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Trading has been much more enjoyable as Matt and Bryce drastically cut their risks. Sometimes you just have to bring your trading back to the basics. October is a month to prepare for the market's potential heat up towards the end of the year. If the opportunity is there, nail it and bail it. If not, move on.
Catch the trade and chart breakdowns on $GROM, $ENZC, $PALT, $CEI, $RKLB, and $SPIR.
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What are you doing? You actually hit the computer. I i was pulling up a stack all right. I'm gon na pull your hand away. Then, oh god, what's going on everybody happy thursday, thursday there's that is the market closed on columbus day or yeah.

Just in my head, no, no it's close on monday. Let me double check that, but i'm i'm i i got mixed signals today when i asked i wasn't positive, but it might be a long weekend. I don't know columbus day is one of those weird holidays. It's like not a holiday but a holiday.

Let's see in 2021 u.s bond markets close on eight of the nine days, the except they also close on columbus day. Okay, perfect long weekend, so tomorrow's cocktail friday then yeah tomorrow, yeah only for me, i'm not. I won't be here, but no he's going to be here. He has a good reason, his family's in town, um, so yeah, you know the drill instagram.

Let us know your drink suggestion. So if you're not on instagram, stop straight instagram make sure you follow us and give it's going to be in a story so make sure you like type in, i think, are we doing the twitter poll tonight, andrew or tomorrow what oh yeah yeah so we're doing. The story, the story is active right now active right now, so right now the twitter post is going to be. A twitter poll is going to be at 5, 00 p.m, uh central time, okay, today, okay, so by the time this goes out yeah.

So, if you're watching this, like as it goes, live like it's going to be very important to you, we appreciate this dedicated people that got the low notification. We do hey, that's something. We never tell people to do turn on the notifications, man yeah so make sure you get on ig as quick as possible and then on twitter there's going to be pull the top four two choices from bryce and i will leave it a secret until uh. The poll is up and yeah that's pretty much all we got, i mean how'd, you do today trading matt and i did very well very consistent today.

We basically you you did a little better, but we basically tied. We had really you traded a little less. I didn't trade a lot, but i had a couple of drastically decreased. Our risks drastically huge like by a factor of 10.

and bryce, and i were talking about this like it's just more enjoyable, you, like the p l, the pressure like you're, just doing the trades for the trades, like you're, just trying to make good trades out there, Because you're trading, small enough, it doesn't even matter like it's like you, go all the way back to the basics. Sometimes that's what you got to do to really just get your groove back yeah, and this is something that we've been talking about doing for and i don't know what to do but not drastically drastically cut out and that's drastically not drastically in like jurassic park. That's kind of how you made it sound, i thought you're about to say jurassic park. Um no, and we talked, i think i talked about this few like a week or two ago, like it's, not an instant change right like decreasing your risk.
I was going. I don't know what were you risking a thousand bucks back in the and some trades like i'd risk? Two three thousand, like i mean i, i was trained pretty large through most of the summer yeah, without a ton of success. It's kind of funny too, because, like we, we had really good june july, pretty decent august, but the market wasn't wild by any means like it was. We did a really good job at capitalizing on the pop and drops and we were playing with a lot of size.

The market has definitely changed since then. There have been less like random movers um, but i mean these. This is still kind of the same action like we're gon na get into the charts in a minute, but like we haven't been used to that action, i haven't been all september, and so it's like okay, if not, if it's not there, the way that i'm used To it the way i'm not playing it right, size down and it takes a few weeks build it down, build it down. Now i'm just gon na i don't know what are you risking 300 bucks, yeah, 250 300 to trade, basically um and, like october, usually heats up, but in like november you start seeing it and it's really december and then january and february, like the peak um.

