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Hey everyone me kevin here: welcome back to another market, open, live stream and we've got a red market today, uh. There are a few reasons for this uh. One of the reasons is uh really uh. Drone powell uh jerome powell uh, has uh a senate uh discussion.

Today i wrote down a few notes today here: uh jerome powell talks in the senate today, and we already know that jerome powell is expected to essentially tell the senate hey. We are ready to taper, and not only are we ready to taper but uh we're ready to uh taper faster than we've tapered before, and this is possibly uh leading to some pain in the markets. We've got the fact that he said that supply bottlenecks were bigger and longer lasting than expected. That's something i remember.

We know. We've got uh evergrand. A lot of fears surrounding evergrand had a video on that yesterday. So uh yesterday evening, actually check that out.

It's evergreen uh worse than we expected watch that uh video. That's the title: we've got uh. Let's see evergrand bondholders pushing for default. I found this was really interesting.

Really it makes sense if you're a bondholder and uh you're involved in in evergrand, you kind of um. You kind of want to get your stake as soon as possible. So remember when you're a bondholder, you, you have a share of ass or you have a claim to a share of assets at the company uh. The company just becomes less and less valuable.

As time goes on so oftentimes as a debt holder, you're kind of like hey, i'm first in line to start claiming equity here, so why don't you all just go bankrupt like asap, so that way my share is larger than it would be if we drew this Out for another six months: okay, that was a sort of an interesting perspective as well uh. We have uh. Obviously we got uh data coming out uh, although most of the data comes out next week, uh in terms of inflation jobs. So we don't get a jobs picture this week.

It won't be this friday, even though this friday will be the first uh friday. We do have a lot of talk about inflation, specifically brazil, big reports about uh massive increases in in the price of food coming out of brazil, specifically because they have these insane droughts. And then they had this crazy arctic frost and it was sort of just like a double whammy of yes screwed and let's see here, i wrote down separately, wrote down this inflation figure that we were looking at uh. It was um a u.n index jumped 33 for international food inflation over the past 12 months, so uh, some real inflationary concerns again.

So it's not just the supply chain bottlenecks but uh. You know caused by covet or whatever, but it's also uh, climate change and uh. A lot of other factors that that are essentially leading to a uh, a market - that's uh, uh indicating uh higher potential inflation for longer. Now you still have the federal reserve, the bank of england uh.

You know the ecb suggesting that don't worry, inflation is transitory, but um yeah. I think uh most people expect it uh to be uh persistent, longer uh before it actually fulfills the transitory dream or vision, uh. Also, seeing obviously, 10 years spike, a 10-year treasury yield spike up uh, just over 1.5, now around 1.5 4. This comes at the same time as we see margin debt increasing, substantially highest levels of margin, debt that we've uh actually ever seen before in us history, which is kind of incredible to think about, but uh you know - and here i was thinking that people would want To have less debt, but no nobody wants to sit out the market so we'll keep taking on more debt uh.
Anyway. Let's take a look at uh futures here just so we can get a picture here. We've got uh the dow jones industrial average down a half percent or 174 points. The s p futures down point: eight: nine percent: that's almost a complete one percent there, a nasdaq technology, futures down 1.56 and uh.

Let's see here if we can get ah did they just change the little front of their here. We go hold on u.s. Ah there we go. I feel like they change this a little bit, there's the russell uh so um, oh, that can't be right hold on.

That's bizarre see: why is why is the dow down here yeah? I know that must be yesterday. Yeah, that's that's! Yesterday! That's interesting! They don't give us um uh. They don't give us the russell. Okay, fine! So, anyway, uh let's go ahead and take a look at uh pricing in terms of what we've got going on in the stock market as usual.

This video, though, is brought to you by public, go to public to get a free stock worth all the way up to 70 dollars. They don't use payment for order flow, they don't buy or sell your information, and you can follow me on their app by following at meet kevin on public. Go to public, get up to 70, totally for free all right. So here we have uh weeble all right, let's see what's going on here, we're also watching charge up because we've got a lockup expiration all right.

Let's see what do we have in the market? Ah, yes, volatility index, spiking volatility index, at least presently up to 2108. Nowhere near that pain that we had uh about uh eight days ago on september 20th, all right, what's in our pre market, so i'm gon na go drag pre-market over here for what it's worth make it a little easier for us and we'll throw right there. Okay, perfect all right so uh we have uh camber energy boy, one heck of a momentum play here, uh a full six. Twenty five percent up uh after being up 33 yesterday and you've got four motors ford uh of 3.3, despite the market being relatively red.

Today. You've also got recoveries holding on to green here. You've got macy's spirit, airlines, you've got walgreens and southwest financials like jp morgan, slightly green, not much green. We've got about a page and three or four stocks here that are green.

It's a relatively low number of green stocks. I'd say we're probably going to be at about a 90 red day today. I'm sorry uh, probably closer to 80. I think we'll be at that full uh, 90 and uh and then towards the downside here, not necessarily dives that i'm seeing here in um yeah, just making sure i'm sorting this properly, not necessarily seeing dives in these uh highest unfollow is seeing a fall here.
Is about three point: eight one percent at uh, emirate 3.3 at expi, uh, going to uh crypto uh, oh wow, uh, all of a sudden bitcoin is uh, is is taking off here within just uh, literally the uh. The last. This looks like the last uh two minutes here: uh we had about a 500 dollar move just now within minutes on bitcoin. This is the minute chart on bitcoin.

It does look like uh over the last. If i go onto the 30 minute candlesticks here, we have been falling down on bitcoin, it does look like bitcoin is retracing a little bit. 42 3 right now we have been tracing back, looks like somebody just bought the dip uh somewhat heavily. It does look like ethereum is following in that footstep ethereum was down to about 29.06 now about 29.50 slightly turning right again here.

Looking at uh trading on ada, very similar chart pattern here did fall to about 211, 213 now and also trading back down, as that uh sort of by the dipper there is uh is getting u-turned right now, uh, that is a that is a very sharp u-turn. What you're, seeing here uh all right so going back so looking at the losing stocks today, uh experience 3.31, but at 50. you've got uh, which you know there's a decent price. Uh cloudflare has been rotating down for a few days now, still doing phenomenally, i mean even at 220.

