🚨EXPIRING TODAY JULY 28!!🚨 Programs, Analysis, & Livestreams: 50% off w/ code FIREWORKS: 1️⃣ https://metkevin.com/join My programs Include: include ✔️lifetime access to lectures ✔️ private livestreams ✔️ free updates.
📝Contact Information for Kevin & Liability Disclaimer: http://meetkevin.com/disclaimer
Videos are not financial advice.

So i hope you're all killing it out there with earnings apple amazon absolutely absolutely amazing. But i need a little bit of help so uh. I've opened the comments down below and i need some advice because i'm gonna take the next uh few days off to to just sort of reflect on what we can do to make sure that i'm providing the most value to you as the viewer and uh. I think one of the biggest things that i'm hearing uh well biggest.

Few things that i'm hearing and i want to get your confirmation on this number. One is if we have a course pitch. Like obviously. Today is coupon expiration night maybe do it at the beginning of the video.

So for example something like hey everyone meet kevin here quick reminder the coupon expires on july 28th uh you know at midnight or or whatever something like that and you get lifetime access blah blah blah. Quick little pitch and then just be done with it. But but then that way you know maybe no mention again until the end of the video. I think that's fair uh you know last month.

I had quite a lot of sponsored videos this month. I had like one sponsored video uh in july. And you know i i don't know where people's heads are on sponsored videos. I think i think people really appreciate the ability and and i do as well as a user of youtube.

Although not as much as potentially others. I use youtube premium you know and i like being able to not have ads. So i could understand some frustration if it's kind of like oh you pay for youtube premium. And then there's a there's a sponsored placement right.

So i respect that i do want to bring back market open and close live streams. Although i'm not convinced on that uh there's uh. I i i don't know uh. If that routine is something people actually care about uh.

You know. It is something that i realized that while i was traveling it is interesting to see that you know if you just put on like bloomberg like it tends to get boring. After a while or cnbc gets boring. After a while so it seems nice to have somebody kind of flip.

The channel for you and and talk about different things other than just like one station. It kind of turns into like five stations in one. Right. Like a bloomberg.

Fox cnbc. Twitter. And you know what's going on with news articles. So i see some alert to that uh.

But otherwise i don't know what what kind of content. Folks are looking for you know maybe. It's uh maybe it's real estate. Although you know i posted and you could search this on youtube.

If you search like meet kevin do it yourself real estate diy real estate post. A video. I got like 30k views and i'm like okay maybe that's not the answer. But anyway.

I'm gonna take a break for a little bit and uh reflect so if you don't see me uh. You know until uh like the first few days of august uh or or a little even a little bit after that uh that's why so i'm okay family is doing good but i'm going to focus some time on uh family. The kids lauren and uh making. Sure that uh.
I can come back stronger with a with a good strong game plan uh comments will be open down below. So i um that might be a mistake. But i'm probably going to just convince myself just not to look until i'm back or at least close to being back and then that way i can kind of align. With what my thoughts were with what y'all were thinking.

So. We'll see anyway. Wish you all the best thanks. So much and uh.

We'll be back soon. I haven't actually taken more than like a day and a half off from youtube in probably years so it's gonna be weird but anyway we'll see you soon thanks and uh coupon expires tonight had to do it see you bye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Taking a break from youtube”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Salkin says:

    Brother, take as long as you need, plus another week.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carter Gartn says:

    Kevs brand IS the corney pitch, and i mean that in a good way. its funny and consistent. Actually trust building bc its consistent. And We can rely on kevin have his thumb on the market.

    He's providing us good conversation and perspectives while we're off living our lives.

    I like that the courses and sponsors pay for his time providing us the conversations and analysis. He puts in work to provide detail for us.

