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#StockMarket #Trading #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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Good morning you beautiful traders got my coffee got new mic set up shout out to andrew it's pretty dope. So, let's get into it. Um got a bunch of chats going on. I'm pretty sure there was just some nsav news, yeah, so nsap nsav is going to be for sure, no question at all anymore.
My top watch out of the gate here we're gon na see how it spikes just got some news with binance. Let me read into it a little more um the launch of virtual broker blockchain platform for premium project on binance, smart chain, so uh i got small cap looking at all the all the uh otc listed bitcoin plays btcs is a great one. That's very nice gap up uh nsap just has crypto news. Crypto is the focus today no question naked kind of taking a backseat there's a huge offering they have like 300 million offering, but if volume comes in it could squeeze some weird news.
I think it's like underwear or something, but i do like nsav, so i'm gon na prep, my level twos and whatnot over here for nsav possible trade out of the gate, we'll be watching um the level two. So let me pull up the news. Yep launch virtual broker, see if we click on it, come up very cool, so that is my top watch along with any of the other. Bitcoin plays um we're gon na be watching level two pretty carefully here to see how it reacts coming out of the gate.
Um, what's everyone watching? I got ta, throw a tweet out. How much time do i have. I got four minutes almost forgot to throw a tweet out buddy, so i will get that. Let everyone know come join me live in the youtube chat and the small cap chat drop.
What you're watching? What's your number one watch today, why are you watching it? What's your plan hit us with the good stuff come join me live crypto's, popping off for anyone who trades crypto, really cool trade on bats. I had last night freaking bats. I love halloween um, so there was that there's some other good ones. Bitcoins at new all-time highs really awesome to see.
The n7 news has me very excited for a morning trade. The tweet is out there to the world and then let's go so looking at the uh. The chat here altered, ppsi ppsi do have up. I think it's just probably going to get crushed look at this gap down like this is where it is, that's a monster gap down.
This could be like a textbook 11am bouncer, though, if we get pulled back to like any of these key levels. From yesterday around like 11 a.m, eastern, so that's kind of why i have it up um, just letting it chill there evgo neg, we'll quickly. Look at these meg! I see a lot of negs. I need gg interesting 11 gap down, though former runner, crazy, first green day.
I can't believe i missed this. Excuse me uh, there's. Definitely some resistance up here now. That's not bad.
Look, though, could definitely see some consolidation in spike higher and then evgo. What's this, today's hot play of the day monster float, though i too many red flags right off the bat i'm just not even looking at it focus is nsap that is my morning trade. I got illis kind of watching rgb kind of watching we're gon na see what happens um and then the bitcoins all the bitcoin stocks, like everything else, is just taking priority here for me uh. Is it really? I have nothing on my scanner, that's so crazy. All right: well, it's telling me to focus today. That's what it's saying. Thank you for pasting it in small cap i'll paste as well. Small cap is bumping, so a lot of new members were today's gon na be crazy, because today's one of those days where it's gon na matter, if you're in a community like small cap because you're gon na see plays like nsav and sev, would have gone straight Over my head, never would have saw it to be honest if it wasn't for the community in small cap uh who actually brought that up.
Jb 23 shout out to you. If you're watching this live with me, you should be for bringing it up. I, like that trade, a lot just because the news so playing there 45 seconds plan there is to see if there's a better out of the gate on the level two so see. If some volume can come in and ride that morning, spike naked.
You know it's got that social following. I wouldn't be surprised if it squeezes look at the range like this is definitely a trade. It's gon na be like a monster spike g, some 70 cents to a dollar back to 75 cents back to a dollar. This is a tradable stock.
It is not like a it's, not gon na be easy, like swing stock, tradable stock, all right. So with that we have five seconds, i'm watching sav. Let's see news comes in decent bitter there. Let's see i'm alright, i'm gon na try to get some already see.
If i can get filled all right, i got some. The bidders are walking this up for sure great news. Great volume, don't have the time and sales up, but there's some big bidders um. I got like 200 000 shares right now, trying to get a little more look at that huge bidder on five textbook news out of the gate.
