The Stock Market just hit another record high - this is why, what this means for the market, how to invest your money, and how to build wealth long term - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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Why the stock market is up:
Today, the company Pfizer announced a breakthrough that, they say, is more than 90% effective in the latest trials. Now, keep in mind - this isn’t the first time a treatment has gone through S-3 trials…and Pfizer is still unsure of how long the protection lasts, so further tests need to be done. HOWEVER…even though there are still questions up in the air and it needs final approval from the FDA…it’s a REALLY good sign…and if it works exactly as described…this will open up a LOT of new doors for the entire economy.
With the news of a potential treatment, the RECOVERY stocks are the ones who have benefited the most…these are the businesses that got hit the hardest because of the shut down, like restaurants, airlines, hotels, the travel industry, or anything involving a physical location.
But, with every winner…is also a loser…companies that dominated the online space, like Zoom, Etsy, Amazon, and Shopify…are all down, because there’s less of a “push” for people to continue using online services. The assumption here is that, once the economy begins to re-open…there could be a big rotation of money moving away from tech, and into “re-opening” stocks and in-person businesses…it’s still too early to tell, although… OVERALL…the market is up MASSIVELY with this news, leading us to hit a BRAND NEW ALL TIME HIGH.
Now, I’ve talked about this before, but it’s worth mentioning again: timing the market is one of the worst things you could do.
Studies have shown that, time and time again…the BEST strategy for investing is to dump your money into the market as soon as you have it, and then…KEEP IT THERE. Vanguard found that, 67% of the time…just dumping your money into the markets will get you a HIGHER RETURN than if you just slowly trickled your money in…otherwise known as “dollar cost averaging.” Even though, sure, there might be a 1-in-3 chance that this is less profitable…you NEVER know what’s in store for the future, and if anyone offers you a 2-in-3 chance of making more money…you should probably take it.
Second, after you invest your money…just keep it there. Fidelity found that, over 40 years…a $10,000 investment in the SP500 would have grown to $697,000 if you just KEPT THE MONEY INVESTED WITHOUT TOUCHING IT. However, if you missed just the BEST 5 DAYS….over 40 years…your return would diminish by over $265,000.
That should really go to show you that, STATISTICALLY SPEAKING…if you have money sitting on the sidelines, you’re losing out on the potential for that money to continue growing. And by selling OUT of your investments, or trying to time the market…you risk missing out on those rare BEST DAYS that could severely impact your overall return.
Even the argument “BUT THE MARKET IS AT IT’S ALL TIME HIGH” doesn’t make any sense…because, NATURALLY, the markets will always be hitting new all time highs. There will always be new all time highs time and time again…and, in 30 years from now, I can say with almost 100% certainty…the markets will be significantly higher than they are right now.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up you guys, it's graham here so today has been a very eventful day, so eventful in fact that i had to replace the normal video i had scheduled today with this one, because wow today has been one of the best performing days for the stock market. In a very long time, and for good reasons that i'll discuss shortly, however, even during this incredible rally, people are still making a very significant mistake with how they invest their money and, if you're doing this, which i have a feeling applies to a lot of people Watching that is going to be a mistake, that's going to cost you a lot of money and that's something i don't like. So if i could help you not lose money or basically, if i could help you make money, i'm happy. That means i've done my job, which is to sit here alone and just talk to a camera by myself.

So let's go over exactly what's going on what this means for the future of the stock market and then because this is an investment in finance channel. How you could use this information to make money or basically not to lose money, but before we begin, we also got to make sure the like button hits a record high too. It just takes you a second. It helps me out a ton and if this video gets a record high, i will show you a picture of a really cute kitten.

So with that said, thank you so much and now i'm going to magically teleport over to my chair, alright. So, as usual, let's bring everyone up to speed for a moment. On september, 2nd, the s p 500 hit its previous all-time high. That was driven by the beginning of reopening the economy, lowered illness cases and the prospect that another large stimulus would go into effect and that hey things might start to get back to normal.

But as that happened, cases became more prevalent, the stimulus deal dragged on and with less than stellar news. The stock market began trending downwards. At this point, many people were worried that this was going to become the so-called double dip recession that everyone was talking about and that we would begin to see the aftermath of what happens when all the excitement begins to wear off. Then, in october the markets tried testing another all-time high, as stimulus talks progressed further and the market awaited an injection of money, but that didn't happen and with the uncertainty surrounding the election, everything just began to fall again.

