Tesla's plans to expand its insurance business is one that not many investors know of. There are no financial analysts talking about the potential of the business, or how lucrative it already is. In this video, I discuss Tesla's secret plan for insurance.
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Back on August 23rd, 2019 Tesla launches insurance for the first time in California. In the future, the company plans to expand its insurance to additional US states. Tesla already has solar panels, power, walls, Power, Packs, mega packs and vehicles. So the question is: why would a long must decide to go for the insurance industry in this video we're gon na unpack, Tesla's secret plan for insurance? In order to understand why pasla is going into the car insurance business, we need to understand how an insurance company works out of every million people, a certain number of people get into a car accident.

This number goes up and down based on different factors. Given this insurance companies can charge premiums based on these factors in order to guarantee a profit for them. In the long run, statistics work where, in the short term anything can happen, but in the long run the percentage of people that get into a car accident will eventually converge with the data insurance companies have the more expensive a car is the more it would cost To repair the car, therefore, the premium would be higher if a car insurance company charges too much, they won't get any business. If the car insurance company charges too little, then they won't make profits.

The more data an insurance company has about a specific person, the better they can pin down the exact amount of charge in the case of car insurance company's data is ultimately, the money makers survives Tesla, offering insurance every quarter Tesla releases. How often their vehicles go into an accident with the unit being millions of miles? I plotted this data on a graph and compared it with the US average for how many accidents occur. Per million of miles, as you may have noticed, the data for Tesla's with autopilot turned on is the safest by a large margin. The data for Tesla's with safety features, but not autopilot, is slightly safer than a Tesla without either.

Last but not least, those that drive Tesla's are in general, far safer than the average driver in the US. However, too, many of you that likely wasn't a surprise. Everyone has this public data, the auto pilot discount. We know that Tesla has the data on how often a driver uses autopilot and safety features.

We also know that those that use these features are generally safer. So why not give this counts based on how often someone uses autopilot or Tesla's safety features? That's exactly what Tesla has done. Tesla has openly spoken about how they factor in how often someone uses autopilot and safety features in order to determine what their insurance premium is. This allows Tesla to out-compete competitors from a pricing standpoint, as the other insurance companies will likely charge a higher price that those that use auto-pay, often due to the fact that they don't have this data.

Usually, people try to get quotes from multiple car insurance companies and they choose which insurance company charges, the least Tesla's ability to use autopilot and safety feature data will help them be the company that charges the smallest amount, at least when it comes to those that use Autopilot and Tesla's safety feature often Tesla insurance has openly told clients that they would be better off going to a traditional insurance company. These clients are the people who drive pass laws without autopilot or safety features. However, this isn't the only advantage Tesla has over other car insurance companies. Lowered Commission Tesla has far lower Commission on its insurance products due to the fact that it can digitalize such a large portion of the insurance process using the formulas it can derive based on the data.
It has sentry mode with the traditional vehicles. Items and vehicles are stolen. Quite often, however, Tesla's vehicles are far safer when it comes to theft. Almost every time Tesla's are stolen, they have recovered cash loss.

Sentry mode technology is continuing to become better and better making it nearly impossible to bypass a system. Not only that, but Tesla's also have trackers that can locate the vehicle when stolen, cheaper repairs. When insurance companies repair a vehicle, they must pay for repairs to our charge at a premium in our design, the profit, for example. If you go to a repair shop, they may charge you double what it costs for them to repair the vehicle in order to have a 50 % margin.

On the other hand, pasla insurance will be able to repair Tesla's at a fraction of what they normally charge. For repairs, special coverage Tesla has a multitude of special coverages, but the most important one out of these is autonomous vehicle owner liability, which covers all damages done by autopilot when autopilot causes a car accident. While traditional car insurance company would still treat it as if the driver was responsible for the car accident, however, since Tesla has the data on whether an accident was from autopilot, they have the ability to take responsibility and cover all costs. This will incentivize Tesla insurance customers use autopilot more often leading to more safety for the driver and, as a result, more profit for Tesla insurance.

Not only that, but by incentivizing autopilot Tesla obtains more autopilot data, which can be used to continue improving autopilot. Another special coverage from Tesla is cyber identity fraud. Expenses. Tesla knows it is responsible for digital identity.

Fraud will cover up to $ 15,000 per occurrence. Some less important special coverages also include wall, charger coverage and electronic key replacement driver behavior. Along with what we talked about earlier, Tesla also has data on what the drivers behavior is like. For example, how aggressive is the driver? How often does the driver actually use the lane changing signal? Other insurance companies attempt to obtain this type of data by offering a telematics device that you can plug into your car.
But since it's optional, not many people do it. So once I locate the obd2 or the deutsche connector of the vehicle, I will simply install the device into the port. The device will beep six times as adjusted to verify a good, solid, install as a result. This once again leaves Tesla insurance ahead in terms of data as more Tesla's go on the road.