This stock is really just trading for august pricing. You've got matterport down another nine two percent today about three percent canoe uh. In that matterport there uh is almost under 20 again, thank goodness. Finally, we might have a buying opportunity again for matterport uh, open door attack.

Uh might be going under 20 as well, and now that one's been under twenty dollars for a while people are excited about that one being over twenty dollars. Anyway, up work, uh stay at home play down two point: four seven met a material down solar edge down. Two point: three snowflake two point: three: seven: let's see quantum scape back to twenty six dollars; amc back to thirty eight forty, five uh dutch rose down two percent here in pre-market sofi technologies; 1735 down about two percent squared down almost two percent; two five: three squares. Actually, getting a little cheaper see, i see that the stocks are red, but the stock's still more expensive than what i've been used to 221 for etsy all right.

You know 126 for uh for a firm only in on this kind of red day only going to give us 185 as a discount 1.85 kind of boring. Honestly yeah, you know, there's there's definitely a red in the market, but it's not a very deep red. This is the pre-market here, for example, on tesla. Take a look at this pre-market chart here, just a big old pre-market sell-off.
The second pre-market opens up uh really the minute pre-market opens up uh, and you really had that sell-off for about 16 minutes in pre-market uh. You did that's. Health did continue for about a couple hours and uh it slowly recovered. So last few hours we've had a little bit of a recovery so far, which is good.

Let's uh, let's do a little refresh on the futures here, see if we're trending in a direction. Ah, it's hard to tell right now it does look like we have a little bit of smaller losses here on the dow doubt only uh down about 1.6 now was down as much as uh. Well, at least from what we've seen in our stream here about 170 180., all right cheers to monster, see uh what we got else here. Hmm all right.

We have a new uh announcement here from janet yellen looks like uh, okay, so there's there's a particular date. Note is the x date. The x date says we will run out of money uh and we will allow people to pay things like social security and, amongst other things, starting uh, a certain date between october 15 and november. 4Th janet yellen has now updated her estimates and the current date is now october.

18Th. October 18th is the crisis mode date for the government. Now i do think this is very interesting, because uh we will have income a substantial amount of income coming to the government around october 15th as income taxes are paid. A lot of folks are pay their taxes on extension and uh, maybe if they have not made estimated payments or or maybe they have, but but uh, they need to make another payment.

Who knows whatever right, uh october 15th is such a date all right. Hmm all right so someone here says they have a 2x leverage position on square opened at 1. 30. uh.

Do you think it's smart to close, or should i be in the club? I mean. I don't know that i would close that on uh i mean look. I don't like leverage but uh. I don't know that i would close that on a red day like this probably wait for uh wait for a little bit of green but hey if it's making you nervous close the borrowed stuff.

You know it's, it's not your stuff! Uh so yeah all right: let's see cash uh elsa is there anyway? No, no! No! No! No! No! No! If, if somebody, if somebody thinks lucid's gon na, have 5 000 cars by the end of the year uh and if the market actually thinks that i will short lose it because that's no, no, no like! If, if you get uh 750 i'd be impressed. Let me put it that way: you, i would be very impressed to see them roll out 750 in in their first quarter. That's it i would be impressed uh, i imagine. Their goal is probably slightly higher, but i'd be shocked.

Uh, let's see here when will lemonade, be ready for car insurance, who freaking knows uh. They got home but uh yeah, i'd, love to bundle home and otto with lemonade. That sounds awesome. Uh, yeah, china, stocks right now are definitely an interesting one, all right for sure.
Uh so, okay, let's see here, rob h, says 750 would be impressive. Do they have an ev copy machine? Uh ford will do one for yeah. I mean three to four years. That's different than talking about the next quarter right, uh, yeah, technically the lock up is today still got my position in the xbi yep, all right, so uh, let's see what's going on with crypto, actually now follow falling more uh.

What a what a crazy little bounce! Uh that we had there on the minute chart uh potential by the dipper here, has now turned into actually a continued decline. Uh in a crypto, so uh fascinating to kind of see this the crypto self. I really think it's a you've got a lot of pain from uh this chinese crisis and uh. I remember you can hold cryptocurrency, but you cannot financially transact in cryptocurrency in china, so it makes sense that if there are uh fears uh, if there's a property crisis uh, i certainly would liquidate my crypto to go, buy real estate.

It's something that i would do see. I i look at it as rcc right, real estate cash crypto, and i look at that as like those are things that i can dump uh. If i want to go shopping in the stock market, so you know presumably or presuming that that those are at least holding some form of value all right. Let's go see what some headlines are that we have here all right.

Well, let's see here uh, i do want to know what the news is on ford. Honestly, let me uh, let me see if i can pull that up, really quick uh, i will be transparent. I um try to uh. What's it called um, i tried to test drive a four uh and uh they're like yeah.

We don't have any i'm like. Oh all right well, never mind that uh and then i'm like, but but if, if you don't let me test drive, then i have to buy a lucid and they're like yeah. We just don't have any cars and i'm like, but lou said they're like yeah and we still don't have any cars for you like. Okay, oh i thought it was funny uh, but hey that who knows? Maybe that's just uh one one sample remember the uh.

What is it the uh, the the plural of uh anecdote, is not data uh, all right, so, okay, just seeing here, bollard uh fed, should let balance sheet shrink next year. Well, yeah. We know that yell into the hill. We now estimate that the treasury is likely to exhaust its ordinary funding measures if congress has not acted by october 18th, got it talk about that jim cramer's now tweeting that inflation is too much for the market to bear right now, you see get it because it's Like it's a bear market anyway, it's really just a more fair day.

Let's see what he has to say. Watching stocks go lower, okay, he's busy, saying it's: it's an opportunity to buy and adjust volume a little bit here, uh! Well something else. We've talked a great deal about over these last really. The last year is robin hood uh that trading platform, it's ceo of latin, have defended his company's platform and its users.
It was in a wall street journal op-ed, slamming critics, who called the uh who call the app gamified. He says the ban on payment order flow by the way unlikely to actually help retail investors. That's something that has certainly been raised. A number of times by icc church we've talked about it.

