Famous YouTuber Techlead who has more than 1 million subscribers recently released a crypto currency called million token. In this video we break down what million token is and whether of not its a scam.
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What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial with the rise in mainstream adoption of bitcoin over the past year, thousands of people have tried to cash in on the crypto craze. During the first altcoin crates of 2017, there were 1300 cryptocurrencies available on the market by july of 2021. This number has soared to more than 6 000.. To put that into perspective, the number of cryptocurrencies is about the same as the number of stocks listed on the major u.s exchanges.

Some of them, like dogecoin, were created as a joke. Others, like senta, were outright scams and deceived thousands of investors out of 32 million dollars. Recently, a new all coin, called million token, has been sucking up a lot of hype in the crypto world. It was created by the youtuber tech.

Lead techleet is an ex-google x. Facebook tech lead, who runs a youtube channel with more than one million subscribers. He used to make videos about technology and his life stories, but over the past few months he changed the direction of his channel to talking about exclusively crypto million token launched less than a month ago in early july, and the initial results have been impressive. Its market cap peaked at a high of 200 million dollars on july 14th.

According to coin gecko, it has since fallen to 69 million dollars, which is not bad for a project started by one guy a few weeks ago. The coin got so much hype. That briefly became the number one cryptocurrency on the unit swap exchange tech leads promotional comments around the coin's launch, have caused some critics to call it a scam in this video we'll discuss. What million token is why ticklate started it and, most importantly, whether or not it's a scam to start off we'll hear what million token is straight from the horse's mouth, i'm putting a million dollars of my own money into this to get us started, but this coin Can skyrocket and price it can take us to the moon? So what is million token? What's the concept? Well, it's like this million token is much like a stable coin.

One token equals one us dollar minimum, but here's the thing, unlike a normal, stable coin, where the supply changes and fluctuates to maintain the packet value. For million token, the supply is fixed, there's only 1 million tokens total worldwide. No more can ever be created as guaranteed by the smart contract code, and so for million token, although we will initialize and start it at one us dollar, each the price can actually go much higher than that, and so the tokens start at an initial minimum base. Value of one token equals one us dollar, but the value can actually rise higher than that, because there's only a total limited, fixed supply of a million tokens, total no more can ever be created, and so with more usage popularity and increasing scarcity.

As more and more people start using this, then the price can actually increase. There's nothing inherently fraudulent about the coin's structure. Technique put up one million dollars to fund the stablecoin aspect of million token. He has the money to do it and all the transactions can be viewed on the ethereum blockchain, which the coin is built on.
Tech lead provides a floor for the price at one dollar, so the coin is always worth something, but the whole idea of the coin is as massive following as well as other interested people can provide buying pressure and push up the price well above one dollar. Most of the articles, accusing tech lead of running a scam focused on his marketing and promotion of the coin. He has a massive social media following and has strongly advertised the potential of the project to yield huge gains for investors around the time of million tokens launch. He tweeted saying the coin could go to 100 million dollars at the minimum.

He encourages his followers to help the coin appreciate by buying it we'll play a clip of him promoting his coin on youtube, so you can see for yourselves, and so we did it. We did it, you guys it's marvelous. This is genius, we're going to the moon, we're going to the moon. That's right.

I mean we're going to be rich. You guys, i don't see how we cannot be rich. This is it millionaires. All of us i mean this is the key.

This was it. It was just that easy. It's like magic, while his antics are highly promotional. He technically doesn't say anything, that's not true.

After the release, the coin skyrocketed, just as he predicted all the way up to 223 dollars, it has since fallen to 67, but this is still 67 times the initial price of one dollar. The people who got in on the ground floor could have made a lot of money if they sold at the right time. To be clear, the million token has no intrinsic value besides the one dollar per coin technically put in at the beginning. The only reason it went up is the greater full theory of investing this theory states that the price of an asset is determined by whether or not you can sell to someone else for a higher price in the future.

Playing the greater full game is similar to a game of hot potato. Eventually, the asset is purchased by the last fool. Who cannot find anyone else to sell it to? This is the greatest fool and he ends up holding the bag, while everyone else before him made a profit while on its face, the greater fool theory does sound like a scam in a way, it's really no different than bitcoin. Despite what some of its proponents claim, there is no intrinsic value for bitcoin, while it can theoretically be used as a medium of exchange.

