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We are live, yeah cowboy. Let me know if it's working in move that back perfect. What's going on guys, this is small cap rockets live trading, um uh wow, just giving this a shot here. This is our first day doing it uh.

If you're watching again hello, um yeah got a couple charts on my screen on this side right over here, um watching a lot of stuff for a first green day today bless you! Thank you, sir. I got another one coming. You can never have a single sneeze. No matthew, the single sneeze wonder.

Obviously the goal today don't force trades markets still pretty hot momentum's there um, so just gon na you know take what the market gives us and uh. You know size appropriately, make some memories. Five more seconds, baby yeah. We got mark beam, crtd d, walk and fun are my personal top watches.

I think matt is in a similar boat, mono traitor, mono gator but, more importantly, the mono reinstater. We got uh cavil cxdc as the top percent gainers so far this morning, but mainly watching d, walk just um kind of get a gauge on a lot of these first green days. Bean is definitely a bit of a lower volume, one, whereas actually same thing with crtd, uh mark and fun seem to be the two top volume ones. Obviously, d walked as well.

D-Walk is moving right out of the gates, pretty nicely yep fun right here, not right. Here, but fun is definitely looking nice, so is being there crtd, not a whole lot anything crazy. I don't know if i love crtd by any means, keep well there's fun. There's mark as well.

Dewok is just absolutely tearing out of the gates, they're all bouncing man. Oh man, i don't even know where i got mark from here - he trades being slow bean. Looking nice getting a little bit of volume there, and a lot of this is just going to be very dependent on uh on how d-wok acts here, which d-walk is pulling back a little bit off. It's high there, but nothing uh, nothing too much to worry about.

In my opinion, yet beans got some bitters stepping up there. If you see that's always something we love to see our bitters stepping up, especially on the lower volume ones. That's always something i like shows that there is support there being very nice, very nice. If these are all easy trades, then uh low a day is going to be the easiest risk level.

Yep fun looks really good here, even mark mark holding up pretty decently. Crtd is the only one that is pretty weak, so far, um being not the again. Just a lack of volume, in my opinion, fun, looking really really fun. Um.

Do you walk nice recovery there yeah crt is the only one, that's really weak, actually, surprisingly, weak d-wock. Look at that! That's beautiful i'll, replace that so you guys can see. Oh fun! My oh, my got 10 000 there from 5.05 up about four grand on it right now, taking a little bit off into this strength and guys. Obviously, if you are in small cap rockets, you will get the full alerts of the trades here.

Um no could bounce. Today's hx till um very surprised, not part of the sector. All this work, oh it's working really well. Bkkt was a nice one.
There bkkt what a fake out dip down there too. Look at that dip faked out and now right back up there, beautiful gvhl's, an otc yeah, i'm gon na. Let you stick to that one! You can make the money fun abso! Oh, my gosh, i'm having fun you locking any funny at matt smith, a little fake out there. Hopefully we can just kind of reclaim bkkt that is strong, strong, very nice out of the gates for sure faux.

Shizzle man got a lot going on this morning. You know i was talking in small cap rockets, you know this morning. It definitely seems like the best way to treat this morning market. As you can see, you know just because it's a lot of these trades are on the more crowded side, locking in those gains in the strength for sure that's traveling, oh yeah, see me already fun's already down 25 cents from highs there um, i totally agree yeah.

You lock in strength in the morning, probably messed up by not walking in more, if i'm being completely honest with you even mark mark, is really struggling, being struggling they're all struggling now that dewok is uh fading hard, and it's just that morning action. You know you lock in into strength, and the afternoon has definitely been when the the easier plays are around um they're. In my opinion, anyway, matt obviously agreed with me. There yeah bean is struggling too, but this is why we have risk levels.

Hx is actually working. Pretty well got a nice little dip kind of uh, not really a first green day, but definitely a bounce sort of a bounce play got that bad boy from 489 see if we can push into the high fives mark really struggling actually mark going for low a Day, which i don't love for the rest of these really yup bkkt, pushing 22 now mark with a nice recovery, tesla's yeah, tesla gapped up. We can check that one out real, quick. Look at that right.

