A paper trade is a simulated trade that allows an investor to practice buying and selling without risking real money. Webull trading app offers a free way to practice trading/ investing in the stock market at no cost. This best of both worlds, gain experience by testing out what you are learning and doing it at no cost. This is the benefits of paper trading as a complete beginner! The only downside about paper trading is that since it's not real money, emotions are not involved which is a big challenge when trading with real money. So make sure you take that into consideration when just getting started in the stock market!
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So how can you start learning how to trade or invest in the stock market with no money right? What's going on team, it's ricky with tackbot solutions here with another video and this one's on the weeble platform so step one? What you need to do is download the weibull app. You can either do this on your iphone or your smartphone uh. The one that i prefer is definitely right if you're going to be getting into trading or you want to become more familiar with the platform itself, make sure you download the weeble desktop app. They have a weeble app, that's not the desktop version.

So just make sure you don't confuse the two as again a lot of people do so make sure you don't confuse the two and to download the weeble app. You guys can use the first link down in the description and that will earn you two free stocks. Just by using that link down below you don't have to use my link, but it will earn you two free stocks. If you do, let's go ahead and get started and one of the things that i like sharing is i never like telling people what to do right, because we all have different intentions, but i like to understand the why behind everything? So why would anyone want to start paper trading or simulation trading? So one of the reasons that i think that paper trading or simulation trading can be a solution, for you is first off if you're someone, that's really young, if you're someone that's just getting started and you have no experience - you've never traded before, but you want to Become more familiar with the platform, the stock market? How to use this, you know different looking platform right, it looks very confusing, and do you want to get started with you know all the money that you've saved up and just throw it into the market and hope that you know how to use the platform and Hope that you know how to buy and sell at the right time or would you rather do this when it doesn't cost you any money right and we will as like many other trading platforms, so we will is not the only solution.

Many other trading platforms also offer paper trading or simulation trading, so i would encourage you whatever brokerage. It is that you use right now if you're someone that just wants to become more familiar with the platform and more familiar with when to buy when to sell. You know learn how to make mistakes, how to manage risk. This is a great time to do so, especially if you're just getting started.

This is a resource that was not always available, but is now so readily available. So it's it's almost counterproductive to not use it right. It is very useful and becoming aware on how to navigate through the platform, the different widgets, the different indicators that each platform offers, and that's one of the things that i'm going to be showing you in this video. The second thing that i want to talk about is a lot of you might have five hundred dollars a thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars that you're willing to put into the market.
But the question that everyone always has is not just how to use the platform, but how do i know when to buy? How do i know when to lock in profits? How do i know when things are going south that i need to cut losses and manage risk paper trading and simulation trading allows you to do this with zero dollars on the line and that's kind of like a a win. Slash lose and let me explain the two: it's a win, because every video that you're watching on youtube, if you're part of a course whatever it is, that you know whatever steps you are taking to learn how to trade or how to invest in the market. You can do with paper trading, it doesn't cost you any money, it's fake money, but it allows you to do it with real stocks. So it allows you the way that i view it.

It allows you to test yourself and what you're learning. I think that we can both agree, at least with my learning style. I always learn best when i take what i learn and i implement it until i can retain that information. So if that's you, then, i think that paper, trading or simulation trading can be useful.

One of the reasons that a lot of people might be against paper trading is because it is fake, it is not real money and a big part of trading and investing is the emotional aspect that is followed by having money on the line, and i do agree With that, but you have to learn, you know kind of the opportunity cost if you're someone that's an absolute beginner and you simply want to become more familiar with the platform more familiar with when to buy when to sell when to cut losses. It's a it's! A free resource and allowing yourself to practice before you put real money on the line, i think, is a win-win. So, although it's not 100, the realist thing, because you don't have real money on the line, it allows you to gain experience and hopefully gain confidence to have a better understanding of what to do. And what not to do - and i think all of you guys can agree with that right - the last thing that i want to actually show you in this video is: we talked about downloading it.

We talked about why it can be of value for you if you're, an absolute beginner or if you just want to become you, know more well-versed with the platform. Now, let me show you with going into my screen on how to actually set it up. So once you download the weeble platform, i think that we can all agree that it looks very aesthetically pleasing. I actually have a video on youtube already talking about my weeble setup, so make sure you guys check that out.

If you haven't done so already with the different indicators that i have set up here, but one of the things that i want to talk about is how do you even get to simulation trading or the paper trading option? Well, on this left hand, tab right here on the very bottom. It says paper training, so once you click on that, you guys can see that you guys have these three different options. You can create your own. You can use the us stocks paper trading or day traders.
Honestly, it's all based off of preference right. You can use all the you know. You can test all three or let's just go ahead and click on the day trading one, and you can see that it has all these different widgets. It gives you a net balance right, that's not bad.