Uh goes on to say quote: the democratization of markets threatens the existing order. New investors are trying to build stable financial futures and reverse the you know. Look if, if i have to hear somebody say they're trying to democratize finance again, i'm about to vomit like i've and it's if look, i'm gon na give credit where credit's due. I think that robin hood was the first to use this democratized finance idea, but literally everybody now wants to democratize everything like somebody's about to come around and democratize your bomb.

I i'm tired of it like people, oh we're going to democratize housing, we're going to democratize. Uh construction we're going to democratize this we're going to just shut up like pick a different word. Sorry, it's like just so over it uh, i'm tired of that one all right! Let's see here ford climbs five percent after it commits 11 billion dollars to build four new electric vehicles and battery plants. All right, let's see here ford stock climbed as much as five percent on tuesday after announcing plans to build a new battery and ev plan.

Well, wow, i wish my stock would go up five percent if i just made an announcement uh all right. Let's see here ford stock climbed as much as five percent after the company ramped up its commitments to evs shares hitting a high of 1484. partnership with sk innovation. Ford will build three new battery plants, two in kentucky and one in tennessee, along with the factory dedicated to building the upcoming f-150 lightning pickup truck.

The plan will have the capacity to produce enough batteries for 1 million evs per year 1 million per year. Wow. That's actually a huge plan holy moly. Oh it's not going to be operational until 2025.

Tesla, kick your butt buddy uh! Let's see tesla by 2025. gosh. They better be at like five mil that'd be great um, but that's that's great 25, good good, good good! Good! That's great uh ford has incredible debt. Let me see that uh.

I will tell you my thoughts on that. Let's take a look here and then we go financials. Okay, let's see here, uh alibaba has announced that they are no longer selling mining equipment for bitcoin wow alibaba is trying to suck up to the chinese government. Imagine that that's interesting, kevin uh dusenberty here says that ford will beat tesla and that uh and michael w said ford needs a charging network uh thumbs up for the democrats thanks.
I appreciate that yeah democratize, your mom uh, all right so um. Okay, let me look at debt here, balance sheet, okay, so ford's balance sheet. Okay, what do we got? What do we got? 20? 20. Okay.

The last one i have is 20 20.. Well, that's old yeah! This is a little messy. Okay, let's see here liabilities so total current liabilities. At 97, times million is billion 97 billion in current liabilities.

Cash at 49 bill receivables at 52., uh inventory's at 10.; okay, so you're you're, almost there yeah you've got a little bit more current assets than current liabilities. Uh, let's see longer-term liabilities or non-currents total liabilities, 236 billion dollars, my goodness uh, and what do those break down into we'll go back to the sticks in just a moment here. But if i break down total liabilities, that's actually not that easy to pull it down. Apart right now, it's going to take a little bit more digging to pull out exactly what the heck goes into the longer term.

Oh longer term, debt, 111 billion longer term borrowings. It's not not a lot of lease liabilities, it's mostly just straight up. Borrowing uh accrued liabilities, pension liabilities, deferred revenue, those are smaller, it's just stat other long-term liabilities. I wonder how they add that up.

Oh okay and then the short all right, okay, so total this is broken up, is so weird the way they do it here. Yeah total debt of 300 236 billion as of the end of the year and uh and and current assets somewhere around 100 mil so yeah. Okay, they get some debt uh. That's that's uh! That's not untrue.

I don't know how much that'll truly hamper them in their ability to to innovate, though um yeah, i saw the pensions actually weren't that crazy high uh for what it's worth. Let me just read you, pensions, really quick pensions. I saw and then again this is only the end of last year: uh pensions pension return deferred. I just saw it too defer pension liabilities, 17 billion dollars, but don't get me wrong.

That's a lot uh, but i mean it's it's less than ten percent of their total debt outstanding. It's like seven percent or something like that. Uh, okay, again still a lot. Okay, don't get me wrong! Uh, i'm sure they did yeah yeah, i'm sure in 20 the 2020 numbers are probably worse than what we have right now in terms of.

If i went to the quarter, i think it'd probably be better, but i'm not going to do that right now, because i just don't really care that much so anyway, we will instead look at what's going on in the marquette. So, let's see here, uh now uh recovering here, actually is somewhat. It is only down a third right now s p futures down about .64 nasdaq, still leading with the nasdaq technologies down 1.22. Now, if we look over here, this is a pre-market right now is being led to the downside by emirate.

This is momentum. Play yelp down about three point: six, seven cloud flare, three matterport three uh, here's canoe again, moderna coming off a little bit as well. Lots of three percent declines here. This is not like really scary right now, uh, you know so 52 percent, so yeah the color's red, but i mean this is just this feels like nothing more than a little violet jump on opportunity, uh robin hood.
Oh, not robin hood. Well, okay, rob no, it's not 1.65, but i wanted to look at btc here, a little bit of recovery there again on btc. So this is the second time now. We've popped off that uh 41 8 figure and ethereum sitting at that uh.

29.3 uh for what uh for what that's worth uh, i'm gon na i'm i might do a little bit of a dip buy here. Let's see what we got where, where, where we sit on uh ada, for example, i think i got enough ada right now. Uh 212.. Let me see i i just have to keep them in proportion, so i got ta be careful so um uh, okay yeah.

I actually need to do a little bit of ether beef buying. So i will do that. So, let's go ahead and uh buy a little bit of eath. Shall we uh? Let's buy okay, i'm about 20 coins.

Bye! Oh i'm out of money. How am i out of money? I just transferred money. Oh, what a rip-off um! Oh well, how about 15 dude? Oh, what is this? Oh, it's in usdc coin, oh come on coinbase! This is so annoying just let me buy it in that. Can i not would that not be logical, uh like um? Oh really, i'm gon na have to like copy address it over to a different man.

Coinbase y'all got ta, be kidding me uh, whatever all right, um i'll just do this crap later. This is so annoying how coinbase make my usdc turn into um dollars enter wallet address here. Okay, i mean i'll, try really quick in this last minute that we have, but this is uh okay, deposit. No, they don't give me a call.

There's no deposit address for us dollars like what am i doing wrong, um crypto address. I can't do a crypto address. I don't know what to do with it. Uh it's a transfer convert usdc to ada.

