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Some low float runner stocks traded were XBIO, NURO, ONCT. I bought the SPAC stock QS for the breakout but that didn't really work either. LAZR stock another spac I did well shorting it. Overall decent week so far, but just looking for more momentum follow through.
Other stocks traded, CRIS, PENN
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Before we start, i know what you're thinking humble trader, why are you wearing a hat indoors, i'm wearing hats, because first of all, i'm bored and i don't go out so there's no opportunities for me to wear a hat and mostly because i'm bored so today was Pretty choppy like, i had some trades going and then just gave back some i got chopped up, so i probably read from all the commissions and locate fees today, which is too bad, because yesterday we had a very good follow through which we'll go over. But today, just one of those days where i kind of just i was just like falling asleep in front of my keyboard um. So that's without further ado: let's go over the trades from today. First, so today um, you know i was positioned for a very nice long, um loan setup on qs right, it's one of the specs.

You know it's, you know breaking out to new all-time highs daily. We pretty much um ramped up from 58 dollars previously closed. All the way down here - um 58 and we're trading around 70s pre-market. Now i i did not participate in the shorts.

I know it's a stock that a lot of people are looking to short, but i was actually looking for the long trade and i did decent on the entries on long side, which i'm really happy about um. I started here around 75 30s. I did trim some thinking that, okay, just in case we don't hold, i want to trim my size and just add back in if it does reclaim and once this reclaims i re-add it back, you can see i added here, you know selling into the breakout. That's what i wanted now when this move happened.

I was a little bit frustrated because i sold most of my shares over here like on this way up. You know from pretty much from 77 selling into 80, 80 and 82. I wanted to add back because i was thinking okay. If we are squeezing up breaking out um, we actually have upside to you know 90 dollars hundreds.

I know it sounds crazy, but with these volatile uh specs, they can do that, but we just didn't get that you can see i re-added back in and we pretty much added on the pullback, even though i didn't buy on a pullback, there's literally no bounces um. So i gave back all the profits on the long trade a little bit frustrating but um. You know pretty much gave back everything i made here, which is unfortunate, but uh could have been worse. I guess, but you know i was really happy about nailing.

The squeeze move on the long side on the way up it just like no, no um clean, follow through right. If it's a true breakout that was going to be successful and hold, what it has to do is break out and pull back and consolidate around this high 80s dollars area and for the next leg up and that's what i was looking for. But we just didn't get that um and then i gave back pretty much all the profits on qs on the long side um i didn't short qs at all um. You know it looks like.

Would i be a nice short, but to me this was a long breakout trade and the next one, which was a little bit frustrating, but i think it's overall executed. Well um was xbio, so i was short this one. I covered everything, and that was a really nice cover. Sometimes the the best trades are the ones where you cut it, for you know a small loss, and then you see the stock squeezing up higher if you were shorts right, so that felt really good.
Even though i lost maybe 10 cents a share that was totally fine because after i covered you can see this thing just squeeze right out um. So right, don't you don't you guys sometimes get that feeling? Let's say you know: if you were long, even though you took a you know, you stopped out for like a 10 cent or 20 cents loss uh, even though it's a loss, but it feels really good when you see it after you stopped out the stock, just Tanked, maybe another dollar or two dollars. So you know if you followed your risk and you stopped out for a small loss. You know.

I think this is a. This is a well executed trade, even though it's a small loss over here now, let's scale back. In short, uh around after seeing that five dollars have failed, you can see failed spike. They tried once twice three times so technically, that's a triple top right uh and we just couldn't hold five dollars, and that's why i got.

In short, again, i even added here thinking that we're gon na really gon na roll over um to you know 360s and below, but once they start reclaiming. This is why i cut my shirt again after i cut here and here the stock just squeezed again. So you know small profit, i'm a secondary short, but you know i kind of wish i covered at four dollars. What, if should i could have you know? Hindsight is always 20 20.

uh, but i'm very happy about this cover um, because it's squeezed again to 580s. There should be an indicator called um, humble trader, cover indicator. Whenever i covered you go long because the stock is gon na squeeze, don't don't do that i would just i would just i was just joking but uh squeezed out. You know and that's why i got in short again small, i didn't know, got in a little bit too early on this one, but very small size on the re-entries, because i'm looking for the similar thing right, similar thing uh, you know failed to hold v1.

