In a presentation with DRES Dalhousie, Jeff Dahn unveiled the results of his new battery, which showed that his battery could last at least 3.25 million miles. In this video, I discuss how the applications of this battery will change the car industry and grid energy storage industry forever.
Jeff Dahn's full interview with DRES Dalhousie:
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When tesla's new battery was officially unveiled, many people were not shocked by the results, the most pressing question being. What is the lifetime of tesla's new battery while we still haven't gotten any updates on the lifetime of tesla's new battery tesla's battery research partner, jeff don has hinted that tesla's new roadrunner cell has a staggering lifetime, not only that, but don also unveiled the results of His new battery - that's a lifetime of at least that's right, at least 3.25 million miles in this video. I'm gon na go over the results of jeff don's laboratory tests of his new batteries and explain why these results will change everything we know about cars forever. Welcome to cas games academy if you're new to the channel, please consider subscribing for more content like this and let's get right into it.

I'm sure many of you have heard of the new battery breakthroughs that will chronicle revolutionized the world. For years, we've been told that solid state batteries would dominate the next century only to be met with no results. These battery research companies always have charts that compare lithium-ion batteries to their own chemistry. Yet if we take a closer look, these charts understate the potential of lithium-ion batteries by a large margin.

For example, take a look at this chart revealed by quantum scape, a research firm that is looking to create solid-state batteries. The company purposely understated the potential of lithium-ion by at least one-third lithium-ion batteries have the potential to reach 400 watt hours per kilogram, but it is stated as 300 watt hours per kilogram on the chart. Charts like these make people skeptical of the innovation of lithium-ion batteries. But jeffton has shut down these claims down recently with his new findings when jeff don and his team revealed their lab results.

That hinted at a million mile battery the internet went crazy. A million mile battery would open up many opportunities for actually making money with your car, such as robo, taxis and vehicle-to-grid technology, which i'll soon cover to put into reference. How large of a distance a million miles is tesla's. Current batteries lost around 300 000 to 500 000 miles, so a million miles would mean an increase of over 100 percent after three years of testing don found out that his cells actually had a lifetime of over 2 million miles.

More specifically, don's battery had about 3.5 million kilometers in lifetime, which is equivalent to 2.17 million miles. All of these show no evidence of failure at all after three years and 10 000 cycles. So you know it's pretty incredible. A well-designed lithium ion cell can can work like a charm for a very, very long time now believe it or not.

More data has shown that don's battery could last over 3.25 million miles. In its worst case scenario, what is the worst case scenario? You may ask if you have an electric vehicle, what you'll be told is not allow the batteries to go under or over a certain percentage. For example, they might tell you to avoid letting the battery go below 20 capacity and also avoid letting it go above. 80 capacity, this isn't to say that the battery can't go from zero to 100, but the lifetime would be a lot less if you charge your vehicle from 0 to 100 and then 100 to 0 many times going from zero to 100 and then back to zero.
Again is the worst case scenario for a battery. The lifetime would be significantly shorter. This is what would be called one hundred percent of discharge, also known as 100 dod don tested his battery over 20 000 cycles with 100 depth of discharge and found out that his battery could last 15 000 cycles and still have roughly 90 of its capacity. If we multiply 15 000 with its estimate of the driving range 217 miles, then we get 3.25 million miles.

Yes, even with the worst case scenario, don's battery would be able to last 3.25 million miles, not only that, but what he found out was that when you use around 25 percent of the battery per day, then the battery could literally last tens of millions of miles. Most of us only use a small portion of the range provided by an ev for everyday commuting, so this is actually a realistic scenario. If you're doing these short range trips, 25 depth of discharge. Look at this there's absolutely no loss.

Two and a half years. 15. 000 cycles, so well-designed lithium batteries are used in vehicles. The lifetime is going to be incredibly long now that we know that don's new battery can last for literally tens of millions of miles.

We can open our minds to the types of use for this battery. In just a spoiler alert, this battery is about to change the way you see not just electric vehicles, but also cars in general. With such a high lifetime, tesla's new battery has plenty of uses both for making money and also revolutionizing transport, don separated the uses into four key categories: vehicle-to-grid technology grid, energy storage, multi-use batteries and ideal applications. First, let's start with vehicle-to-grid technology.

Typically, when you think of cars, what usually comes to mind is that cars are depreciating assets unless you're buying a collector's car or a small minority of used vehicles. Chances are that you're going to lose money when you purchase a car tesla is about to change that with vehicle-to-grid technology. You'll actually be able to sell energy to utility grids and make money. How this will work is that you'll charge your vehicle at work and when you come back home you'll be able to sell that energy tesla's autonomous software will then discharge your battery.

Just at the point where you can go back to work so for a typical routine. You wake up and drive to work. Then, assuming your workplace has a charger. You can plug your ev in to have a charge up when your work ends and you drive back home.
You plug your ev into your house charger and instead of using your house charger charging, your ev it'll actually discharge your ev, while discharging you're actually selling your energy to utility grids. Energy prices are much higher at this time than it is while you're at work. After all, everyone's charging, their evs watching tv and etc you'll be able to take advantage of this price difference and make money. Tesla's autonomous software will be able to sell just the amount of energy until your battery has enough energy to drive to work.

