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Good morning, excuse me good morning, ladies and gentlemen, that's on microphones on check, check, check all good, well, uh. Welcome back folks, welcome back so good morning, everybody. What is it uh? Was it wednesday yeah? It's uh, it's definitely wednesday, definitely wednesday. That means i need to look at my email um.

We will get to looking at a couple things here in just a smidge of a sec. I got ta check something really quickly. Uh stock bbth on scanner right now check it out might be worse of something uh, but why aren't you linked to there? My my dude huh? Well, that's garbage! Why did that? Oh, i'm not on bbta! I went back to red, i'm like that. Doesn't make any sense? Why is there no there? It goes hmm yeah that could do something.

I'm gon na probably just pass that down yeah. It might be actually worth something today. Yeah all right, um was sorry, i'm just now going through this email. I have to look at okay.

I have to set a reminder: no stop it! That works. Okay, so um anyways yeah, this bbth stock, interestingly enough, is like kind of almost like looks somewhat dece. Um. Give me two seconds.

Sorry, all right cool, sorry, bob so good morning, everybody good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, all right, um yeah, i i nn was a pretty good mover from yesterday and part of me believes this is gon na end up being a ripper today, We'll see um this whole week, every single pair, oh that remi i'll talk about in a second. But that does remind me about something but uh this week it seemed that most of the parabolic stocks, if you had been watching them, which i'm assuming most people were probably watching them. But if you were watching them, you would notice that most of them ended up giving back their parabolic runs uh, pretty quickly, um, which it's fine, but um. We haven't seen a lot of follow.

Well, we've seen great moves. We just haven't seen any follow through, like a two run after pair a break, so it's just been something we haven't been getting just like um uh. What was i gon na say just like the stock, just like the stock, we're not even going to talk about that money, but you get it. There hasn't been like too much two-day follow-through on some of these um.

Well, some there have, but many there have not um it's one one and a half days up and then crashed. So i'm actually going to do um a f like a really full on video of this year's 2021 october algo pumping season and pretty much archive every single penny stock that moved with every single standard, deviation level and then archive that and then we'll use that next Year as well, because so far there is a very common similarity which pretty much just is it's pretty straightforward. Once stocks go para and break out a lot of times, they'll reverse that gain really easily and whoever buys over the para level will just end up losing uh eventually so like in this case right. I, i n n and let me go full screen with this.
One so in this case with i, i n n from yesterday um you can see - maybe you can't from that review, but yeah so like here, here's the purple! So these two white, these two first white lines there, those are describing the para level right. So you will see once you uh, once you get over the para level, it squeezes and then just reverses its gains right back down to the para level right. So that's something you have to be aware of. You have to know where the parabolic brake level is so that when it breaks and if it does break you're, not the one that gets caught holding a bag off the top, because once it reverses - and it will it's going to reverse minimum typically to the para Level now, if you're lucky enough to get a two-day, moved and yeah, maybe you recover, but if you don't then you're just bagged so uh we'll be archiving every single one of these examples this year, um, so that whoever wants it can use it and we'll have It so that that way, next year, you're gon na see the same thing next year it happens every year.

This is october right. This is, this is what they do. It's like someone like me, comes into their office and starts streaming to youtube. It's like someone with their dials on the stock market comes and goes yup yup i'll go season, big turns a red knob and next you know like a casino right.

So uh happens every year, uh straight up classic so good year, so far good year, fun! All right, so we're gon na be talking about a couple things today: a couple possibilities: uh there's no promises in the stock market, as we all will know, probably by now so anyways um dwac. I think you ought to be watching dwac long bias for the day. I know a lot of people are thinking short. Some are thinking long.

I got a plan for both long and a plan for bull shorts, so i'm pretty much equipped on both sides of the move for the stocks. I don't really care what happens um, but on the long side our objective is to see the market back up today. You know maybe hitting highs of 76 to 80 here right. That would be somewhat pop probable, maybe um part of why i think we might do something like this is because we dropped all right.

Then we did a move down, so we create so far a head and shoulders, and if we go back up to like anywhere in the 74 75 right, then we're just going to be tagging the top to this little top there. I hope you guys can see that and then, if it pulls back off that level, which our resistance starts all right here, so it makes sense for it to pull back then. If it does pull back right, then all it's got to do is come down a couple points off a big move today and then you might get yourself, you know like a head and shoulders inverse head and shoulders pattern. Something like that right, um.

Also, this trend line. You see this white trend line, i believe that's supposed to be white, but i'm gon na color code. It change it red just because we have so many white lines on the chart already um. So if this head and shoulders pattern is going to work, it's i think it's because we're riding this trend here, maybe so um wrong time frame.
Oh there we go, so you can. Oh, no, no sorry that was a price action trend, so just disregard what i was saying there um. I thought i was cooler than i really was so anyways yeah. That's that's pretty much.

The whole game plan they're looking for a uh head and shoulders pattern here for the day and then rip back up into the 70s. Maybe i think it's a plo, a probable play so um again, there's no promises in the stock market. So just just keep tabs on it. Right, don't be a crazy bastard, but um.

You know thumbs up all righty cool, so that's kind of dwac um, it's bb, th uh. This kinda looks like it's gon na pop, but it doesn't have a ton of volume, so kind of skeptical, but it kind of has like a flag pattern. At the same time, i mean there's kind of like a little like flag pattern here. Right am i wrong or all right, so you got a little flaggy magoo pull back to the mean.