Oh my gosh, that uh! That's that's got a recipe for a short sellers downfall. If this can hold up today, i like the um, you want formation, i do too yeah dewox, looking really really clean here, um holding v up really. Well again, this is going to be big. What this does is going to have a very big impact on all the other runners, which you know fun and mark are definitely struggling right now, that's just what happens when trades get crowded like this drock break and v-op.

Now, probably not the greatest thing for some of these other ones, yeah d-walk. Definitely on the weaker end of the spectrum, i'm so weird got out of mark. I got a lot of marking genus there. After do you want kind of failing view up.

It's still just fine again, it's just some of those cases where the sympathies are weaker than the actual trade happens. Uh quite often, oh, i didn't even notice genus is halted. What no no like pre-market whoa, see what we got. Oh wow, it's an it's a actually.
It looks like a good haul jj's eye a little turn kind of chased up here. Yeah it is, i shall not chase like i said i think the morning is i'm not definitely. The last thing i want to do is chase in the morning um as it can prove to be really messed with your confidence midday, which is when the easier place have been parking. How are the gappers doing this morning? Cavil popped and dropped? It could be a nice little reversal, though nope i don't either yeah cavill's.

Definitely a nice little watch here. It's actually pretty cool. If it can hold up in this area. It's got definitely got some more time near.

It needs more time for a bigger move, but it was one of those really beaten down runners that seems to find the bottom we'll see fun through low a day. Oh dewok, getting smoked guys dewok is getting absolutely crushed. Let's pull that bad boy up, yup right through low a day again, one of those things just a very crowded trade. Everyone is looking for that same exact, move wow that got crushed cavil, doing a nice little reversal, potentially it's one of those sketch ones it.

This very sketch could also draw it could drop just as fast as it ripped or is it as it gapped yeah, i'm definitely on the sketch here and but isn't every small cap sketchy hx still looking really promising there pretty clear 490 risk now as well, which I, like kevin, that seemed like a little bit more of a rejection than i was expecting if it was just gon na work. I won't lie tweet the live stream link. Can you yeah? I will too, but you should do it on yours as well. Yeah.

Oh, actually, i think, can you just put it in small cap rockets uh? Well, actually, i'm on a different laptop, no uh. Well i'll just start youtube and find it yep man d-walk just smoked, tesla, squeeze him a geezer. Oh i'm sure i know it is. I can't tell if calvi's caval, whatever it is, is good, fishy or bad fishy.

That's the problem, um yeah! That is interesting, good one to add forgot about that was a that's a blast from the past. Sun is bright, very bright, wow yeah. Can you actually? That is really bright. That sun is wild.

Actually i can grab it real, quick, maybe oh cowboy it stopped out yep i reckon cavill was on the bad fishy side, the wrong end of the fishiness, some might say: um! Oh, you still just grinding just actually broke out: jiren q also grinding can bounce you you're just pretty interesting here too. Okay, quite a gap failed pretty hard off. That seems like a good tim bowen dip and rip style trade, red yeah. I like that.

I, like the look a lot i do. Ah jiren q is like good. I just can't buy it it. I like ghsi a lot bro.

Do you i'll take a look at it? Oh, that is a very interesting look. I will have to ghsi is a very nice look. Yeah, definitely uh, not not as crazy of a morning as like last week, um, but it does look like we've got stuff. You know setting up are potential things that could set up for the afternoon, but i also have noticed those to be a lot of just random midday runners.
That kind of almost seem to pop out of nowhere and then end up being in play. So, let's see if it's similar thing today or maybe something like agri holds up into the afternoon, and we have a play based off of that. That's also possible um yeah ghsi redo, both looking good ghsi, looking really good, currently up about two grand on that one. We'll see if how it reacts to view up a lot of these ones.

