How are you framing your perspective when faced with the situations 2020 has presented us?
In today’s episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, I have the honor of hosting my good friend, Joseph McClendon III to talk about reframing your perspective and positivity to achieve success.
Joseph previously spoke at this year’s Success Summit and shared so many golden nuggets on the power of mindset, and this podcast episode is no different! He went deep on the 60/20/20 formula to become a megapreneur in 2021 and the three powerful P’s that will help you change your perspective!
We also covered a simple yet important formula to conditioning changes that will help you move forward during these hard times.
From advice on how to build a strong self-esteem to improving your health and vitality, this conversation is filled with so many important lessons!
Take out your notebook and get ready to write some notes after you listen or watch this powerful episode!
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Hey so welcome back to the podcast, i'm super pumped to have joseph mclennan iii, my man, thank you. So much. Oh, i know. Oh there we go, that was that was kind of lame, but we made it happen, uh, so joseph i actually wrote down to start for the people that don't know you, which would be shocking.

Joseph is a global leader in peak performance. He's a neuropsychologist deep in neurosciences, meaning he understands why we actually do what we do and then how to reverse it. In many cases uh, you also taught at ucla right at the uh. If i say this right, the engineering and management extension program - coaches, a bunch of rock stars - has done that kind of his whole life, and you know like when he's not doing all that stuff in his spare time, he's out speaking all over the world now via Zoom all over the world uh with his pal tony robbins and others.

So i was i was like trying to compress. Like you know, decades of of experience and wisdom. Did i miss anything i no you got it all. You've got it all.

I got ta say he's got a good looking son yeah and he does that's the other thing. Yeah yeah, my wife, that's my face. Yes and my wife said he has a spectacular garden right, so yeah there's that so joseph uh. First of all, thanks for being on the podcast pleasure, my absolute pleasure so so i was, you know literally woke up early thinking about, like the the things i wanted to share with people to the questions i want to ask to have you share with people, so I actually took a bunch of notes and wrote down thoughts and questions and things that i thought you could just shed some light on, but maybe before we do that give maybe the person that doesn't know who you are just a little background on who you are.

What you've done um - and i know i covered a few of them, but given like who is joseph mclennan, the third cool. Well, first, thank you for having me here. I've been excited about it as well: yeah um by profession, as you said, i'm a neuropsychologist and i was like explain to people, here's the difference between that and traditional psychology, because i studied traditional psychology for a long time and did not practice it. Quite honestly, i became a musician that was, you know.

I went through college to kind of satisfy my dad sure enough, yeah yeah, but once i got into it, i started to realize that, in my opinion, all psychologists that are serious about it. They go to fix themselves. First, i've heard that same thing. Don't let anybody pull you, and so, when i started studying that, i started to recognize that um there's another side of it.

It's called the it's called neuropsychology. If you think of neuro as your nervous system, all five of your senses, and so we all communicate with our five senses outwardly and inwardly, yeah and the combination of like some people communicate, communicate better with their visual, some auditory and so on. Kinesthetic yeah yeah. So the community, so the the combination of them, can be hundreds of different combinations of all five of them.
So, as a neuropsychologist as a traditional psychologist, i have one way of interacting with you and helping you, and that is my voice to your ears, which is just auditory and maybe some visual, but as a neuropsychologist, i get five different ways. I use the visual auditory and kinesthetic the the main to get in, and so my outcome is always to go straight to the core of the situation, the challenge that you might be having, whether it be a fear of dogs, fear of heights or you know anything Anything that is some past thing, you're holding on to whatever it may be and going on and a finding what it is b helping you realize and acknowledge that this is what it is, because a lot of people are in denial about it or they may think That it's something else yes and then number three interrupting that pattern: number four, embedding into the nervous system, a new and empowering uh pattern and then giving them something to do sort of conditions in so that they make it automatic. Yeah said differently. Yes, yes, it is just helping people figure out, what's going on right, that's stopping them or holding them back bust.

That, apart put something else in and then give them a new way of of making it so that it's automatic okay. So i've never said this on. My podcast, but if you're listening right now in your car, you have to go to my youtube channel, because if you don't see you hear the the the animation, the energy that he brings to the table. So i know you're listening right now, but make sure you go to my youtube channel.

So all right, so you study all this and i know it's what you've done. Basically, you know as your life's journey. What about the musician thing? Like i mean you know, i follow you on instagram, so i see like you know when you're like in the studio, and you got all these, you know bases and you know like so so what happened there? Well, what happened was that was my i like. I said i studied psychology so that i could satisfy my dad, and i did you know i got you know my degrees and all those things and everything i didn't get my doctorate till uh afterwards, but in the middle of it my outcome was to become a Recording artist and i did - and i got a recording deal in uh 1990 with cbs records, yeah made some records played a bunch of music, did all that stuff and wrote a bunch of songs and everything and loved it, but in 91 cbs changed hands with um With sony - and so i got stuck in the company with no representation, it's called being shelved yeah and it was kind of that place where i had worked.

