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All right welcome back everyone. Um, i tell you i was going to i wanted to play this clip, but then i realized, if i do, that, you know all this copyright stuff so annoying. So i was going to play the clip of elon um. You can google it just google it, but i'm afraid if i play it then they'll end up, you know taking it down or something: okay, so um.

Let me go to the channel and let me get to the chat and um. So anyway, google elon musk 60 minutes uh spacex. Okay and again it is a clip of of you know, i think really of like who elon is and listen. I get it.

I get accused of being a fanboy. I am full disclosure, i'm a fanboy, okay flat out all right, but in that clip it just really shows that um, the uh uh you know he's not like your average billionaire, okay and and i'm no listen, i'm no billionaire hater. Okay, you i mean. Listen, i'm a capitalist okay.

If, if you can, if you can make a billion dollars and not hurt people and and help society, i mean look back, i mean, let's steve jobs, you know steve jobs was uh. You know he was known for not always being the nicest guy, but here's the thing with steve jobs. Look at look at in steve, wozniak, okay and bill gates and again i know like hey bill gates gets a lot of flack now, but but everything we do today, whether it be your iphone or your windows, pc or your or youtube. I mean all of this stuff is built on top of billion-dollar ideas.

Now doesn't mean they're, perfect. Okay, that that's where again, i will get aggravated with people is like listen, they're, not saints, okay, they just jus, you know and no man it well. Obviously saints exist, but i mean no man is perfect. No woman is perfect and i think that when you think about the passion in that video again, google elon musk, 60 minutes spacex and the point out it's like 15 minutes long.

But there's a point that i think that that represents what elon is when they're talking about some of the astronauts, we're like bashing, spacex and stuff and and and he like chokes up and he's like you know, these guys are my heroes. You know i i i look up to them. You know this. This is and these astronauts, you know and and he's like.

I wish they'd come and talk to me. You know and and again that clip it's like a minute long. He doesn't bash him. You know he's not like oh they're jerks, they don't know what they're doing you know forget them, i'm going to space.

No, he he he's like. I wish they'd come check out my rockets. He says come look at the hardware. You know look at what we got.

You know look at what we're building here. So that being said, what we're talking about today and by the way i missed you guys, okay, here i am streaming markets closed, it's a holiday, and i'm still here, i missed you guys. Oh, i really just love what i do so i got so many questions about what the scenarios are for: twitter, okay and from a trading perspective, business perspective, etc. So because a lot of people don't you know, i got a bunch of dms which is awesome and we some of these concepts i talk about, might be kind of simple.
You know um. If you've been around trading, if you've been around business, you might be like you know, tim. It was for real, but you know a lot of people don't understand how this works so remember, basically and again, there's nothing wrong with this, but but a lot of people don't understand that a publicly trade you know when, when you're publicly traded company you're for sale. Okay and bear with me if you're advanced, but we all got ta start somewhere.

Okay, so people think like companies are just on the stock market, and you know there's red and green numbers and it goes up and it goes down and they don't unders. They don't really get why or what's underneath that? Okay, what is underneath, that is, excuse me, as a publicly traded company you're for sale every single day. You know 9 a.m to 4, 9. 30 a.m, to 4 p.m, you're for sale and anyone could buy it.

That's, what's great, you know: hey get a brokerage account, buy some twitter buy some coca-cola, buy some amazon and you're in you're. Now, a partial owner of that company, so elon has decided that he thinks that twitter is the marketplace of ideas and it is and he's not happy with where that company is going. I listen you want to know somebody wasn't happy with what twitter was going. You could look at my twitter history.

I i was an early adopter. I joined in like 2009. Okay, if you go to twitter.com t-bone, i think it's like 2009.. I think it started in like late 2007 or something and i used to just i - had issues i used to tweet all day long all day long and it was chaos.

You know i mean listen, it was chaos. Twitter still is, you know, twitter's still, chaos, but the problem is that, if, if, if your chaos doesn't fit a particular narrative, you're banned you're, blocked, you're, locked, etc and listen people have bad ideas, bad ideas, but suppressing or blocking bad ideas doesn't doesn't allow them to Learn: okay, listen! I'm 48 years old. I've believed a lot of dumb stuff in my life, but i learned to not believe that dumb stuff through discussion, okay, someone said to me: well tim, no, you know this is because of this, and this is because - and i'm like, oh okay, but if i, if I, if i voiced my opinion, was suppressed, wasn't able to have that conversation. I don't learn and i probably get frustrated and i and now that i'm frustrated i'm even more locked into my bad ideas.

I mean think about that. If, if, if you're i mean maybe you've been there, maybe you haven't, if you're, having a discussion with somebody and they have some bad idea. Well, if you're, just like you're an idiot they're locked in now, okay you're, never changing their mind, you're an idiot blocked banned. Okay, no, the way humans learn, evolve and get better.

You say, no, hey man, listen um! No, you know this is because of this, and you didn't see this part and and hey. Let's go talk to those people or etc, and then you open up to them. You're vulnerable to them, you open a conversation, they learn and they modify their idea. So that is what elon has been seeing within.
All of us i mean again, i gave up - i mean i i'd get on twitter here and there now, i'm back, i'm back, because i'm optimistic and twitter shapes the narrative, okay, right or wrong. Twitter is the marketplace of ideas now. So that being said, elon has decided that you know he thinks he could bring the chaos back and and and and listen here's the thing. Chaos we're humans.

Man, i mean you know, and this i mean read some history. Okay, human history is a hundred thousand years of chaos. That's history, okay, chaos, but we figure things out. We evolve, we learn and we grow, and people in 2022 are nothing like people in 1922 or or 1822 or 1422 or 1022 bc.

