Talking Lead Gen, Follow-Up and Conversion Strategies with Second-Home Expert Nick Fong
How did an IT consultant from Chicago end up dominating the second-home real estate market on Mexico’s Baja Peninsula?
Nick Fong joins me on today’s Tom Ferry Podcast Experience to explain all!
On pace for 700 transactions in 2021, Nick and his Ronival Real Estate team are always testing to discover the best strategies to attract new leads, nurture them, and convert!
Nick reveals his process – along with some of the mistakes he’s made along the way.
Even if you’re not in a second-home market, many of Nick’s strategies can be applied toward standard residential real estate to improve your follow-up strategies and master conversion!
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Hey guys welcome back to the podcast super excited today i have long time, client friend, uh international man of mystery. All things kidding aside there he really is uh. His business down in mexico is absolutely crushing in four locations. Uh, you know most, notably most people probably know loretta bay, or they would know cabo san lucas, but toro santos and more nick fong in the house.

Thank you so much for joining us on the podcast, how you doing man i'm doing great. We just saw each other last week in dallas and yes on the podcast. Well, okay, so for everybody uh context, we were in dallas with 178 of the top teams and we missed all of our canadian peeps. But the man from mexico showed up but nick for the people that don't know, because if they're watching this they're going to look at you and they say well, he doesn't look like he's from mexico.

So maybe give people a little back story before we get into the business and start talking about international sales and process and marketing and all the things that you've done so beautifully in your business. There's gon na be a lot of lessons on this show my friends, but but nick back up and tell them like who you are where you're from how'd you get to cabo san lucas, then we'll get into the whole business stuff yeah. So i came to cabo san lucas 20 years ago on a spring break trip with 13 guys, yes, and it was on the second night, i'm originally from chicago. On the second night, i met my wife at a nightclub and the rest is history.

I moved here in december of 04, so i've been here for over 16 years yep and we set up a real estate company 11 years ago and that's where i'm from that's how i got here. It was uh we're talking pretender, ladies and gentlemen, we're talking pre, you know in myspace or, like you know, 20, you know 2004, so you walk into a nightclub, and did you just have that moment where you're like oh, and that was it? That was pretty much it. I didn't have the guts to go up to her at the first nightclub. It was at the end of the night after several drinks that i went up to her and introduced myself now that sounds like a real estate professional right there.

After a couple drinks, the confidence was high. My script and you know scripts are ready to go. I can handle every objection so so what did you do when you're in chicago and and what got you into the real estate business? So i started out of university. Um i.t consulting so i wasn't in real estate.

I was graduating from the university of illinois and i didn't know what i was going to be doing and i talked to my career, counselor and said you know. All i want to do is travel. That's all. I want to do and she said great you want to go into consulting, and i said what am i going to consult about.

I don't know i was a a real estate, finance major sure i went into i.t consulting. I did that for five years and at the in the beginning of the early 2000s around the time i actually came to kabul, san lucas. For the first time i got into real estate, so i was doing real estate sales and mortgage program got it, got it all right. So so you had it in there.
You decide, though, in kabul all of a sudden okay like when you got down to cobble. You were here for a couple years before you started your practice. What was the origin story behind starting and then tell us about? Did you start out as an individual agent on somebody else's team? Did you join a brokerage? Did you start your own? Give us the sk yeah, so i actually had um come down here: um, not selling real estate. I was still maintaining my businesses back in chicago business.

Real estate was very good. Yeah. 2004 2005 2006. 2008 was when things started, getting really crazy and so lucky.

For me, i was investing already in real estate here in cabo san lucas, and i started with the brokerage. Not my own company in 2006., and i was a single agent started, bought my first url website los That was the name of our company for a number of years. Up until just last year, we renamed it to rooneyville real estate.

Yes, yes, so tell us about um for the person. That's listening right now and they're like cincinnati, ohio right how? How is it different selling in mexico and how is it different in a resort community than say you know? Maybe somebody on the lake up in, like you know, north of toronto, like give them some context for how it's done differently so number one um. Second, home resort destination: the buying timeline is super elongated right, it's not a need, it's a want and if you can hook into the emotions of the buyer, that's where you're going to shorten that time window of purchasing, but our average buyer client is we're working with Them for a few years before they buy yeah, so i had i mean we were. I knew we were going to get in this because everybody that's working a second home.

