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Bryce continues to keep his risk management on point and Matt continues to nail, bail, and move on. Check out their trades on $NTRB, $TIPT, and $LAC... And don't miss their breakdown of pump and dump, $DATS! What do you think this stock will do?
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#StockMarket #Trading #DATS
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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Oh here comes the popo, oh no! Actually i got. I got a quick there's, a gun in the room too. Actually two. Actually, i i i was gon na bring a change of clothes because i did a quick workout before i came in um.

But i was i slept in this morning because i got in late last night, but apparently not as late as matt did. Oh and yeah michael miss communication, yeah yeah, so my i was coming back from colorado, but matt's brother was also at the airport and literally there. At the same time, 12 12 12 30 midnight like, which is like 1 30 market time, yeah total yeah on all our parts, yup yup. So apparently i didn't need to pay 60 for that uber back home, although by the sounds, but i still got home earlier.

You did get home earlier um. I slept in got to the gym this morning after and then came in here for midday, but i'm just a grinder. I don't miss a day. I didn't miss a day i just missed the morning and yesterday.

How did you end up on your day, though? Did you trade it in the morning or did you not treat that you got here? No, i traded the morning. Uh ended up about 2700. yeah yeah, mainly on one or two tickers um restaurant ended up being like small wins, small losses, but again we've been preaching it for the past week. Risk management on point.

My biggest loser today was 150 dollars. Biggest win was a thousand land yeah. It just felt good um yeah yeah. That's right.

I was going to say this it's funny because i know a lot of traders. I know like kind of haven't been doing well since the summer started, but i think this this action is very similar to like june july, when things just popped and then dropped, which has been the case with a lot of these and it's just kind of re-adapting To that action, not going for the home runs, go what you were gon na say no. I traded super super small size too. Today, um i made like 900 bucks.

I really only took one trade uh. I was looking at another one. I can't even remember the ticket - oh cgn, maybe that was that one but like one trade nailed it build it in the morning and then just like moved on and then nothing else really set up for me in the afternoon. So i just didn't trade like literally the same story as yesterday.

If you watched yesterday's small cap recap so yeah yeah before we get into charts, though uh there is a link below there is a link below what are they gon na do with the link below they're gon na click it they're gon na click, the link below Bone's doing a free event uh. It is tomorrow, wednesday, the 13th click it sign up like. If you don't love tim bowen, i don't even know what you're doing with life like dude. My mother loves him.

His mother, my mother, my mother, doesn't even trade and so like if you trade, i love him more than i think my mother loves him, probably in a different way, but um. You know i've. Actually, i've heard a lot of of older. Ladies love, like not older, like like moms, they love bowen.

Look at the man yeah. I know he's he's jacked he's a manly man he's a physical and and trading specimen. What a specimen, what a specimen unreal but yeah the guy does like so much for the training community. He does pre-market prep every morning on this youtube channel, which is a reason why you should like and subscribe if you're, not even watching that he just goes above and beyond so like, and he and he's good he's really good at it.
Like he's like just he's, not just spewing garbage at you either like he's giving you good content, really it's it's just. You should like be blessed that this is free information out there. It's it's shocking, so you know if you've got nothing to do click the link if you've got something to do change your plans, click the link and check it out uh, but with that, let's pull up some charts here. Let's start off with our ntrb your play.

This morning, let me pull up view op for you yeah. So this was this one and funny enough. I actually like initially got this from bowen on pre-market prep, because i even like i listen to it every day, because he usually pulls up a stock or two and like not that i'm lazy it's just like he like does my job for me and like finds These stocks, so he was like ntrb we're looking for a dip and rip here and i was like you know what that's not a bad idea like i like that uh, but i know this style of ticker like it's one of those. That's super sketchy, you're gon na have these fake outs right um.

I don't even know what that is nine minutes in the day. Ten minutes in the day this one are you gon na fake out candles, ten minutes in the day i almost took that one. I was looking at it and i saw it perk and i was like i've seen this so many times like i'm, just i'm not gon na. Do it so i'm gon na wait and then sure enough.