We evolve when we grow by sharing ideas and communicating, listen language. What what makes humans great? Why? Why can we build iphones and spaceships and fly in you know every all this technology, because we have we have the gift of speech. Nothing else on the planet. Has that i mean obviously an animal can scream if he's in danger.

Mom comes running, but they're not sitting there debating ideas they're not going over a cad, drawing together designing a better circuit board. That's that's how humans have gotten to where they are, and you get some chaos with it. Man and you get some bad ideas, but suppressing and blocking and banning those ideas is not the fix all right. Let's talk about trading scenarios, what it means for elon or what it means for twitter i mean at the end of the day, doesn't mean anything for elon other than this.

I will tell you this you are going to see. I mean this is very similar to the joe rogan situation. Last fall times: 1 million. Okay, one thing: i will ask of you whether you believe in a line or you don't please be skeptical of what you see coming out in the coming weeks and months, because uh people are going to go after them.

Man there there is an establishment media, particularly that does not want this deal to happen. Okay, so all i would ask is, if you see this stuff be skeptical. Do your research, don't just read the headline. Okay, look into it, look for differing opinions and be like.

Oh okay, this this terrible story about ilan is this skewed? Is it a is it a click, bait, headline etc? So his risk, i mean again he's got more money. He can. He could never make another dollar and be fine. His risk is reputational risk and people bashing him and emotional.

I mean listen, nobody likes being called a terrible person by you, know a national newspaper or something or or a cable news network all right. So that being said, there's three scenarios and all are equally interesting to me. Okay number one they could just sell to elon. I think that's the best decision.
Okay, elon offered a 30 premium above what the stock was trading at look at the one-year chart of twitter. Okay, the one-year chart of twitter until e-line came was going to zero. I mean literally bring up your one-year one-day chart of twitter and it's upper left to lower right death straight to zero okay. So the best decision, in my opinion, is to sell dulan.

Take the company private hope for the best hope for the best. Now, hey, maybe it's a disaster and they go out of business a week later, but that's the best decision for the board of the directors and the shareholders you're getting a 30 premium. When your stock was crashing crashing for a year, they may get a higher bid. Um i have concerns with this.

Is this is my least favorite option number two is a higher competing bid, um because i don't know who it is at the end of the day. Okay, if some sovereign wealth fund gives a competing bid, and now it's owned by. I mean some again some some some very opaque hedge fund. I mean here's the thing with elon.

You know you know what you're getting with him. You know what you're getting now he may be a little all over the place, but if it's bought by some opaque hedge fund or some sovereign wealth fund - and now it's majority owned by a foreign government is is, is twitter now weaponized against us against everyone? Okay, so that is a possibility. I think it is unlikely. I just don't know who else would want to throw 50 60 bill? You know elon's offers 42 billion.

Okay, you can throw 50 60 billion at twitter. You know because, like a and do you run into antitrust, you know because the thing is like with like with the googles and the facebooks and even like the amazons, and you know yeah you're running anti-trust issues. In my opinion, uh. This elon won't because he's got a car company he's got a rocket company.

He's got a boring solar panels, so in theory there should be, in my opinion, there's no anti-trust issues. Now google comes along, there should be. Facebook comes along amazon apple, even you know apple. So so, who else has the cash to come by twitter could happen? I just think it's unlikely the third option, which is again probably the most one to be discussed.

Is they fight him, which is kind of what it looks like? It's headed, we'll see where this pans out. They fight him um poison pill. They just battle them. You know, there's a lot of ways you can fight back.

You can turn down the offer and again you know if you turn down the offer he can just start buying on the open market, because don't don't misunderstand that now: there's poison pills and stuff like that, but he can just start buying on the open market too. You can just buy, buy a million shares a day if he wants okay um, but here's the thing in my opinion, if the board of directors at the company does that they're setting themselves up for huge reputational risk. Okay, when you are a an executive or on the board of directors for a publicly traded company, your responsibility is to the shareholders. Okay.
So, for you know the the chairman of the board, vice president treasurer, you know all you know: okay, if you're on the board of directors, you have you're representing the shareholders and if you blow this deal, remember stock was cratering 30 premium over what it was trading At are you representing the fiduciary responsibilities of the shareholders, or are you preaching your own ideology or the ideology of insiders or employees, so you're, probably gon na get sued? Okay. So if you kibosh this deal because keep in mind, ilana said you take it or i'm out he's got, i think seven million shares. So if he dumps his shares, the stock's going to go back to 30 and probably lower right going to freaking teens or something because if he dumps that supply on the market, it ain't gon na, be good. Okay, so - and he can do that, he can do that.

You know you're gon na see a lot of this fud. Okay, fudd, f.u.d, fear, uncertainty and doubt listen. He can sell his seven million shares if you're set or is it 70.. I might need misquoting a boatload of shares.

Okay, whatever it is, it might be: 70 million yeah it's 70 million anyway anyway, when he dumps those shares which he has the right to do. The stock is gon na crater and now not only is that board of directors not getting the premium, they ticked off a huge shareholder who sold his holdings, which take the stock, and now i mean these, none of these clowns are ever going to get a job Anywhere or they shouldn't anyway and they're, probably gon na get sued. Okay and they probably should i mean listen if they, if the board of directors blows this deal, they probably should get sued. So that's my read on the twitter scenario, the elan scenario.

I missed you guys, keep in mind. The watch list does go out on sunday, um and then i'm back live here. Youtube 8, 30, eastern and um have an amazing day, we'll see on the watch list. We'll see you monday morning, you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

One thought on “Talking elon and $twtr on a market closed day.”
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