That was until last week during the week of the election as the outcome of the presidency, the house and the senate began looking a little bit more clear. The markets just began to rally. This was with the expectation that we would have a fairly split congress, which many investors argue is a good thing, because we'll see a fairly balanced outlook on anything that passes through. However, if that didn't propel the markets enough, then this today was the real catalyst for everything to begin moving forward, and that would be this.

That would be the news today that the drug manufacturer pfizer announced a vaccine that they say is more than 90 effective in phase 3 trials. Now, for anyone wondering here's how that works. Initially, studies like this are conducted in a laboratory setting as researchers analyze the virus and how it interacts with other cells. This promotes an environment where they could begin learning exactly what it is, how it works and how it reacts to other stimulus, and no, i don't mean this sort of stimulus.
I mean this stimulus now from there once they have promising results. They can move on to. What's known as a phase one clinical trial now, typically, this is tested on a small group of people in small doses and they're analyzed to see what happens now. If this appears promising, then it's given to a larger group of people with a larger dose to see how they react - and this is slowly ramped up to test tolerance, side effects and any other immune responses.

The biggest test here would be safety and making sure there aren't any weird side effects that would make them reluctant to give this to a much larger group of people, but assuming it passes, then we go on to the phase 2 clinical trial. This one is typically administered to a larger group of people as they test for effectiveness, dosage and minimizing any risks. This portion can last anywhere from a few months to a few years as they analyze how this vaccine interacts with the body. But obviously these timelines could be moved up significantly, given the urgency of finding something as soon as possible and all the resources allocated into getting this done now.

After that, though, assuming positive results and no severe side effects, it's moved on to the phase three clinical trials. Many would argue that this is as close as you could get to giving a vaccine to a widespread audience in a controlled environment. By now, they should really have a good idea of the dosage amounts, the side effects and the safety, except with this, they have a placebo group to test just how well this drug actually works. Why well it's important to control as many variables as possible and test under a consistent setting, and this helps us to determine the actual effectiveness of the drug versus what our mind wants us to believe and, in this case pfizer had some really good results.

They looked at 94 confirmed cases of the illness among more than 43 000 volunteers who either got two doses of the vaccine or a placebo, and more than 90 percent of the confirmed cases were from people who were given the placebo and not the vaccine. Now, in terms of how significant this is, the fda previously said that they would have been happy with a 50 effectiveness rate, but this at over 90 percent is incredible. Pfizer says they plan to seek emergency use authorization from the fda as soon as volunteers have been monitored for two months after getting their second dose of the vaccine. That could happen as soon as the third week in november now keep in mind.
This is not the first time a treatment has gone through phase 3 trials and pfizer has said, they're still unsure exactly how long the protection lasts. So more tests need to be done. However, even though there are some questions still up in the air, and it still needs final fda approval, it's a really good sign and if it works exactly as described, this will open up a lot of new doors for the entire economy. The second to also remember the vaccines are not going to be largely available on the market until sometime in 2021.

So this doesn't change much of our normal everyday lives right now, but it could in the future if things continue on such a positive trajectory now, as far as the stock market is concerned, this is where things get crazy, with the news of a potential vaccine, the Recovery stocks are the ones that have benefited the most from this. These are the businesses that got hit the hardest because of the shutdown like restaurants, airlines, hotels, the travel industry or anything involving a physical location. Companies like boeing up over 14 dave and buster's up 40 percent bp up 17 delta up 15 win is almost up 30 simon property group up 27. Honestly, this type of market rally is insane, but with every winner it can also be a loser and online companies that dominated the space like zoom, etsy, amazon and shopify are all down, because now there's less of a push for people to continue using those online services.

Long term, the assumption here is that once the economy begins to reopen, there could be a big rotation of money away from tech stocks and into reopening stocks or in-person businesses. It's still too early to tell, although, overall the market is up massively on this news like earlier today, the s p 500 surpassed 3 600.. The dow jones was also getting very comfortable with getting near 30 000 and the nasdaq even surpassed 12 100. Before closing down the day for a slight loss, now i know, inevitably there are going to be people out there saying, but graham the market is at its all-time high.

Now is not a good time to invest, i'm just going to be sitting over there on the sidelines. It's going to crash any day now, since the actual economy is not really that good right now and to that here's. My response, backed by factual studies and data, not by opinion - and this is what i have to say now - quick disclaimer, but i've mentioned this information before. But it's worth mentioning again because number one people never go back and watch my old videos.