Do you get a break up to tag 6? 29 today? Why not uh bpth not really overbought, you know uh four hour chart and actually give me a second. We got ta, we got ta be more prepared in these mornings. I always come on and slightly under prepared, but what are you gon na do? Sometimes you know? I'm trying i'm trying this mustache is getting ultimately hairy here. It's uh! This is the longest i've ever let a caterpillar grow.

On my face. It's uh not easy, so you guys said, keep it rock until no shave november. So i trying you know what i got. Ta do i'll do that in a second yeah.

So if we look at uh, i mean overall bpth, i mean it's kind of down a little bit. It just popped through the mean today. So that's particularly why you're getting a little bit of a spike here right. You just kind of came up, maybe through the mean some, so it's kind of a low volume potential.

I figured the max tar you might see in that move was like 620 there, which arguably we got kind of close to this morning. Right, i mean we kind of got there but um. If you look at how steep the trend is right, you can see that the top of the intraday 3 deviation is all the way at like 650. So it's a very steep upwards trend.

So, even if bpth maintains and kind of trades flat and sideways for a little bit, then this can very well increase. The intraday standard deviation extremely high. So let me give you an example of what this could actually look like a little bit later, um and when i say later i mean be patient. You have to give this time to set up, or else you're just going to trade into a setup that isn't just ready to work.

And then you know you don't got any money for lunch and no one's happy when they're hangry so um. Just for like a second imagine, you just sit here and do nothing and then bph, bpth trades sideways, doesn't break down just stays kind of flat, even flat to the open. Look at how steep that trend is so we'll just say that by the open you know. Maybe it's somewhere towards like seven um and even that can be higher, but if it just stays like this, then it would be there, but these kind of update a little bit.
So sometimes you can see if this moves a little higher. This will go higher. So, let's just say that maybe it ends up somewhere at eight to 850 by the open, then it will actually allow for a move higher. So for right now it's kind of uh.

You just don't do anything for right. Now, that's pretty much! It k-a-v-l ooh! Look at this penny stock just now hitting the scanner. So this is a very interesting move. Sorry, okay, so kavl looks like it's trying to get to the price of well, it's almost there 313.

So you should see 313 here in a second now. This is where a big squeeze could even continue is at 313 320, but also watch for a pullback here. You should typically get a little pullback and if not, then it's a super strong stock. Okay, if we don't get an aggressive pullback here, it's a very strong stock.

If oh there's a gap fill up to 447 and we have statistical deviation up to 424. So right now you might be able to watch kavl up to the price of 424. But let's see if it pulls back, okay has great volume. So far on the day, rsi is in the 90s.

So clearly, that's a little high just given rsi factors, but if we look at the volume so far, um not a dramatic sell candle in comparison to previous buy candles yet so holding well. So far. If it breaks the statistical mean around 313, you can see a move to about 420. a lot of volume there still yeah.

That looks pretty strong. Okay, i think anybody shorting this price is gon na get squeezed out personally, but we'll see and the reason i know that or feel like that is because i've shorted this setup before in the past, and i was the one that got squeezed and took the move Up to 420. so we'll see, i don't really know i'm just watching um um, you i mean still sitting there. Excuse me yeah, i mean there's so far.

There is a battle going on right at that 3. 10. 313 price uh. Oh, so far that current candle had like not a lot of selling at all on it, so yeah, i still would just kind of be watching it bullish, good move.

Okay, so does it squeeze up to uh? Was it 406 now or so somewhere in that area? Maybe um that volume candle just beat the previous red, so that's bull, relative strength index is obviously still a little high, but it's not really a big deal. So as long as kavl stays over 313, it's okay, but if it breaks that down it's no bueno, but at the same time, why would you hold it so well, the first time just to come right back down, but we'll see you know. Sometimes you do get false breaks over these levels and then they retrace back below, but it could just be a quick pullback. So far it looks like that.
Pullback is getting bought up pretty quick, so i think you still watch long we'll see. Oh, there is a little. There was a little bit of selling on that candle based on the ultimate volume system. Let's see how we close, though we should have two seconds left.

Good close great close, actually come on baby, all right, so little snap low, the previous one minute, but uh as long as you hold 313 it'll be okay, let's see if it ends up holding 313.. If not, then the bears might win this battle over for right. Now um and then, if it were to come down, let's say it has a big crash and that's a great hole. Do you see that hold there? That's another pretty solid hold.

Yes, i mean, even if it did it's yeah. So that's a good hold from kavl. See if it squeezes over that top, if it does, i think you can hit 450s. Maybe the gap fill possible.

Okay, avl through highs there, very nice, beautiful, okay, i like it, not bad. Sorry, it's not even on my screen, i'm looking at another screen, my bad peeps um, so yeah, not a bad trade. There kavl, you know it's going up. It's not bad um, so also we're talking about dwac.

So if the uh, the long setup, fails here just an fyi, so if the long play fails, dwac would swing all the way back down to probably 52 to 45, but so far we are holding this inverse head and shoulders formation mucho good. I don't know what the hell i'm saying pretty good. You know good looking bull flag there on dwac too so we'll see i mean it's got to get up. If we can get.

