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Something BIG is about to happen! Benzinga had just been shut down, Short sellers have been paying multiple BILLIONS to short AMC, citibank is struggling and desperately trying to stay alive for 60 more days, AMC Bonds are expecting to be paid off very soon, and Bloomberg is expecting a recession to start within 60 days. This is going to be BIG.
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#AMC #AMCStock #ShortSqueeze

Today I Want to talk about how something big is about to happen? We now have verifiable proof that short sellers have been losing billions on AMC Another major bank is in the process of failing and shortened distort websites like Benzinga are being shut down, so stay tuned and let's make some money. and now on, arrive straight in with accumulation. So Andrew tweeted saying is there something wrong at Benzinga because their account has just been shut down, Where did you go? Clearly, Benzinger has either broken some kind of rule at Twitter and has been closed down by Twitter or they've broken some kind of external Rule and have been shut down by the Justice Department. He said Charles Payne you've got to find out what happened He said maybe someone at the Justice Department saw something today about Bed Bath and Beyond that they didn't like and had to shut down Benzinger to stop them from spreading any more fud and to stop them from giving illegal Financial advice.

And as this post on Reddit says, word on the street is is that things are about to get very interesting. Obviously that's some Trust Me by information likely from Lou versus Wolf straight. but it's very interesting timing that Benzinger is being closed down right now. Benzinger posted this article yesterday saying Bed Bath and Beyond Stock Alert: sell your Bed Bath and Beyond shares.

immediately. as Rich tweeted, he said some short seller is clearly desperate hey, as he say, is this even legal because it reads like direct illegal Financial Advice: Obviously, what I'm doing here on YouTube isn't telling you to buy or sell shares of AMC Ape, Bed, Bath and Beyond or other stocks. I'm simply talking about the news and how that might or might not impact these companies. Obviously I Know that I'm not allowed to give direct Financial advice telling you to buy or sell shares because that's illegal.

But obviously these mainstream media Outlets have been trying to convince you to sell your Bed, Bath and Beyond and your AMC and your Ape and your GameStop shares for nearly two years now. Now we know this is illegal, but maybe that's not the reason why Benzinger has been shut down as Andrew tweeted. Clearly, someone at the Just Department has seen something they didn't like from Benzinger and that it's happening time and time again and they've realized that Benzinger needs to be closed down. Clearly some short seller has been desperate for those shareholders to sell their Bed, Bath and Beyond shares so the stock can be pushed back down.

And it seems that way because AMC and these other meme stocks have been costing these short sellers billions of dollars, especially over the last quarter. Now you'll remember in my video from yesterday I Spoke about how much these short sellers have lost so far this year. Just on AMC The short sellers in the first quarter of this year had lost over two billion dollars so far in just three months, almost equal to the entire AMC flow. But actually I think the amount these short sellers have lost is actually much, much larger, because if we read further into that article, we can see which interest rate they've used to calculate how much these short sellers have lost on.
APC The article estimated that short sellers have been paying on average only 106 68 percent to borrow AMC shares. If the short sellers had been borrowing at 168, it's cost them over two billion dollars in the first quarter of this year, just in borrow fees to shore AMC. But actually, we know that for many days, this first quarter, especially in March and now in April, the interest rate has been significantly higher than 168 percent much closer to a thousand percent, if not above. And therefore, maybe the fee they paid in quarter One was actually larger than two billion dollars, or especially in the second quarter.

Now, in April and in May and in June, the amount is going to be significantly larger than 2 billion dollars because the interest rate is much much higher. Maybe in the first quarter, they did spend two billion dollars, but in the first quarter in April alone, maybe they've already spent two billion dollars or three or four or five billion just to continue shorting. AMC. But on top of that, AMC isn't the only stock costing short sellers an arm on a leg, because here's the top 10 stocks with the highest boric: Feats Obviously, AMC has the crazy 168 fee that we know for many days has been closer to a thousand percent, but Evgo has also had a borrow fee of 77.5 Beyond me 70, upstart, 52, Nicola 52 and so on.

So these short sellers have not only been spending billions of dollars for sure AMC but they've also been spending multiple billions of dollars. On top of that, for sure are the stocks as well. Guys, be sure to sign up to me with a sponsor of today's video. Using the link in the description below, you can currently get up to a whopping 15 free stocks entirely commission free trading Free level 2 Market Data and most importantly of all, Mumu is very easy to use.

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And that has resulted in Citibank not being okay because Sydney is now trying to show up their balance sheet by offering incentives to short-term depositors. They're currently offering up to two thousand dollars in cash back bonuses if you make a deposit within 20 days of opening an account and you keep your money there for at least 60 days. Clearly, Citibank is desperate to get money on their balance sheet, at least to last them for the next two months so they can hopefully try and avoid imminent bankruptcy. As G-Man has tweeted, he said it's the sweet smell of desperation from the Citibank website.
You can now earn a cash bonus of 200 500, a thousand, a thousand, Five hundred, or two thousand dollars when you complete the required activities. Those activities are to deposit at least ten thousand dollars up to three hundred thousand dollars or more and leave it there for at least 60 days to get that cash bonus. It seems that Citibank is clearly desperate to get entirely back into their accounts and back onto their balance sheets so they can hopefully try and survive just a few months longer. They're obviously expecting some kind of giant loss or giant outflow from their accounts that's going to happen in the next two months that could potentially cause significant damage to Citibank where they may go bankrupt if they don't get more cash into their accounts.

