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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? All right? Well uh. Green Day recap. Better than yesterday. I wanted to go for a drive convertible.

It's raining outside so I can't really celebrate my green day here. but I did go for a drive yesterday. Red Day recap. Went in my hair and kind of tried to let the red day go.

Let some of those mistakes just put them behind me and I sat down today. New Day knew me and across the board. Today was good. I did have a couple of small losers but I managed risk on them well.

The losses were small. I think the biggest loss was 750 and my biggest winner over 12 000 which is great swing trades. I still have a couple open one on Amazon, uh one on Apple which are doing okay. nothing big there and I don't see anything right now that I'm thinking is gonna set me up for another trade.

So uh, I don't know, it's it's still a little early. I might between three and four look to take on another swing trade, but uh, I'm not sure yet. The market's kind of in a funny spot here so I hope you guys had a good day, made a little bit of money and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. I'll be live streaming the pre-market watch list right around 8 45 9 a.m So tune in right here on Youtube and as always if you guys have questions, comments, feel free to leave them down below.

All right. So that's it for me. I'm gonna just sit here and do the wheel and the pedals and dream of a sunnier day. Alright, see you guys later.

All right everyone. So uh, we're going to break down the trades from this morning. I finished the day of ten thousand, nine hundred, eighty three dollars as you can see right here and six cents which is not bad. Uh, all things considered, the bulk of the profit came on Ped, which is currently halted pending news.

This one was on the Gap scanner, but I you know, I wasn't really sure about it. I didn't trade it pre-market It wasn't even until the bell rang and it squeezed up right here that I started jumping in it at let's see going into what I thought was going to be a halt at 66, 72, 75 and adding at 88 right at the open, it surged up and it actually looked like it was about to get halted. If I go back to a 10 second chart, you'll see how it was kind of paused for a second at 88 or 81 maybe. Um, it was like right here and then all of a sudden the halt level moved up and it rips up here to two dips, back down and as it comes back up right here.

I took my profit into that breakout and I bought uh, 30 000 shares on my first trade and actually scaled up on it. Let's see. Uh, I was using my hotkey so 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 000 shares. So up to 40 000 shares and taking profit as it broke over two dollars.

So that ended up being a a nice trade there from 80 to you know, two or so around probably six five, six thousand dollars. in the first trade, it pulled back, gave a second little break out there, and then we'll switch back to the one minute chart through this area here. It was kind of interesting because it was struggling to break over 215 and I tried right here on that little dip. and then I tried it again through here.
So three taps and then Boom! We got the breakout and so on. This one. I actually bought right down here at 201 202 and I what I said to myself I said i'm buying the dip and I'm going to set my stop down just below two dollars, just below the whole dollar and as it squeezed up. then I added to 10 to 15, back up to a 30 000 plus share position for the break back over the high of 215 up to 227.

took profit into the breakout. it sold off here and I didn't trade it anymore. That was it. So my trades were just in the first basically 10 minutes of the day and then the next trades I had a three dollar winner on aim.

This was, uh, three pre-market trades. There was some news that came out on Kovid, a coveted catalyst as we call it now and it gave a little trade here, false breakout, a second attempt here and a third attempt here and it kept failing and so I gave up on it. Moxc I traded pre-market and lost 150 on this one was um, it was actually right here on this pullback that I got long 12 000 shares. it hit a high of 77 and then came back down and I stopped out of it for a about a one penny loss which isn't too bad.

so lost 150 bucks on that. and then Re. Kr hit the high day, Momo scanner got halted and on the resumption it squeezed up. I tried to buy the dip on it post resumption and ended up losing 660 dollars on 2 000 shares so 30 cents that was not great and Vbiv I tried to take the trade over five but it ended up doing a false breakout when I tried it which was right, um here.

so I stopped out and then I didn't go back for it when it did break here which is fine. I was just like I'm done with it. So those are my day trades. Ten thousand dollars.

Yesterday I did take uh I had a trade on uh Tesla in the afternoon which was nice. I made uh twenty five hundred dollars on it. So nice. Winner on Tesla and I'll just put this up here for right now.