So all of that information gets missed and two people keep making the same mistake over and over and over again, and it ends up costing them money. So this one is absolutely worth mentioning again, so i'm just gon na say it timing. The market is one of the stupidest things that you could do like. It was widely anticipated that the election was going to cause a lot of stock market volatility, to which we saw none.
If you pulled out of the market like, i saw a lot of people doing such as in this thread right here on reddit, you would have missed out on a 10 gain in the market just in the last week. So, given that, let me show you guys the importance of staying invested in the market and continuing to invest your money, even as the market climbs higher, because here is the factual data. You need to know. Studies have shown time and time again that the best strategy for investing your money is just to dump it all in the markets as soon as you have it, and then you just keep it.

There vanguard analyzed the entire history of the market and they found that 67 percent of the time just dumping your money into the market. All at once would give you a higher return than if you slowly just allowed it to trickle in otherwise known as dollar cost averaging now, even though sure there might be a one in three chance of that strategy being less profitable, you never know what's in store For the future, and if anyone offers you a two and three chance of making more money, you should probably take it. The second after you invest your money. You should probably just keep it there.

Don't think that you're some experts who could predict exactly what the market's going to do in the short term, because chances are, if you think something is going to happen so do millions of other people, and that in turn could mean that current good or bad news Is already priced into the markets, but the real reason why it's so important not to time the market is that if you miss out on the best days like potentially today, it could cost you a lot of money. Like fidelity found that over 40 years, a 10 000 investment in the s, p 500 would have grown to 697 000. If you just kept your money invested without touching it. However, if you missed out on just the five best days over 40 years, your return would diminish by over 265 000.

Then, if you missed out on the best 10 days over 40 years, you would miss out on 384 000 worth of profits missing. The best 30 days would result in a 581 000 lost opportunity, and if you missed the best 50 days in the market over 40 years, that would result in almost 650 000 less in profit or in other words with inflation. If you just miss the best 50 days over 40 years, you're losing money, another study found that within the last 15 years, if you started with ten thousand dollars, staying invested in the markets would have earned eighteen thousand dollars more than someone who missed the market's 10 Best days, this should really go to show you that, statistically speaking, if you have money sitting on the sidelines, you're missing out on a lot of potential for that money to grow in value and by selling out of your investments or trying to time the market, you Risk missing out on those best days that could severely impact your overall return. Even the argument that the market is at an all-time high doesn't make a lot of sense, because, naturally, we're always going to be hitting new all-time highs, like imagine, buying into the s p.
500, at its previous all-time high on january 26, 2018 at 28.72. Sure in the subsequent few months, prices went down and it took about a year to return back to that same level. But even though you bought in at a previous all-time high, if you just held so far today, you would be up 25 in just under three years, not even including dividends being reinvested, and in 30 years from now, i could say, with almost 100 certainty that the Stock market is going to be way higher, then than it is today, and i bet 30 years from now we can look back at today and be like wow. The market is so cheap.

I wish i bought more of course. Yes, anything could happen, and maybe the markets go down in the short term, who knows either way, statistically it's better to get your money invested in the markets now and continually reinvest. Otherwise, you could be a part of the statistic that misses out on those best days. In the market - and lastly, i just want to say this just because some good news came out does not mean we're out of the woods just yet and if everything goes to plan, it's still going to take some time to get this fully to market.

Of course, any little bit helps, but for us to really return back to normal, there's still quite a lot that has to happen. Businesses are still suffering, people still need assistance, and this could very well be a year away from being implemented on a wide scale. Optimism is great, but it's still important to be grounded in the realities of the situation and that things will still take time to develop that could weigh down on the markets once the initial excitement wears off or maybe not, people could certainly be excited for a long Time we also have a new proposed stimulus bill, potentially in the works that would include extended unemployment paid sick leave, increased social security payments, student loan forgiveness and stimulus checks, but it's also too early to tell how that's going to play out or if it's too ambitious To be passed through by the senate in the meantime, though, just keep investing. I've been no stranger to saying this since the beginning of the year, and basically, since i've started making youtube videos in nearly every single one of them and i'm still investing a significant amount of money into the markets, regardless of what happens.

So, if you missed me talking about this before just know that all-time highs are nothing to worry about and they're, just a part of investing keep your money invested in the markets, keep buying and don't let this rally dissuade you. Hopefully this should be really positive news and that overall, there is movement towards the light at the end of the tunnel, but also make sure to smash the like button. So i can continue to keep you updated on exactly what happens at the market. So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching.
I really appreciate it as always make sure to destroy the like button. Subscribe button and notification bell also make sure to add me on instagram. I posted pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there, as in the second channel.

The gram stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here. So if you want to see a brand new video from me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And, lastly, if you guys want three free stocks use the link down below in the description weeble is going to be giving you three free stocks. When you deposit 100, on the platform with two of the stocks worth at minimum eight dollars to show you guys, i actually have three free stocks.

