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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. So another nice green day. Today yesterday was green day. Today's a green day.

Uh, this morning we had S-t-s-s our leading gapper. Well, second leading gap or behind a buy out, a third leading gap. or if you include a reverse split. But let's call it the second leading gapper.

uh, was gapping up Uh, 41, so not a huge gap. However, this was interesting because it's a recent ipo stock. all-time high was 260. pre-market had already blown through that up to 320, but then pulled back and was around 250 to 42.50 coming into the open and it was below the volume, weight, average price, and kind of this wedge at the open.

It ripped through 250 260, squeezed up to 270 280 half. It's a first pullback and then on the second pullback, I got in around 288 and rode that momentum up to 295 to three. A little resistance around three. It popped up to like 303, pulled back, then up to 308, then pulled back up to 310, then pulled back, then up to 315, then pulled back and then it squeezed through 320 325, 35, 45, 55 all the way to 362..

And that one candle was the biggest move of the day. So the stock went from 260 to 360 basically, and it was good. The nice thing was that, um, let's see, current volume is about 80 million shares of volume, so you've got a lot of volume and that allowed for me to get in and out with pretty large positions without getting slippage, which was nice so I was able to make some good money on it even though the move wasn't really big. You know in the last month or so we've had a couple of stocks that have made huge moves like you know, five dollars a share, Ten dollars a share and this one wasn't one of those, but at a lower price and with high volume.

Not a lot of slippage on the orders, so was able to trade it pretty aggressively and did well. You know, a base hit day, not a home run, but base hits are good and those keep my head above water while I wait for the next you know big opportunity to present itself so that's where I'm at for today. I'll break that down in the recap and I'll break down the other stock I traded so traded two stocks today and finishing green. So I've now made back what I lost last Thursday.

I was read about 14 000 on Thursday and then was up about 12 900 I think yesterday and about uh, 14 500 today. So so dug myself out of that hole pretty quickly, which is good. Um, you know and the only way is step by step you got to take it slow. So I did.

I got out of the hole and now you know the rest of this week can be adding to the profit for the month of April, which you know we, We're on the second half of the month, so it's time to be thinking about trying to make sure I hold it together. I don't want to take a ton of risk and end up giving back half my month in one trade or something like that. At the same time, I do have a cushion so I can let some trades ride a little bit if we see good opportunities, but you know that's kind of a challenge of okay. You know you feel like you've got the lead, so you on the one hand you can kind of ease off and slow down, just kind of coast a little.
but on the other hand, you know you've got a cushion. You can afford to take a little bit of risk and and maybe that ends up rolling forward to having the best month ever. You never know. So to be able to make that decision you have to really be present with the condition, the current market and right now the market is a base hit market and we're hitting some good bases but we're not getting.

we're not seeing back to back type of home runs, not yet so that time will come. You know it's always ebb and flow and when it comes hopefully I'll be in a place where I have a good cushion and I can afford to sort of size up and step up to the plate and really capitalize on those opportunities. Sometimes it's the luck of the draw that by the time those opportunities are presenting themselves, you've already dug yourself a big hole and you're having to trade conservatively to get out of it. Because you're needing to focus on capital preservation.

You can't afford to lose more money, so it's always a challenge. But anyways, that's it for me. I hope you guys, um, for my intro. at least we'll get into the recap.

I hope you guys enjoy it as always. Make sure you hit the thumbs up and I hope you're subscribed the channel that will get the notification when I go live for the morning show Monday through Friday around 9am so I'll see you tomorrow for the morning show. Enjoy the recap! Okay everyone, so we're gonna go over the trades from this morning. Uh, kind of A as it turned out a little bit of a slower day, but had two trades that got me green and the best one.

The best ones were on S T S Uh, so this one, you know it was on our Gap scanner. It was actually our leading gapper, but you know I wasn't really sure I liked it because it was pre-market below this critical level of two dollars and sixty cents. So I thought, well, it's got that resistance there. I'm not sure this is going to work, we'll see, and then at the open it ends up ripping through 260 and as soon as it started to rip I got in on the first pullback and I got in.