My whole life to do that and all of a sudden it's gone kind of like a lot of people with kovid. Now right you know right, yeah and so uh. I pivoted to doing this, and that's when i and actually i had met my my business partner. Tony robbins before then uh, but i went to him and i said: okay dude, you know - and i remember he said something to me - that i i pass this on to everybody.
Sometimes, when you don't get your dream, you get your destiny, oh yeah. What that means is you may be going after something and along the way, i call it a voyage you're collecting experiences and tools and strategies, and things like that, but when you get to wherever that destination was, and it isn't exactly what you want, which most of The time it's not by the way, yeah, then it's time to pivot, it's go, it's kind of go okay! Well, what did what? What did i? What can i do with all of these things? So i've taken all of that and brought it in the entertainment side of it right, yeah and brought it into this and now uh and for the past several years, as you said, i had a practice in los angeles, where i helped people get over fierce phobias. Emotional challenges and things like that and uh and then working with uh people like tony and others. I started doing live events and uh up until let's say january 15th was my last event or what i'm sorry the first last time i traveled yeah traveling to an audience versus zoom and everything else.

Yes, and one might say, my livelihood got the knees cut out from underneath right now live events, but it was interesting because you know i always say tom. I i don't teach theory, i practice what i preach and part of uh. What i preach is to be prepared, and so the pivot, for me, quite honestly, was not radical matter of fact. I loved it.

I love being home and hanging out with you the way i'm doing it right now: yeah i love being home and and living my life and so from a psychological side of it. It was like a blessing yeah. I look at everything that way. Yeah everything happens for us and when something happens you go okay.

Well, here's here's! What it is! I can sit and cry about. It feel bad and feel sorry for myself or i can do something about it. That's right, and so that's what i've done so just for the people that are listening right now, we're going to unpack all of that stuff, because because the thing that i mean i started writing down. As i mentioned, all these thoughts, and - and the first thing i want to talk about - is 20 20.

and you were you were talking about it there, but i want to talk about it from the standpoint of i think a lot of people got caught with their Pants down, yeah right, financially emotionally physically in their business, uh a lot of uncertainty. If you just, if you just look at the landscape of 2020, you could say social injustice. Black lives matters the most tumultuous election, we've, probably hopefully knock on wood, we'll ever see in our life, sure um, you know crisis unemployment and then, at the same time a lot of people are listening. Here have also had one of the greatest real estate years.

Mortgage years, title and church of their life - and it's like this - this sort of crazy tale, the two. So you know you've seen it you, you know you work with a lot of people. I work with a lot of people - business, people, friends, family members, some people just been taken out by it yeah. So the thing i wrote down is: how do you move from breakdown and upset and tragedy back into triumph? I'll start by saying this, and by the way, that's very perceptive, because because a lot of people just go here, i am right.
Here's what it is. I don't know what to do: yeah and aren't looking away around it um. It's all psychology, everything and it's not mindset a mindset, kind of infers that it's just a set of thoughts about a specific thing. Psychology are the core beliefs that we have about ourselves, yeah about other people and about the world around us.

Yes, and so the first step is always awareness, you know, and so to be aware of how you're feeling about everything that's going on. When you ask the question, when you said 20 20., if you say that to most people, most people roll their eyes and go oh, i can't wait for this to be over. You know that kind of thing right, so that awareness of how you actually feel about it is critical for you to go. Here's what i here's, how i really feel and being dirt honest with myself, here's how i really feel about myself right now.

I'm calling my pants down, i feel helpless. I feel you know whatever, and so once you have that, once you have awareness of these three things, how you feel about yourself, how you feel about other people yeah, because other people might be looking at somebody like you, tom and just going easy for tom right. You know he's got this this, this big business set up and he's been doing real estate for a long time and he's talented and he's all of these things he's got a bobble head for god's sake, you know, and they may be saying those things. True.

That's true, it's all true, but they may be saying that about you yeah, but which reflects back, which says i that, because i'm not where tom is then there's something wrong with me or blah blah blah. And then the third thing is the world around us yeah. They may be saying that, okay, all those things that you said, coveted racial unrest, politics, economy, all those things that are going on those are real things, but here's the deal once you recognize it. Here's how you really feel if it doesn't feel good, then it's time to do the second step, which is to interrupt the pattern yeah and what that means is is to snap yourself out of it in the moment.

Okay, so is it just raising my hands and putting that million dollar smile on your face? I mean yeah, but why, like like, we know that it's so simple, and yet, when you're in it it's okay, this morning totally be honest this morning. Right i wake up. I just feel a little off. I do my yoga practice, i'm dealing with the resistance in my head, like you, should be doing something else, there's a million other things to do, and i just felt like i so i went old school i put on jim rohn right like you, can't go more Old school that i'm like i'm like come on, jim rohn right just like, but but i just wasn't, vibing and literally i'm walking from the parking lot into the office and i'm like screw it yeah exactly and i just started doing and i'm looking at.
You know people that are like. Where am i, if you didn't know, if you're listening, i'm like i'm jumping up and down, i had to change my physical state and from there forward. I was fine, absolutely right, it is it's biochemically and physically, something happens to our entire body when we move it rapidly, yes, and and that's really all there is to it. Yes, we have our brain and our bodies create hormones.

Dopamine is is the best because it's like the love drug, it's the thing that makes us feel good. It's the reward drug but adrenaline dopamine um. I just all the all of the things. I call it awesome sauce yeah, that when we move our bodies awesome it's just.

