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With Tesla's stock recent drop of 50%, many tesla short-sellers are filled with joy. However, many of these shorts have not learned from their lessons and are refusing to cover their positions for a loss. In this video, I discuss what the Tesla short-sellers are doing right now, and what their thesis is.
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Mark Spiegel's Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/markbspiegel?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Gordon Johnson's Hedge Fund's Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/GLJ_Research?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Music in its respective order of use:

The unprecedented global outbreak that I can't name on YouTube has dropped Tesla stock over 48 percent from its highs a month ago. As a result, this has left many Tesla short sellers laughing with joy with the short interest jumping back to the high 20s, it's safe to say that the short sellers are back mark Spiegel mark Spiegel once had a short position and Tesla worth 20 % of his Fun Stanfill capital after the stock kept affianced expectations, Spiegel coveted short position until it's only worth 5 % of his fund since Tesla's recent drop. He is added to his short position today, he's often seen rambling on and off in Twitter, about Elon Musk and Tesla. Many Tesla shareholders believe dr.

q. One delivery numbers were astonishing. Deliveries rose 40 percent year-over-year. However, Spiegel would like to argue the opposite.

Seeing that those numbers were a fraud, also another common thing mark Spiegel. Does it say that Elon Musk needs to be investigated for criminal activity I'll leave his Twitter profile in the description below is quite hilarious: material, Jim Chanos, despite all the ups and downs in Tesla stock on April, 2nd Jim Chanos stated that he is still maximum short. However, he was still forced to cover a lot of his short position due to the fact that the position had gone past. The 5 % limit in his fund on CNBC Janus explained how Tesla was similar to the dot-com boom.

So let me ask you you, you said you know. One thing that makes it hard to stay short is, is when a stock gets creamed like some of the energy ones have done and like luckin has done today, where you've covered it all. The other is when a stock goes. Parabolic like it's Tesla did a lot of winter.

Are you still short that and and how did that impact your thinking on your positioning, so Tesla and - and we told clients in in in January February that the three-month period sort of November December January was one of the craziest periods I've ever seen in my 40 Years on Wall Street and and if you remember - and I know, Josh saw some of this stuff - and maybe some of your other panelists retail for some reason - came pouring into the market in individual names and individual stories. In a way, we haven't seen really since sort of January February of 2000 at the end of the dot-com boom, and we saw the parabolas. We saw the Tesla's, the the Virgin, Galactic's and and others, and and we saw it in the data of retail trading at E Trade and options and Robin Hood - and I had not seen that was the one thing that has been missing in this bull market. In the ten years was just manic, speculation by individuals well sure enough by January February we had it and you know we saw these stocks go parabolic and if you're a parabolic you're short.

Obviously your position is getting much bigger. So in situations like that, if we like the name like we like Tesla, we will have to cover some if it goes through our risk parameters. But then we we will sell it even back down if we want to keep a maximum position again. One of the challenges of the short side is that you you get bigger when it goes against you and you get smaller when it goes your way we are still, we are still basically maximum short Tesla.
It's still one of my favorite positions, nothing's changed. In my viewpoint, here this is car company. It will lose money again this year, Gordon Johnson, Gordon Johnson is easily one of the rudest Tesla short sellers. Often all rumors are that he was fired from vertical group for his horrible performance.

After leaving vertical group, Gordon Johnson started his own hedge fund named goj research. Nowadays, Gordon Johnson doesn't seem to appear in the media anymore. For an obvious reason, however, that doesn't stop him from making ridiculous claims. As most of you know, Tesla recently reported eighty eight thousand four hundred deliveries in q1 of 2020 Borden claims that this is the exact opposite of a super growth or growth.

Company Tesla clearly has a demand problem after walking. Analysts estimates down from 93 thousand on Friday to 80 thousand this past Monday, Tesla reported 1q 20 deliveries yesterday of 88 thousand for leading many to claim victory with some even saying Tesla crushed at 1q 22, the re-estimate he continued to say that despite its china factory Being fully functional for the share of 1q 20, its model y all-wheel-drive and model y all view performance cars being available for purchase, as well as the introduction of six other new car variants from the third quarter of 2018 to the first quarter. Twenty twenty pesos total car sold grew from eighty-three thousand seven hundred to just 88 thousand four hundred or up 5.5 percent. First of all, I just want to say Gordon, if you're watching this, it's pretty clear that you're just trying to convince yourself at this point.

Why did you choose specifically the third quarter of 2018, rather than the first quarter of 2019? We all know that the vehicle business is cyclical, so it doesn't make any sense to compare the third quarter of 2018 in the first quarter of 2020. Gordon continues to say that Tesla is currently valued at 98 billion versus fifty nine point: five billion for Volkswagen, despite the fact that Volkswagen sold ten point five million cars last year versus three hundred sixty seven thousand five hundred for Tesla Tesla needs to see exponential growth To justify this valuation, we see 1q twenty, as the exact opposite of that numbers. Don't lie and, as we've stressed, Tesla has a bulging demand problem. While I've never read a statement with this much misinformation packed into just a few sentences.