That way, you can drive to work, charge your ev and repeat this cycle over again, usually vehicle through. It doesn't make sense economically, because your battery will degrade and eventually die off with a higher lifetime. You can constantly buy and sell energy and never have to worry about your battery. Degrading jeff don explains that this is especially ideal with electric school bosses.

A good example is a school bus. Like you know, in the morning the school bus is gon na, go gather up, the kids take them to school, and then it's parked and it's parked. When the sun is shining in the middle of the day. It should be charging at that point and then, when it's in the afternoon the school bus takes the kids home and then, during the night time it can be discharged into the grid.

You know at the time of day that lucas was talking about when everybody's coming home plugging in their you know, making dinner. Turning on lights running a tv all these school bus can be discharging to just the level where they have enough enough electricity to make the first morning drive again. The next potential use for this battery is grid energy storage. The potential here is absolutely massive.

Enormous companies can literally be made out of this potential. Essentially don is proposing a grid energy storage plan where you'll be able to lease out energy storage from utility companies. Tesla currently has a power wall where you'll be able to store extra energy from solar panels and potentially use it at night. With grid energy storage, you can avoid getting a tesla powerwall and instead use grid energy storage, which will be able to lease out that storage for you to use from the utility company's perspective.

This makes a lot of sense for high lifetime batteries. You'll be able to lease out energy at practically no battery degradation, and once you hit that point where you've made your money back, it's practically free money from there. The data that i showed you earlier showed no sign of degradation over 10 000 cycles. So how long will those cells? Last - i don't know the answer you know and if you're in the grid grid energy business a lot of the models today.

Are you sell an energy storage system to an energy provider? You make money one time when you sell this device, but if you take an alternative approach and say: listen instead of selling this device, i'm gon na lease it i'm gon na lease it at a fairly low cost. Now, with the car that can last for such a long period of time, the battery will definitely outlast the exterior of the car. There's been a lot of criticism of batteries because, after all, when the batteries are all used, where are you going to put them? This is an issue that will be solved with tesla's new battery many approach, this issue by recycling batteries for other use with a longer lifetime. There's no need to do this.
Instead, you can purchase one battery and use that battery for multiple vehicles. This will drastically decrease the cost to purchase future evs and incentivize ev owners to stay electric. Lastly, ideal applications will be changed forever with the use of tesla's battery. By this statement i mean electric boats and aircraft.

You may think that such technology is many years away, but it's actually already here. In fact, a company named eco sightseeing has already announced that they will be using tesla's batteries to power passenger boats using two tesla model. S battery packs eco sightseeing claims that their boat will actually be able to cruise for 14 hours straight before needing to be recharged. You won't have to smell that disgusting diesel fuel or hear the loud sounds that come from the motor with batteries.

You can have a quiet and clean smelling ride, while going at fast speeds in the following clip don explains the potential applications of tesla's new battery for high cycle intensive travel, a ferry that they run between sweden and denmark. It's about a half an hour journey. A little bit less, it makes 46 trips per day, so that's 46 charge discharge cycles per day. It turns out in three years there's about 10 there's about a thousand days, so that's 46 000 cycles in three years.

So some of these applications, you need incredibly long cycle life, lithium ion cells, as don explained tesla's high cycle lithium-ion batteries unlock this gigantic opportunity for short distance ferries. This makes a lot of sense for the ferry company. Batteries are much cheaper and quieter than traditional gasoline engines. Overall, it's exciting to see tesla's development of a multi-million mile battery as it unlocks the vast opportunities to disrupt energy storage and travel.

Let me know your thoughts and, if there's any other possible disruptions for tesla's new battery. If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one.

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29 thoughts on “Tesla just changed everything”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Hooper says:

    It's a bit early for me to get excited! They must know the cost inputs into making the batteries…why not share their cost estimates now so we can be fully informed. And my thoughts are graphine will be the future material for battery production. The extraction of Lithium in China and South America has a huge environmental cost that will have deterious effects on people and the land that will not be recoverable.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Hanna says:

    If I ran a company and somebody plugged their car in everyday and charged it. If I figured out that they were selling the energy at their house I would fire them so fast and have them prosecuted for theft.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJ 8U says:

    I can already see a Tesla CyberBoat 🚢. A boat with body designed of the Cybertruck 👍 and a 500+ plus like range and a Tesla networks of Superchargers in the Sea or port 🙉.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CodyMonster says:

    So you go from miles to kilometer, then back to miles and have more miles than when you started… uh huh….