It curled back and even when it tested you up there. The second time i was like man, like don't trust this thing, like i'm, just we're both staying in small cap rockets. This is sketchy. This looks like a trap.

This is sketchy like i, i mean you sure sure you could buy it and risk low a day, but, like it's sketchy like - and this is what a lot of these stocks do in the morning, especially when, like this dip and rip pattern has like kind of Gotten popular, is you get these like big fake outs, everyone rushes in and then they slam it on you anyways once that low actually held a higher low and then we ripped through v wap, i initially didn't want chase through vwop and then the volume that came In i was like, oh my god, this thing's gon na halt, and so i slapped some only 900 shares. That's all you need. I did. I didn't go big size and i was like this is a chase, so i went 900 shares.

How may i end up filling yeah at 10.50, uh wrote it into the halt sold most of it in the 11, like 30s post halt um and then held a little bit for the final push, and then once we got that slam, i sold it under. What's that 1080, roughly yeah right yeah, i think it felt around 1080 um for like on the remainder of my shares, so all all in all winning trade uh. That's basically how i made 900 bucks today, yeah nice! Now i i i put this out on twitter. The other day, because it's like we forget about how much money 500 a day, is like that's, 125 grand a year trading.
You know what i mean it's like. What's that everyone forgets yeah? No, it's so easy because you see all these big numbers and like we're we're both victims and promoters of the big numbers like you and then we just you just chase it and chase it like sizing up is great, but this market sure that everything's been hot. Like this, this is very volatile compared to what we would have gotten two years ago, but more than anything is like people are exponentially sizing up to where this like you, you couldn't push that kind of size that fast, you know two or three years ago. So we it's just good to keep it in perspective 900 days.

Rad, it's really good. It's rad! It's rad baby, it's bodacious! It's tubular! I'm feeling good! I had to sleep in, i feel like really sleeping is like 6 30 for us every time he comes back from colorado. He, like i'm a happy person, he's he's a new man. I am it that changes me man.

I love the mouse spiritual awakening. It is. Oh, my god, it's happened every time you see spiritual awakening yeah. Every time i go out there like every other month to reset um.

Let's get into my main trade today was actually t-i-p-t. I've noticed it shows in my data like a lot of these, i'm gon na call it slower moving higher priced stocks more like a mid cap mover. This is my style not like it's for almost 500 mil market cap 21 mil float, but what i like about them is the risk levels are always pretty tight and when you time that entry right, you can get big moves, you can also get big slams if You're, not careful, but the the risk reward is just like that's kind of my style um. So i scalped it out of the open was not expecting this push.

It was a bit more grindy than i was anticipating, but i took i think, my first bit. I think 2500 shares here sold most into this pop added here to the remain i had it, or maybe i retook a new position here. This break and sold up into this pop. That was a thousand dollars out of the gates, um and then right here.

Someone actually alerted this in small cab rockets shout out to i think it's aubrey uh alerted it right here. I like this consolidation. One of them are active members. Yeah aubry.

Yes, you know what audience thank you. You know what we um we haven't brought brought on. A guest in a while aubry, if you want to come on as a guest like sometime in the future yeah that was fun, hit us up in the room tomorrow, yeah where we're at. We definitely need to do that again.

People are people in small cap rocks like that was so much fun like we should do it again. That was a lot of fun anyways. We had that again. I i think we've talked about this pattern that perk back over v wap consolidate, bought right here through this uh break the consolidation sold up into this push because it wasn't getting enough volume, in my opinion, just stay in the high day break.
This will be. I think this will be a fun third day surge watch tomorrow. Let me pull up the daily chart, not tomorrow um. Whatever day, i can see that yeah yeah we're testing this breakout area yeah.

I, like it a lot, i'm i'm hoping that you know this is this is a pretty big gap um, so i'm hoping that it can just consolidate tomorrow instead of just break out, but that was a good one lac. This was a swing from yesterday. For me, uh took this trend break as an energy sector stock. Consolidating highs had some really baller cells.

Today i sold this pop here and then end today, here um those are my only cells on it. I'm all out of the position volume in day. That's quiet and that's that was what convicted me to actually hold it was i figured this was going to be like a fake top and then you had the fake support break as soon as it recovered. I was like there's too much volume in there for it.

