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Good morning guys, good morning, everybody, oh, let me get that out of there and bring this up over here good morning rodrigo mr hinkle how's it going all righty, uh, say good morning guys really quickly. I want to look at this um yeah kndi's made a good move coming off some resistance right. There uh the 477 level on the spy. Yesterday, oh yeah totally yeah, i don't know just a lucky guess: yes, lucky guys actually uh yeah.

I picked it up over at the lpp group last week, yeah uh, so anyways 477 yeah that hit yesterday was pretty cool but uh. So let's see there is uh, so i don't know if you guys watched you may have some of you may have some of you may haven't it not a big deal if you didn't or did um, but today's recommended target so far for the market, at least One of them uh, which we may have actually already hit, we did my levels actually kind of no, we didn't. My level is a little off that i manually did, but this is a level right here, so this was my uh, so my youtube video is going to be slightly incorrect. It won't be as accurate as it should be, because i kind of rushed it and didn't overlap my level perfectly, but whatever it'll it doesn't matter um.

So this is the. This was the first target for the day. 477. 63..

I don't want to say it was the first target for the day, because i wasn't entirely sure it was going to go there, but i picked basically said one of two things happens. We either go back down to this level or we're gon na run. All the way up on the queues um - oh, let me unlink both those sorry uh yeah, so there was really in my opinion, there was when i woke up - and you know you know - had a sip of coffee and was thinking about this day. I said there's two things that can happen for right now, based on where we're at pre-market - and let me put this on like a five day, one minute, so it kind of looks similar yeah.

So i wake up pre-market, blah blah blah we're looking to go all right. One or two things happens either going there or we're going to that one which one's closer this one okay, we've been on a run for how many days with not really any sort of smidge of like any pullback, really kind of so it's like meh. I wouldn't be surprised to get a pullback all right. I think, there's a high probability.

We can go down to 470 762. granted move happened, pre-market um, that's fine, but if we hadn't done that, i probably would have grabbed puts shorted down at least to that level. To start the day, um and then in the event we broke through that and held below that good, then i would continue looking for further downside, so the best way of explaining it is. This was the first downside target for the day uh via spy.

We met that the only thing you're basically asking yourselves now is: are we going to bottom on this level? Are we going to go through this level based on the way it feels right now doesn't feel amazing. So what i will do is basically watch the open. Look for what the interaction feels like around here and if we're going gon na go lower, is there a daily target there? No that's just a gap, phil, sorry! So yeah i mean, let's just say: there's a bigger sell-off today: okay, 474.56! We'll go for it right. If this really fades out for the day, then we're, i think we go to 474.57 on the spot um.
What would make me feel more comfortable that we're going there um well, obviously going below some previous key levels. So when i look at this chart, i mean to me: there's really no higher low. We could go back some, but there's really no high or low, in my opinion, until like there. So if we're gon na go to here, we need to actually start down trending, which that downtrend, in my opinion i mean you could have argued it was that, but that's so small, i don't think money would be anyway.

So i think if we were really going to tag the 474s, we got to go into a downtrend and i would assume that a true kind of downtrend, with the way we've been moving, would only really start below four six. Four. Seventy six fifty ish right in that area um we could try to start a a downtrend off of the four hour. That's definitely possible so anyways um yeah, we'll basically follow for now a little bearish uh.

We will only be bullish on the market today. If the markets are uh sustaining the price of 477 62 so like, let me rephrase that, because there's different ways to be bullish, so um you're gon na be uh wii. U yeah me! You will only be um continuation, bullish right! Continuing this momentum is trend. We've been on, if the markets within a matter of minutes or seconds or whatever managed to get over 477.62 and holding, then we could consider to be continuation, or maybe it drops out a little bit more and then comes back up and starts to hold and then Maybe we could be continuation, otherwise we'll be bearish and then the long bias we will be will be more counter trend or reversal or dip buy or bottom bounce bullish.