Okay. I will try that uh. I guess i i mean. I guess i could try to do that: uh ethereum.

So if i deposit to that, then i do a crypto transfer uh, but it then it says, only send eth to this address. So you can't you can't you can't send uh usdc to this. There's no convert button, there's deposit or withdraw that's all. You have on coinbase pro man that is so dumb coinbase time.

That's it short coinbase. I've spent four minutes trying to buy the stupid dip, and you know what you know. What effin you know, what we're gon na do, we're literally gon na do the dirty right now you know what that is, i'm going into robin hood, i'm going into robin hood right now and i'm buying my 28th just because i'm like screw, you 20 boom swipe Up bam: wasn't that freaking hard all right. Look at that yeah! That's about 80 red, it's kind of like what we expected about 80 red makes sense, they're up against adobe, very, very tough, competitive business on their website.
They say one of their clients is postmates, which says: what are you talking about, sell eath to usd then usc to ada? How hard is that i don't want to sell eth, it's usdc, whether it's there. It's not there's none of that! It's it's not it's not! As easy as you make, it appear, uh somebody says: go to your profile. This is like this is trash. Oh my gosh, so i'm in my usc i could i could withdraw uh my usdc to

I don't want to do that to a crypto address. I don't want to do that. I don't want to deposit more eth or i'm sorry, usdc uh. I can't make any kind of transition on my portfolio uh my portfolio uh, i'm whatever screw it.

It's just really dumb uh coinbase y'all suck uh, like i i'm like tempted to just literally well, it's coinbase pro in fairness, okay, so it's only five dollars go to usdc trading pairs. What the hell is that, like seriously, please? What is a trading pair? What do i care i just want? I just want to turn one thing into the other thing. I click on usdc, there's no trading pair, it's just deposit and withdraw like it is. It is the stupidest thing i've ever seen in my life uh easier on computer.

Don't use pro coinbase sucks, uh move to voyager, pretty sure buying on platform. Like hood, you don't i don't really care, i really don't care, i'm not! I'm not gon na go buy starbucks with my ethereum anytime soon. I really just don't care uh. If, if i have my oh, i don't have the address whatever i really don't care, i want to make money all right.

So, let's see what's going on in stocks now that we're done with that um, so uh! Okay, then, let's see here, okay, we're done with pre-market! So let's go ahead and put that over here somewhere and change percentage, uh, oh wow, xl, fleet and hi. Well, okay: xl was just there for, like a a temporary little moment, uh go to usdc click. Trade. Select these there is no okay look, there is no trade there.

There is literally no trade button uh it is. It is just um. It is at this point. I mean please correct me if i'm just blind okay here it is usd coin deposit withdraw like i don't know, maybe i'm missing it somewhere do.

I click this little little thing right here, trades transfers! No, that's just history! That's it okay, deposit or withdraw. If you click deposit, it's deposit from a you know, you get an address or you go to that. Withdraw you get an address or like that's, not what i want i just want to. I want that to be dollars and i want to go, buy ada or ethereum or something like that.

But, oh, oh really, mobile is limited. What the like that is like the most basic freaking function. Coinbase mobile is limited. It's not your fault, i'm not i'm not mad at you.

I appreciate you saying that i'm just like that that is like that is that's a pisser um. That's that's just dumb uh, so you have to use the normal app. Why would it? Why would i do it on normal coinbase, it's not on normal coinbase, it's on coinbase pro, oh, my gosh uh go to the actual market screen and look up usc to sell it into. Is it that well, why do they make it so complicated usd t? That's usd screw it we'll do it later.
Uh. I don't see usdc where's usdc. I have to find it whatever. Okay, so camber energy momentum play up 10.1 percent here naked brand 5.2 uh endeavor, uh, meta, material, aurora, cannabis uh, or this is like the second day in a row here, isn't it on aurora.

Let me see this here. Uh, let's see here, uh yeah, uh, aurora, cannabis, golly aurora cannabis has had a cell down my goodness. The thing was up at like 20 bucks. For a period of time there really ran after biden one two uh and um jeez yeah.

Look at that last couple days. You finally had a little bit of love here for aurora cannabis and it's moving forward moving a little bit right now as well 3.4, but it's not as consistent as like aurora cannabis is moving. Macy's is literally just the stock that will not uh stop ripping, which is really incredible. Um, let's see here, i want to see thank you for the donation there on try buying eth.

First, i will check that out: uh, okay, so um. Okay, we have uh yeah macy's doing nice poshmark, we haven't really seen poshmark do much of anything other than just like evaporate. I really want to know why, but social trends have not been good for poshmark, either build a bear. Win resorts, win resorts back to 86..

Nice, nice, that's awesome, uh, hit deposit hit us down and take you to your bank account. Well, i know i could deposit more cash. It's not it's! I don't want to deposit more cash. I got there's 200 000 of usdc sitting there.

That's annoying um, all right delta, airlines, united. How are these recovery guys opening up today? So, looking at the minute chart here, uh we've got a recovery on them. Okay, all right! So we've got a recovery on on recoveries. Nordstroms.

The airlines uh financials, are going green here, uh where's some pain. Can we get a little bit of pain? I mean? Is there anything we can buy the dip on yeah we've got matterport a couple percent: oh and phase. Okay. Here we go.

Are we going to revisit 149 like yesterday on end phase? We might let's keep an eye on this one. Let's keep an eye on mttr docusign. Let's go it's just day after day, it's given us a gift, it's giving us an opportunity uh to uh, to to buy some discounts here. Uh we've got uh voyager digital.

I don't know. Is this vg? No, that's not vg! That's not uh exchange! We'll wait for that, one that one usually takes 15 minutes to show up. So it's in the otc uh, oh wow, expi, now down about 5.8 percent toast down for now. Basically, every single day since the ipo uh, we did a video on this one thought it was overvalued uh.
That's that's a good little dip here, oh a firm down 3.5 3.8 percent down to 123 good little dip here, that's good! I'm not like jumping up and down over, like oh my gosh, i got ta have more affirm uh, let's see here, uh exp, 48, okay, pound to your pallet here back to 26. yeah folks got so excited uh when this thing ran to uh almost 29, because The thought was that oh, my gosh, it's finally gon na go back to 30 and it just couldn't. Do it couldn't keep it up? Couldn't get a ticket with his head hung down a head hung low head hung low, couldn't get a ticket, it was a sold out, show um. Who knows what the next line is uh all right.

