or on cloudy days. Tesla Solar Roof tiles are exactly same tech with just a slightly different application so Tesla already has a leg up on this plan. While the few extra miles it gives you might not help much if you drive the car all day long, it does mean leaving the car outside in the sun is not going to drain the battery as the car tries to keep itself to manageable temperature, either by cooling or heating. The problem with EVs is not that on a long trip you might need to charge it more than once per day or that the charging takes longer than pumping gas, it's the possibility that you go camping or something and when it is time to get back home you find there was a light left on and the battery is empty and you are in a forest fifty miles from anywhere.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin McIntosh says:

    Easier to Mount solar panels on flat surfaces. If Mars is going to be solar powered, solar panels will need to be more efficient and or lower cost. Wonder if Elon has a Nuclear skunk works project?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MAGA Mike says:

    i hope to run my tiny home off my ordered cyber truck which will be charged from solar. i can also quick charge from the charger at my grocery store if there are not enough sunny days.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MarcAFK says:

    The trailer would decrease your range by more than the extra energy gained. But, when you're not using the trailer it can still sit somewhere outside giving you more energy to picup when you plug back in. It would be better to just install a solar cover over your driveway or something. 6 or so thousand dollars can get you an extra 2-3 KWH which is 10 times the production of your vehicle panels, you just need some batteries and a charger, or hook it up to your home PV system. The big cost is battery, that cheap $5000 system would need $10-20 thousand in batteries just to hold a third of your vehicle's range. At the end of the day what you really need is a tesla battery installed in your home for recharging from, sicne tesla make the cheapest battery packs and they should have a decent supply of second rate refirbished batteries bringing the cost down. At least in teh future.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tkjho says:

    Toyota solar panels covering hood, roof and trunk lid – 28 miles/day, Lightyear – 7.5miles/hr. or 75 miles for a 10 hour sunshine day, i.e. Lightyear's solar panels are 1.5 times more efficient than Toyota's. If Toyota's are 20% efficient, Lightyear's would have to be 60% efficient.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars carholic1336 says:

    nonsense, the camping industry already uses alot of solar panels, they even uses more than tousands watts of solar panels per vehicles, gas is just for the car, the rest is all electric

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