Many will say that Tesla is an overvalued car company but forget to address an integral part of Tesla's business. In this video, I explain why Tesla battery farms will end power plants forever.
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28 thoughts on “Tesla battery farms will destroy utility grids”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kay Uwe Böhm says:

    Jede Stunde Sonnenergie von Solarpaneln meist aus China stimmt in der Nacht, bei viel Wolken und kurzen Tagen im kalten Winter eben nicht, in Norwegen usw. als noch lang Schnee auf Paneln und beim Abkehren von Dach gefallen.
    Hurrikan, Orkan und Tornado halten Panel wie Windräder im Meer als auch nicht aus.

    Im Mittel nur ca. 1/10 Peak in BRD mit Ersatzstrombedarf daher Solar- und Windkraft abschaltbar nicht Kraftwerke.

    Something like magnesium NH3 ammonia battery could also work in the future, but also Sabatier CNG from electrolysis H2 + air CO2 so zero carbon cycle cheap but only on the basis of new nuclear power or cold fusion with a much more efficient turbine.

    Daily lithium price explosion and import gas price rallies real cold winter expected to fight global warming alone.

    Especially after a hurricane or a hurricane as a wind farm broken.

    Cheat packs at only + 2ppm / year are CO2 dangers, so only again in 2070 + 100ppm +0 5 ° C minus cooling of sulfur and the problem is above all a lack of lithium. In purely electric cars, hybrid also saves on charging infrastructure, the lithium price in 2021 already quadrupled and there is a CO2 reduction without green excess electricity, often absolutely too little in the world, anyway not with electric cars and electric trains with line losses and little brake recuperation and a lot of coal & gas flow approx. 40% are only diesel routes without a catalytic converter the locomotives and without centrifugal filters in coal-fired power plants in coal-gas power trains in the world.

    All over the world, oil, gas & coal is increasing all the time, also in Germany, gas imports instead of fracking when nuclear power is stopped.

    2017 approx. 4% energy from solar and wind power approx. 20% electricity.

    700+ bar CNG hybrid car is also cheap in the long term with Sabatier CNG from H2 + air CO2 based on nuclear power or cold fusion with efficient turbines, which also saves heating gas.

    Only a little more CO2 if coal is burned instead of gas, but not in the overall balance with long transport routes and a lot of methane slip

    more and more imports dependent on 2016 gas import world champion and 1st lignite production

    also No. 6 Import Oil & Coal.

    Sowas wie Magnesium NH3 Ammonika Batterie könnte in Zukunft auch gehen aber sicher auch Sabatier CNG aus Elektrolyse H2 + Luft CO2 so zero carbon Zyklus günstig aber nur auf Basis von neuer Atomkraft oder kalter Fusion mit viel effizienterer Turbine.

    Tägliche Litiumpreisexplosion und Importgaspreisrallies real kalter Winter erwartet globale Erwärmung alleine bekämpfen.

    Speziell nach Hurrikan oder Orkan als Windpark kaputt.

    CO2 Gefahren sind Mogel packung bei nur +2ppm/Jahr damit erst wieder 2070 +100ppm +0 5°C minus Abkühlung von Schwefel und Problem ist vor allem auch Lithiummangel.bei rein el. Autos da spart Hybrid ein auch bei Ladeinfrastruktur, der Lithiumpreis 2021 bereits vervierfacht und eine CO2 Reduktion gibt es ohne grünen Überschußstrom, oft absolut zu wenig in der Welt, sowieso nicht bei E-Auto und E-Bahn mit Leitungsverlusten und wenig Bremsrekuperation und viel Kohle & Gasstrom ca. 40% sind nur Dieselstrecken ohne Katalysator bei den Loks und ohne Zentrifugal- Filter in Kohlekraftwerken bei Kohlegasstromzügen in Welt.

    Weltweit wird ganze Zeit und weiter Öl, Gas & Kohle erhöht auch in BRD Gasimport statt Fracking bei Atomkraftstopp.

    2017 ca. 4% Energie von Solar und Windkraft ca. 20% Strom.

    700+ bar CNG Hybridsuto geht auch langfristig mit Sabatier CNG aus H2 + Luft CO2 günstig auf Basis von Atomkraft oder kalter Fusion mit effizienten Turbinen dazu damit auch Heizgas gespart.

    Nur etwas mehr CO2 wen Kohle statt Gas verbrannt aber nicht in Gesamtbilanz mit langen Transportwegen und viel Methanschlupf dazu

    immer mehr Import abhängig 2016 Gasimportweltmeister und 1. Braunkohleproduktion
    dazu Nr.  6 Import Öl & Kohle.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kay Uwe Böhm says:

    Something like magnesium NH3 ammonia battery could also work in the future, but also Sabatier CNG from electrolysis H2 + air CO2 so zero carbon cycle cheap but only on the basis of new nuclear power or cold fusion with a much more efficient turbine.