So like i'm using october to like just make sure i'm doing the right things, because i know the real money should be coming for the way i trade and what i trade in the end of the year first couple months next year, yeah i couldn't agree more. I mean when the market's back, to the way we're used to trading, i'm sure we'll be back to one two: three thousand dollar risk, but right now it's not worth it nope, not worth it getting the basics yeah. So i ended up today. Sixteen hundred dollars, you were 1800 bucks, basically took the same trade yeah thanks.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Autographs are, after this, so yeah yeah, calm down pipe down everyone. We have charts to go over, you, don't pull them up. We basically took the same or you had a couple extras: yeah, let's go over ground first, first um, so grom really. I wasn't crazy interested in this one.

After yesterday's action, i was gon na say: let's pull up that daily, real quick it's day, two. So the daily is nice and i'm probably going to watch it tomorrow, honestly, even because, like it's a breakout, it's wicking at the top which is concerning, but if it gaps up tomorrow near those key levels on a friday. You know if i'm at the market 550 to 6 is the key level by the way, if it's up there like it, should be watched, especially on friday um, which pretty much the whole reason i watched it today after it faded. Yesterday, i wasn't a huge fan of it, but and then it kept down even which made me less of a fan of it, but had like a little morning spike up to the mid low fives uh, and then i think it was right in here yeah.

I bought it right there because i was looking at the 550 level for the most part, so i bought there um quickly, flipped it sold in uh, i think 592. I said i sold it. You and i had the same exact cell yeah like a little like a minute apart, but we still have the same level. It was struggling right below six before it had that swipe up through six totally cool that um, like basically ten percent on the trade.
I was risking, i don't even know what it is: 25 cents, i made 40 50. yeah so two to one not like my greatest trade ever, but the opportunity was there it's just when i saw it struggling. I was like i'm just gon na lock this in and move on, and that was pretty much my whole day very, very small trade on enc. We can go over a little bit, um, nothing! Really it's wild.

I mean we'll be watching that going forward, though yeah, and one thing too that i pointed out in small cap rockets today was like shorts - should be really screwed in here right, like there's, no reason it should be struggling that much and that's why that's what's why It didn't like i mean, look where vue is right, exactly it's exactly where intraday shorts are screwed. Those multi-day shorts are screwed up here like, and it was struggling really like by the time it made it to six. It should have been parrot, it should have been parabolic if we're gon na have a wild squeeze the fact that it didn't. I would rather play safe than be stuck.

That's the problem we're up really far. We are pretty we're getting more extended on the multi-day chart. Now the risk of a slam like a halt down getting really high up here, so i don't, if i'm getting in at 550, i definitely don't want to just be holding this right um. So i'm happy.

I think we had really good sells on that. I think so too, and like looking at it now, like it's, not really a top watch for me tomorrow, because it's so far below view app. But if it does gap to that 550 level, which isn't out of question stocks. Do that all the time i'll watch it again, because then i know again like at that point: shorts are probably in trouble um, so i'll get interested.

Otherwise, i'm just going to let it it's kind of been like a walk down. So far too, it hasn't been like a slam low volume yeah, so we can get enticing shorts even more so like that gap up hypothetically would be very, very nice. Let's just skip over to enzc real, quick yeah, really nice close yeah nice close, i'm going to be watching tomorrow on a dip. I just didn't want to swing it um.

I have had very little success lately swinging otcs, that's fine, and this one's a twitter pump too right. Yeah, there's been a lot of promoting it on twitter, a lot of talk about it, the volume's good relative for the last, like three four months there uh and like basically that 20 21 cent level is a nice breakout where we could see a run to 30 Cents, i think, that's totally reasonable um, but it's got ta get over that level. So, basically, tomorrow, like looking for a continuation play and let it ride, we've seen a lot of these, like former otc runners from february, like one by one like have like a nice run, and i think this one's kind of next, it's closing great um. I expected to pull the open, that's what they all do and if i'm wrong, i'm wrong i'll, find a trade on it somewhere else, but this pretty much my top watch yeah.
I agree. Dude i had such a baller fill. We were playing ping pong and i forgot, i said a buy in uh one. Eight five one hit one eight five bottom ticked it and then i sold as this 19 broke um but yeah.

