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Bryce is swing trading? Matt is trading OTCs? What a Friday! Tune in as our duo recaps their trades of the day, break down the charts on $TGGI, $LCLP, $SQBG, $SPRT, and discuss their weekend plans. Don't miss it!
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Oh baby, i'm cold, i'm your wives, how's your children. All children doesn't matter the gender. They just hide them all. They don't need to see that yet it is friday, everybody tgif monday.

We do not have a small camp recap, because the market is closed. Get your labor day barbecue in enjoy life, hopefully the weather's, not wherever we work all day, there's some crazy weather out there, but in austin texas, it's going to be beautiful, hope it's beautiful where you're at, but let's talk about today. Also announcement. Do you want to make it he's he's too wet to know? I don't know the announcement.

We got our producer and mike. Oh, yes, we did andrew, say hi, what's going on guys yeah so now, when you comment something andrew can actually respond in the next video. Yes, so comment say: welcome andrew to the team, he's actually been here the whole time, but you know now he's down like now. We can talk so hey andrew pull that up.

You know the reference all right. So how was your day basically break? Even i ended up four hundred dollars, um cutting yeah well so day trades. I ended up like two grand, but i cut a couple swings that weren't working uh i talked about this yesterday. I did a study trade team, webinar kind of trying to get into like learning how to swing trade, but when i did that when i was in colorado, i took way too big a size, so i've sized down uh cut two swings today for like 750 losses.

Each so it wasn't the end of the world, but you know i'm just following the plan yeah it's funny because, like i've made that mistake too, like i'm, like i'm a swing trader now, yeah and like every time i like use like this training size day trading, Size and you can't do that if you're swing traded, small size for bigger moves exactly but like you just you just want it. Oh yeah! No such a common mistake, because when you start thinking of like well, if i had held this day trade for three weeks, i would have made 50 grand instead of the seven thousand dollars i made it's like well, you also would have risked like 20. So exactly yeah, you just got to use the smaller size and it's not a way to make more money. It's just a way to kind of add to your arsenal when you're, adding a new type of setup or whatever you know size down and add, add like define that edge and then size accordingly.

Once you have really developed that edge, that was well put yeah. You know my day, i ended up roughly 9 000. um, i was up locked in i've, got about eight thousand dollars and unrealized on a swing. Um small cab rocket people.

You know what's up, i'm even in that one price is in this one and it's otc just for some more and a sub penny otc. Who is this guy um? I was up about 12 made a dumb mistake on mtrt, not even gon na go over it. I just thought it was going to run in the afternoon, didn't work and the liquidity. What's your average i didn't realize, am i up? I've got because i've got like a third of the size zoo, so i should be up a couple thousand dollars.
If i give the price away, they'll know, they'll know the goods. Okay, oh on my screen, so we'll go over. Okay! Oh true, true, i think it's six six! Okay, i'm six! Eight! Oh! So i'm probably up like two grand, probably one or two grand okay. Let's go over, it, we've been using it for a while uh t, ggi tiggy, i'm just gon na call it for sure.

It's easy former runner um. Well, you don't want to call it trans global group incorporated no, oh! No! It is a pink sheet. Um! Someone corrected me in small cap: it's actually pink current. You can still trade, you just cannot trade pink non-current, like current being like scc filings.

Oh, i didn't know that so thanks for that clarification, we're just clarifying that. For this i don't know. I don't take the time to look. You can probably on otcmarkets.com i'd have to imagine yeah, you can look up which one's pink current, it's not a rule yet, but something i mean etrade won't even let me buy them in like a month.

So i guess, is it that long? I thought it was beginning of september. No, i thought it was like. I think it's mid-september. Oh 20th.

Okay, give or take a couple days. Oh we've got time, but former runner, this one moved super big um. It's not stopped out at a penny and like what we saw on um, rbgp rgbp, so max yeah. I'm expecting this one to double top same way.

So come tuesday because the market's closed, i expect to run roughly into a penny land a little gap and run um. And then i expect to just double top and i would love to see a breakout in a couple months. But i'm in this one right now because of this little breakout price is in it too um failed, but held all things considered, looks really good. We go to the intraday, you can see um the pretty clean entry, especially if we pulled like a 15 minute.

I guess always looks cleaner if you do like two days um, but pretty clear here um i actually started buying over the six five. So that's where, like my six six average came in because that's where i filled on this candle through high day um and then i swing close, that high swaying it swanger swang-a-lang swanger apparently know her. Oh man, that's my favorite joke. How did i not make that anyways close to highs, i'm expecting it to gap, basically break even trade? For me at this point, unless something horrible happens, which is always a possibility um, so i'm going to realize about 8 000 on this one going into tuesday.