Not to re-test, in my opinion, sure enough it did. There was a lot of volume. I'm sure i probably sold way early like this probably breaks out, but my thought is that it's going to have to consolidate before it just rips through all-time highs. So if i want to get back in i'll be able to, i was talking about my thesis.

I think energy is going to probably get hot in the next month or two oil price of oil is going up. I'm sure there's many pushes from the binding administration on cleaner energy like there was last year, so i'm keeping them all on watch ocg matt and i were both looking at this. I missed this morning. Entry right here, which showed in great daily chart breakout really nice consolidation broke out.

This is probably a good watch next few days too, i love like a dip and rip on it tomorrow. Yep me too me too, especially if it gaps up to like 9 and close to like 9 20. yep that'll be perfect. It's not a wildly rangy stock, oh yeah, that was bryce everybody, um matt, you said you were watching this didn't take the trade.

I believe right yeah, i just i didn't, take the trade and in hindsight, like it's fine um, because it entire day and stuffed and then immediately back to where i would have entered, i just would have got pissed. I think there's a higher float. It moves kind of moves like it yeah just like it's not like uh, no uh. That makes sense the following breakout, really just wasn't great yeah, and that was the thing.

That's what you're gon na get with these floats, but honestly the brains even had on say 20 on a 200 mil float. That's a lot this, but that's your classic abcd setup a pullback b. It was more consolidation, but that's always good. I took i took 2 000 shares from here then added another or a thousand shares here.
A thousand shares here, risking this after that low, is set in i sold in the 930s, because higher float and it already again when you have that high flow normally makes this move, i'm not expecting another massive move at the end of the day, uh. That was just a scallop this morning. Actually that was, i made like 500 bucks on that still running, which one that's that's yeah, we're gon na go. Look at that! Oh my god, you know what this is not a chart.

You see much. This is called the pump and dump like. Literally though you imagine this squeezes it's gon na break. I don't see, i don't see how it doesn't break out.

You see what they were pumping on twitter yesterday, yeah that they're partnering with microsoft. It's a lie, total lie, but it doesn't matter if you get enough demand you get this. I mean this was really really once once i saw this soaking i was like this is probably a good watch. Unfortunately, i took it here, uh sold into this pop and then took it again here and sold for like a small loss as we cut down there um and you basically just had this like it - never really broke risk levels, but it never looked good.

Let me pull up vue up here, never looked great there. That was just so much volume. Someone clearly came in with a ton of shares and uh. I don't see how it doesn't break out, but way too risky for me to buy up here.

There's never a good buy on this first green days. Normally, don't continue to break out. I haven't seen a first green day continuing to break out, and i don't even know what volume that's coming last night: crazy, something something's! That's just why yeah, because people lost on cei and wanted the next one, that's so cool. That literally, is what happened on twitter.

I know i just i can't see how this goes much further from a technical standpoint. I can't see the big short in there from like that wick day, yeah yeah. There probably is because that that was that was so much time to cover, though yeah yeah, but again this here's my thought process right. It's a sympathy to cei cei is getting crushed and it's going to go back down to like 20 30 cents.

That's the only thing i can think of man, i don't know, but if it's only buyers, you're gon na it's gon na crash, if there's a short, stuck, probably squeezes, which is just crazy. Crazier than last year we have yeah. That's true: we've seen some wild moves. Crazy um anyways, that's about all i've got today nice solid day.

What are we up together? Almost 4k 35 3600 yeah nice we'll take it we'll take 3600 baby audience at home. If you could go click the link, the viewers at home, if you could go click the link, all of you that just cheered along with our live audience, go click. The link, go click the link just yeah like what do you got to lose honestly? What do you, it's literally free from bowen anything free from bone, is amazing. He puts out too much information out there.
He should charge you for it, but he's putting this out for free, so go. Do it go? Do it all right, yeah close this out uh. I have a quote: no is the late great drake once said, i'm upset because i want the market to be hotter. Cue, the cricket noise cricket, i've decided i'm going to start.

