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With Tesla stock consolidating near all time highs, the Tesla short sellers are going insane. In this video, I cover the Tesla short sellers' reactions to Tesla's Q2 earnings and more.
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With tesla stock beginning to consolidate at all-time highs, it definitely hasn't been an enjoyable year for tesla skeptics. So the name of this presentation is tesla is still a zero tesla's. Recent report of its q2 earnings was the fourth consecutive quarterly profit, making the stock practically a guarantee for s p, 500 inclusion. Now tesla has clearly demonstrated that it doesn't have a demand or money problem and, as a result, many of the tesla short sellers are running out of excuses.

Those that remain are beginning to go insane with crazy conspiracy theories in this video i'm going to cover the insanity of the tesla short sellers reactions to q2 earnings and more, if you're new to the channel. Please consider subscribing for more content like this and let's get right into it with tesla stock at such a high price. It certainly looks foolish for tesla bears to come out to the media. One of tesla's largest bears barclays recently went on an interview with cnbc to tell other tesla bears to stay in their caves.

Brian johnson, who works at barclays, attempted to value tesla as a car company and compare the number of vehicles tesla sold with other automakers. This brings them to his price target of three hundred dollars yeah. This is our second shelter in k warning. We had one after first quarter when we were above consensus first on deliveries and then following that on earnings um.

This quarter we're actually looking for positive gap. Earnings which would qualify for smp and frankly, despite our long-term differences on valuation, that, especially in a market like we have today with the tech stocks, that's hard momentum to fight so hence stay in your caves. This is what i call the hidden effect, as many of the prominent tesla bears will only talk to the media about the stock being down so that they can keep their reputation. Gordon johnson, one of the most famous tesla short sellers, recently went on an interview with wizard institute, which is a youtube channel that claims that they are the number one platform to learn.

Smart investing, however gordon's interview, which has been on youtube for two days. Now only has 19 views welcome to wizards institute the number one community to learn: smart, investing and financial independence. Gordon johnson keeps running out of excuses, and his most recent argument is that the epa is lying about tesla's range, but gordon you haven't addressed my question about the software tweaking and their ability to be ranked higher, not by them but by the epa. How do they do that? If there's no technology there, are they lying or is there something else going on? I just told you they're lying, i mean i'm looking at this.

I can send you this chart the inside ev's article. They tested tesla's cars, but i'm talking about no you, my question is epa, has ranked them higher and higher based on tweaking not changing the batteries. Is that a mistake? Is that or because to me? I don't really care. I didn't answer your question.
I don't care, let me let me answer the epa is saying they have a certain range. This company tested those ranges. The actual real world driving range, as a percent of epas for tesla, is by far less than everybody else. Tesla's model 3 sr plus is 72.

The jaguar i pay: okay, it's a hundred and eight percent, so so the eps questions appears off. The epa is wrong: yes, they're wrong. I see nice epa is wrong. Okay and mark spiegel, who has lost millions, sorting tesla, seems to be going insane with his conspiracy theories.

Previously, he would argue about tesla's, low volume of sales and earnings losses, but now that those arguments are logical, he's now basing his bare thesis around conspiracy theories. Ashley vance, the author of the book, elon musk tesla spacex in a fantastic future, recently went on twitter to talk about mark's investment into tesla, put options mark who is furious at tesla's q2 earnings told ashley about how elon musk is a fraud. Ashley replied to mark's tweet by saying: hey mark, i'm sorry for your loss, hinting at the facts that mark lost a lot of money from shorting tesla mark replied by telling him all i have on my side are facts. Mr hack, later on, in the conversation mark said, there isn't much to debate when you call musk a fraudster, for which we can both cite numerous examples, i'll retract my statement.

Otherwise, as far as i'm concerned, you're aiding and abetting someone who defrauds investors mark spiegel is clearly beginning to go insane as his arguments against tesla are based on questioning the legality of the system rather than questioning the fundamentals. Another key point that gordon attempts to make in this interview is that the cyber truck has no demand and that the eevee pickup truck competition is coming and then you know they had a quarter where they could. You know basically execute on these execute these uh reservations and show growth in fundamentals right revenue. You know not really profit, but the problem is they don't have another car coming like this cyber truck that they say they're going to build in the us, i mean you've.