A million dollars is what it allows you to start off with. You can adjust this and you have your watch list right here. You have your different charts and you can remove them. So again, if you haven't watched my video on how to set up the weibull platform, i feel like that video will be useful for you, because it will show you on how to add and remove these different widgets.

You can see that this is all paper trading, because it has the pm emblem, which p, which means paper money, which means again fake money, but again ignore that forget about what everyone else is saying of it not being real. I just at the end of the day you just really have to ask yourself: what's your intention with even just watching this video, if you're looking for a solution just to gain experience, to become more comfortable with the platform and to do it at no cost, i Don't think you know that there's there's there's definitely more of a gain than there is of a loss right and if you have the time, then why not implement it and every video that you're watching on youtube, if you're, if you're part of a course right whatever It might be right, however: it is that you're learning. Why not challenge yourself and test everything that you learn with paper trading? Yes, it's not real money, there's no emotions right! That is a big obstacle and a big challenge later down the road, but why even put money on the line, if you're not even sure, if this is a market that you want to partake in, so i just think that there's much more of a gain than There is of a loss when it comes down to this platform, one of the things that you want to show you is when it comes down to like placing uh your orders and stuff like that. If you select this option, it makes it a lot easier because it has this active trade where it lets you buy and sell a couple of the shares again it takes time, don't don't become overwhelmed with this platform right away right it takes time.

So if you begin to use this every day, you know 30 minutes a day and you begin to have fun with it. Over a month, you'll see the progress that you make right, just like all those video games that you have played before the more you use. It yes in the very beginning, it seems very challenging, but over time it becomes second nature right. Uh, if you don't like the day trading option.

One of the things that i want to make sure that i show you is, you can go on back click on new layout and then it's kind of like a tab right. It has the paper trading uh the day trading option here and you can go to the us docs and then it'll open it here. So you can kind of go back and forth if you don't like again any of them or if you like. More of the us stocks, then you can again delete that previous tab and it will just have the usdocs paper trading option for you.
So again, your watchlist all this stuff. You can set your buyer, you know your buy order, sell orders, you can add widgets. One of the things that you need to be aware of is how to add, widgets, and these widgets are again kind of overwhelming, because there's so many options and depending on what platform you're doing this on might just be even more overwhelming. But this is the beautiful thing about the stock market and about paper trading.

You have nothing but time it doesn't cost you anything. It's simply just your time. So one of the things that i've shared so many times before is just like how i learned. I learned everything on my own through trial and error.

Do you need a course, of course, not right a course just implements more structure, but if you're against someone that wants to challenge yourself and do it on your own, i view paper trading to be a potential solution just to allow yourself more time and the luxury Of not having to have money on the line and potentially lose when he has again. A lot of people tend to do when they're first getting started. So i'm always here to try to encourage you to do what's best for your future self, and i feel like again, if you're someone that's just getting started, you simply want to become more familiar with the you know: platform how to buy, how to sell, how to Cut losses how to manage risk and how to identify patterns or whatever it is whatever your intent is with the market, but you want to do it at a very minimal cost or for free. Then again, i think paper trading or simulation trading can be a great solution for you.

So let me know what you guys think in the comment section um and i hope that i earn your thumbs up so uh. If you guys have any questions whatsoever. Let me know down below, please consider subscribing and if you guys want to join us for one of our live trading sessions, if you've never watched someone trade live in the stock market, i trade live every single morning at market open with our learn plan, profit group And if you've ever wanted to see what it's like click, the second link down below, learn a little bit more about the learn plan. Profit group and i'll see you tomorrow at market open.

Until then, like always, let's make sure that we in the year on a green note, thank you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Start investing in stocks with $0 | webull paper trading”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Sandoval says:

    I appreciate this hand holding type of video. I just opened a webull account last week and this will definitely help me get used to the platform itself. Thank you so much!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarkBehindFlat says:

    When i choose a layout it says my net account value and buying power is blank and it doesnt let me do anything

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pīnnēd by Agūstīn Marchētti says:

    Lately I’ve been considering buying dividends stocks for retirement, I’ve see asides $350k to invest but along the line, I get cold feet, maybe because I’m a rookie and have no idea what I’m doing, please I could really use some guidelines

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mMarian says:

    Webull paper trading is trash, orders are executed based off last price instead of bid and ask quotes , also you cannot use hotkeys. Don't lose your time paper trading on this trash platform.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamal Jenkins says:

    Dose webull offer trading on demand ? I work 8-5 so I can’t trade real market hours

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rainy Weather says:

    Never forget charity!! Bless and new blessed. Donating to community action or a local church outreach mission would be great. The less in need around you also keeps you safer.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Mike says:

    You should make a video on how to make 6figures profit monthly cos I've been reading about investors making up to $380K in 2months from $150K and I'd really love to know how to outperform the market and make such substantial profit.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Jones says:

    That's a good idea I blew up my account 3 times before I started making profit. Now I'm up £300,000 peace

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnson Nelson says:

    It’s far to easy for investors to lose perspective.whenever something big goes wrong a lot of people panic and hold on to money that should be working for them.looking at history, the market recovered from corona virus ,2008 crisis,the doctor crash,even in Great Depression.the market bounces back and now it’s time to load up on ones fave picks

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CMJ_FTW says:

    How I got started in the stock market. I invested $50 1 year ago. Now I have $1,000 in the stock market. I haven`t made a huge amount of money but, Im making small gains. Hopefully I`ll turn the $1,000 into $2,000 soon.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JuNNii says:

    Im waiting on $3,4000 to get settled in my bank this friday july 9 soo i can open up my webull account…been studying a lot of videos of different traders and i want to keep learning more and more…im 39 and extremly stressed and tired working 9-5 been doing it since i was 17….wish i got into this years ago but its never late and i just want to buy a house soo my 4 yr old daughter can have her home and not go thru what i went thru…time to Elevate.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john patrick says:

    I have been trading for about 6 months now and just about every trade backfires and slaps me in my face. Nearly impossible for me to catch more than a few points . I try to do top down analysis but it doesn't work for me . I say to myself, clearly I'm in the 90% that lose money, so I open a demo account, do my analysis, then take the opposite of what I would normally take and get the same result. I'm starting to feel hopeless, any advice for a struggling trader?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samratkhan Samratkhan says:

    Ricky sir i am your fan how we become Millionaire forex trader

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorunn Berban says:

    Oh yeah, I remember when I started trading stock, I looked at you when you was talking about Dgaz and Ugaz on TOS and I was like I had no clue what is he talking about! I smashed it! Tomorrow Monday for stock market. I wonder what will happen to AMC! I smashed it!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Padilla says:

    I was about to sell out and close my account on Webull until I saw you switched to it and that there's a desktop platform, so user friendly, thank you and thank you for these tips, now I transferred my Robinhood account to Webull and started paper trading to improve my strategies!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rostam Shams says:

    Great video, too bad Webull doesn't offer to trade OTC stocks.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Rooster says:

    Disregard this if u said it I haven’t watched the whole thing yet buttttt you should make a video on doing due diligence/research on good stocks to buy. You introduced paper trading now follow with some beginner concepts. I just stared paper trading yesterday and I got a lot to learn 🙌

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Ploss says:

    Doesnt matter how tenured you are or think you are you need to paper trade along side your live trading, execute your trades in your paper trading account at the same time. Exit trades normal on live account. No matter how cool you are you trade off emotion w 25k+ on the market when you paper trade you don’t trade off emotion and you can’t get that feedback anywhere else it’s priceless in fact

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander says:

    Do analysing 50 stocks! That would be so informative. Like speedrun it

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Gil says:

    Watching the growth of stocks and financial assets in few years, everyone should start investing pronto even with the dip cause of the surprise in stock rising!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike'l Morrison says:

    Hey Ricky, got a challenge for you, hear me out. Start a series and only invest $1,000 and see how far you can it and how much you can make it. I would be interested in those and I am sure many others will be too.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George says:

    I wish I had listened, and stayed a little longer on paper trading , blowing an account is part of the processe, but it's not inevitable …🤭😝

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jiří Dvořák says:

    Paper trading is good,but id doesnt train you in most important skill = self control over emotions….Its completely two worlds,invest virtual money and see getting in minus more and more on your spared money 🙂

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neel Wisc says:

    Of course every beginner will panic at a little pull back and stop holding but the truth is pullbacks are the keys to breaking into new highs

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Study With Oli says:

    Yooo bro, you should do a video about using Webull screeners. Need help man. Lol

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Gutierrez says:

    A paper trade is a simulated trade that allows an investor to practice buying and selling without risking real money. The only downside about paper trading is that since it's not real money, emotions are not involved which is a big challenge when trading with real money. So make sure you take that into consideration when just getting started in the stock market!

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