So we won't be continuation bullets unless maintaining 477 62 and then we won't be reversal long bias or really dip by bullish bullish until we would be, in my opinion, on uh 474.54, which yeah yeah. That's that's pretty much it. So that also means, if we don't reclaim this at some point today, i would imagine our market could slide all the way out to there. So my uh, my max down target, will be 474.57.

Today uh we already hit my first target, which was 477.67 um. I didn't think uh i mean i do make a mistake from time to time by not giving some additional levels so now we'll also build a case for, like the worst case, show scenario of a pullback which would be the qs all the way down to 398.72, Which i don't see happening, but i've also said that before kind of like yeah so worst case, 398 70s um yeah, all right, that's it yeah. Actually i apologize about that. I did post some coupon codes to um youtube yesterday at one point, but i will uh.
I will get those coupon codes, so yeah we have a little uh holiday sale going on, so i will um. I will, if i could find it. I will post those coupon codes in the description of this video so i'll. Take all of these stop highlighting everything.

Yeah so um i'll just take a couple of these and i will put them in the description, so you guys can uh get a hold of them. Um, there's no no discount or no yeah, there's no discount on any like chat room for elites or anything like that, because we will be um. We're gon na be moving our chat, room and service stuff like that over to a different provider in the future. Something we're working on behind the scenes right now.

Okay, so all those uh coupon codes should be posted for you guys if you like um. No, so all of our indicators - and things like that are all custom coded - don't come in the course but um. You know we still teach you how to like manually do a lot of stuff a lot of a lot of all these codes and things like that. Well, not all of them, but um many times a lot of the codes you guys see.

Well, that's not entirely true, but for some of them for us like the the auto deviation, which will soon become available and things like that um they just help you from manually having to do them a bit to a degree, but no they to answer your questions. Simply they don't um, so anyways there's the spy down the first target um. So so far markets are holding pretty well there i mean off off of two candles or whatnot um. No, i'm not, and no there wasn't well.

No, that's that's not entirely true one. Second! Um pfe believe it or not, is something i've been watching bearish. I just wondered if, like this whole, this run on these vaccine stocks and plays was gon na kind of fizzle out for a sec, and so we've been in this consolidation top for a while just kind of like grinding. So that was something i was kind of following which we were also bearish on like last week, so i was just kind of seeing if we were going to continue getting any follow through more so to the downside.

So that was one of them, but no not really following anything too bearish for the time being good morning anthony do i think it went down to that video on this um. I mean it sure it could have helped um, but the reality is basically nobody sees my videos uh at this point um. So so no, i i hardly doubt that um it went down because i made a video about it right. You know in in a few months time here at this current rate, very minimal people will see my videos so um yeah.

No, i highly doubt that was because of me um. Are you no, i'm not surprised about the market no based on you know how we were trading: okay, um. So, aside from that i'll, let's kind of run through you know things that i'm still keeping an eye on still watching. Oh yeah, the market is insanely parabolic right, i mean like there's, no doubt right.
I've thought it for a long time. Obviously you know i was wrong on what i thought could happen in terms, but i mean we all. I don't really think it's a secret. I mean look at the market, i mean you know what fine hey and you know what no i mean we can all have that discussion, which is a very simple discussion which is.

We all think we know everything. I am a do it all the time. You know it's definitely an issue of mine, but um. That being said, i mean i don't think, there's anybody out there in the stock market world that doesn't really think to themselves that yeah this market is kind of crazy.

Now there are plenty of people out there. Very smart um, you know like even like tom lee, there's a lot of people in our chat room to talk about him, which he's been right in terms of like maybe call it macro or short term price reductions in the market more times than i can count. You know so it's like you know, and you know like jamie dimon or what's his name, jim diamond, so there's there's plenty of smart guys out. There predicted many things.