Uh, right in this area. Here on this pullback, I added at 288 average and we got the squeeze up to three. I took profit and then I added back at 304, it squeezed up to 310. I added 315 and then I added it through 320 and we got that squeeze on that candle up to 355.

the next candle hit a high of 362. and this was against its all-time high here of 320. And of course this was a recent ipo. Now initially I was sort of blah on it because the headlines that I was seeing: Acquisition by a Director 4 000 shares.

I was like 4 000 shares. That's not a very you know that's not a very big acquisition. He's already got 723 000 shares and then the other one was acquisition by Director 30 000 shares. This guy's already got almost 900 000 shares, so I felt like these weren't really super significant headlines.
Um, but you know I. I guess it didn't matter and so anyways, the entries on this. the first entry right down here. First candle to make a new high.

That was my first entry and then this was grinding in this little area. here, you know, sort of popping up, pulling back, popping up, pulling back high of 308, low of 294.. and so I kept kind of getting in, taking a couple cents, getting out, getting back in, getting out, And then getting back in. And then I started actively trading it as it squeezed up there.

So I got myself up a little over 15 maybe 16 000 on the day, maybe even 17 and then gave back a little off the top as it pulled back. I tried to take this dip trade here at 20 and I ended up losing about 3 000 on that trade. I got in right here thinking it was going to base out for the curl up. Stopped out on that loss.

Then I got back in as it came back up over that level, but it wasn't able to break through 350. So that continues to be our resistance right now. And all things considered, it is holding up relatively well. it's at 85 percent, The volume is fantastic, it's got really great liquidity, easy to get in and out, with big positions on on it.

No problem there, so you know Overall, uh, you know, pretty good, but I don't know if we're going to get a lot more out of it than we already got today so we'll see, but it is about 10 37 and I've got some things to do today, so I'm I think I'm going to take the 14 500 off the table and live to trade another day. So that was the stock that I traded the most actively churned some shares for sure. Commissions will be a little bit higher, but I'm happy with how I traded it. Dffn.

So S. Tss was our second leading gapper, Cmpi was our leading gapper and then it was a buyout. so trading flat and then Dffn appeared as a gap of 4 500 percent because yesterday they did a 50-1 reverse split and it took effect this morning and it sold off. but I couldn't see any reason for the sell-off from 13 back down to seven.

The only news that I saw was that they had the reverse split and I was like trying to figure out what am I missing. So pre-market it was sort of consolidating right here and at the open. As it started to curl up, I bought for the break of 820, it squeezed up to 887, I added it 887 and we got to squeeze up to 9 34. I took profit off the table and then on this candle it dropped all the way down to 787.

I tried to do a dip off the low, I didn't get filled and then at that point I switched gears and focused on S T S S. So I switched to focus on what was, uh, stronger. So I got a little trade on that. And you know, interestingly on this, even though the volume was light, I got zero slippage on my entry.

I punched the order and I got filled with no slippage, which was telling me I was buying from a hidden seller most likely. Um, so there was a hidden seller on it. But I bought those shares and so I ended up getting no slippage on my entry and then selling into strength as it moved higher and then focusing on Stss for the rest of the morning. So that was my morning.
and yesterday finished, uh, in pretty good shape. over ten thousand. Uh, had a high of about 15 but gave back a little profit. I think maybe I finished around 12 or 13 000.

So a pretty good day. Yesterday we got this nice afternoon move on casa as it squeezed here up to uh 7 38, but you know it was kind of choppy. I thought maybe we'd have continuation on that one today, but but we didn't So you know we're kind of in this. We're in a little bit of a grind here.

I haven't looked at my P L for the month of April. Uh, it's April 19th and I I don't know where I sit on the month right now and I'm okay with that, you know sometimes. So I was read on Friday also. by the way, I was down fifteen thousand and so on Friday what I ended up doing.

Um, I ended up having one of these days where I I went. I was what happened. Um, I don't remember exactly, but I went red. I was down about 3000 I think and took kind of one more aggressive trade.