Let's see here, trade desk 376 trade desk also kind of rotating down. How long have we been rotating down? Okay, uh. Let's see, i guess i guess trade desk has been kind of popping and it's been okay. The last few days, huh uh.

He heard the roar of the carrot. Oh there you go. That was the one i was looking for. You know good job.

You can picture the scene uh, okay, so um, google down two point: two one percent google's been burning off a little bit here on these. On these sell-offs here, i google has been on on crazy tear. I had options uh that i rolled into shares. I'm really glad i rolled those options into shares, because those options would just be burning uh and they were.

They were a double uh. They were great, but uh yeah fangs getting just a little on fire here. No palantir does not react. Well, uh to this uh.

Let's see here: oh austin, austin's uh. It's a plo pla pro platform. Well, who cares uh like what? Just because you make it more difficult that that means nothing, and if you're trying to be like elitist saying like well, well, not pro enough to figure it out. That's dumb, it's called customer service, it's called being being like obvious uh.

This is like this is like literally backwards uh, it's it's stupid, but i'm gon na back off coinbase here, because it's just so dumb um we've had feelings like this before, but anyway, market is, is accelerating its decline. Look at this a firm just dropped another about half percent, literally in the last two minutes here. These are the kind of days that i usually like buying on, because you know it's not your stock, it's all of it. Uh yeah like that that that is good.

Uh, so i i really like that: okay yeah expi now down about 6.48, looks like we're still declining here. I'm going to look here, smile direct club, evaporating, a firm, evaporating expi falling toast is getting roasted here down seven percent holy moly uh we've got dutch bros uh yeah uh. I just think about a separate stroke uh, but anyway i don't want to make it it's down. Matterport uh down, um! Okay, let's see here uh what is coin doing right now, like i i'm ready to just like short this stock.

Should we sh do we? Do we just short at this point? We go over here to short, coinbase um. That's it short coin base everything on hud, 8 mining, yay or nay, that we're running running a poll, i'm running a poll short coinbase and all in uh with coinbase stars on hut hut, eight mining uh pull. Oh there. We go; okay, pull! Yes, yes, no uh! Okay, i did it.
Somebody says i'm short upstart. Instead, oh gosh uh, if honey goes up, coinbase goes up. Yeah. Try that theory over the last three months compare the two.

You will not be happy um. Okay, so are we still declining here? Yeah, oh affirms. Now, down a full five percent - oh i like this. Now we're get now we're getting some juice here.

Look at that 247 for square come on! Let's see it! This is the coinbase pro link for trading usdc for etc. Oh sorry, eth there's a there's. A how-to guide folks, there is a how to guide um start trading, the hell. Oh, that is really i'll, go on the desktop later.

That is not something that looks like you're going to do on the app all right, uh etsy down 3.61 here: okay um. How is hottie doing by the way hot eight uh it's at 8.51? Okay? So what else here? Carnival 2.0 uh two percent to the upside on carnival nice macy's 2.9 rocket lab 2.3 fuel cell american air, okay, good! So recoveries are doing well honest company. Coming up point eight percent - i mean, i wouldn't even say: recoveries are doing well, they're, just not getting beat like crazy, tesla's, freaking green today, on a day like today. Oh my goodness, not by much, not by much at all, uh look at that.

It kind of ran, and now it's rotating down like this - is about to turn red but uh. That's a shocker and i see tesla's still still holding on over there. It's usually one of the first to be read with everyone else over here uh. You know a firm, a firm accelerating about 6.2 now.

Well, i love it on days like this matterport, yes square, yes, keep going lucid. We're gon na have some buying opportunities here. There's lucid for y'all docusign 3.3 as well. Hud's down three where's end phase did in face, go below our number.

Yet, let's see here yeah, let's go we're about to be under 150. toast, oh my gosh, it's so bad uh tesla carrying the nasdaq yeah. Let me well, let me see this update sunday says about mastercard. That's not a surprise.

Let's see here is that news. Uh, okay, oh mastercard, rolls out, buy now pay later business. The competition is heating up, sorry affirm. You got competition.

Mastercard unveiled on tuesday buy now paid leader program that will allow its customers to pay online and in-store through equal and installment free through equal and interest-free installments. Okay. So how many? If it's just like four, nobody cares, that's that's the thing like everybody can do paying for paypal does paying, for everybody does paying for paying for big deal uh, but it is this is this is interesting because the the other payment processors are going to or going To do what paypal does and are going to do what the other companies do like um? What's it called uh? Well buy now pay later, certainly, but most of them do pay in four uh paying, for is the key er that that everybody does so. Basically, like you go to paypal and it'll, say: hey pay.
You know a fourth now, a fourth in two weeks, a fourth two weeks thereafter and a fourth two weeks. Thereafter, that's pretty industry standard! If you um, what's it called uh? If you have something fancier uh with with uh a mastercard, then then that's something that's more alarming. To pay attention to right, like if mastercard, all of a sudden has like a special partnership with amazon right like that, would be horrible for something like amazon. But we don't actually see that yeah, so i wonder if they're calling it the mastercard installments program, let's see here, okay, here we go whatever i'll take your hoodies meets the needs.

Okay, let's see here so consumers looking for flexible ways to pay whatever, whatever okay. Here we go so uh your bank who's, your bank, oh whatever bank. I have oh okay, uh four easy payments see, look at it. It's literally four payments.

This is a paypal competitor, not on a firm competitor watch for it. I don't know they make it go. So fast here, but wait for it right here there boom four easy payments and they set it right on the little jiffy right in front of it as well uh. So that's actually not that big of a competitor! I'm not really worried about that, because it's! It's really a paypal competitor, not an affirm competitor.

A firm is really when you're getting those partnerships to get that six months. The 12 months right, that's important, uh yours, everybody's, going to be due for be doing four payments, not worried about that at all. Oh, oh, and face rotating: oh wait: wait! Uh! Okay! I thought it was gon na. I thought it was gon na uh come up.