You know short-term cycles um, but i don't think there's anyone really out there in the world. That says like this: this market is a hundred percent sustainable indefinitely. At the rate it goes um. So i think we'll all agree on that um.

I think we would all disagree on timing and how and events that will play out. So i don't really think anybody thinks any differently than you or me, or the majority on the fact that yeah, you can't print money endlessly forever. You can't just buy up assets for forever. Eventually it does have to stop.

What does that look like when it stops? That's up for debate, but i think we're all in agreement there and i think we're all pretty much thinking the same thing um so yeah i mean there's that, but as of now in this moment in time - and in this i mean the market's bullish - i mean There's no doubt i mean we just ripped off faces for, like i've been trying to go, get this market to all-time highs. Basically, since we were going bearish, i tried going bull every time and then i went bare every time. I just went back and forth up down up down and you know here we are to the all-time highs again, which is not surprising, so um yeah. I think we're all in agreement on that, though, all right now over to some things and whatever stocks so far, if you guys remember so far, we'll just kind of touch briefly on this one, because it was a play yesterday, we watched the recommended target was, i Think, like 15 50., i think we got to 15 49.

So i was off by like two pennies or i don't know it was pretty close, but i don't know something like that um. So we end up pretty much hitting that target by the end of the day, um right now the intraday target it doesn't matter, i mean still kind of watching it. It didn't really go uh to like a target i think we can get to. But we went to the short term target i figured was pretty manageable.
You know, markets aren't really performing super great. This moment i just talked too much yeah. So if things all continue to be dandy, we'll probably end up seeing. So if i hit 1627.

and in the event we don't hit 1627, it reverses - and that doesn't happen. It's not going to happen because we end up reversing down below the prices of like 1490 to 1480. So if, in the event we see sophie doing stupid below like 1490, then we could say conor you're wrong. Otherwise i think we may very well see 1627.

That would also be riding on the back of, hopefully a healthy market going into the next week and a half they can. You know, drag us up a little higher, maybe to that 480 level, yeah. Okay. So that's so fine um, some other grave players.

If you want to call them paypal, i mean paypal's been struggling to do its thing. We're seeing some decent, basing here, um yeah, sorry we're seeing some decent basing down here. On the bottom i mean the daily chart: dips are getting bought to a degree, we've seen some buying action in there. The rsi does not show a divergence.

The rsi shows exactly what it should be showing, which is momentum going up kind of as we're going up. So paypal kind of looks interesting again a healthy market for a couple weeks. I totally think could give paypal enough boost to even do small short term reversals or up moves in the market square square's, another one block. If you want to call block you know this has been down to me, it doesn't have as much development basing consolidation as paypal.

I mean, obviously just look at it. So this to me, if it's going to work, is going to be like a shorter, maybe more aggressive reversal, because it doesn't have any channeling going on um, so paypal square, two ones are kind of down there that have yet to reverse where you could be watching Them for some bottom curling action, arguably paypal this morning, is on support which could end up, resulting in see like how it's right here. So you know um, that's why it kind of popped up was that this morning was that yesterday that was yesterday so like yesterday, you can see we broke up through that green level. It just it just broke up right and then today, we've reverted back down to that.

Arguably market's bearish, so but anyways um overall kind of like more like swing intention. You might be following paypal and square another one twitter, basically same story, something's been beaten down, hasn't quite reversed kind of watching this one as well granted market conditions um. This one was kind of interesting today, jks so we'll see. I liked it because it was triggering our art, it was triggering our ultimate volume system, so we just broke over the weekly again.

So this is the weekly level we broke over that, and so i was wondering if this was kind of trying to start an uptrend uh in a in a way. I know it seems kind of odd, but we're kind of doing this down wedge. Maybe something like that um and then you have the weekly in here and then we just popped over the weekly. So i was going to see well there's also this other level.
In there i didn't have mapped off, but anyways it was. I was going to watch it maybe today and see if somehow this ends up holding over the weekly, because if it does, we could be doing a reversal on the trend there over the next couple days and then pop out, possibly um. I haven't followed any news with this, but that was just something i came across this morning, so um. It will be interesting to see how this defends around 42 90s 43s um, arguably down to 42.42, but i wouldn't want to see it below that, but yeah anywhere into this zone would be.