So the first one we got is zynga and then we got uh, let's see another zynga, eight dollars 11 cents, and then we got wow agi, nine dollars and 25 cents. So if you want three free stocks too, use that link down below. Let me know which three you get thank you so much for watching and until next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Stock market reaches another all time high | do this now”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Satoshi Stacker says:

    Nice video! I was able to build a big income stream during the covid 19 pandemic investing with a professional broker, Mrs Victoria Valle.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars May Kasahara says:

    Hi, I want to start investing. Is it better to invest a lump sum in a s&p500 now or wait a little bit (few months?) with a possibility of the market to drop down?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ABC of Care Beyond Dreams says:

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  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fred Glutz says:

    So just keep buying? That’s the strategy? The exchange via the media, uses a wide spectrum of fashionable assumptions to influence our perceptions and draw our attentions to or away from something. These variables are part of the information overload used by the exchange through the media to forge a trader’s patterns of expectation. The only things that really matters in the market are the constants, which among other things, includes the Market Makers book of orders and his overall inventory objectives.

    Focus on the structure and function of the apparatus. Stock Market Tradecraft pretty much sums it up …

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    Bitcoin mining controls a huge part of my passive income, i invest Big and my profits even bigger. Courtesy of my Miner Mr Charles Connor.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maverick Gabriel says:

    Great insight. Same thing I tell people who think its crazy to invest in bitcoin, what is more crazy is watching from the sideline as the future of money is being established.

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  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MJM says:

    SOLO is a great EV company I think, the cars are pretty affordable too. The stock has been beaten up pretty badly which makes this a great entry point I think.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell Brand says:

    Now I’m buying fractional shares of TSLA,AMZN,NVR again.Before I was after dividends for passive income but it’s slow growth so I took my chances on high growth stocks like SHLL,WKHS,PLNHF 13 I’ve gotten a 120% increase this year but hopefully I’ll reach a million sooner.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H K says:

    Graham I was wondering if it is wise to open both a Schwab brokerage account, AND a Fidelity/or Vanguard Roth IRA account, or vise versa. Or is it best to put all of the investments in one company? Hope this makes sense

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christiannah adamson says:

    Earning huge profit in the financial markets is not a myth. I copy trades from an Elizabeth Cullum Hart who is a financial advisor while I remain in total control of my funds. She does not charge me any upfront fees but only a commission on profits accrued and witin six months, I have made over $551,000 in profit from an investment capital of $138,000 and still waxing stronger. I am always excited listening to your video Graham. Kudos guy!

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  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars olbap renrhaf says:

    Dude I love ur vidéos but you are clearly not qualified to talk about Stocks… We are clearly in a bubble… gl with ur Investments…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh from Bakersfield says:

    I invest in the stock market weekly regardless of lows and highs. I invest even more when its low, though

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Bridewell says:

    What about stock trading? Stocks are obviously more volatile than the S&P 500 so what I try to do is after a hot streak of some good gains for a stock, I've noticed it tends to drop back down, so I try and sell after some good gains, and throw that money into an S&P 500 etf, then just watch for those same stocks to drop a fair amount and rebuy. If they don't drop for a while, then oh well, at least my money is still following the market for better or for worse.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars grammus cc says:

    First of all too soon to be putting out a vaccine, I don't care how many clinical trials they've done. Secondly, we dont know what's in the vaccine, that's exactly how to perpetuate viral outbreaks. Thirdly, vaccines can never guarantee no adverse effects/injuries, some may be fine, some not, but it's essentially the luck of the draw.

    Uhh… there's this thing called the immune system. And it's a pretty remarkable defense mechanism despite what the pharmaceutical and medical establishments have had everyone believe for the last hundred or so years since Rockefeller industrialized allopathic medicine.

    By taking a vaccine, you're tricking your immune system into thinking it's fighting something when it's not, and ends up killing off the good healthy cells. THAT's the problem with vaccines.

    What they've turned this coronavirus into is an overhyped situation, that really has nothing to do with health. No mention of how to boost the immune system.

    We've always had coronaviruses — matter of fact we have billions and billions of viruses and bacteria in and on us, it's part of how we survive. We have an innate defense mechanism that has immunological memory from fighting past coronaviruses that will know what to do with new pathogens.

    The risk of getting seriously ill from covid is very low, it depends on the viral load one gets. Even if someone coughed on you or into your nose, the amount of virus you would get is infinitesimally small.