The combination is when somebody is in the zone. For example, i've had the privilege of working with a lot of great professional athletes and things like that, and we all know them to be in a zone. You know a basketball player can't miss it. Yeah football player can't miss it whatever and that zone.

We all forget that we all get in the zone every time we get in the car every time we tie our shoes every time. We do anything that we don't have to think about it and we can do it automatically. That is our zone, which means we can tap into it and the quickest easiest fastest way to do. It is radical movement of the body yeah, it releases dopamines, endorphins and all those things in the moment, and we there's a specific physical thing.

You know me i'm talking about shaking yeah yeah yeah, which i love yeah looking up and things like that because, just like you said and there's a residual effect and what happens is all of a sudden you're no longer there. That's interrupting your pattern right now. What i say to people that, because here's what happens people say? Okay, well great. Obviously i realize i feel like crap.

You know, i'm scared, i'm all these things, so i did those three things joseph. What do i do now? The next thing is you: now you talked about it with regard to moving your body radically, but one of the things that that does tom is it. It does what we call interrupts the pattern, yeah the pattern of whatever you're thinking about in the moment. That's unresourceful yep, you create a blank spot and that blank spot is a vacuum and the vacuum is looking for something that's the way.

Nature is all the time it wants to be filled up, and if you do just something as simple as put a big smile on your face, it makes your brain release dopamine, right away and and you're no longer in that pattern and now you're in a different Pattern, even if you're going does this work or any of that stuff you're no longer there that's right and then from there move on, and that when i say condition yourself repeating that over and over again, even when you feel good yeah like, for example, i tell People get out your cell phone yeah and and set you know. I tell siri matter of fact. Let me shut this thing down, so she doesn't remind me there's something that's coming up and i tell siri i say remind me in an hour to interrupt my pattern. Yeah and and what that means is you know and everybody that's listening, write this down.
Here's the formula to rapid, lasting conditioning changes several of them, but this is a real, simple one. It's called feel bad feel, i'm sorry feel bad interrupt. The pattern feel good and celebrate yeah. Those four steps are the conditioning process and what that means is set to say say it one more time, yeah feel bad.

We don't want you to feel bad. No, no, you will. No, you do okay, i'll, tell you why here in a second feel bad interrupt the pattern just like tom - and i were just saying radical body movement in the moment - feel good and then celebrate. Let me step you through them.

I do want you to feel bad. I always say to people: if you come into my office and you've got a fear of dogs, take a guess. What's going to be in the office, it's going to be a dog, because i want to scare the crap out of you. I want you to be to feel horrified so that i can move to the next step so that i can interrupt the pattern.

That's right, because when i interrupt the pattern, guess what you're not feeling in that moment, you're not feeling bad and the brain is open. Going give me something yep, and so that's when i say feel good in whatever means that you have to do it smiling, is the quickest thing that you can do in looking up and causing your brain to release the chemicals, because your brain is going. Give me give me give me give me so, whatever you give it, yes, it's going to accept it. It's going to grab it, it's not going to question it.

So if you do so so cause yourself, you know every hour or so feel bad on purpose. Go! Think about the worst thing is possible thing and then snap yourself, out of it, shake yourself out and put a smile on your face and go yes and then celebrate celebrate by patting yourself on the back or doing a little dance or something like that going. I did it, i snapped myself out of it, because what the nervous system will do is it will go wait a minute i just got rewarded, which is what we're all after okay for doing what it'll look for what you got rewarded for and you got rewarded For snapping yourself out of it, so guess what happens? It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that the next time you feel bad without making yourself feel bad. Your your nervous system will go.
Okay, wait a minute. I know how to get out of that and it'll start to do it on its own yeah, and so you don't have to find yourself snapping or physically snapping yourself out of it. You've got a better attitude going through life. You've got a better perspective because you know we say in nlp neural linguistic program.

It's never too late to have a happy childhood yeah and what that means is you can't change the past, but you can change how you feel about the past and if you do then you'll change your perspective on that yeah. Unconsciously, unconsciously - and you look at it as oh - that was a growth experience yeah. That was what it was. Lastly, i'll say this on 2020.: this is the history of 21, 22, 23 24 down the road what's happening right now.

Is your history, regardless you're, going to look back on 2020 you're going to say one of two things, i'm glad i did this, i'm glad i listened to tom ferry, i'm glad i i invested in myself this i'm glad i did this, even though it was uncomfortable. Even though it was hard for me to do, but i'm glad i did it, and that is why i prosper now, yes or you're gon na say i wish i would have done this. The trick to it is to think ahead. Personal development means look ahead, see what you want to be and start doing it now, yeah and so the trick to all of this stuff right now, so why you know if you're listening to us right now, it's why you're doing it, because there's a part of You that's going, i want to learn more.

I want to grow more. I want more for my life and and i'm willing to sacrifice not watching netflix for a moment, or you know scrolling through uh instagram for a moment to get some information. Do you know david goggins? I do so i was listening to uh. I interviewed him a couple times and i was listening to one little segment but his story about the breakthrough for him when he said you know, you know his background.

