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Good morning, everyone it is hump day i'm gon na spread the word, but if you could drop in the chat, give us a like. Let us know what you're watching i'll go over my watch list very very soon as well. So yeah, you can see a massive list of bitcoin tickers i dropped up here for small cap rockets. Are we live? Are we live there? We are couldn't find the link all right, we'll just tweet about it.

Hashtag hump day live stream paste the link we like aabb, we like rnxt, we like bitcoin, we like bitcoin, plays - and we like those are the main watches honestly yeah, all right, we'll tweet about it. I'll drop the link in small cap for all of you watching. I'm trimming live gon na break down my top two all right, everybody. So small cap youtube anyone out there bitcoin is a monster.

I got ta go up on the chart over here. Just hit just shy of 69 000. That's crazy cool! So we're watching all the bitcoin plays small cap rocket. You guys in the link just scroll up, you can see all all of the bitcoin plays.

I have i'm sure, there's more but definitely watch all those i mean i want all of all the small guy rocky people anytime. They find a bit going to play, just drop it so like we can, as a group watch it and make sure we nail. These plays, but that being said, my top two watches yesterday on the live stream. I mentioned aabb, i like a lot and it did actually lead head towards this breakout in the afternoon.

So this is a very strong otc breakout, setup, uh three day, runner fourth day gap up and it's been consolidating. Let's look at like a 10 day. You can see how strong this consolidation is. Let me get rid of all my drawings uh, but three day run great consolidation.

Now we're back near the highs bitcoin. This is like a bitcoin and electric vehicle play. You know these sketchy otcs. They play both sides.

They do everything they can to pump their stock. So uh with bitcoin, basically at 69 000 over there. I wouldn't be surprised to see this one break out today. It is a top watch, would love a little dip out of the gate.

I need the extended hours on a little dip out of the gate. Um, honestly, even down to like this 23 level, i wouldn't be stressing too much um, because that'd be a good rip, get the weak hands out and then let shake everyone else out. So this was a great close yesterday. I couldn't really ask for more.

If it closes too strong, i tend to find the gaps. Don't work very well, this one's gap in a very, very small amount, but it is gapping over 24, so i'll be watching this one very closely for, like literally probably the whole day. This is going to be a top watch. Then we have this one rnxt.

This is uh like the hot chick of the day, this one's gon na be a little crazy. I wouldn't be surprised. Excuse me, i think you buy coffee. I need my coffee.

Let's get amped up in here all right, we're standing on the ground, though, for you ogers, who know i spell coffee like every morning. I wouldn't be surprised if rnxt halts at some point today. It's got that set up the hcwb um. What was yesterday's two days ago, i can't remember, started like a p, i think uh, six million float.
It's got news this morning, uh. What is the news presentation of their treatment? It's some biotech. You go look at like a six month a year like this. Just crushed there's a ton of bag holders back here wouldn't be surprised.

It gets crushed again. That's not the plan i'm looking for, though i'm not investing i'm trading it, so i won't be surprised to see a spike back up to like 11 12.. If you look at where vwomp is right, now we're oops pardon the drawing uh we're like basically right under v-ops, so any like slam or like really hard pull under. Like this level, it's been holding basically all morning uh.

What is that, like 880 uh to trap, shorts, really quick and then a swipe back up above nine slash through v wap, wouldn't be surprised if we get a halt in like the 1030s ramp to 11.? That's the ideal trade that i'm looking for i'll be trying to sell into the 11s, because that's when those short sellers are going to come in and i do think the short sellers are ultimately right on this one. It's probably going to fade all day, but that doesn't mean i can't take advantage of a morning spike on it, so not gon na chase it here watching it. Ideally, we can get a little dip and rip sort of patterns to trap some early shorts uh on this play and then turn and rip. So this is the main one i'm watching on the gate abb, i would give it some time uh.

This is definitely a level two play uh we're gapping under 24. Now not the strongest sign in the world um, but would love to see it hold around like 23, more or less. So that's what i'm thinking so, okay, if you got any questions about that any issues, thoughts concerns. Let me know those are the top two for sure for me and then, obviously all those bitcoin plays, but those are kind of like an afternoon style setup.

We just love the challenge now mark it's open. How about that action all right, so rnxt did not really get that dip, but get that got that initial spike. I'm not gon na chase it here. Um, let's see if we can get a dip back to this level, otherwise i'm not it.

This is like the do or die moment that first minute, so it's high risk not gon na. Do it here's a dip see if we can hold the dip nice little flirt there watching it closely any sign of strength. I'm gon na buy some shares, awesome, uh, just risking the lows now. I just bought some 9 20..