You could be in maui right. You could be. You know, on a mountain. You could be near a river whatever it may be, and everybody shows up with this allure of like oh cabo, oh aspen, whatever it is, but i think it's pretty rare that somebody like on the first time they're there just says: okay, let's buy a house, so I want to get into you know the the building of your business.

I want to talk about international sales. I want to talk about lead follow-up, which you guys do a phenomenal job which would be relatable to everybody. Listening if everybody nurtured the way you guys nurture. I i would imagine they would take way more research phase seller listings, handle more buyers and get out of this mindset of like right now buy or die right, not saying the vast majority of our clients are doing that, but, like there's, some people out there that There's so many fish, why would they spend time nurturing so so tell me first, you have four offices.

Now, you've got 55 agents. Are you still producing? Are you out of production and if you're out of production, when did you make that leap? So i'm out of production right now, i've been out of production for the most part for the last two years and my concentration is building the business, hiring um staff and more staff. We have between sales and property management because we're a full-service real estate company, not just sales. My wife rocio.
I had to mention her name. She wanted me to make sure i did she's, actually the brains behind the operation. She runs. The business truth be told she has the property management and half of our staff is on property management, so we staff around 50 full-time employees and 55 sales agents um and to answer your question like the follow-up, in terms of because that's superb we're going gon na Get into that, but let me keep unpacking so so.

Rocio runs property management plus you've got the the brokerage side. How many properties you guys have under management? So we have 100 keys under management currently and that's growing really fast yeah, and is that a good business? Because many people in property management say there's not a lot of money to be made profits to be at until you're north of 200 doors you're at the halfway point um. Is it different because you're in a resort community or the price points yeah so truth be told? Property management doesn't make a lot of money um managing doing the accounting the bill pay, but where you make the money in property management is creating a referral network, yeah and repeat business. That's number one.

That's proven very profitable and number two, the rental management so renting. The properties on a vacation basis where a tourist destination a lot of vacation rentals, yeah yeah, so it makes sense you're gon na make you can make money on the rental side, the agency side, not so much on the property management and many people that do it. Talking with like jay pitts and others, it's also well. I also know who who they're gon na list with, because i've been helping them all along.

So it's a long game approach to that. So so, let's go back to um in your. I think tristan as we're sitting here. He's like he's like nick did that amazing talk at the summit last year.

So if you know, if you're out there and you're with us virtually last year at the summit, nick did an amazing job. Uh talking about one of the skill sets that he and all of his team have, which is the ability to make phone calls and to prospect everywhere. And if you saw the video of him in his shorts prospecting on the beach prospecting in the ocean prospecting. In a pool prospecting in a hammock um talk talk about the differences there like like.

Do people in your in your business? Do they have to prospect? Is it an option if they don't prospect what happens because you're pretty good marketer there's got to be a lot of lead flow coming in also yeah, i mean we get a ton of leads um thousands of leads every month that are registered on our different sites And lead follow-up and lead nurture is absolutely critical. When i was a single agent, i did all that myself and i mean i maybe could have done 20 to 30 deals a year doing that yeah. So i recognized years ago that i needed to build a team to do that. Lead follow-up and lead nurture so inside of our company, for example, we're making thousands of phone calls every week sending tens of thousands of emails text messages a week, and so, as a result, we have a call center, an isa department.
Six people in that department ever grown yeah and we can't do it otherwise yeah. So, let's it was interesting. I was thinking about this conversation. Your business is like many other businesses that have, let's just call it a more advanced funnel.

So so, if we were to draw out the funnel what i would love to know - and i'm sure all the listeners want to know is you mentioned multiple websites, email marketing, talk to us about what do you do to drive traffic and create interest first and foremost, And then walk us through the funnel process. You know if it's two or three years do you have two or three years of drip campaigns already created? Have you switched to text? Is it all email, like literally walk us through, as if we were a six-year-old, and we wanted to understand, high-level marketing and funnel management to convert the way you guys convert all right so at the top of the funnel? The leads are coming in they're, coming in through google marketing bing advertising facebook and, as the leads come in. The first point of contact are our inside sales agents, so they're the ones that are calling emailing and texting them like ad nauseam. And so is it perfect by no means and that's something that we're always refining always studying and perfecting that um, but we're going from top of funnel down to middle of funnel, where we have a specialist that that's what they that's all they do, and so that Is that? What is that specialist job like so that specialist job is to jump on? Zoom calls to dig in deeper with the people that we have a little bit of information, like maybe they're? Looking for a bedroom, a one bedroom, one bathroom condo on the beach 500, 000 or under, and so but we don't know what location we don't know, how many times they've been to cabo or the baja and so jumping on zoom.