You know how how like from zero to 18, he was just tortured and immersively and just but he said, but it finally shifted. He said when i realized, like you know, when he's going into the navy seals he's like you know, i didn't like my childhood, but if i think about my childhood, it actually prepared me to come into this experience because i'm a bad mother, you know what he Said - and you know what like like to be a navy seal to be one of 35 african americans in the history of all navy seals to be that guy and not just one of one of the baddest of all of them. No doubt right i mean i i get like truth bombs, so i mean david's, just you know just a hero right, but but that, but that reframing that i think a lot of people may be missing like when you were saying that point before the last point. It's reframing, it's like hey was 2020 the worst year ever yeah or was 2020 at the beginning was 2020 the year.

I finally realized hey. You know what i got to toughen up. You know i better get my immune health right, hey. You know what i need to love on people more.
I better get my finances in order, and you know what i got to get my business kicking ass and i think a lot of people, but not enough are getting that yeah. I think most people don't get it. I think, and here's here's the danger. First, that's such a good point tom.

It's such an amazing point because hold on hold on yeah there you go got yourself on the back there you go because reframing, you know it's a psychological term, yes reframing for, for. I i like to tell simplify it, so everybody reframing is just changing your perspective. Yes, you know the frame around how you're looking at my childhood hood was what it was. My childhood.

I had a great childhood, but i also when i was 17 and a half years old. You know this. Three grown men tried to take my life because of the color of my skin, and i was telling this to um uh. You know who ray lewis is, of course, ray is a dear friend now we're working on a project which you guys are going to hear more about.

I promise you, it is you're going to be part of this. I promise you and it is called team, no excuses - and i was just speaking to him this morning and we were kind of exchanging some some stories and he one of the things that made him who he was was he had a similar experience, uh some uh. Let's just say: uh bigots attacked him when he was young as well and uh. He had a shift in his life, but here's what i said to him and he agreed with me as well - and i and i say this to a lot of my black brothers and sisters, that we have a level of self-loathing that other races don't necessarily have.

I say no necessarily have, but for a couple reasons, because when that happened to me i said my level of hatred was was over the top, but it wasn't hatred for them normally wrong. I didn't like what they did to me yeah, but hated myself. I hated myself because there was a part of me that was saying. If i didn't have this skin, then this wouldn't have happened to me now i'm intellectualizing it now, but in the moment i didn't.

I wasn't aware of this stuff. You were 17. yeah, and so that drove me to become homeless and at that point, what changed it for me. You talked about jim rohn earlier somebody gave me the book think and grow rich.

I uh um by napoleon hill and then from there. I started listening to jim rohn. I started listening all these things and it changed my life and so what changed the most was, as you call it the reframe. It was my perspective of what happened, because now that i look back on it, of course i didn't like getting my ass kicked.

You know, of course i didn't like all the things that happened. I don't like all of the things that happened to me. Even since then i don't like what's going on around. However, it is what it is and what are you going to do with it not about it, but with it, because it's part of our livestream, and so you know, i'm just a a big uh, a huge uh component proponent of of let's reframe, your life.
Every single day, yeah, it doesn't mean you have to look back and look at what's bad, but every single day when you're brushing your teeth. Look up. This is such a simple practice. Look up! Look yourself in the eyes! There's your reframe at the moment! Look yourself on the eyes and say the magic word say the four magic words your name.

I love you and, as you do that all of things i talked about before interrupting the pattern release of dopamines. All of those things conditioning starts you to believe in yourself. On a level that's unconscious, so you walk the earth with a different perspective. If you will yeah, you know an expectation, i'm so glad you shared that someone's listening right now, who's going to say, but because i've heard it, i guarantee you've heard it more than i have.

But joseph i'm just lying to myself, then yeah and - and i agree with you, you are yeah, but you know what you're lying to yourself the other way as well yeah, you know which lie. Are you going to tell the most if you're saying that everything is bad? No, the the three p's that we talk about. We think that it's permanent, pervasive and personal, if you're, lying to yourself and saying it's all about me, i'm doing terrible and and the world is terrible and all these things that's some of that is true, but what you're forgetting is that there's, like you said earlier In real estate, there's so much opportunity out there right now, it's unbelievable how much of opportunity there is um. So it's it is uh.

You know a lie, means that you know better and you're, saying it anyway. Yeah. If i say to you, you know: hey, listen! Your shirt is, is yellow. I know it's blue.

You guys can't see this if you're listening to it. I know it's blue, but i'm lying because i say that it's yellow okay, but there's a part of me that knows that it's blue. So if i, if you know it's a lie, then if you're saying yeah joseph you're great - and you can do that - and this is the truth and everything what you're forgetting is that you're lying because there's so much great going on as well exactly there's always uh. Last thing on that is i'll, say that um, it was napoleon hill who said within every adversity lies the seed of equal or greater benefit.

Look for it as you seek so shall you find so i've gotten through question number one. You knew what you were getting into. Of course i was like this would be the first seven and a half hour tom ferry podcast experience um. So i want to go back to psychology right because you know i talk about mindset.

You talk about mindset, everybody talks about mindset and you're right. It is a set of beliefs. You have about something, but when you talk about psychology, it's really about like an operating system. It is.
It is right absolutely so if i wanted to reinstall an operating system to change my life forever, how do i do that first you've got to go it there's there's a process. If you will okay, you know what i love. I knew i could ask you this question and you would have the answer of course, i'm taking more notes than anyone else right now. Okay, let's go well.