Um come on. Let's get a little bit more discount all right so now worried about that with the firm from sitting at 120. Toast toast is recovering, toast is starting to recover. Matterport broke, it broke 20., that's it! We we got.

We got to do a little bit of a buy hold on wait for it. It's going to raise my cost basis or actually lower. It should lower because i i i don't have - i don't - have a lot of matter for right now. I think uh.

I really want to raise my um hold on how many shares do i want. I don't know what i want. Oh, not that many. I just want to buy little nibbles at a time.

Let's buy there, we go 20 that works 2500. boom, okay, 2500 of matterport boom. We did it okay, so that's actually the first bit that i have there in um uh in in weeble for matterport uh ttr. Okay, good and, let's now see where's end phase in face.

Oh gosh, that's that's camber energy yeah! No, that's! That's! That's not what we're looking at uh! Okay, let's buy, let's buy some end phase as well, because why not my my weeble cost basis keeps going up, but i don't care because cost basis is cost basis is ill. Nobody cares and let's buy 350 shares of that. Oh, no, i don't want to stop loss, get rid of that buy, buy, buy the dip, buy the dip, no, don't put a limit in just execute there. We go okay, good cool, all right and okay, so i did a little bit a little bit of dip.
Buy there, okay cool fun uh. I would honestly love um. Oh my gosh somebody says: enface is going to 150. Look at the chart angle it's at 150.

uh. I all i needed was the little thing on the side to say, end phase 150 and i'm like hell yeah uh, but i would love for google to evaporate uh. So uh, that's that's uh, and it is doing that this is exciting. Uh, a firm recovering a little bit as well we're getting a little bit of a bounce off here firm coming back up.

We got three minutes of green right there, so uh by the dip opportunities. Uh are escaping us uh pounds here hell, let's go shopping. What about what else am i doing? Let's go by oh get out of here. We got ta buy a little bit of pounds here was because i actually don't have any pounds here right now, uh! That's because i sold all my options at like 29, something and uh.

So now it's i don't know a couple thousand shares: okay, yeah that works uh. So now i have to start buying it back boom, all right and 50 um. Okay! Well, all right! I don't know anything else. I got a really good position in lemonade and hippo.

I'm happy with those right now uh. It's it's a lot so but yeah, i know hippo is like what was it 4.6 or something he's a steal? Yeah. I don't know where it is right now. No, i don't even see it down that far.

It's just it's not down in the in discount world right now. This is discount land right here, where the pain is come on, come on the suffering suffer and spend spend that money. This is what we spend money on. We don't spend money on rolexes, oh wow, y'all a lot more torn on uh on the whole uh short coinbase versus all in on hud 8 at 59 to 41..

That's that's not as uh as as crazy as i uh expected uh. I i thought that that might be a little bit more y'all might be more like 90. So so not everyone is as upset about coinbase or it's not enough of a reason to be upset. It's just obviously i haven't done a usdc to if each transaction and they make it funny uh all right.

So, looking at the upside here, camber's going nuts uh, so we got momentum going nuts camber naked just set set yourself up for when this thing starts. Going down just be prepared, that's all i want to say i i would i wonder if you can even short it right now. Let me see uh not that i would necessarily want to because these momentum things could go really insane, but uh, let's see here, can i shore camber market, sell, sell uh. This security is not available for short selling yeah.
I don't like it when they're not available for short selling, because to me that's that's just to tell that the market's not a like in cases like this. In my opinion, short selling is kind of just like yeah. Let's, let's go back, let's go back to reality. Here uh and this ain't that so uh in the meantime, milk - it you know, but but you all know, this y'all y'all know um exactly how this this momentum stuff goes up and it goes down.

It goes up and it goes down. It's um old news. Uh. All right, let's see, let's see, oh, where is it? No? That's not what i want.

Okay, all right, i'm gon na pull up the specific ticker here that i'm looking for so one. Second, here uh, oh yeah, okay, i want to look this up. Let's look at the volatility, oh volatility sitting at 2071., 10.39, it's almost at the top of where we are in terms of volatility. Today, let's see here, that means s v x y.

I believe it is yeah. This should be down it's not actually as much down as i would hope. So we played the recovery here, it's not as down as i would hope so. Somebody's asking how i would play this.

The vix. This is a great way. Usually, when you get a big fall like this, because it always tends to revert, and so we played that trade uh but uh, we got not much, not much of a drop there today. Okay, so not so excited about trading that i'm excited about like trading camber.

But can you do options on this thing? Oh come on. I can't short it and i can't do options. Oh yeah, okay, that's a legit market. That's scammy! Uh! That's just nutty manipulation.

Tell you know only institutions can show yeah, that's that's screwy um yeah. Now i haven't seen any room. I don't think elon musk is going to join anyone's board. He's uh he's so busy.

I mean he just his relationship. Basically just fell apart because he's so busy and i feel horrible about that. They just had a kid too uh. I thought they were.

They were awesome, but they, you know, you never know. Uh there we go. Tesla did go red uh. We we saw this trend occurring.

Uh tesla did go red, it's down about a percent right now, uh apple down about point. Seven win actually went negative charge point folks, not like what a boring, lockup expiration, no, no real suffering here, uh it was uh. It was too priced in it was too hyped up boring that was boring all right, so we saw toast affirms back to 122 pound tears, recovering open door. All right.

It looks like the the heat of the moment has passed 69 on lemonade. It's not it's! Not a horrible number um, you know like physically, like the the the number like six yeah uh in terms of the stock price uh. Oh it'll take 65. uh.

I probably it'd probably have to be lower for me to add end phase 151. Okay alphabet is alphabet. Recovering now i wish you hear it. It actually does look like it's recovering a little bit.
Google. It is yeah yeah yeah! Oh look! There's my google pause, whatever all right what else? Oh tattoo chef at 1891.. Oh it's doing that good! We're getting gon na get back to 16. Are we oh matterport coming back up, so i bought the dip nicely there under 20k on that one or 20 20k, when we're saying crypto, what's crypto doing, is just playing sideways here flat, nothing boring! So what you're gon na do to us yeah, that's exactly what it's gon na do to us! It's gon na! Do us like that.

