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Okay folks, so we've got a lot to discuss. Number one, the latest data on today's market, what the big money is doing behind the scenes, and why Morgan Stanley just massively upgraded Tesla Number two, the Biden Administration just declared a new battle against the American oil industry as they kill more key oil leases in some of the most oil rich areas of the United States We're going to discuss what you need to know: is this a good or a bad thing for oil prices And lastly, number three, there are a ton of key data drops coming this week like your CPI, your PPI and some other key Catalyst that we're going to need to go over with you and you're going to want to mark down. Let's get to work. and I'm going to put all the time stamps down below.

Also, I do want to take a moment to remember the 2977 people who lost their lives on 9 11 22 years ago. I was in New York last week and I visited Memorial Park and every single time I visited it's always such a painful but also very, very, very powerful reminder to never forget. and today's video is brought to you by our completely free email newsletter which but you can sign up with that first link down below. You're not going to want to miss the upcoming reports that we have for you.

Lots of good trade ideas and and key Market breakdowns coming throughout the next week. So markets were green today and Big Money is increasingly adding to their short positions and hedging against a longer dump on the market as we head into the end of the year. This has two different effects. The first is that it helps to press the rally as markets go up.

Short selling does what well it dumped a lot of shares onto the market that otherwise wouldn't be dumped and all of a sudden you get a little bit of a suppression, but it also does something else if the market continues to. Rally What happens? Well, you end up getting a squeeze on those short positions and they end up becoming buyers later on to cover. So right now is a very, very critical waiting ground to see what's coming next. That said, at the same time, you are seeing a lot of money and effort be put into the sell everything now narrative across media, which honestly is more likely to become a self-fulfilling prophecy in a market like this that's already up so massively on the year.

The S P 500 is up about 17 percent year to date, and quite frankly August and September have always been historically weak months for the market bull or barrier. So if Bears start attacking now, there's always the chance there's always the chance that this was just the usual September October slowdown and and you're going to see that year-end Market rally. There's a lot of other data dating back 50 plus years that shows that on years where the S P 500 is up 10, 15 or more by June like it was this year, then you're going to end up seeing a massive year end rally. If that does indeed happen, you're going to see a lot of folks get squeezed out real real aggressively.
Of course, the game could completely flip in 2024, but what we're looking at right now is a market where a lot of shorts are betting that the Market's going to go down while the market continues to hold at least some overall momentum. Where do you think the Market's going to go heading into December and January Let us know in the comment section down below, we love hearing from you. Moving on. The Devil's Lettuce Sector continued seeing massive, massive buying this morning as people buy on regulatory progress.

Excitement: Cgc up around 55 plus at highest today ACB up 62. Now if you watched our video six weeks ago where we said frenzy incoming, we talked about how this was what was going to happen. We warned that regulatory hype cycles for the MJ sector tend to last a few weeks. You get a pump and dump up Trend with lots of trading opportunities and I continue to believe that that's going to be the case.

I Think if you're looking at these stocks like your ACB, your Cgc, even your Tilray, you want to pay attention to them when they're breaking out. But but it's during the sell-off cycle either tomorrow or the next day where you start looking for a bottom that then goes and gets bought up again and you get the next breakout. I Think you got at least another couple of weeks for these. so again I'd say now is the time to watch for the dub and then rebound cycle if you want to play the next intracycle run next.

Moving on, we broke down onfo on Thursday and it ran from like 118, 119 to 139 and then drop like a rock to 103. I'm not happy with this play at all. Yes, it was a decent run from the original zip you trade idea alert price but it was a difficult setup after the video on Thursday and I hate it when you get these Market open dumps. it sucks.

It's very difficult to trade off that kind of play and it is what it is. I am keeping it on my radar but again I am not pleased with this so far. Looking to see if it can hold support and rebound? I Think the numbers underline the company, the ones that we broke down I Think they make sense and that there is room for an Arbitrage trade and some future catalysts, but still, you want to see the proof in the stock price. You want to see proof that it could steady out and find some support next.

Tesla Had a big jump today after a Morgan Stanley upgrade from CNN Tesla's Dojo supercomputer could fuel a 500 billion dollar jump in the electric vehicle. Makers Market Value Analysts at Morgan Stanley said in a note: Monday from Business Insider quote the same forces that have driven Amazon web services to reach 70 percent of Amazon's total ebit can work at Tesla in our view, opening up new addressable markets that extend well beyond selling vehicles at a fixed price. The Catalyst Dojo Tesla's customer super Computing effort in the works for the last five years Adam Jonas said Okay, so Tesla's market cap right now is at about 864 billion dollars, so an increase of 500 billion dollars from current prices would put us at about 1.365 trillion dollars, which is over a 100 billion bucks above all-time highs. Pretty beautiful, or about a 57 percent increase from current pricing.
Morgan Stanley raised their prize Target to 400 and this compares to the average analyst price Target on the street at only 268 dollars and this again is all because of that. Dojo Supercomputer. But what actually is the Dojo supercomputer? Charlie Charlie Well, it's a training super computer being built to make Tesla's self-driving far far more reliable and effective, but may have a lot of outside uses as well. Now it's worth mentioning that analyst for years have been putting fud out on and against this Dojo platform saying oh, it's okay and everything but it won't transform super Computing and it's just a bunch of hype.

but Morgan Stanley is one of the first major firms coming out and saying hey, actually this thing is going to really really transform the industry and is really going to be a big money maker for Tesla and it's going to make it very, very competitive Dojo According to Morgan Stanley is going to help accelerate the adoption of Tesla's planned self-driving Robo taxis as well as give them the opportunity to sell this software. ran Hardware to third parties that just simply can't compete. and that is how they are justifying this 500 billion dollar market cap increase. And in order to really really understand the excitement behind all of this, you really have to understand Tesla's internal projections on what their Dojo computer is going to be able to do and how that's going to compare to the current industry leaders.