If dwac goes through uh 6150, there you know pre-market, then it probably starts to kind of pick up a little more aggressively so to speak. Okay, p-h-u-n is that squeezy squeezy, it's p-h-u-n's for the squeeze, my dude, hmm, okay. I just got ta watch that okay, so p-h-u-n and p-h-u-n's doing a little bounce. Today, i've had a gap fill up to like 550 560.

So arguably, i think phun might be trying to do this. Like gap-filled trade, um yeah, i mean, i think, the risk to reward on phun's pretty low. Maybe you could see phu and go back to prices of, like maybe six there's a lot of people that shorted this. So it's probably worth the risk at those prices to take a little long, maybe watch it up to like six or so.

This is the half candle retrace level so through that probably leads to more of a pop, but for right now it's just kind of sitting. Yeah, if you look at it, it does look slightly oversold on the downside, um and i think phun right. They tied that to trump's dwac. So people might trade pun sympathy because of dwac moving up now that i kind of think about it, which i wasn't even really thinking about, but maybe people do that uh, so kavl still holding strong um.

I remember times when i shorted stocks like this setup and i feel like i got squeezed, so i still wouldn't short this myself. So i you know in this situation. It's like. I rather would just take an l on the long side and just like get squeezed all hell um so, but i mean it's making higher lows on the way up: there's no real big, lower high setup for kavl.
So if it gets mack down, it gets mack down regardless, isn't no big deal um really kind of the same rules apply. You know if this starts to break 313, then yeah, it's probably going to end up turning into a loser, but if it maintains 313, then it still has the possibilities of going higher but we'll see. Ttm is now dark, blue suggesting down, and arguably the volume isn't that heavy but we'll see um. I already shorted tesla today.

So that's another thing i did so if you're interested in that i'm short tesla um, it's probably gon na go sky high and i'll, probably get squeezed so for what it's worth, yeah, i'm sure tesla. So if you just looked at kavl you'll see that it just pulled back to 313. So, ideally, it needs to maintain that price and if it does we'll probably squeeze anybody who just went short that stock now, if it goes below 313, that's where bears are going to win the battle. Okay understand that below 313 kavl bears are going to win the battle.

Well, bull's already had a good time, but uh. You know you get what i'm saying so this is might be the big pop squeeze on k-a-v-l we'll see, because if people shorted that top and they're wrong, then this is where the aggressive like quick pop will come into play. Uh good morning, guys, good morning, just kind of waiting for this kavl move to do whatever it wants to do so. Just give him a second um, uh, phun kind of holding that pullback okay um.

So far the bulls held uh kavl there and that pullback really good. So i know some shorts are definitely getting nervous. I would be if i was short that pullback so we'll see still like. I said, big battle right.

You can see what happened when we got to the 313 we kind of popped over. Then we pulled back two. We held support on the 313, so that's the short sellers knocking it back to 313.. If they don't go below 313 they're gon na get squeezed opposite.

The bulls don't squeeze the shorts here bears. Take us below 313. bulls are going to stop out. It's pretty straightforward here.

I think the ttm just turned red, so that means a squeeze is potentially in effect. As soon as you get one or two green dots on the ttm, it then says a squeeze is triggered. So if you believe that then cool, but that is something the ttm is now displaying for kavl and then remember if this does pop and it does squeeze, you might look for a target of like 450. At most here we go pretty close hope.

You short sellers are ready to get squeezed. Let's go baby, come on all right, no promises yet no promises yet, ah close all right. Are they going to work us back below the 313s? That was a big sell candle right there, very big cell candle. The battle is strong, the bulls are putting up a fantastic fight here.
I love it, but we are getting some big red cell volume. Let me bring it up on my screen. I know i got p-h-u-n. Sorry, i only bring up the other one here emily.

Let me delete this here. We don't want that. All right volume shows green here. What does ultimate volume system say, though? Ultimate volume system says that candle was hard to tell.

Actually that was current bar cell 100, but that's still, the smart moving average is green there. So our smart calculation moving average does recommend it's on the buy side. Still so we'll see if it holds up um. Sorry, i'm just kind of in focus mode.

So again we have a very strong move up here. Um, you know we haven't really gotten a big pullback to like here right, so we got our pullback. We have one lower high so far, so yes potentially starting a downtrend, but we don't really have a break of the previous swing low, so we're not in a downtrend really. You know we're still really in an uptrend, so um play the direction uptrend right now.

Until obviously we're in a downtrend um, you know back to some decently strong buying volume there. So well, that's a battle if i've ever seen, one on kavl clearly uh the market's slightly indecisive there, just green, indecisive, green and decisive, green and decisive, green and decisive, green and decisive p-h-u-n, yeah p-h-u-n beautiful squeeze. I think you go for a max target of 720 on phu and earlier i said six that was just those were just games. I'm saying you should maybe go to seven now, we'll see i don't know you might get lucky.

You might not. I've never done this before spy bullish, um, actually it oh hold on. Let me look here all right, so i um, let me see where we at and looking at this p-h-u-n, not a bad move. So far from good old mick pony pun, uh, kavl still still holding up um phun just got over the previous high pre-market, which is the half candle retrace system.

Now phun is pulling back to the half candle retrace system. If it holds this probably see it move higher uh kavl slightly struggling now um. So again you got to be very careful of the 313 price. Oh, i hope you're banging out um jared on the short there, so you got to get it below 313.