It's unreal, boring, okay, what else spy down one percent i'm trying to get these shirts see! Look what i wore you like this shirt come on. I'm work, i'm working on it here the spy is falling. Let me see if i can get you a link, really quick to the darn thing, because uh it's supposed to be on the little merchant shelf down below, but it's not and uh i'll i'll pull it really. Quick uh in the meantime remember to get a free stock worth all the way up to 70 dollars.

Uh yeah! No, it's just teespring's just broken right now, so you have to wait probably a couple days before, but the darn thing is broken right now, uh very annoying, but anyway at least you can get up to 70 totally for free with public by going to mckenna dot Com public, they don't use payment for order flow, they don't buy or sell your information and you can follow me at the kevin on the public, app public. In fact, if there's another little, let's let's see here, i'm going to pull off the public app right. Now, let's see, if can we is there anything else? That's dipping because i did move some money over here. What else is down? I don't find me something else: that's down uh open doors, falling more cloud flare, not ready to open on anything like right, how's, goog, google pete; no, no! I'm not gon na be piton.

Google still still fl at the bottom. For the day. Uh neo how's neo they're still sitting at 35 25 for lucid. It's not like a spectacular deal here, matterport trying to come back here, um tattooed chef, all right, we're gon na look at some headlines here in just a moment too, but um, okay, matterport kind of rotating back down.

Okay, we'll we'll come right back, we'll see. If we want to do any other dip, buys here uh honey, looking juice - i don't know you know how they it's been. Has rocketed: um, lemonade, gtech holdings; oh no, uh, 69, here a dough! Maybe i like adobe, it's been on a tear. It has just been killing it.

Oh, but i love this. Oh, it's like a it's literally like a waterfall. It's like you're on on a one of those rides at uh, disney world or whatever, like. What's the jurassic ride.

What's that? What's that right called, i don't know what it is, but anyway, uh splash mountain. Is that what it is you go up here and then you go on the right and it's it's great. That's great, uh, okay, so anyway, um that just reminds me of uh. Okay, so let's see what else we have here, um, that's boring! That's boring! That's boring! Okay, here! So well.
What else do we have here? Let's close some tabs here, because we don't need this stuff anymore: okay, so uh, dow jones industrial, oh, the dow is now down 300 points. 0.88. It's actually gotten worse russell down 0.84. We saw this like wind was green, for example.

Oh powell testified soon, oh really and there's yelling what uh and as we wait for that, let's take a look at markets uh as well. Of course you can see we are down um. I love a good red day when they go to start chatting, uh all right so yeah. All of this has gotten more red.

Oh, the volatility index has gotten even worse. 17. Is that true, we look vix, it says: 13. Oh, it has gone up more wow, ooh expi down nine percent golly, that's a volatile one! Uh jeez expi! Wait! It's getting worse! Again! Everything look! Look! It's all rotating back down again! Look at this yeah yeah yeah! Look we're going back down! Folks! We're going for round two we're going for one two here we go buckle up count tears down even more here we go we're going off a cliff, it's getting worse.

Uh upstart uh also heading down four point: nine five redfin four point straight down here: uh crowdstrike, lemonade, lemonade's now the 68.. Oh, it's going down even worse! Uh! Let's see here, matterport, oh we're going back we're going back, um yeah pound here has the really good picture, though that's that's a good one. Now now people get nervous? Oh i love it. Let's say: invidia uh nvidia love the company wish it were cheaper.

This rally has been so insane. I was shocked that it kept going like. First of all, i was shocked that it i mean i know i shouldn't say i was shocked that it ran up to the split. I was shocked that it kept going after the split wayfair 276 heading back down.

Oh my reports are almost gon na be under 20. Again, look at that! Oh yeah uh. Give me some more discounts affirm, go back to that 120. exp, all right, okay, so uh! Please trying to interview a football player.

The best friends would like who wants my knowledge, so yeah? Oh, i have to check it out. Thank you for that. A whole market sell run for the hills. Yeah everybody go ahead.

Please uh talked about hippo like hippo, getting bloody. Yes, you know what stable coinbase um yeah. It can't get any lower. That's why it can't get any cheaper uh.

What's the breaking news, breaking news soon, powell and yellen will testify. How is that breaking news? Whatever all right, so you know you do need to do. Is you're gon na get a call option on expi uh. Can i make me super chat to get weber? No, i won't do that to you.

I don't really care weber, i don't. I see. Weber doesn't show up web burr. Is it this one webber? I don't really care about what i'm sorry how's it done.
I heard. Oh, that's not that exciting, but i'll add it to the watch list. For you sure yes, expi yolo call uh all right. So what else how's btc? Oh yeah, look everybody everything's getting worse.

Well, not necessarily getting sort of that double bottom there. On uh on a firm you get the second bite of the apple. There palantir got a little worse, the xpi, that's the one. The yolo call mad reports at 20.

Bucks lemonade, 69 docusign, yes, fall, fall good and face sitting at 150 fall. That's perfect! All right! That's where it's been okay. So let's look at some headlines here before we get uh some testimony. Stocks are dropping as oil prices and bond yields keep climbing ooh check takes a hit.

Oh so you got value. Rotation is back how long treasure yields going up mega caps selling off? Oh here that's getting boring yeah where's the value where, where are the stocks value stocks, most notably energy, financials and others linked to the reopening enjoy the day in the sun? Really, let's see if wind is enjoying a day in the sun up down a third of a percent? Okay, let's try carnival, i think they are actually up. They are up about 0.44. Let's try jpm yeah flat, no, that's not much of a day in the sun.

That's a boring day in the sun like camber, okay they're having a day in the sun uh, but they they also can't be shorted like i can't like i wan na. I wan na shade camber like give me an umbrella, so i can go over there and take some of that sun away they're having too much fun. Let me spread some of this fun around. Take those fun coupons and uh and throw them around to everything else.

Well, camber's hogging, all the fun right now buy pollster, not me, i'm so over the other car companies uh. You know it's just uh more and more. You realize just how far ahead tesla's. I know it sounds crazy because i i do still like neo and and um i've got a place for lucid too, but um nowhere near uh tesla, so uh autodesk.