Here's that data set you see: Dojo production started in July 2023 and then they are projected by early 2024. It's going to be the top five in the entire world. and by October 2024, you're going to be much much farther on the dramatic exponential acceleration. Trend Now of course, these are Tesla's numbers.

They're internal numbers and frequently when Tesla puts out a number of markets will look at that and they'll be like okay, okay, Tesla you're just doing some marketing. you're just trying to over promise and these numbers may not even come out from 5 10, 15 years. you're just over promising. That's how markets usually look at Tesla But when you start seeing major firms like a Morgan Stanley come out and affirm Tesla's projections to at least some extent.

All of a sudden, markets start re-looking at this, they start reanalyzing. They start thinking Hmm maybe May maybe just maybe Tesla actually is on to something here like they have been with many other things in the past. and that's why you saw so much buying today just on the analysis of this. because over the coming weeks more and more firms are going to be reanalyzing this super computer and many of them are likely going to be coming to the same conclusion that the Stanleys of Morgan did.
The more we looked at Dojo, the more we realized the potential for under appreciated value in the stock. This was reported by Fortune. Okay, moving on. next story.

The Biden Administration has done their latest string of cancellations on domestic energy projects, this time in one of the most oil rich areas in the United States within the state of Alaska And this comes at the same time as the administration is literally drafting proposals to ease Venezuela oil sanctions so that we can buy more from them. Now for key context here: under the Trump Administration, a ton of leases were approved to increase domestic energy production and decrease Reliance on other countries. However, the current Administration completely just reversed that from PBS out of Juno Alaska in an aggressive move that angered Republicans, the Biden Administration canceled the seven remain in oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic National refuge on Wednesday over turning sales held in the Trump administration's waning days and proposed stronger protections against development on vast swaths of the National Petroleum Reserve In Alaska The Department of Interior also issued a proposal to block off 13 million acres of land across the National Petroleum Reserve an area in North floatboro Alaska set aside by Congress for resource development and an additional 2.8 million of acres in the Beaufort sea off the northern coast of Alaska from oil and gas leasing. So who are the big winners of this? well, of course, foreign exporters of oil.

Whether you're talking about Saudi Arabia you're talking about Russia you're talking about Iran you're talking about Venezuela Increasingly, you're talking about China Now in terms of the losers, well, of course the American people because they're gonna have to pay a lot more the economy, especially in Alaska because all those jobs are going to be lost of course National Security because we're going to be more reliant on other countries. This is also a bad decision for the Earth because production in other countries oftentimes is less environmentally friendly than production in this country because of the different regulations. and this is in addition to aggressive actions taken back in July In July, the White House rolled out higher royalty rates on leases and increased more than 10 volt the cost of bonds that companies must pay before they start drilling. Reported the New York Times And what is the direct result in terms of pure numbers of all this? Well as the Hill reports, the number of drilling rigs operating in the U.S today is 631 down 17 percent from a year ago.

By contrast, the number of rigs operating overseas has increased. So of course when you shut down rigs here in order to save the environment, well what ends up happening is they end up going abroad to countries that again are usually against our geopolitical interests and it enriches those countries. Makes us more reliant on them, increases the prices for everybody. Not to be fair, these were key promises of Biden when he was running for office.
So I guess he is keeping promises, but is this a good move? You can let us know in the comment section down below. The truth is though folks that there are millions of Acres of easy drilling ground across the USA that few people visit that have very, very little life that don't have much in terms of any kind of value other than the resources underneath them and we just simply aren't allowed to drill on them. Meanwhile, many other countries oftentimes with less resources than we have, are able to go and drill as much as they want, take tons of money and develop their economy on a much much more rapid clip, while at the same time, of course, polluting much more than we would be doing if we simply drilled here. On top of that, oil and gas companies are becoming more and more and more resistant to invest any sort of substantial capital in drilling within the United States because quite frankly, what administration approving a lease for them is often just going to get easily overturned when that Administration changes.

a couple years later, the United States has signaled for the last 20 plus years that we are not a country to do business in. If you're in oil and gas, you are a sunset industry. You need to move abroad. Some of the richest countries on Earth have figured out ways to use their natural resources and and fund massive projects within their own countries.

or or build massive, massive Industries Even countries that you wouldn't have thought like Norway They've made tons and tons of money off their natural resources and they still have lots left They They've been very careful in terms of extracting those things and they're still able to do it here In the United States The current Administration is like no, no, no, no, let's only allow foreign Partners to drill. Let's enrich them instead of ourselves. Obviously, nobody wants to drill everywhere and you got to have some form of regulatory standard for where you can drill and how you can drill and so on, and so forth. But but just this blanket, we're going to shut down all leases because the previous administration approved them.

or because the other party approved them. Blah blah blah is a really, really bad idea. Final segment today: I Want to prepare you for all the catalysts that are going to be coming over the next week: 8 30 A.m September 13th The August Consumer Price Index will be out. Economists are now expecting a slight acceleration in inflation, a 0.5 percent month over month rise and a 3.6 year-over-year increase.

Core is expected to be up about 0.2 percent month over month and 4.3 percent year-over-year And then on Thursday you have the next European Central Bank monetary policy decisions. those can have a serious effect for Global liquidity. You also have the PPI index also out for August A rally in Energy prizes is expected to lead to a slight increase month over month up 0.4 for August as compared to just up 0.3 in July. And then finally, we have the next Consumer sentiment index out Friday as well.
Anyways, folks that caps off today's video. If you found value in it, make sure to hit that ravishing like button and subscribe and we're looking forward to seeing you in the next one.

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