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Paul N'Gumah, CEO & Founder of Patternology Lab
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Everybody welcome back to the channel before we begin. First and foremost: I Would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year's I Hope you had a wonderful holiday seasons with your friends and family. All right! It's been a while about a month and a half since I released the video. so it's very important that we start this year with a star market update.

In this video we're going to address the the the regular market like spy and QQQ We're also going to look at the crypto market and see where everything is at and what to expect within the next few days. and I'm also going to share my thoughts on stocks like Tesla and the semiconductor stocks. All right. So let's dive.

Let's dive right into the chart, shall we? Right off the bat, we got the spy and in the last video I watched it right before recording this one. In the last video I Told you guys to watch for a break of this line of resistance above 4600. It didn't take take too long to um to do that. um a brid it right when we got into December it opened up much much higher the 4600 and then we had a push all the way into new Highs at 4800 right now right now everything is looking a little bit sus as a Trader It's very important to know when to trade and like when to trade, when not to trade, when to size up and most importantly went to size down.

All right when a market trades like this. When a candles are this small you want to be very specific, very precise, and very patient. All right, there isn't a lot of intraday opportunities in this small. Dois dois like this.

This is where intraday patterns tend to fail. This is when the market tend to play games and piss you off. All right. So it's very important to recognize that the big move is about to happen.

but you have to wait for it and you have to be very, very patient. Right now, it's over. It's overbought. it's been up for.

Let's see here, this is 60 days. This is a 60-day run. Yeah, so it's over. Bots My suspicion is that we might see a few more does, maybe for a day or two, and then we're going to see a big candle down.

Word: I Think that's that's my suspicion again. B Things day by day. There's some stocks that are overvalued to justify what I'm saying right now. but as the way the market is looking as the way the Spy is looking, I'm not too quick to want to be long on anything.

All right, especially in these in the traditional market. so just be very patient. I'm going to be releasing videos. Um, daily videos again from Sunday to Thursday As it says right here.

All right you. Videos from Sunday to Thursdays at 10 p.m. Central Time Um in around there all right now. let's go back on here.

Um, let's check out. let's check out Tesla First and foremost, let's check out Tesla All right now with Tesla it's been the slowest out of a lot of stocks I've mentioned I' I've told you guys that I was watching this one for a move up to 255. It took a sweet time to get to 255. It was.
It was very annoying, right? It played a lot of games, chop a little bit and then got all the way up to 266 no to 263 and then had a downturn right here. If you look on the 4H hour, if you look on the 4 Hour there there's a giant B flag on the charts right here. All right and this is the worst way that this bag can actually behave. I'm going to show you the best way and this is the worst way we're going to compare it with with with the best way really really soon.

but as you can see, it breaks out, plays games, and then doesn't really go anywhere. All right, this is annoying. A lot of bows are getting excited up here. They're buying in, they're buying in, and then they're buying in again and they're getting trapped if we dive in here.

if we break below 243, it's not going to be good. There's some gaps. there is actually one Gap specifically to be um, to be concerned about and it's right there at two at 223. All right.

And if the spy and the NASDAQ kind of roll over this week, I wouldn't be surprised if we see the price reenter this uh, this B flag and fills that Gap first before we see any upwards momentum. All right. So with this one traded intraday on Friday, there was an opportunity to short it on the 3 minute. First there was one on Thursday.

After the break of this trend, there is this massive trend line right here. As you can see, this stretches for days. It broke through on Thursday afternoon and then the next day this was Friday There was a bearish penet that formed and broke down at 930 and fell all the way to 248. All right.

So these are the little intraday plays that you want to be looking out for when you're trading in this market. And when the uh, the Spy candles are looking really, really tiny. Now again, that's my thoughts on Tesla. Now let's look at the the crypto.

Market It's been a very long time since I've talked about the crypto market, so we're going to move on to here. So this is BTC and this massive move started exactly when like the NASDAQ and the QQ started running. right now Bitcoin is at 45,000 there is this, um, there is an ascending triangle. It's been trading and chopping between 45 and 41 for about a month and it just broke through that level of resistance right here.

Um, after this kind of run, you want to be, you want to be careful chasing. especially for like, for the short term, the long term. We we all like most people know that the the value of BTC is going to be a lot higher than 45,000 All right, long term. I'm talking about the short term.

it is popping up right now. Could it go to 50,000 before rolling over? It's a maybe, but I'm um I'm a little suspicious that this might be a a bull trap where we see the price break out like this on low volume on low volume, do a whole lot of nothing and immediately fall back down below 42,000 and I've seen it before and I wouldn't be surprised if it happens. So just be really, really careful if you're chasing up here. the time to like buy SL accumulate was over here around like 29 after the break of 30,000 with this massive candle along with this huge volume at the bottom as you can see, right, this is the time to like.
get back hand to the crypto market right here. Be very careful. be very cautious again. I could be wrong and it could just keep going higher.

but I'm sharing with youall what I've seen, especially in the crypto. Market when there is these s in triangles near the tops uh it could be traps so be very very cautious and relative to this to to BTC we're going to look at Mara All right because Mara and a lot of the uh, a lot of the crypto stocks had a massive move with it. um the last trade of the year that we took in the Discord was actually on Mara Let me share with with you guys. So the reason why I took the trade on it is because it was getting weak on The Daily it went all the way up 232 and I thought it I thought it was overvalued Thursday it had a huge sell off premarket and I decided to buy puts at exactly 10: a.m.

right here. and the price Target that I have that I had on it was 24. Yeah, the price Target that I had on it was 24 $4 So I just H throughout the entire day on Thursday and then on Friday it started to take a massive dive at 9:24 this thing broke through um the upper like the first line of support. Let me show you guys here on a five minute.

so this was it first I buy puts right here, then I add at the close and then there's the breakdown right over here below 28 um dollars and it goes slowly all the way until the price target of 24 I was a little off I thought it would like stop at 24 which was exactly when I got out. Let's see here. so again at 10:15 when the price of Mara got to like 248, I was out of all of my puts because I thought it felt a lot more I thought it was enough and I didn't think it was going to go all the way down to like 23 bucks, but eventually it did Eventually it did. Usually after this massive 16% drop, especially for this specific stock, there is a little bit of a bounce before it continued to fade downward.