First off there are steps to go through step number one know what you want. Look where you want to go yep. In other words, if you say i got a problem like like, for example, people come into my office when i was, i did my regular practice and i go. What do you want and they go? I feel terrible.

I'm depressed and i go okay, what do you want and they go i you know things are going so bad for me and i go. What do you want and they go i'm depressed and i go. What do you want to go? I literally had a guy say this to me: i swear to god. He said this to me.

He goes. Depression washes over me like a scalding, hot wave of debilitating emotion, leaving me paralyzed, i'm not laughing at him. I know, but that is he has reframed that yes and created such a beautiful narrative. He probably tells that to everyone, and he tell more specifically, he tells it to himself because our words, which is going to be part of this formula here our words, have the ability to change our own biochemical makeup, the blood that courses through our bodies and so Number step number one is know what you want.

You know you're in specific, clear and very as specific as you possibly can and write it down. Yep. Now i don't and you're sitting here with an ink pen. It's become a lost art with our cell phones and - and you know i know i'm guilty of it as well.

I i can't remember the last time i actually texted like with my thumbs. I always talk to it, but i'm saying write it down. What you write is what you invite yeah, what you don't is what you want so get out old school patent paper. You know pencil and paper journal whatever and write it down.

Here's how i want to feel here's what i want to believe. Here's, what i want! The exact you know in all those areas in your you know, i call it being wealthy, healthy, happy and financially abundant yeah. That's that's real wealth to me um. So what do i want in those areas and what happens is, as we start to write that stuff down all that that we're just talking about conversation comes up.

Oh i'm, not good enough! I'm not smart enough! I'm too black, i'm too white! I'm too short! I'm too tall, i'm all that stuff comes up. That's your opportunity! Yeah, because now you know, remember the steps i talked about before you know the pattern interrupt the pattern. Okay, so step number one is know what you know. What you want step number two is always know your reasons why you want it and when i say know it write it down.

Awareness is always the first step and when you write it down, then your brain, then you do what i call re-member dismember means take apart. Yep to remember means to align and connect your conscious mind with your unconscious mind when you lose your keys. There's a part of you that knows where you put your damn keys. Okay, but your conscious mind is going.
I don't know where my keys are. I don't know where our keys are so they're disconnected. So when you, when you finally find those keys, guess what connected remember, okay, so the trick to to step number two is you're gon na go! Oh here's! The reason why i'm doing this, my kids, you know buying a house for my mother. It doesn't have to be as as noble as things like that it can be.

You know i just want you know, i'm doing it because it makes me feel good to drive a ferrari. You know it makes me feel good to have, but you know, sick and tired of being sick and tired, right, sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck your reasons. Why? So we go so much into the. Why right and what i watch people struggle with.

Is they give the same superficial bs answers that never really get them going exactly so? So i tell people like it's answer number 17 through 25 that you finally get to the truth. Exactly do you have a faster way to get to it? I do i do and it is called your physical body every single time. In other words, you know i i take people through processes and you've been around if you're around me you're gon na cry. At some point, i don't care how macho you are.

I'm gon na bring tears to your eyes, and so that is my way of getting to the core quicker getting to the course. Sometimes we do it with music. Sometimes we do things and i have a language pattern that i go through and i take people through that. It's in it, it is individual, it's it's to that own person's individual beliefs about themselves, other people, the world around him - and you know some may say that you know during it.

They feel like they feel vulnerable, and i want you to be vulnerable, because that is the place where most people don't remember. I said earlier, feel bad yeah. I have a way of making. You feel bad.

If it's quick, you know you're afraid of dogs, i'm going to make you feel bad with that dog, but if it's not and it's and and by the way, i'm giving them real. You know yeah 20, 000 foot or you know big brush strokes on things here. Uh, but i'm going to find a way to get go deep on you. If you don't have me or you don't have tom around you and you're listening to this right now, just get dirt on us with yourself.

I love what you just said. It's 16 through 25 that it really is keep going deeper and deeper. Here's. The reason why here's, why it's so important step number one is your drive, is what drives you to make you do something it it it's pushing you to do something step number two.

Is your pull? It's what's pulling you into something and those two together when you have those and you visit them real deeply and you get the emotion behind them, then here's what happens? They become what's called a cybernetic loop or part of the cybernetic loop, which one feeds the other one feeds the other one feeds the other okay yeah and then step number three is always always. We said it before. You got ta interrupt that pattern because i, like i said you're not gon na, feel good when you figure out your reasons. Why and what you want, because there's a part of you, that's gon na go, i don't have it it's too much work tom.
Has it yeah tom's got a bobble head, i keep going back, but you guys can't see it. I got okay, we have to make sure we get them down by tom, the bobble head and it's scaring me i'm gon na need to work some work on myself. After this um interrupt, the i'll have to clear up my pattern and go back on it uh, and so once you interrupt the pattern now, i'm saying interrupt the pattern now, but this is knowing all of these steps right then you're going to have to prepare, because An interruption of the pattern on its own is only going to stop things in the moment. If you don't do what's.

The next step is is to add the resources that you need bingo and that's emotionally. You know, and by the way i should back up for a second here's. What psychology is versus a mindset. Okay, psychology are the constant you called it operating system.