Getting a little bit more of a personal touch scene, a face like this, that they're able to connect with, and so we have a middle of funnel inside sales agent. That does that and then ultimately we're hoping that they filter down to the bottom of the funnel. Where they're assigning it to one of our 55 sales agents, so it's interesting so again top of the funnel google bing facebook any other any other traffic sources. Referrals.
Of course we have call action, uh phone numbers on for sale, signs, qr codes. All of that that is feeding into our um into our system so and how many just you know just to nerd out on this just for fun. So if you're generating thousands of leads, how much traffic do your sites generate and again is it? A thousand leads? Is it thousands two three four five give us optics on that for top of the funnel yeah tap a funnel right now, we're around 2400 leads per month, okay, so 2400 leads per month, and if you were to like share with us like how much money are You investing into advertising on google or bang as an example to drive that much traffic. So people really get a scope of this business yeah, so we're probably spending around ten thousand dollars a month in lead, gen, okay and then on top of that, the staff of all the isas right.

So so ten thousand dollars a month to generate 24 leads. Everybody can kind of figure out the math on the cost per lead there, but i think the important distinction nick that you brought up is it could be a two to three year or longer life cycle. So so one you know, one could argue where you know talking with dj and lindsay who you know or others that are like well, you know, like my zillow leads it's 72 days. They convert in 72 days this this approach, you're, taking to first line isas.

You know call text email. What do you think is like the most important question that your team is asking that if anybody's they generate a facebook lead - and someone says sure i want to know the value of my home, you and i both know - that's a that's. An 18 month to three year lead in case anybody's, wondering like that's way out. There is the truth.

What have you found to be the best hook, the best question the best way to build rapport? You know so you don't come across with commission breath, but you're really there to serve yeah. The number one is - and i learned this when i was prospecting - was have you been to the area and i connect with them with the emotional side of cabo. If you're searching on the internet for real estate in cabo anywhere in the baja, it's like your happy place, yeah instantly. When you can talk about them coming to the baja for 20 years and then catching their first marlin with their dad when they were seven years old, yeah, there's an emotional attachment that you can record into your crm system, always recount that.

So in two years, when you actually do meet them in person, you can talk about that yeah or hey, make sure you bring a photo of that first marlin. I would love to see you know what i mean like you're right, so it's so it's that level. You're, looking for that emotional connection, right, um and then go back to the consultations on zoom, so at what point does that that lead inquiry suddenly get offered a zoom consultation? How long is it? Are you opening up sort of your equivalent of the mls to show them google maps and here's where all the locations are like walk us through that process, all right, so the middle of funnel isa um when they do a zoom call they're at a point where They're, maybe three to six months out from visiting us and looking at properties, and so the that isa, the service level that they're providing to the client is just learning more about their personality. More than what you can get from a survey online.
And so they might talk about the fact that they have two dogs and their dogs travel all the time with them, and they need a gated community that allows two dogs, oh and by the way, a cat. Also, yes, that they have three adult kids, nine grandkids and they always travel together and they're only looking for a two-bedroom condo. Well, that's a problem because right right, do you not like your family just help us understand? Yes, so that's kind of um, so timeline matters. A lot for that zoom call and when they're three to six months out or even six to 12 months out that zoom call is arranged with our middle of the funnel isa and hopefully, when it's three or less months out, they're assigning it to the sales agent.

Yeah yep and tell us about that. Handoff i mean this is this is so the model today that we see whether it's or home, light or zillow, and then just smart team leaders that have figured out control the experience with the lead, before you hand it over to a sales person, kyle whissel's, You know the the putting metaphor that we talked about last week, which maybe we'll share um so how's that handoff done so truth be told. This is a brand new feature to our lead, funnel. Okay, so that that mofu middle of funnel isa.

The concept is that they will jump on another zoom call with the client and the agent, and so what we in our funnel management look at that middle of funnel isa kind of like a concierge. So when you go to a hotel, the concierge isn't going to dinner with you, the concierge isn't going on that horseback, riding tour or atv tour, introducing you to the activity or the restaurant and following up also, how did it go? Was it a five-star experience? How could it have been and they gave that feedback to the sales agent and ultimately recording it in our crm system too? So i love the hypothesis. What was the problem you were trying to solve? There had to be some disconnect between top of the funnel isa and sales agents. What was the problem tell us about? It lead conversion yeah when we were analyzing the numbers and we were seeing less than a one percent conversion, it's great to receive thousands of leads.