This is a former runner too um with bitcoin news near breakout like this could go six cents pretty easily uh. If it catches so we'll keep watching this closely, i'm in from sub five five cent average actually is my average. Let's see if we get a good morning spike there rgbp morning, panic it looks like, and so let's see how it approaches this five three, if you can blow through it or if it's where the top's going to come in here, oh choose right through 5'3 gon Na ask for anything better see where how many buyers keep coming in here huge bids on five three now very healthy action. This is a textbook record this textbook otc morning spike, so we're watching it watching level, two upload the time and sales as well see where we're getting hit see where we're stalling out.
Ideally, the bidders keep walking this up. We get a lot more slaps on the ask and we can keep climbing disappear a slight stall here if we can get a better over 531 i'd, be convinced the spike's not done yet so a bit of a turn there, some big sellers coming in now. Let's see where this bottoms out naked, pull out of the gate, neg pull out the gate, pbsi not much action there i see sykes was looking at hysr. Is there news on this one too yep? There is news, but not as good, follow through as nsav and sad we're, basically just looking at low day here. 4 8 is the risk. It's really the only level you can like risk off of on a trade like this see the level two spreads a bit wide, not my favorite, but not opposed to buying more. If it tightens up again, given the news, this would be a higher low, then we could uh see definitely some follow-through. So i'm just gon na get order ready.
My other screen here just in case and then a cell order on four eight. If the morning spike doesn't happen, naked looks like the dip's kind of getting absorbed there, a little better step up on n7, nice 200k. Better there, i'm gon na try to grab some more here. You get up to like 400 000.
As long as i can fill surge is surging, i see um neg. That could be a huge short trap. Rgbp, not really trade. For me, hys are not trade.
For me, let's see what surge is doing, sir, just surgeon, wow um. This is new, not much chart history. There, tough, really low volume, enzyme great turn great turn. Bitters walking it up on eight one, two five bitter just stepped in nice, so i could definitely see some more highs here, hey list.
This could be a big trade, at least it's starting to panic. It is red, it is up. A lot i mean apparently 36 would be really ideal so and seth. I want to move my risk up to like five now um come on inseph, why you got ta.
Do this to us, i'm gon na sell here it should have broke high day. This is one of these examples of if the stock doesn't do what you want. Simply just get out, so that's what i'm doing basically scratch trade made by a couple hundred bucks. A ls, i think, is a much bigger opportunity.
Uh than and sev is and said, the news was a bit fluffy watching level. Two we've got this weird vert print here, though i'm prepping my level two on the side, because how many shares should i buy? This could be a big trade. Panics are tough they're very, like quick, highly skilled trades uh just update nsaf did just fill a small winner about 350. It looks like after commissions we'll take that win move on focus on illus.
Hopefully, illa speeds up, there's a big seller here that pushed her red um. I will not be buying a turn here. Ideally, we could see it turn much lower like a turn in the 36 37 level, but i'm watching definitely needs more panic for me to hop in just ignore this vert on the level two watch, the price action it's stalling here, which leads me to believe it Might put a bottom in which is not ideal, not best case scenario. Neg looks like it's falling back surge crazy.
Ideally, this would go lower if it doesn't. It doesn't i'll move on with my life, but i'll be disappointed. Shhh, indd, panic as well come on. Let's get some real panic, go lower, inds only 12 still, but it's trying to panic i'll make it full screen. That could be a. I don't know if i want to be involved in this panic, but it could be good for screen day coming forward still stalling out. There ideally can go much lower much lower. Ideally, i'm flipping through my uh bitcoin names here, trying to see if any of these charts look good enough to justify, buy, come on and let's go lower, dang i'm indeed not a huge fan of this right.
Now, don't really see much of a pattern there. Any questions you guys have can't hear me anymore, are, you sure, looks like we're on the live feed t-model. I see my audio going through medics, interesting spot. I think now i don't like it all right check your volume just make sure we're good, naked, sweet, i'll check the youtube chat as well, just to make sure not unclear good good yeah just check your volume, no big deal.