That's true are the constant, conscious and unconscious thoughts that we have about ourselves. Other people in the world around us, okay, constantly we're constantly doing it, we're judging ourselves we're judging other people and we're judging the world around us and validating non-stop, see it's real see. It's true, see it's real see. It's true.

Look on the tv see the whole world's falling apart right. Those guys are having an interesting moment right now. Exactly you'll have a different moment. I'm gon na have a different moment and by the way that enables you to go and have another moment, that's right, because as soon as you go, that's you know, i always say to people now.

It is so much easier with our cell phones, with with youtube with everything to get locked in. I guarantee you we've all done this. You pick up your phone or you go to youtube or something like that, and you start looking at it and then you wake up three hours later or an hour later and you've been sucked in watching this stuff flipping through it and you go whoa. I should be doing something else.

We never go. Oh great, i caught myself, i snap myself out of it. We feel bad because we did okay. Some of you will know that moment is this.

I think i drank too much last night exactly it's the same thing. After three hours of you know, sitting on youtube watching, like you know something crazy, we get hypnotized, we get hypnotized with the same system so so know what you want know what you want always understand. The reasons why and go deep on it and go deeper emotionally, find them and go deep, yeah, okay, right and and being clear on how you want to feel what you want to believe and i've write down the results you ultimately want to produce in crystal clear, Interrupting the pattern which is like david goggins literally he's like, and i found myself at 290 pounds and i had, if you remember the story he's like i got 90 days to lose a hundred pounds or i can't join this. You know this buds class and he's like so the first day i went out and he's like.
I'm gon na run four miles and he goes. I was a half mile into it and i walked back and i sat down on my couch and i cried exactly and he said, but then i interrupted the pattern and said i'm gon na go get on the exercise bike because i might not be able to Run but i can sit on a bike and move my legs and like that was a good example of my solution to avoid taking the right action. What do you mean by like adding resources because you'd be emotional first yeah, the resources are. How do you want to feel you got to answer that question? How do you want to feel - and we all have examples of that - no matter what you've got happy times in your life, and it doesn't have to be specific to that thing.

Yeah, if you just say i want to be happy, you could think of a thousand different times that you were happy or something that makes you happy. Okay and then there's a process in there that we call anchoring, which is just capturing that emotion, okay, and once you capture that emotion and you do it enough times over and over again, that's what you put in this space. So when you interrupt remember what i said before, we're we're going through these right now. But you have to think through these things ahead of time and know what the resources which you, what you want, so that in that moment, when your pattern is interrupted and you're going, what the hell am i doing.

Okay, does this work or whatever? And then you add those resources, simply squeezing your piss fist, putting a smile on your face grabbing that piece of paper and going oh, when my child was born or the day i got married or the day i bought this star or a day. I did this any of that stuff because, as you think not just so, shall you feel so? Shall the body release the awesome sauce that makes you continue to feel that way, and this is critical, it seems like a lot of steps but, like i said before, feel bad interrupt. The pattern feel good celebrate. If you just do those things, then that'll happen and then the last thing is celebrate.

Yep celebrate now. Obviously, there's a whole lot more to this, but i like to simplify things so that people can have something that they can do. Yep so remind yourself to feel bad. Okay, first off go through these steps.
What do you want? That's the and look we're sitting here in october right or i guess september end of october. What do you want for the rest of the year for 2021 for the next 10 years of your life? What do you want and then go right down through the steps exactly and, and the thing about it is, is it's not a static uh? It's not a teacher, not do it once yeah it is. It is you're going to do it for the rest of your life you're going to do this for the rest of your life, because here's what happens is people go after something you've been there? I know that you go after something and it's hit or miss yeah. You know, obviously, by doing things like this, you increase the chances of it actually happening, but i'll give you an example when i was doing real estate.

You know my background in that um, my mentor uh robert allen told me never get married to a property. If the numbers don't work, let it go move on. Well, there was a beautiful opportunity for me and i broke the very first rule. It was like okay, this is the one i see it.

That's gon na make it happen and at the last minute, after all the work that i'd done, the person called up and goes well. I decided to do something else. I was crushed yep for a moment. Yeah because because i conditioned myself what happened was i went okay next, okay, that didn't work? It's my favorite four-letter word by the way.

Next, next, the sooner you say it, that is a trigger to make your brain go perspective. Is that was that the next one's going to be better or whatever comes through your mind, yeah and so the more we do that it's like everything in life. Repetition is the mother of all skill repetition. Your brain, your body, cannot tell a difference and it cannot resist repetition.

Whatever you do over and over again is what is going to become your natural way of doing things. But if you want to speed it up, yeah, if you want to make it so that you learn faster, so that you you uh incorporate a behavior quicker, is something that i call rehearsal versus practice. Talk about that because i actually i want to go back to anchors just for a second, and i know that it'll actually segue nicely into this. When i wanted to create a new habit or a new belief - and let's just say like for a lot of people, are seeing right now, it's it's like the very last thing i wrote down like, if someone's afraid to make phone calls.