So I was thinking about trading Tesla again today, but I didn't end up getting an opportunity and as it did this really big drop here, I was like, okay, I missed the drop. I'm going to think about going long and it actually bounced from 2160 all the way back up here to 2217. it's like a 50 point bounce. It was kind of crazy, but I missed the whole thing.

I'm still holding Amazon from earlier in the week as a swing trade. I am actually holding a put spread on it, which is I I sold it at Um 535 and it's at a dollar 28 and a dollar 24. So I have an order to try to fill that one at. Um, it's actually at four cents and it says the mark is uh, one cent two cents but see how it's jumping around? it's just it takes a while sometimes for these to get filled.

Uh, which I'll talk about in a second because it's a little bit of a challenge. Um, Apple is also a puts no sorry, um, Apple. Oh it looks like I got stopped out of that. Okay, um, that's too bad.
So I had a put spread here on Apple which I set my stop at. um, a 28 debit. It looks like I got stopped out of it, so that's a little bit of a bummer. but that's fine it was.

It was for profit. I had made a credit of about 50 cents when I took the trade, so only I mean only like 12 cents or 20 cents profit on 10 contracts. The problem here is that it shows. I'm negative on the day because I did give back a little profit on the day on it like 100 bucks.

but I was green on it coming into the day. This is a flaw with Td Ameritrade. They should add your total realized P L They should like urgently add that it's crazy. Um, Anyway, so I guess I'm stopped on that.

But I'm still holding the call spread and I'm in that at a dollar and four cents. And it's at 28 cents right now. So the goal would be that these expire worthless. But on the other hand, it's important I think to set some stops on it just so I don't end up coming back and something crazy has happened and all of a sudden what was a winner has turned into a big loser.

So I have a stop on this. actually. Um, I have a stop at 15 cents. It's at nine cents right now.

Amazon. I have a profit stop in. uh, or a profit target in it. Four cents.

But I'm not as worried about Amazon. Honestly, I'm not really worried about either of these. I think they're both in good shape, but yeah, so unfortunately I I and yeah to answer your question on Ped. So Ped is halted.

Uh, pending news. So this is a if I pull up the Nasdaq halts page asset trader. so this was halted at 1204. and you can see here the halt code on this is going to be T1.

So T1 is halted pending news. So the company is going to be releasing some type of news. We don't know what it is yet. It hasn't been posted as far as I can tell.

When that news gets posted and disseminated and everyone is able to read it, the Nasdaq will schedule a resumption time and then it'll resume trading. So for right now there's nothing you can do. You just gotta sit tight and wait. I can look in the Sec filings on it to see whether or not there's a S3, but I don't see one near at the top registration for employees.

So yeah, I mean, I don't. I? I know we had this 8k news. Um, so this company delivers an open letter to this company. Um, and the operator indication of an interest to acquire uh, the company in the underlying assets.

So that was the catalyst we were trading off of. So you know we'll see. the news could be positive. Um, it could be negative.

I don't know. So anyways, Uh, we'll see what happens with that again Though, while stock is halted, there's nothing you can do except for just kind of sit tight and wait. So it's just a sitting and waiting game at the moment. But it's probably I mean it.
So the thing is, it's they're not gonna As far as I would imagine. they're not gonna put out an article that says they can't account for the move in their stock because the move is related to this article right here that was out this morning and the filing. So what they might put out is an update to this and that they've determined it's not a good deal or that they have are in negotiation. and this is the price.

I mean, who knows. but uh, it'll probably be something related to that I would think. But we'll see. So let's see.

Um yeah. So then on the swing trade side of things, you know, tomorrow's Friday. So options tomorrow will expire. Weekly options will expire tomorrow.

So if I pull up, you know, Tesla here. for instance, this is a very volatile stock as we know. Um, you know, if you had the courage to sell, uh, the 2500 calls, let's see the 2500 calls on Tesla right now. they're gonna be expensive.