As soon as you do that we're all going to wash out, so i don't like the way it's feeling now you can see. We have kind of started a big. Now i say big, but now kavl has a lower high okay, so i'm slowly taking off there, because we have a pretty definitive, lower high okay and you don't want to hold for a break below 313. If you do, you'll get a very big washout now, there's times where, if you cut off like i do, you'll get taken out before a move, because you don't let it break the swing low, it's kind of a feeling game, sometimes or else you take a big L there, but if this ends up popping and squeezing i won't be afraid to jam the shorts up to uh, you know 410 420.
Something like that. So, though, i took off um just trying to make sure i minimize a potential loss, but if we do - and this is only the first attempt of a pullback right - this is like the first big attempt of a pullback on kavl. So nonetheless, we still have opportunity to squeeze. I could have very well just getting shaken out because i didn't allow for the break of the swing low, but i hate getting stuck in those big ass losses like that.

It's annoying so um playing by years now on kavl uh, the the the move on dwac working pretty well, i would say not too chubby, not too chaby, not too chubby. No, no, no, not too chaby k-a-v-l jared! I i don't know man i took off because i thought you might bang me out, but it looks like k. A v al might ripper mcdipper the old shorty magoos, we'll see we'll see it's soon. It's early.

It's still early. We're still trading at plus three deviation on the intraday we still have plus four just over. It might be a situation where it just kind of lingers, sideways until plus four and plus three overlapped, 420 and 450. Before we hit that target p-h-u-n my dude up the 570's again, the max target for phum will be seven dollars.

Don't take my word for it. Don't do anything that i say: don't we see what happened the other time, the shorts on k-a-v-l they're scared, they're scared, k, avl, mixed squeezer, magoo mix, squeezer mugu, oh stop at the intraday half deviation, that's lame. Who does that? No one stops at an intraday. Half deviation come on market makers.

Why stop it there? Why don't just bang it out to 420, give the longs a better play. Then let the shorts have a bigger run down. It's pretty straightforward! Why not all right, phun's, still holding up pretty well you're at about 558 dwac, is now up to 64. dw ac, now, yeah 64.

um you're still just sitting sideways and chopping with kavl, so that one's becoming slightly more annoying to watch whatever happened to tesla tesla. I mean tesla's just kind of holding up p-h-u-n holding that pullback, pretty spicy, pretty spicy dwac up to 65 very nice, my dude very nice uh, okay, so that's cool! Now i'm gon na go look at the spy just out of curiosity um, so yeah we're bearish. The market um, i just think that it makes more sense to be bearish than bullish now given risk to reward factors. So uh we're slightly bearish right now.

Um i'll show you kind of like how the market's set up right. Now it's a little debatable whether or not we're gon na get a snapper just kind of like a ho-hum, weird chop, but all right. So looking at the spy um yesterday, we recommended watching the markets uh bearish down to pretty much that target so pretty much. If the markets are going to be bearish, they're going to come down below this price, with confirming volume on the day? Okay, if the markets are going to be bearish, you're, going to watch for big selling volume through the price of 455.95, okay, yeah and then um as far as where does it pull back? The only thing that i see that makes sense to go for is the nine-day moving average, which is about 450, which is also lined up with the current daily gap fill in the market.
You will see that the spy has a gap. Fill these two kind of beige lines or beige. What am i talking about like gray, 451 to 450 70, and then you have your nine day moving average at 450, 56.. So in terms of being bearish at really to me seems like the only logical place markets.

Would want to go so for what it's worth? Hmm there you go: yeah, phun big well pulling back now, but yeah pull back, half deviation, level or uh. Well, almost uh half candle retrace level from uh from yesterday. Excuse me we're having our friend kv out. Okay, av all sitting there right at about um the breakdown level so be very careful.

Remember, 313 longs. Will snap so you'll be very careful about that all right, so yeah, let's take a look at bitcoin now phu and starting to come down a little bit there. So the max target on the day, even at open for me, would be like i said seven and it's would be very hard for it to do it, but we'll see um so again like if phun truly is running. Sympathy to dwac and dwac actually goes up to like 74 75's, and i think that would probably what allows ph phun to even get up to the seven so, but do remember where you're at on standard deviation right, you are overbought.

Statistical average is like all the way down at a dollar 27, so eventually the stock will fade to basically a dollar right, so just remember where you're at in relation to the market. That's also why you kind of sold down so strong. It doesn't matter. That's why you've been selling down strong past couple days, you're retracing back down to less overbought levels, all right, so spy, just kind of creeping down: um yeah, anything too crazy.

Oh yeah, bitcoin, um, sorry, yeah! So with bitcoin um yeah, i think well, yeah i mean bitcoins is pretty much going down to uh, where we suggested it would go to which just yesterday, i think or the other day we said when bitcoin took out this low you'd sell down to this level. Well, you can even see the red dotted lines there right. So our red dotted line a couple days ago was overlapping this dotted line, but since it doesn't matter so the dotted line since then, it's moved up uh, maybe like a thousand bucks or something like that. So uh you're on a slight support today.