You know interesting for defense mode on that stock. So yeah there's, like 16 million i could just keep going on and on and on and on and on, but nonetheless um to uh kind of finalize um. I do like crm as well. I think you will see crm hit the price of 266 dollars before you know it um, you might, you know, go take a poop and come back like oh 266., so i think that's possible um.

What did i write down there? Oh delta, yeah, d-a-l-c-l-c-c-l um, the airlines have already been moving. I was watching those like the other week, and so this was something i was kind of optimistic on, maybe today, but probably gon na pass on that idea. Now that i'm looking at them again so um one. Second, let me look at some shingles dude.

Oh amc, sorry! This was a another one um. So this is you guys know that i've been bearish on this. You know in the past two trading days have been a little interesting, um they've taken this right back to the level of this, so it doesn't matter. I ended up taking off my contract.

I had about a 40. It was a swing contract only one. It wasn't crazy, but i lost a decent amount of the contract value um, but i just didn't really care for the way that we were kind of doing these two like batman, bottoms. If you want to calm um, you know, or these two strong reversals right back into the levels.

Arguably so far bulls have not been able to clear. It doesn't mean that it may or may not happen today, but anyways um, still kind of tracking amc. It's been having some good trading activity the past couple days um, so these are kind of the over unders, so this level um, if the uh the bulls, can get back over this and then get through this top level. Here we could see a nice, a nice play.

So that's another thing i was just watching today, so anyways going to uh get some of my charts organized over here kind of interesting. You you uh um you. Why do you never save? I just don't get it. That is just interesting.

I was on 12 20. Oh man very interesting, very interesting, okay, um yeah, i mean well. No. I guess i don't have time for that.
So market's starting a little down here. Let me zoom in a bit. Uh amc, if you're looking at amc, it's kind of popping back up right. This second pretty strong for the most part, all right market's starting to fade out right now.

Let's see yesterday nothing so far, i don't even want to call it fade out. It's not doing anything too crazy, but you can see there is sort of a decrease going on there with uh the cues i mean i did see the potential of a you know. Maybe a pullback today on the market at some point, which we kind of already got it: microsoft, starting to pull back pretty pretty decent. There there's a couple things that are popping up a little bit.

Uh sofi is working pretty well here this morning or it's going up currently um, so i mean there's that um still just watching this, you know watching the spy. You know you can see so far. We have you know it's just trading around the four hour level. Right now, we'll see what comes up and like i was saying like.

Maybe if the markets were actually going below some low points from the previous day, then would we consider this market to have you know an actual pullback day? Otherwise, we might just start trying to maintain trend right here right now we have tesla coming down pretty decent. Definitely a couple plays that are still pulling downwards. Uh i mean so far uh the spy is, or has sorry held, that level pretty well what i was kind of watching with some of these bigger names and how they're performing by the way roku is doing really well with the way roku is currently moving. I mean we're definitely getting some pullbacks on some stocks.

Today i mean they're, not moving perfectly straight up today i would say roku. I love the way that roku is starting to move. If you look at roku, so the qqq is really coming down aggressively there. I wan na say it's coming down super aggressive, but it is going down a little bit for sure.

So again you know if you zoom in closer, you can still see that you know, for the most part, the market's just kind of sitting there maintaining that four hour trend for the time being, hmm weird, all right, so there goes a market drop there. Um amc still moving pretty decent there, all right good move down. So you know we just broke down. Okay markets just broke down uh, so the way i see it is unless we reclaim that price um the markets are going to.

Probably i don't see they're going to sell off, but um i can't really be. I can't really flip bullish. I guess is a better way of saying it unless we actually get back over that level, which could very well happen. So this would be the retest.