    But kev the headlines could be more specific than dramatic. "Lets talk fomc" rather than "dead broke on fomc" or, "reviewing the stocks that halted today" rather than "holy sh8t the halts ended the world". Etc
    Fans, rather than haters. 😑

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Alchemist says:

    Do what you want Kevin ,, we want to enjoy you view , those that know what you are doing, and the hell with people that doesn't understand how you promote your page and lectures

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BeingEmilie says:

    I've been mainly here for the real estate bits. You are super passionate about what you do and sharing that knowledge. You give away a lot of in depth valuable information that has influenced a lot of people's lives for the better. You have a passion for people growing their wealth. When people get big and popular there are always going to be a subset of people that are going to hate or be dissatisfied. Those people always have the option of turning off or getting off their butt and doing a better job than you (or is it easier just to be a keyboard warrior? Bringing people down). Plugs for your member content and sponsors are a small thing to put up with for all the goodness you supply. Those plugs and sponsors allow you to keep giving us non members all the good information you do. You are hugely valuable, very real and very much appreciated by the majority.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elijah Torres says:

    Focus on family bro! Also stop worrying about negative comments so you can just make videos based on constructive feedback. Just don’t lose perspective on the crazy amount of influence you have on this platform!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Garza says:

    i would love for you to do more livestreams Kevin, but only when you feel up to it, and when you do, leave the chat setting to: members only. Even though it prevents me from commenting (as I am not a member), I've experienced your livestreams with and without the ability to comment, and I must say there are more useful comments and the comment stream goes by much slower when only your members get to post.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Lawson says:

    Haters hate because they’re either too stupid to understand your content, or recognize the value that it brings (probably both). You should be feeling sorry for them. Letting them get in your head is the only thing they have. Don’t give it to them Kevin. We love you man, stay strong 💪

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristian Alèjandro says:

    Please avoid the reactionary videos if possible. That leans on either right or left of the political spectrum. It's kind of cringe seeing you react like that at times. Honestly I enjoy your vibe in this video. You feel more real and less like a car salesman trying to sell me something, though I know you're technically trying to sell something lol. Nothing but blessings to and your family Kevin. Take care.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MMM says:

    Take a few weeks off and get some perspective.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boston Cable says:

    Your advice and efforts are incredible and appreciated by us all, some less program promotion would be great but take your time to get yourself right

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sphynxter88 says:

    Hi Kevin. I'm new. I think the question is, why did you start to begin with? Answer that and thats also my answer. Good luck Kevin!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juicing Factor says:

    Always like your commentary on the markets, and most importantly, your dedication and hard work.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nihar says:

    you provide the best analysis of market news. maybe you should continue decoding that to keep educating us. not too sure about stock recommendations and i guess you do less and less of those these days anyways. frankly what i have learned is to keep your opinion separate from the news coverage as i recall in the past you used to pump lot of stocks that are now in toilet so if i had followed you blindly, i could have gone bankrupt. appreciate your channel a lot. thanks

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Defiantclient says:

    You've been doing great!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars crypto pathfinder says:

    meet kevin is highly driven, well educated, you can tell this is his passion. like you mentioned maybe the adds at the beginning or something. There will always be a percentage that dont like adds, I would factor that in, also for any product price point is a variable.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheMisterD00D says:

    Brother just make the videos as is, as often as you comfortably can! Care

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krenar says:

    Hi Kevin!
    been watching your channel for a long time and this is my second post.

    I would like to apologize for my first post, which was not very nice. It has been turbulent this year and times will get better. Have a suggestion for you, mention your courses only at the end of your videos.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AryisK says:

    BRING BACK MARKET OPEN CLOSE LIVE STREAMS AT LEAST THE MORNING. Man I loved waking up and getting clued in on whats going on in the world for that day as well as all the stock news. I know a lot of us did. I know Ive stopped trading as much since you have changed everything, You made it fun and informative. But at the end of the day nobody should matter but what makes you happy, you just let us come along for the ride. And that ride aint gonna last forever but I missed the old kevin though, we have enough change going on already its nice to have somethings that dont. good luck.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colin Mcnamara says:

    Take some time to enjoy your vacation! Have fun with your wife and kids—everything else can wait. It will all still be here when you decide to come back. Do videos the way you want to do them. I love your videos and trust you—both your expertise, and your judgment. Example—pointing out how Enphase is getting too frothy lately. Not sure what to say about keeping the comments on or off— but I agree with someone else’s comment that your supporters far outnumber the haters. It’s just that supporters don’t comment nearly as much as haters—I watch a lot of financial YouTube but have never commented on any until now. People love you but you don’t owe us ANYTHING! But you owe your family everything—lay off the sauce a bit and be as present as you can with them. They need you more than we do. Bummed your employees bailed on you right before the big course release—totally understand how that could feel like betrayal. Let me know if you need any help with course stuff—I’m a stay at home dad and have time. Take care of yourself everything’s gonna be alright

