With Tesla's battery investor day approaching, Tesla has been filing plenty of patents related to its new battery technology. In this video, I discuss Tesla's latest breakthrough: Tabless Electrodes.
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With Tesla's body Investor Day approaching, Tesla has recently been filing plenty of patent applications related to its new battery technology. On this channel, we've covered the hybrid battery, the nca electrode dry, electrode, NMC cathode and new advanced electrolyte. While there are plenty of advancements, Elon Musk has openly stated that Tesla's recent battery breakthrough, which is a tablet electrode, is way more important than it sounds in this video. I'm going to explain what Tablas electrodes are and discuss.

Why Elon Musk believes that this new breakthrough is incredibly important in order to understand Tesla's new battery breakthrough, it is very important to understand how a lithium-ion battery works in a lithium ion battery. There are two key components: the cathode and anode the lithium-ion battery gains and loses energy when the cathode and anode transfer ions. So what this means is that whatever you charge or discharge a battery ions are transferred between the anode and cathode. In order for the battery to gain or lose energy, this transfer of ions is catalyzed by what is called an electrolyte.

The electrolyte is the component that allows for the movement of ions during the charged and discharged phase. Typically, the lithium ion battery has two tabs which are attached to the sides of the battery in order to help with the connection of the battery to outside sources. However, the problem with these tabs is that they have ohmic resistance, which, in simpler terms, means that, when energy is transferred through these tabs, some of that energy is used in order to move that energy to top it off the cost for manufacturing. These tabs presents challenges with labor and money.

Hassles new batteries gets rid of these times and, as a result, removes all of these issues. By using a special coding strategy, Tesla was able to remove one of the tabs and, in some cases, remove both of the tabs. In its batteries, because Elon Musk has stated that the Tabas technology is way more important than it sounds, many of you may be wondering what benefits will come from this new battery technology. One of the most impactful benefits of Tesla's Tablas electrodes is far faster charging and discharging rates at a rate of 220 volts.

The Tesla Model 3 currently charges in 8.5 to 10 hours when at a supercharger. The Tesla Model 3 takes just 40 minutes to charge fully. While we don't have any numbers yet for Tesla's new charging times for their new Tablas electrodes, in my personal opinion, I believe we could see these charging rates go down to as little as 5 to 6 hours for the 220 volt charging rate and add a supercharger, Possibly as little as 25 minutes with the Tablas electrodes, another key benefit of Tesla's Tablas electrodes is faster and cheaper. Battery manufacturing Tesla is currently working on a secret project.

Codenamed Roadrunner that looks for Tesla to incorporate technology from Jeff Don who is Tesla's battery research partner. In Maxwell technologies, these technologies, which include the Tablas electrode, have an ultimate goal to increased Tesla's battery production capacity on both a massive scale and at a cost below $ 100 per kilowatt hour. In hindsight, it may seem like two times per lithium-ion battery wouldn't cost much, and this is why Elon Musk stated that Tesla's new tablet electrode, is way more important than it sounds on a larger scale. Two times per body amounts to an incredibly expensive amount in, while ultimately allowed Tesla to bring the cost of batteries below 100 dollars per kilowatt hour.
The table select road may also have a key impact for Elon Musk's goal to move to battery packs without modules, as musk has recently hinted at the pasta, Lutie of Tesla, creating a battery pack with no module. The final benefit of our Tabas electrodes is faster. Discharging rates with the addition of tablets, electrodes Tesla's, would have a zero to 60, even faster than before. Overall Tesla's papas electrodes will allow for faster charging rates, lower costs and faster acceleration go check out the link in the description below to get to feast offs from weevil.

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29 thoughts on “Tesla’s new battery breakthrough: tabless electrodes”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali Hyari says:

    Charging speed at home is a factor of the power of the on board charger, which is limited by the max amperage of the socket. However, super charging is limited by the max voltage that you can apply to the cell before you run into issues, lowering impedence certainly improve the apms that you can run at a certain voltage, but I don't think it will amount to the reduction stated. This technology will enable thicker electrodes with fewer rolls, both increasing the energy density without the tradeoff of lower power, and it also reduces the cost per kwh due to less copper/aluminum needed for a given cell, and also benifits in fixed Capex as the length of the sheet to be rolled reduces, meaning lower length specific manufacturing steps run cheaper

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Radoslaw Motylinski says:

    It won't improve charging time on 220V because it isn't battery ability to accept the charge that is the bottleneck. But you might be right about superchargers.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThaRealDirector says:

    220-volt charging rates can't increase unless the power increases remember P = I.V. Please note Tesla had higher 220 volt charging rates in the past.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Hart says:

    Hmmmm not sure you have the main benefit right. Yes the resistance of the tabs themselves is an issue, but as I understand it the main problem is that the tabs are attached to the ends of the electrode before it is rolled up into the cylindrical format. This means that elections moving between the tab and those parts of the electrode furthest from the tab … ie at the other end of the roll have further to travel and in so doing encounter more resistance and generate more heat. The tabless electrode makes a connection along the whole length of the electrode which shortens the distance that the electrons have to travel, so reducing resistance and heat

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CaptainProton1 says:

    How can 240v charge time go down ? It’s already the 240v supply that is saturated not the current battery

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lori Hutton says:

    Congrats on the 🔋. I went solar but still have my power because of battery reasons. Can't wait to see more in the future.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Doolittle says:

    The biggest advantage is in preventing cell failure as is true with all systems using cylindrical based systems. Because Tesla basically glues the entire battery pack into a solid brick a single cell failure while not material to the overall functioning of the pack cannot be swapped out or replaced. If tabless can make such a normative event a thing of the past I agree reliability of the Platform would increase quite dramatically and over a far longer period of time.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Deans n LiPo says:

    During the Cybertruck unveil Musk said that the truck was capable of more than 250KW charging. Maybe there will be 300KW super chargers, maybe.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thejoolien says:

    Tesla should move Solar Roofs to Michigan and do REAL innovation trying to get energy independence to work for ALL four very distinguished seasons. Too bad some from the Index Fund crowd plopped their fat ass's in TSLA shares.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Linas R says:

    230V charging speed depends on the amount of inverters installed in a car. Inverters do AC to DC. BATTERY accepts DC only. There is no sense to use 230V comparison

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Wright says:

    Tabless electrode has a lot of knock on effects. Sure there is the simplication of manufacturing. Then, you have improved efficiency due to lower transmission resistance. That extra energy was going somewhere before, as heat. So this also reduces the need for cooling, and allows you to cram the batteries closer together. Also, removing the tabs, associated cooling components, reducing space required affects another parameter, weight. All these small gains will translate into better performance, efficiency AND reduce costs.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars regerbryan says:

    A step closer to controlling pure energy, then we’ll discover how to manipulate gravity then we’ll nuke each other out of greed and we’ll have to start over again in a couple centuries

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHINEZU englez says:

    At a model 3 if the battery can handle 4-5c without vizible degradation you can charge it in 3-4 your and fast charge it in 15-20 min .
    A 18650 cell without intern al tab is limited by the resistance of the extern al material if is an carbon battery.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Artuso says:

    Those tabs actually acted as a fuse if something were to go wrong. Now there is no disconnect point between batteries. I’m not sure what you know about electrical engineering but I’m sure Tesla didn’t overlook this.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Wyman says:

    Hey man you have to put your Webull bit in there with a little more exclamation, i heard it and was kind just confused because of how random it was.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Courtney says:

    OMG so much speculation, and you make up numbers to and state them like fact. Sheesh, that is pretty poor.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glenn edwards says:

    There are already Electric airplanes admittedly small learner aircraft Not 707. As stated already by Derek Battery density has to grow to 500w/kg roughly double what it is now. Since it goes up at 5% or more a year then simple maths will show that it will only take 8 years to reach this point excluding any breakthroughs or if the technology tops out.

    However there is another technological hurdle to get over a commercially viable aircraft and that is recharge time. A 737 takes 15 or 20 minutes to refuel this is fine since they are loading/Unloading passengers cleaning the plane doing pre flight checks loading food etc. Depending if an aircraft is doing long haul or short haul it can spend over 20 hours a day in the air 7 days a week, this is week in week out. The only time it spends any significant time in a hanger is for repairs/mandatory certification and life renewals where it goes into a factory and they virtually rebuild it.

    Why do they do this well it is simple an airliner can cost $200 million and upwards. It earns money whilst in the air on the ground it costs money thousands of dollars an hour. Landing fees ramp fees etc etc. A airplane that lands has to wait 4 or more hours to ""refuel" is not commercially viable.

