With Tesla stock passing $1,000 for the first time in history, the short sellers are losing a boatload full of money. In this video, I analyze how much money the Tesla short sellers have lost.
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With Tesla stock passing $ 1,000 per share for the first time the Tesla short sellers are in huge trouble and when I say huge, I really mean it in this video we're gon na take a look at the horrible mess that the most famous short sellers are In right now, if you new to the channel, please consider subscribing for more content like this. With that being said, let's get right into it. This wouldn't be a Tesla short seller, video without Gordon Johnson, in it, whose most notorious for being the rudest Tesla short seller out of them. All rumours are that he was fired from his job at vertical group because of how wrong he was on Tesla.

He was also giving vertical group a bad reputation by constantly interrupting and raging on CNBC. What but be careful? How do you stay? How do you, how do you revive but puppy if you're burning billions of dollars every quarter, how a question for you? How do you, how do these auditions these all hours? Everything is honor. These all are irrelevant. The only thing that matters to the stock.

What does that matter do stuff? Nothing. It has nothing to do with. Gordon has recently made an appearance on Yahoo Finance. Attempting to back up three arguments.

The competition is coming, Tesla has no secret sauce and Tesla has a demand problem. You have a ton of new V's hitting the market this year. We think q2 is gon na, be a disaster, roughly 2.4 billion in cash flow bird, and we think this v-shape that people are expecting in the second half is not going to happen for Tesla. We think they're gon na do about three hundred eleven thousand cars and deliveries this year.

We think it's going to be a big disappointment and with respect to the technology, they do not have any special sauce. This is a viewpoint held by many reflecting in Tesla's valuation. So keep in mind that last week they were pushing the deliver cars, so we think Tesla has a demand problem. We think they have a cash flow problem and as that cash flow brings through this year, we think people are gon na focus back on the fundamentals and they're ugly.

Gordon has got to be one of the best comedians on Wall Street. We'll see what happens this year, but when looking at the facts, not looking at an aspirational story, demand for their cars is collapsing in Europe, the USA and China as well. As you know, pretty much. Every other locale and you're gon na see that in 1q where's the competition Tesla is moving forward with its battery technology, while other automakers are struggling to compete with a 2012 Tesla Model S, there is still in 2019, no car that can compete with Model S of 2012, it's seven years later still waiting and how is there a demand problem when all the other dealerships are closed but Tesla is still selling Jim Chanos is the most famous Tesla short seller because of the facts that he has lost the most money on Tesla, despite Shorting Tesla for over five years, Jim Chanos still won't admit that he was wrong about Tesla surgery.
The results will always will outright either shorts of the lungs are gon na, be right about something and, and the stock will reflect that over time. It almost seems as if Jim Chanos is owning on CNBC, when Tesla stock is down back. In the beginning of April, Jim Chanos went on CNBC, while Tesla stock was down from its highs and foolishly stated that he was still maximum short. In this interview he was laughing at Tesla stocks, parabolic move and called Tesla one of his favorite short positions.

According to Jim, his viewpoint hasn't changed because Tesla is still a car company and will still lose money this year. Well, the other is when a stock goes. Parabolic, like Tesla other winter, we are still, we are still basically maximum short Tesla. It's still one of my favorite positions, nothing's changed in my viewpoint.

Here this is a car company. It will lose money again this year. What I find fascinating about Tesla is that the 2021 estimates which track the stock on the way up are now being cut dramatically. I think Tony Sacco nagi, who you know, cut his 2021 adjusted EPS number yesterday from $ 18 to $ 11.

I mean that's not affected by the virus, so I mean we're seeing we're seeing big number cuts in this company they're building two plants. They finished China they're building Berlin. They are increasing capacity, I think exactly at the wrong time and if you know anything about manufacturing economics, you know that units. You also need to cover your overhead if you're, building more and more capacity and if you're not producing at 90 plus percent of capacity you're, basically not going to be profitable.