Every month, but when you're only converting less than one percent, you start scratching your head and wondering what the hell is happening. On top of that, we were finding a lot of what we call our archive leads people that ignored us or started engaging with us to a certain extent and then just stopped engaging that. Sometimes we got in touch with them months later, and they said. Oh, we already bought something but not with you yeah, and so that was a lead conversion problem that was a a customer service problem and that's what really prompted uh this middle of funnel isa and really taking customer service to another level.
I love it. I love it go back up to the top, so let's just say: 29 000 leads ish on an annual basis 2400 a month and i'm sure there's some seasonality where it spikes higher and goes lower. But you know in that range what percentage of them take up? The offer to do the zoom consultation, you know it like what percentage of the inbound or is that all follow up, it's very small percentage, so a second home market. The percentages that we deal with are very, very low, and so you know we probably on a weekly basis, only have right now, because this middle of funnel isa is super brand new less than 30 days in our business and last week they did three yeah, but That three quickly can become six can be found nine a week, and so it's going to be really interesting to the point where now i'm thinking of hiring a second middle of funnel isa.

Third, because i realized that this is a business model that doesn't just apply to sales, but also on the property management side yeah, i love it so so the problem obviously was just the disconnect between you know, beginning of the funnel and then let's, let's go into. We talked about assigning to the sales person we'll come back to that, but i want to break over here and just say all right: nick tom and kathy ferry go to one of your websites. You know we used to stay at las ventana all the time. You know, we've had our place down in punta mita.

We want to go back to cabo, but we don't really have a time frame and you know we kind of like the hotel situation and some friends have houses. You know it's all those buying signals right like if i, if i get into your funnel in a typical, let's say for a three year period, is it all? Is it all self-prescribed like do i dictate the experience? Do you just put me into an experience and how often am i going to hear from you guys over the course of like a month a year give us optics. So we have both a shotgun approach and a sniper approach to that. So people that are in our database, they get weekly, newsletters, email, newsletters, so the more shotgun approach and if they respond and raise their hand, then of course our call center is following up on that inquiry.

The sniper approach is in our crm, just like most crm systems we use boom town, they have the ability to notify you when leads in your system are actually looking at properties, and so not only are our sales agents, but are, more importantly, our isa department, because They're handling the majority of our leads they're trained so that every day, they're going into the system and checking the now board the now board's telling them in the last 24 hours who has done what yeah? That's? Basically your task list or part of your task list. Every day, yeah i mean that's the the beauty of boom town, like that. You know the business intelligence bi that most people don't get like hey sure. You got a website, sure they're going in there, but you want to know who's percolating on there.
What properties they're? Looking at and then the fact that they get tallied into here's your calling list, so so, what's the script someone's on your website, they've been in your system, for you know a couple years and maybe it's been a while since we talked to him, maybe it's been Two years since we talked to him, but all of a sudden, i'm looking right now at you know marival or some other. You know some other community, i'm being real here. What happens? What do you got? Also, this random stranger calls me from you know: ronnievault real estate and i'm like huh. I i mean if, if it's you tom, i would call you up, and i say, hey tom: this is nick fong with ronnie ball real estate in cabo.

I noticed that you revisited our website recently and you were looking at property. Is there anything? I can help you with just easy right being of service, and do you guys get hung up on not as much as in the states and what i equate it to is everyone's happy place, people that are searching for real estate in cabo. They want to be here, they want to talk about it, and so, as a result, we don't get those hang-ups. People are really happy to talk to us yeah.

Do they ask you every time how's the weather down there, they're they're in chicago minneapolis, new york, how's? The weather down there 80 and perfect that's one of the scripts that we use the hooks to re-engage people that have fallen off communication yeah the weather's great in cabo how's it by you, especially during the winter time. You're a devil, that's horrible! That's horrible! All! My friends are like the pacific northwest or you know the nor you know, oh my goodness so so talk to me about uh. Your experience. If i said to you um text versus email, which one is better for who and why okay text has the highest engagement.