What do you tell them? I like not even like long before i was able to study like richard bandler and john grinder and then eventually um. I'm now spacing out his name. That's horrible used to be very heavy big nlp sales, trainer, kendrick cleveland, oh yeah, yes, and he lost all the weight and finally like we were probably like. Oh, he actually used his own technology yeah practices, what he preaches yeah, but before i learned all that i understood like hey, you know what, if i play this music before i get on the phone, i feel unstoppable and if i want to feel unstoppable on the Phone, which is probably a pretty good idea when you don't really feel like making phone calls.
I found myself listening to certain. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get ready to rumble right all that stuff or i'd have star wars. The movie like old school vcr right star wars way before my time. I don't remember that stuff, but having that playing in the background and something i was like, jedi knight, ready to get on the phone and like the lightsaber was my headset, and i would put it on as if it was like this sacred thing.

There's something about creating those kind of habits and rituals, so you were, you were kind of, i think, going there yeah more thought. First off. I love the word that you just said: they're rituals, because a ritual is just a habitual uh process or set a sequence of physical things that you do mental things that you do, which trigger an emotional thing in you. Your rituals were put on the music yeah.

Put on the headphones yeah, you didn't know why and how you were doing it and we could spend all day - and i could you know, go deep into yours, but who cares right? Do you care it made me feel good, and if i, if i felt good, i did better on the phone. So if you're listening, you might be saying well, i care, because i want to find out how he how he came about it. Well, i'm going to tell you, okay feel good, interrupt the pattern feel good celebrate and what that means - and this is how you anchor yourself an anchor yeah - is a trigger. An anchor is remember, i said: there's five senses yeah.

Okay, all five of our senses, an anc well i'll, explain it this way. Everybody knows pavlov's dog he took the dog, show the dog food ring ring. The bell show the dog food rang, the bell and the dog would drool until pretty soon even after the dog was fed or the dog was asleep. All you do is ring the bell and the dog would drool what he did was he transferred the visual and uh olfactory, meaning smelling uh uh senses of that trigger that made the dog drool the food he transferred that into the bell and how we do it.

As human beings is, we feel good and we play the music or we play the music and feel good bingo either way, and then we go. Oh that feels good, and then we do something unique in that moment: here's how we can do it. Here's how everybody can do it music is such a great way. I agree and i'm not just saying that, because i'm a musician yeah i mean it's just everybody there's find your favorite song and when it's playing just put a smile on your face and squeeze your fist and say yes, when it's playing put a smile on face To squeeze your face and say yes, because pretty soon here's what will happen when you squeeze your fist and say yes, you won't even need the music right and it'll become automatic.

That's how you do it and the more you do it yep and you can. You can anchor in all five of your senses. You've all had that experience where you smell something, and it reminds you of you - know the perfume of your mom or or something like that or you. You hear you know a song and it takes you back to your first kiss or whatever.
It is all five of our senses work that way, but we can utilize that we can trigger them. Remember earlier that i said that when you come into my house and you come into my office and there's a dog, and i give you something when you leave so that you can fortify it. That's what it is. I tell you find a dog play.

The music find a dog smile, even if you just see it think about a dog's smile yeah pretty soon - and you know your brain is going to go. This is the way i would rather be because look. We either go towards pain or we go towards pleasure. Okay, if we go towards pain, our brain is always going.

Let's get the hell out of here. Let's find something that's pleasurable, even if it is destructive to us, we will go to something that is less perceived, painful, yeah. You know that's why people do bad habits right, okay, so i'm gon na jump around jump baby. You don't scare me! I know, of course man.

Okay, you ready health and vitality yeah. So i was. I was actually looking at my 20-year vision and then right next to it. One of the things i have in my 20-year vision is identify the world's biggest problems, isolate one focus on it and work towards solving it.

Make make that a part of my life's mission and being very honest, there's about 20 on there i haven't, i don't have one yet that is pulling me into it, but one of them is obesity, and i ask myself, like i mean you are as fit as They come, you are as energetic as they come and - and i know like for me like, like i'm, an energetic guy, but i like you, raise my energy level right like i love that the question is like there's a lot of people out there right now, joseph That are stuck physically right, like right, like that, you know, like oh, you know, covered 19 and i put on the covet 19. right, yeah yeah, so the first time i heard that really, oh yeah, i'm not telling everybody like hey man, we're going into that time Of the year when everybody puts on 10 pounds during the holidays, like maybe we need to take off the cove at 19 first and then take off another 10. um give give the listener some insight, like okay, tell them. First of all tell them how old you are: i'm six i'll be 67 in what is today i'll, be 67 in 30, 30, four days december november november, okay november.

Second, i'm gon na write that down all right so november 6th. So so, when you hear 67 everyone out there watching and listening knows, we know people that are 40 and old dude. You with me right and then there's guys, like you 67, that are like 67 or 27, like which one. So there is no.

There is no fountain of youth, but there are certain habits and rituals and things that create long-lasting health and vitality. Could you just shed some light on that like if someone was listening right now and they they just wanted it, but they've always wanted it, but they've. Never done it yeah remember this. The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago.
Yeah. The next best time is right now, so, wherever you are yeah, you still plenty of time and it's time to do it. There's history is replete with examples of people. Just like you were just saying he lost 50, i mean he lost loss.

Was it 90 pounds 90 pounds in like 90 days in 90 days, so it is possible yeah. So we all know that's possible and so i'll give you uh what i call the eight pillars. Remembering this, i'm sorry the six pillars, uh remembering this - that if you change - and it's not some herculean thing - that you've got to do if you change one percent a day at the end of the year - that's 360 degrees. It's a completely different person, one percent.