This candle would be the retest of that breakdown, so we'll see how this candle respects that's a one minute candle, so this candle just bounced back to the breakdown we'll see if people want to come in and actually sell it down or not or if they want To actually buy it up, that'll be a good indication as to what the market may want for the time being and markets are holding very well, oh god all right. So what i want to do is i want to put some attention on roku um and maybe even this guy okay, so you see how the market recovered and reclaimed there pretty. Well, so that's i mean so far. It's it's! What you want to see for a continuation on a bull market, maybe twitter's starting to come up on the day, pretty good.
I like the way twitter's starting to move so bring twitter up too so kind of watching twitter here. So that is kind of work. All right, yeah, so kind of watching twitter more on the long side here would love to see twitter go to 45 53. That would be.

Cool. Um probably also needs the market to perform well to even do that, but that would be cool so currently the market's still just chopping back and forth. So with amc here kind of watching amc see if it ends up reclaiming this 2880 price 2888. That would be cool um, so so far, twitter moving pretty good there.

Um amc dipping below still got aggressive sellers here at this level. How is the market doing there? Twitter news is moving great, so yeah. What i was saying is with with amc, if amc actually kind of cleared this 28 90s and held above it could very well take out some shorts from like the past. However, many trading sessions or whatnot, so um roku doing very well roku kind of breaking up a little bit so definitely keep an eye on roku some, so so yeah again, twitter still keep an eye on that.

One really like the way roku is moving going to go back here. So i don't think necessarily. It may not break out fully today, but we might yeah me again me it's possible. Well, we definitely ran up two tarts, so so maybe tomorrow it might be tomorrow, but we're looking for this weekly level to break at 2 35 and then you know.

If and when that happens, we should see. Um should see a good move on on that stock. Yep, so i'm gon na move twitter to this chart crm. That's interesting, um, um, yeah, so roku is still holding up pretty good.

Let's see what this guy's doing over here. Okay, i mean maybe we're just going to get sort of a slow. It's possible slow kind of grind day as well. It's 9 49.

I mean still you're, not even to the sorry, the 10 o'clock mark realistically so isig sorry, i wasn't really really just kind of watching mark in a couple. Other plays um amc kind of still doing its thing. Isig is moving with some intensity. I do have some levels that just crossed at about 20 40., so arguably might see that maybe even closer to 2350s area, so uh amc just now kind of creeping over.

That 28 90s level, so i'm going to check some flow here on the market, nothing too crazy there. I know: oh look at amc, amc up and through now let's say ooh, but yeah amc made it through that kind of 2889 level and doing pretty well. So far, roku is holding pretty well on the day market, just put in pretty solid bounce off that bottom. So far, um yeah, i mean overall, not too shabby of a bounce prague's on fire, so um what i do like love that should have added long there didn't trust that little dip, but it didn't add long so roku is just now breached it's sort of weekly.
Let me say: yeah weekly level, um amc's, moving with uh, some pretty good authority. Amc is a champ nice yeah. So, like i was saying, that's kind of that was kind of your squeeze level right there on amc um. So if you're watching amc, though i think the max target you would go for - is around that 30-27, so yeah, so anyways yeah, i found in terms of like doing like a top tick sort of short, i think maybe 30 30 would be sort of an area.

You could consider it at least roku's over that weekly level still holding really well. So arguably you might be seeing roku to 247 is possible even today. I guess i didn't think it was going to happen, but it could very well happen. I've said that before i've said that before i didn't think it would happen, but it ends up doing it the same day.

So that would be interesting. Let me check on twitter again: oh there, it is up there. Oh twitter's still still holding well yeah. So you know realistically great trend here, roku grinding up that 240 750 would not be awesome.