The market for Tesla insurance will continue to expand overall Tesla insurance is a win-win for both the customer and the company. It's not costly for Tesla in terms of R & D, as the company can visualize most of the process and it incentivizes more people to buy Tesla's vehicles by improving customer satisfaction. However, some people think Elon Musk should stay away from the insurance business with all due respect to Warren Buffett. Undeniably, one of the greatest investors in history.

He has said that Tesla wouldn't be able to perform well in the insurance industry. Elon Musk says the Tesla will start to offer insurance for its cars and can price it better than a typical insurance company because of the data it collects from all the vehicles on at the road. You've talked about the threat of autonomous vehicles on the insurance business, but what about the threat to Geico of automobile companies themselves getting into the insurance business and on a very similar topic. Tesla recently announced that they're shifting to an online-only sales model and several traditional auto dealerships are also reducing their property holdings, as car buyers increasingly used smartphones and the internet to shop for cars.

What does this portend for Berkshire, Hathaway, automotive, yeah? Actually, General Motors the company for a long time about motors insurance, company and various companies who have tried it. I would say that the success of of the insurance company of the auto company is getting the insurance business are probably about as likely as this success of the insurance companies getting into the auto business. I worry much more about progressive than all of the auto company possibilities that I can see in terms of getting an insurance business. It's not an easy business at all and I would bet against any company in the auto business being any kind of an unusual success.

The idea of using telematics in terms of studying people studying people's drivers have assets, that's spreading quite quite widely, and it isn't important. It is important to have data on how people drive how hard they brake, how much they swerve all kinds of things. So I don't doubt the value of the data, but I don't think that the the auto companies will have any any advantage to that. I don't think they'll make money in the insurance business.

The using the Internet to shop for cars is, like you know, using in or shopping for everything, it's another competitor and there's no question that people will look for better ways of the gross margin on news. Cars on new cars is about six percent or thereabouts. So there's there's not lots of room in the game, but but that's that will be a method and that will solve some cars and that there are. You know it's it's another competitor, but I don't think it.
It destroys the auto dealer who takes good care of the customers, and it is there to service the customers. No, it's not a it's, not an overwhelming threat, but it's obviously something that's going to be around and we'll sell some cars Charlie again, nothing. Okay, please consider supporting me on patreon in the description below it really helps me keep making videos. Also, let me know what you think about Tesla insurance in the comment section below, if you guys enjoyed, please hit the like button and subscribe.

I appreciate your support.

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31 thoughts on “Tesla’s secret plan: insurance”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc-André Jacques says:

    2020 Q3 results and Tesla Insurance future revenues
    (near future?)

    Think about a Tesla Insurance future (WITHOUT FSD robotaxis)


    ___FDS has 10x less accidents per mile (10x less payouts made by Tesla) than miles driven by humans

    ___But inside FSD capable cars, Tesla charges 0,7x the insurance rate of human driven miles !
    (30% discount compared to "Warren Buffett's Geico-type Insurance"____AND____30% discount rate COMPARED to miles driven by a human inside a FSD capable Tesla car)

    NOW make FSD that has 100x or 1000x less accidents…then add robo-taxis

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars André Piotrowski says:

    Sorry, but I don’t like Warren Buffett. That’s a guy, who buys stocks of companies that pay a dividend, but Berkshire Hathaway does not. That sounds as he’s a hippocrite.
    It’s a little wonder that he at last bought Apple stocks, but what is with the rest of the real big american companies?
    Microsoft? Nope. Amazon? Nope. Google? Nope. Tesla? Nope. Netflix? Nope. Facebook? Nope.
    You know, he could have gotten REALLY rich if he had decided to buy stocks of those companies … 😉

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Lee says:

    So what happens when Elon Musk dies? WhO will run all of his companies that has his way if thinking? His brother? He's in the food business. Elon gotta live forever. If you want Elon to live as long as possible encourage him to do everything to stay healthy with all the stress he's dealing with he'll need it.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars norsk-dougbert says:

    I agree with Buffet: Automobile companies should stay away from car insurance. Note though: I believe Tesla should get into insurance, because he is a distruptor and can make it work for Tesla vehicles.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rowan Broekman says:

    They should also do house/roof ensurance with their Solar stuff. A lot of ensurance companies ask a ridiculous amount of cash to ensure a roof with solar panels on it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Seabrook says:

    The best insurance provider for any car is the car's manufacturer. No one knows as much about the car than the manufacturer. This notion will become more solidified as autonomous vehicles take more market share.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Seabrook says:

    Nobody: Nothing

    Insurance Industry: "Elon Musk should stay away from the insurance industry"

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BiscottiGelato says:

    What Warren is wrong is: A. Tesla is not going into the insurance business. It’s just insuring only their own cars. That’s 4 models out of 4000s that are out there a typical insurance company has to deal with. B. Tesla is not trying to make money from it’s insurance business. Just like Apple never planned to make money from the Maps business. But Apple is making a hell of a lot more money than Android, that’s for sure. C. It’s not ‘telematics’. Tesla literally won’t need to care how their drivers drive, provided they turn on Autopilot. Plus the fact that other insurance won’t give as much discount to Tesla owners for Autopilot, let alone FSD. Key is removing friction from getting a Tesla. Not some commodity, low margin, low growth, insurance business. That’s for you moat, late stage, no growth dinosaurs, Buffet.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Islam Mohamed says:

    This is a great overview! I hadn't thought about some of the advantages you raise, especially on at-cost repairs, and incentivizing auto-pilot activation.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Hiett says:

    Tesla will take into consideration how much safer their cars are. Many of the large indemnity holders weren't allowing their consumers to benefit from these factors in their policy rates.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Speedytrip says:

    I feel bad for the people that haven't invested in Tesla yet, they will become one of if not the biggest company on planet in the next 10 years. I'd bet a lot of money that Tesla will be one of Buffets few regrets.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R.o says:

    Well it sounds like Buffet is quite biased. As he also is with Coke and McDonald's.
    Which he drinks and eats in an abundence every single day. Acordingly to himself and the media.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reverend Al says:

    Buffett didn't offer a very compelling case against Tesla succeeding in the insurance game.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Cav says:

    Are you sure Telsa is the actual "holder"/policy underwriter of the insurance? I believe they are only acting as a "broker" as of now…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cat Shepherd says:

    I just priced insurance for a (theoretical) Tesla X without Ludicrous. Geico quoted $300/mo and it went up from there. Female driver, fair credit, middle age no accidents or tickets in five years. $300/mo, OUCH!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vegas23 says:

    Lol guys I’m a 33 yr old insurance agent and obviously I’m a huge Telsa fan. Family business. THIS IS THE SMARTEST MOVE TELSA COULD MAKE! I heard this months ago and couldn’t believe the genius behind this! Like it never crossed my mind for a car company to do this and the reason is because the only way u can is if you as the company gets data on LITERALLY every Telsa and has a better product and since Telsa will have info other insurance companies don’t have them Telsa will always be. The fact Telsa will always be ahead of everyone on data & only selling insurance for Telsa’s is COMPLETE GENIUS! I’m very close with the 20 companies we sell for and the companies doing it right are as rich as they come so this is just another money making situation for Telsa. Buffett has Stocks in car & insurance companies so even if he did know what he was taking about he wouldn’t tell u the truth bc he would be literally going against himself. This is crazy smart! This is also one of the times Buffett is lying or is wrong

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles says:

    Berkshire just like GM in denial and planning on the good ol days for their car dealers and insurance companies lasting forever.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juston Cheney says:

    Good job on this. You need your own insurance company if you're going to have a fleet of driverless cars. As it turns out, you can also provide benefits to your buyers…..and stop insurance companies from hurting your buyers by over charging them.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SlipKnotRicky says:

    Elon is getting ready for the shift and disruption that Autonomous Driving will have on the Insurance Industry. Not only will it affect Insurance, but Traffic Fine Revenues, Collision Shops, and probably a host of unforseen sectors….

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ec Co says:

    Tesla, has a lot of data. I have no issue and encourage Tesla to have reasonable/moderate revenue streams it can bring, including insurance. Tesla service prices will be a lot more affordable than traditional routes. I would encourage them to even have body shops. These parts could be replaced quickly, professionally, and for cheaper.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven C D says:

    Who's smarter, Warren Buffett or Elon Musk? Sorry Warren, but all you've ever done is buy and sell parts of other people's businesses using other people's money. You nave not created anything that makes this world better. That trembling you feel is not you're aging body……but every insurance company that really knows anything about Tesla. Hurry Elon, I'm ready to buy your insurance.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Gray says:

    Not only will they make money from it but it also is very convenient and easy to buy right through Tesla so it’s just another thing to make the customers experience better buying a car from Tesla

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Hoffman says:

    Buffet doesn’t seem to get Tesla.
    Like he understood Apple’s disruption, but not Tesla’s.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keneil Shah says:

    I wonder what reinsurance company they are using…can you please research?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wolf of Dubai Stocks Investing Channel says:

    It’s so secret, I don’t want to share this video.

    But will smash the like button.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nandish V Patel says:

    Ironically, Buffet fails to understand data and the master of data analytics Elon Musk. Bet on Tesla insurance to win. Stay Safe 🌺

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kieran Flynn says:

    Watch Now you know and compare to this (can you say eerily similar)?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Biran Ayyadari says:

    the self-driving feature has proved to be a reliable way for transportation. if Elon does implement this, he'll potentially tap into another vast industry

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Shaw says:

    Autopilot drivers are such a small minority, that those numbers don't constitute any meaningful information. Tesla anti-theft is interesting, but again, that's nothing Ford, GM or Toyota can't copy. So again, Tesla's are just overhyped, poorly made, battery powered cars. When it comes to insurance, Tesla won't have any edge on GEICO.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 432 Hertz Radio says:

    Tesla will utilize this opportunity and make itself even more profitable.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Matos says:

    Warren sounds like James Chanos & Bob Lutz today. Another old soul underestimating Elon Musk.

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