    I predict that Elon will not get into the aircraft business though someone will. Though the aircraft industry even more so than the car industry strive towards the same technologically goals as the EV industry lighter weight, glass cockpits greater reliability it is not just a matter of stuffing an existing design full of batteries changing the engines and away you go. It fully requires a completely new design.

    Could Elon do it? Yes undoubtedly Could he crack the problems already mentioned? Yes its Elon Musk for god's sake! Will he do it? well as I said I doubt it. with one caveat he might do something in that area air taxis or small passenger aircraft . There is one major thing stopping him and that is time. Yes there is 8 years until battery technology matures and designing testing and producing plane does take that long ask Boeing or aerospace. However he already works 80 – 100 hours a week on his existing companies.

    Elon also wants to save the planet and Mars is the fallback position if he fails. Why design an airliner which will admittedly advance that by cutting down on pollution when Hyperloop will hopefully stop the necessity for airplanes anyhow. Hyperloop is actually quicker than a plane or at least it will be and a damm site more efficient. Even if it does not work out Elon cannot afford the years of work he has to put into such a project there is only one Elon(Lets Clone him).

    He has also mentioned a way of replacing airliners entirely by using StarShips. A brilliant idea after all who would not prefer a sub orbital 40 minute flight to be on the opposite side of the world, rather than spend 20 hours in a cramped tube. The G loading should not be much more than you encounter on a roller coaster though for longer. It is commercially viable even though each flight would cost more in fuel a Starship will be much much cheaper than a complicated airliner and it could travel to Australia and back in 3 or 4 hours rather than the nearly 2 days a 747 would require meaning it would generate a lot more revenue and require a lot less staff. The problem with this is safety as a rocket is inherently more dangerous than an airliner it would only take one accident and no one would get on one again. Think Concorde yes there are airplane accidents all the time however because of the flight regime an accident would be less survivable than an airliner and human nature would see them as inherently dangerous. Even Falcon nine has had a few accidents luckily without loss of life. With hundreds of Starships in the air it is a statistical certainty that a disaster would happen eventually and even if it was far enough down the line to show that a Starship was just as safe as a boeing or similar which is very very very safe human nature is such that people would not want to travel on one. A long long time ago people didn't want to travel on those new fangled Steam locomotives because humans could not survive at the incredible speeds of 30 mph they went.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramon Punsalang says:

    Faster charging times means shorter lines at Supercgarger locations. Tesla will be able to save a ton of money in expanding the network.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 7z9 says:

    Charging time calculation at 220V makes absolutely no sense. If you mean home charger – it's not even near of what current battery is capable of. There will be no difference.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Tulie says:

    Not mentioned – tabs take up space. Remove the tabs, get a little more room for active components so a probable slight increase in energy density.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nils Frederking says:

    The most important part of the tables electrode is the lower resistance of the cell, in the patent application is stated that the cell resistance is lowered by factor 5 – 20 depending on the dimensions of the electrodes. That is massive, as it means only a fraction of the heat – which is generated during charging and stresses the cells – is generated and thus we can expect much faster charging (higher charge rates).

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nils Frederking says:

    Tesla filed another patent (December 26th 2019, as far as I remember) which stated a charging time of 9 minutes instead of 30. So the benefits of the tabless electrodes might ad onto that. I think it is very likely that we will see 80% of charge in 5-8 minutes from the new Tesla cells.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AM says:

    Where do you get those informations from when the new batteries aren't even published? Is it speculation or are news already leaked and confirmed?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Roll says:

    I think the current charge time stated is incorrect? I believe it only takes 30 to 45 minutes to charge up at a supercharger not many hours.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MR. ZERO to INFINITY says:

    Tesla has a lot going on! What is your opinion on Nikola Motor Company? Will it be a stock that pops up because there is a high demand for electric ⚡️ vehicles? Still doing research on Hydrogen. 📝

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    You are overlooking something. Resistance causes losses, reducing the resistance can not only benefit in the form of increased charge/discharge rates, but, more importantly, increased efficiency as there are less thermal losses. This could amount to increase in range.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Name Name says:

    Eliminating tabs from each cell eliminates a significant % of nickel which is both heavy and expensive.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Carson says:

    There are two ways energy density is described for batteries 1) price per kWh at the cell level 2) price per kWh at the pack level. To avoid confusion, we need to identify cell or pack. Tesla is trying to achieve a price of less than $100 per kWh at the pack level which is much harder to do than at the cell level.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wolf of Dubai Stocks Investing Channel says:

    If something is important to you, you do it even if the odds are against you.


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