I mean, they really are. Um, I'll I'll check that rod. Uh, I'll take a peek on that in a second. So the 2500 calls here.

Um, 3.45 So if I sold that, sold the 325 and then bought the 25.50 I'd get a credit here of a dollar and 36 cents. So that's a called a credit spread profit, max max loss. So not a good profit loss ratio. But all you need is for the stock to stay below 2500 and you'll keep that 1300 in your pocket on 10 contracts.

Uh, you could also do an Iron Condor on this. So you could say I'm going to sell the 2500 and I'm also going to sell. you know, maybe the 2000. I mean the thing is, the 2000 is, so this is a Delta of Four, so let's go to a Four Delta on this.

Which is actually kind of crazy how fast that Delta drops. Um, it doesn't drop nearly as well. but that's because of the strike, the way the strikes are. So let's go down here.

So the 2000. Yep, so I could sell the 2000 and buy the 1995. So now I've got basically two trades here. One is, um, a short type of position and the other is a long type of position.

But really, they're kind of a bracket because the way those would work would be as long as the stock stays between 2500 and 2000 by the end of day. Tomorrow, I'll keep the full, uh, premium that I've sold there. But if the stock starts to come close to one of those levels, if it comes down to 2000, the one up here will be near max profit. But this one will be approaching you know, max loss.

And the max loss is much bigger than the max profit. So you really have to manage them really carefully because they can get out of control pretty fast. So honestly, on Tesla, the risk of a gapping, I just I can't I can't do a trade on it, so I'm not gonna do an overnight trade on it. Amazon.

Um, it's pulling back a little bit, but it feels like it's pulled back too much to sell a uh, credit spread on the call side. And you know, I don't really want to sell a put spread again. We have expiration tomorrow, so sometimes going into Wednesday Thursday if you see a setup that looks good and the premiums are nice, you could sell some options knowing they'll expire Worthless? I mean, I could. You know? Well, Netflix is a little cheaper.
Let's look at Amazon though for a second. So back to Amazon. So the premium on Amazon. Let's see down here.

Let's look at 22 32.50 because 3250 was kind of a support level. So 3250 is down here. Delta's 5. it's showing about a 95 94 chance that it'll expire worthless, which are good odds.

uh for me so I could sell that and buy this. But here's the thing. Look at the spread. That's a 25 cent spread, 76 by 208.

So with that kind of spread and generally with very light volume on these contracts, it's not positioning you really well in my opinion. So I think I'm just gonna leave it alone and not add anything here. Right now, you know, again, around three or four, maybe I'll sit down and see something that looks a little bit better. But at the moment I'm not interested.

so I'm not interested in day trading any of the options today. Uh, maybe tomorrow I would day trade weeklies for the the Expiration and Amazon and Tesla would be good potential candidates because they'll in the morning still have really high premium. Uh, but um, you know we and and so Time Decay will be working in our favor. but I'm just not seeing really anything that I'm totally in love with right now.

On the Netflix side going into next week, you know I could. On a day like today, I could potentially sell the 110 puts because it broke this level. So if it comes back down to this level, this should be support at 110 previous support. previous resistance should be support so I could sell the one or sorry the 510 puts.

But realistically, I mean even the weeklies for tomorrow. There's a pretty good price on them because you know I mean, look at this. it's coming back down right now. So the 500s.

Not to mention next week the 500s are at 84 cents, but the 510s are 1.84 If I go out to next week, the five 510s are at 855.. So I mean really, you're getting a lot of premium because the Delta on this is pretty high. You're really close to in the money, but look at that spread to one dollar spread. so this is creating a little bit of a challenge when we've got these big spreads.

I don't I really don't like the big spreads. Um, it's a it's kind of frustrating. So anyways, I don't know. I don't think I'm gonna add anything just right now today.

I'll wait till later maybe and or maybe just wait till tomorrow. All right, So that's about it for me. 10 000 day trading. Um, I've got open P l of like 380 400 on swing trades but hopefully those will be expiring worthless tomorrow.