You know view up is a key level. So now, if you're, i probably should actually take off a little bit into here, but i don't have as much size as i want so yep yep big. I was. We were just talking about that big v-op test there.

Oh nice, look at that absolutely gorgeous for those of you who don't have this up absolutely stunning. Now up about 4k on it yeah i got 20 071.. No! I like it, i'm gon na. Let this one bad for a no i'm, not this! This is a so i've.

I've been in enough of these very similar patterns where they, actually they turn into all-day runners, and not saying this one is, but definitely could um has really good setup. In my opinion, had a lot of pre-market and after hours range hitting 249 at one point for those that didn't see um so yeah, there is take off a little bit here into the strength. That'd be fun if this could turn into a halt up somewhere around. Here, i'd be uh, i'd, be a fan, yeah, really really nice.

From that 171 entry right here, uh probably going to come back and re-test v-wop. It's got to set a low at some point. It's been straight up for five minutes now um. So you know, dips are expected kind of like how this is forming right here, but i don't love the range on it.

Oh wow, stop it man, i hate being a but got ta, take some off in the strength mono. Do you did you outsize me on this yeah? Okay? Are you still holding full size, okay, matt's, having an absolutely stellar day today, absolutely stellar um yeah about 35 000 from 165. Oh wow, you up 20 should be pretty close man. Oh man, i'm gon na be up like five grand on the day and mono over here is gon na be up 20k.

He had a baller start pre-market with some pretty nice uh. A lot of the first green day plays actually worked better today in free market than they did in the uh actual trading session um. In the meantime, getting really tight here i like how that's looking but pullback would be very healthy. Yep, pull back very healthy on ghsi, almost welcomed at this point.

Getting a lot of volume into that push. I don't know. Oh guys, we are coming close now to uh it'll, be what 10 o'clock eastern we're doing these. What about a half hour in the morning 45 minutes, or so i don't know what do matt? What do you think we do? This is our first time doing it half hour 45 minutes which let some questions roll in from small cap or youtube yeah.
Anyone got any questions be sure to. Let us know we'll do a couple we'll do some questions here. If anyone's got any, anyone watching in small cap rockets feel free to ask them right in small hype rockets. Let's get that youtube chat up.

Are you asking me to get that up? Oh yeah, can you sorry i wasn't thinking about that. Oh the chat's, very active we weren't even looking. Is it yeah, we're rookies? Sorry, everybody yeah. I know we're not used to this live thing.

What platform are we using um stocks to trade, e-trade and think or swim? What time do we start streaming every day, we're gon na be starting right at market open, so that'll be what 9 30 eastern it's hard when you're so stuck on central time. What is the best place to learn the different pattern? What is the best place? I mean basically steady trade team bone goes over it almost day in and day out, um. So that's always a great option. We talk about it a lot in here it's one of my favorites on a gapper um hold on um.

Definitely one of the better one of my favorite ways to play a gap up so yeah state team, small cap rockets, both great places in my opinion, does it make sense to perform worse on hot days than on cold days um. I noticed so. That generally seems to come down to a sizing issue um. I have a lot of friends that actually do perform worse on some of the hottest days because they just they have too much size, um they get too convicted and on hot days you got to remember.

It's not like every single stock works right, it's like the best ones. Work really well and you have more opportunity, but that doesn't mean every stock runs 400 either um. So yeah, like it probably just comes down to sizing down a little bit, maybe trading a little um, less emotionally dip, um yeah for charts. We look at day one minute, five minutes, that's what i do yep i do uh.

I do 20 day one minute 20 day, 5 minute 20, day 15 minute and then daily charts. What's your favorite pattern for people about pdt? Oh, it's tough, there's some, not bob sorry trying to get up trying to get above pdt. I honestly probably think that dipping rip is the best bet. I would say right this week right this week afternoon, breakouts a hundred percent.

Then you could swing them. Yeah yeah. I would agree afternoon. Breakouts are really really working well in this market, you're, so relaxed with your trading.