All right looks like we're ready to rock and roll ellis unset. That news is kind of just looks like not being taken very well low day held, so could be something later illest. Hopefully this goes lower. That'd be very ideal.
Uh, it's flipping through these charts. Btcs is pretty nice, it's low volume, i'll pull it up, so everyone can see surge being wild still. I don't think naked's a play today. Let's pull up btcs.
I like this one because it's got btc in the name. It's easy for, like people to understand low volume, but look at this like it's running it's looking nice, i don't i'll, buy like 2 000 shares for a possible swing there, but main focus. I do want to be illest just flipping through the others. Looking at the daily charts, really just looking, for which ones have strong support, i'll, just read them out loud as i go through btt bt, bt gbtc's, like at new all-time highs, bitos that etf, really cool sing kind of reminds me of aabb a little bit nxtd Great bass as well that's a list.
It um bitw that one doesn't look that promising can looks like it already moved btsc. This is a bitcoin otc like equivalent to btcs. Um, looks math gb, gbchf, ma elfin, that's like that scam. But if you remember 2017, that thing ran to like 120 or whatever it was on the parabolic.
Absolutely crazy and sev is turning here. So this news might be being like i don't know digested is the right word, but might be taken a little more seriously. Now, where was i lb cc? Basically, our breakouts dpw, what a turd cctl at lowe's, don't like that bc, bcii at lows, don't like that! Gahc at lowe's, don't like that ion i heard that one's that one bi tcf at lowe's. A lot of these are at lowe's.
A lot of these bitcoins haven't really run yet so um very interesting, muds srax, a bb abb, don't sleep on this! Let's pull this one up. This not only is like a bitcoin play. It's like electric vehicle play sort of thing, it's very close to this breakout as well. This is, i don't think. Today's the day, i've been wrong before i'm timing, but let's remove this after hours. Pull up like 15 minutes like this is a really nice breakout chart forming. I've got that line in there still, but really nice breakout chart forming here's the run, i'm gon na mark it all up. First of all, let's get rid of the line mark it all up.
Here's the initial run, that's like step one. Then you got this pullback step, two we're kind of moving up step three and then like where i'd like to see this go is like a breakout and up there. I might need another day or two to digest, but looking at this, like i mean great level right, the 22s break out over 30 could definitely send this to 40.. So i, like that one, a lot to say the least, really that's like the best one.
I think it is the best one, and indeed just kind of do nothing surge too tough for me. Illest go lower and save just chop it around oop we're still drawing driving around no new play. For me, there illis could be the play if it could just go lower, just go lower. Just do it.
What are you waiting for patiently waiting i'm going to take some questions? Small cap, you got any questions. Digif is nice. That is true that it's at the top of my list - let's pull it up. I just like the little perk today on it um.
If any of you, you know, have studied like how jack kellogg traded a lot of these, like really nice base here around five. I just don't know like former runner: it's got room to move for sure it's not close to the breakout, but it is a good little perk there. So that and aabb i'm watching abb. That's still my favorite, but today just might not be the day.
Illest go lower, you're, so close you're, so close so close to going lower. I would love more panic right like so. I know some of you are probably like. Why do you buy here and risk the low? Well, if 44 breaks in this case? Let me pull up 44.
if 44 breaks there, you're not gon na fill like it's gon na be so hard to fill. So it's a very risky situation to be buying that here, but it could work not going to say it. Couldn't it i'm just waiting for the higher odds set up, which is more panic, send it lower and then we're good people are talking about tiggy tggi 10. More today, this was like a first green day, balance right that turned into a breakout holy crap.