    And these numbers of cases…. THIS IS WHAT TICKS ME OFF MOST… the PCR test was never intended to be used for diagnosis yet it's being used as a gold standard to tell people if they have covid or not. It only detects genetic fragments of viruses and amplifies them, it amplifies everything in the sampl. Because, again, we have billions of viruses and bacteria in us. So, of course, you're gonna get thousands of positive test results. But it's like, positive for what?! The PCR test doesnt tell you exactly what you have nor does it tell you if what you have is harmful.

    It's like taking a tiny sip of wine, and you take a breathalyzer test, it will detect the alcohol but it's not enough to declare you legally drunk.

    So these numbers of covid cases they're putting is inaccurate, misleading, and deceptive. And the case fatality rate is extremely low, not even half a percent out of one million people.

    Big Pharma has always profited from sick people.

    This isnt about being anti-vaxx, it's about being anti-stupidity, anti- putting metallic ingredients and adjuvants into your body, anti-pharma propaganda, anti-making a profit off of sick people. Anti- making people believe they are helpless without pharma and medical professionals.

    Sorry, not sorry, for this lengthy comment, but I'm sick and tired of this deception and manipulation. It's criminal what Pharma and Medicine have been doing. Routine checkups and urgent care are fine but in just everyday maintenance of health, they do virtually nothing to encourage or promote healthy lifestyles.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micheal Bevins says:

    Progress they say shows when hard work is put into a venture. I was experiencing lapses in putting enough work into trading ,and my job made it nearly impossible for me to earn. Until I came across Edward Brian , turned my life around, I'm so grateful

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven's Day says:

    Graham we know the senate wont pass any of that and you know that too. That is why you are moving to Nevada. You dont want to pay taxes and you want to keep your money to yourself. I have lost a large part of my intrest in your videos since you decided to leave. I have watched your video on this and everything you say is 100% selfish.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven's Day says:

    i tried to finish this but he just goes into timing the market again. We all knew the market was gonna pop, I even posted on a post of yours that it would do this and I got pissed on. It did exactly what I said it would do. Look, Graham you are smart. Dont keep posting this kind of BS. Please post stuff on a post biden win. To note, I upped my investment heavy in march and april.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randeep Aujla says:

    What you think about Nextech AR Stock (Ticker: NTAR). They are an augmented reality company that's growing consistently. Huge opportunity to get in early?

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  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark D Whitecotton says:

    I found it difficult when I started forex trading,I lost so much,but my story changed when I saw a post of Mr Michael at first I wasn't sure but I decided to take the risk and I emailed him,still i wasn't sure about his strategy nor the software provider he directed me to,but still with faith I did all he asked me to do,now with the help of his strategy and the software he introduced me to i now make $10,000 every week, if you need guidance trading forex market contact him on

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Braxton Tyler says:

    Success people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance-wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone that reads this will be successful in life.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kryptic says:

    I’m new to learning about all this stocks so I’m lost.. how does everyone find what stock to invest in. Also is it better to start off investing a little into a smaller company or investing into a bigger company like Tesla for example?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Williams says:

    The major challenges investors face may range from controlling impulsiveness to the frail of compulsion. Most newbies and would-be investors often undermine and often neglect the importance of technical analysis with regards to trading. Technical analysis overly predicts the movement of asset prices regardless of what is happening in the wider or broader market. Essentially, the process involves studying the parts of a particular asset movement in the past so as to establish a sustainable pattern that can be used to predict future movements. Permit me to say that Mr Thomas is an expert trader without flaws, the very best of his kind, reach him via Whats App + 1 2 1 3 8 2 2 5 4 6 1

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blake Alexander says:

    That CEO has been lying for the last month. And I ‘hate’ Trump, but this timing is so obvious…

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walter.D Lawson says:

    I’m a dividend investor My wife and I have invested in the s&p500, both through my TSP with the government, and through Fidelity in her 401-k.Cashed out 270k from the S&P and invested with a Full service broker . Until around 4 years ago we were 100% in the s&p after over 30 years.I'm retiring at the end of this month at 62, while my wife will retire next year at 60. We currently have 1.7 million in out tax deferred I don't actually agree with this.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Kirby Trading says:

    Bitcoin is the feature investing in it now is the wesest thing to do now especially the current rise
    Despite all the economic crisis this is the right time to start up an investment

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee Jay says:

    Hello Graham, wanted to know your thoughts on Capital Gain 50% taxes vs Normal taxes on personal account in Canada. I have only invested in my Tax Free accounts and it's the first time in venturing into personal taxable account for trading. Wondering whether I should get down into daily trading that's taxed 100% or buy hold & sell that's taxed 50%. Thank you!

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