    Daily lithium price explosion and import gas price rallies real cold winter expected to fight global warming alone.

    Especially after a hurricane or a hurricane as a wind farm broken.

    Cheat packs at only + 2ppm / year are CO2 dangers, so only again in 2070 + 100ppm +0 5 ° C minus cooling of sulfur and the problem is above all a lack of lithium. In purely electric cars, hybrid also saves on charging infrastructure, the lithium price in 2021 already quadrupled and there is a CO2 reduction without green excess electricity, often absolutely too little in the world, anyway not with electric cars and electric trains with line losses and little brake recuperation and a lot of coal & gas flow approx. 40% are only diesel routes without a catalytic converter the locomotives and without centrifugal filters in coal-fired power plants in coal-gas power trains in the world.

    All over the world, oil, gas & coal is increasing all the time, also in Germany, gas imports instead of fracking when nuclear power is stopped.

    2017 approx. 4% energy from solar and wind power approx. 20% electricity.

    700+ bar CNG hybrid car is also cheap in the long term with Sabatier CNG from H2 + air CO2 based on nuclear power or cold fusion with efficient turbines, which also saves heating gas.

    Only a little more CO2 if coal is burned instead of gas, but not in the overall balance with long transport routes and a lot of methane slip

    more and more imports dependent on 2016 gas import world champion and 1st lignite production

    also No. 6 Import Oil & Coal.

    Sowas wie Magnesium NH3 Ammonika Batterie könnte in Zukunft auch gehen aber sicher auch Sabatier CNG aus Elektrolyse H2 + Luft CO2 so zero carbon Zyklus günstig aber nur auf Basis von neuer Atomkraft oder kalter Fusion mit viel effizienterer Turbine.

    Tägliche Litiumpreisexplosion und Importgaspreisrallies real kalter Winter erwartet globale Erwärmung alleine bekämpfen.

    Speziell nach Hurrikan oder Orkan als Windpark kaputt.

    CO2 Gefahren sind Mogel packung bei nur +2ppm/Jahr damit erst wieder 2070 +100ppm +0 5°C minus Abkühlung von Schwefel und Problem ist vor allem auch Lithiummangel.bei rein el. Autos da spart Hybrid ein auch bei Ladeinfrastruktur, der Lithiumpreis 2021 bereits vervierfacht und eine CO2 Reduktion gibt es ohne grünen Überschußstrom, oft absolut zu wenig in der Welt, sowieso nicht bei E-Auto und E-Bahn mit Leitungsverlusten und wenig Bremsrekuperation und viel Kohle & Gasstrom ca. 40% sind nur Dieselstrecken ohne Katalysator bei den Loks und ohne Zentrifugal- Filter in Kohlekraftwerken bei Kohlegasstromzügen in Welt.

    Weltweit wird ganze Zeit und weiter Öl, Gas & Kohle erhöht auch in BRD Gasimport statt Fracking bei Atomkraftstopp.

    2017 ca. 4% Energie von Solar und Windkraft ca. 20% Strom.

    700+ bar CNG Hybridsuto geht auch langfristig mit Sabatier CNG aus H2 + Luft CO2 günstig auf Basis von Atomkraft oder kalter Fusion mit effizienten Turbinen dazu damit auch Heizgas gespart.

    Nur etwas mehr CO2 wen Kohle statt Gas verbrannt aber nicht in Gesamtbilanz mit langen Transportwegen und viel Methanschlupf dazu

    immer mehr Import abhängig 2016 Gasimportweltmeister und 1. Braunkohleproduktion

     dazu Nr.  6 Import Öl & Kohle.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kay Uwe Böhm says:

    Real Pu-238 super battery ?
    Plutonium-238 pellet under its own light. Pu-238, with a half-life of 87.7 years, is being used in space applications requiring a power source with a long service life. Pu-238 has a relatively high heat production rate which makes it useful as a power source. As a power and heat source, Pu-238 has also been used to power instruments left on the Moon by Apollo astronauts, navigation and weather satellites, and interplanetary probes. The interplanetary probe Pioneer-10, powered by a Pu-238 source, recently left the solar system. Image ID: 2006407

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammad was illiterate says:

    It won't end power plants until we have enough power from wind and solar, which is quite a way off yet.
    Lets remember, megapacks store energy, you have to get the energy somewhere, and we need a huge amount.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars graham mewburn says:

    Tesla Energy is unstoppable.
    Every one wins.
    The grid wins by being stabilised.
    Autobidder makes money for the battery owner. They win.
    And the consumer wins with cheaper electricity

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Eyre says:

    Go on fully electric makes us more vulnerable and we don't realize or why. Tax and energy grid that's already at its peak then why?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Eyre says:

    How would you like to be reliant on a vehicle as you're driving down the road and solar flare happens and you know how no longer have the vehicle. It will happen and there's nothing we can do about it.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Eyre says:

    So what would happen to Mega parks if we had a large solar flare? The thing that we don't take into account ability is large solar flares knockout elect go grits so a for dependent upon electricity what would happen?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angie Amanda says:

    Go shop with @darkphin3 on telegram he is the best he has been helping me with card for about three months,

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angie Amanda says:

    Go shop with @darkphin3 on telegram he is the best he has been helping me with card for about three months

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Markku Hänninen says:

    There is one big if in the thing. Power to gas storage might eventually be better due to not needing such quantity of rare earth metals. I don't think batteries won't be part of the solution, but i think they will have issue with scaling due to the need of rare earth metals.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon T says:

    theres nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking about tesla battery packs……like u said its just a collection of 18650 batteries bundled together to create a giant energy storage……most probably LG or samsung….tesla is no different from any other battery bank out there…..depending on the quality of lithium batteries u use…..

    lithium ion batteries is extremely expensive and theres limited quantities that can be produced in the world due to scarcity……if they can produce lithium batteries cheap enough and in large enough quantities to replace the power grid they would have done so already….at almost $1000 per kwh,the only people that have battery banks are currently those solar freaks.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Bee says:

    storage is key. there are literally dozens of ways to create energy- but if you can STORE IT- that's a HUGE win. the 1 gigawatt tesla/pg&e pack will be the new model that will erase peaker plants completely. with the 4680 cell architecture- & tesla production methods- meeting demands is no longer a problem. and what's even more impressive is the fact that tesla can eliminate the costly & rare raw components from this battery- ESPECIALLY for stationary storage where energy density is not nearly as crucial. 53cents per kwh for storage? will flip the energy markets into a whole new way of operating.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jake from state farm says:

    Taking the meter away from the rich at the pump and your house. Why are we not funding this instead of oil companies that pollute, destroy, and write their own laws

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Efren Pavo says:

    Philippines should install mega packs due to it's island compositions. Besides, sunlight is abundant throughout the year.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bucky badger says:

    tesla megapack is going to power the world?? sorry not going to happen. the power grid will not be replaced by the megapack. however using the megapack for backup power during power outages makes sense. batteries are just not efficient as the power grid and ICE generators. all infrastructure businesses know this. power outages usually happen during storms, not sunny days. megapacks will be drained within hours. megapacks offer good solutions to specific power problems, but not fair promote megapacks as powering the world and worth trillions and trillions and trillions. c'mon man!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob LF says:

    Coal futures are down, supplies and inventories are nearly at full capacity [there's no where to put more coal]. Coal Peaker Plants are getting shut down as they require repairs that exceed their income potential. Coal mines are shutting down also [just last week more miners died in an incident in China.] The supply line chain of Rail Coal Cars is about to choke itself as the RCCs are now being used to store the coal. Tesla has already disrupted the industry.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emerson Benito says:

    The Mega Pack is even easier to manufacture and even lower to maintain. Tesla will earn from everybody using power even those who cannot afford cars.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moses Alazzawi says:

    I like Tesla, but Organic recyclable Quinone flow batteries from Sweden are much better than Lithium-ion batteries.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed Ahsanullah says:

    So are they going to go down the virtual power plant model, like chamath says,
    or are they going to sell megapacks to govts/utilities to replace peaker plants?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ms Dee says:

    All the musk cult followers here just don’t want to know about the total result of this guys activities ,just the rainbows and ponies of the ev world
    not the reality of its human cost

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lazarus Rising says:

    The more good Elon does, the more I'm becoming increasingly concerned that he'll be assassinated by some energy tycoon. Protect this man with your lives.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars khan donkey says:

    yes i believe they will be able to disrupt power plants, the idea of connecting the energy storage to software to optimize everything will change the way that power grids work completely! I love how Elon with tesla and space x has changed the way we look at manufacturing and what our end goals should be! I'm all in on this tech based future!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars douglas todd says:

    in Scotland my pals and me used to have a saying if we wanted to get something by our parents, just something we came up with " we,ll baffle them with science" seems to me like what MUSK is doing in America.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars red32303 says:

    You do know that energy will no longer command a premium price during peak demand? Thus wiping out your justifications.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Hancock says:

    With natural gas almost free it is 1/6 of what the rest of the world pays,. And shale oil at 20$ a barrel life cycle. How other than forced government usage can this make $$ sense??? Only in places with the highest energy cost in the world–. California!!!! The most corrupt energy market in the US..

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Wennemar says:

    This is just another of the many bricks that it takes to make a functioning Mars colony. He is developing the systems that are necessary to function and at the same time making the world he is fleeing better and Musk that much richer.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alan jenkins says:

    This is a marginal gain business which is taking advantage of excess capacity produces at night that has to be paid for through increased daytime electrivity prices but is then thrown away. If you start to consume off peak electricity then the electricity companies will start to realise that they do not need to reduce the price so much as there is less waste. They can then reduce day time electricity prices. The consequence is that eventually Tesla's window of profit will go away.

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