Looking for that exact plan, i laid out pre-market quick little spike there. We go b-lop's test and it's rejecting there. That's okay, give it a little bit more time. I think that quick failed spike dip down here, just literally like two cents below that level.

I was talking about was enough to trap some people, but we're watching it yeah. This is a wild one say the least i'll pull up the level two, but it's gon na be tough to watch, because this is moving fast. It's a low flow needs to get above you up to get that next leg. There we go nice little walk up there view up right now is at like 43.
still struggling under v. Wap. Give me some like 50 prints. There we go 45.

Do we just give up if you want nice shorts are definitely shorting this into v-wap all right, let's see where this low holds. Oh there we go no ad for me there. So just got my initial size. What i was about to say is: i want to see a slight pullback here on this uh again now that we're above v-op um like slight pull, i'm not saying like a slam like a slight pull, and then i can add more size if this just rips It just rips, i think it's trapped, some shorts we're over v womp high day past the open 970.

So if we see some prints over 970, we'll probably get that pushed to 10. there's the 970 prince. Oh there's, the push to 10. come on big seller.

On 10, no surprise: it's that whole dollar level uh we blow through that, won't be surprised to see a halt still struggling at the 10.. Give it a couple more tries before i decide to sell anything. Come on get through 10, some more 10 prints there. There.

We go we're over 10 now, almost had it almost had it all right see if we can do it this time, all right, i'm going to take off half there, just in case really think you can get over 10 still, though um, but it's struggling. So i'm gon na lock in yep, just locked in about two thirds, still got plenty left um about 1500 left now for the next trade aabb had a perfect dip. I was distracted. That's okay! With this rn xt trade.

This was a great trade textbook this one. If we can get another dip on a bb i'll look to buy, but i want to keep my focus there. Oh there we go, that's why we kept some um just sold it boom. Yep 43.

10. 43. Just got out. It's got to be pretty close to a halt.

I don't care, i don't like halts textbook morning, trade textbook locked in uh, just shy of 3 000 on that, and i now now it's out of my hands. That's the play, i'm looking for easy, simple, clean move on to the next hope. You all! If you were there, you should have nailed it like. I outlined that play 15 minutes ago.

So hats off to you, small cap for uh hopping on live great textbook trade. Wish, i would uh bet bigger, but these ones are like i said you saw that morning. Action we'll clip it together. Look at this gorgeous gorgeous morning trade.

That's how we do it's. How we do definitely would be selling if i had any size left up here for sure it hit my goals exactly what i've wanted in the nine like 15 920s, risking down to 880 dip below that level, so textbook literally by two cents like this, is exactly What you see time and time again and then you have that great spike struggled at vwop, which made me hesitate and then the struggle at 10 made me hesitate too, but i did lock in a thousand shares at 1043. So that's awesome all right back to aabb. So i like this, a lot um.
I haven't been watching the level two though so for 24.5. No surprise there is a tough level for it. I'm gon na get some orders ready. Just in case i don't know.

If there's been a big bidder, there seems to be a decent size, one at 24.3, but i don't know if there's been even bigger bitter. I really don't want to have to buy over 24.5, but well, if i have to man so textbook. Just love love a perfect trade. Yes, it's why we do this! Why we do this every morning, all right, abb, solid bitter.

There, 250 000 shares on 4 3.. I don't want to have to risk all the way down here, though, so this is holding well that's. Why i keep flipping back to it like it is holding better than it should, which to me makes me think it's gon na have another leg. The risk reward is like totally off at this point doesn't even make sense.

Uh abb, i'm gon na buy some shares here trying to buy some on five. I might be a little late. Oh i filled some there uh, i filled about 100k on 24.5, we'll take it we'll take what we can get yeah. So what i was saying here - oh my god, what a what a monster spike already over 25 textbook, even two weeks, long hats off to tui, throw uh, throw a comment in the youtube chat in small caps, say who are who's? This guy he's trading otcs.

Give us a like for that, give us a like for that. We got our good trade on rnxt, that's probably going higher here and then tui is in an otc. What a day it's a good day to be alive. Uh travel traders says what would you have done if you got in at 80 and then broke below after you got in? I, like i said my plan travel trader was like.

I want that dip below 880, so i wanted that dip. Oh, my god. 26. This is this is awesome, awesome morning spike, oh straight into that breakout we're over 26., so clean, so clean um.

This is probably gon na go higher. I don't want to buy it, but it's probably gon na go higher um. So back to this, i wanted that dip below to trap those early shorts that was critical. It had to trap those early shorts for this, like squeeze type action that happened, so i'm actually very glad it broke below 880..