So these six things that i'm going to share with you, if you just make a little bit of a shift in each of these every single day and what i mean every day, get out siri and tell her to remind you and they go like this. The air we breathe i'll be more specific about these. I'm going to give you the the list. First, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food.

We eat the thoughts. We think the moves we make the words we speak, it even rhymes air. We breathe water, we drink food. We thoughts, we think moves, we make words.

We speak okay by design. Okay. Now, let's start at the very beginning, i love that all right breathing is number one. It's the most important thing that you do, but most people take it for granted most people - okay, if you're i'm gon na, do it in front of the camera here, but i'll explain it to you if you're, not watching as i'm taking a deep breath in you'll Watch me, my shoulders are coming up.

My chest is coming out, my stomach is going in and my head is coming back and i actually get about a quarter of an inch taller as i'm doing that, and that is how most people breathe. But because oxygen is the most important thing to your energy to your health, your immune system to everything you can't go more than three minutes without oxygen before your brain starts to die. You want to get a hundred percent of the oxygen that you can get in. You and when you're breathing, like that you're literally collapsing the bottom third of your lungs you're missing at least a third and some if you're, sitting down it's 50 of the oxygen capacity, because the stomach is coming in most people when they take a breath.

They're going like this, and the reason that that's happening is they're actually pushing their diaphragm up, which is collapsing. The lungs and you're trying to fill up the if you've ever seen, lungs, they're smaller at the top and you're trying to fill up the biggest part or the smallest part up here, which is the least effective part of your lungs. So once a day, remember syria is your friend technology's, your friend say: siri remind me to breathe and just stop and take 10 deep diaphragmatic breaths you'll get lightheaded in the moment, yeah until you've done it. If you, if you get lightheaded, it means that you need to do this more until pretty soon and what happens? Is you take these deep breaths just bring take it in down here in your into your abdomen and let it out 10 of those and then just go about your day.
You're breathing anyway, right right, what'll happen more energy right away instantly energy is electricity. Most people think of it as just get up and go, but what makes you get up and go? Is the electricity, the literal voltage, that's going through your system? So when you breathe you and you create you, you cause what are called these piezoelectric cells, which are muscles to release electricity, and you start to feel better your immune system, everything about you, you look better. All those things. Second thing is water that you drink.

You know we're sitting here both of us you're drinking tea, i'm drinking water and things like that. Try to put as few purity impurities into the water that you can. I you know we've already. We've always heard this thing about you should drink.

You know eight glasses of water every single day that ain't gon na happen with most people tell siri to remind you every two hours to drink a glass of water. That's it yep, just a glass of water. It's simple, yeah cause the same thing when you drink water, water, con conducts electricity. As soon as your body has water and your cells need the water, they need it to lubricate, they need to create compounds, they need all those things, but i know people that have lost weight just because they started to drink more water, but it means they also Stop drinking something else, something else, but they stopped having the diet, coke.

The other thing that most people don't understand and you hit it. You hit the nail on the head because when we drink anything else with anything else in it, especially sugar or impurities, and things like that, the body has to use more energy to filter that stuff out and because it's doing that it is storing fat and not Getting fat, the other thing is how we lose weight is through our urine when we pee that's how it leaves your body, it doesn't just burn off magically as you're, not sweating it out. It goes out through your urine, so yeah, the more you drink.

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16 thoughts on “Success through perspective & positivity with joseph mcclendon iii”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Theuer says:

    Joseph is such a fantastic guy! I was at Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within event and who was the single person Tony shared the stage with? Joseph McClendon III.

    I don’t understand why Joseph is not in the headlines of personal development, but I don’t care. When he speaks, I listen and I do his stuff and see the benefit almost immediately. It’s so much practical stuff based on sound science…

    He preaches what he practices.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emily Joy says:

    the constant yeh yeh right right aha aha hum hum from the interviewer totally put me off..couldn't hear him

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pro Tech says:

    Great Interview! i needed that one! So thank Tom and joseph.😊😊

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars carlovoli says:

    I love Joseph McClendon's energy, techniques, and message,.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shazana anwar says:

    Thanks Joseph ❤️

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IlsaVasquez says:

    Love this dude! So genuine in his plight to lift others. Thanks for having him Tom. You rock too btw!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nina Basescu says:

    Terrific! Thank you.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nickoli Morales says:

    love it!!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael H. Dombkiewicz says:

    Inspired! Great episode Tom!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bertrand Ferguson III says:

    Good stuff

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tasha Clark says:

    Fantastic interview! I listened on my morning jog and ran 2 extra miles! This interview was really a game changer for me in so many ways!! ✨🔥✨🔥

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Margaret Manalo says:

    Love this content!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Natalie Potasiak says:

    Wow! Such an incredible follow-up to Summit; thank you Tom and Joseph! So ready to take on 2021!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lyndie Brown says:

    Thanks for this!! Feel better already! 🧐🙂🙂🙂🦋🦋

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Gerald Living In Charlotte North Carolina says:

    I am still eight times a day standing up gyrating my hips and reading my definite purpose in life that I wrote down during summit! Thank you both gentleman

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Burns Investing says:

    This guy pumps me up.

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