Seen it right, i mean it's, i i don't think that a lot of people are going to be buying. You know this cyber truck um and by the time it's launched, you're going to have a number of competitors. Uh gm is going to have an electric vehicle. Chevrolet is going to have an electric vehicle.

I guess that is gm um uh nissan you're just going to have so many electric vehicle electric truck vehicles in the market uh by the time the cyber truck is actually launched. It's not going to be a first mover advantage for tesla. Obviously, this statement is extremely off when we look at the pre-order numbers. The cyber truck already has 700 000 pre-orders and that doesn't even encapsulate the entire market for the pickup.

Not only that, but gordon attempting to value tesla as a car company is getting the picture completely wrong. Elon musk's master plan, part 2 has demonstrated the vision not just with tesla vehicles, but also with tesla energy chamath. A prominent venture capitalist recently went on cnbc to explain the potential of tesla energy in the next 20 years and here's the thing andrew. What the bulls will get right, and what the bears will ignore from here is that this is no longer about cars that that's the first wave of growth, and i think people are pricing in an evisceration of traditional autos and an enormous shift to evs, of which Tesla will get the disproportionate share so now.
What is the bet? If you ask me, as an investor who loves that company, it was in page four or five of their quarterly earnings release where they talk about the energy business and they said a couple of interesting things. The first is that it was profitable and the second is that they're also producing software now that allows effectively anybody to become a distributed utility. So what is that worth melissa? This is worth trillions of dollars and the reason is because, if you look at the debt stocks and the earnings potential and the regulatory framework that has allowed local utilities to thrive, it is measured in hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars with no more legitimate excuses To back into many tesla skeptics are now slowly becoming bulls. One year ago we saw jim cramer, who was previously skeptical about tesla, become extremely bullish on the stock, from an agnostic skeptic to an outright now we're seeing bob a well-known automotive, executive and tesla skeptic.

Finally, realized the brilliance of elon musk, mercedes, bmw, volkswagen, gm audi and porsche are all coming out with 300 mile electric luxuries to death. I think they're doomed bob just before i go to mike. Do you put tesla now in that same category because you've been skeptical tesla throughout and yet you know there there is an argument to be made. They've done a remarkable job.

You could question the valuation, i imagine but go ahead. Yeah i i am. I am. I fully admit that i was one of the tesla skeptics when it looked like they were running out of cash and elon musk was behaving somewhat erratically.

I didn't think the company had a chance, especially when they had when they had to raise money when they were under a federal investor or sec investigation. I tried to do that once as a ceo, and i was, i was told you can't we're not going to let you raise capital while you're under investigation by the sec. Somehow you know he managed to dodge that bullet and i give him all the credit in the world. There's no question that uh elon is brilliant.

He and like many brilliant people, he has some somewhat erratic sides, but it doesn't change the fact that he's brilliant he's done a remarkable job. Tesla products have improved vastly in quality over the last 18 months. His his design work is terrific, so they're good cars uh. The company appears to be stable, um.
Electric vehicles are probably on on a growth trend, but all of that does not explain. Evaluation like that compared to companies like uh, general motors, volkswagen, mercedes-benz and so forth. It's uh, yes, yes, many people were wrong about tesla myself included. Yes, they're doing a remarkable job with the vehicles yeah, they probably have a pretty good future, but nothing.

Just no rational arguments can justify evaluation like that, except that everybody believes it's going to go up. Some more along with bob earlier in 2020, we also saw steve eisemann, who was one of the main characters in the movie named to the big short cover, his tesla short after realizing how logical the move was. Let me know if you think we'll get any other conversions and who will it be in the comment section below if you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one.

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24 thoughts on “Tesla short sellers are going insane”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coconut Palm says:

    "Wizards Institute" sounds like a classic Trevor Milton scam company

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greg baniak says:

    what a BS, Tesla beats Jaguar any time. His numbers are totally wrong, what a prick!!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bart us says:

    Gordon is so special. He needs to be preserved and put on to look at in a curio cabinet. Forever.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike G says:

    I was watching this for a 3rd time just for some laughs…. Then I noticed Gordon Johnson's name tag on whatever web meeting they were using is "Michelle Johnson". Thereby indicating he either can't afford his own account, or lacks the professionalism to care. I prefer to think its his mom's name and he has been forced to live in her basement due to all the money he lost on shorting Tesla. He sneaks up to the living room and does zoom calls with anyone who will listen to him when she goes out for groceries. Just a theory, but certainly more realistic then some the garbage he is spewing.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Name Last Name says:

    my 119 shares are taking the food out of the delusional and demented short sellers mouths.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WAFFLEooFILMS says:

    I reserved a Cybertuck and a Tesla car and I don't eve have money for either! Lol. I'm just not gonna buy my next car unless it's a Tesla!