Um response rate and uh email is a much lower response rate, but it's easier to send in mass. So in our crm system, we're allowed 200 mass text messages a day. Yes, pretty limiting emails, pretty unlimited right, especially if you do it outside of this crm system. If you do it with uh an email platform like a mailchimp right, yep um, the cost, as as you have preached the dollar for dollar email marketing, just kills it absolutely.

What's the percentage like four thousand percent, the the most recent stat is: spend a dollar make 44. So that's a 4 400 roi. The only thing, that's better is ror return on relationships, um, it's it's pretty! It's pretty substantial, so you've been breaking down the funnel and the original question i actually wrote down beyond. Just you know understanding your funnel management.
Is you know, driving traffic breaking down your funnel and then what's the tekken people required and we've been talking a lot about isas and um before we do that nick give people give people context how many um, how many buyers and sellers will you guys manage this Year, how many transactions we do um so this year, we'll do over 700 deals and pretty evenly split between buyers and sellers. Currently we have closed and pending 560 transactions. Okay, so we're sitting here in may and you're at 560 transactions and your goal is 700. Many people are like what: how long does it take to close the deal down there? Eight months, it's 90 to 120 days.

So that's why, even though we're closing out month number five yeah take month, number five and just say the same for the next seven months yeah. I wanted everybody to understand that so it's a 560 is still a leading and lagging indicator of where you're at so 700 transactions, which is bonkers, you know, are there? Are there bigger firms that you're competing with? Are there there's? I imagine a lot of smaller firms. A lot of expats like yourself that moved down to cabo or todos santos and said: okay, i can this is the dream. I could sell four houses a year and live on the beach like how how's the competitive nature down there.

We have in our mls system and in mexico. Mls is very a very foreign term um there's only a couple markets, cabo being one of them that has mls system and we have over 100 brokerages and over 700 licensed real estate agents. Currently, in the baja got it the biggest brokerage, there are a couple brokerages that occasionally will sell more sales volume because they're dealing more in the luxury real estate market yeah. That's the area that we're looking to grow into for sure good.

Well, you know the groundswell of that many transactions on a google map and all the things that you're learning that i think that's going to be automatic. Talk to us about your tech stack. You mentioned boomtown mailchimp, do you use mailchimp or you just use that as a reference tell us all the tech you guys use yeah, so we don't use mailchimp. We use a similar, get response, email system yeah.

We use a slope for transaction management. Software yeah. We use uh mojo dialer for to make those 8 000 phone calls a week. Yep you have, you just had a whole bunch of people go.

Did he say 8 000 phone calls in a week. Yes, yes, keep going the week it's growing by the week um, and then we have we're currently using sisu tracking our numbers and a whole lot of spreadsheets, even on top yeah yep yep, that's good. I mean that sounds like you know. So many of the great team leaders that i've interviewed boomtown website - you know some kind of email service provider.
Big shout out my friends, microsoft outlook is not an email service provider, nor is google they're they're fabulous tools, but we're talking about mailchimp constant contact uh. You know, there's there's a bunch of them out there, sky slope, great mojo dollar, absolutely speeding up the process right and then, of course, c suit track and measure know your numbers know your cost per lead, make good business decisions. So i love it. What about the people required like talk to us about your isa team, you know: are they licensed? Are they unlicensed? They need to be licensed in mexico, um and then like like, what's a typical day like for them, and and you know how, how do they operate? How long have they been with you? How long do they stay like give us the breakdown uh, the, if i were to give you the avatar for our typical isa, they're 20, something most of them are female.

I don't know how that happened, but most of them are female yeah and many of them had come from a service type background, what little time that they had being in their 20s right, yeah, um and they're bilingual, so they'd be both spanish and in english. Although most of our clients are only english speaking yeah um there, what was the other questions that you had about? How long are they with? How long are they with you? You know like just what's the what's the lifetime value, if you will of an isa, because many people will say that position churns a lot we haven't had any churn yet and what we have had is people that are growing within the company yeah. So some of our isas, especially the middle funnel isa, is licensed, and the idea really is never to grow out of the company but to grow within the company. And so we have had already two isas become sales agents, congrats and so in terms of a career path.

They're going to be using the crm system, they're going to be prospecting, the right way, because that's how they taught it and that's all they knew yeah and um. So, fortunately, for us we haven't had any attrition yet um, it's bound to happen, but we're we've been very fortunate, so far yeah. So we definitely don't want to be showing 50 houses to a client. Although there are some buyers that our sales agents end up doing that, but the most successful sales agents tend to only show less than six properties yeah.