I aspire to be that chill. You don't see bryce on a normal day, he's keeping it calm for y'all. I am keeping it quite cold. It's pretty wild yeah! I mean like when, when when the day is exciting - oh that's, weird um yeah! When i get like excited or really really mad, then it's a different story but um.

You know, there's not anything going too crazy today, like nothing. Nothing! That's like really getting me excited. So far, so nothing for me to get overly excited about see someone else. Someone, as have rockets, said you're a lot more chill training than i envisioned.
I agree halted up, yep, that's crazy! Maybe today's runner dude yeah, i probably will be today's runner. That was a hard one to play right there they're very, very hard. There was really not a good entry spot on agri, but it got the low float yeah the same recipe we talked about yesterday in small cap, yeah the same recipe yeah. I agree what makes you decide to buy a dip and rip right out of the gate versus wait till 9, 45 or 10.? For me, the action is so fast to the point.

I often misinterpret it. Yeah there's it's that's hard. That's a really hard question to answer, because there are so many variables that go into that um i mean it comes down to yeah, it's upsetting, isn't it ghsi yeah? What a bummer! That's? What i'm saying i should. I wish i lost more in that time.

I wish i locked anyone up top. You didn't like anything. I lost like a quarter um so yeah so anyways. What was the question i don't know like? I don't want to say it's a feel thing, but it wasn't.

No, it is. It absolutely is nothing. I feel thing because you got ta when a stock's, too low afloat. I almost never look at the first 15 minutes because it's just bonkers, it's just crazy right that i i generally my fur like.

There are very few cases where i will trade a top percent gaining stock in the first 15 15 minutes a day, most of the time it's stocks, i've been watching for a day or two are already have already developed. Well enough, those are the ones i like to take personally um, but yeah besides, that, like it does come down to, it, comes down to a lot of screen time, seeing what tends to work um and seeing what like it's gon na change when the market condition Changes things that are working well now were not working well, even a month or two ago it changes by the market. So that's a really tough complex question to answer. Do you want to break down agree for the boys yeah yeah we'll give some love um generally i'll, just go over this right into small cap rockets, but this is our first day.

So, basically, what's you know agree again we talk about this. This kind of has that recipe the daily chart, relatively speaking, is fresh over three dollars, um a lot of room for it to run very low float, and that's just that's when that's been what's running in this market um. So, on top of that too, you know we had pretty wild spike out of the gates. It had that slight gap up um, very low volume, but these low volume gap ups are some of my favorite and those just off the races continually increasing volume very hard.

One to trade into this halt unless you were chasing tough one to trade. Now what happened is we got a lot of stuffiness action after that halt and essentially we just had this dip under vwop um and, as someone actually mentioned small cap rockets now i personally don't think this is a crazy, consistent indicator, but basically just bounced right off Of pre-market highs um, i i personally, i simply don't see an entry here for me, but now all you're going to look for is how it comes out of the halt. I'm not going to be looking. I don't know about you, man, i'm not going to be looking to trade, this right out of the gates.
Out of this halt, i'm going to do exactly what i did on india yesterday, yep just wait. You wait! No! This might run to six. You know what i mean, but the afternoon is probably going to be the easiest time to see. Okay, has this developed yet um? What other you know like what developments has this made in the chart? Kind of deal so not a whole lot going on yet, but that's kind of the stuff i'd be looking for.

Like matt just said, you want i'm gon na be waiting for that afternoon. Potential um and not get too convicted on it before then, it could completely die and never come back this afternoon. So all right wrap it up. Yep, i think that's gon na be it for questions guys we're doing this every day for the foreseeable future.

At 9 30 market time, uh thanks for tuning in for those guys that did hopefully you liked it if we can improve it anyway, let us know, i think the camera quality should have been good, um and yeah, obviously guys if you want the full breakdowns like Of our entries and exits, that's going to be right there in small cap rockets so be sure to join uh. I don't know we probably don't have the link in here. Yet maybe we do, i don't know no, because it's live i'll, go and drop the link. Yeah drop matt's going to drop the link in chat to join small cap rockets.