The transaction costs are prohibitive and it hasn't yet gained mainstream adoption, while some people talk about bitcoin's function as a store of value or usefulness for some vague future technologies. The vast majority of bitcoin investors buy purely because they think demand will continue to increase and they'll. Be able to sell it to someone else at a higher price in the future. There's no fundamental value bitcoin only goes up because it has limited supply and people want to buy it.
The same could be said for gold. There is some value as inputs for jewelry and some electronic devices, but this alone cannot explain the 10 trillion dollar aggregate market value of the world's gold supply, possibly the most ridiculous example of the greater fool theory is modern art. This piece of so-called art looks like a printing defect. It would take a third grader three to four minutes, to make something of this quality in art class it sold at auction for 84.3 million dollars.

You could buy this private island resort in the mall dives, which includes an airport for 20 million dollars less than this modern art. Some rich people buy modern art because they genuinely like how it looks. Others buy it for money laundering purposes, but a significant portion buy it for the greater fool's theory. They think that they can eventually sell to someone else for even more absurd price tech leads million.

Token is a greater fool's asset, just because it's a greater fool's theory that doesn't mean it's a scam. There's no reason to believe anything. He said was false, he's already a millionaire, so it wouldn't really make sense for him to risk legal repercussions by doing a rug. Pull or other type of scam, what he's doing is no different than bitcoin founder satoshi nakamoto satoshi kept 1 million bitcoins for himself, which is now worth 32 billion dollars.

So he made 32 billion dollars by creating some computer code with no intrinsic value, but to be clear million token and any other cryptocurrency for that matter are not real investments, just like in a casino. Some people will make money and some people will lose money, but there is no net value created. The assets that create value in the long run are real assets such as stocks or real estate. These create value for society and will generate cash flow, either now or in the future.

What is it about bitcoin that gets you guys so fired up? Well, when you buy a farm uh, you look at the crop every year and what prices are and you decide whether it was satisfactory investment. I mean you look to the asset itself and what it produces for you. When we buy a business. We look at what the business earns and decide how we feel about it in terms of what we paid, but we are buying something that, at the end of the period, we not only have what we bought in the first place.

But we have something that the asset produced and when you buy non-productive assets, all you're counting on is whether the next person is going to pay you more because they're even more excited about another next person coming along, but the asset itself is creating nothing. If, if you and i buy various cryptocurrencies they're, not they're not going to mobile they're, going to be a bunch of rabbits sitting here in front of us, they're just going to sit there, and i got to hope next time you get more excited after i bought It from you and then maybe i'll, get more excited and buy it from you and actually we could. We could sit in the house by ourselves and we could keep running up the price between the two of us, but at the end of the time, there's one bitcoin sitting there and now we've got to find somebody else and, and they come to an end, all Right guys that wraps it up for this video, what do you think about million token or cryptocurrencies in general? Let us know in the comments section below as always. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video wall street millennial, signing out.

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36 thoughts on “Techlead launches a cryptocurrency, is it a scam?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rik Ault says:

    <- Sold half at 208 .
    When bitcoins averaged 2-4k it was popular af for selling Cannabis 1lb for 1 coin

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lliam Jurdom says:

    Tech leads rip off coin is down to $16 …

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramazan Chasygov says:

    As @FarmediSyed pointed out Satoshi Nakamoto created BTC for it's values of cryptocurrency (decentralization, security, …). After BTC Techlead token doesn't bring anything new to the table (same properties, but it just runs on etherium network). So why would you buy it?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shoshanna Cohen says:

    I knew mw would defend the asian tl guy

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Yee says:

    Exactly…your analysis of crypto and other things having no intrinsicl value is spot on. Pretty much most things of "value" fall under the greater fool theory.
    Doesn't mean it is wrong or even inetgical…just buyer beware.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William F says:

    it will go to the moon if NASA helps him to bring one to there.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David - says:

    Wait…WHAAAT?! Bitcoin has NO intrinsic value !?
    Satoshi INVENTED the blockchain technology and that would be without value!?
    I understood that clearly you are a fun of Techlead that is a SCAMMER and SHOULD GO TO JAIN for his "million token" BS.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L T says:

    You have to have an IQ of more than 65 to understand TL & and his persona, you don't have both, except for click bait…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars slug christ says:

    hate when ppl who don’t get art talk about art

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zoe Potts says:

    For those invesged out of genuine concern, get out of MM now. Price is crashing and will continue to crash. Take the L and move on.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chiRal123 says:

    He didn't invest $1m but $50k of his own money. Don't support a scam

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NALDO 300 says:

    Scam coin and he didn't put a million dollars on it

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Abam says:

    Nah, I thought this account does proper investigation before you made a video, this seems like a paid ad for tech lead (would be disappointed if it is) there are so many false things not verified or just wrong in this Ponzi scheme

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond Caylor says:

    Why not verify he put up 1 million dollar of his own money? That's how you know it's a scam.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keston Smith says:

    I don't think it's a scam, it's the same as Bitcoin. People are just jumping on the bandwagon

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StreyX says:

    Wow… I knew this channel liked promoting scumbags, but this is pretty unreal. He didn't put a million of his own money into the coin, he put in $50k and then used all subsequent purchases of the coin to pump it. He's been siphoning off liquidity for a while now. He's made millions off of his followers and all the other "greater fools".

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam H says:

    Coffeezilla did a good investigation on this.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K Dawg says:

    He didnt put in one million dollars to fund the project he put like 50K not sure why this channel is supporting this scam i am very disappointed

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Morris says:

    He only put in an initial 50k, see Coffeezilla’s video

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Siegward says:

    you need to do an update video now that Coffeezilla has proved and Techlead self admitted that Techlead never put 1 million dollars into the project

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kent Samson says:

    CRYPTO Is a Buy and Sell business..nothing more nothing less..!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Woof 7 says:

    Cryptocurrency definition = Mutually agreed-upon Ponzi scheme

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TH21_003 Edrian says:

    it never come to an end cause papa powell always print to save economy

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rogelio Beltran says:

    This is one of the most perfect explanations. Thank you. All stock trading, forex trading, commodity trading in any type of financial instruments function basically all the same; including cryptocurrency trading.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farmedi Syed says:

    DO NOT compare TechLead with Satoshi Nakamoto, SN created BTC with a deep meaningful purpose. Techlead is doing this just to make money and personal gain.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Ree says:

    Tech Lead, pumped and dumped about 30 million.

    When you take a look at the etherscan, you will see how much he liquidated. He might be in trouble with SEC.

    I left million token. I sold all.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars boxingmotoman says:

    Well made video. Keep up the good work you have real talent with the way you edit and put in you insights. Very rare to come across a channel who has good insight. 🤙

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KENNY KIPTV says:

    I made $1800 from million token, I had invested $120 as a joke

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars premium portal says:

    I got extra 3.8BTC from
    DAHCYBERS this morning, yøu guys are absoluťely the best!!!..

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars premium portal says:

    I got extra 3.8BTC from
    DAHCYBERS this morning, yøu guys are absoluťely the best!!!..

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars davemz999 says:

    When TechLead says "We did it. We did it." That's his classic humor style and while he believes in his project, he knows good and well, and better than most that you don't say those things before the work is done. It's ironic humor jab. Same thing he does on his channel since he had a channel.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P D says:

    This has changed my life already… its simply a genius idea, its about the community and his community is insane, look at the discord

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Han Hai says:

    I wouldn't trust someone who blackmailed and doxxed a college student.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Show Jay Pee says:

    It's a stable coin 🤣 anyone who thinks this is going to last more then a. Year is greatly mistaken . It's a STABLE COIN. This all hype . And most people got in at 14+ anyways I would short sell the token if possible but I don't think it's currently possible to short .

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qiu Qiu Channel says:

    99% cryptos will going bust then the one who survive need to be protected from goverment to keep their hand out of cryptos

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars moofymoo says:

    I fixed title: "Techlead (as a millionaire) Launches A Cryptocurrency, Is It A Scam?"

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