I know i agreed on that same. I don't don't need to repeat that uh paul was my miss of the day. I took 2500 shares here at 7, 18. um sold by 750 and honestly it was a little concerning.

So this looks very much like grom did yesterday, but the daily chart was not nearly as convincing for me first green days, i like the volume to start really pouring in once once that initial uh that initial swipe up starts. I, like the volume to really start pouring in it, was a little bit slower on that today, not slower but um. If you look at the chart here, pretty beaten down from what 15s down to sixes, so it was a really harsh drop um and then again today. It's simply for me.

I just didn't love that the volume didn't start picking up until up in this area and i honestly didn't think it could break and hold nine in the slightest um and it did that was wrong. All good uh, just quick check in on cei. Oh, it could be a really that could be. The range on this has become very impressive.

I know this could be nice for a possible continuation like a pop out of the gates tomorrow, but i don't think i'd want to do it crazy. I just think the shorts have such a f edge now they're gon na add into any pop through too right, like the favor on this trade. Now it's the back side yeah. This is backside yeah! No, i'm in this.

If i see anything, it might be a scalp, but i even i don't know if scalping cei has become tough. I don't like scalping, like dollar stocks, really hard to do. Um rklb. This was just kind of a choppy one.

I had a lot of range yesterday got some good news, uh after hours spiked up from 14 to 1750, so it was kind of anticipating they could have some range today, but unfortunately it just kind of got stuck in this grind area. So i took a couple of times down in here and got stopped out for very small losses before it worked without me, and spir was looking for a first green day as well on this one, although these spa, whatever you want to call, i don't know if It's like an ipo, no there's a dummies back um just didn't get the just wasn't able to sustain any volume. There are a lot of bitters stepping up in here, but it's clearly just like. I don't know if you want to call it an algo manipulation, whatever they just dropped it back down.
I took like a 300 loss on it right down through there, and you know i'm just happy. We've kept our risk in check really well so far this week, i think my biggest loss this week is like 500 bucks, so no complaints, rock and roll man yeah rock and roll. I know you haven't taken a whole lot of trades this week. No i've taken it slow, um, one trade like nail: it bail it like.

If there's trade, there's trade, i see it i'll move on enzc is like a great example tomorrow, like that's pretty much all i'm watching uh and if it's not there and it fails. Like midday, just let do this thing, i might come back and look at it again in the afternoon. Don't force it. It's not a market where, like they're, every five or ten minutes, there's another play, and you need to be looking at your scanner.

It's very much. A prepare market and then, like you, know it's specifically what you're looking for, so you can act on it, which is how trading is most of the time. Like we've been very fortunate, you're like i missed it, doesn't matter there's another one. Coming five minutes later, that's not the reality.

There's a very finite amount of plays. Typically, so you need to be prepared for them. So that way you can act on them, otherwise, you're going to miss out. I was just going to say this literally the same thing like today, i went in the market and grom was easy.

I had prepared for that. The previous day still didn't capture as much as i thought i could, but like then, today came in just like. I don't really see a whole lot here today. We took it easy and yeah, don't don't that's.

That is why i lost a lot of money in september, though, because plays are still coming up in like july and august midday. They just didn't come up in the middle of the day in september yeah. Even if you look at all the charts we went over, midday was pretty tough here, like there wasn't any fall on all of them. Like you got the morning spike, then you got this fake fall through midday there like - and this was just one again like a first gra first green days - normally don't close at highs on like a really big listed stock, looking at it on the daily yeah.

Like look another good example, midday grom, yeah midday like great morning action and then since breakout, like literally just a failed breakout midday there you go you're done and just toast um, so midday is just not working like there's a reason. Most people didn't trade, don't trade? Midday, oh john helen was uh that reminds me so much of b-y-s. I literally i said the same thing, and so i have rockets. No, it yeah it's.