I don't think i would have gotten in before that and if i did, it would have been like a tough speculative trade, harsh pull on bitcoin stocks. Interesting. I need to flip through some of my watch lists, because bitcoin is basically at all-time highs. It's like 100 away, so why bitcoin would stocks would be pulling here's an interesting question, rnxt that you know this is this is just choppy crazy action.

That's why i take that easy trade to highlight the trade like. It was literally five minutes and now it's doing some choppy crap and is very difficult to trade, and i'm not a fan. Abb wish. I got more uh, but just awesome textbook, like literally literally rewind, this rewind this.
What was my plan? I drew the line. I said it needs to hold 23 and what did it hold this morning to a goddamn t, the low was 23-1 held 23 perfectly perfectly, and now we've got a great morning spike on it i'll be watching this all day. Looking for pullbacks for sure, but oh just so awesome just so awesome great trade hats off to anyone who nailed that one, no audio your volume's, just not on dude new job, just turn your audio on. I don't know what to tell you mike richards nailed it from 950 to 10 great trade um liz colorado, i'm not sure what issues you're having that is support, they're a great team, they're literally they're on the other side of this glass, so reach out to them.

Call them they call people all day every day, with stock street issues. Whoa, i'm pumped all right watching this dip on aabb back to back to the focus back to the trading. So we've come down off the the wind we've locked in on our nxt. Here.

It's struggling there at high day, whatever uh, not our trade and we're coming and we're watching this dip on aabb. Where can we get in on this trade, solid bitters there i would like. I would be much more comfortable honestly with a pull like 25 cents, but sometimes that's just being greedy, how this is pulled so far like i don't know. If we're gon na get that pulled to 25 cents, love it, but don't know if it's going to happen.

Good bitter there, if you're, watching level 2 in the green night about 250 000 shares and we're gon na check on my crypto portfolio, there's couple couple: crypto stocks coins. I always say i just it's. You know whatever that i'm watching very very closely very closely for a possible setup, so just peeping on them rnxt wow, just impressive hold like. If i was short, i would definitely be nervous, not a long still, but just impressive hold all right, we're still walking it down on abb.

Now the bitcoin stocks - i just flipped through a bunch of them to look great to be honest, uh abb, is leading the way powerhouse there. None of them just looked that good, like you know, i'm typically early on these things more times than not. So i'm not going to be discouraged, i'm going to keep flipping through this list all day and if that's what it takes to find a trade i'm going to do it, i'm just waiting for them to get some volume. Typically, they get volume end of day too.

So any otc you're looking at like just because it's not running right now, doesn't mean it won't run. Oh good move there on abb, while i was looking at other otc plays not gon na chase it, but this low here is very promising like i like that, a lot now. So, let's see how high this can spike. I mean like: let's go to that 10-day again, it's highs are we'll zoom in, but because this is actually really important.

So let me get the right utensil right. I would consider so technically the high is 28.5, but i would consider honestly this, like 27 level, that we're like flirting with right now way more important. You see how it traded here for like an hour versus like a minute here, so that's kind of what the level i would consider like the real breakout, and we are not that far away from that. So a little stuffy there at high day reading the chat messages of the challenge chat.
Just making me laugh all right, abb man, this just like dipped, if i was short i'd, be so nervous, but i still just can't justify long. What i mean by that is like what's the long case here, what am i going to risk 1090, so i'm after 60 cents a share. I just don't see how i can make like two dollars a share, risking that you know what i'm saying the risk reward is just not there. Abb is good good bitter.

Let's pull that level. Two again. 171. 000 uh, let's see if he gets taken, he did just get taken.

That's all right! We're just letting the trade the tray to ride. We got filled nicely down at the 24 fives and there it goes for scalper. That's a pretty good trade um. I mean like let's talk about this, so trap the shorts here and trap the shorts again here after so if i was a short seller, i'd be like oh a failed high day right here, and then you get this fake crack right there, that red candle only For to instantly swipe back up so now, not only do you probably sell some short stuck here, you've got.

I got a lot of circles. We got a lot of shorts stuck here, so this breakout like no, it's squeezing look at the volume come in a lot of that is shorts being squeezed. That's really good. We might actually get our halt here.

This time really good trade. I see a couple. People got long that you know great trade like nothing against it. I just the risk reward.

Just wasn't there enough for me, so i avoided but no sweat all right, so abb we're struggling, let's see if we can hold that same low at 25, fives. 14 minutes. Roughly of this live stream, so it's going to take a little bit for it to test there. It's the beauty of otc is any questions you guys got.