So if you wanted a long bitcoin for a scalp, you should have been kind of getting long today down here, if not then you're already late um, so so yeah um bitcoin. Where are you gon na go now? What are you gon na do so bitcoin to me seems like it can very well still continue down um. I would not be leveraging up long here if i thought i was gon na make money right away um. So if i were looking at to buy bitcoin and go i'm gon na make money, i wouldn't be buying there to make money right away.
I'd probably end up losing it. I think i would end up losing shortly after buying, so that means i think i would buy maybe a little bounce. Oh we're doing good just kidding bang, so i'm going to say maybe towards 53 000 54 000 bitcoin seems somewhat probable, um yeah, because even if it went down to 54 000, it's really just bitcoin retracing back down to its previous breakout here and its statistical long-term Mean so that's a very logical price, in my opinion, um anywhere down towards the 55s, 56s, 57s, 54s and so on. Oh, we already gave you multiple plays.

We gave you dwac, we gave you tesla, i mean we've literally, given you like. 6 000 plays already. If you can't see that right now, then i you must be blind, i mean i don't know how much more obvious you want me to give you plays. I literally give you targets both long ball short.

I mean i'm sorry, apparently i suck so far. Tesla is holding pretty well over its half, deviation price right now believe it or not. So i wonder if they're going to force one more squeeze before they actually yank this fully down on everyone. That's the other thing too is like bitcoins going down.

So i wonder if, if bitcoin does drop out the next couple days, uh do we see uh? Do you see tesla getting yanked down uh with uh with bitcoin, that's kind of what i was wondering. Oh was working just. I never saw this s-o-n-m. Well, i just like seen on the scanner ever looked at it get ready to buy the dips big dips ether, um yeah, i can look at ethereum.

Ethereum should be somewhat similar to that of uh. Excuse me, um somewhat similar to that of bitcoin kind of they're. Probably a little different, but pretty much similar, so you'll see like same thing right look at. We can do two screens right.

This is just to show you just. This is just to show you cool stuff on a chart. It's all just they're, just drawings, just just fun drawings. That's all so.

You can see where's bitcoin right, where's, bitcoin bitcoins at a half standard. Deviation. You see that dotted line right, where's uh! Oh, these are the same thing hold on on the link and then ethereum. If you look right, like where's, ethereum ethereum right, there dotted white line so they're both the same exact play right.

You break previous swing, low you're gon na probably snap down towards this dip, all right, so they're, literally the exact same. They just look slightly different in terms of price pattern. Right, you might be looking go, the patterns are different. True, the patterns are different, but the statistical deviations and movements line up almost exactly the same, and that is ethereum, is on a half dev bitcoin's.

On a half dev, they both have downside targets to their statistical means right now and or well. That's for our so the daily chart. So like look at this right, you see how the four-hour chart on bitcoin has a negative one. Deviation there and then the four-hour chart here on ethereum has a statistical mean, let's flip-flop them so you're, going to go one-year day here on bitcoin.
It will then turn into a statistical mean, and when you go to a one-year day, it's probably a one dev. No so in this case it's actually the statistical mean two so slightly different, but you have statistic: two statistical means on aetherium coming up uh in that dip so either way i think, uh. I think i think you got a dip comment. Dippy dippy rippy rippy blaze, you're savage spcb, low, float.

Okay, let's take a look. Let me delete these old drawings. Oh i'm like where'd. It go all right, so you came off negative one, so you had to break out there pop up hit half that left.

Oh, i had that deviation. Yesterday, um i'm gon na pass on that one. For now i think you could see it retraced in 95 cents, oh iron t iron t we looked at the other week. It was down um and it kind of has a potential to be along.

We did kind of consider it the other day, um, why? Why is my expansion area 802 bars to the right i've? Never ever in my life ever set it to that. Okay sure sure yeah, so with iron t, i think it's pretty straightforward you're going to look for a move through 1130s 1140s 1150s. I mean you might get a little squeeze back up on b-e-n-e today, like maybe a pop sure, okay vl, i haven't seen it a bit. I've been taking a peek at quite a few other things, but let me see again: um i mean the shorts are banging this out right now, so you got to let them have their win right now.

The shorts are probably going to take this down, or at least if i was short um. I really don't have a great downside target. Actually, no, i don't. I don't have any statistical deviation on that short.

I would go for that's kind of the problem um with with yeah. I have no deviation level that i could actually kind of go short too, but it but well, i do they're just far away. So if i would, if this is a true bang down, they could maybe hit a dollar ninety nine. So that means they would just fade straight out of the open, so yeah downside target shorts might try to smack you to about two.

You can hear those birds. That's crazy, i'm kind of surprised you can actually hear the birds outside that's kind of crazy, yeah bro. Why you look like that? I don't i don't know what that means. Maybe it's the mustache.

Maybe it's a mustache. We had to do a no a no shave. Mustache november i haven't really looked at prague much today. Um, you see um interesting, uh, lcid, lcid, lcid, um, whoa yeah.

Oh, that's, a breakout looks like yeah watch for a move over the previous swing high today on lcid um you're, almost yeah. Well, if it's a true breakout, you can do a break above um. So the problem here is that you have plus four and plus three right here so you're kind of in a selling area on the day. So you might see it pull back here as opposed to break out, even though the setup and the pattern looks really good um.
If it really is a true ripper, then yeah, it's gon na trend, above plus, four, no problem. So if, in the event it starts to trend over plus four, then you know you're, probably on a breakout for sure, but if you kind of hesitate and do this and it's not a full breakout at least yet, maybe it needs another day or something like that. M-E-T-X m-e-t-x was a mover yesterday. I remember yeah, so m-e-t-x uh.