That would be great, hmm, so uh yeah. Currently i mean only thing: i'm really got going on. Is i'm still long? Paypal still along so far have a little long on crm and afrm. Don't have anything on roku for the time being, because this wasn't one of the ones i was watching today and i was debating adding over this, but i kind of wanted to see another retest.

Maybe of this weekly level before i was going to add into this specific uptrend for the time being so still kind of tracking twitter, still tracking that sorry still tracking roku wow such an explosive move on the market off that low - and i just didn't happen to Snag any of it. What a shame! What a shame, so we will be watching the qqq's and x in terms of their move. Uh. Where do i get the weekly level from the half deviation on the weekly um? I mean i don't i don't know.

I don't know you probably just have to go back and watch multiple of the videos that i have um, but there is a weekly level there, so so, ironically enough you're not even really getting good movement on twitter, even with the move we got with. What's it called the market on the upside and there's roku, taking off through the weekly amc, still holding its pullback so yeah i mean, i think, over the next couple days. We just kind of look for roku to trail up towards a 247 um how's twitter, doing twitter's doing better. Okay, i'm gon na probably add some there to twitter.

I think so. It took a little long on twitter um. I'm gon na wait for one more pullback. Probably on roku and i'm gon na add a little um yeah moving with authority baby moving with authority.
Let's go so um other side twitter like that guy could very well see maybe moves up towards the 25s or sorry 25s. I mean 45s. Sorry, that's completely inaccurate. It's all right, twitter's moving decent.

There can't complain. Roku i mean it. Didn't really give you much of an aggressive pullback into the weekly it just kind of coasted through there and so far squeezed off pretty nicely spy's, still grinding up amc still grinding potentially towards. I think we said 30 20, something around there.

Oh one, second guys all right, sorry about that guys, um, so yeah uh. Nonetheless, yeah i mean twitter is just kind of chilling hanging out you've seen roku's up to 241. This morning, that's pretty good amc's been creeping up, just had a pretty iffy pullback there. To be honest, so let's see how the spies move on this day, harsh pullback, that's pretty rough, not typically what you want to see.

So it looks like the qqq's have rolled over pretty aggressively there, so that's kind of looking bad. Arguably, you can see tesla's been rolling downwards too. So i'm assuming that's probably why a couple of the bigger names probably started. Turning over some yeah tesla just rolled over pretty much about to hit its target of 1081.

again, you still have the spy right at its four-hour level. 477. 60S. Um.

I mean i don't know what to say. I mean just same thing. I mean it's we're still just trading around that four hour level: um the queues just broke down that level from yesterday, so you know arguably bouncing back to do a re-test. So this could very well excuse me, result in another downswing here after this re-test um, but i think it really depends on most the stocks that just pulled back so kind of looking at microsoft here tesla, which microsoft yeah there it goes.

I don't know. I think we might get sort of just a sideways day, maybe in the market. I think we're not going to really get too much out of the up too much out of the down at this point after seeing it for like the last hour or so, but i could be wrong, we might be just around the corner. I'm watching tesla tesla's got a 1080 level.

If that gives away, i could see the markets coming down more so, but yeah it's about a maybe an inside day. So current positions i still have on are pretty much still the same. Um mu paypal paypal's starting to go green. So that's good.

Let's take a look at that. I mean it's grinding up today, so that's good yeah i mean that's still got the curl action going on so still going to hold paypal like the way that's progressing started to come up pretty nicely. Today, yeah square went through a nice dip came up pretty aggressively. Let me try something i'm gon na.

You know what it probably is. Let's see like 316., i never put my expansion area to 316.. So who knows why it's? It should never be 316.. I mean so far square is holding pretty good.
It's getting back over its weekly level here, um yeah. I mean that to me. That's more on the long side now today, just based on the way it's been holding, so this uh. This is going to be one of the main followers continuing on for, like the next couple weeks, we're just holding really well.