Hopefully you know everything goes in my favor, the other one was lclp, otcs are back, which is why i'm honestly, having a pretty good week this one uh former runner, i traded it on the way up now i was trying to play a first green day on It i didn't do the greatest job, but i did make money on it. Um. If we look at today's chart specifically the morning, i started buying basically right out of the gate, because we had this really tiny gap up and i was pretty confident risking down at the three cent level. It was crazy choppy i sold half my shares here.
Um half over here somewhere, basically all out and it closed that highs prices in this one too. I'm in this one call this guy an otc trader um because it closed at highs. I do think this has a pretty good chance of gapping um, just because you know all things considered the risk on this is so small, because it's five red days in a row now, basically, i'm not looking for anything crazy on the gap. Just hopefully, maybe four roughly four yeah, i i think that's realistic, um and just a continuation of that first green day um and then we'll pass it over to you.

I feel, like i've talked a lot. This episode, yeah, you have shut up. Give me your time to dry off yeah. Thank you! Oh well, it's just getting bigger um.

Give me the cricket sound andrew yeah, the people at home, like it go back to your sqbc train. So can we pass me pass me the laptop. Do you have your own laptop yeah, but it's not plugged in we should like plug both in and flip between inputs. That's not a bad idea! Future future idea.

So sqg was really nice um. Well, not really nice i'll explain this in a second, but pretty nice consolidation for the last two days it had a pretty wild gap down from 12 down to yeah. Was there news on that? I didn't see it. I don't even know what it was really bad.

Pr, though um, but it had a sort of a dead cat bounce uh this day consolidated here - and i was looking keeping this on watch at first, i didn't like it right out of the gates um, just because it is kind of like that, when stocks gap Down that much look at this on a daily, that's just so ugly, very seldom does it instantly recover, so i wasn't expecting that today, but when it held up all day and then got a really big surge of buying right through this i started buying in here. I think i had 7 500 shares selling into this spike rebuying here and scalping up to the top tried it a couple other times for basically to no avail, just cut break even for the most part, but really i'm not going to call it a simple trade, But this is like my kind of really scalpy, really quick, relatively easy trade to take, and it just was a nice trend offered a couple good opportunities to buy in uh, then sprt, we both traded here so talk it actually yeah you've been talking the whole time. No i'll let the flow go. Oh thanks.

Man yeah, keep it going the flow the flow did. Someone say flow, it's hard to do with headphones on the man button. This whole time, um matt and i were both looking at this as a first green day idea. Pretty clear why support where's the support that was so funny? That was a good tweet yeah, but sport.com is the name of the company for those not catching, and there was there's no support.

There's no support on it. It's just falling down. I mean what, from 60 down to under 20 22 right now, 22. yeah um, no real bounce.
It tried to yesterday, which is the reason i was very skeptical, that it would work today, um very weary, but it still offered a pretty decent uh decent opportunity off. The morning dip, so i think matt and i both took a very similar entry here. I tried right out of the gates for this pop cut. Uh, for like a three hundred dollar loss, then came back in right here.

Where was view up, let's give you pop up on this right under view up uh i've seen this that we, i i'm sure, you've seen this pattern before um con time out on the play. I think andrew needs to make a v remix like flop. I say yeah, what do you think andrew? Can you do that for us yeah i'll, try yeah like a nice like theme song or something anytime, we say vwop, you got ta hit the notes comment down below if you actually want to hear that bring a bid and ask for some big profits. Yeah yeah, you tell them man and comment down below if that's actually like a lyrical genius or well yeah.

Did you hear the kids bop version? No wings and pizza no way it's very good. Oh my god swinging on pizza, it's on kids pop! You remember those commercials. Oh i used to own a kids bop when i was in like third grade, so i got i'll play the video for you after this continue so sbrt. What were you doing? What were we doing? First green day idea, uh went red flirted with the view op, and i can't i'm never gon na be able to get that out of my head.

Blurt is with view up and the megan the stallion every time you hear a view. Op now flirted with flirt with the line, the orange line, the right orange lines, the rocket line there you go um, but and then so, once i had this trend break right here. Matt - and i both i think, took a very similar entry with the expectation for a high day break didn't get much continuation, i mean a decent amount, but i was hoping for something close. Like 25 26 uh yeah, it really has room to like 30 yeah and yeah.

For me, the exit was um. I sold some in the initial spike, but i basically got all out after this failure at 20 right here, yeah and i was like it only broke high day by 50 cents, a share which isn't a lot for like a 22 stock. Now so when it once, it fails like that, like and the volume just wasn't coming in yeah like it's just not going to work like it was too close to the previous high and here's here's a quick tip. What the the reason that likely happened is because you actually have bags bagged long stuck from yesterday, getting out into those pops because they were going for the first green day.

The same thing had that nice gap up and hobby yeah, that's definitely yeah, and so once once you have this like and that's why i said you know when i saw it, try to go green yesterday and fail bagged longs and that's probably what happened. This is reminding me a lot of any ggg and btx dude. They both yeah btx, was worse yeah way. Worse, meg was a real company, so spirit sprt was a real company.
I didn't even know that i didn't even know sport was a real company like real, real i've. Never even heard of them like i've used newegg before oh well, i'm just assuming, because support.com seems pretty legit. You had to be like a legit company to have that website. Well, yeah, that's actually valid good point yeah.