This is a situation where your breakout is over uh, six, so yeah. If you get big volume on m-e-t-x, going through the price of 68 cents, which is pretty much the after hours, pre-market high, then you're on to sort of a break play. Otherwise all right so right now pre-market dwac is trying to start a short term. Maybe downtrend.

We've taken out a higher low, so right now we started a downtrend just an fyi, so basically it needs to stay above kind of this previous swing low, which is at like 61.. So as long as dwac stays and maintains his previous low, then the downtrend will not work and then we'll probably get bought back up. Just an fyi um tesla tried to kind of pop up there, but it kind of came back down um. The dip was held there, pretty good on dwac.

So far at least um. It's possible bpth ends up becoming a good stock on the day um. I don't really see they did get some news this morning about biopass shares up after fda trial clearance, so you might get a little pop from bpth today or something um, we'll see it. It's just one of those gap.

Ups that didn't really do anything. That's just kind of sitting quietly, maybe gnus haven't seen gnus for a couple days either. Oh boy, do hmm. Let me check baba really quickly.

Where is baba this morning, my baba is down. Yeah baba could be a short play today. You could maybe, even if, if baba today, spikes up gets to about this price um, you might be able to watch it roll downwards for a short like that. Okay, so again else or not, lcid baba broke a level yesterday.

This was one of our targets down that white line um we actually went through. It then came above it today. We gap below it, so maybe look for a bounce back to retest. The breakdown then look for a bearish move down on baba and if it's a true rip down and it's going to continue, baba can go maybe to prices of you know 164s, 165s, etc um yeah about to do the old coffee time here in a sec.

I think jason's right, it's that time, connor, what's the pump for the day um, i really don't know um. I haven't seen anything on the scanners. I think it's a pump. I think it's possible.

You see bpth get pumped today a little bit. So that's one that i'm watching uh cxdc, hmm, that's interesting! Yeah! I already kind of got overbought a bit, though um yeah kind of late on all of these really i mean you have to get follow for follow through for a lot of these two uh needs to work, but that's a good dip right first day starts yesterday. Spike's up 212 here: what's the news? Is there even any news this would have been from 10 china plastic shares are trading higher, not seeing companies business just about the price action, just a low float. What is the float on this junker 28 million share.
Float is what i was seeing there from finvis. At least i mean cxdc. Nonetheless, i mean it's got a lot of volume. So if cxdc on the day for right now, um hold on so there's two prices there and there yeah so cxdc can maintain and actually break up here through 1.27.

It could end up being a good play because it might be the market suggesting it's holding its parabolic break level. Um. So we'll see we we ripped, we broke up the parabolic levels, we jumped, we pulled back, we held we spiked. We came down we're trying to get back through, so this is the level to maintain for a for a new rip.

If you start to roll below, it's probably not going to work so uh so well, hmm, that would be better. Hmm. I guess i could zoom. Oh okay, so right now dwac um.

Let me just take a peek at it again. Let's see, i got a lot of drawings on here. I got ta take some off uh yeah dwc, still still holding up. Okay, we're almost up! Excuse me almost at the open you come on man, bkd, hmm short squeeze candidate, so you hit a half deviation.

Um, you have a short squeeze possibility on bkkt back to maybe 26 today um. Let me see, let me think, really quickly that one's kind of odd and that works. But what about this one? I mean, i guess it runs in 25, 26, maybe bkkt squeeze today i mean yeah you're, basically going for a bottom bounce reversal, dip by s pump short squeeze, that's kind of your setup, slash like attempt of a play today, uh on on bkkkt, oh yeah, sorry I'll be back, i'm gon na go get my eye. Go get my coffee here i got.

Ta go get that okay. I am back in line here. Connor provolone, magoo, uh uh. I got uh.

I got michigan. Of course i have michigan, i'm a michigan fan. I have to even though i went to more state games uh as a kid. I am i'm still a wolverines fan.

So hopefully the boys come through this weekend, dwac kind of starting a little downtrend into the open. Remember if 75s and all that doesn't work and it becomes a bearish move on the day. We will then target markets on dwac down towards. I think i said, 50.

52 and 45 earlier, i don't have the level on my chart right now, one second, so yeah. If today is a false kind of bounce squeeze day and markets shake down more. We then will look towards like 44, maybe 45 and uh, arguably 51. 52.
So so remember that if if this is a failed update, dwac might snap at open and just kind of roll into your 52s to 44s, we've tried an uptrend pre-market, we're kind of starting to fall apart on the uptrend and we've kind of created a downtrend here. So you'll be very careful with dwac at the open if you are long bias or maybe on a lawn just in case just be mindful of how that's set up know where your risk is know where your targets are and the possibilities i'm in the mood for A yolo options play you, bkkt um, trying to pop up a little bit there just before the open that is okay, bkkt on the move, if it breaks that previous high can pop, so it looks like dwac is holding up at the open so far to start The day do so tess is still trying to hold up bkkt hits 22 doesn't break that high kind of gets rejected. Some uh cxdc looks like it hit the scanner a couple times. Do uh yeah cxdc halton, so you can see it's kind of coming up to that 126, trying to break 126 guys if it comes up through 127 here which it will after this halt.