We could be seeing a very similar flag set up to that of roku. So we'll keep this strong watch next couple days. Couple weeks, um yeah i mean, if roku actually pulls down to the weekly, then for sure that's a that is a dip buy location. We would look towards yes, yep.

That is something we'll be looking at. So adding a small put play on the spy i'm going to see if somehow, this four hour trend actually gives way if it doesn't gon na end up, resulting in obviously a loss but took nine contracts here bearers see if we actually get sort of a snap, We just been holding very well here all day in that area, at least so we'll see yeah once again, just still sitting there holding four hours so yeah, i'm gon na take my loss on that one again. Not ideally, you should not be shorting a bottom there, but as though we might actually take out this trend for once, but when we, if we start getting like five minute candles to close below, that will probably be a better signal um, but other than that. I think i'll just be sitting on my hands for now it kind of feels like we might be getting a slower sideways market, we'll see see that's what i should have been waiting for was that rejection candle, at least even if this is bad.

That still would have been way better than what i just did right. You had a candle pop up into then go bearish down in terms of one minute charting, so roku still moving good hasn't pulled back to the weekly. But yes, if roku pulled back down to 235.94, that would be a dip. Long, add amc, harsh rollover, action there, so gon na look back at so far a couple of the open swing trades i have going on which they're all kind of barely green right.

Now this is kind of how everything looks. I got a few small ones on nothing big right now they were bigger yesterday, shaved, some off for today, not kind of sitting back roku. I shaved yesterday and planned to add this morning, but realistically missed it like an idiot um, but yeah. That's pretty much so far the day, um microsoft looks a little bearish at this moment in time.

Yeah see like today kind of suck, because that's why i really should open a futures account or actually maybe use them, because today was a great short play on the market, at least down to the level right. So it's like that could have easily been a great short play there, but kind of missed because it didn't happen until market open anyways. You know what um yeah, i think i'm gon na call it i'm just gon na um i mean the market. Pretty much.
Did everything i expected to do today, um, i didn't think we were going to get to sell off to 474.. If that happens, it will surprise me by a bit um, but really my initial plan was just to be bearish. Down to here. Couldn't really do that trade because it happened during pre-market.

We might be starting to get some weakness here. Yeah i would say in the event, though, you do look and get the market below call it 476.48 um. That's where you could argue that a downtrend has maybe started um based on this right here, all right, you're kind of coming through some trend, but through that is where i'd feel more comfortable, saying yeah, you could probably bash a short okay. Do i think qqq will underperform spy uh? Ah, that's a good question.

Maybe no, i don't know q's been outperforming spy for a long time, so i'd be more more or less. I think you're going to see qqq's continue to outperform spy in the future. So this is where my entry should have been for this downward trade right there i mean hindsight 20 20 sure, but i mean not really i mean just you know in terms of this one minute system, you can see that's where we broke down, so i started Going in kind of on, i think this candle right, that's where we broke down and these two candles were the re-test right there or maybe three candles if you may, and that was a re-test. So it's like, if you're trying to trade the breakdown off the sprite, you should be entering on those two.

Then you'd be profitable on those two red candles already, but you know all right, so you have a roku pulling back roku's, pretty close to that 23608 level. That's where i was kind of thinking, or hopefully this pullback would come down to because that would be retesting uh, the weekly breakout that you just got so that's kind of kind of what you're watching but yeah yeah. So it's just like i'm just looking at this and just know that it's just gon na be one of those pain in the ass trading days, based on this market. The way i'm seeing it.

So you know, if you want to fight it, you know be my guest, but you know this was kind of the expectation for me was like okay. Well, we can go down to this level. Yeah, i don't know like yesterday was pretty clear-cut to me. It was going to be bullish and we had potential rips up today, it's kind of like wishy-washy back and forth and that's the way i feel so i don't know probably just going to call it do nothing for the rest of the day or just you know, Make random tweets that'll be fun uh, but yeah.

You guys take care. Um have a great rest of your day. Um.

By Stock Chat

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