You'll have us all day, there's agree, opened. Um you'll have access to us all day, whether it's any questions that you have um and just like. I said, like real-time alerts to our entries and exits, but more so than alerts like. Obviously we don't want anyone chasing our stocks or our trades more so like why we're taking them and how you can spot these types of entries for yourself real time.

It's kind of the best part of it and you got three great traders me matt and john papa matt's up like 20k today, so anyways guys link should be dropped in chat there, and we will see you back here tomorrow morning, at 9, 30 market time, peace. Everyone.

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30 thoughts on “Small cap rockets – live trading – 10/27/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Moreland says:

    When you buy, please tell us and why you are choosing that ticker over others… the more information the better.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bern Yu says:

    really love LIVE trading!! really can learn a lots !! Impressive!!! Bravo!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stuart Bateh says:

    So helpful..Thanks. THis is life changing stuff

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Samer says:

    These are fantastic. Great to see professional traders calm and collective just following their strategy stress free.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RaisedOnMetal says:

    1080 resolution would help to see the screen 780p is very 2018.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse McComas says:

    What if you guys broke down a few of your guys trades during the week? As in pulling up a chart and showing us your exact entry and exit positions/times and what your thoughts process was for being in the trade. Some might say you already do that but a little more detail I think would be very beneficial to learn from. I feel like that would help us all a lot. Regardless love the videos guys. Thanks for all that you do for the community.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wayne B says:

    Nice work guys hope to catch up and join stt soon been in the challenge for a while not really fitting in keep up the outstanding work

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Parsley says:

    Thanks guys for giving back and paying it forward!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete frislid says:

    If you guys are anticipating a FGD the next day do you load into that specific ticker the night before? And then if it doesn’t pop just cut it

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AArmistead1 says:

    I loved the STT platform, but my new laptop wont run it, I bought this laptop just for STT, but the processer is not strong enough

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Perry Bridgemen says:

    Love this perspective. Great seeing the screens while you're giving commentary as it's happening. I don't think anyone would mind more of this! Thank you very much!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gyasi Kenlow-Thomas says:

    Love the Small Cap Rockets LIVE! Looking forward to more of these in the future. You guys really do the most for the community. Thanks!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessie Padilla says:

    Thank you Thank you and THANK You for Live Trading

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martini Vibez says:

    I’m bump it’s Wednesday and haven’t made a single $$$

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravi Prakash says:

    Please do more Live trading Ateast ones a week.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zach Walega says:

    Absolutely love this. How can I sign up to be apart of the team?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toby Bauers says:

    Bout time you guys go live! Love it! I’m still red on the day but that’s my own fault. I did make some back from your call out.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colby Warshel says:

    Yes please do more lives. gives such better insight on your trades rather than hearing about them after the fact with 2020 hindsight. love the recaps too but would love more lives

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john hill says:

    Please keep doing these they are awesome! So much value on this channel

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bennet Adahl says:

    love you small cap recaps this is great too first time watching this side of things Great job you guys are a blast and great at trading

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ferriss G says:

    Fantastic trading session, definitely love these videos, thank you for sharing, Cheers

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joaquin Angel Soriano says:

    This is so nice, I watched it twice. Keep it up.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cryptechology says:

    I missed this live event.. but this is a great idea πŸ’‘

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Relax Radio says:

    Thank you guys for this! This is a great idea! trading alone gets boring haha

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FunkyTime says:

    You guys are awesome…:thanks for doing this today.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spearsg says:

    Oh man!!!! This will be everyday? Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francisco D'anconia says:

    Oh my gosh guys, I'm SO GRATEFUL FOR THIS!!

    You guys are 10 times more comfortable trading than me… It's crazy.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bto says:

    Is this what we would get if we would join STT small cap rockets?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Izzy says:

    Do I have to subscribe to STT to be in Small Cap Rockets?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rushabh Shah says:


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