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Bald Watch Collector says:

    People slate you for pitching your course on a video you work hard on and give for free. Unfortunately the internet has toxic people, just realise there are people who enjoy your content

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heather Enke says:

    I've been watching you everyday for about a year now. You are an extremely talented, relatable person and are a great communicator. I really value your political opinions and easy-to-understand finance/economics videos. I know how hard it is to balance everything (I own a business and have 4 kids). Enjoy your time off, and we'll see you when you get back!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Z says:

    You think too much about optimization when your channel already works great.
    Ask yourself one question: Are you making videos for money or to provide value?
    Some videos feel a bit too much like clickbait with few useful information lately but others are really good and it doesn't matter if there is a minute of sponsorship or your coupon code. I skip all of the sponsor/coupon stuff but if you get money out of it it's fine.
    Don't overcomplicate every little detail. You have 1.8M subscribers and all have different opinions. it's impossible to make everyone happy.
    If people save time watching your videos instead of doing hours of research themself then that is providing a lot of value.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Original says:

    Love ya brother!! Enjoy your well deserved time off and come back when your ready. Appreciate all that you do! 🥰

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johan Jönsson says:

    Hey Kevin, I think you have killer content, think that your proposed fixes sounds great! I can understand that people sometimes get frustrated at your videos because you do make compelling content and sometimes when it sounds like you are about to make a huge point, it turns out to be a course-pitch 😅
    So your proposed fixes would bring you in line with other content providers, but you should know that the only reason people care is cause your knocking it out of the park content wise 👍

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renko Kensbock says:

    Kevin. Thanks. The market opens and closes were awesome. Don’t let negative comments get you down. Keep it up!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ameseth says:

    Appreciate everything you offer us man, just wanted to put up some positive vibes and gratitude. You’re the man

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MyContestPix says:

    Kevin, you are 2nd to none when it comes to researched info on the economy, markets, stocks, cryptos and any other thing you want to hash out.

    Never seen someone work as hard as you and still be humble and self-deprecating.

    Not once have you ever attacked, bullied or slimed anyone you disagreed with. That puts you head and shoulders above everyone else.

    It's impossible to find someone that doesn't have a political or financial motive to screw us over. You are the exception to the rule!!

    During the next few days off, contemplate on making a movie like the "Big short" or The Wolf of Wall St. You have so much knowledge I know you can write a great screen play on real estate, cryptos, and other shenanigans behind the scenes.

    How fun with your family and come back when you feel refreshed.

    We'll all be here!! 😉☺😋

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick says:

    I actually like hearing market moving news and having it dumb down for us slower people. You probably don’t have to do live coverage every morning, but it would be nice if you did it during important events and cover earnings after hours during earnings season.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Channel41 says:

    I love your slefless plugs (hustle)!
    I enjoy when you tell that a coupon is expiring in a joke I almost always crack a laugh so don’t mind the comments (even me) just do you.

    I love your videos! You are such a positive person with such a good attitude and always with a smile on a face. And seeing you smile brings me joy even on the hardest of days!

    Take time of, whatever you need and know that if/when you come back you have a lot of “fans” here!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrik Staal says:

    Market open/close livestreams are the most important thing for me. Good way to get started on the day. I would even say i could pay a monthly fee to see them, but im not gonna spend $623 to see them sadly, since i am not in a position where i think i need your courses.

    Stay strong, come back soon love you brother.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sagig72 says:

    Kevin: You're the best YouTuber (by far and wide). You are a great and honest person. Hopefully you'll use this time to recharge and come back strong. Personally, I'm not sure the market opens and closes are best use of your time. When you canceled them I was disappointed, but I have only grown to listen to you more with out them. They are long and can be exhaustive broadcasts. The summary videos are much better, they're shorter, better edited and much more to the point. My vote is: don't do market opens/close, do more stock analysis videos, certainly continue with marco analysis. I hope this makes sense. If you read my comment – I'll appreciate your thought. Either way, you're a great guy and I hope you'll come back stronger!

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