So as you can see on the left right here, the BTC Futures are up by 10% So Mara I could expect it to get off to like to open at around 2550, maybe $26 form a doe right here and then try to like creep up a little bit more right here and then on. Wednesday we can see the downtrend continuing back down. All right. So that's kind of what I'm seeing with it.

and that's why I'm saying that this move right here on BTC that you see right here. Um, at 46,000 this is what I'm saying that it could be a trap that it could be. So be very careful all right. And yeah, just be cautious with your money, manage your risk and be wise in this market.

So that's my thoughts on the crypto market. Now let's look at some of these semiconductors. This video is getting a little long, but it's been a while since I've made a video. so why not? All right, let's go back on here.
Take or Swi. so let's look at the video and the video again. Massive move. It didn't really do super well compared to a lot of other stocks.

It only went from like it only went up by like 12% total. Other stocks have went up 50 100% have made monstrous move. but this one this it already made this huge move throughout the year so expected more is like is a little greedy. All right, it's been struggling Ling at 500 it's been trying to break about 500 but it hasn't been able to succeed.

So um I'm really really skeptical again. I think I think we might see a pullback. The first Gap to fill is right at 3 433 I don't know exactly when it's going to fill I don't know when I have to be honest I don't know when. All right.

We got to wait for the stock to give us Clues during the next following days. That way these Clues can help us get into trades and can help us know exactly when where things are going to go. All right, So be very patient with this one. Um, eventually it's going to reveal where it's going to go.

I'm I'm leaning more bearish because it's so high and because of the other semiconductor stocks. the next one we're going to look at his AMD again. AMD Oh yeah, this is what I mentioned with the with the worst possible way of a B flag and the best possible way of a B flag this is a B flag that behav perfectly. Tesla On the other hand, this is a B flag that behaving terribly.

All right. it's not doing much. it's not like AMD that did exactly what it was supposed to do and run all the way up TOS 150 All right. So again, this is for you who may beginners in markets.

This is the type of outcome that you're looking for for a bull flag all right now. Um over here during these days around like the first half of December I drew the circle because I thought it could get to 160 I thought it would get there by the end of the year actually, but it's still kind of dragging its feet. A lot of um, a lot of our traders made some money on it going long but this one right here I'm not sure if it's going to make it to 160 I'm not sure if it's going to get in that green circle or if 150 is supposed to be the top Again, like I said, be very very careful, be very cautious and take things day by day, especially with the semiconductor stocks. Another uh, semiconductor stocks that is looking like it's nearest top.

Is Mu and mu. This is it. right here again and it's kind of. This one also lined up perfectly with uh with AMD Instead of showing a B flag, this one show a bullish penet.

all right bullish structures. They all broke out near the same time which I like and this thing went all the way up to where it's supposed to go which is the Um upper 80s. All right. and right now it's going to rolling over a little bit.
So these are the reasons why I'm leaning a little bit more are like neutral to bearish and why I'm sharing these thoughts with y'all and why y'all should be careful. Another stock that is looking a little weak and that that is looking like it's slowing down I would say is SQ again we're moving past the semiconductor. so SQ right now it move. it doubled in price over the last 60 days and I I think it might I think it might pull back just a little bit.

There's an opportunity. There's some opportunities here. watch for volume. watch for intraday structures specifically Bearish.

Um, within the next few days there's a lot of room down here and there is one Gap to fill at 70 bucks. I Don't know how fast we're going to fill that. All right, but that's that's my thoughts on all of these stocks. That is the update for today today and that is the end of the video.

Again, do not forget to demolish the like button. As always, don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you are new. again. As I mentioned earlier, I'm releasing videos from Sunday to Thursday Exactly 10 p.m.

central Time All right. Um, if you like to be part of a private Discord Community definitely click on the first link in the description of the video below. Um, if you haven't follow me on social media yet, you can find me at Paul Anduma Andology Lab on Instagram and on Twitter. And lastly, to get some free stocks with Weeble you can use the third link in the description of the video Below on SK Sh my name is Paul Anduma your P Anology lab where we trade patterns and patterns only and I will see all of you in the next video.

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11 thoughts on “Stock market update crypto, tsla, nvda”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @johncooper2790 says:

    Welcome back, Paul!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @vancedonahue7340 says:

    With trading, technical analysis skills alone are not enough; discipline and emotional maturity are also crucial for success. The saying "time in the market vs. timing the market" is a good mindset to have during market fluctuations. Thanks to Dario Cheston’s insights, daily trade signals, and my dedication to learning, I've been increasing my daily earnings. Keep it up!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tradingtitan9586 says:

    good to see you back

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @CC-yv6gx says:

    Where have you been? We missed you!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bithloginc says:

    Yessss! I'm Excited .the videos are so helpful. (AkA)The Hustle

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jeannied7743 says:

    So glad you will be making videos again. You have been missed!🙏🧞‍♀️🙏

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Superhornet331 says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @SophiaKappel-nk8kz says:

    What are the best strategies to make money/ profit through cryptocurrency trading ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AnnapolisBorn says:

    We missed you !

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @karleneprawl249 says:

    Good to see a video way to go paul😊🎉❤

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kamuelascoolish6780 says:

    Welcome back HNY!🤙

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