I lost on it and then I was down six grand and then I was like okay, one more and I lost on that one like 10 000 and went down 15 grand. At that point I was like all right, that's it. I'm throwing in the towel. I'm fighting a losing battle here and so I was done.

A few minutes later I see that um, some of you guys had a huge trade on Veru and I was like frustrated. I was like oh man, if I had stayed around, maybe I could take that trade on Vero and gotten back to flat on the day. But when you go down 10 15 000 at least for me, you know that's a big swing from being you know a good day right now is like 10 to 15 in the green. So if I'm that deep in the red, you know I've given back one good day of progress.

I don't really want to give back too much more and if I had ended up taking that trade on Vero, you know I naturally would have probably been pretty aggressive on it because I would have been trying to compensate for being down 15 000 And what if I top tick and bought the very top and then it flushed down a dollar a share with 15 000 shares? Just like that, I'm down 30 grand and I'm saying to myself, man, why didn't you stop, Why did you stop sooner? you already read on three out of three stocks you went for that fourth trade. It was too risky Now at the same time, I don't remember if it was yesterday or the day before, but I think it was yesterday. I was up 3 000 on the day and then I took a 10 000 loss on Isun. And then we had Casa and I made 24 000 on Casa.

and just like that, went from down 6 000 on the day to up. You know, 15 000 on the day or whatever it was. I got that trade that gave me the swing from red to green, but I didn't go down more than 10 000. you know I wasn't down 10, 15, 20, 000.
Anything for me between down two, three, five, six thousand, anything less than ten. I still think I have a chance of you know, being able to finish the day in good shape. but when I start going down more than 10 for me, it doesn't feel good. And you know, right now, my daily goal.

I mean, I, I, I don't. I don't really have a strong daily goal. For the last two years my daily goal had been 20 000 a day, but I haven't been consistently hitting that. excuse me? I haven't been consistently hitting that in for the majority of this year, So I kind of told myself, you know, start just focusing on five thousand, ten thousand dollar days and you know, some days you'll hit 15 and that's great.

Maybe some days you'll hit 20 and that's great too. But be happy with five, be happy with 10. So my kind of rule of thumb is I don't want to lose more on a red day than I make in a good green day. That's kind of where I draw the line of like this should be my max loss.

so you know to lose more than 10 15 000 in one days at this point. Kind of like that's that's it. I don't like having twenty thirty thousand dollar red days because I'm not having twenty thirty thousand dollar green days on a regular basis. So trying to manage the risk a little bit better there.

Uh, I. I was very disappointed to have a red day on Thursday because it felt like that was sort of the end of. uh, it was the end of the week. I went into a long weekend finishing on a red trade.

It's not fun, I was disappointed and you know I just kind of. I was like it's my it was my first red day of April. I felt like I'd been doing pretty well and maybe had a chance of having a no red month. and then I screwed it up a little bit so you know that's just sometimes how it goes but was able to rally back Monday and here Tuesday.

So anyways, uh, finishing the morning in the green, I didn't go red today, which is good. I just had two trades at the open for basically two stocks that put me nicely into the green and I did try to take one kind of one more trade on it. That was a little aggressive and it gave back a little bit. But all things considered, it's a good good day.

and with this breakdown right here at this point, you know this chart's broken so I'm going to shut it down. I don't want to look at the charts for the rest of the day, I'm just going to let it be what it is and say you know what you had a good morning. 14 000 is great. plus the 12 nine from yesterday, that's twenty.

You know, twenty four thousand, twenty five thousand or so. Um, after fees and commissions, probably on the on the month or sorry on the week. so not bad. I'll be back at first thing tomorrow morning as always, so remind traders of course, especially those tuning in for Youtube.
My results are not typical. most beginner traders do lose money, so trade cautiously, make sure you manage your risk and I'll put a video. I'll put a link up in the top corner to check out my video, which is going to be a link to the stream of the seven steps I would take if I were to start over as a trader tomorrow. So check that out and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning for the morning show around 9am.