I don't know what it's going to do, but it reminds me a lot of the white it's well. It's got the same flow or same market cap, it was met. There was some it's a health care stock or something like that wouldn't surprise me to say, show eventually they have an offering that they are not actually doing yet but yeah very similar, but it could be fun to watch next few days. Um, who knows we'll see but anyways yeah, that's uh! That's all you got that's all pretty sure you have too yeah close them out, um the opener and the closer well well before we close out andrew what do they have to do? Yeah guys just a like comment below subscribe turn on that uh notifications and then uh also uh matt.
I don't know if you want to mention uh tim bowen's. Oh you close them out. Sir. Bones got a very cool event.

I don't remember the date but we'll put a link below it's coming up it's next week. I know it's next week. I just heard about it. Um, it's.

You know if you're a pre-market prep fan you're watching, like all the videos you know who tempo is he's very good, uh, very good teacher, very good stock picker, very good. Just is that like a nose picker, but with stocks you pick stocks pick the nose pick. It and then it runs he's very good at it. There's a link below check it out, sign up um, you know anytime bone.

Does anything like he's just awesome at it so make sure you check it out uh before we go um, i'm sure we'll be talking about it more just as we get more details, but it looks very, very cool, so i mean i'll see the link in the Description, yeah we'll see yeah. So thanks for watching everyone, we gave you a ton of action items. I hope you do all of them and well. I won't be here tomorrow, but you'll see bryce tomorrow with the cocktail friday, and you know what this time i'll be able to drive home afterwards.

I will not need a nap, no, not because i was drunk. I really just needed a nap after that. Those mojitos man, alcohol - we talked about this alcohol makes you sleepy so only a little bit tomorrow. All right guys! Thank you for tuning in we'll see i'll, see you back here tomorrow.

Everyone tell matt to enjoy some time with his family and cheers till then peace. I hope you all enjoyed that video thanks for watching the whole thing and being part of the stocks trade community. We wouldn't be here without all of you, so if you have not already make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to this channel, our goal at stockstraight is to reach 100 000 youtube subscribers by the end of the year. So if you like the content, we're putting out - and you want to hear more - please please hit the subscribe button and i will see you in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Small cap recap: +$3.4k | bryce and matt bring their trading back to basics”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Matt and Bryce

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Dancing Swede says:

    Fuck Columbus Day

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chee How says:

    Do y'all offer a small cap course?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clay Huber says:

    Y'all are entertaining af! Keep it up. Love this show. Knowledge with laughs. Can't go wrong with that 💯

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeditronix Inc says:

    I do 30-in-the-box to get my groove back. 30 trades, under 1% of my total capital on each trade before sizing up. Discipline.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Shillinglaw says:

    The bond market is closed Monday. Not the stock market

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Henderson says:

    Good recap guys!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S F says:

    Tim always says that we must adjust to the market. It works!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Coogan says:

    Double Vodka Soda!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan S says:

    stop wearing sunglasses inside dude… lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Milk Kash says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Captain Sniper says:

    Thanks guys, being in chat and then watching the recap is very helpful. Thanks for the time you put into the videos! Have fun with the Fam Matt!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anwar Saeed says:

    Purple market guys

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alen adahoo says:

    I gave it a like because you did not tell us that you have played those stupid sub penny stocks and didn't assume the viewers foul and sheep.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Putnam says:

    lol ping pong kinda market 🏓

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P. G. says:

    Been in TX too long….it's Indigenous Peoples Day

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete frislid says:

    Yeah buddy thanks Boys!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Mizell says:

    Thanks Matt and Bryce!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Smith says:

    VLN is interesting, recent semiconductor SPAC merger

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Tormoen says:

    Imma make more money than all u monkeys

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nik Oblak says:

    Btw NYSEand NASDAQ are both open on Columbus Day…. Money Monday!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TH23 says:

    Markets are open Monday boys

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan says:

    Ross warrior, free ,happy chat

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TH23 says:

    Da booooys. Got crushed on that PALT power hour flush but I’ll be back tomorrow

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Watson says:

    Small Cap Rockets change has been a life changer for me.

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