Oh, oh i've got it. I've got it. Do you want a better one? You want a better quote: um. My daddy worked like a mule with his hands he made, but he always said, keep your nose on the grindstone and out of the pills, tyler childers.

I messed up the first part of that, but i got the chorus right. Keep your nose on the grind you're still watching. You really should hit the subscribe button because you're a special person. No, you know what you know what this was.

This was really good up into the last 45 seconds, but keep your nose on the ground. I'm talking to matt keep your nose on the grindstone out of the pills man. You've been uh, you've been scaring me a little bit with you know. Oh my god.

Click the subscribe button. Click the like! Thank you for watching everybody. The duo is back and we'll be back tomorrow, so we will be back tomorrow. Happy tuesday, hey happy tuesday.

I hope you all enjoyed that video thanks for watching the whole thing and being part of the stock straight community. We wouldn't be here without all of you. So if you have not already make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to this channel, our goal at stockstraight is to reach 100 000 youtube subscribers by the end of the year. So if you like the content, we're putting out - and you want to hear more - please please hit the subscribe button and i will see you in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Small cap recap: +$3.6k | will dats stock break out?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felipe Luis says:

    There are so many markets here on YouTube, but the only one I can trust is Gerald Alan Parker. He is very sincere and understands every beginner's problem and gives 100% accurate signals.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OliveInvestor says:

    Entertaining AND useful 🙌

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendon Moses says:

    How do we work for you?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    only someone with a huge account can feel like 1k is a small win.. if yall and your 1mil gainz are barely making 1k a day whats someone with 5k supposed to make .50cent lol

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Bravo says:

    Yeh dudes, morning was slow af anyways (Except for prog 2nd green rg triangle which I forgot to add to my w list hehe), Bryce was actually lucky to skip the morning hehe, imo. I got burned on ocgn like a dumbass entered where you considered entering Matt and its a bigass float that I should not even look at but it was dry and I got fomo'd hard, ehh. But did you see the 'star of day' nrxp? It was a triangle central all the way up on news and an easy float, 3 triangles in a row just pissing money out hehehehe(and i can finally see plays daily before the entries happen on those stocks heheh, i just still smoke too much and i end up not catching them lol). I'm now watching nrxp for a 2nd green day rg triangle play. 😀 :D. Good stuff bros, i watched to the end and it was entertaining af

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lyudmil Gendov says:

    Awesome stuff, learning a lot from you dudes💪💪🤜🏼🤛🏼😎😎

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Matt and Bryce

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Miller says:

    Matt using wiener pills CONFIRMED

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Miller says:

    Do you set stop orders for your risk or market makers will just stop you out?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kui kibandy says:

    I literally burst out laughing after the Drake quote from Bryce. Never a dull moment!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry says:

    I did it also PROG??? 350mil vol

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mozam says:

    Thank you guys for this video. I'm a beginner trader and these breakdowns help so much in learning when to enter a trade and when to exit. This content is pure gold.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mateusz Productions says:

    You need to face each other and zoom out a bit. I think it'd make it easier for you.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Putnam says:

    Congrats on a great day guys

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Mizell says:

    Thanks Matt and Bryce!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iwuzafisherman says:

    Cool man. Thanks for posting.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curiosity Trader says:

    Love these GUYS! Keep it up!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelii 316 says:

    Matt called me special…. Hahaha I’ll take it. Always watch the whole thing 😂

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SB LIVE says:

    Did you guys see GWH that was crazy $15 to $28, it was nuts it literally just kept going up and up, until it topped out at $28 around 1 pm then pulled back.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lando Kalrisian says:

    Sorry TimB voice is hard to listen to for me, it's irks me like cramer – no diss just saying lol

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Y G says:

    You guys are awesome learned a lot from you GBU.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Young Money22 says:

    You guys are good at showing where you enter and exit trades but could you try and explain why you chose those entries and exits. Cheers

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed S says:

    I like Tim because he is real. Doesn't put on airs. Very direct, blunt but because he truly cares about people

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Blazing Knights Gaming says:

    Can't wait for the prophesy event tomorrow

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