I'm looking for another rolling over didn't happen. I added around five dollars right same idea: five dollars, five dollars, five dollars. Those were the previous levels that failed at the here. Fives, you know gave me a nice average about 480 and i pretty much cut it flat because it just kind of trading sideways and i don't want to be kind of chopped up in the consolidation grind.

Even though you know this thing did roll over slowly like right now, but um, i'm out so pretty much another flat trade on x, bio um, but this trade. I still i'm still very happy about it because i managed my risk pretty well um, especially seeing that after each cover the stock squeezed. So that's what i'm happy about this is the cleanest trade on the day. But to me this was just a scalp, and so that's why you know, even though it's a profit, it's still, you know it doesn't like amount to anything.
Significant, um onct, you know, um breaking out on the daily was starting to go parabolic i scaled. In short, small, around seven dollars uh and why seven, if you go on the daily chart, um seven dollars this area right some area of prior resistance, and that's why i started scaling around that sevens now i started in small, but it's only once i see this. You know you can see, try to spike again to 7 18. 7.

19 um. Try it once try twice try third time and reject right. So that tells me okay. The 7 10 7 18 level would be a good risk reward if you want to short with that level as a risk.

So i got in um added short. 7-Elevens 706 got knife flush to 683 and i was so out at 665. um again just a scalp trade. For me, nothing big um, but you know if you compare this trade to the rest of the other two trades i took.

This is the cleanest one. Today, just i'm still got chopped up and we're just so bored um, not a lot of clean, follow through now. If we look at the trades from yesterday on tuesday, it was a lot cleaner. So yesterday cras, you know i took a loss on the short side.

Early on and i'm still very happy about my cover uh, i showed it here, so i had an average about five twenties and cover four dollar share lost about six ten six twenties, so not fun um, but i'm very happy about the cover because after i covered The stock just took off all the way to almost eight dollars, so there's no way i'm going to keep on holding that shorts all the way on the way up um. So i'm happy about this cover and actually got long around here, six dollars added around six um eighties um, and then you know i really thought we're gon na get one of those parabolic uh moon to eight dollars and break out too nice, and that's why i Had a tiny, tiny ad up here around 750s and i literally just bought at the top right, you know like the breakout. The follow through didn't happen, um. So, unfortunately, the the the profit on the on the long side is minimized.

Um. So you know, i cut all the long hair around seven seven thirties um, so i got out for a small profit on the long side - would have been better if i just sold into eight dollars but again could have woulda should have um, but i really didn't Think this was really gon na squeeze. There are a few factors the stock was on ssr um. It's also easy to borrow at many of the brokers.

I checked so that's why you know that was my thesis for a bigger squeeze move um, but it just didn't happen, but you know my my average at this point, even after this ad, most of my average is down here on six six seventies, so i had About six, a six eighties average um, so even after that ad, and that's why you know i was trying to be more patient trying to hold through the the consolidation up here, but once it shows that it's not breaking out to new highs. That's why i took profits at 7 - twenty seven ten - something like that, so smaller profit uh, but overall make money on the long side. So you can see the cris overall lost on the short the long i didn't make money, but you know the profits is a lot smaller, so net negative from cris, even though i was at last, the best trade on the day yesterday was l a zr. So this one was overall a short for me and we did see a lot of the follow through and um.
It's a decent trade. So, even though i did take a decent size, loss on um, cris laser kind of paid for it and more so i'm happy about this. So you know this is kind of like the similar setup um, at least in the beginning, as what we just saw on qs right spike out of the gate and um sell off and kind of reclaim. Now, i'm more short, i was more sure to bias on laser, because we've been up straight up for the last four days, so we're really extended on the daily.

I did miss the move right at the open, but i didn't want to chase right. The idea is, i want to wait for the balance um to short into it. Now i'm scaling in and out of this short position, the entire. I guess this is like an hour wow yeah.

I started in around like 10 o'clock and close the trade around 11.. So that took the entire hour, i was just kind of working in and out of my core short position, um, so around bounces. You know it bounced to around 44 45. That's why i'm scalding in shorts.

I did cover some starter, just in case we start consolidating and squeeze to new heights like we saw on qs today, but that didn't happen so once i confirmed i'm adding back shorts no covering to the flushes, but the idea is that the longer it makes um A daily downtrend, like intraday, downtrend, um and holding below v-lab and below prior supports prior resistance. However, you want to call it. I want to keep on adding on the short side and we got very nice flush um you can see even after the covers. I did add back in on the weakness covered some into the daily support uh in case this is a you know, double bottom on the intraday chart, but we added on the bounces.