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rumple Stiltskin says:

    That's great, but how far can that battery take a vehicle on a single charge. I am assuming that your million mile battery is the battery's total life expectancy.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mifphilip says:

    people in this chat thinks that, this new battery will keep it's charge for 2,5 million miles. it wont!!!!!! but it will be able to recharge from 0% to 100% so you can drive 2,5 million miles. with out losing capacity.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Downie says:

    A question, are the raw materials available for upscaling this worldwide and what will the environmental cost and impact be?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mosotti says:

    That's if you're stupid enough to believe what they say. For the moment these are only promises. Unfortunately Musk is a fucking liar, but people are too retarded to remember what he says and just swallow the next cum dump of empty promises. Remember when he says he had secured investors to take Tesla private? There was no such thing, pure lie. Remember when he said in 2017 that full self-driving will arrive in "3 months maybe, 6 months definitely"? At the end of 2020 they aren't even close. Pure lie. Now people take this new battery announcement like it's the second coming of Christ. I'm not even going into that Hyperloop crap and what a fucking failure it is, which is not at all surprising, considering that only completely uneducated people would get hyped by that shit.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Senf Tube says:

    That’s stunning, but when you want to compute then mileage the battery lasts you have to consider the degradation. For example: the capacity falls linear to 50% over 100 cycles, and the cars initial range was 100mi. Then, the battery doesn’t last 100x100mi=10k mi, but 100x75mi (average range) =7500. just saying

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Larsen says:

    For all of you who think that electric vehicles will cut down on fossil fuels, think for a second and realize that over 75 % of the electricity in America is still produced by fossil fuel. So you can pollute with your electric vehicle just as much as with gasoline or diesel engines. Welcome back to earth.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Clarizio says:

    How can you use the battery for additional vehicles if the battery is built into the frame? More likely, you will be able to return/recycle the battery with Tesla and Tesla will credit you for the next vehicle.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hit029 says:

    Tesla is not only going to take down all the oil companies but also all the electricity providers if they don't innovate like Tesla is doing. right now Tesla has a laser focus on innovation rather than making money.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anulbonecrusher says:

    Thank you for supporting the belief that if we mastered 1800-1900’s technology for cheap, why not distribute it

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Golightly says:

    Why would your employer be willing to pay money to charge your Tesla if you’re gonna sell that electricity when you get home???

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Setekh says:

    So nothing about the cost vs. mileage, or the impact on the environment for producing or getting rid of such a battery, or its weight or energy density. Just the same old: you can charge your battery wirelessly from the road or parking and sell it back at home. I hope for their sake that's just your mistake and not their actual selling point.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helluva Change says:

    Have the figures been audited? Also, what is the carbon footprint cost of producing one full charge? What is the efficiency ratio of the new battery (energy stored/energy input to charge it)?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars keensweep says:

    So tesla is promoting its car with the idea that you can steal electricity from your workplace..

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny B. Good says:

    What about a longer range ? With a battery that could last let’s say 1000km .How would that change the Battery Life ?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pro1er says:

    It was only very briefly mentioned in the video but they need to address the problem of rust. Where I live in Michigan you can have salt clinging to your car for half of the year. I remember about 45 years ago there was a congressman in Michigan's U.P. that wanted to ban road salt because as he said, "I've never had a car fail me, they have all died of cancer. (rust)" I can say the same thing. When I got rid of my old high-mileage cars, they ran perfectly fine, but the body and frame were always full of holes.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Bertell says:

    Anyone else see that the spac gigcapital2 is taking Bolder Industries public. I like the green initiative to take recycled tires and turn them into usable products. Currently still under the ticker GIX and GIXWS for the warrants. Still flying under the radar.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scot Johnson says:

    Lithium-ion batts are a good thing but they have their negative side that is slowly being changed. The next great battery is the ALUMINIUM-ION battery. Longer life, easier to recycle, and cheaper to make. In 5 years EV's will be going for 10,000,000 miles if not more.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sanford Fahy says:

    中共國糧票 扮資本上市 你點查佢數 ?!!查唔到佢數 嘅股東 你算擁有甚麼呢 ?!!股東們 , 小心 你哋啲 投行 !!!If the Chinese Communist Party’s food stamps are listed as investment capital, how do you check their accounts?!! If you can't find out their accounts; how do you, as a shareholder, know what you really own?!! Shareholders, be very careful about your investment bank !!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allready Notinuse says:

    That’s great but we still missing the infrastructure to use them over all . Apartments ,Jobs , gas stations for going on road trips we just do not have the infrastructure to support them right now

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack White says:

    Say the car cost 35,000. You would have to sell 300,000 kw to make your money back. It would take 8 years to pay back

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel says:

    3.25 million miles? A standard cat averages 12500 miles a year. To reach that mile range will take 260 years.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Massir Buturabi says:

    I'm so amazed at the steady growth of TSLA stocks, many years ago I bought 2000 shares at the rate of $96. so interesting I would be selling now at $431 all thanks to Anmol Singh . but just missed out on a period I was suppose to sell at $498, but I was greedy I was waiting for it to hit $520 mark before I sell and I ignored the advice of my financial advisor. it was he who advised me to buy when there was a global market crash.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F TP says:

    This video had me until about the part about selling power back into the grid. Unfortunately many people don't know about the numerous limitations in the modern power grid. This is all of course relying on cheap energy which is relying on cheap oil prices.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob bib says:

    problem is alot of people myself include normally let our batteries fully drain before we recharge it

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Δρυοπας φαναριτης says:

    tesla and all other EV are in the wrong side of the road.Unless they find another material to make their batteries than lithium cobalt and magnesium, TOYOTA hydrogen propulsion is the most logical way to go.

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