Probably you should see kind of a pretty decent pop there fcl nice little spike up uh bkkt, as you can see, failing that kind of break level, that 22 dollar price uh dwac so far, holding up okay, pull up the spy over here all right, the market's Starting to get yanked bkkt kind of spiking up again, let me bring up bkkt sorry bkkt, looking pretty strong, very strong actually now over the pre-market high should get another pop uh tesla's starting to come down. Remember i was bearish that i'm bearish the market, the market's getting strong selling volume through that level we talked about earlier. If bkkt gets to the pre-market high, it should turn into a good jump, fcl kind of popping up, squeezing there a little bit if bkkt gets through this pre-market high. We want to squeeze up into the 25s markets, getting yanked pretty hard here so far.

Today i mean we'll see still the time time will tell right. You know. Time will tell so. Um is cxdc open.

Yet let's see cxtc no cxdc still halted. It doesn't seem like there's a ton of selling on b kkkt. So far. So again, i think if it pops through pre-market high, should be good, uh, cdxc, open okay.

So this we do have a gap to fill. Maybe watch for the swing down see if we support see if cxdc comes down and supports like 125-ish right if it supports 125, i think it's a legit legit breakout, uh bkkt's. You know still doing okay again, really like the 25 area for uh bkkt myself, but we'll see what happens uh. We got over the pre-market high.

So far the candles are holding there. Okay, all right. So nonetheless, i think the max target up we'll see bkkt throughout the days into that price, so keep an eye on that uh, cdxc, uh, gapped up holding really good. So far.

I really wouldn't mind to see it pull back and try to sustain the brake level of 128. If it does that, i think it's can be a good or a better play if that makes sense all right. So there goes what's it called cdxc back down to the brake level, see if it holds added a little long there to retest the support on cxdc if it breaks down no big deal if it goes up cool another chinese, pnd baby again as long as it Stays over the breakout level of 126. I think it's okay.
If not, then no bueno do yeah. I mean good little pop there, so it looks like this spy so far, kind of holding on the day, a little bit that trend line we had uh mapped out. This grts kind of interesting yeah, um nice little jump from cxdc there looks like cxdc, is going to get halted here, folks, alrighty, good stuff, good stuff. On the other hand, the spy we broke down our support, but came right back through, so we don't get a breakdown in the market today, just yet nope, let's check our dwac.

What are you doing? Okay, so dwac going down. So that was what i was talking about the breakdown now i think it's possible you'll, see this market on dwac swing down to 52.60 to 44 on the day, possibly we'll see we'll see so remember. I was talking about uptrend, so we're kind of in an uptrend, and then we had our lower high kind of broke down, so maybe starting downtrend, um well tesla for the day start with the nice up move. Let me take another gander.

Oh all right, dwac rolling down pretty i mean pretty decent there. Um tesla started with the spike, still have a small short on that, but obviously it's underwater now, but it's okay, you got ta wait for the uh halt to obviously conclude there on cxdc. So, oh, it's the spy kind of up a little bit with a little chop, going on uh dwac, still just kind of trickling down there. Um where's our thingy cx, something so yeah still waiting for the uh the market here on cxdc.

What no stop on halts on uh the thing over there is unhalted whatever stock. That is, it's uh unhalted. What am i doing? Why do i keep making the same freaking mistake over and over you got ta change the other time frame bud it's not the daily. It's the four hour, so that's the intraday statistical mean so typically there's a little selling action there, but i don't think that's going to hold up.

I think we do try to continue through that uh tesla's starting to get ripped down. Oh up, 662 percent on ship. What's happening to ship, is it going straight nuts right now? Oh shibs, just up another was up 23 today, or did i not did my thing not update? I mean either way it's still banging out, so i don't even know what i'm up on should, but it's working well so whatevs, oh baby, girl, cxdc. Why you do me like that? Um tickle me in all the right places, all right that was really creepy.

I won't ever do that again, but uh we are at the um, the intraday uh statistical mean so um. We got a lot of volume here. You know. I always think we.

It looks like a strong stock, so you know if it's not a spot, that i think i would short. So it's like, i feel like we can still uh still get up above that still go higher. Let go baby lego pump ship pump, it all 250k buys on cdx or cxdc. Let's go baby, get it pumping? No! No! No! We don't pump stocks here.
We do not! No! Never! We don't it's just a really good. It's a cool move. I don't know what it is: it's just a cool move, this dip on dwac, holding up uh so far, pretty good um, but yeah. Just an fyi uh remember.

I said they could bang kavl all the way down to two they're at 217 right now, shorts mangled that stock down to two good job boys, great trade dwa, but can cxdc hold the mean squeeze through the mean? Is it possible? Can it be done? Do the market makers want cxdc up? Are they going for the old china pump? I'm sure joe biden's, probably investing all over this along with his son hunter biden? Oh wait! No! That's different guys different guys, different guys wrong guys wrong, guys, halt it down now, halt it down, can't break can't break. Ah, so we got dwec still just barely hanging on by like a smidge of a thread, so it looks like that's. Maybe gon na get pulled down here. Pretty soon big guy gets half.

Of course he does. He always does so um. This is. This is a perfect example like this is what we get.

Sometimes we get stocks that go to the intraday mean and then they just don't break, sometimes they yank, and so this is always kind of the confusing spot for me, um, sometimes on the intraday. So maybe i learned a new lesson today from this one, maybe for two para intradays hold pretty good as opposed to not para, then they break, i might have to uh archive this one we'll see not enough momos yeah. That's definitely the case right now, um. So, what's the deal here, huh spies, like kind of up on the day, going through, like this slight little pullback right now, uh huddy, that stock - that's been kind of ripping recently is up just an fyi h-u-d-i, hey, let's see, um, hmm, zip breaking out so yeah.