You know i'm just adding on the bounces keeping my core position at this point. At after the old average down at about 43's average and around this time is actually where citron came out with a short report on twitter and the star, just tanked, with a bearish, tweet, etc. Now you might call it lucky. You may call this luck, but luck is when preparation meets opportunities.

I was already short and that actually gave me the conviction to add even more size into the short position. Um around 41 50s. I'm adding to weakness. You know again, i'm not scared, because the daily has a lot of downside, i'm not scared, i'm adding to weakness and my first cover um.

After all these ads, i had an average about 41 50 average after the adding on the weakness and cover it into 39. 50S and i'm even shorting the bounces here and then we got more flush, move down to 37, 50s and 38, so um so uh. I actually held this position for the entire hour, but it was very worth it, even though you know i was just watching kind of like stalking this chart for a long time, but um. You know that this is where we we have some clean, follow through yesterday.
Either, to upset with downside, it doesn't matter, but yesterday was a lot cleaner, uh and today we just didn't, have any move like that um so, which is unfortunate. Now. The last trade yesterday is pen um they broke broke out to new all-time highs. No, i didn't have big size on this.

I just bought the dip around the 7730s or 77 20, something like that and sold into the 79s breakout level so um to me this is just a scalp um, because my focus was on laser um and uh and cris, even though that one turned out to Be a loss all right so time for some q and a's from kelvin. May i ask: how do you determine when to take profit? And, what's your stop for large and small cap, so i think the the answer to this is gon na be very general because it's a very general question about when to take profit and watch your stop. So if you are long, you want to take profit into resistance, and especially if you are loaning a small cap like the one we saw on cras, my trade from yesterday. You definitely want to sell into the breakouts too, and in hindsight i wish i did um.

That would have been some very nice profit if i just sold into a breakout. So you know on small cap: low floats especially take profit on the breakout moves and the squeeze moves. Um you want to sell when everyone's chasing it right. You want to sell into the sheep chasing the alerts buying the whole dollar breakout.

So that's where i would um sell large caps. It's it's not really the same! That kind of two different animals, but for the large caps i would sell into the daily resistance levels and how you set stops um, it's gon na be depending on the setup. Unfortunately, there's no black and white answer for that. So if i'm long at the support, then my stop will be you know if it breaks down that support, so it'll be below that support right if i'm short, using a resistance level on omct right, if i'm short, using the prior resistance around 720s, then my stop Would be if it breaks out above 720s, so you know it all depends on the setup and on the technical analysis on the daily support and resistance levels.

Okay, second: question: from dan: what platform has paper trading will emulate the order fill on that trader dash trader? You can actually subscribe to their simulator, i mean if you want to really want to emulate that trader. You should just use their dash trader simulator. It does cost money for paper trading, but you're paying for the platform you're paying for the fields and the speed so and that's the platform i use you can. If you don't connect to a broker, then it's a simulator, but if you connect to a broker, so i have dash trader connected to cobra trading.
They gave me this hat connected to cobra trading. So that's my broker, and that is my platform um. So you can sign up for their paper trading, the simulator trading. If you really want to practice some dash trader pro, i think the the free um commission brokers that you're talking about is fine um, like weeble robin hood um, but i think i think it's fine.

For paper trading to get started, but i think once you are you, if you want to start taking it seriously, you might want to start um. Looking at these more premium platforms right today feels like a friday. For some reason, the action just you know seem reminds me of a friday, but it's only a wednesday um. So hopefully things really pick up tomorrow.

You know i want some sort of follow through, like we did see on tuesday. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comment section and if you enjoyed the video, please remember to drop a like and i'll see you guys next time, hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes. If you want to see more day, trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more.

If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time.