Mark Spiegel manages as much money as your grandma but still gets plenty of media coverage because of how arrogant he is he's most famous for the following clips. So the name of this presentation is Tesla is still a zero-day. Now before we start, let's disclose each of you what your stakes are here financially Mike, we'll start with you yeah. So where are its stock here? Yeah we're short Tesla via outright stock, and we own long dated putts and some short data puts and yeah it's a seven-figure dollar amount of stock that we're short all right and Galileo yeah.

So I'm a Tesla shareholder. I own 60 shares all right, good stuff. Okay, so we're gon na break this into three parts: we're gon na go through the financials so by the numbers, then we're gon na go into the technology and then we'll go into. Of course, mr.

must Elon Musk himself. So, let's start with the numbers themselves: earnings were good right. These past quarters, this past quarter has been really good. Losses were a little bit bigger than expected, but they did be on revenue slightly here, four billion in revenue versus an expected three point: nine nine 16 %.

The stock soared. You did really well that day Bears did not do very well that day. What was your reaction when he saw this report? Well, I first have to ask about something you just said: yeah, you said earnings were good. I mean what I'm seeing here.
This is the earnings. They had a gap loss of over 700 million dollars. How is that? Possibly good I'm at the revenue, so I meant the top one hollow is good. Earnings came in way more losses than expected right, so growing, profitless revenue, in fact growing money losing revenue is not a sustainable business.

With the recent rise of nikola motors mark, Spiegel has recently been siding with Nicola, as he stated that the Tesla semi is going to Nichola semi. The funny thing about mark is that he covered his short position in the 700s and 800s and and later riba. His short position when tesla stock dropped to the 400s now with Tesla stock reaching all-time highs mark is beefing with billionaire Ron Baron and his bullish view on Tesla by stating keep thanking Tesla especial Ron, you silly fanboy with Marc's seven-figure amount, shorting Tesla, it's no secret! That he's losing at least seven figures of his clients money. In a recent letter sent to his shareholders, Marc admitted that he was not only in shorting the stock, but also Tesla call options.

His reasons for this was because Tesla has no moat, has a terrible balance sheet and that Elon Musk is extremely untrustworthy. David Einhorn once had a net worth of one point: four billion dollars in March of 2018, but we saw that net worth dropped to 700 million dollars in a span of just one year. Now we're still waiting for a recalculation of David Einhorn stat worth, but it'll. Certainly drop significantly after his horrible investments from 2012 to 2015, David Einhorn was beating the S & P 500, but since then it's clearly gone downhill for him.

On March 31st, 2029 Horne filled a 13 F filing showing that he had recently bought Tesla, put options. Tesla stock was at five $ 50, a share on March 31st and now that it's at 1,000, it's safe to say that Einhorn is losing a boatload of money. He has also been a large investor in General Motors, which has been on the decline over the past five years. Einhorn is most famous for the following clip I'd like to remind everybody that the ideas I'm about to present our existing positions in our portfolio.

We may change our positions at any time today. I'd like to talk about planes, trains and automobiles. Let's start with automobiles Napoleon once said: never interrupt your enemy. When he's making a mistake, so I won't just watch the screen.

That's a lot of horse, despite all these short sellers laughing at one point, it's becoming blatantly obvious that they should have cut their losses and admitted that they were wrong a long time ago. Now it's our turn the last back at them. Let me know what you think about these Tesla short sellers in the comment section below. If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button and subscribe with.
That being said, I'll see you in the next one.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Tesla short sellers are in huge trouble”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aperkins07 says:

    Idk, reviewing the quote about Elon, if thatโ€™s true, I agree with the short seller that itโ€™s horse shit if Elon really thought that itโ€™s financially insane to own anything other than a Tesla

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve C says:

    Musk: When your enemy (Einhorn) is sleeping don't wake them up.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sekai Ni Heiwa says:

    no one lost anything on short probably a few sheep, the message is clear – sheep do not short that's our f. job you continue buying

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Tingle says:

    BREAKING NEWS!..vocal Tesla short Mark Spiegel's twitter account has just been permanently suspended for constant violations! ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marki McRae says:

    Must have felt sick when tsla announced their split that was probably the most epic short squeeze Iโ€™ve ever witnessed

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shigetasan says:

    Please comment if you followed Gordon Johnson's advice and shorted Tesla. How did you exit? How do you feel about him now?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bulldog985 says:

    Trading with hate. May all you pessimistic short sellers burn in hell!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electrodude says:

    Tesla sport beating million dollars super cars form 0-60mph, make Tesla very popular and Tesla has the luxury of a supply issues not demand issue. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Lavigne says:

    If you are short on Tesla and have lost ,you can always get out of your position. Arrogant f#%$%heads. Too many people watched The Big Short

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Living with Luci says:

    love watching these videos in HINDSIGHT. xD glad i never shorted Tesla. LONG LONG TO THE MOON

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Kempton says:

    The guy in the headline didn't lose #300 million ON Tesla, he lost it betting AGAINST Tesla.
    Dumbass. What'd he do, buy NIKOLA?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wade Gorder says:

    I saw this Paypal guy start a rocket company and talk about going to space, I thought wow how arrogant and stupid is this moron, thinks he can make spaceships. Then he did it, and he did it better than anyone had ever done it before. Rather than get upset over being wrong I came to the realization that he just might know what he is talking about. What I will not do is call him a failure because he took a bit longer to do the impossible than he originally thought it might. Now I am a Tesla share holder, and I will be a Starlink shareholder when it IPO's, I will invest in every company he has if it goes public.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DILEEP KUMAR says:

    Even if I loose all my money in Tesla, I wouldn't have any regrets because he is a genius.
    He is self made and definitely a living legend.
    USA people should be proud on having him

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andres D says:

    They are probably ok as they are probably getting paid huge amounts of money to trash Tesla by big oil and ICE manufacturers.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey D says:

    No one cares about valuations these days. The mindset is simply "Well, tsla is going up, I'll buy it. Some other MOE will pay more for it some day". Glad I didnt short or go long tsla, as both positions would keep me up at night

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Santos says:

    I'll be happy to see these shorts dudes toast. Now it's September 2020, the bloodletting might be enough to ease off some arrogance.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars quantomic1106 says:

    Saying that Tesla is just a car company is like saying Amazon is just an online book store.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harlock2day says:

    Short Sellers, of any stock, should rot in hell. To drive a title down for their benefit to the expense of others is disgusting.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kevin almeida says:

    a 5 split is aggressive and spit in investors face!!! i would be pissed if i paid over 2000 for a stock then they split it down to 400 range???? i think a 2 split would have been the safe move and it would better honor investor

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars werner vรถgeli says:

    The short sellers would be excellent employees of Donald Trump. They produce alternative facts non-stop. They believe, just like Trump, that a constant false assertion will eventually become the truth. The short sellers could read the truth from the actual stock market events. Alternatively, you could just for once take a look at what TESLA really does. TESLA is a holistic energy concept in which not coincidentally also cars / means of transport are included. To compare Tesla with car manufacturers is pure nonsense and shows the ignorance of these unique preachers of doom.

    The Short Sellers will perish. 25 billion loss is only the beginning. Stupidity is really dangerous.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars harrison wintergreen says:

    Look, it was obvious the Titanic was sinking.

    Doesn't mean it's a good idea to bet on the exact second the ship went under.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brenda Brenda says:

    Itโ€™s silly to me that a founder of a company canโ€™t use his two fucking eyes and his peanut brain to clearly see Tesla isnโ€™t just a car company. His valuations are based off primitive thinking

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yousif Ahmad says:

    I would love if u do an updated video, cuz those short sellers are really fucked now

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PLOO tow says:

    The attendants in Einhorst's presentation and other investors who made short sell TSLA they all cry like baby now. I went in TSLA late b/c of those negative investors to TSLA, but am making $2K just a few TSLA stocks. I am waiting for battery day on 23rd. Hoping TSLA can shoot like SPACEX around $800. GO TSLA!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MedicalMansion says:

    Yeah, getting an enemy out of Elon Musk, not smart. Might as well put that deer head on and run in to your closet homie.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Walsh says:

    Well done! Why do these short sellers all look like arrogant assholes?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars apollo_1 says:

    Short sellers should do 0-60 launch in any Tesla model. In less than 4 seconds they would have made the right call.

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