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πŸ”΄ Minute Tip Monday: https://stockstotrade.info/mtmP
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All right, welcome back to weekly watch list feature everyone. I am lee training with stocks trade, tim bowen if you're on instagram hit the link in bio if you're on youtube click, the link below otherwise just go to stocks to trade.com watchlist got a very different idea for you today, because i know i know everyone's going To be asking about it and all eyes are on this. Speaking of amazon, the feature of the week um remember, get the full watch list. I break down the deta the idea in more detail also head over to the youtube.

I did a saturday video um talking about all of the uh, the crowded trade uh uh this week and why i think this might be the one split that does fail now bear with me: okay, you're, like wait. This is the number one feature and you think it's gon na be a failed post split trade. Yes, i do because of the dumb money, but we can make money off of the dumb money. Okay, this has been piling up piling up all week.

You see basically other than today five six green days in a row, because everyone's piling and piling in thick - and this is gon na - be the one so remember. Amazon is gon na. Do a 24 1 reverse split monday morning, so stocks are going to be trading at roughly, you know 125-ish. So what we're looking for is.

I expect to see panic monday morning. Okay and let me i was supposed to be a red line, so what i expect to see this is the 4 p.m close today, okay, friday, 4pm close, i expect to see a gap down, because when the trade is the most obvious trade in the world, when Everybody thinks it's, the layup it never is and the dumb money gets faked out. So i think you're gon na see a big gap down and then, if, if it gaps down hard enough, you're gon na see a lot of panic, everybody's gon na be like. Oh i screwed up, i screwed up trading doesn't work yet trading doesn't work when you don't have original ideas.

When you can't think for yourself again watch my youtube video, you you'll laugh again, the the guy i referenced in this video, very smart guy. His approach to amazon might be one of the most brain dead trade plans. I have ever heard of he's a smart guy. Very successful guy anyway, i expect to see some panic monday morning and then this play is in all week.

What we're going to key off of is that 4 p.m. So if there's enough 4 p.m, friday close there's enough panic enough panic enough panic and this grinds back and breaks through that level. That's going to be your confirmation that the idea is intact: you're going to trade off of that you're, going to risk that three to one that we talk about every day in the steady trade team, we use the chart to guide us through the trade three to One risk to reward methodology, we're picking levels on the chart to risk off of to then pick that goal check out the steady trade team we go into it in depth every day. All right, my friends, don't be dumb, don't do yolo trades, don't buy, don't just crap shoot stuff, because you think that your brother-in-law told you amazon's gon na run on monday morning.
Wait for good entries trade with the smart money. All right have a great day and hope to see you on pre-market, prep and we'll be breaking this one down live on youtube 8. 30 eastern hit that link below we'll see you next time. I hope you guys enjoyed that video thanks so much for watching and being part of the stocks trade community - we wouldn't be here without you guys make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to the channel.

If you have not already, our goal is to hit a hundred thousand subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without you guys. So if you like what we're doing here - and you want to hear more - please please please hit that subscribe button and i'll see you guys on the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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