Small cap does bitcoin, hitting all time highs so consistently turn and to sell the news. Events on these bitcoin plays uh bass hits no and like yes, so like the bitcoin plays, are stupid, honestly, like if you think about it. They're stupid, like they're, not really related to bitcoin at all, but there's a bunch of degenerate speculative traders out there that when bitcoin starts to run, they start to buy all these bitcoin plays so like when i play them. I go in knowing that's like the mindset.

Like i'm buying, basically i mean that's penny stocks in general, but you're buying crap companies abb back over 26.. I like that you're buying crap companies, i'm gon na, have to add, and i'm gon na continue. This rant you're buying crab companies totally on hype. So like it's just very hypey, which is why, at the end of the day, these typically run so yeah, it's my take there, you nailed both matthew 46 air high five keep killing it.
I love it um! Well, you got to focus on abb and ignore all otc gappers. I don't know what otc gappers there were, but aabb i've been stalking for days. That's why i'm focused on it because of this breakout right. So i got it caught my attention on this initial run and then because it held and now it's breaking out and it's tied to bitcoin, it's got a lot going for it when you've got like all those things to build.

A trade thesis like very, very good to watch ppsi. That was the one that ran look at this. It's probably about to go higher. My oh, my there.

It is scary trade for me, but mile might alright ppsi. Let's look real quick before abb breaks, oop. One too many eyes before abb breaks over highs possible third day surge setup. You were saying: let's get rid of all these old drawings oops.

I always forget it's just out of habit. I always forget to change it to this tool. Um, let's see i'm gon na have to look at intraday. Oh i just drilled, my drawings back.

I could see it um. I don't know if i'd chase it - i probably wouldn't chase it here like if you got in a little earlier around um, see if there's a clean entry yeah, it's tough, there's, never truly a clean entry there, but it is trying to like bounce a little bit. The morning mono rant, we should hashtag that papa john got long ppsi. I see it abb still gon na take my focus.

It's so close. It's holding it's getting really tight here, so someone's gon na have to give our nxt more highs, love it patience, patience. Some of the reason uh bitcoin might be down too is coinbase. I just see had their earnings overnight and it looks like they missed earnings, they're down eight percent, so some of the bitcoin plays might be falling down a little closer.

All right youtube questions. I see a couple comments about stockstraight support, stackstreet.com, just email them call them i'm having no issues. So i don't know. Maybe it's computer setup.

I can't really speak to it, so they can help you out personally, they're very good, just email them if you're under the pdt rule it's hard to sell part of your positions. So would i have to sell all my shares of aabb? No, you won't have to sell all of them. It didn't depends on your broker too. So definitely look into it.

I think e-trade um e-trade's, mostly what i used when i was below pdt, but e-trade lets you buy once and then you can sell like 10 times, for example, and that's one trade, so they count the buys as the trades. So if that, then the vice versa, the problem there is, if you buy twice and sell once it's technically two trades, so you got ta be careful. You got ta know how your broker works. All right abb.
It looks like it's gon na pull again. Ideally, the five 25 fives hold that would be textbook. Sos, has volume i'll take a look at sos, it's down geez louise. What is this news? It's down? 33? No, they did a 90 million dollar direct offering yeah.

So that's not pla trade. For me, they just injected a ton of crap into it, a ton of crap cash all right, so we got the seller now. 25. 7..

Big picture. I bet you, i still think they get taken. I, on my risk truly on this, like because this is such a big picture. Play is gon na, be all the way down here at 23 and that's how i'm kind of sizing into that play, anticipating it uh.

I bet you were pretty much at v. Wap yeah, so we're dipping down to v. Bop, that's a shame! We didn't hold the 25 fives there um all right! So, let's see, if 25 holds uh, but again i'm playing offload day here because of the big picture breakout, i'm willing to give it room willing to be a little flexible. Rnxt is just the the squeezer that won't stop squeezing every time you think the squeeze has been squeezed.

It squeezes some more so crazy, 25's being tested here be interested to see. I won't be surprised if 25s get taken. People tend to panic on poles. Like this.

You can see the volume or maybe let me look at my screen. My picture might be in the way yeah. Let me move the chart over a bit. Let's see, okay, you can see the volume here starting to be a lot more as like people are like kind of panicking out, especially if they have too high of an average.

So that's something i expect. I am interested where this is going to bottom out, though so we're below view op, you know. Ideally, we don't go all the way to this closing price, so we'll just have to wait and see, but big picture. This is fine.