So i don't know that was just i love how their company name is actually support.com like that is the company name like you know what i mean there used to be a thing during the dot-com bubble. Did you know that you just put comm at the end of your name, and you went up like 200 the next day? Oh, that makes way more sense. The dot-com bubbles back, that's prt. It went up like thousands of percent support, bring in the support agents.

We need some support. We need the bids like i at this point, yeah like neg, didn't bounce. I think, because everyone kept trying that first green day over and over again and i'm seeing the same thing here like every day like is the possibility of a first green day, but when everyone's trying it the same thing. It's just it's just not gon na work and remember, like a lot of traders, don't cut their losses so, like you'll, have traders swinging with their losing positions and they'll just keep adding until they finally have to sell, which is normally you get that exhaustion low and Then, after that it almost always bounces because then you have shorts covering two into that wild pull down.

But who knows, hopefully, spirit can do something the next few days next week, yeah that's pretty much all we got yeah, that's what are your weekend plans? I'm gon na be working. I got my own. I need to work on it's a working man. I know.

I know i've got some projects, oh projects with some wings and pizza yeah, i'm making that song, i'm making the remix this weekend. What about you? What about you? What are your weekend and wait? Actually, i don't care about you andrew. What are your weekend plans uh, i'm actually going to film a wedding uh. I think south of austin.

So oh he's a working man too yeah matt! Well now what no? What are you doing? How are you working? Let's see, i feel like i had plans for tomorrow, and i can't remember him now. I will be working though i've got some like i've got plans with you tomorrow night, actually tonight tom and tomorrow night yeah. You can't be working that hard. I can't really work on labor day, like isn't that the reason like but labor day is a thing.

So people didn't work that day or something like that. Labor laws - i don't know most people - probably that's - probably what it is. You should get educated on that we should. I know that sounds really bad.

I promise i'm an american citizen border patrol, bring him over all right, yeah andrew we're, putting you on the spot again, because i just like that you have a mic. What do what other people need to do before they exit out of this video? What buns they got? Ta push uh. Well first, i got ta like it and subscribe comment below and then follow our accounts. Yeah there are four steps: everybody and if you weren't doing it for us, you have to do it for android.
Yes, it's for andrew! It's for andrew he's. Finally, he finally has a mic key player in this. Yes, so thanks for watching do andrew's four steps and we'll see you all tuesday enjoy your weekend. You almost said monday.

I did i caught myself. So that's all we got oh boy. We hope you guys enjoyed that last video thanks so much for watching and being a part of the stocks trade community - we wouldn't be here without you guys be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel. If you haven't already, our goal is to 100 000 subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without your help.

So if you enjoy what we're putting out and want to hear more, be sure to hit that subscribe, button i'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

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24 thoughts on “Small cap recap: +$9k | otcs are back”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deven wooddy says:

    Keep it up boys!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BC Intuitive & Bites says:

    VWAP song would be iconic Nd viral to trading community

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Gritzke says:

    What broker are you using for TGGI?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoneyJuice _ says:

    Hey Guys! I normally trade listed stocks! Do you have any videos on float and volume for OTCs because it's clearly "different" for me. Thanks!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kmmoon Mh says:

    Welcome andrew !

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Matt and Bryce

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mei says:

    Bryce's voice is magnetic

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott trucksess says:

    Good job guys. He’s working’ man. Ooohh, got projects. Priceless.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeditronix Inc says:

    Matt better than 2PAC ….hard rhymes

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Priest says:

    Woo! Nice job guys! -Andrew too! lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harinder Jhajj says:

    Keep eye on bryyf looks bullish

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy Mason says:

    Looks like I’m learning..thanks to you two I was looking at This as well as first green. I have lost money to get here in my learning experience but not giving up

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Hartley says:

    Thank you guys!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LegalPimp Trading says:

    I been trading 5 years and I tune in everyday for 3 reasons. Keeps me fresh on market action, I like being associated with winners, and y’all entertaining.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry says:

    Was a nice week leaning and evolving every day only ones who survive react to change! Welcome Andrew!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Dix says:

    I died at Megan The Stallion and VWAP!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sameer Khalid says:

    You guys are effin hilarious hahahah

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB says:

    Man, that was tough to sit through.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading With Kyle says:

    So there is an unfinished TPO auction on $TGGI so it will for sure continue. minimum to .008. I agree that a penny land double top is likely. I've been closely following this ticker for a long time.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WzkD says:

    Man I love watching you guys. Not only is it really informative but extremely entertaining lol. I also have to welcome Andrew to the recap 🎉

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TJ H says:

    You need an Andrew Cam in the bottom right haha

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Vas says:

    Comedy comedy comedy… silly , enjoy the holiday

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Irwin Larrison says:

    Aloha Andrew!!! Learning a lot from u braddahs from every small cap recap, keep up da good work my guys!! Sending Aloha from Hawaii 🤙🏻

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StocksToTrade says:

    Welcome Andrew to Small Cap Recap! And let us know what you think, is Matt a lyrical genius? …Or should he stick to trading? 🤔

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