Okay, Citibank is clearly expecting some kind of Big Black Swan event. On top of that, Kevin Malone tweeted saying that his bond desk is showing him a yield to call rate of 34 880 for AMC Basically what that means with the help of Chat Gbt, if you hold those bonds to the cool date, they will receive a yield of 34 880 on the money they pay for those bonds. As Chat GPT says, in layman's terms, a high yield to cool rate percentage in a certain stock means that the issuer of that stock has the option to redeem or call the stock certain price before it reaches its maturity day. The yield to cool rate is the return on an investment that an investor can expect.

If the stock is called at the earliest opportunity, a high yield to cool rate means that the stock is likely to be called soon, which could potentially cut short the investors expected returns. In other words, the market is expecting Adam Aaron to cool all of those bonds. AKA pay off all of those bonds very very soon. It's basically expecting these bonds will not reach their maturity day and therefore will not receive the full yield to cool percentage ratio because they're not going to make it to the very end day because these bonds are likely to be called and repaid very very soon, likely in the next two months.

Maybe. So it seems that AMC are expecting tons of cash to flow in to be able to buy out these bonds at the same time. Citibank is expecting some kind of massive outflow or massive Black Swan event in the next 60 days. How coincidental the Adam Aaron is expecting to receive tons of money, while Citibank is expecting to lose tons of money at the exact same time.

Maybe it's some kind of Black Swan event like a squeeze for example. and that may be the exact same reason why Ben Zinger has recently been shut down for desperately trying to convince people to sell their shares illegally on top of that market. Rebellion has also tweeted saying that Tiger Global Management, a 12.7 billion dollar Venture fund has just recorded a 20 loss for quarter one of 2023.. you may remember Tiger Global is the exact same fund that lost over 60 last year in 2022, and they've just recorded an additional 20 loss on top of that.
So again, it seems that Tiger Global Management is currently in big big trouble potentially similar to the trouble that Citibank is likely to be as well. And you may remember that Bill Huang who had those Total return swaps actually used to work at Tiger Global Management and is the head of Tiger's Protege. Therefore, maybe Thai Global Management had the exact same positions that Bill Huang had those total return swaps against AMC and against GameStop and maybe Bill Huang's positions that passed onto Credit Suisse have now been passed onto Citigroup, and maybe Citigroup is expecting some kind of squeeze that would be disastrous to Citigroup in the next 60 days. At the exact same time, Adam Aaron is expecting AMC to receive tons of money to pay down those Bonds.

On top of that, we're also seeing Bloomberg models saying there's a 100 chance of a recession by the end of this year. Yeah, you read that right. Not 90, not 95, but a 100 chance of a recession. So we can see here this chart.

The white lines are their General expectations and the orange lines are their February expectations. So back in January Bloomberg saw very little chance of recession in March April and May, but quite a high chance of recession in June July August September and practically 1 100 guaranteed a recession by November and by December and again for their February expectations. Effectively, that chance of a recession is likely to happen sooner, at least by July at potentially the latest. So clearly Bloomberg is also expecting something big to kick off in the next two or three months.

There is practically 100 guaranteeing the US will be in a recession. So guys, be sure to let me know what you think down in the comments below. And as always, guys, be sure to ding that notification Bell because that way you'll be alerted when I upload a new video. Cheers!.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Something big is about to happen!! – amc stock short squeeze update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WildMan says:

    12 days later, did it happen yet? lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spencer Madden says:

    If "something big is coming"
    Why do you have adds on your shitty amc videos??

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Stephen says:

    Hopefully it is AA and those two from Antara going to prison and then we can get Citadel and Blackrock on charges

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steven jones says:

    Something big has been happening for 2yrs

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brenda Winans says:

    Thumbs down on a video with a whole lot of "MAYBES"

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars g B says:

    Lol… Been saying "something big is about to to happen" for the past 2 years, and I'm still waiting, I'm currently about 70% down on my amc position ❤

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kirk Landsig says:

    If the RR doesn't happen in May we getting the MOASS sooner then later

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew says:

    Boliger band is thighing on the weekly👍

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pen Name says:

    When this channel turns off comments, that will be another dent on the integrity of Thomas James.

    It’s a moot point because his reputation is irredeemable at this point, just like Adam Aron.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ktomjr1 says:

    Something big has been supposed to be happening for over 2 years. Give it up, dude. You must be a paid shill pushing this squeeze crap still.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marton Herczeg says:

    my guys has some weird movements

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Quick says:

    Something big is about to happen

    Season 16: Episode 27

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pqlamzpqlamz Pqlamzpqalzm says:

    Amc Microwaveable 🍿 !!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guy Angelo says:

    Porno titles brought me here.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kumar Hafiz... says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ja Rule says:

    Define grifter for me guys!?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oregon Highroller says:

    I buy n hodl amc and that's all that matters. We will fucking win

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heidi Madison says:

    📌 Nice video, love how you take your time to educate your viewers. You gave me the mindset to invest my savings now I have made profits over $120k Right now and still making more , I am enjoying a good life with what I made investing. Indeed ‚building a Portfolio income (investing) through a licensed investment adviser is one out of many ways to earn passive income.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate A says:

    But @benzinga isnt shut down.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nonamela says:

    I hold both but I’m making more effort to get as many AUZ100X as I can, along with bitcoin and enthereum.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bonnie says:

    I bought 20,000 AUZ100X .. hoping for a big run

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Son sətir says:

    So the launch of AUZ100X is clearly something which deserves to be known even if it's not related to this content but what are you going to do anyway here? waste time and procrastinate

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CR¿Ed¡ts☆TR☆ says:

    Let your voice be heard the AUZ100X army is there to make the change we need, not all heroes have capes you know

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars • ꧁༒☬KİNG CAHANGİR ☬༒꧂• says:

    If you ain't buying Amazons AUZ100X right now, you are making a huge mistake.

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