This is another one, i'm watching too, along with hippo, but i've got ta. I've got a position established in hippos, so i'm good with that uh autodesk, i'm really trying to grow my position in a firm and end phase right now, uh i'd like a firm honestly to go back to like 110. But sometimes i say these things like i'd love for it to go to this price, and it just never does so. I have to be careful about that too, but uh i mean we just added like crazy here to some of these, but we're still rotating down.

Look at talent here is just evaporating like this is great uh en phase under 150. Did it go? Did it break? Let's go. Oh that's juicy now. Look at that! Oh we got it right here.

It was that second little candlestick ish. Something like that. So i had it now: it's at 149. ooh, that's juicy! Somebody here says under 100 for uh for a farm yeah! Look! If you have two, if you feel like you, have too much hippo and you want to diversify, i'm not gon na feel bad about.
You. Do whatever you want to do? Um firm, 119? Nice! Let's see here, affirm oh yeah, okay, everything is kind of continuing look at these sparklines. Here, it's getting worse all down down. No, no, no, no! No! No!.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “Stocks fall & yellen / powell talk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Betty Fouche says:

    $600 movement is the equivalent of a couch for low for middle income.. So the cost of the couch is a tax consequence. Don't forget that the rich can spend that on lunch of dinner …

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Learning Creations Homestead says:

    Go to the first icon on the bottom left then click on the coin you want

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aere Ree says:

    I've been Yellen Let's go Brenda!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John King says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vincent Iengo says:

    look at the portfolio page next to usdc it says exchange for usd

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tgon Mwort says:

    The Biden plan will help us get out of the gain of function virus pandemic that their buddy China Fauci created. These lefty fools are hularious.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Hankins says:

    Wow and all power plants in china went down ! And all the supliers ? Say goodnight bonzo.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rhonda Eggers says:

    A fusion of growth and value investing in the stock market offers you the opportunity to enjoy higher returns on your investment while reducing a substantial amount of your risk. My advise for beginners is get an expert broker.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gaylan Wright says:

    Elizabeth Warren’s style is on a high level

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Nooning says:

    Lmao Kevin you are such a crypto noob you have no idea about even the basics of buying and converting coins. Maybe Robinhood is best for you, as much as I hate them. You should know about crypto if you are going to trade with Pro.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Winters says:

    This goof is complaining about stock in the red after panic selling CRYPTO because of EVERGRAND and CHINA FUD 😀 😀 :D. Maybe have a been a crypto charts now u just said would crash..? Bitcoin 60k range end of month, pin this. Man screams scared money and doesn't realize the US has over trillions in debt for 2 decades. China has currently banned crypto 19 times and counting.Thank heavens he isn't in office. Jeeeez i legit thought anyone better than Newsom but …… Sad to see fall from grace seemingly in a week or so. Homie gone Eminem now. Back to graham the boss and becker ect. un subbedddd. GL all. this dude fuds all day 😀

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yasha Unknown says:

    The economy is collapsing because the US capitalism is so corrupted. It's not salvageable. Get out of the stock market NOW. Or you will lose everything.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan May says:

    No not unrealized capital gains, largely from tax havens and tax loopholes like having your cruise ship company registered in Liberia, or your company being registered in the Cayman Islands. And being given huge tax incentives literally from the government. This won’t affect the billionaires at all. This will only hurt the people that actually pay taxes.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Black Kitty Panther says:

    Kevin you may be married and have kids But im pretty sure you have a lil sugar in your tank by the way you be flinging your wrist around and the sweet way you talk. Dang dude put some bass in your voice for goodness sake

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cala Kinis says:

    In my opinion, it will be highly delusional to hold unto your money, bottom line is diversify your portfolio and you'll see incredible results. mutual funds takes long time but investing smartly is the key for short term

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edith says:

    How long has it been since Kevin’s had stuffy nose? 2 months?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Degen Den says:

    Why do all the Democrats need a written statement but all the Republicans speak from the top of their head. Seems to be a trend even when we had election security hearings.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Gibson says:

    I<advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.The market is very unstable and you can't tell if it's going bearish or bullish.While myself and others are trad!n without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket. It all depends on the pattern you follow. I was able to make 7 BTC from 2.1 BTC in just few months from implementing trades with tips and info from Mrs Elisa Denise Jones.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Elliott says:

    It’s funny how getting people vaccinated is all about putting people back to work, however if you don’t get vaccinated, your job is in jeopardy. Ha. Let unvaccinated people continue to work. We are 75% vaccinated in America.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Violinda Lola says:

    DEMOCROTIZE YOUR MOM. LMFAO Love you Kevin! <3

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Alvin says:

    This dont bother me any more.. During the dreadful lockdown I made lots of profit investing with Larysa del, I was able to build a big income stream still hungry for more profits.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Elliott says:

    We are in major debt and now are forced to do something about it….this is gonna be a crazy 4 years

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dardan says:

    You absolutely have no idea. You are only talking shit

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fraser Samuel says:

    Powell is dangerous. Debt since the gfc has sky rocketed due to Jerome's low interest & QE policies. It has created massive bubbles in stocks.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max R says:

    What's the point of a debt ceiling if we keep raising it?
    Here's a novel idea: reduce the size of the government!

    Name one government organization that is efficiently run…

    I'm still waiting.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dean Winchester says:

    Whyyyyy the fuck is race coming into this????

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard V. Connelly says:

    Wow are so awesome they funds me a legit amount to my bank account today

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bertin G says:

    why do I watch this guy? He really doesn't understand crypto at all

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars whatchandstudy7 says:

    Told you stop using coinbase. Gets you every time.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars puppet says:

    If it isn’t mainstream media Kevin don’t like it 😂😂🐑🐑🐑🤡

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrabApples Bodaciously Bitter Fruit's says:

    He finally grew some balls and said no more acid purchases for scam artists

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrabApples Bodaciously Bitter Fruit's says:

    so many scams and frauds and government corruption so few bear publishers left

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grrr says:

    NIO STOCK 51 USD IN THE NEXT NIO Day (early 2022)

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