I hope you really enjoyed that video and make sure you hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. Our goal is to hit 1 million subscribers this year, but we won't get there without your help. so please, please please hit that subscribe.

By Stock Chat

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31 thoughts on “Stss 80% recent ipo day trading recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tesla taxi says:

    Are there any UK traders out there who are trading US stocks with Ross/Warrior but are using UK software. If so, what platforms are you using.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H Johnson says:

    Great webinar yesterday Ross… took plenty of notes 😊😊👌🏻👍🏻

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steff says:

    Your videos helped me to become a better trader . Thank you

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rocky says:

    Anymore tire kicker videos coming?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spearsg says:

    Looking fwd to the day I can say … "made back my losses…"

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars relhy says:

    Started my journey by joining your talk today. 20 year old college student and honestly haven't been this intrigued in something for awhile. Plan on watching your videos and future talks to get the best information accessible. Thank you!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoFomo22 says:

    Ross i missed your ted talk today. Is there anywhere online i can find it to watch??

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BLKCOBRA/NINJA 5 says:

    Ross I enjoy your videos; learning a lot from your teachings.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Kramer says:

    Traded MDVL , STSS, ATER, and small gain in PTPI listed from biggest gainer to least amount gainer. MDVL was near close trades. Traded long and short side of it several times. Miss Ted talk today. Never got my invite I registered for but hopefully I can find access to replay. Good green day bro.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candyman Trader says:

    Great recap and awesome ‘TED TALK’ today! Grew my small account by 7.3% today thanks to your ‘lessons’ 🤑Back at it first thing tomorrow morning!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romney Shipway says:

    Thank you!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JD says:

    wasn't there supposed to be a Ted Talk today at 2pm? Never got an email on it

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Relentless Trader says:

    Green day for me as well +800$ was able to get it done on $SEV. Thanks for the recap as always Ross.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smokeypeate SP says:

    As always I'm loving your program Ross I've signed up with the Starter Class and couldn't be more satisfied. Now when i watch these videos I'm able to understand them more and more each day. 🤙

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars roblox king says:

    I got caught up at $3.20 and then down, down, down from there. Now stuck holding the bag, hoping it comes up enough in the next few days so I can break even. Till then I am stuck holding the bag :-(. Ugg newbie mistake.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramz says:

    a little off topic i couldn't log in to today's ted talk. please help so i can see the replay . thanks for all the great content

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vols519 says:

    Hey Ross, 
    How big are your postions?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Irrri Descence says:

    Always interesting to see a trade you and I both did

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sodndbfbbsh says:

    What screener settings do you use?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fix It says:

    Good job Ross! I had small gains on sev today.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NIJARIO says:

    I'm 30% up today best day ever! I've never had such big day before

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JOE says:

    in paper trading i had almost the same entrys in STSS, the only solid momo and it was making new highs for that moment. i wonder what your position size was lol. i think i traded with 6000 shares cause it was kind of cheap

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spontaneous Crusades says:

    Wish Ross was right next to me telling me right from wrong

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Battalon says:

    Hi Ross,

    I did not get a email for the tedtalk.
    Is it possible to upload of the recording here?
    I would highly appreciate that!

    Have a good day!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Ney says:

    I made money with you every day for two weeks ,( trading with you) .Lost yesterday. Slowed my roll today , stepped back and didn't take a trade today. See you tomorrow 😎

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Igor Igor says:

    Hi guys !
    May I ask you please , to recommend me a reputable and reliable stocks trading platform…?!
    Preferably one which have consultants for their clients…
    I'm living in UK , if this have any relevance…
    Thanks in advance !!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Ballah says:

    Ross makes trading look so easy lol!
    Great trading

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dejan Triv says:

    Interesting, let’s see if it’s going to be multi day ….what’s your opinion ?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack says:


  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars temitayo akindele says:

    Hey Ross

    I didn’t get the email for the TedTalk. Others are saying the same.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr_x says:


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