It's healthy, i'm not sweating. We're just letting it do its thing might even add more here on the pushover 25.. I did not get filled, so that's actually a good sign. Sometimes how you get filled in the otc market is like hugely critical to your trading, because then you can get a gauge of like how many people are like seeing the same thing, you're, seeing all right six more minutes.

Let's get some more questions flowing gon na burn one while you watch aabb, whatever you got ta do man enjoy all right. Let's see, two is an iinnn former runner. That's my brother um that you got in over that i mean that's a clean entry, so bryce had a very clean entry there. What's the daily look like curling up very nice to see any more questions.

Small cap, i hate to end this early, but we're just watching aabb risking low a day. It's pretty boring trading training can be boring. I hate to be the bearer of bad news all right. What's the biggest difference between otc and listed it's how they trade right.

So i got two examples here: let's like watch the level two here for like 10 seconds on rnxt, you see how fast it moves it's electronic right. So, like there's, algos, there's people there's computers, typically the volumes a lot more too. So if you look at the volume we're talking millions, you can see over on the side millions of shares, traded and see how quick it is. Then you go to otc and, like you, don't have those millions of shares.
It's a lot slower, especially if i pull up the time sales tape. Like look at the velocity of the tape, it is so much slower, uh, it's not as efficient. So with that there's a lot more opportunity, like per percent gain. What time do i go? Live yeah.

I always hop on 9 25, like five minutes before the open, i'm central, so technically, 8, 25, but five minutes before the open. Wherever you are, how would i trade rnxt? Now? Really, i probably wouldn't right like for those of you were early and on you saw like i outlined trade plan and i nailed that trade plan and that's exactly what i did. I just that was my trade plan uh and i nailed it and then from there. I didn't really play it since then.

It's it's, not my trade at that point. So i that's how i trade. I have a plan very specific, i'm looking for very specific things. I nail them or i like cut the risk because it doesn't work and then i just move on right and to me like rnxt, might set up for something later, but for this morning it's done and again full focus aabb on this breakout risking low a day.

So small cap i'll give you one last chance for questions jackaroo's long, illus huh he posted in small cap, so we can share with the share with the world. He says he thinks he can have a monster squeeze today. I'm just going to wait for the squeeze to happen start happening before i get too involved all right. Well, small cap! Oh there we go.

Would i consider rnxt for a possible afternoon breakout? Absolutely. I totally would we're a long ways away from that, but as long as it, you know floats around hangs around view, op doesn't just get clobbered. You know you've seen all those charts where it just gets. Clobbered like if it just kind of floats around all day.

I will for sure be watching it again this afternoon and develop a new plan. Uh, do i trade ipos very rarely like they're, pretty crazy um? Sometimes i do like. I don't avoid them. It's just a lot of times.

They're, not the easiest trades like. Why make your life harder go for the easy trades? What do i think of ind for screen day abb by the way, good recovery? I, like you like to see that, let's see this is probably actually i like this a lot. It might not be first green day today, maybe tomorrow, but this is a very good watch so who brought this up or was it robert good eye? Sir, at what point would i raise my risk on aabb a break over high a day like if this breaks over high day? I will move risk without a doubt, basically to this view. Op 25 cent level mary being killed dan bryce john we're gon na end on this one i feel like you got bang bryce because he's always up for a good time.
Oh marrying kill, though, between dan and john that's tricky. Can i get back to you on the stomata i might have to ponder like life decisions, yeah we'll get back to you on that abb, textbook great pullback, on a breakout, this v wap crack like for those of you like it's been a long time since we've Had some really good otc momentum, but i'm going to encourage you to go back and look at the runners from january and february that morning, spike pullback crack of v-wap is huge in the development of a chart. I haven't seen that pattern in several months, but it's great to see that it's working here so with that everyone - that's all i got today, thanks for the questions get in small caps share this like it, we had a great trade, go back.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

5 thoughts on “Small cap rockets – live trading – 11 10 21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Putnam says:

    ifmk? small cap rockets. more like low float spikers in this market. dont get me wrong in hot market nothing is better than this strategy. i jus cant justify 3rd day surge. like is there literally a harder setup to play? i think i just need to get used to low win rate on longs and this will all start to click

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars name name says:

    I thght rnxt would dip more before going up, was waiting for it do dip but it just kept going higher

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Jack says:

    You guys should really avoid using other chat rooms trading terms that are clearly copies. It personally makes me feel like I should be spending more time buying their programs.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spearsg says:

    Thanks! Great call on RNXT — awesome really.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Nguyen says:

    the greatest style of content so far on youtube, so genuine, Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge and time

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