    Basically the most reliable car in the world and it keeps getting better for OUR benefit.

    300 miles per charge
    0 to 60 in under 8 seconds for ALL cars.

    Basically no maintenance! You can drive anywhere and back and not worry about anything breaking down.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlikenavE says:

    Loved this video on 1.25x. Started buying TSLA in 2018 feels good. Goin' long.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dante Fajardo says:

    I'm just watching this so I can laugh. If people are stupid enough to invest in an imaginary asset like bitcoin, why is it foolish to invest in an actual asset.

    Whenever he says Tesla short sellers i'm really laughing.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karol Kupec says:

    Energy is all around us it is free, soon Tesla will not have to be plugged at all and will be charged by free energy, same will be for our houses 🏠 Dream big and make it happen. God loves you 🗽❤️👍🙏✈️💰

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karol Kupec says:

    Tesla is grate, made mucho and will make mucho more, future can not be stoped. 🗽❤️👍✈️ Tesla

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Son says:

    Common sense is becoming a rare commodity! Even a kid knows the difference between a successful venture and a failure

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Burt says:

    These short sellers are financial technical analyst with absoloutely no technical understanding of computer technology and infrastructure. They are focused on an electric car when they should understand the fundamentals of AI and an ecosystem similar to Apple. They missed the boat on technology. I feel a little sorry for them that they hired the wrong technical advisors.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Riley Kilgore says:

    I tweeted at mark.. got blocked. Sorry not sorry

    Told him during these hard times we really should take care of people, especially those that lost money on poorly executed shorts. 😉

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C C says:

    your telling me theirs going to be 1 million jack asses driving around in these stupid looking cyber trucks. lord have mercy on our souls.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sapitron says:

    I don't understand the value of EV cars in a future where telecommuting will be the norm, not the exception. It's like all these tesla bulls are living in a parallel dimension

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gonegahgah says:

    I feel like Michelle Johnson is standing on a beach and is calling an approaching tidal wave a ripple… Keep standing firm Michelle!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MichaelAaronBerger says:

    Dude don't say its guaranteed… wtf. you have no proof it will be. direct speculative statements make you the same as the solving the money problem guy.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Webb says:

    5 years of buy sell buy sell TSLA to start with, then changing tactics to suit current trend has brought me over 80% per annum return for whole 5 years. (Sharescope records). I’m a non-sophisticated investor and do not try the clever gambling stuff. I bought a new Model S, unseen and untried, also 5 years ago, which is now a better car than when I bought it. Now I’m told I have been defrauded, am victim of a Ponzi etc. Should these ‘experts’ be in secure hospitals somewhere. Had I followed their advice I would be in as deep a hole as they are now but guess what, even after taking out living money on the way I could now buy 127 new Tesla Roadsters with my tsla shares.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roedy Green says:

    Tesla has lots of geeky customers. How come none of them are complaining?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheAnipeace says:

    Those shortsellers kinda remind me of nazi germany… believing in the endsieg even tho the war was lost from 42 onwards

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Epicscore Eu says:

    There not wrong to short TSLA, company is worth 600$ a share and trading at 1500$ but so is every tech comapny now during Covid..When we return to normal, thats the time to SHORT tech companies.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars terenfro1975 says:

    Yeah, right. Fan boy alert. Constant SEC investigations, extreme corporate debt, and they produce over priced products that 80% of the people can not afford. Plant has been closed on and off just like everyone else in California. Simple fact is people are just speculating on this stock and in the long run it’s not worth anything. There’s a difference in speculation on short term pricing and real investing and owning a company. Simple reason why YouTube is a collection of con artist is this channel right here.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Thompson says:

    I feel bob lutz's extreme discomfort when admitting he was wrong about telsa, it is hard to admit to failure. Good for him, says a lot about him

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GracefulCubix says:

    These shorts are a great deal similar to the unmoving dumbness of anti vaxxers

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