The reason why they're able to do that is they're doing all the heavy lifting virtually so they're jumping on the zoom calls they're sending them the listings, they're picking up the phone they're talking to the client and explaining to them. Why maybe going to toto santos is not the solution to them, or maybe why going to la paz makes more sense because it's less expensive, it's not as touristy and yet you'll get the great weather. You got you're on the water old world charm close to las ventanas, the windsurfing i mean there's yeah, there's right so so it's interesting to hear that because, of course, every person out there is going to say yeah, of course, right, educate, educate, educate, narrow down the Focus but you know you know in the us, you talk to all your friends that you know sell all over the us and even in canada, and they say that all sounds great, but by the time they show up one month later, all of those properties are Under contract tell us about the inventory situation down in you know your four or five major markets that you're serving you know. Do you have the same challenges you know? Do you have that experience where they fall in love with something, and it's already under contract and gone like talk to us in a normal market? This is not a normal market, we're tracking, very much the u.s real estate market, where we're running out of inventory normal market time is one year on the market for sold properties right now, we're probably around 220 days on the market for the properties um.
Still a long time marketing cycle yeah, but we are very much into niche markets and niche communities, and so, if you're, looking in the communities and the locations that most of our clients are looking at, the properties aren't on the market for more than 30 to 60 Days right right, it's it! You know, like, i think, everybody out there if you're working in resort community, you know exactly what he's saying it's there's the properties that have been on the market forever and then those tasty properties show up and they're under contract, real quick. What did you guys see during the last 440 plus days of kova the pandemic and everything else? Did you see a mad dash of you know snowbirds trying to get out and buy their beach house? Was it more the same? Did it get? You know exaggerated? Give us some insight on that. A lot more interest to buy in a second home destination, yeah and ones that bought a second home already are looking to buy another one or something yeah to keep their trade trading up trade up or keep that property. Let it be a rental and buy another property for a permanent relocation.

Interesting interesting, so um it's. I know a number of people that did exactly that from seattle from san francisco from l.a from right here in dallas that they just said going to cabo i'll i'll. Do my zoom meetings from here in my shorts all good well and when you look at the average home sale in in cabo compared to many parts of california, i mean you just can't compare like a lot of our clients coming from san diego, a beachfront home Is five six million dollars or more and right here we can get an oceanfront home uh for a million bucks 1.5, so great value, yeah, absolutely so so nick you broke down a lot of the the funnel uh. We talked a little bit about your sales people in their process.

We talked about sort of your back story. What do you think's, like your secret sauce? What's the? What do you think is that the reason why, beyond the fact, you clearly married well i'll just say that what is it that you do, that makes your business special and sing. You know tom. I look at my business and like, for example, going last week to dallas and being around 170 other like-minded people yep.
I look at myself and i'm like i'm, not very special, i'm just like everyone else. I just listen and i pay attention to what people that are doing more than what i'm doing yeah in my business and that's it yeah um having mentors having a coach. You know i've only been in the tom ferry coaching ecosphere for less than three years, but it's no mistake that in those three years is when i this year, i'm quadrupling my business wow um. You know.

I am very fortunate that i have a good staff around me. Yeah managers - admin where i can come back from like last week with so many ideas, regurgitate everything that i've learned and try to process it by committing and so um and, as i was mentioning earlier, the brains behind the business is my wife rocio, and so she Is definitely the yin to my and she is very operational, um very organized and keeps things well in check and in balance, because i'm just like i'm a race car going a thousand miles away yeah. Well, i think you really said something insightful there. I was on a webinar earlier doing a training with a couple.

You know thousand agents and the question is always brought up like how do we you know, how do we decide what to do and i'm like? We have our banana memo process, which i never got to share with you guys last week and i'll do it. You know differently not on this podcast um, but but that's our method like we ask ourselves a bunch of questions and we debate it out because what i think what most people lack as you're listening this is, if you don't have that guide, if you don't have That mentor, if you don't have that staff that will say to you no or better nick, we could certainly move that one up, but these four other projects you gave us a month ago, 30 days ago, 90 days ago, that we haven't finished yet that were really Important 90 days ago that stuff's got to stop and i think, as you're listening think about your own business. How many times do you start not complete start, not complete start, not complete and, and that is an emotional wear and tear. But it also has a financial wear and tear in your business because all the money is in execution and then iterate and more execution and more iteration and more execution before you say: okay, this really didn't work.