I mean good consolidation for two days: it's tough to buy something straight up like that. I had those two sideways days, but wow i mean that's a breakout if i've ever seen, one for sure ppsi might squeeze here to be totally honest all those morning, shorts, probably gon na be in trouble, but this is when you got ta, adjust your expectations. Let's see what am i look seeing here? Close, oh well, not anymore, i was going to say it's got this trend. Breaking it's curling up volume just came in and stuffed it though yeah. You did have this clear risk here. This stuff makes me not comfortable in this trade or like to take this trade. You look like a two-day. This is definitely like a trade because you probably could get a squeeze up to like nine, which would be the ideal short area right.
So i'm not going to stay in a short seller's way. I'm just looking to take advantage of those early ones might get squeezed to nine, where i possibly could exit um, probably not gon na. Take this trade, though after that oh ellis, is close. Do it just do it just do it just go lower, just go lower yeah see back to low huge stuff short sellers, just don't control.
It here seems like there's enough of them to just keep it down. Um, which is fine like this is big picture, is a short, no question. I'm not gon na say it's not. That doesn't mean there's just not a trade there, but this slam made it made it pretty.
Tough ellis is just standing on a cliff wanting to jump off. Abb is coming back a little bit. Just a gorgeous chart we're gon na remove all those circles i drew gorgeous breakout chart one day two day three day, spike pull back consolidate, grind back up pretty textbook ellis. I don't know if you're going to do this you're just irritating me so we'll watch aab dig.
If dig. If i don't really see a good question dig if um is tough like closer to the breakout, would make me much more comfortable in trading that do. I still have it up here: no big, if it's just tough like there's. Definitely that clear risk level, no question but like it's still like it's got, ta go like fifty percent before it's eating in the breakout so like what i'm watching ideally could spike up near the breakout.
Make like an easy trade. So not really trade today ellis isn't gon na do it. Ppsi is just flirting with death too um. Why was i waiting for like 36 on illness yeah? So i mean to be totally honest.
That was like a rough estimate of where, like i like, a big enough panic, i thought: could bounce um, you know there's this support in the 40s, but really like in this level. Here this 37 36, and even if we look at like year to date, like the last run kind of started in this 36 level, the 40 level would have been a huge crack too so like. If only went from 40 and like went to like 48 before it turned like that's different, might have been a trade still. I was just i always tell myself like.
I want to go like 36 like a little further, so i don't like get in the panic too early ppsi. This is a sketch one, but it's holding the lows and i do think, there's early shorts stuck. I don't have a good entry on it. Yet look see this.
These are shorts right here for sure coming in pushing it back down on this spike, so short still of control, i'm not going to fight the shorts not going to fight them, but if they start losing control i'll, take their pain, i'll, take their pain to say The least man ellis - that's just annoying. There's no range just turned into crap, like india's well gon na be a slow morning. I think so any questions before we sign off here nice dip on naked naked yeah, getting a little smacked. I think. Are you naked and afraid not every day? Can there be a trade though, and that's an important lesson don't force it? Make the good trades yeah see ppsi just died. Short sellers are in control there. It's fine, not trade for me yet might be later abb. I like a lot tiggy.
I like naked, getting clapped here, there's a lot of bag holders and they have that offering so i'm not gon na. Really, it's just not enticing to me tiggy just my thoughts yeah like it's up five green days in a row. It did have like a little stutter step period in here for these three days. So i want to say it's like five days straight up, but it does make it more difficult, to say the least, to trade uh, because it's just up so much didn't actually have like a really hard pullback day.
That being said, if going into this afternoon, like it's holding up and consolidating like i, i can't ignore that, if it does this all day and breaks out afternoon like that will be a trade for me. Definitely so well guys with that. Unfortunately, we're gon na hop off, it's always lame. When there's a lame morning, i thought nsf was going to get a good morning spike and it just didn't so that's trading for you.
Thanks for watching small cap, i will hop in in a moment. You'll get all my follow-up plays after the morning. There are those ones setting up that. I previously previously mentioned, we'll break it down.
You like how i say: tiggy instead of tiggy d'amata. If you could like tell me how to say, tiggy the right way, it would be appreciative, there's a different way to say it all right thanks. Everyone.
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