But if I do get stopped out, you know that's okay too. All right, so I hope you guys have a great rest of the day and I'll see you back here first thing tomorrow morning. Oh hey, I didn't see you there. Help us hit 750 000 subscribers by hitting that subscribe button and stay tuned and check out some of my other awesome uploads right here on Youtube.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Small losses big wins $10k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SALAR says:

    This is so confusing im trying to learn from 0 but cant

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hheythered says:

    I caught the TSLA bounce ohhhhh yeah

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars // Vadim says:

    Thank you my dear teacher! Happy you to 1 sep day, bro!🥋

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Skoog says:

    Can I comment here?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julia 2018 says:

    Great to you see green again! I'm very excited because I just signed up for the Warrior Starter Course!!! If it will work I make big promotion for you in Germany:-)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rickard risberg says:

    Good job Ross! I was red yesterday, saw PED moving but didn't hop in as margin wasn't available and didn't think that the risk was worth it. I always prefer to trade stocks over 4$. I should perhaps try to be more open minded…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N Makainai says:

    Ross when you say sold your shares when in broke the "whole dolllar", do you hit the Bid or the Ask?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cpm Moz says:

    Is it possible to day trade AMZN TSLA NFLX etc..? they have $20+ moves daily…sure you need $3M of BP, but is it possible to get in and out easy with let's say 1.000shares?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikeb63 says:

    that was fantastic

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael McNeil says:

    Is now a horrible time to get in on Tesla? I only started trading in April, and have grown my account 65% since then, which is way more than I ever expected being so new. At that time, I thought $800 was too much….then $1000, I missed the train….then $1500, that's ridiculous….I'm sure you know where Tesla is today. Is there a bad time to get in if I'm willing to be super patient, in your opinion? I'm not trying to steal advice that others pay for, but I am simply asking…what do you think?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! monsieug says:

    Very instructive, thanks for sharing! 🙂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jhoquez huff says:

    Is there a price ranger per share that you should look for with a small account?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travel With US says:

    I made 240 today I am a beginner and my daily goal is 100 or just being green 😅😅 so I am happy I have made 635 this week not bad for a beginner I think 😅

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Your Daddy says:

    Is it just me or is something up with the market lately.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Sent says:

    what’s up rossssss, thanks again for the lesson!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🗽Walking New York City says:

    Love the thunder soundtrack Ross.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Senthilkumar Thangavel says:

    Ross, as soon as you buy a stock a , are you putting stop loss order by using hot key or manually typing it. Just curious, how do you manage stop loss in the morning rush?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Flohr says:

    Ross how are you able to trade so fast, are you using hotkeys for everything? Do you use a trailing stop?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Delano says:

    I can't believe the way they halted PED. There was news that it was going to get de-listed. Then they resume trading after market close when market orders won't execute.. So glad I wasn't in it.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack H says:

    Hey Ross, thank you for the recap! I've heard you talk multiple times, during your live streams and recaps, about setting stops during premarket hours. Is this a feature that Lightspeed allows (setting stop limits outside of normal market hours), or is this something you are doing manually by submitting limit sell orders at your specified "stop" price? Thinkorswim does not let you submit any type of stop order outside of normal hours. Thank you again.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ha says:

    I’m really learned a lot of things from you thank you so much for everything.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BABY ZEE FPV says:

    Red day for me as well yesterday. Green day today. Trading with real money now. Today was a $2000 real money Green Day. You really teach a lot, even though I’m not strict to your strategy alone. You’re brilliant. Same as MIC, same as all the other groups out there. You just have your own strategy. And you are freaking brilliant LOL. Have a good one Ross

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosalie says:

    Wow, I can hear that scary storm in your background 😨

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars noah says:

    Are germans allowed to open a Lightspeed account ?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curtis says:

    I like your videos bro keep up the good work 👍🏾💪🏾

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ROB STEVNSON says:

    hey Ross just want to say your videos are awesome thanks so much !!! btw nice vette is it a 53 ?

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