Tesla does not have a demand problem in the first quarter of 2020 tesla produced 100 mm vehicles and delivered eighty eight thousand vehicles that brings around fourteen thousand vehicles not delivered yet with a 102 to 88 production to delivery ratio. There clearly is not a demand problem. Also house Tesla, not a growth company when deliveries increased 42 percent year-over-year despite a global outbreak occurring right now. If you want to debate Gordon, a hives Twitter account linked in the comment section below.
As of now, nobody is commenting on his Twitter posts, so I'm sure he will see your reply. David Einhorn, David Einhorn spun mean like capital, continues to fail as time goes on, unlike the other short sellers on this list who have benefited from Tesla stocks. Recent drop in Hoorn some other holdings and tussles competitors have dropped far. Martin casa Einhorn second largest position in his portfolio General Motors, used to make up 225 million dollars of its portfolio today.

That position is worth under 112 million dollars, marking a total loss of over 113 million dollars, General Motors since the fourth quarter of 2019. The funny thing about Einhorn is that he actually owns a Tesla Model S yet somehow Owens GM stopped and shorts tassel stock. This type of logic clearly displays Einhorn's horrible investment strategies On January 21st, Einhorn reported that he had also added to his Netflix short position in Netflix stock is up 7 % since then, due to the global outbreak, I can't talk about on YouTube. Einhorn largest position mean great partners is down close to 50 percent since the fourth quarter in 2019, marking a loss of close to 130 million dollars.

He is especially famous for the following clip good morning. It's like the 11:00 a.m. US Open match. Let's get this thing started: I'd like to remind everybody that the ideas I'm about to present our existing positions in our portfolio.

We may change our positions at any time today, I'd like to talk about planes, trains and automobiles. Let's start with automobiles Napoleon once said. Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake, so I won't just watch the screen. That's a lot of horse.

We had in a prominent Auto analyst from Morgan Stanley just a day before yesterday and in talking about the relative value of Tesla on the one hand and General Motors in the other. He said if you gave me twenty billion dollars to give to either Elon Musk or Mary Barra. I would give it to you on musk, because there's more growth there yeah it was his response yeah. So, what's your response to that question because you have a short position on Tesla same time, you're proposing this for General Motors yeah.

I think it's a question of what the purpose of the twenty billion dollars is. If the purpose of the twenty billion dollars is to earn a profit and a return on the twenty billion dollars, I think you would give it to Mary Barra, because GM is interested in its return on capital they're. Trying to make about a 20 percent return on its invested capital and that's a wonderful return on 20 billion dollars to the extent that they were able to deploy it. I think if the purpose of a business is to advance the future, to have science, experiments and really cool buzz, word II kind of things, then you would give it to Tesla, because there you have a guy who's done all kinds of fancy, innovation, and - and it's Thinking about how society should be 50 years from now a hundred years from now, but he's yet to actually take any money and turn it into a profitable business.
And I and I don't have any optimism that that will change that's gon na wrap it up. For this video, if you guys enjoyed please hit the like button and subscribe, your support is greatly appreciated.

By Stock Chat

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33 thoughts on “Tesla short sellers are refusing to cover their positions”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Walle says:

    Thanks for the video BUT, you are showing graphics of stock charts with values going DOWN and then saying this indicates how much money these short sellers LOST. This reminds me of Forbes Magazine over 25 years ago showing Manuel Asensio having a terrible performance because all his stocks went down so much in value. Short sellers MAKE money when stock values go down.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Maingi says:

    Commenting September 2020. These boomers are more stupid than I thought. 'This new technology that kids these days love is garbage' YOLOers laughing all the way to the bank.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roedy Green says:

    It is so absurd, imagining you can predict the stock market a year in advance with certainty.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Park says:

    How do these folks maintain their positions in context of year after year of Tesla growth and success?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H says:

    pretty sure jim chanos is the most overrated investor in history. He has like a 6% annual track record….jesus christ

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sung Jae Woo says:

    So if we want to be rich, just do the exact opposite of what these hedge sellers are doing?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joefunk76 says:

    When the robotaxis launch and TSLA is $20k/share, I wonder if he’ll close his short then.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eternalwarpuppy says:

    You guys clearly don't understand!
    Ford, General Motors, and every other stock that you might own went down in February and March due to uncertainty in the market relating to the outbreak. Tesla's drop that happened at the exact same time TOTALLY had nothing to do with that, it was all because Tesla is fundamentally a bad company.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew B. says:

    At the end. Guy thinks Elon is thinking about how society should be 50 or 100 years from now? What an idiot… No, he's thinking that society already should have had this technology 50 years ago and we're just playing catch up.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wha Tajoke says:

    They're too busy going on SeekingAlpha and trying to manipulate the stock price by writing bearish article under fake names.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Tillman says:

    Still holding short from where? $30? $200? Good thing for their clients that their % in one stock positions are limited.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aye Min Oo says:

    I think this video is full of projection and not facts. As investers regardless of retail or not, we need to see facts instead of what we think it could happen. We are all bias. So instead of relying on our strong feelings we should be looking objectively. I don't think those short shellers u mentioned are stupid or dump. May be u r not trying to understand their points. They are clearly the experts in their field. They are not perfect nor everybody is. I believe they have their points clear. Short term rally price of netflix or telsa are nothing if they reach to dead end in the future. I just wish every body do their own homework before deciding to buy. Don't lose ur hard earned money. And most importantly try to really undersand their business n try to value ur self what could be the stock price in next 10 years. I am not bear or bull on tesla. Just my 10 cents.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Din Sel says:

    Damn, I did not realise Elon Musk talks so much crap….

    How on earth did he think it was feasible to produce a million self-driving robotaxis in just one year is beyond me….

    How stupid can you be?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars youstupididiot says:

    how come you said '…due to the global outbreak virus i can't talk about on youtube…' early in the 10th minute?
    how come you can't talk about it on youtube? are you in china?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dschledermann says:

    Yeah, and now the stock is close to 750 again and the short sellers are (once again) getting their asses handed to them.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Money printer go brr says:

    Saving this video since it will 100% get removed when the tsla ponzi scheme goes to zero.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ewan Wragg says:

    Tesla at 570$ already like you can't tell me this guy makes money shorting it

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Obi Juan says:

    The fossil fuel industry makes $1 billion a day in profit. For everyday that they can stop people from believing in climate change, stop buying solar cells and electric cars, they make $1 billion in profit. How much money will the fossil fuel industry spend to destroy Tesla and climate change data, to save their profits? When I retire I will not own a car. I will use an app to rent time on a self driving electric car. These old people who cannot see that future are ignorant of the facts.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Ypp says:

    "fancy innovation… And other buzz words"
    Yep the man of another company that can land a reusable rocket on a barge in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
    I like to see GM do that with $20b.

    Yes it's strange greenhorn, that he has a Tesla if the person hates it.
    Maybe he was pissed off when he's in his ice Porsche trying to race Teslas at the lights.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Life Coaching says:

    This dude hate Tesla so much willing to lose everything. Why not giving it to poor people like us? Dumb ass rich people are stupid like this sometimes. Wake up world is changing. We need renewable energy not fossil fuel. Hope it is not too late for humanity already

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rau Kenneth says:

    They are getting a short reprieve but Tesla will rise back up with the rest of the market

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars torben JENSEN says:

    Well, it may have taken COVID-19, but right now those Tesla short positions look quite apealing

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Easy 123 says:

    What I like about tesla and Elon musk is that he actually cares about the environment, there is so many big car companies that could have done something about it but I guess they just didn't care, by the way I just bought tesla stock and I'm not selling even if it goes to $0

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Troy Savary says:

    People who shorted Tesla in January are laughing. The stock was massively overpriced and still is.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wei Li says:

    Those who are on CNBC and other media outlets may not be shorting even if they say they are. They should be investigated for deliberate fraud and misleading the public with ulterior sinister motives.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel O'Kane says:

    Tesla is so much more than just a car company, the cars aren't even the biggest part. Elon is so far ahead of the curve, those are the stocks I would buy if I could and hodl and cherish them.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Lewis says:

    No electric cars for me….. why? Because if the BMS detects any issue with one of the battery cells it will shut down and you will be stuck! It happens all the time where I work with electric self driving busses. And it is a big hassle to swop out the battery. ICE ICE Baby……..

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SimpleAnimations says:

    i mean if you're going against real tony stark, smartest man on the planet, the guy who's going to send people to mars, you deserve to lose and go broke

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter P says:

    And that's is the grave mistake most car manufacturers make, they focus on the return on investment, not on their product.
    Tesla is focused 100% on their product and is years ahead in EV from everyone else. All car manufacturers know that, and nothing they can do about it.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canyon Racer says:

    Shorts still ignoring the Fundamentals!!!!!
    I rely on idiots like this to make money in the market🤣
    I’m not directly talking about Chanos…..it’s the fossil fuel industry that fund guys like him😎

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Letourneau says:

    Short seller are like the flatearthers in car-stock domain. Their knowledge is so flawed.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars purplehayeshz says:

    “January-February was the craziest thing I’ve seen in My 40 years on Wall Street”. 5 seconds later…. “we haven’t seen it since January-February of 2000” c’mon dude 40 years is sort of myopic when you’re looking at a company this revolutionary. The ice (internal combustion engine) has been around for well over 100 years.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe says:

    "Musk is yet to take any money and turn it into a profitable business?" – What's Paypal then, Scotch mist….

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