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29 thoughts on “Stay safe trading in a slow market- cris, xbio, nuro, qs, lazr stock recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J.C. Harris Asset Management says:

    Took a 2k loss shorting $PLYB
    ;/ 1 month's worth of profits gone. Stay safe out there.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fuzzy Lumpkin says:

    Cool I'm starting with webull and will change over when I'm ready thanks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eco Steve says:

    Great info ! How much capital do you use for day trading ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jepoi says:

    People: wearing hat indoors is illegal
    Humbled Trader: Hold my beer

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Install Wizard says:

    This is exactly what a newb like me needs. Seeing a day trader trade! Thanks.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hil Hil says:

    Hey! First time caller, long time listener…. As an IB user, for the life of me trying to figure out how to get the VWAP on the chart like normal. Also Time and sales have color configs with lot of neutral (white) instead of all greens and reds.
    Maybe I'm just Old… HELP?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rocky Staatz says:

    Why aren’t you checking floating shares/loaned shares? And comparing market?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Deaner says:

    Iam Canadian as you and have been using Questrade for some time. What platform are you using now. Can you message exactly what trading platform you are using as well as news feed subscription. Thanks your the best.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PositiveGratification says:

    HT what do you think of QS this week? I was in similar positions as you. I gained but gave it all back. I’m still holding right now but not sure if I should sell at pre market tomorrow or hold

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DopaciD says:

    CRIS makes no sense, company is a disaster, financials are just debt everywhere, did a crazy offering but stock super strong, very strange price action like somebody knows something.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver Ward says:

    The “there should be a humbled trader indicator” joke was really funny I actually LOL

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elias Cortes Lopez says:

    Nice hat Humbled Trader gota keep on trucking even on a bad day lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bubs says:

    Hey Shay, i must say your a pleasure to watch doing what you do. Might I add, not so bad on the eyes either!
    Anyways, i've been teaching my self the ins and outs of trading over the past couple of yrs. I've been paper trading on Webull for the past year and i believe i'm ready to trade real money. I have about a 75% success rate. I know i still have a lot to learn but i feel it's time. I have $3000 to start with.
    My question is, which platform and brokerage would you suggest i go with, given the amount i have to start and why? Thx beautiful trader!😉

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamar Vance says:

    That’s “SUCCESS” not “LUCK” when preparation meets opportunity..

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E lyfe Heart says:

    I been switching from tesla to China stocks to water to keep my money safe

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malexius says:

    Trading is boring. I am here because you make it entertaining 👍💪

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J-R says:

    Is the Stock Market just as manipulated as the Currency Market > thoughts ?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ProDiver says:

    Hi. I do notice that in the middle of the day- some stock do have spike in volume and extraordinary growth. I do find them too late with scanner. Is there any way or idea where to spot them, before that growth or when it just starts? Example- SLDB, NH, REPH

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KHSimages dotcom says:

    Humbled Trader is great at making entertaining content that may have value. I just never understand something. Trading is all about making money. If that's going well, than why develop such a big Youtube channel? Maybe just for fame or to share knowledge. If so, why not just be interviewed on other channels? These are honest questions. There are many answers that could make total sense but I don't get it.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathaly estrada lopez says:

    You mentioned in one of your videos that you went to college I was wondering what major did you study?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars corridor444 says:

    What time do you wake up in Canada to begin your trading day?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Conley says:

    I just sat here for the past 4 hours watching your make your content fun to watch.. im farely new to the stock market and learned more watching u then I have in the past month….. I will be looking for your videos everyday now… do u send out watch lists or anything

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Tax says:

    good time to take up the tin whistle… beats the dull daze of the trading pace…

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Kusakabe says:

    Ht, Some A hole keeps spamming my comments. Sorry you have to deal with this.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars timbawoof1 says:

    I have a newbie question. If say, I buy 100 shares of stock in the morning, then sell half at lunch then sell 40 near close and hold 10 to trade on next morning spike, does this count as as day trade on the 2 sells I made during the day or does it just count as a regular trade since I'm still holding 10 shares?
    I'm in the U.S
    Thanks in advance 😊

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rafhit says:

    what percentage of your trades are done based on tradeideas scanner? or do you still use finviz for scanning? 🙂

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Marcoccia says:

    Hey Humbled Trader cool hat bro.. lol.. I'm sure it's been asked before but whats a good broker in Canada to short penny stocks?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Renalds says:

    How do you know when to you use the 2 minute candles rather than the 1 minute? Thank you

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red Edwards says:

    Hello "asian princess",,,did you take my advice and get some of my HOTEL suggestions.? SOHO, AHT, BHR, STAY, STAY, INN…CAn't have a recovery without TRAVEL…Travel means Hotel Stay. I saw portfolio balance. We're equal! I am on thaicupid "R Edwards"

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