I'm still just kind of watching this dwac uh tesla's, looking halfway decent right now on the upside believe it or not, um, but nonetheless, a good point. Cetx came across a scanner this morning, so today's kind of been sort of a back and forth day. For me, a good little pop from cetx there xpev definitely on the move today that has some good momentum. You might see like 48s from that 48.68 um.

I feel like we just talked about this yesterday. Didn't we yeah. So if this really works, you might see a move into like 50 ones. Wow, look at that cxdc absolutely destroyed, so you will see, though they brought this move.

This move right back down to that parabolic level. You know that's kind of what we had talked about. All week happening with these parabolic movers, so just an fyi, that's uh kind of what we've been getting this whole week, we'll be getting a pair of pumps and then just reverse back right down into uh the uh, the pair of breakout levels so yeah, just an Fyi yeah they're trying to do like a little little pop-up there on dwac, currently how's the market. Doing today, how's our friend the spy yeah spy's still holding up pretty well.
Today they held the support right. We kind of tagged it yesterday slipped through today, so not quite a breakdown not quite still holding support levels for right now, prague, yeah prague's, actually doing like halfway decent today uh is prague going to the moon. I mean prague kind of already did go to the moon, though i mean, if you look at it did kind of rip up, but i think there still is some potential for this to continue squeezing um for sure. If you start to get up through, like this 469 high, you can definitely see some momentum pick up on that um.

There's still some statistical levels you'd have to go through before you get there, but it could definitely work agri penny stock for the win here. Oh, that's strong yeah, that's probably gon na spike up there, you're, probably slightly a little late to that. But let's see, let me see what my other stuff says: um hold on. Why does that look so weird, yeah agri is something where i think you might see.

Your move up into like 429s today, so this one isn't parabolic yet, but it's getting to the pair of levels so probably still has a little room up to go. Uh, you know to be completely so do be mindful of that interesting, no, more shares available to be bearish on dwac um, just out of if anyone was curious. Mustache, no good clean, looks better, no sure, yeah well for sure for sure um, which ones are best other than macd rsi um. I mean it's kind of really just up to you.

The spy is currently getting yanked right now, so big yanker mc yanker mcdoodle right now, tesla i mean little mickey yankee, yankee hanky panky, indeed something something uh dwa getting smacker magoo down to about 52.. So remember we're saying pre-market it's either long to 75s or a break down to 52.45. Today, and i said that i have a plan for both sides. So right now it looks like markets chose, bear side, uh tesla, starting to get a little yankee mickey anchored um.

Actually ian, yes, i re, i was actually thinking of that. I wan na i wan na get that um. I was thinking of you last night and i was like man who said that i really hope they show up and tell me it again and i remember you commented on a video, so i knew i was gon na kind of have to go back and maybe Look through the comment section, but oh, my goodness, tesla baby girl. Why are you going down so hard like that market is bare, because crude oil down today all right? Well, whatever it is, causing to go down, bring it on baby lego because elon didn't buy? That's? Why the market's down today elon didn't buy all right right now.

Uh dwac is right at about the um right about the pre-market low, so uh yeah. You know people might try to dip by that sure uh, but if that does not work and that fails, i think we could be seeing this slide out could be a little dangerous dang it. I didn't even drink my coffee, god figures brandon just mentioned in elites. Let me take a little magoo amc, dropping hard didn't we say: amc had like one day, one more day up and then it was gon na go down all right.
So maybe yesterday yesterday didn't we say, watch it up, then down right. We had. We talked about. Maybe a pop up to yeah.

I remember i said, look at maybe the gap. It didn't even go that high, so yeah watch. This thing. Sorry watch this thing bearish maybe down to like 33.80 sorry matt, sorry, trade but trey's, but i got ta recommend a bear.

Move on amc today, i i just have to just i - don't really see it being bully, bully and the market right now i mean it's not breaking down, but it hasn't really ripped. You know so we're just kind of could be seeing the start of a new market shakedown or something i don't know. What about pun. Puns are fun, it's a fun pun, oh well, yeah phun's, probably down right, because dwac is going down so yeah.

That's going down. That was the same thing we recommended today. If dwac goes to 75 targets, then phun, probably seven if dwac goes down to the 42s 45s, we didn't really say ph. Um would go down, but it's gon na go down.

Obviously, if it has sympathy so anyways dwac uh, getting mangled to the downside, uh so p-h-u-n same thing, um, i still have to like really make a good one. I did like a like a subpar video on it, but if i make a good one, i have to make a good one yeah, that's what i'm saying still have some uh some work to do there, uh dwac uh, still creeping down on the day. So you know there's that the pre-market low, pretty much is our first target of 5238, which i don't think 5238 holds, because if the pre-market low was 54 and our statistical level is 52, anybody who did bought overnight is probably getting ready to maybe stop out if They had their support, uh being the pre-market low or if they had their stop losses below the pre-market, low, they're, probably pretty close to getting triggered uh netflix sure netflix. I think i read something about bearish something netflix the other day or like last night.

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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars True Quality Imports LLC says:

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  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Every_Day_ Lifing says:

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