Our hypothesis was off most people, don't do that and it sounds like you and your lovely wife and your team have figured that part out. Is that fair yeah? I mean we figure it out, but it's it's amazing. How many times a new issue comes up and you're just like here we go again here we go again and it's um, it's not easy, but you know it's definitely the most rewarding for sure. So if somebody wants to reach you, they want to connect.
They want to hear more about cabo san lucas like or you know, or any one of the many places in the baja that you guys work. How do they reach out to? Can they find you on instagram like what's the best website? You want to throw an email out yeah, i mean don't contact me because i'm the worst in follow-up houses, calm, we're on instagram facebook youtube we're on all social platforms. Um yeah and i know you know in our ecosystem, like you are the guy right like every everyone's, like oh you're, going to call me you're going to go, see neck, you go see. Nick got ta go see nick, so you know.

I hope i hope you get a lot of visitors from you know all over the world that are listening right now, so kind of closing thoughts. Nick, like you know, i asked about superpowers and - and you very humbly said the same thing that so many others have said, which is look. I just listen and i implement. I do the work and that's that's very insightful for everyone.

Listening that most of us don't have a superpower, we we find out what works and we tweak it to ourselves and we do it over and over with great repetition. And that's why we win that's why we build these great businesses. But if you could say one thing to the entire industry to every real estate agent on the planet that wants to get better nick there's a reason why they're listing this right now they want to get better. They want to help more buyers, more sellers, be a better negotiator, be a better marketer.

What's two or three little words of wisdom that have helped you in your career, maybe something your coach said to you or another friend or you've, said to yourself. Like look man, you got to get on this. What would you say in closing, i think for me, it's just always believing in myself always believing that i can do it, and if you always believe that you can do it, you will find a solution. You'll surround yourself by people.

You will come up with solutions. You'll ask the questions. You'll have an open mind, open set of ears to listen to what people are saying um and to me i think, that's i've never been closed-minded um to what people are saying. Um and to allow that to come in filter it of course um and always be growing and as a result, love it.

Okay, i'm going to ask you a question. I've not asked anybody else, but this is going to drive tristan nuts uh. I'm going to see both these guys perform in vegas dave, chappelle or joe rogan who's, your favorite, joe rogan wow, all right all right. I love it.

That was good all right, so we have controversy now on the podcast. Okay, so listen man! I appreciate you so much and you know we have gotten to know each other and obviously your your coaches, one of my longest and closest friends right the extraordinary bill pipes um, you do such a remarkable job. Please give love to all your staff, your lovely wife, keep moving this business forward, keep helping more and more people. Do this? Because what i know about mexico - and you know i've worked in mexico city and i've been you know all over the country and then all over europe and australia.
It is all very different, not different, a bad way or a good way. It's just different, but every now and then a company or an individual basically does what you do they step up and say we can do it better right. We can do it better. We can serve clients in a better way and that's where i want to just say: i'm super proud of you man, because you do that every day.

So, thank you so much and i hope you get lots of subscribers and lots of followers on all your channels and people check them out in cabo. Was it buy homes in Buy mexico, yeah love it all right! Nick. Thank you. So much for sharing today and for all my friends out there make sure you follow them.

Give me comments. Let me know what you think. If you want me to interview some people from you know other parts of the world. Let me know i can't wait to read it in the comments.

Nick we'll see you soon, my friend take care. You.

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5 thoughts on “Talking lead gen, follow-up and conversion strategies with second-home expert nick fong”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tse Tse says:

    I am in argentina. Currently for selling a house it takes almost a year! And one offer 😂 Tired of this market. So I really enjoy all your videos. Keep me motivated all the week
    Love your work Tom 👍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars April Noessel says:

    Love when you bring on successful agents to share what works! R AND D Baby!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cape Coral Living - John Reay says:

    Audio drop on Tom's side a couple of time… 8-(

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Ciamei says:

    What do you know about brivity?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TJ San says:

    Thank you Tom for all that you do! My name is Tj Sanchez and I am a new agent in the Ocala, Fl area. Please don’t forget my name because with all of your techniques and coaching skills, I will utilize the information and knowledge and will become one of the best agents and leaders around. Thank you Tom again!!!

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